Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...


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dies of a heart attack during the game, English professorAlison Bergeron is forced to take over the women's basketballteam. It isn't long before she suspects that the death was noaccident).................................. $24.99Barton, Beverly Dead by Nightfall (PBO; When his wife disappears,Griffin Powell will need all the resources of the Powell Agencyto track down her captor, a sadistic madman who has usedhis wealth to fund a series of depraved hunts). . . . . . $7.99Beason, Pamela Endangered (Summer Westin #1: PBO; When a boydisappears, the media blames the cougars that wildlifebiologist Summer Westin helped rehabilitate and release. Nowshe's joining FBI agent Chase Perez on a search through thehigh country, hoping to uncover the truth in time to save boththe boy and the wild cats).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Blackwell, Juliet Dead Bolt (Haunted Home Renovation #2: PBO; Therenovation of a historic San Francisco home is hindered by theowners, who insist on sticking around, and by some ghosts,who want to stop the work entirely. When a crotchetyneighbor turns up dead, Mel is a suspect, and will have torestore her reputation as well as the building). . . . . . $7.99Brandon, Ali Double Booked for Death (Black Cat Bookshop #1:PBO; Darla has inherited her aunt's Brooklyn bookstore, andsmarter-than-thou bookstore cat Hamlet. When a bestsellingauthor meets an untimely end during a store event, it's ruledan accident - until Hamlet digs up a clue that seems toindicate otherwise)........................... $7.99Brennan, Allison If I Should Die (Lucy Kincaid #3: PBO; Aspiring FBIagent Lucy Kincaid and her PI boyfriend Sean Rogan pursuean arsonist into an abandoned mine shaft - and stumble uponthe perfectly preserved remains of a murder victim). $7.99Brown, D/DeFelice, J Raven Strike (Dreamland #13: PBO; On the trail of anotorious terrorist, CIA operatives overstep their boundaries,and the ultimate weapon falls into the wrong hands. DannyFreah and his team scramble to recover it, while Whiplashdirector Jonathon Reid tries to uncover the secrets behind theoriginal mission's failure). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99Bruen, Ken London Boulevard (Ex-con Mitchell's violent pastcatches up with him, and people start getting hurt. When hisdisturbed sister is threatened, he is forced to act). . $14.99Buckley, Fiona Queen Without a Crown (Ursula Blanchard #9:Happily married to Hugh Stannard, lady-in-waiting UrsulaBlanchard is hoping to give up her undercover work forQueen Elizabeth l. But when Hugh unwittingly endangerspossession of his ancestral home, Ursula is forced to take ona seemingly hopeless - but handsomely paid - privateassignment). .............................. $28.95Cain, Chelsea Evil at Heart (Archie Sheridan #3: A zealous fan ofGretchen's pays homage to the Beauty Killer by luring Archieand reporter Susan Ward to the scene of a grisly murder).......................................... $7.99Cain, Chelsea The Night Season (Archie Sheridan #4: Portlanddetective Archie Sheridan goes after a serial killer who hasbeen poisoning people and then dumping them in theWillamette River flood waters). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Challis, Joanna The Villa of Death (Daphne du Maurier #3: 1927:Daphne's friend Ellen is marrying her beau Teddy, despitefamily objections. When Teddy is found murdered just afterthe wedding and Ellen is accused of the crime, Daphne andthe dashing Major Browning must uncover the truth)$. 25.99Cheshire, Simon The Treasure of Dead Man's Lane and OtherChristie, A/Curran, JChristie, AgathaClement, BlaizeConnelly, MichaelCoonts, DeborahCoonts, S/Keith, W.H.Cornwell, PatriciaCotterill, ColinCrais, RobertCrais, RobertCrichton, M/Preston, RCussler, C/Brown, GCase Files (Saxby Smart #2: Kids; Boy detective SaxbySmart exposes a comic book counterfeiter, restores a deadman's good name, and uncovers a case of identity theft. Herecords the cases in his notebook, laying out all the cluesreaders need to solve the mysteries on their own). . . $6.99Agatha Christie: Murder in the Making(Nonfiction; more of Christie's unpublished work, includingletters, archival papers, and an analysis of her last,unfinished novel). .......................... $25.99Agatha Christie: An Autobiography (Reissue;Nonfiction; the queen of mystery chronicles her life. Includesa bonus CD with commentary from the grande dame herself)......................................... $29.99Cat Sitter Among the Pigeons (Dixie Hemingway#6: Dixie tries to save a young woman and her baby frommurderous con artists who are ready to kill to keep themillions they stole from naive investors). . . . . . . . . . $7.99The Drop (Harry Bosch #17: Relentlessly pursuing twocases, LAPD detective Harry Bosch makes two chillingdiscoveries: a killer operating undiscovered in the city fordecades, and a political conspiracy that reaches back into thedark history of the police department; Signed copiesexpected). ................................ $27.99Lucky Stiff (Lucky O'Toole #2: Lucky sets out to discoverwho turned a less-than-savory Vegas oddsmaker into sharkfood)...................................... $7.99Death Wave (Deep Black #9: The NSA's top secret DeepBlack unit must prevent an act of geological terrorism thatcould devastate the east coast of the US). . . . . . . . . . $9.99Red Mist (Kay Scarpetta #19: Determined to find out whyJack Fielding was murdered, Kay Scarpetta travels to theGeorgia Prison for Women, where an inmate has information,and discovers connections revealing conspiracy and potentialterrorism on an international scale).. . . . . . . . . . . . $27.95Slash and Burn (Dr. Siri Paiboun #8: 1970s: Dr. Siri issent to supervise the search for the remains of a US pilotwhose plane went down ten years earlier in the jungles ofnorthern Laos. The search party includes high-level politiciansand scientists; when one of them is found dead, first of aseries of 'accidents', it's up to the feisty old coroner to get tothe bottom of the mystery).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00The Watchman (Cole & Pike #11: Reissue; Joe PIke ishired to protect a young heiress who is the sole witness in afederal investigation. As a chain of lies and betrayals tightensaround them, Pike decides to follow his own rules forsurvival: hunt down the hunters and strike hard).. . . $9.99The Two Minute Rule (Reissue; Max Holman botcheda bank job and was sent away for years. Released from prison,Max wants to reconcile with his estranged son. Instead helearns that his son's been gunned down. To uncover the truthabout the killing, Max teams up with ex-FBI agent KatherinePollard).................................... $9.99Micro (Three men are found dead in a locked office in aHonolulu building, with no sign of struggle except forultrafine, razor-sharp cuts covering their bodies. The onlyclue is a tiny bladed robot, nearly invisible to the human eye)......................................... $28.99Devil's Gate (NUMA Files #9: The NUMA Team is drawninto the ambitions of an African dictator, the creation of aweapon of unbelievable power, and a plan to extort the

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