Pathology of the Head and Neck

Pathology of the Head and Neck

Pathology of the Head and Neck

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98 J.W. Eveson3semble simple lesions like denture-induced hyperplasiaor denture-related ulceration. The underlying bone maybe eroded or invaded in 50% <strong>of</strong> patients <strong>and</strong> regionalmetastases are seen in over half <strong>the</strong> patients at presentation. Hard PalateThis is a relatively uncommon site <strong>of</strong> involvement exceptin areas where reverse smoking is common [148].Tumours at this site can be exophytic or ulcerative, buttend to spread superficially ra<strong>the</strong>r than deeply. Retromolar TrigoneTumours from this site spread to <strong>the</strong> buccal mucosa laterally<strong>and</strong> distally involve <strong>the</strong> tonsillar area. They canpenetrate into <strong>the</strong> parapharyngeal area <strong>and</strong> may showextensive spread along <strong>the</strong> lingual <strong>and</strong> inferior alveolarnerves. In addition, tumours frequently erode or invade<strong>the</strong> adjacent m<strong>and</strong>ible.3.8.3 StagingStaging <strong>of</strong> oral squamous cell carcinomas is undertakenusing <strong>the</strong> current TNM Classification [67, 167].References1. Abdollahi M, Radfar MA (2003) A review <strong>of</strong> drug-inducedoral reactions. J Contemp Dent Pract 4:10–312. Amagai M, Karpati S, Prussick R, Klaus-Kovtun V, StanleyJR (1992) Autoantibodies against <strong>the</strong> amino-terminal cadherin-likebinding domain <strong>of</strong> pemphigus vulgaris antigenare pathogenic. J Clin Investig 90:919–9263. Amerigo J, Matilla A, Gonzalez-Campora R, Galera-DavidsonH (1979) Vegetant intravascular hemangioendo<strong>the</strong>lioma<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> skin. Report <strong>of</strong> 3 cases with a critical pathogeneticstudy. Dermatologica 159:476–4814. Andreasen JO (1968) Oral lichen planus. II. A histologic evaluation<strong>of</strong> 97 cases. 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