Pathology of the Head and Neck

Pathology of the Head and Neck

Pathology of the Head and Neck

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314 Subject Index<strong>of</strong> uveal tract 299sinonasal 55melanosis 89, 291<strong>of</strong> conjunctiva 291smoker’s 89melanotic neuroectodermal tumour <strong>of</strong>infancy 126melanotic nevi 243external ear 243Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome 92Ménière‘s disease 256meningioma 50, 123, 125, 179, 251,258, 302chordoid 125middle ear 251nasopharynx 179sinonasal 50inner ear 258metastases 160, 225, 307larynx 225<strong>of</strong> orbit 307salivary gl<strong>and</strong>s 160metastatic renal cell carcinoma 61sinonasal 61metastatic tumour 191, 302<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eye 302nasopharynx 191Miescher’s syndrome 92migratory stomatitis 85Mikulicz syndrome 302mucocele 43, 132, 135extravasation 132sinonasal 43mucoepidermoid carcinoma 61, 222larynx 222sinonasal 61mucormycosissinonasal 44multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome96mumps 133salivary gl<strong>and</strong>s 133muscular dystrophy 207oculopharyngeal 207myoepi<strong>the</strong>lioma 140, 152malignant 152myospherulosis 43sinonasal 43myxoma 114Nnaevi 87blue 87intramucosal 87melanocytic 87naevus 84, 290, 298<strong>of</strong> conjunctiva 290<strong>of</strong> uveal tract 298oral epi<strong>the</strong>lial 84unius lateris 84white sponge 84nasolabial cyst 109nasopalatine duct cyst 109nasopharyngeal-type undifferentiatedcarcinomas 54sinonasal 54neck triangles 264neck dissection 278examination 279level 278types 279necrobiotic xanthogranuloma 305necrotising sialometaplasia 133larynx 211neurilemmoma 96neurinoma 96neuritis 302optic 302neuroendocrine carcinoma 220, 221larynx 220larynx moderately differentiated 220larynx poorly differentiated 221larynx well differentiated 220neur<strong>of</strong>ibroma 49, 96sinonasal 49neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatosis 96, 124, 258acoustic 258neuromas 96mucosal 96nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome 107NK/T cell lymphoma 61sinonasal 61nodule 208, 211glottic metaplastic elastic cartilaginous211vocal cord 208Noonan’s syndrome 124Oochronosis 238external ear 238odonto-ameloblastoma 118odontogenic carcinosarcoma 121odontogenic epi<strong>the</strong>lial hamartoma 115odontogenic fibroma 114, 115, 116granular cell 115, 116peripheral 115odontogenic ghost cell carcinoma 120odontogenic ghost cell tumour 120malignant epi<strong>the</strong>lial 120odontogenic gingival epi<strong>the</strong>lial hamartoma112odontogenic granular cell tumour 115odontogenic keratocyst 107odontogenic myxoma 114odontoma 117complex 117compound 117oedema 207, 208larynx angioneurotic 207vocal cord Reinke‘s 208olfactory neuroblastoma 57oncocytic hyperplasia 135oncocytic metaplasia 134, 200oncocytoma 143, 214, 289larynx 214<strong>of</strong> conjunctiva 289oncocytosis 134ophthalmitis 296sarcoidosis 295sympa<strong>the</strong>tic 296optic atrophy 302or<strong>of</strong>acial granulomatosis 92osseous dysplasia 123, 124florid 124focal 124periapical 124ossifying fibroma 90, 115, 121, 122, 241juvenile psammomatoid 122juvenile trabecular 122peripheral 90, 115temporal bone 241osteoblastoma 115osteogenesis imperfecta 254stapes 254osteoma 125, 241ear canal 241Gardner’s syndrome 125osteomyelitis 104osteopetrosis 254otic 254osteoporotic bone marrow defect 109osteosarcoma 183nasopharynx 183otitis 237, 244malignant externa 237media 244otosclerosis 252bony labyrinth 252stapes footplate 252PPaget‘s disease 253, 256inner ear 256temporal bone 253panophthalmitis 295papillary adenocarcinoma 182nasopharynx 182papillary hyperplasia 90papillary squamous cell carcinoma 19differential diagnosis 20papilloedema 302papilloma 46, 47, 144, 178, 249, 288ductal 144exophytic 46middle ear schneiderian 249nasopharynx inverted 178<strong>of</strong> conjunctiva 288sinonasal 46sinonasal exophytic 46sinonasal inverted 46sinonasal oncocytic 47papillomatosis 3recurrent respiratory 3paracoccidioidomycosis 203larynx 203paradental cyst 106paraganglioma 50, 215, 249, 273middle ear jugulotympanic 249multicentric jugulotympanic 249sinonasal 50

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