SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry

SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry

SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry


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Periodization for Players who Compete Year-roundPeriodization evolved out of the Eastern European athletic training system where nationalchampionships, world championships and the Olympics were the primary events.Therefore, there were often periods of little competition and only a few major events forwhich to prepare.However, tennis is an individual sport that is possible to play year-round. Many strongjuniors play, not only on the high school team, but in USTA tournaments. College playersplay and train in the summer, despite no college season. USTA Summer League playersmight play in other competitions or leagues during the rest of the year. And ATP and WTAtouring pros play nearly year-round. That makes the principle of individuality significant inplanning, but also diminishes the role of traditional periodization.In addition, consider giving at least one month off from competition a couple times duringthe year, where there is at least a three week competitive gap. For many juniors, March toAugust will be the most intense period with high school and USTA tournaments. Given that,a few suggestions can be made for the player with a busy competitive schedule. If a playeris not an active, Step 7 can be eliminated.1. Plan and write up the competitive schedule (6 to 12 months).2. Highlight the peak competitive events (up to 3 or 4 most important ones).3. Set goals around the season and peak events.4. Allow a transition and active rest period (or off season) sometime after the lastmajor competition or in the gap between major events.5. Consider several (up to 6) other major events.6. Examine the gaps between the 9 to 10 peak and major events. There should be2 to 8 weeks between most of them, annually.7. Consider general psychological and physiological feelings when deciding toincrease or decrease competition and training. If the player has been verysuccessful winning, more matches will be played, and hence, consider being moreselective and dropping some events.PTR Practical On Court Applications for Sport Science 16

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