SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry

SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry

SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry


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Special Considerations for Female AthletesSome female athletes face complex issues regarding nutrition and health. 18 In training,many young female athletes have relative weakness in the knees, which tend to go inward(sometimes referred to as knee valgus position) when they lower the body or jump. Oftendue to weak hip stabilizers, hamstrings and landing, this effect (knee valgus) is oftenconnected to ACL injuries among female athletes. About 75% to 90% of ACL injuries areamong females. In rigorous movement, the ACL moves and may get pinched, which canrupture or tear the ACL. Research shows that neuromuscular training can help reduce ACLinjuries. 19 Essentially, that means when doing jump plyometrics, it is recommended to trainwith good form and to gradually build strength and complexity over time, especially withfemale athletes.PTR Practical On Court Applications for Sport Science 24

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