Sailmaker brochure 8Pp FINAL (Page 1)
Sailmaker brochure 8Pp FINAL (Page 1)
Sailmaker brochure 8Pp FINAL (Page 1)
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SailScienceInnovation Kvaerner sails designed by SailMaker
SailMaker by SailScience LtdSailMaker provides the tools you need to produce top quality sail designs in less time.The SailMaker range of programs covers everything from simple headsail and mainsaildesign to sophisticated mould shapes and panel layouts for any type of sail.■ The practical approach ensuresthat the user makes savings indesign and production time andmaterials.■ All of this is achieved with the useof an accurate, surface based,three dimensional model andexceptionally easy to usegraphical tools.■ Interfacing to most plottersand cutters and also stressanalysis, VPP and CADprograms, ensures maximumcompatibility.■ Simple scaling and advancedfairing techniques are availableto help you make faster sails.Combining ease of use with the speed of the Macintosh and Windows basedcomputers, SailMaker has brought within reach of every sail loft, the opportunityto benefit from computer aided design and manufacturing techniques withoutthe need for a large capital investment.Finally, and most importantly, the programming team at SailScience Ltd have,since 1983, worked very closely with existing customers to ensure the softwaremeets their requirements in the most practical and productive fashion.This intimate liaison has resulted firstly in the most useful and well proven saildesign and production software available with over 150 satisfied users worldwide.Secondly it demonstrates the continued interest, development and supportavailable from SailScience.SailMaker Features■ Realistic sample designs,practical help and 150 activeusers worldwide.■ Constant updating anddevelopment with usernewsletter.■ Integrated 3D sail design,fairing, paneling andprinting/plotting of offsets.■ Gaff sails included at noextra cost.■ Incorporating twist and viewingfrom any angle.■ Chord, contour, net, surface,rendered and panel lines forviewing.■ Unrestricted number of shapingchords, elliptical or aerofoil.■ Simple or sophisticated mouldshapes and paneling.■ Input and alteration of shaping bymouse or keyboard, in absoluteor % values.■ Automatic metric, imperial andpercentage conversions.■ Boat and rig setup withspreaders, tack height andspinnaker pole.■ Girth, area and corner anglecalculation.■ Short or full length battens.■ Extensive sail markings of reefs,cunninghams, telltales, draftstripes and windows.■ Backstay feature for high roachmainsails.■ Seam editing of panels.■ Labour and material savingfeatures, auto nesting, fabricwastage, frame rulers.■ Optimised plotter movementroutines.■ Extensive compatibility withCADCAM industry standards.
3D Sail DesignSailMaker takesadvantage of theMacintosh's superioruser environment,allowing a saildesigner to becomean efficient user in amatter of hours,without requiring anykeyboard skills.Unlike the confusing 'numbersbased' systems, SailMakerconsistently presents you with yourchoice of clear, accurate graphicaldisplays to design your sail shapesby use of the mouse. Virtuallyunlimited numbers of shaping chordsand precise digital information isalways shown, giving you completedesign control. Chords may beelliptical in shape and mostimportantly they incorporate 'twist'.Existing successful designs may berescaled by simply altering the luff,leech and foot or LP dimensions.Then alterations made to edgeshaping, battens and productioncard. Full details may be printed atany time.Positions of battens, windows andeven detailing like telltales andcamber stripes may be determined.SailMaker is supplied with severalwell proven sample saildesigns and full supportfrom SailScience. Onceyou have achieved the desiredmould shape the next phase is paneldevelopment. Within SailMaker thereare many different standardconfigurations of panel layoutavailable. You choose material, seamand panel widths as appropriatethen SailMaker accurately and swiftlydevelops the individually shaped2D panels.
SailMaker Modules OutlineThe Core SailMakerProgramsSailMakerMainsail, Headsail & Gaffsail design and panelingAlternative SailDesign ProgramsSailMaker LEDesign sails using theSailScience Mould LibraryAsymmetricAsymmetric spinnaker saildesign and panelingSymmetricSymmetric spinnaker saildesign and panelingMini SailMakerMainsail, Headsail & Gaffcross-cut paneling onlyOther ProgramsSailQuoterCustomer database, sailpricing, quotes & ordersExtensions to SailMakerPatternMakerUnlimited panellayoutsPatchMakerSail corner patchingRELAXInterface to Relaxstress analysisSailShooterMeasure sail shapes fromscanned or digital photosNesting & PlottingPlotMakerPanel nesting andplotter/cutter driversSailMaker LESailMaker LE is a version of SailMaker that allows you to designand manufacture sails from a set of standard moulds suppliedby SailScience.The SailScience Mould Libraryis an extensive library of over 120sail designs, covering mainsail,headsail, gaff, asymmetric,symmetric and dinghy designs.SailMaker LE offers■ Access to a world class saildesign database. Productionproved race and cruise designs.■ Fully complete designs in allrespects, ready to make sails.Ideal for giving a new loft a qualityadvantage.■ No extra cost, SailMaker LE isincluded free with SailMaker. Payfor designs only as you use them.■ The Mould Library continues todevelop and expand underSailScience. New moulds will beissued at regular intervals.
PatternMakerPatternMaker allows the development of completely unlimited panellayouts. PatternMaker replaces the standard panel development forSailMaker, Asymmetric and Symmetric.■ Unlimited panel layouts throughthe use of unrestrictedregional seams and unrestrictedpatterns within the regions.■ Flexible approach to switchingbetween regions andredeveloping regional seamsand patterns.■ Zoom and drag functions.■ 3D graphical previews.■ Faster panel development■ Allows you to reducefabric waste.Fujicolor leading the Route du Rhum 1995PatchMakerPatchMaker provides corner patching for SailMaker,Asymmetric and Symmetric programs.■ Simple to use, mouse dragcontrol points to create patchshapes.■ Easy scaling and reusingpatch files for other sails.■ Block, fan and radial patchesplus an unconstrained generaloption.■ Saves time on the loft floor.■ Dramatically reducesfabric wastage.
PlotMakerPlotMaker provides the most advanced and effective panel nesting tools available to the <strong>Sailmaker</strong>, toreduce fabric costs and save time. PlotMaker's extensive range of plotter/cutter drivers and CADimport/export features ensures excellent compatibility with other hardware and software.PackMaker - Panel Nestingfor Hand Plotting■ Visual arrangement of panelson fabric, with rulers andcalculation of fabric length andwastage.■ Arrangement of panels bydragging, flipping and rotating.■ Easily move and add panelsbetween files, using Drag &Drop.■ Splitting of panels to any width.■ Checks for panel overlaps.■ Sail picture for each file.■ Printing of panel offsets andpositions for manual plotting.Powerful Nesting Tools■ Accurately set panel spacing.■ Arrow Key Panel Compactioninstantly and accuratelycompacts.■ Drag & Drop Nesting with acontinuously updating preview.■ Automatic Nesting sorts andorganises panels to reducenesting time. One click and thewhole queue is nested, radialsmatched together and sortedinto rows.PlotMaker - Panel Nesting& Plotter/Cutter ControlPlotMaker incorporates the nestingfeatures of PackMaker with theadditional functions of plotter control.Drivers are available and are useddaily for most brands of plot/cuttersincluding:Aeronaut (Xplot & Maxis), Armstrong& White (Genesis, Taurus and Laser),Axon, Blackman & White Orion,Carlson, Cutting Edge, DesignCorrelations, Houston, HPGL, Isel,MCS, ProSail. Custom drivers canalso be provided on request.PlotMaker CAD■ Importing of pictures,including fonts, for plottingfrom CAD anddrawing programsthrough the PICTformat.■ Exporting of panelsas PICT files formodifications andadditions in otherprograms.■ Importing of PanellistText and Binary files.MiniPlotDeveloped by Aeronaut Automation,MiniPlot is recommended bySailScience as an excellentcompanion program to PlotMaker.MiniPlot translates DXF, SMSWPlotter Pilot ntv, MiniCad Text, andProSail igl (HPGL) formats into andout of PlotMaker.RELAXSailMaker’s RELAX Interface allows designers toexport their designs into the RELAX finite elementstress analysis and aerodynamic package.Finite element analysis enables the sail designer to accuratelyinvestigate what his designed shape will be like in a variety ofwind strengths. By linking to RELAX, SailMaker users can optimisesail shapes and ensure correct fabric selection and orientation.RELAX can eliminate expensive mistakes and reduce the timeconsuming tweaking of existing sails.
SailQuoterSailQuoter is an integrated customer database, sail pricing, quote and order form system.Customer Database■ Store all your customer andboat details.Sail Pricing■ Accurate and consistent sailprices. Under pricing or overpricing can be very costly toyour business.■ Fast. can price a sail inseconds. No calculatorneeded.■ Easily adjust your SailQuoterprices with the Setup Wizard.Quotes■ Produce professional printedquotes. Improve the image ofyour loft, look bigger andbetter, stand above the rest.■ Printout includes yourcompany letterhead.■ A quote is the firstrepresentation of a company,it’s product and service. Theprofessional presentation ofyour quote can be as criticalto you getting an order as theprice itself.■ Fast. You can create acomplete quote with pricedsails in only minutes.Orders■ Generate orders straight fromyour quotes. No re-enteringany data.■ Calculates total order price,including discounts localtaxes and freight.Fully Integrated - FullyAutomatic■ All the parts of SailQuoterare linked together,sharing the sameinformation.■ All printouts arecreated automatically,just enter saildimensions and pickand choose menuoptions, that’s all.No keyboard skillsrequired.FeaturesEasily customised toany loft, country,currency andlanguage.Mac OS and Windowscompatible.■ Customer and sail pricinginformation is brought throughautomatically.SailShooterSailShooter measures sail shapes from digital photographs.Developed for use in the America’s Cup 1995, an updatedversion has been developed for AC 2000. Measured chordshapes can be compared both on screen and numerically withSailMaker files.Accurate and easy to use, SailShooter gives you full zoom featuresand click and drag point control. Sail shapes can be measured fromscanned photographs or digital camera images.SailShooter reads all major file types, PICT, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMPand more.
SailMaker and its associated range ofdesign and production tools offerunsurpassed ease of use and accurate3D modelling of sail shapes.SailMaker is the official design systemof Halsey Lidgard <strong>Sailmaker</strong>s, the worldsfourth largest group of sail lofts and over150 users can testify to SailMaker’seffectiveness for all types of sail design andmanufacture including …“SailMaker’s is the mostcomplete sail design softwareon the market no question.It’s a very sophisticated, buteasy to use program”.Dave Armitage, Sail CoordinatorAmerica True, America’s Cup Syndicate“This is exciting. The bestdesign software available”.Mats Johansson, Gran Segel ABAdvantage SailsUllman Sails AustraliaSails By PriorGosper SailsSaxby SailsRolly Tasker SailsSteve Walker SailsB&J CanvasSam’s Sails, Shades & CanvasSobstad Sails AustraliaSheridan SailsD.R. Young SailsAtkins FabricationJohn H. CassidyWittevrongel SailsWinning SailsGreen SailsCarlsen SailsMP-Sejl Elvström Sails NordAura SailsKb Neb SailsWB SailsVoiles GateffErtonFritz SegelSegelmacherei AriansPfeiffer SegelHeino Haase SegelErnst SchefferlingMoritz SailsHinsch & RuhlandLandesberufsshule for SegelmacherJan Segel / SegelwekstadtFaber and MunkerSegelmacherei LatschBohn SegelSchultz SegelHartzel-SegelReinhard MalzahnCo-SegelKafetzidakis SailsUK / McWilliam <strong>Sailmaker</strong>s CorkYamit Easy SailsZeilmakerij-Tuigeri Neik GoesBart SailsMollers SailsZeilmakerij S.A. den BoerPotma SailsKempers SailsZwaan SailsWindward SailsGran SeilFischer SailsVelas Pires de LimaVela RioJ .P. VelasHyde Sails Sth AfricaVela 2000Royal Sails StockholmBig Image SystemsNorth Diamond <strong>Sailmaker</strong>s SwedenGran Segel MalmöSaltsjöbadssegelLind SegelUK-Sweden / RebellsegelGran SegelMagnusson SailsVoiles GautierAlain MarchandWestaway SailsSteve Goacher SailsPinnel & Bax SailsSanders SailsSpeed SailsBoats ‘N’ BitsFlew SailsUK / McWilliam <strong>Sailmaker</strong>s HamblePenrose SailsYeoman SailsSKB SailsACSCranfield SailsGraham DeeganSaturn SailsBatt SailsDolphin SailsUK / McWilliam <strong>Sailmaker</strong>s CowesQuay SailsHaze SailsJeckellsOsen SailsNorth Diamond SailMakers UKIolair SailsBreaksea <strong>Sailmaker</strong>s & RiggersGambell and Hunter <strong>Sailmaker</strong>sPoint SailsSailspar <strong>Sailmaker</strong>sIrby <strong>Sailmaker</strong>sOcean Sails CumanaKostan SailsSystemRequirementsMac OSAny Macintosh orMacintosh clonecomputer4Mb RAMHard DiskSystem 7 or later, includesMacOS 8 & 8.5WindowsAn Intel-compatiblecomputer with a 486 orpentium processorHard Disk8mb RAMExecutor Win32Optional Plotter &Cutter LinksContact SailScience orit’s distributors for informationon available Plottersand Cutters.DistributorsIsland Computer Systems Ltd41 Horsebridge HillParkhurst, PO3 5TJIsle of WightUnited KingdomTel +44 1983 827107Fax +44 1983 521608Email Automation30 Kennedy PlaceBayviewNSW 2104AustraliaTel +61 2 99 97 28 42Fax +61 2 99 79 56 15Email sales@aeronautauto.comhttp://www.AeronautAuto.comDistributors & DevelopersSailScience43c Princes StNorthcoteAucklandNew ZealandTel +64 9 480 5891Fax +64 9 480 5891Email