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the power - Global Media Publishing Ltd. - UK.COM

the power - Global Media Publishing Ltd. - UK.COM

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EMISSIONSEmissions mitigation:taking <strong>the</strong> DeNOx pathAuxiliary & ignition burners.In 2011, ERC delivered <strong>the</strong> first solid commercial SNCR plant for a pulverized hardcoal firedboiler of 650 t/h, once again confirming itself as one of <strong>the</strong> market and technology leaders inEurope for DeNOx plants for flue gas denitrification, reports WIP.ERC GmbH is one of <strong>the</strong> leadingdevelopers and manufacturers ofadditives, process additives andequipment technology for <strong>the</strong> combustionof fossil and biogenic fuels.The company has - with somejustification - earned a reputation as oneof <strong>the</strong> market and technology leaders inEurope for DeNOx plants for flue gasdenitrification.One of ERC’s specialist areas is in <strong>the</strong>field of Low NOx Power Burners. During<strong>the</strong> use of liquid or gaseous fuels for<strong>power</strong> generation in combustion plants,pollutants are formed that are emittedwith <strong>the</strong> flue gas.Some of <strong>the</strong> main pollutants, whose formationcannot be completely avoideddespite optimised combustion methods,are nitrogen-oxides (NOx).Depending on <strong>the</strong> quality of combustionand <strong>the</strong> fuel used, carbon-monoxide (CO)can also form.For this reason all industrialisedcountries have adopted laws whichrestrict <strong>the</strong> formation of nitrogen oxideand carbon-monoxide emissions.With regard to combustion <strong>the</strong> followingapplies: <strong>the</strong> higher <strong>the</strong> NOx emissionlevels, <strong>the</strong> lower <strong>the</strong> CO emissions, andvice versa.Low NOx PowerBurner.Built in a low-NOxversion ERC performanceburners meet all currentemission requirements.A low-NOx burner isable to operate with lowNOx emissions and alsowith low CO emissions.The main features ofERC <strong>power</strong> burners are<strong>the</strong> triple air-staging and<strong>the</strong> internal flue gasrecirculation.Due to <strong>the</strong>ir specialconstruction, ERC <strong>power</strong>burners have very low pressure losses in<strong>the</strong> combustion air, says <strong>the</strong> company.In addition, it is also possible to adjust<strong>the</strong> setting of all regulating devices duringoperation which significantly speeds up<strong>the</strong> commissioning and set-up times.ERC manufactures <strong>power</strong> burners whichcan be operated ei<strong>the</strong>r with fresh air orwith gas turbine exhaust.DENOx Plants: When burning coal,petroleum products, natural gas as well asdomestic and hazardous waste for energyproduction pollutants are created, thatare emitted with <strong>the</strong> flue gas.Thus, significant amounts of nitrogenoxides (NOx), one of <strong>the</strong> main pollutants,forms despite optimized combustion.Through <strong>the</strong> reaction of nitrogen-oxideswith o<strong>the</strong>r atmospheric constituents,ozone is created and leads to <strong>the</strong>so-called summer smog.O<strong>the</strong>r reaction products such as nitricacid, reach <strong>the</strong> water and soil with <strong>the</strong>precipitation in <strong>the</strong> form of acid rain. Theresulting nitrate accumulation has anegative impact on humans, plants andanimals. For <strong>the</strong>se reasons almost allindustrialised countries have adopted lawsto restrict nitrogen-oxide emissions.Burner for special combustion.As aGas firing.company, ERCspecialises in<strong>the</strong> development&manufactureof a number of Oil firing.highlyefficientdenitrificationsystems,individuallytailored fordifferentcombustion plants. These are:* SNCR: Selective non-catalytic reduction- at high temperatures between 850 and1,100 °C.* SCR: Selective catalytic reduction atlow temperatures between 200 and 450°C.* <strong>COM</strong>BINED: Combining <strong>the</strong> advantagesof <strong>the</strong> SNCR process with those of <strong>the</strong>SCR processWIPInternet linkwww.erc-online.deW ORLDWIDE I NDEPENDENT P OWER • MARCH 201221

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