Well-Being: promoting mental health in schools

Well-Being: promoting mental health in schools

Well-Being: promoting mental health in schools

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• Fund<strong>in</strong>g of research for the development ofa regional evidence-based <strong>mental</strong> <strong>health</strong>strategy for the North West region; and• Grant aid for a global review of theeffectiveness of <strong>mental</strong> promotion by theInternational Union for Health Promotion andEducation (IUHPE).Examples of <strong>mental</strong> <strong>health</strong>promotion <strong>in</strong> Irish <strong>schools</strong>This section looks at the existence of <strong>mental</strong><strong>health</strong> promotion programmes <strong>in</strong> Ireland, tak<strong>in</strong>gplace with<strong>in</strong> the school system. It should benotes that the programmes <strong>in</strong> this section are <strong>in</strong>addition to other supports which are common tomost <strong>schools</strong>, such as: guidance counsellors,SPHE, and the National EducationalPsychological Service (NEPS).Zippy‟s Friends is based around a set of sixillustrated stories about a group of children, theirfamilies, friends and an imag<strong>in</strong>ary stick <strong>in</strong>sectcalled Zippy. It usually runs for 24 weeks, withone 45-m<strong>in</strong>ute session each week.Theprogramme has been implemented <strong>in</strong> over 16countries. A recent evaluation by Clarke andBarry (2010) found that the programme wasadapted to Irish <strong>schools</strong> without any problemsand <strong>in</strong>tegrated well with<strong>in</strong> the SPHE curriculum.In addition the programme had positive effectson children‟s emotional literacy, and improvedteachers‟ relationships with children. 64Teachers made a number of recommendationsas to how Zippy‟s Friends could be improved.The most common recommendation was that awhole-school approach should be taken.Teachers reported that the biggest difficulty theyencountered <strong>in</strong> implement<strong>in</strong>g the programmewas f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g the time to do it.Jigsaw Meath project (age 12-15 years)The Jigsaw Meath project is a whole-schoolapproach to <strong>mental</strong> <strong>health</strong> which is be<strong>in</strong>g piloted<strong>in</strong> Navan: (Beaufort College <strong>in</strong> Navan, St.Oliver‟s Post Primary <strong>in</strong> Oldcastle, St Peter‟sCollege Donboyne and Athboy communityCollege) and one Youthreach centre <strong>in</strong> Laytown.The Jigsaw Meath project is part of a nationalnetwork of Jigsaw projects and is aimed atyoung people. The programme is an <strong>in</strong>itiative ofthe non-profit group Headstrong and works <strong>in</strong>partnership with communities. A ma<strong>in</strong>component of the Jigsaw process is gett<strong>in</strong>gyoung people <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> their communities. 63Zippy’s Friends (age 5-9 years)In 2007 a jo<strong>in</strong>t partnership was set up betweenthe HSE and the Department of Education andScience to implement Zippy‟s Friends. It wasplanned to pilot the programme as part of theSocial, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)curriculum with children <strong>in</strong> first class. The pilottook place <strong>in</strong> 30 designated disadvantaged(DEIS) <strong>schools</strong> <strong>in</strong> the west of Ireland. The 24week programme took place over two schoolyears.M<strong>in</strong>dOutM<strong>in</strong>dOut is a programme developed by HealthPromotion HSE West and NUI Galway whichtakes place <strong>in</strong> secondary <strong>schools</strong>.The programme was developed <strong>in</strong> consultationwith students, teachers, and <strong>health</strong> promotionpractitioners. M<strong>in</strong>dOut is a twelve session<strong>mental</strong> <strong>health</strong> programme. The M<strong>in</strong>dOut projectis aimed at 15 to 18 year olds <strong>in</strong> the Irish <strong>schools</strong>ett<strong>in</strong>g. The project <strong>in</strong>cludes <strong>schools</strong> from bothIreland and Northern Ireland.The aims of the programme materials that havebeen developed are to:• identify a range of cop<strong>in</strong>g strategiesavailable to young people <strong>in</strong> stressfulsituations;• identify rational th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g skills for use <strong>in</strong>controll<strong>in</strong>g negative emotions;• raise awareness of feel<strong>in</strong>gs and how to dealwith them positively;63 http://www.jigsaw.ie/page/<strong>promot<strong>in</strong>g</strong>-<strong>mental</strong>-<strong>health</strong>64 Clarke, A.M. and Barry, M. (2010). An evaluation ofthe Zippy‟s Friends emotional wellbe<strong>in</strong>g programmefor primary <strong>schools</strong> <strong>in</strong> Ireland.14

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