U.S. History Review Packet Scavenger Hunt - Part 10 - BETA

U.S. History Review Packet Scavenger Hunt - Part 10 - BETA

U.S. History Review Packet Scavenger Hunt - Part 10 - BETA

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Bronx Engineering and Technology Academy (βETA)99 Terrace View Avenue, Bronx, New York <strong>10</strong>463Phone: (718)563-6678Karalyne Sperling, PrincipalMr. Ott – U.S. <strong>History</strong>Name: ________________________________________ Date: __________U.S. <strong>History</strong> <strong>Review</strong> <strong>Packet</strong> <strong>Scavenger</strong> <strong>Hunt</strong> - <strong>Part</strong> <strong>10</strong>Grade: ______ / 76Please answer the following questions regarding the U.S. <strong>History</strong> <strong>Review</strong> <strong>Packet</strong>. All of theanswers appear in the packet. Worth (1pt) each.Name two (2) results ofProhibition?1. 2.Why was the Assembly 3.Line important?What trial caused a 4.conflict between religionand science?What economic changes 5.occurred during the1920s?What is a Flapper? 6.Define: HarlemRenaissance7.What economic changesoccurred in 1929?8.What was the Dust Bowl? 9.Name four (4) causes ofthe Great Depression?<strong>10</strong>. 11.12. 13.What was Hoover'sresponse to the GreatDepression?14.

Bronx Engineering and Technology Academy (βETA)99 Terrace View Avenue, Bronx, New York <strong>10</strong>463Phone: (718)563-6678Karalyne Sperling, PrincipalMr. Ott – U.S. <strong>History</strong>What President waselected to fix the problemsof the Great Depression?How many times was FDRelected to the presidency?Name four (4) New Dealprograms and define them15.16.17. 18.19. 20.Name two (2)impacts/results of the NewDeal?21. 22.What was the U.S. policyregarding the start ofWWII in Europe?What former President(s)had the same policy?This group went to workin factories in WWII?23.24. 25.26.What was the even that 27.ended the war in thePacific?This Supreme Court case 28.allowed the confinement ofJapanese Americansduring WWII?Define: Truman Doctrine 29.What other doctrine inU.S. <strong>History</strong> is about U.S.Foreign Policy?Name three (3) results ofWorld War II?30.31. 32. 33.

Bronx Engineering and Technology Academy (βETA)99 Terrace View Avenue, Bronx, New York <strong>10</strong>463Phone: (718)563-6678Karalyne Sperling, PrincipalMr. Ott – U.S. <strong>History</strong>What was the risk 34.associated with the ColdWar?What was the Berlin 35.Airlift?Define: Containment 36.What was the MarshallPlan?What is NATO? and Whatdoes it do?37.38. 39.Who was McCarthy andwhat did he do?40.Name the two (2) cold warconflicts and their results41. 42.What is the DominoTheory?43.How were the war powersof the president limited bylaw?How did Eisenhowerensure African-AmericanCivil Rights?What Supreme Courtdecision overturnedPlessey v. Ferguson? andThe Year?What were the goals of theNAACP?44.45.46. 47.48.

Bronx Engineering and Technology Academy (βETA)99 Terrace View Avenue, Bronx, New York <strong>10</strong>463Phone: (718)563-6678Karalyne Sperling, PrincipalMr. Ott – U.S. <strong>History</strong>Name three (3) uses ofnon-violence during theCivil Rights era?49. 50. 51.Who was Dr. MartinLuther King Jr. and whatdid he accomplish?Name three (3)governmentactions/programs/lawsthat assisted minoritiesand/or women?What law ended Jim Crowlaws?What was Johnson's GreatSociety?52.53. 54. 55.56.57.Name two (2) Supreme 58. 59.Court Cases thatexpanded a persons' rightsaccused of a crime?What Supreme Court case 60.limited students' rights inschool?Define: Detente 61.What was Watergate? 62.What happened to Nixon? 63.What was SALT and whatdid it do?64. 65.What was Carter's mostimport foreign policyachievement?66.

Bronx Engineering and Technology Academy (βETA)99 Terrace View Avenue, Bronx, New York <strong>10</strong>463Phone: (718)563-6678Karalyne Sperling, PrincipalMr. Ott – U.S. <strong>History</strong>What was the economicpolicy of Ronald Reagan?67.What is NAFTA?And What does it do?68. 69.What made Ford'spresidency unique?What was Nixon's greatestforeign policyachievement?How was Clinton similarto other presidents? (twosimilarities)70.71.72. 73.What Supreme Court caselimited the power of thePresident for executiveprivilege?What did Eisenhowerwarn the public about inhis farewell address?74. 75.76.

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