Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

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RoyalGovernmentof CambodiaNGOsSocial Accountability and Good Governancwould like to thank RH for providing treatment tomy family and I thank RHAC for user fee paymentfor our family.I would like to thank RHAC for referring my childto health care service at RH. It is sad as twomonths later I brought him again to RH and thendoctor said that you came here just want to getmoney from RHAC only. When I heard it, I feltnot happy. Why did he say like this to me?My name KokChayDaline. I live in Pak Khlorngcommune, Koh Kong province. I would like topropose health care staff please don’t show anydiscrimination to MSM.My name Mr. Sun Sareoun, representative ofPLHAs in Koh Kong province and also a HomeBest Care of SmachMeanchey HC. I would like tothank RH for working hard to provide besttreatment to my illness. Now it is completelycured.I have one question to RH and RHAC. In the past,the transportation corpses from RH to house orpagoda are free. How about now, is it still free?My name Mr. Krorn Sarith, a staff of CWPD. Iwould like to express my observation about thebehavior of health staffs at RH. Now I haveobserved that behavior of doctors and health staffsof RH have changed a lot. For example, recentlythey did not get any incentives from NGOs(CARE & RACHA),but they still provide goodhealth services to PLHAs. Sometimes there were alot of patients while there were limited healthproviders, but they tried their best to provide goodquality of services. Moreover, the communicationand process for bringing EWs to do VCCT havebeen improved after <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> implementationof its project activities in SmachMeanchey OD.My name is Mrs. Hong Ny. I come fromTeukPaung village of Sre Ambel district. I am theonly”, I promise that I willconduct a meeting on Wednesdaynext week to share this complaintto all of my staffs and I willrequest them to change itimmediately if they did.3) When patients come to access tohealth care services at RH, wealways ask our health providers totake care of patientsregardless ofthe possibility to pay user fee. Inaddition HEF program, hospitalhas policy of user fee exemptionfor the poor. The health care staffshave to be kind.4) I would like to express that RHalways follow the advice ofMinister of MoH. That advice isabout “providing treatment firstand ask for user fee later”.5) For a request from Ms.KokChayDaline about behaviorand impolite words of healthproviders used to his group(MSM), I will suggest my staffs tochange it because they should notact like this to your group.Everyone has right to lovesomeone freely.6) For transportation of patients’corpses at RH to their house orpagoda. In the past, RHAC wasresponsible for paying money fortransportation which was coveredby health equity fund but now itdoesn’t exist anymore and heprovides only 60000 riel forcontribution to the funeral.Anyway, we will provide freeservice (100%) for transportationpatients’ corpse to from RH topagodas. But if transportation fromRH to house, it will consider caseby case depending on realsituation.Mr. Bunnarith, representative ofMembership Organization for NGOs Active in Cambodia’s Health Sector<strong>MEDiCAM</strong> <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 37

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