Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

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RoyalGovernmentof CambodiaNGOsCapacity BuildingCommunity Advocacy Work Plan Implementation and AchievementsWith the support from the GFATM-HSS, <strong>MEDiCAM</strong>’s program is not only about providing training on“communicating for advocacy” but also support the vulnerable community and local authority to develop“Community Advocacy Work Plan”.In year <strong>2011</strong>, 96 Community Advocacy Work Plans have been developed after the rolling out training.Out of this figure, 48 Community Advocacy Work Plans were endorsed by the Community AdvocacyWork Plan Certification Committee (CAWPCC), composed of OD director, commune council, grassrootsNGO, SSR of <strong>MEDiCAM</strong>, <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> officer.Three Example of Success Stories from the implementation of these Community Advocacy WorkPlans:Friend Without a Border (FWAB) is an SSR of <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> implementing the GFATM-supported HSS. Inworking with the vulnerable communities, commune councils, FWAB was able to give an example of thesuccesses of the implementation of the Community Advocacy Work Plans.The members of the Community Advocacy Work Plan in Kandeck, Preah Dak, and Prasat Bakong HealthCenters have found that there were 41, 31, and 21 drug sellers, respectively in their catchment areas ofthose health centers. They found that among these drug sellers, none of them was licensed in Kandeck,only 2 were licensed in Preah Dak and Prasat Bakong.____________________________________________________________________________________No. Health Center #of drug sellers registered %of unlicensed1 Kandeck 41 0 100%2 Preah Dak 31 2 94.87%3 Prasat Bakong 21 2 80.95%Resulted from group researcher by individual communesHaving seen such horrible results, the first stakeholder meeting on 30 th January, 2012 was organized bythe community advocates under FWAD support. The meeting was chaired by OD director, andparticipated by local authority, HCMC, VHSGs, health center staff, and NGO representatives. The mainagenda of the meeting was on the issue of unlicensed drug sellers in these above mentioned communes.The meeting unanimously decided to eliminate unlicensed drug sellers within their communities. Thereport of the meeting was sent to all relevant local authorities to take immediate actions.OD and local authorities (Commune Councils and District Councils) took action by inviting all drugsellers in their communities to hold a meeting, explaining the Ministry of Health’ s regulation oneliminating all unlicensed drug sellers and the negative impact on our communities’ health. All drugsellers agreed to sign an agreement to stop selling their drugs until proper registration and licensing isgranted. The signing of this agreement was witnessed by the community advocates as well as grassrootsNGOs working in the area.For more details on the success of the implementation of Community Advocacy Work Plan, please referto the semi-annual report submitted to the GFATM by <strong>MEDiCAM</strong>.Membership Organization for NGOs Active in Cambodia’s Health Sector<strong>MEDiCAM</strong> <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 51

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