Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

Annual Report 2011 - MEDiCAM

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Messagefrom the Executive DirectorDear Colleagues and Friends,It is a great privilege to lead <strong>MEDiCAM</strong>, amembership organization for NGOs working inCambodia’s Health Sector, with 128 local and InternationalNGO members.Despite the many challenges from the verybeginning, the year <strong>2011</strong> has ended with continuedgood enabling environment—(1) the Prime Ministerof the Royal Government of Cambodia officially declaredthe delay of the Association and NGO Lawuntil both government and CSOs reach consensus ofthe content of the law, and (2) the Busan OutcomePrinciples on Development Effectiveness have enforcedthe inclusiveness of key pillars of a society(government, private sector, CSOs, and community)as the driving forces for sustainable and equitablegrowth and development.<strong>MEDiCAM</strong> is proud to be part of this activejoint advocacy efforts on the NGO law and the developmenteffectiveness—the Siem Reap Consensusleading to Busan, and the Busan Outcome Principles.Letting the world impact us is NOT ourchoice. The world impacts our daily lives tremendously—theworse or the better. Impacting the worldis a must. To bring country’s experience and evidenceto somehow impact global policies, <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> isan active member of the World Bank CSO ConsultativeGroup for Health, Nutrition, and Population(CSCG HNP) and a CSO focal point at country levelfor International Health Partnership.The CDHS 2010 indicated remarkableachievements, making Cambodia among a few countriesreach MDGs 4, 5 and 6 in 2015. The NGO communityand <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> have obviously contributedsignificantly to these amazing successes of theHealth Sector.<strong>MEDiCAM</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> has highlightedthe details of what exactly <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> did in itsparticipation as well as to enable the participation ofhealth NGOs in improving health and strengtheninghealth system in Cambodia. It is very much recommendedto look at in details in the areas including (1)promotion of evidence-informed policy development,advocacy and representation, (2) Coordination,Harmonization andAlignment, (3) Social Accountabilityand GoodGovernance, (4) CapacityBuilding, and (5) informationsharing.Through this reportyou will see that <strong>MEDiCAM</strong>has been working not onlyadvocacy at higher policyDr. Sin Somunylevel but also mobilizing local authorities and theaffected communities to advocate for better healthand health system at the operational level. On the onehand, <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> is working to ensure that theNational Policies/strategies and plans reflect thecountry’s and community’s needs. And on the otherhand, <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> is working with our NGO membersto ensure that their technical and financialassistance are harmonized and aligned with thoseNational Policies/Strategies/and Plans.Taking this opportunity, on behalf of staff,the management, and the Steering Committee of<strong>MEDiCAM</strong>, I would like to express my sincerethanks to the Royal Government of Cambodia andthe Ministry of Health for providing enabling environment,the support and partnership. Likewise, mydeepest gratitude goes to Development Partnersincluding AusAID, the GFATM, the EU, WHO(IHP), and all members of <strong>MEDiCAM</strong>, for theirtechnical and financial support, especially the activeparticipation and support from all NGO members of<strong>MEDiCAM</strong>.There are always new challenges ahead of usfor this coming year and I look forward to yoursupport and cooperation in jointly addressing theremaining issues to promote health and to strengthenthe health system.Happy and Prosperous Khmer New Year!__________________Sin Somuny, MD,MPHExecutive Director<strong>MEDiCAM</strong>6 <strong>MEDiCAM</strong> <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Membership Organization for NGOs Active in Cambodia’s Health Sector

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