Delta Universal remote Control

Delta Universal remote Control

Delta Universal remote Control

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oldoldoldoldoldoldoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFold<strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Universal</strong> Remote<strong>Control</strong>Overview+ +The UEI <strong>Delta</strong> universal <strong>remote</strong> isdesigned to work with the DigitalTransport Adapter (Digital Adapter)supplied by your Cable Provider. This<strong>remote</strong> is designed to operate all of thefeatures and functions of the DigitalAdapter and is programmable to operatethe Volume and Power of your TV.The <strong>remote</strong> control requires installingtwo (2) new AA batteries (included)and simple programming instructionsto control your TV. For best results,please read and perform all instructionslisted here. Also, keep this guidefor future reference.Installing Batteries1. Pull back the <strong>remote</strong> control’sbattery cover and remove it.2. Insert the two (2) supplied AAbatteries according to the + and- marks in the battery case.3. Push the battery cover back intoplace.4. Test the unit by pressing thepower key.If batteries are inserted correctly,the Red Light will blink.NOTE: When batteries need replacement,the <strong>remote</strong> control will stop operating.Replace the old batteries within 15 minutesand the unit will be restored to its full functionality.Features And FunctionsUse the <strong>remote</strong> control’s keys to performactions described below (see thefollowing key chart).+When a valid TVcode is programmedthe POWER key willturn on or off the TV.Use SET for allprogrammingsequences.Use INFO to displaycurrent channelinformation.Use the keypad (0 ~9) to directly selectthe channels (e.g., 09or 031).Use ENTER to directlytune to a channel(e.g. 1-0-9 Enter).Use LAST to recallthe last channel.Use LANG toswitch betweendifferent languagesand audio options,when available on theDigital Adapter.Use CH+ (or CH-) toselect the next higher(or lower) channel.+ Use VOL+ (or VOL-)to raise (or lower)the sound volumeon the Digital Adapter. When a valid TV codeis programmed thesekeys will operate theTV's volume control.Press MUTE once toturn sound off or on.programming TV controlThe UEI <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>remote</strong> control is preprogrammedat the factory to operatethe Digital Adapter. The UEI <strong>Delta</strong><strong>remote</strong> also contains a universal TVlibrary to allow you to control thePower and Volume of your TV.1. Turn on the TVNOTE: Please read steps 2 to 4 completelybefore proceeding. Highlight orwrite down the codes and device youwish to program before moving on tostep 2.2. Press and hold SET until the RedLight blinks twice, then releaseSET.3. Locate the code for your devicein Manufacturer’s Codes on theback of this user guide. Brands arelisted in alphabetical order withthe most popular codes listedfirst.4. Enter the first five-digit code foryour TV. If you perform this procedurecorrectly, the Red Lightwill blink twiceNOTE: If you enter an invalid code,the red light will display one longblink and exit the programmingmode. Repeat steps 2 to 5 with a validcode.5. Aim the <strong>remote</strong> control at yourTV and press Power once. Thedevice should turn off. If it doesnot respond, repeat steps 2 to 4,trying each code listed for yourbrand until you find one thatworks. If it still does not work, trySearching For Your Code.6. For future reference, write yourTV code below:TV Code:Searching For Your CodeIf your brand of TV does not respond tothe <strong>remote</strong> control after trying all of thecodes listed, or if your brand is not listedat all, try searching for your code.1. Turn on your TV.2. Press and hold SET until theRed Light blinks twice, thenrelease SET.3. Enter in 9 - 9 - 1. The Red Lightwill blink twice.4. While pointing the <strong>remote</strong>control at the TV and press andrelease the CH + key until the TVturns off. (Note: You may need topress [CH+] numerous times).NOTE: In the search mode, the<strong>remote</strong> control will send IR codesfrom its library to the TV.5. Press SET once to lock in thecode. The Red Light will blinktwice.CHecking the CodeSIf you have set up the <strong>remote</strong> controlusing the Searching For Your Codeprocedure, you may need to find outwhich five-digit code is operating yourTV. Perform the following steps aftersetting up your TV to find out whichfive-digit code operates your TV.1. Press and hold SET until the RedLight blinks twice, then releaseSET.2. Enter in 9 - 9 - 0. The Red Lightwill blink twice.3. To view the code for the firstdigit, press 1 once. Wait 3 secondsand count the number oftimes the Red Light blinks (e.g.,3 blinks =3) and write down thenumber in the left most TV Codebox (at end of this section).NOTE: If a code digit is “0” the redlight will not blink.4. Repeat step 3 four more times forthe remaining digits. Use 2 for thesecond digit, 3 for the third digit,4 for the fourth digit and 5 for thefifth digit. Finish writing down thecode in the TV Code boxes (at endof this section).TV Code:changing Volume LockThe UEI <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>remote</strong> is set to controlthe volume level of the Digital Adapter.Once a valid TV code is programmedthe volume keys will operate the volumeof the TV.However, you may change the VolumeLock setting to regain volume controlof the Digital Adapter as follows:Changing Volume Lock from TVto the Digital Adapter :1. Press and hold SET until the RedLight blinks twice, then releaseSET.2. Enter in 9 - 9 - 3 (The Red Lightwill blink twice after the 3).3. Press and release the digit 1 (TheRed Light will blink 4 times afterthe 1).Changing Volume Lock fromDigital Adapter to the TV:1. Press and hold SET until the RedLight blinks twice, then releaseSET.2. Enter in 9 - 9 - 3 (The Red Lightwill blink twice after the 3).Note: If a valid TV code is notprogrammed the Red Light willdisplay one long blink.3. Press and release the digit 2 (TheRed Light will blink 2 times afterthe 2).TroubleshootingPROBLEM: During programming,the Red Light displaysone long blink.SOLUTION: An invalid entry hasoccurred. Check the keyto be entered and tryprogramming again.PROBLEM: The Red Light blinkswhen you press a key,but Digital Adapter andTV do not respond.SOLUTION: Make sure the <strong>remote</strong>control is aimed at yourDigital Adapter and TVand is not farther than15‐feet away.PROBLEM: When using the volumelock sequence or codeverification, the RedLight displays one longblink.SOLUTION: The long blink indicatesthat a valid TV code hasnot been programmed.PROBLEM: The audio output on theTV is not in the rightlanguage.SOLUTION: Press the Language(LANG) key to changethe audio option back tothe preferred language.SETUP CODES FOR TV'S3M 10737, 11616, 11655A-Mark 10003Abex 10032Aiko 10092Accurian 11803Action 10873Admiral 10093, 10463Advent 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817,10842, 11933Adventura 10046Aftron 10891Aiko 10092Aiwa 10701, 11914Akai 10812, 11675, 10060, 10702,10030, 10098, 10672, 11207,11385,11676, 11688, 11689,11692, 11935Alaron 10179, 10183, 10216Albatron 10843Ambassador 10177America Action 10180Ampro 10751Anam 10180Anam National 10055AOC 10030Aomni 11623Apex Digital 10156, 10748, 10879, 10765,10890, 11217, 11991Archer 10003Astar 11531, 11738Audiovox 10451, 10180, 10092,10003, 10802, 10846, 10875,11284, 11951, 11952Aurora Systems 10801Aventura 10171Belcor 10019Bell & Howell 10154, 10016BenQ 11032, 11315Bradford 10180Brillian 11007, 11257, 11258Brockwood 10019Broksonic 10236, 10463Bush 10355Byd:sign 11309Cadia 11283Candle 10030, 10046, 10056, 10186Canon 10793, 11396Carnivale 10030Carver 10054, 10170Casio 10611, 11205CCE 10217, 10329Celebrity 10000Celera 10765Changhong 10765Cinego 11986Citizen 10060, 10030, 10092, 10046,10056, 10186, 10280, 10561,11669, 11671, 11672, 11928,11935Clarion 10180Classic 11984Coby 12017Commercial Solutions 10047Compaq 10749Concerto 10056Contec 10180Craig 10180Crosley 10054Crown 10180Curtis Mathes 10047, 10054, 10154, 10451,10093, 10060, 10702, 10030,10145, 10166, 10016, 10056,10466, 10747, 11919CXC 10180CyberHome 10794Cytron 11326, 12003Daewoo 10451, 10092, 10019, 10066,10067, 10091, 10661, 10672,11909, 11928Daytron 10019Dell 11264, 11080, 11178, 11403<strong>Delta</strong> 11369Denon 10145, 10511Diamond Vision 11801, 11996Digistar 11565Digital Lifestyles 11765, 11822Digital Projection Inc. 11482, 11725, 11726, 11750Dream Vision 11297Dumont 10017Durabrand 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171,11034, 10003Dwin 10093, 10720, 10747, 10774Dynatech 10049Dynex 11463, 11780, 11785Eiki 10735Electroband 10000Electrograph 11755, 11623Electrohome 10463, 10446, 11570, 11670,11672, 11760, 11761Element 11687Emerson 10154, 10451, 10236, 10463,10180, 10178, 10171, 11963,11928, 11913, 11911, 11909,11905, 11665, 10282, 1028010270, 10183, 10181, 1017910177, 10038, 10019Emprex 11422, 11546, 11765Envision 10030, 10813, 11365Epson 11122, 11290Erae 11222ESA 10812, 10171, 11963Fisher 10154, 10159Fujitsu 10179, 10186, 10683, 10853,12008Funai 10180, 10171, 10179, 11904,11963Futuretech 10180Gateway 11755, 11001, 11756GE 10047, 10051, 10451, 10178,10021, 10027, 10029, 10055,10135, 10279, 10282, 10747,11907, 11919, 11922Gibralter 10017, 10030, 10019Go Video 10886, 11823, 11831GoldStar 10178, 10030, 10002, 10019,1032Goodmans 10360Gradiente 10392Grundig 10683Grunpy 10180, 10179H & B 11366Haier 11034, 10768, 11009Hallmark 10178Hanns.G 11783Hannspree 11348, 11745, 11783Harley Davidson 10043, 10179, 11904Harman/Kardon 10054, 10078Harvard 10180, 10068Havermy 10093Helios 10865Hello Kitty 10451Hewlett Packard 11494, 11088, 11089, 11101Hisense 10748, 11660Hitachi 10145, 12243, 12143, 11904,11345, 10797, 10737, 10724,10723, 10413, 10279, 10227,10173, 10151, 10097, 10095,10056, 10038, 10032, 10016Hyundai 10849, 11219, 11294I-Inc 11746iLo 11286, 11603, 11665, 11684,11990Infinity 10054InFocus 10736, 10738, 10741, 10781,11516Initial 11990Insignia 10171, 11204, 11326, 11517,11641, 11780, 11892, 11963,12002Inteq 10017IX 10877Janeil 10046JBL 10054JCB 10000Jensen 10761, 10050, 10817, 11299,11933JVC 10053, 10036, 10160, 10169,10731, 11349Kamp 10216Kawasho 10216, 10308Kaypani 10052KDS 11687KEC 10180Kenwood 10030, 10019KLH 10765, 10767Kloss 10024, 10046, 10078Knoll Systems 10781Konka 10632, 10638, 10707, 11385,11831, 11939Kost 11262, 11483Kreisen 10876, 11474KTV 10180, 10030, 10183, 10217,10280LG 11265, 10178, 10442, 10856,11178, 11530, 11637, 11934Lloyd’s 11904Loewe 10136Logik 10016Luce 10837, 11031Luxman 10056LXI 10047, 10054, 10154, 10156,10178, 10747Magnavox 11866, 10054, 10030, 10706,11990, 11963, 11913, 11904,11525, 11365, 11198, 10802,10230, 10187, 10186, 10179,10096, 10036, 10028, 10024,10020Magnin 11907Majestic 10015, 10016Marantz 10054, 10030, 10704, 10854,11398, 11554Matsushita 10250Maxent 11755, 11714, 11757MB Quart 11868Megatron 10178, 10145, 10003Memorex 10154, 10463, 10150, 10178,10016, 10179, 10877, 11570,11911, 11920MGA 10150, 10178, 10030, 10019,10155, 11907Micro 11436Midland 10047, 10017, 10051, 10032,10135, 10747Mintek 11603, 11990Minutz 10021Mitsubish 11250, 10093, 10150, 10178,10014, 10019, 10098, 10155,10331, 10358, 10592, 10836,10868, 11278, 11392Monivision 10843Motorola 10093, 10055, 10835Moxell 10835MTC 10060, 10030, 10019, 10049,10056, 10091, 10216Multitech 10180, 10049, 10217NAD 10156, 10178, 10037, 10056Nakamichi 11493Naxa 11998NEC 10030, 10019, 10036, 10056,10170, 10434, 10455, 10497,10882, 11398, 11704, 11797,12026NetTV 11755Nikko 10178, 10030, 10092Niko 11581Noblex 10430Norcent 10748, 10824, 11089, 11365,11590, 11591Norwood Micro 11286, 11296, 11303Noshi 10018NTC 10092NuVision 11657Olevia 11144, 11240, 11331Olympus 11342Onwa 10180Optimus 10250, 10154, 10166, 11913Optoma 10887, 11348, 11674Optonica 10093, 10165Orion 10236, 10463, 11463, 10179,11905, 11911Panasonic 10250, 10051, 10055, 10162,10226, 10375, 11310, 11410,11919Penney 10047, 10156, 10051, 10060,10178, 10030, 11919, 11907,10747, 10309, 10149, 10135,10110, 10032, 10027, 10021,10019, 10018, 10003, 10002Philco 10054, 10030, 10019, 10020,10028, 10096, 10302Philips 10054, 10037, 10690, 11483Pilot 10030, 10019Pioneer 10166, 10038, 10172, 11398Planar 11496Polaroid 10765, 12063, 12002, 11991,11962, 11769, 11767, 11766,11762, 11687, 11565, 11538,11385, 11341, 11328, 11327,11326, 11316, 11314, 11286,11276, 11262, 10865, 11385Portland 10092, 10019Prism 10051Proscan 10047, 10466, 10747, 11922Prima 10761, 10817, 11389, 11785,11933Proton 10178, 10003, 10031, 10052,10466Protron 11320, 11323Fold

oldoldoldoldoldoldoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldFoldoldTV CODES ContinuedProview 10835, 11687Pvision 11222Pulsar 10017, 10019Puneet 11546Pvision 11222Quasar 10250, 10051, 10055, 10165,10219, 11919RCA 10047, 12002, 11953, 11948,11922, 11919, 11907, 11781,10747, 10278, 10254, 10135,10090, 10038, 10029, 10019,10018Realistic 10154, 10180, 10178, 10030,10019, 10032, 10056, 10165RevolutionHD 11623Rhapsody 10183, 10216Runco 10017, 10030, 10497, 10612,11398, 11629Sampo 11755, 10030, 10032, 10052,10100, 10110, 11597Samsung 10812, 10060, 10702, 10178,10030, 11959, 11632, 11575,11060, 10814, 10766, 10587,10482, 10427, 10408, 10329,10217, 10056, 10032, 10019Sansui 10463, 11409, 11904, 11911,11935Sanyo 10154, 10088, 10146, 10159,10232, 10484, 10735, 10798,10799, 11907Sceptre 10878, 11217, 11360, 11599Scimitsu 10019Scotch 10178Scott 10236, 10180, 10178, 10019,10179, 10309, 11711Sears 10047, 10054, 10154, 10156,10178, 10171, 10015, 10056,10146, 10149, 10159, 10168,10179, 10747, 11007, 11904Seleco 10737, 11297Sharp 10093, 10153, 10165, 10398,10491, 10851Sharper Image 11950Sheng Chia 10093Sherwood 11399Shogun 10019Signature 10016Signet 10800, 10844, 11262SIM2 Multimedia 11297Simpson 10186, 10187Skyworth 11799Solarism 11220Sole 10813, 11031, 11366, 11377,11483, 11530, 11623, 12075,12076Sony 10000, 10011, 10273, 10353,10834, 11317, 11400, 11685,11786, 11791, 11904, 11925Soundesign 10180, 10178, 10179, 10186Sova 11320, 11952Soyo 11546, 11746, 11824, 11826,11828, 11830, 11831Spectricon 10003, 10137Spectroniq 11687Squareview 10171SSS 10180, 10019Starlite 10180Studio Experience 10843SunBrite 11420, 11435Superscan 10093, 10864Supre-Macy 10046Supreme 10000SVA 10748, 10587, 10768, 10865,10871, 10872Sylvania 11864, 10054, 10030, 10171,10020, 10028, 10065, 10096,11314, 11665, 11963Symphonic 10180, 10171, 11904, 11913Syntax 11610, 11144, 11240Tandy 10093, 10218Tashiko 10588Tatung 10003, 10049, 10055, 11101,11286, 11287, 11288, 11361,11503, 11756Technics 10250, 10051Technol Ace 10179Techview 10847, 12004Techwood 10051, 10003, 10056Teknika 10054, 10180, 10150, 10060,10092, 10016, 10019, 10056,10175, 10179, 10186, 10312,10322Telefunken 10702, 10056, 10101Telemagic 10735Tera 10031Thomas 11904Thomson 10209, 10210, 10625TMK 10178, 10056, 10177TNCi 10017Toshiba 10154, 10156, 11265, 10060,10036, 10149, 10736, 10832,11343, 11369, 11704, 11935TruTech 11723, 12066TVS 10463Ultra 10391, 11323<strong>Universal</strong> 10027US Logic 11286, 11303Vector Research 10030Venturer 11865VEOS 11007Victor 10053Video Concepts 10098Vidikron 10054, 10242, 11398, 11629Vidtech 10178, 10019, 10036Viewsonic 11755, 10724, 10775, 10797,10857, 10864, 10885, 11330,11342, 11578, 11627, 11742,12014Viking 10046, 10312Viore 11207, 11684, 11811Visart 11336Vizio 11758, 10864, 10885, 11756Wards 10054, 10178, 10030, 10016,10019, 10020, 10021, 10027,10028, 10029, 10056, 10096,10165, 10179, 10202Waycon 10156Westinghouse 10000, 10451, 10885, 10889,10890, 11282, 11577White Westinghouse 10463, 11909WinBook 11381, 11503Wyse 11365Xoceco 11469Yamaha 10030, 10019, 10797, 11407Zenith 10017, 10463, 11265, 10178,10092, 10016, 11904, 11909,11911Zonda 10003LCD TV'sAccurian 11803Action 10873Akai 11675, 11676, 11688, 11689,11692, 11935AOC 11365Aomni 11623Apex Digital 10890, 11217Astar 11531, 11738Audiovox 10180, 10802, 10846, 10875,11284, 11951, 11952BenQ 11315Byd:sign 11309Cadia 11283Casio 11205Citizen 11669, 11671, 11672, 11935Coby 12017CyberHome 10794Dell 11264, 11080, 11178Digital Lifestyles 11765, 11822Dyne 11780Element 11687Emerson 11963Emprex 11422, 11546, 11765Envision 10813, 11365Funai 10171Go Video 10886, 11823, 11831H & B 11366Hanns.G 11783Hannspree 11348, 11745, 11783Hewlett Packard 11088Hisense 11660HP 11088Hyundai 10849, 11219, 11294I-Inc 11746iLo 11286, 11603, 11684, 11990Initial 11603, 11990Insignia 11204, 11517, 11780, 12002IX 10877Jensen 11299Konka 11831Kost 11262Kreisen 10876, 11474LG 10856, 11178Magnavox 11866, 10802, 11198, 11365,11990Maxent 11755, 11714, 11757MB Quart 11868Micro 11436Mintek 11603, 11990Mitsubishi 11250NEC 11797, 12026Niko 11581Norcent 11365, 11591Norwood Micro 11286, 11296NuVision 11657Olevia 11610, 11144, 11240Philips 11483Planar 11496Polaroid 11262, 11276, 11316, 11341,11538, 11687, 11762, 11766,11767, 11769, 12063Prima 11785Protron 11320, 11323Puneet 11546RCA 10047, 11781RevolutionHD 11623Runco 11629Sampo 11755, 11597Samsung 10812, 10766, 10814, 11575,11632Sansui 11409Sceptre 10878, 11217, 11360, 11599Scott 11711Sharp 10093Sherwood 11399Signet 11262Skyworth 11799Solarism 11220Sole 11031, 11366, 11377, 11483,11530, 11623, 12075, 12076Sony 11685, 11786, 11791Sova 11320Soyo 11546, 11746, 11824, 11826,11828, 11830, 11831SunBrite 11420, 11435Superscan 10864SVA 10587, 10871Sylvania 11864, 10171, 11314Symphonic 10171Syntax 11610, 11144, 11240Tatung 11286Techview 10847, 12004Toshiba 11343TruTech 11723Ultra 11323US Logic 11286Venturer 11865Vidikron 11398, 11629Viewsonic 10857, 10864, 10885, 11330,11578, 11627, 11742, 12014Viore 11684, 11811Visart 11336Vizio 11758, 10864, 10885, 11756Westinghouse 10885, 10889, 10890, 11282,11577WinBook 11381, 11503Wyse 11365Zenith 11265Plasma TV'sAkai 10812, 11675, 11207, 11688Albatron 10843AOC 11590Aomni 11623BenQ 11032Daewoo 10661Dell 11264<strong>Delta</strong> 11369Electrograph 11755, 11623Erae 11222ESA 10812Fujitsu 10186, 10683, 10853, 12008Gateway 11755, 11001, 11756H & B 11366Helios 10865Hewlett Packard 11089Hitachi 10797, 12143, 12243HP 11089iLo 11684JVC 10731LG 10178, 10856Magnavox 11866Marantz 10704, 11398Maxent 11755, 11757Mitsubishi 10836Monivision 10843Motorola 10835Moxell 10835Nakamichi 11493NEC 11398, 11704NetTV 11755Norcent 10824, 11089, 11590Norwood Micro 11303Panasonic 10250Philips 10690Pioneer 11398Polaroid 10865, 11276, 11327, 11328Prima 11785Proview 10835Puneet 11546Pvision 11222RevolutionHD 11623Runco 11398Sampo 11755, 11597Samsung 10812, 11632Sole 11623Sony 10000, 11317Studio Experience 10843SVA 10865Tatung 11101, 11287, 11288, 11756Toshiba 11704US Logic 11303Viewsonic 11755, 10797Viore 11207, 11684Vizio 11758, 11756Yamaha 10797Zenith 10178additional informationThe UEI <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>remote</strong> control doesnot have any user serviceable parts.Opening the case, except for the batterycover, may cause permanent damage toyour <strong>remote</strong> control.No part of this publication may bereproduced, transmitted, transcribed,stored in any retrieval system, or translatedto any language, in any form orby any means, electronic, mechanical,magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise,without the prior written permission of<strong>Universal</strong> Electronics Inc.All other product or service names arethe property of their respective owners.Copyright <strong>Universal</strong> Electronics Inc.,2008.M3068 8/08Fol

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