April Newsletter 2011 - St. Elizabeth Catholic High School - the York ...
April Newsletter 2011 - St. Elizabeth Catholic High School - the York ...
April Newsletter 2011 - St. Elizabeth Catholic High School - the York ...
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HIGHLIGHTSTHE MISSION OF ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLis to value learning and excellence through collaboration andinnovation as a <strong>Catholic</strong> community.A Publication for Parents of <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Community Volume 1 Issue 3 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>The Global Culture Club of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> CHS is a group of students whothrough <strong>the</strong>ir ongoing efforts, have annually raised funds to support <strong>the</strong>community at <strong>St</strong>. Gaspar by providing funds for clean drinking waterthrough <strong>the</strong> construction of a windmill and educational resources. Thisgroup has been nominated for this year’s Character Community Awardsheld on <strong>April</strong> 27th at <strong>the</strong> Richmond Hill Centre for <strong>the</strong> Performing Arts.• From L: Mrs. Teresa Ciaravella, Trustee; Mrs. Angela Di Prima,Principal; Mr. Martin Chu Morrison and Mrs. Jemille Chu Morrison, ClubModerators; Thomas Yu, Tina Nguyen, Gary Ho, student nominees; andMs. Patricia Preston, Associate Director of <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> District<strong>School</strong> Board.A LENTEN REFLECTIONWhen our hearts are troubled, Jesus says: “Peace be withyou”When we remember those who have died, Jesus says: “Peacebe with you”When we look at <strong>the</strong> troubles in our community and around<strong>the</strong> world, Jesus says:“Peace be with you”When we look to <strong>the</strong> future and hope is hard to find, Jesussays: “Peace be with you”Loving Jesus, may we always be aware of Your love and mercy in ourlives. May we beleive that You are living in our selves, our friends andeven our enemies.May <strong>the</strong> gift of reverence be ours today.May we become discerning believers formed in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> faith communityby looking for Jesus in everyone.God of love, may you take away all our doubts and may your peace beours, now and always. Amen.AN EXTRAORDINARYCATHOLICTEACHINGAND LEARNINGCOMMUNITYMrs. Angela Di Prima, PrincipalWith each newsletter, I have anopportunity to share <strong>the</strong> richand diverse activities which make<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>a teaching and learning communityof excellence. Repeatedly, ourstudents shine, whe<strong>the</strong>r performingin our school musical, competing inlocal competitions or simply in <strong>the</strong>daily participation of learnng in <strong>the</strong>classroom and through our extracurricularactivies.In this Easter season and as weprepare to celebrate <strong>Catholic</strong>Education Week, <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>me ofCelebrating <strong>the</strong> Spirit is aliveand well at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong>. It isthis Spirit that works through <strong>the</strong>hearts and hands of our staff as weguide our students, your children,through <strong>the</strong>ir intellectual growthand faith formation into discerningbelievers. I invite you to enjoythis newsletter that celebrates <strong>the</strong>teaching and learning highlights of<strong>the</strong> last few months and to ensureyou mark your calendar with ourEvents Calendar on Page 12.As you read <strong>the</strong> articles in thislatest edition of our schoolnewsletter, you will see howour community of staff andstudents live out <strong>the</strong> meaningof <strong>Catholic</strong> education throughcurriculum that is meaningfuland has faith in action at it’score. Thank you parents andstaff for helping our students“take up <strong>the</strong> challenge ofgrowing into a sense of who[<strong>the</strong>y] are as Christians so that[<strong>the</strong>y] can develop <strong>the</strong> talents[<strong>the</strong>y] have been given andbring <strong>the</strong> best of [<strong>the</strong>mselves]to <strong>the</strong> society in which [<strong>the</strong>y]will be living”Celebrating <strong>the</strong> SpirtGod bless!From L: Lauren del Rio,performer; Angela Di Prima,Principal; and Michelle Janzenat <strong>the</strong> 19th Annual <strong>York</strong> RegionPolice Appreciation Dinnerwhich was held on <strong>April</strong> 28that Le Parc. Congratulatians toLauren who sung beautifully asalways.I will make everyone feel welcomed and appreCIAted. I will value all people as children of God. I will use my words to help and not harm.Y O R K C a t h o l i c E d u c a t i o n C e n t r e
FROM THE CHAPLAINCY DEPARTMENTMrs. I. Mancuso, Chaplaincy Team LeaderThe month of Marchwas a busy one inChaplaincy. Westarted <strong>the</strong> monthwith <strong>the</strong> OrdinandiDinner on March 1stwith <strong>the</strong> Sera Club.Five of our studentsattended this event:Kristen Mendonca,Melissa Siu-Chong,Michael Caravetta,Anica Mangalam, and Suzanne Medeiros. This dinner was tohonour fourteen newly ordained priests in our local communitiesand <strong>the</strong> students had a wonderful opportunity to listen to <strong>the</strong>ircall stories to God’s ministry. On March 9th, we started our LentenSeason with <strong>the</strong> distribution of ashes to all <strong>the</strong> homeroom classesand have continued spreading <strong>the</strong> message of hope with specialmorning prayers. Fa<strong>the</strong>r Felix Linatoc has been providing <strong>the</strong>Sacrament of Reconciliation to any and all students interested inreceiving it in <strong>the</strong> Chapel. We are very blessed to be providing ourstudents with an opportunity to come to God and leave behind <strong>the</strong>irburdens so that <strong>the</strong>y can journey <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> way in peace. Wewill conclude our Lenten journey with our Easter Liturgy on <strong>April</strong>27th.This Lenten season has also been marked with a special collectionfor <strong>the</strong> Missionaries of <strong>the</strong> Poor. Our school community has beenasked to bring in non-perishable food items and nursery clo<strong>the</strong>s andtoys for those children left orphaned in Nairobi, Africa. I am surethat our school community will give generously, as <strong>the</strong>y always have.On March 24th and 25th, <strong>the</strong> Chaplaincy Team ran a very successfulThinkfast Event in our Chapel. Close to 100 students participatedand we raised over $4,300.00 for <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Gaspar <strong>School</strong> Projectin Tanzania. We are very proud of <strong>the</strong> hard work that Martin andJemille Chu Morrison along with <strong>the</strong> Global Culture Club put intothis school project. Our annual Thinkfast events have been proudlysponsoring this project for <strong>the</strong> past five years. Thank you to all <strong>the</strong>dedicated student leaders that organized this event – <strong>the</strong>y did anamazing job! Also, thank you to <strong>the</strong> students that participated inthis year’s event – we hope <strong>the</strong>y had a good experience. Finally, thankyou to our teacher helpers, Ms. Pirrello, Ms.Shih, Ms. Buchignaniand Fa<strong>the</strong>r Felix Linatoc who helped to supervise this event andensure that our students had fun and were safe.Our wonderful Peer Ministers have been leading our grade nineswith <strong>the</strong>ir religion retreats for <strong>the</strong> past two months and we are veryproud of <strong>the</strong>ir hard work and dedication to <strong>the</strong>ir role as spiritualleaders of our school. As well, <strong>the</strong> months of <strong>April</strong> and May are ourrecruitment times for new students to come forward who mightbe interested in <strong>the</strong> role of Peer Minister. This position is a twoyearcommitment and offered to any current grade nine or tenstudent. Due to <strong>the</strong> large volume of interest in this position,interviews are conducted to help us in <strong>the</strong> final selectionof 40 new Peer Ministers who will all attend an amazingTorch Leadership Training Program at Mount Alverno inSeptember.What we are most excited about this year is our ShareLifeWalk-A-Thon on May 31st. This year’s event is marked bymany FIRSTS; it will be our FIRST full day Sharelife eventat <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> and it wasalso <strong>the</strong> FIRST time we hada television celebrity, ZackWerner, Canadian Idol judge,joining us in raising moneyfor ShareLife. The ten specialagencies we are sponsoringthis year are: The Office of<strong>Catholic</strong> Youth, CovenantHouse, Sancta MariaHouse, Our Place of Hope, Office of Refugees, Societyof Sharing, Rosalie Hall, <strong>St</strong>reet Heaven, Developmentand Peace, and Vita Center. Mr. Werner has volunteeredhis time to be with us on May 31 to judge <strong>the</strong> top 5 studentswho raised <strong>the</strong> most money for ShareLife and who signedup to partake in this Idol Competition. The competitionwill take place in <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>atre on <strong>the</strong> afternoon of May 31and anyone who purchases a $2.00 ticket for this event canwatch and vote for <strong>the</strong>ir favouite singer. Our hope, and thatof Mr. Werner, is to raise a lot more money for <strong>the</strong> ShareLifeagencies which do a lot of good work in our communities andwith young people who are marginalized. Give generouslyand let’s all build a legacy of celebration and fun memorieswith this event!Wishing you all had a joyful Easter Holiday with familyand friends, and remember that, yes, Jesus loves youunconditionally as your Fa<strong>the</strong>r in Heaven loves you:For God so loved <strong>the</strong> world that He gave His only begottenSon, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, buthave eternal life. For God did not send <strong>the</strong> Son into <strong>the</strong>world to judge <strong>the</strong> world, but that <strong>the</strong> world should besaved through Him.- John 3:16-17<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>School</strong> Councilwould like to thank <strong>the</strong> following parents for<strong>the</strong>ir generosity in supporting our schoolCyril Aylward, Enzo Garritano, Gloria Ghan, Jaime Melo,Mario Montagner, Ivan Phillip, Tony Wong2 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>
ST. ELIZABETH’S ANYTHINGGOES PRODUCTIONMs. J. Shih, Science TeacherBRAVO! This year’s musical production, ‘Anything Goes’took to <strong>the</strong> stage at <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> District <strong>School</strong> Board Centrefor <strong>the</strong> Arts from <strong>April</strong> 6 to 9, after countless hours of preparationby <strong>the</strong> talented cast and teachers involved in <strong>the</strong> show. Featuringmusic by <strong>the</strong> legendary Cole Porter, <strong>the</strong> show was a feast for <strong>the</strong> sensethat showcased <strong>the</strong> artistic talents of our students, from actors todancers, as well as musicians to backstage and technical constructionteams. As <strong>the</strong> curtains opened, <strong>the</strong> audience was welcomed aboarda 1930s cruise ship – The SS American. The beautiful stage set<strong>the</strong> scene for our characters, and we followed <strong>the</strong> stories of a youngcouple in love, a gangster’s rise to infamy, and an Evangelist turnednight club singer. The audience was kept engaged and in stitches, as<strong>the</strong>y witnessed <strong>the</strong> antics onboard, and listened to <strong>the</strong> band serenade ardently below deck. Each show was received with great appreciation from <strong>the</strong>audience, whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> seats were filled with students from elementary schools, senior citizens from <strong>the</strong> local community, or <strong>the</strong> parents, students andstaff from our school community. Thank you to everyone who took <strong>the</strong> time to support <strong>the</strong> enormous cast and crew involved in this show.The energy of <strong>the</strong> students involved lit up <strong>the</strong> stage during each afternoon and evening show. Before each performance, <strong>the</strong>y would collectively cheer;“What Goes?! Anything Goes!” and throw <strong>the</strong>ir arms in <strong>the</strong> air, building enthusiasm and camaraderie before warming up <strong>the</strong>ir voices for <strong>the</strong> stage. Thesuccess of this show is truly a reflection of <strong>the</strong>ir dedication and spirit, as well as <strong>the</strong> remarkable contributions of our staff. Thanks must be expressedto <strong>the</strong> creative directors: Ms. Jaworkskyj, Mr. Lettieri, Ms. Janzen, Ms. DiMillo, Ms. Williams and Ms. Dowson for <strong>the</strong> time and talent <strong>the</strong>yinvested in this production. Thank you is also extended to <strong>the</strong> teachers who worked backstage: Ms. Simone who prepared hair, make-up and costumesfor <strong>the</strong> cast; Mr. Speare and Mr. Shrubsole, who meticulously designed <strong>the</strong> lighting and sound; and Mr. Cheng, Mr. Fernandes, Ms. Mansell andMr. Han for <strong>the</strong>ir musical contributions in <strong>the</strong> ‘pit’. Mr. DeRose, Ms. Sorbera, Ms. Volpe,Ms. Guinci, and Ms. Walcott were also instrumental in organizing ticket and concession sales.A special thanks is given to Ms. Carey and Ms. Meehan who worked thanklessly to promoteour show through posters, bulletins, announcements and more! And finally, thanks are extendedto <strong>the</strong> administration, especially Mr. Walsh, for <strong>the</strong>ir support in making this venture a successfor our students. It was a memorable experience for everyone involved.CA<strong>St</strong>Jennifer Commisso, Sarah Doyle, Daniel Denino, Shane Preston, Sarah Forestieri,Marina Agostino, Michael Daneluzzi, Luke Pieroni, Alessandra Manieri, MaddisonHartloff, Richard Mojica, Alysha Natalie, Thomas Santoro, Daniela Cerrone, MelissaCultraro, Simona Genga, Rachel Lloyd, Jacob <strong>St</strong>ellato, Andrew Mariano, Dustin O’Brien, Rey Reyes Suico, Vanessa Cocuzzo, ElisaNatarelli, Sara Francavilla, Mariya Bobyl’ova, Julia Natalie, Jenna Ciccoritti, Adriana Parente, Cassandra Morello, Helen Finkle,Brittany Chow, Arabella Dunzl, Ariana DelBianco, Elisabeth Feliciani, Daniela Agostino, Chantal Balintec, Prince Edoh, LaurenMazzuco, Sophia McKernan, Cristina Doria, Roselyn D’Ascanio, Alessandra Masi, Crista Vinelli, and Sophia Procopio.CrewSet Construction Crew: Daniel Bruni, Christian Bozza, Adam Iannelli, Anthony Oggiano, Christian Venditti, David Filipelli, Viktors Kudrjasovs,Richard Maclean, J.C. Olazo, Eunhye Lee, Michael Daneluzzi, Nick Acosta, Andrew Goulart, Sammy Gagliardi, <strong>St</strong>even Mirasola, Nick Corvese, CelineTang, Nick Tarsitano, and Ryan Chevrefils; Lighting Crew: Nicholas Corvese, Kierra Leyco, Nick Tarsitano; Sound Crew: Celene Tang and JordanMorris; <strong>St</strong>age Crew: Ryan Chevrefils and <strong>St</strong>even MirasolaOrchestraKevin-Jay Arizo, Chantel Belanger, Ronnell Bisnar, JuliannaCampo, A.J. Camuti-Ing, Joyce Caracas, Ryan Coccimiglio, Mat<strong>the</strong>wCommisso, Darren Conche, <strong>St</strong>ephanie De Luca, Luke Fraccaro, MarkFraccaro, <strong>St</strong>afania Geer, Shayna Goldenberg, Jacinda Goulding,Sabrina La Mantia, Concetta Pelligra, Nancy Pham, Isabella Resendes,Alex Schilback, Nicholas Selvaggi, Precious Semella, Claudia Tersigni,John-Kenneth Quibael, Andrea Varga, Francesca Volpe, and NicholasZito.Teacher Orchestra: Mr. Cheng, Mr. Fernandes, Mrs. Janzen, Mr. Lettieri,Ms. Mansell, Ms. Shih<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 3
WHAT AN EXCITING SECOND SEMESTER FOR OUR MODERNLANGUAGES DEPARTMENT!Here are some of <strong>the</strong> <strong>High</strong>lights:LE BLOG SUR LA MACHINE à RAJEUNIRMlle Guinci, Modern Languages Department<strong>St</strong>udents in Mlle Guinci’s FSF 2D Academic French class embarked on a blogging journey when <strong>the</strong>ywalked into class <strong>the</strong> first day of semester two. For many students, it was <strong>the</strong> first time <strong>the</strong>y hadparticipated in a class blog. Indeed, <strong>the</strong> FSF 2D bloggers quickly and eagerly entered into dialogue andbegan blogging and sharing thoughts, ideas, and opinions to facilitate <strong>the</strong>ir understanding of <strong>the</strong> shortstory La Machine à Rajeunir by well-known French-Canadian writer Denis Côté. I think <strong>the</strong> blog is a greatway for students to learn, be creative, and have fun! They really enjoyed sharing <strong>the</strong>ir work with <strong>the</strong>irclassmates and commenting on <strong>the</strong>ir friends’ posts. Blogging really helped students build <strong>the</strong>ir writingskills and become better writers, both in content and mechanics, in an exciting and engaging manner,while pushing <strong>the</strong>m to think, reason, and consider <strong>the</strong>mselves, <strong>the</strong>ir lives, and how people treat o<strong>the</strong>rs.The most exciting part of blogging with <strong>the</strong> students for me was seeing <strong>the</strong>m take learning beyond what Ihad planned and expected. The students took a lot of pride in <strong>the</strong>ir blogs and took ownership of <strong>the</strong>ir learning.LE CARNAVAL DE ST. ELIZABETH!Amanda Chiodo, Grade 9 Moderns CouncilYou could truly feel <strong>the</strong> spirit in <strong>the</strong> halls of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> CHS as ourstudent body happily chanted “Vive le Carnaval! Vive le Carnaval!”From February 15 to 18, <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> Modern Languages Councilproudly hosted what was said to be our most successful Carnaval yet! In Quebec,this annual tradition of games, food, and fun celebrates <strong>the</strong> coming of <strong>the</strong> winterseason but, most importantly, embraces <strong>the</strong> beauty of French-Canadian culture –which is exactly what <strong>the</strong> Moderns Council wanted <strong>St</strong>. E’s to experience first-hand.To kick off this amazing week, <strong>the</strong> school enjoyed listening to many wonderfulprayers on <strong>the</strong> announcements, read by our Nations United Club in <strong>the</strong>ir nativetongues like Portuguese, Russian, Italian, French and Tagalog, to name a few,and some cultural French songs provided by Mlle Guinci. <strong>St</strong>udents also had asurprise homeroom quiz, featuring some interesting and tricky Carnaval triviawith a delicious breakfast at stake.Félicitations goes to Mr. Aharonian’s class who successfully answeredall <strong>the</strong> questions correctly and were rewarded with a hot breakfast toenjoy. Throughout <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> week many council members took itupon <strong>the</strong>mselves to organise several fun and festive activities on <strong>the</strong> cafeteriastage during all three lunches, some of which included <strong>the</strong> Human Snow SculptureContest and <strong>the</strong> Toque et Écharpe Relay Race. Mr. Chetty’s grade 12 RAP class alsogot into <strong>the</strong> spirit by providing us with some intricately designed ice sculpturesto view in <strong>the</strong> courtyard – Formidable! However, <strong>the</strong> highlight of <strong>the</strong> event had tobe <strong>the</strong> Crêpe Café that sold freshly-made, mouth-watering crêpes filled with icecream and many o<strong>the</strong>r toppings. Their aroma was so enticing it even attractedBonhomme Carnaval himself! The jolly mascot took advantage of <strong>the</strong> entire dayand enjoyed mingling, dancing and taking lots of pictures with staff and students.As <strong>the</strong> week came to a close, <strong>the</strong> Moderns Council was thrilled to see that <strong>the</strong>irmessage of embracing cultural diversity got out to <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> community –it was surely a week to remember! A special thank you goes out to <strong>the</strong> entireModern Languages Department for <strong>the</strong>ir continued support and organization,Moderns Council members, and many o<strong>the</strong>r staff for <strong>the</strong>ir help. We would alsolike to thank our sponsors Café Crêpe and No Frills for <strong>the</strong> fabulous donations.Vive le Carnaval, et à l’année prochaine!4 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>
Heartbeat DaysMrs. A. DiPietro, Religion TeacherHeartbeat Days have been an integral tradition of<strong>the</strong> Religion Department for over 15 years.Each semester, over a period of two days, <strong>the</strong>Religion teachers invite various benevolentorganizations from <strong>the</strong> community to share<strong>the</strong>ir knowledge and expertise with <strong>the</strong> studentsin <strong>the</strong>ir Religion classes. These <strong>the</strong>me-basedpresentations directly correspond with <strong>the</strong>curriculum in each grade level.Over <strong>the</strong> years, we’ve been fortunate tohave welcomed <strong>the</strong> following organizations:Covenant House, L’Arche Daybreak,Wildfire, Engineers without borders, PFLAG(Parents and friends of lesbians and gays),Caritas, MADD (Mo<strong>the</strong>rs against drunkdriving), Right to Life, Salt and Light<strong>Catholic</strong> Media Foundation, YouthSpeak,TLC Pregnancy Centre, Yellow Brick House,Rose of Sharon, Right to Life, Free <strong>the</strong>Children and various o<strong>the</strong>r organizations. Inaddition, we’ve also attended presentations fromrepresentatives of different faith communities,as well as participated in yoga, Tai Chi andmeditation sessions.From <strong>the</strong> start, this teacher-driven initiativewas designed to provide <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> studentsopportunities to receive practical informationregarding various social issues affecting today’syouth. Repeatedly, students have expressed<strong>the</strong>ir gratitude for being afforded opportunitiesto expand <strong>the</strong>ir learning experiences beyond <strong>the</strong>textbook. On <strong>the</strong> same note, presenters have beengrateful for <strong>the</strong> chance to connect directly withyoung adults to provide <strong>the</strong>m with <strong>the</strong> necessarytools to make informative life decisions.In closing, we hope in <strong>the</strong> future, to continue with<strong>the</strong> Heartbeat initiative, and provide studentswith diverse learning experiences which connect<strong>the</strong>m directly with <strong>the</strong> community.Congratulationsto two staff nominated for <strong>the</strong>Character Community Awards:Mrs. Jemille Chu Morrisonand Mr. Fred Galang<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> 17 TH Annual Horticultural Plant SaleThursday, May 19 •7 am to 5 pmIn <strong>the</strong> GreenhouseWe will be offering <strong>the</strong> usual selection of annuals, perennials, vegetablesand assorted containers of exceptionally high quality at exceptionally fair prices.If you would like a list of plants or any o<strong>the</strong>r information,please contact Mr. N. Shrubsole at nathan.shrubsole@ycdsb.ca6 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>
Sharelife Agencies that will be sponsored - <strong>2011</strong>:1. Office of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth (youth center for <strong>Catholic</strong>s)2. Covenant House (center for homeless youth of Toronto)3. Sancta Maria House (Home for young women in need of supportivehousing and counselling)4. Our Place of Hope (support for <strong>the</strong> elderly and physically challenged)5. Office of Refugees (new immigrants)6. Society of Sharing (recruit, train and place volunteers to provideservices to seniors and disabled persons in Toronto)7. Rosalie Hall (young parent resource centre)8. <strong>St</strong>reet Heaven (homeless women shelter)9. Development and Peace (supporting peace and advocacy for human rightsin 70 developing countrie)10. Vita Center (center for pregnant women and <strong>the</strong>ir children withopportunities to enhance <strong>the</strong>ir well-being, build <strong>the</strong>irfaith and live to <strong>the</strong>ir fullest potential)BRAVO STRING ORCHESTRAMrs. S. Mansell, Music TeacherSHARELIFEWALKATHONIDOL COMPETITION<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is offering a uniquefundraising opportunity to students who love to sing! • Thetop five money–raisers will get a chance to compete in frontof <strong>the</strong>ir peers and Canadian Idol judge Zack Werner. Thegrand prize is a set of lessons at Mr. Werner’s iSTARS schoolfor artistic and musical development. Hopeful competitorsshould prepare one song to sing and a short explanation ofwhy <strong>the</strong>y collected <strong>the</strong> money and why <strong>the</strong>y feel <strong>the</strong>y shouldwin. • iSTARS is a Performing Arts Centre specializing inArtistic Development for musicians. The centre aspires toproduce <strong>the</strong> best results by offering a positive environmentwith skilled, successful award winning professionals, worldclass equipment, and a unique program. Please visit www.istars.ca for more information.The Idol Singing Competition will take place in <strong>the</strong> afternoonafter <strong>the</strong> Walkathon.Details for <strong>the</strong> Competition:Competitors: 5 students who raise <strong>the</strong> mostmoney for ShareLifeWhen: Tuesday, May 31, <strong>2011</strong>Time:12:30 – 1:30 pmWhere:Audience:<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> TheatreAny students or family memberswishing to watch <strong>the</strong> competition willbe asked for a $2 donation. Audiencemembers will get to vote for <strong>the</strong>irfavourite singer.Congratulations to <strong>the</strong> members of <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>St</strong>ring Orchestrafor <strong>the</strong>ir amazing Music Alive performance on <strong>April</strong> 11th at <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong><strong>Catholic</strong> District <strong>School</strong> Board Centre for <strong>the</strong> Arts. In only <strong>the</strong>ir secondyear as a group, <strong>the</strong> ensemble received a top rating of PLATINUM andan invitation to participate in <strong>the</strong> MusicFest nationals in Ottawa nextyear. In addition, our students were featured in a Rogers televisionspecial on music in <strong>York</strong> Region. Bravo to all performers for <strong>the</strong>irhard work, professionalism and teamwork! The <strong>St</strong>ring Orchestralooks forward to entertaining audiences at <strong>the</strong> Spring Concert on May12th. Members of <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>ring Orchestra are: Tricia Aberin, ChantelBalintec, Brittany Chow, <strong>St</strong>ephanie DeLuca, Robert DiGirolamo,Amanda MacDonald, Ignacia Mortera, Isabella Resendes,Christina Byun, Grace Chung, Isabella Lim, Luke Pieroni, AndreaGraham, Katarina Resendes, and Ashley Tjon-Hing.On June 14 and 15, <strong>2011</strong>, students inGrade 9 applied and academic ma<strong>the</strong>maticscourses in our school are required toparticipate in <strong>the</strong> province-wide Grade 9Assessment of Ma<strong>the</strong>matics. Attendanceis mandatory on <strong>the</strong>se dates so parents are asked not toschedule any appointments for your child. • This assessment,administered by <strong>the</strong> Education Quality and AccountabilityOffice (EQAO) for all students working toward a Grade 9 appliedor academic ma<strong>the</strong>matics credit in a publicly funded school,measures each student’s achievement against <strong>the</strong> expectationsof The Ontario Curriculum. The test consists of two assessmentbooklets, and students are given 50 minutes to complete eachbooklet. <strong>St</strong>udents will take <strong>the</strong> assessment in <strong>the</strong>ir regularclassrooms with <strong>the</strong>ir teachers and are encouraged to do <strong>the</strong>irbest and show what <strong>the</strong>y know. A portion of <strong>the</strong> assessment willcount towards your child’s final mark in <strong>the</strong> Grade 9 ma<strong>the</strong>maticscourse. <strong>St</strong>udents are encouraged to prepare for this exam bypracticing exams from previous years that are posted on <strong>the</strong>EQAO website at [ http://www.eqao.com ]www.eqao.com.<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 7
ST. ELIZABETH PANTHERATHLETICS UPDATEMs. N. Filice, Head of Health and PhysicalEducationThe Winter <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> Pan<strong>the</strong>r AthleticTeams have completed <strong>the</strong>ir season. Listedbelow are <strong>the</strong> teams and <strong>the</strong> highlights of<strong>the</strong>ir season.Swim Team – coached by Mrs. Iannucci,Ms. Kata, and Mrs. ScarboroughPedram Abdolazizi Edith LamJohn Carlo Agostini Natalie LettieriIsabella Carelli Nicolas LioktsisSofia CarelliAlessandra MariniSarah Carnevale Joel McQuaid<strong>St</strong>even Chung John PetrakosMihnea-Petru Anthony PasquarielloConstantinescu Catie Su<strong>the</strong>rlandFrancesco Corrado Erica <strong>St</strong>urinoAlexandra Goudis Sara TonioloDanielle Galati Sarah Su<strong>the</strong>rlandChristina Gorman Carolina UscateguiArielle Christine Isalo Cynthia UndyantaraTishon Jno-Baptiste Jesse VenturoDiana Koncan Julia ValentNatalie Krokovsky Jonathan VillaAlvarezCongratulations to all swim team memberson a great season! Special mention goes to<strong>the</strong> following girls for placing in <strong>the</strong> top threeat <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong> Region Championship meet a<strong>the</strong> Junior level: Cynthia Undyantara forfinishing first in <strong>the</strong> 100 meter IM as wellas <strong>the</strong> following girls for finishing third in<strong>the</strong> 200 meter medley relay – Sara Toniolo,Cynthia Undyantara, Carolina Uscategui,Sarah Su<strong>the</strong>rland and Christina Gorman.Senior Boys’ Hockey Team – coached byMr. Cugliari and Mr. LayneDaniel Cultraro Matt PasutVictor Cicione Dan PeragineMike Cuddemi LucasJoey DiNardo QuattrochiocchiZack DiTomaso Michael RossiAndrew Freitas Eric SpurrellJonathan Graziani Anthony <strong>St</strong>abileDan IerulloChristian TetiMitchell King Michael TetiJason Masucci Matt GulloThe Senior Boys’ Hockey team finished <strong>the</strong>irregular season in first place. The SeniorPan<strong>the</strong>rs defeated Alexander Mackenzie HSin <strong>the</strong> quarter final round, <strong>the</strong>n defeated <strong>St</strong>.Theresa of Lisieux CHS in <strong>the</strong> semi finalround. The team <strong>the</strong>n went onto to <strong>the</strong><strong>York</strong> Region finals and were defeated intwo straight games by a strong Bro<strong>the</strong>rAndre team. Congratulations on atremendous season!Boys’ Wrestling Team – coached by Mr.MorettoKwasi Amoateng <strong>St</strong>efano FontanaAdamo Boccitto Jonathon MolloyJerry Caravatto Tristan Nurse IsaacCartegenaJ.C. OlazoDavid Dapapa Daniel PalomoDaniel DeFelice Ramon ReyJulian DiGiovanni Thomas SiloraDylan Doyle Julius TrimmelitiChristian FazzariThe Boys’ Wrestling team had a fantasticseason doing well in <strong>the</strong> invitationalmeets. The team finished in third placein <strong>the</strong> boys category at <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong> RegionChampionship meet. The followingathletes finished in <strong>the</strong> top four in <strong>the</strong>ircategory: Kwasi Amoateng – 2nd, IsaacCartegena – 4th, David Dapapa – 1st,Daniel DeFelice – 2nd, Jonathan Malloy– 2nd, Tristan Nurse – 1st, Daniel Palomo– 4th. The following six wrestlers qualifiedto compete at <strong>the</strong> OFSAA championships:Kwasi Amoeteng, Isaac Cartegena, DavidDapapa, Daniel DeFelice, Jonathan Malloyand Tristan Nurse.Congratulations to all team members on agreat season!Junior Girls’ Volleyball Team –coached by Ms. Filice and Mr. ScrimesNicole Alessandrini Simona PettiSabrina D’Amario Nicole SimeoniIsabella Gallucci Melissa SimoneDaniela Gaudio Sarah Su<strong>the</strong>rlandEmily Goldasic Amanda TonioloDanielle Lauzon Sara TonioloAmanda PapeNicole TurcoThe Junior Girls’ Volleyball team finished<strong>the</strong>ir regular season in fourth place andqualified for <strong>the</strong> playoff round. The JuniorPan<strong>the</strong>rs played with determinationand effort but did not defeat <strong>St</strong>. Theresaof Lisieux CHS in <strong>the</strong> first round of <strong>the</strong>playoffs. The team attended <strong>the</strong> AlexanderMackenzie HS invitational tournamentwhere everyone on <strong>the</strong> team played andhad fun. Congratulations to all teammembers on a fantastic season!Senior Girls’ Volleyball Team – coachedby Ms. Wu and Ms. McKeoughDesirae Agcaoili Andria KatsiosOlivia Calouro Isabella KimAlessia D’Ambrosio Alyssa McQuaidAmanda De Facendis Adrienne <strong>St</strong>a AnaJoy EdohCa<strong>the</strong>rine Su<strong>the</strong>rlandKaren Ho<strong>Elizabeth</strong> TonioloThe Senior Girls’ Volleyball team finished<strong>the</strong>ir regular season in fifth place and did notmake it to <strong>the</strong> playoff round. Congratulationsto all team members on a great season!Junior Boys’ Basketball Team – coachedby Mr. Milsom, Mr. Romano, Mr. Barbieriand Mr. HullKeno Jay AguiarRay BorjaJustin DeBucRandy DotonCollins EdohTristan FranciscoPatrick GracianoChristian LazaroThe Junior Boys’ Basketball team finished<strong>the</strong>ir season in first place in Tier 2 and wentto <strong>the</strong> playoff round. The hard working anddetermined junior pan<strong>the</strong>rs made it to <strong>the</strong>finals and defeated Aurora <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> tocapture <strong>York</strong> Region Gold finishing in firstplace. Congratulations to all team memberson a fantastic season!Senior Boys’ Basketball Team – coachedby Mr. Milsom, Mr. Romano, Mr. Barbieriand Mr. HullClinton BangsoyAnthony BrunoCassidy CamachoKevin ChiarantanoDavid DapapaDaniel DenicolaNinara EashoRodney FajardoRamon GonzalesHerrick LukChristopher NarcisoKevin OppongJustin PalacayMarquise SwabyDaniel VasicNathan VellozoMark JamorabonJean Carlo JaramilloMunozJason LomboyJohn RobertMarasiganFrits PenecillaLucas RaschellaTreden SimonBrandon SolisMichele VolpeThe Senior Boys’ Basketball team had a goodseason finishing in third place in <strong>the</strong> regularseason. The team <strong>the</strong>n went to <strong>the</strong> Tier 1playoff round but lost <strong>the</strong> first game to <strong>St</strong>.Jean de Brebeuf CHS. Congratulations to allteam members on a great season!8 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>
Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding Team –coached by Mr. Cheng, Mr. Layne & Ms. WuMichael Baranov Amanda LawA.J. Camuti-Ing Nancy MerocchiMariah Cestra Luke PieroniDominique Corrao Alexander SepeLucas DeBiasio Thomas SikoraMichael DiCesare Eric SpurrellJordan Dimopoulos Vanessa TarasioDavid Erakovic Kristen ThomAlyssia Generali Tyler TsangBohdan KotikBrianna ZitellaCongratulations to all downhill skiers andsnowboarders. Special mention goes toNancy Merocchi for qualifying for <strong>the</strong> OFSAAchampionships. Congratulations to all teammembers on a great season!Junior Badminton Team – coached byMr. Sniatenchuk & Ms. WuAlyssa AyadeThomas MazzonnaDale CalbiaOlga MudrachenkoJessica CoffinAlexis PucciOlivia DeBiasioCamilla QuachHolly DiBartolomeo Sarah Su<strong>the</strong>rlandMichael Dodaro Mat<strong>the</strong>w TamTristan Francisco Amanda TonioloAmanda La Mantia OlessiaJohnRyan LauVachtchenkoValentina Laudari Daniel VasicAlexander Lima Pak Hong YuenThe following Senior Badminton teammembers finished in <strong>the</strong> top four at <strong>the</strong> firstround tournament hosted at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong>and qualified to advance to <strong>the</strong> second roundtournament: JR Lau and Tristan Franciscofor doubles, Amanda La Mantia andValentina Laudari for doubles and OlessiaVachtchenko for singles, Camilla Quachand Amanda Toniolo for doubles and DanielVasic and Alexander Lima for doubles. At<strong>the</strong> second round tournament at Holy Cross<strong>Catholic</strong> Academy, <strong>the</strong> following four athletesqualified for <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong> Region Championshiptournament: Camilla Quach and AmandaToniolo for doubles and Daniel Vasic andAlexander Lima for doubles. Good Luck onMay 2nd at <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong> Region Championshiptournament.Senior Badminton Team – coached byMs. Filice & Mr. HoLisa Boulatova, Michael Carcone, FrancescoCiliberto, Daniel Denicola, Angela Galang,Gary Ho, Eric Hui, Jordan Lima, ChloeLoong, Melody Mancini, Daniella Mitchell,Lauren Moretto, Andrew Park, Khoko Sadcopen,Jonathan Sinn, Adrienne <strong>St</strong>a Ana,Catie Su<strong>the</strong>rland, Anthony To, Liz Toniolo,Thomas YuThe following Senior Badminton teammembers finished in <strong>the</strong> top four at <strong>the</strong>first round tournament hosted at <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Elizabeth</strong> and qualified to advance to <strong>the</strong>second round tournament: Liz Tonioloand Catie Su<strong>the</strong>rland finished in secondplace in doubles, Daniella Mitchell finishedin second place in singles, Jordan Limaand Francesco Ciliberto finished in secondplace in doubles, Michael Carcone finishedin third place in singles, Khoko Sadcopenfinished in third place in singles, LaurenMoretto and Angela Galang finish infourth place in doubles. The following threeteam members were subs as <strong>the</strong>y finishedin fifth place – Eric Hui for singles and LisaBoulatova and Gary Ho for doubles. At <strong>the</strong>second round tournament at <strong>St</strong>ephen LewisS.S., Khoko Sadcopen finished in fourthplace in singles and Liz Toniolo and CatieSu<strong>the</strong>rland finished in second place indoubles and qualified to compete at <strong>the</strong> <strong>York</strong>Region Championship tournament on <strong>April</strong>29th. Congratulations to all team memberson a great season and Good Luck to Liz andCatie!The following is a list of <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong>Spring Pan<strong>the</strong>r Athletic Teams <strong>2011</strong>and <strong>the</strong> teachers that have volunteered tocoach:Junior Girls’ Soccer TeamMs. Colburn & Ms. AmeduriSenior Girls’ Soccer TeamMr. <strong>St</strong>urino, Mrs. Carey & Ms. AllegrettoGirls’ Slo-Pitch TeamMs. McKeough & Mr. ChieraSenior Boys’ Rugby TeamMr. Romano & Mr. F. Walsh, Mr. A. Walsh,Mr. R. Walsh & Mr. C. WalshTrack & Field TeamMs. Acacio, Ms. Volpe, Ms. Guinci, & Mrs.BuzdonUltimate Frisbee TeamMr. Sax & Mrs. TitusTable Tennis TeamMs. SpicerST. ELIZABETH PHYSICALAND HEALTH EDUCATIONDEPARTMENTThe Physical and Health Educationdepartment has had a fantastic start tosemester two and are looking forward to<strong>the</strong> some warmer wea<strong>the</strong>r to get outsidefor our outdoor units such as soccer,rugby, flag football, softball and ultimatefrisbee. The grade 9 classes are presentlydoing <strong>the</strong>ir week of CPR and basic firstaid certification. The grade 9 classes willalso experience personal protection/self defense training. The girls’ grade 9classes will also experience a dance unit.The grade 10 classes are looking forwardto going to Seneca College in King Cityfor <strong>the</strong>ir outdoor education field trip andwill experience both rock climbing andswing activities. The grade 11 and 12Fitness focus courses are working out in<strong>the</strong> weight room and <strong>the</strong> girls are doingworkouts such as step, boxercise, circuits,pilates and yoga in <strong>the</strong> gym as well asworkouts in <strong>the</strong> weight room. The grade12 activity course will go play tennis andgolf as well as bowling at facilities nearby.We look forward to focusing on healthyactive living between now and <strong>the</strong> endof <strong>the</strong> semester and allowing students torealize that keeping fit, eating healthy andhaving fun is an extremely important partof <strong>the</strong>ir lifestyle.<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> CHS PromCommittee presentsA <strong>St</strong>arlight Gala<strong>2011</strong> PromProm Faculty Advisors: Ms. M.Buchingnani, Ms. M. Frade, and Mr. N.Romano, Vice-PrincipalCongratulations to all <strong>the</strong> <strong>2011</strong> graduatesof <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> CHS. Join us June 30,<strong>2011</strong> at The Royalton HospitalityInc., 8201 Weston Road, Vaughan forthis year’s prom entitled A <strong>St</strong>arlight Gala.Tickets are $85.00 and <strong>the</strong> last official dayto purchase prom and guest tickets areMay 13, <strong>2011</strong> during all three lunches.The Prom will run from 6:30 pm tomidnight. There will be no refunds andwe will only accept exact cash. Listen forannouncements. We hope this will be anight to remember and cherish as you sayfarewell to <strong>the</strong> graduating year of highschool and embrace a whole new world.<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 9
EVENTSCALENDARM A YMay 4-6 / May 11-13MARKET FAIRWednesday May 4GUITAR CLASS CONCERTFriday May 6SPRING CONCERTMonday May 9P.A. DAY: NO CLASSESWednesday May 11CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCILMEETING, 7:00 pm (Library)Sunday May 15RAP STUDENTS SING ATST. MICHAEL’S CATHEDRAL5:00 pmThursday May 19‘ILLLUMINATI’ VISUAL ARTSFESTIVAL, 7:00 pmThursday May 1917 TH ANNUAL HORTICULTURALBLOWOUT PLANT SALE7:00 am to 5:00 pm in <strong>the</strong>GREENHOUSEMonday May 23VICTORIA DAYThursday May 26DRAMA PERFORMANCE, 7:00 pmTuesday May 31SHARELIFE CARNIVAL DAYTuesday May 31YSCPC AWARDS EVENING, <strong>St</strong>.Maximilian Kolbe CHS, 7:00 pmJ U N EWednesday June 1Thursday June 2YEAR-END DANCE PERFORMANCE7:00 pmFriday June 3GRADE 12 RAP VOCAL RECITALTuesday June 7CLOSING LITURGYWednesday, June 8ATHLETIC AWARDS ASSEMBLY(Period 4)Wednesday June 8CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCILMEETING, 7:00 pm (Library)Friday June 10ARTS AWARDS ASSEMBLY(Period 1)Wednesday June 14STRINGS CONCERT PERFORMANCEThursday June 16REGIONAL ARTS CELEBRATORYEVENING at 7:00 pm (Theatre)Tuesday June 14Wednesday June 15EQAO MATHEMATICS TESTINGWednesday June 15GRADUATION MASS / BREAKFASTWednesday June 22to Tuesday June 28EXAMSTuesday June 28GRADUATION, PARAMOUNTCONFERENCE AND EVENT CENTREWednesday June 29PROM at ROYALTONGRADUATIONWednesday, June 29, <strong>2011</strong> at 7:00 pmPARAMOUNT CONFERENCE & EVENT CENTRE222 Rowntree Dairy Rd., Woodbridge, OntarioA formal invitation was sent home in <strong>April</strong> providing final details andinformation to <strong>the</strong> Parent(s)/Guardian(s). The invitation will specify that 3family members (maximum) will be able to participate in this celebration.STRATFORD SHAKESPEARECHALLENGEMs. R. Jaworskyj, Drama TeacherOn May 5th <strong>the</strong> grade 12 RAP Dramaclass is going to <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>ratford Festival asone of only five finalists in <strong>the</strong> Provinceof Ontario who entered <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>ratfordShakespeare Challenge. I introduced<strong>the</strong> challenge to <strong>the</strong> class in Februaryand <strong>the</strong>y ran with it. They had to pick ascene from a Shakespeare play that wasno longer than 10 minutes. They had amonth to pick, rehearse, perform andfilm <strong>the</strong> scene. The DVD had to get to<strong>St</strong>ratford by Feb 28 for adjudication.The group invited to go on to <strong>St</strong>ratfordchose to perform Act 2, Scene 3 fromTitus Andronicus, which is a play beingperformed at <strong>the</strong> Festival this season.The group members include: DanielaIurato, Alysha Natalie, Richard Mojica,Daniala Cerrone, Shane Preston andEvan Gerolimon.This is a great and very prestigious honourfor <strong>the</strong>se students and for <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong>.I’m sure it will be an entertaining andeye-opening evening of performanceand adjudication. Not many high schoolstudents can boast that <strong>the</strong>y’ve had anopportunity to perform on a <strong>St</strong>ratfordstage.YOU’RE INVITED BY THE GRADE 11RAP DRAMA CLASS TO...COME ONE, COME ALL COMMEDIA- THE GRADE 11 CAFE THATWILL SLAP YOU SILLYENJOY AN EVENING OF COFFEE/TEAAND PASTRIESTHURSDAY, MAY 26, <strong>2011</strong> AT 7:00 PM IN THEYCDSB CENTRE FOR THE ARTSSEATING IS LIMITEDBUY YOUR TICKETS DURING ALLTHREE LUNCHES IN FRONTOF THE CAFETERIAPROCEEDS WILL GO TO FREETHE CHILDREN - BRICK BY BRICKTICKETS ARE $10.0012 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>