CSV statement file format 1. Account statement format. - Swedbank

CSV statement file format 1. Account statement format. - Swedbank

CSV statement file format 1. Account statement format. - Swedbank

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<strong>CSV</strong> <strong>statement</strong> <strong>file</strong> <strong>format</strong>Comma Separated Values or <strong>CSV</strong> is a standard <strong>file</strong> <strong>format</strong> used for spreadsheets and databases. Asthe name suggests, each entry within the <strong>CSV</strong> <strong>file</strong> is separated by a “,” comma or “;”semicolon –can be customized in the bank application.Spreadsheets have no field names so the resulting <strong>file</strong> is simply a collection of entries where thoseon line 1 relate to row A, those on line 2 to row B etc.All spreadsheet and database applications should be able to accept <strong>CSV</strong> <strong>file</strong>s.One <strong>file</strong> will be generated saving one account <strong>statement</strong> to the <strong>file</strong>.<strong>1.</strong> <strong>Account</strong> <strong>statement</strong> <strong>format</strong>.Example line:0130F002688;20;09.1<strong>1.</strong>2001;MĀRTIŅŠ ZUŠMANIS | 090478-11355 | HABALV22 |0151A131313;Day money;4.60;LVL;K;20011109 067759 01;INB;;65Field description:No Description Example Comments<strong>1.</strong> <strong>Account</strong> number 0130F002688 The account number of the<strong>statement</strong>.2. Record type 20 Indicates the type of record.Record type values:Value Description Comments10 Opening balance Specifies whether the opening balance is debit orcredit balance and the amount of the balance.20 Transaction Indicates debit or credit operation.82 Turnover The sum of transaction amounts of multiple creditor debit transfers within the batch.86 Closing balance Specifies whether the closing balance is debit orcredit balance and the amount of the balance.900 Accrued interest The interest amount that has been accrued.3. Transaction date 09.1<strong>1.</strong>2001 Date <strong>format</strong>: DD.MM.YYYY4. Party (The ultimate partyto be credited or paid as aresult of a transfer)MĀRTIŅŠ ZUŠMANIS| 090478-11355 |HABALV22 |0151A131313Name, ID code, bank code, accountnumber are shown. Separatorbetween fields are used ‘|’.5. Details Day money Indicates in<strong>format</strong>ion given fromthe beneficiary/originator.6. Transaction amount 4.60 Decimals are separate with ‘.’ (dot)7. Currency LVL Currency code according to ISO4217.8. Debit/Credit indicator K Indicates whether it is a debit orcredit transaction , balance orlimit. Values: “K” = Credit, “D” =Debit.9. Transaction reference 20011109 067759 01 The unique reference for anindividual transaction within abatch. First 8 symbols specify thedate, in <strong>format</strong>: YYYYMMDD.10. Transaction type INB Booking process identifier.Transaction type values:Value Description Debit/Creditoperation (D/K)AS Opening balance C/DLS Closing balance C/DK2 Turnover C/D

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