The City of Pomona Youth Orchestra

The City of Pomona Youth Orchestra

The City of Pomona Youth Orchestra

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pomona</strong> <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Orchestra</strong>After School RecreationCommunity Services Department

<strong>The</strong> youth orchestra performs in their own productions,

city wide special events,

and at local colleges.

<strong>The</strong> orchestra consists <strong>of</strong> trombones, trumpets, saxophones, clarinets,

violins, violas, cellos, flutes, percussion, and singers.

<strong>The</strong>y perform original arrangements <strong>of</strong> popular songs

from Latin America

to provide all members the opportunity to experience

and to share the culture <strong>of</strong> Latin America.

<strong>The</strong> orchestra started in October <strong>of</strong> 2008under the direction <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Carlos C. Mares.

It has grown from an after school music program, with a few members

to a full orchestra.

<strong>The</strong> orchestra members have also increased theirrepertoire,

and at the same time they have raised the quality<strong>of</strong> their performances.

We are currently looking for talented high-school students, college students, andyoung adults from our community to join our orchestra.

To join, come to one <strong>of</strong> our rehearsals and pick up a registrationform. It’s free. Our rehearsals and performances may count ascommunity service hours.

We practice every Friday from 7:00 – 9:30 P.M. in the new Philadelphia ParkCommunity Center (700 E. Philadelphia St. <strong>Pomona</strong>, CA 91769).For more information call (909)627-3449.

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