Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

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112 INTER.SEMINARY ){[SSIONARY ALLIANCE."Tbe ~lotive for Accepting the Call to Mission Work."Cumberland University."Why sbould the American Church Undertake Evangelical WorkIn the Romish and Protestant Countries of Europe."Andover Seminary."How Shall the Best Talent of our Colleges and TheologicalSeminaries be Secured for <strong>Missionary</strong> Work?"Louisville Seminary (So. Bap.)II The Urgency of Immediate Work among the Freedmen."Cbicago Seminary.Ii Mission Work in South America."Lane Seminary.t SS3- Hartford.II Lessons from the History of Missions."Yale Divinity School." Moravian Missions." Knox College."Departments of Foreign :<strong>Missionary</strong> Work and their Hequirementa."Garrett Biblical Institute."Needs and Methods of 'Vestern Frontier Work."Hamilton Seminary.1& How to Arouse an d 'I D a i ntain <strong>Missionary</strong> Interest in theChurcbes."Gettysburg Seminary.I SS4- Prlnceton.II Pioneer Missions."Crozer ~eminary ." :&11s810ns among the North American Indians."Chicago Seminary." Denominationalism in Missions"Boston University.".[. i '.l' 188 Ons tn Central Arrica ." New Brunswick Seminary.II Systematic Giving: its Relation to Missions."U The <strong>Missionary</strong> Outlook."Alexandria Seminary.Union Seminary.1 SS5- Rochester.:: <strong>Missionary</strong> Work tn South America." Hartford Seminary.Mi88ionary Work among the Jews" D S .II The Pe I C il '. rew emlDary.reona a to the Mission Work" Chica S I" What do th Bibl . go em nary.es e e Teach Concerning Missions.".. L Morgan Park Seminary.8SS00S from the Life of Dr. Alexander Duff."" The MI8810nary Outlook.".. MiaalobB In Africa.", SS6- 0berlln.Westminster Seminary.Aliegheny Seminary (U. P.) .Lancaster Seminary (Reformed).•..•LIST OF SUBJECTS . 113"Our Frontier as a Mission Field." Yale DIvinity Scbool.II How caD we Best Promote :<strong>Missionary</strong> Interest in our Colleges."Wittenburg Seminary." China.'!Vanderbilt University.U Every Christian a <strong>Missionary</strong>."Auburn Seminary." Why Should I go to tbe Foreign Field." Newton Seminary.1887- Alexandrla." The Relation of the Congo Free State to African Missions."Rochester Seminary.U Mission Work among the IndiaDs."Bates Seminary."Wbat Headway is Christianity laking against Mohammedanism."Bangor Seminary."Work of the Home Ministry for Foreign MissioDs,"Garrett Bibical Institute."The Urgency of the Call."Princeton Seminary.I SSS- Boston." Commerce and Missions." Gettysburg Seminary."Importance of Establishing Christian Coileges in Foreign Mis·sion Fields."Western Seminary."Evangelization of the Foreign Population in our Western Cities."A.ndover Seminsry."Significance of the Crisis in Japan." Oberlin Seminsry."What of tbe Seed that has Failen on the Islands of the Sea."llamilton Seminary.II How Far is it Practicable for Seminaries and Colleges to SupportTheir Own Missionaries?"Union Seminary (Pres.).

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