Second Quarterly Results Report

Second Quarterly Results Report

Second Quarterly Results Report

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Management Discussion and Analysis (Continued)Business Review (Continued)Tourism DevelopmentSegment turnover contributed 19.0% to the total turnover of the Groupin 1H09. It soared 189.3% to RMB14.3 million. The segment madeprofits of RMB3.1 million, being a turnaround as compared with last year.Number of visit exceeded 200,000 times for the reporting period despiteunstable economy and upward adjustment of scenic spot entrance feereduced the conation of tourism. Benefits offered by Hengyang CityGovernment outweighed part of the effect.Other gainOther gain mainly represented fair value change of certain financial assetsand bank interest income. As all loan receivables had been collected in2008, there was no interest income generated from them during 1H09.Investment in a jointly control entity – SBI & BDJB China Fund, L. P. (“SBIChina”)The Group contributed US$10 million further into SBI China during thereporting period. Subsequent to period end, SBI China made its firstinvestment since establishment by investing in a vocational IT educationservice provider. The target company has recognizable brands in thePRC IT education industry and sizable market share.Available-for-sale financial assets – Semiconductor ManufacturingInternational Corporation (“SMIC”)According to the latest published information available, total revenueincreased 82.5% quarter-over-quarter (“QoQ”) from the first quarter of2009 and reached USD267.4 million owing to a 102.3% increase in wafershipments. Total revenue was down by 22.0% YoY. Advanced logicsales from 0.13 micron and 90 nanometer nodes grew by 135.3% QoQas a result of customers’ strong performances in the communicationsand consumer segments. Greater China revenue increased by 87.4%QoQ while North America revenue increased by 85.3%. Gross lossmargins reduced to 4.8% in the second quarter of 2009 from 88.3% inthe first quarter due to a significant increase in wafer shipments and fabutilization. Utilisation rate improved to 75%. Loss attributable to ownersof SMIC was USD98.1 million in the second quarter of 2009, beingimproved by 45.0% QoQ.SMIC has commenced risk production on 65nm low-power processin the beginning of the third quarter. In addition, 45nm low-powertechnology qualification process is on schedule with products frommultiple customers under development. SMIC has successfullycompleted the first 45nm high performance GP yield lot.19.0%189.3%14,300,0003,100,000200,000SBI & BDJBChina Fund, L.P.SBI ChinaSBI China10,000,000SBI China 82.5% 267,400,000 102.3%22.0%0.1390135.3%87.4%85.3%88.3%4.8%75%98,100,00045.0%65454522 Beijing Beida Jade Bird Universal Sci-Tech Company Limited

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