ar 08 EN - Investor Relations

ar 08 EN - Investor Relations

ar 08 EN - Investor Relations


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In addition to disclosing information, as specified in relevant regulations, through the channel of the SET, Form 56-1, and annual reports,the Bo<strong>ar</strong>d of Directors has designated the Finance & <strong>Investor</strong>s Relation Dep<strong>ar</strong>tment to disseminate information to sh<strong>ar</strong>eholders and otherstakeholders and to equitably and appropriately assist investors and securities analysts to understand the company and its business.Information posted in the company’s website is both in Thai and English. In addition, Communication Dep<strong>ar</strong>tment has been assigned towidely publicize timely corporate information and performance data via v<strong>ar</strong>ious media.The Bo<strong>ar</strong>d of Directors is responsible for the consolidated financial position of the Company and its subsidi<strong>ar</strong>ies aswell as the financial information as appe<strong>ar</strong>s in the Company’s annual report. Such financial statements <strong>ar</strong>e prep<strong>ar</strong>ed in accordance withthe generally accepted accounting principles of Thailand by using the appropriate accounting policies, by adhering to them constantlyand by c<strong>ar</strong>efully using the best judgment. The important information is adequately disclosed in the note to the financial statements. TheBo<strong>ar</strong>d of Directors has established an effective internal control system to ensure that the report and the accounting information <strong>ar</strong>eaccurate, complete and adequate enough to maintain the assets and to prevent the loss, dishonest conduct or other ill-operationswhich might result in damage to the Company.The Company has disclosed the roles and responsibilities of the Bo<strong>ar</strong>d of Directors together with these of the committees in the DirectorsCh<strong>ar</strong>ter of Corporate Governance Policy. In 20<strong>08</strong>, the Bo<strong>ar</strong>d of Directors has <strong>ar</strong>ranged 4 ordin<strong>ar</strong>y meetings and 7 extraordin<strong>ar</strong>y meetings.The p<strong>ar</strong>ticipation of each director can be summ<strong>ar</strong>ized as follows:THE ATT<strong>EN</strong>DANCE OF THE DIRECTORS IN 20<strong>08</strong>NAME POSITION HOLDING PARTICIPATION / TOTAL MEETINGORDINARY MEETING EXTRA-MEETING TOTAL1. Mr. Guy Richelle 30 April 20<strong>08</strong> 4/4 6/7 10/112. Mr. Peter Valere Germain Termote 1 30 April 20<strong>08</strong> 2/4 5/7 7/113. Mr. Esa Heiskanen 2 7 October 20<strong>08</strong> 1/4 0/7 1/114. Mr. Kovit Poshyananda 25 April 2007 4/4 6/7 10/115. Mr. Vitthaya Vejjajiva 30 April 20<strong>08</strong> 4/4 7/7 11/116. Mrs. Supapun Ruttanaporn 25 April 2007 4/4 6/7 10/117. Mr. Dirk Achiel M<strong>ar</strong>c Beeusaert 25 April 2007 2/4 1/7 3/118. Mr. Guido Geeraerts 25 April 2007 2/4 0/7 2/119. Mr. Johan De Saeger 28 April 2006 3/4 5/7 8/1110. Mr. Rajit Nanda 3 28 April 2006 2/4 4/7 6/1111. Mr. Michel J. G. Gantois 4 26 Febru<strong>ar</strong>y 2009 0/0 0/0 0/012. Mr. Philip De Cnudde 5 28 April 2006 1/4 0/7 1/1113. Mr. Pierre Jacques Weulersse 6 26 Febru<strong>ar</strong>y 2009 0/0 0/0 0/014. Mr. Anut Chatikavanij 30 April 20<strong>08</strong> 3/4 7/7 10/1115. Mr. Brendan G. H. Wauters 28 April 2006 3/4 5/7 8/11Note : 1. Resigned from the company’s director and Chief Executive Officer on 7 October 20<strong>08</strong>.2. Replaced Mr. Peter Valere Germain Termote in his position as Director and Chief Executive Officer on 7 October 20<strong>08</strong>.Was an Executive Vice President and Chief Projects Development and IPP Business from 3 M<strong>ar</strong>ch 2005.Was an Executive Vice President and Chief Projects Government Affairs from 1 September 2004.3. Resigned from the company’s director on 26 Febru<strong>ar</strong>y 2009.4. Replaced Mr. Rajit Nanda as Director on 26 Febru<strong>ar</strong>y 2009.5. Resigned from the company’s director on 26 Febru<strong>ar</strong>y 2009.6. Replaced Mr. Philip De Cnudde as Director on 26 Febru<strong>ar</strong>y 2009.The process of setting and evaluating the objectives related to the determination of the remuneration of the Executive Vice Presidentsand the CEO (not individual remuneration) will be disclosed to the Bo<strong>ar</strong>d of Directors in the annual report and the website. The disclosedremuneration figures of directors and management in the annual report will remain aggregated and will not be individualized. The individual22 Annual Report 20<strong>08</strong>

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