Glenium SKY - Basf
Glenium SKY - Basf
Glenium SKY - Basf
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<strong>Glenium</strong> <strong>SKY</strong>for Ready-MixAdmixture Systems EuropeBASF Construction Chemicals Europe AGVulkanstrasse 1108048 Zurich, SwitzerlandPhone +41 58 958 22 10Fax +41 58 958 32 20info-ase@basf.comwww.basf.com1.3. 2008 - V2 CH - EAdding Value to Concrete
Total Performance ControlEnvironmentConcrete has to fulfil a variety of requirements, dependingon its user, its field of application and the environment inwhich it is placed. For operators of ready-mix batchingplants economical concrete production is vital, whereascontractors need concrete with long workability andeasy placing characteristics, and engineers are mainlyconcerned with high durability.How to achieve high-qualityconcrete withextended workabilityTo meet all these requirements simultaneously was difficultuntil now and the parties concerned often had to acceptcompromises. Nevertheless, the whole concrete industryhas one common goal in mind: the production of aneconomical, yet high-quality concrete of low water/cementratios.ConceptThe Total Performance Control concept ensures that ready-mixproducers, contractors and engineers achieve a concrete thatis of the same high quality as originally specified; starting fromproduction at the batching plant, to the delivery and applicationinto place, and followed by its hardening process.Rheodynamic concrete, a latest-generation self-compactingconcrete, provides a concrete mix with exceptional placingcharacteristics, accelerated cement hydration for early strengthdevelopment and high-quality concrete.Total Performance Control is the state-of-the-art technologythat provides improved short and longterm performances ofconcrete by controlling the two distinct features essential forhigh-quality concrete: extended workability and low water/cement ratio.A key element of the Total Performance Control concept is thenewly developed <strong>Glenium</strong> <strong>SKY</strong> superplasticizer.To overcome these problems, BASF ConstructionChemicals has introduced Total Performance Control ,based on the newly developed <strong>Glenium</strong> ® <strong>SKY</strong> technology.This approach allows local conditions and requirementsto be addressed individually for the first time by deliveringconcrete of uncompromising high quality.
Benefits of Total Performance ControlReady-Mix ProducerReady-mix concrete is characterized by a great numberand variety of different mix designs. Utilizing differenttypes of fillers, cements and binders together with thetrend towards special concretes for specific applicationssuch as coloured or white concrete increases thisvariety. At the same time, ready-mix producers mustmaintain their profitability in the face of rising materials,labour and machine costs, and during a period of fallingprices. As a result, producers are optimising theirproduction and logistic costs. The Total PerformanceControl concept supports these goals by providing thecapability of delivering high-quality concrete at anytime to the job site. This new concept facilitates theproduction of concrete with both extended workabilityand a low water/cement ratio meeting the requirementsof EN 206-1. Cost savings in production may berealized through mix design optimizations for cementtypes and aggregate composition. In addition, the singleproduct <strong>Glenium</strong> <strong>SKY</strong> is suitable for many applications.As a result, it enables ready-mix producers to optimizeinventory, to facilitate logistics and to reduce investmentsin tanks and dispenser equipment and thus also,decreases maintenance costs.ContractorThe focus of the contractor is twofold. During the placingprocess, contractors require easy placing and finishingcharacteristics as well as extended workability in orderto save labour. As a result, the structure consists of highqualityconcrete with improved concrete surfaces. Afterplacing, the need for fast strength development arises.Certain minimal strengths must be achieved before astructural element can be removed from its form andborne off. The faster a form can be reused, the moreprofitable the process. Increased early strength makesmore rapid reutilization of the form possible, thereforeshortening the production cycle. The building process isquicker, and equipment and personnel can be employedmore efficiently.The Total Performance Control concept guarantees theplacement of the same concrete as specified and orderedfrom the ready-mix plant. The requirements of easyplacing and finishing as well as early strength developmentare achieved by using <strong>Glenium</strong> <strong>SKY</strong>. If a site-mix operationis in use, the same benefits as for ready-mix may beadditionally utilized.
ConclusionEngineerThe engineer is aiming for extended service life and lessmaintenance work for applications with heavy reinforcementand thin sections. Service life expectations of over100 years are no longer uncommon and will increasinglybecome the norm. To optimize service life, tenderingmay also include the maintenance work for severaldecades as well as the building of the construction. Anaccelerated building process reducing overall costs isbecoming part of the engineering remit, especially inroad and tunnel constructions.To optimize costs during the whole service life, it isnecessary to process a high-quality concrete with betterdurability and to have the insurance that concrete meetsoriginal specifications. The two distinct features essentialfor high-quality concrete and thus higher durability area low water/cement ratio and long workability. The TotalPerformance Control concept with <strong>Glenium</strong> <strong>SKY</strong>provides both performances simultaneously. As a result,longer service lives with less maintenance work and,therefore, optimized economy are given.Total Performance Control and <strong>Glenium</strong><strong>SKY</strong> technology introduce a new generationof superplasticizers, solving theneeds of the entire ready-mix industry:Ensuring a constant high-qualityconcrete at a low water/cement ratio.Providing a concrete with extendedworkability at high temperatures,without delayed strength development.Guaranteeing a concrete that meetsthe original specification from thefresh to the hardened stage.Offering a single, versatile admixturefor many types of applications andconditions.
Adding Value to ConcreteDeliverables of the Global LeaderAs part of the world's largest chemical company,BASF Construction Chemicals is the market leaderin the admixtures business. We are committed toengineering quality solutions to drive the concreteindustry forward. Through constant research anddevelopment into new products, systems, applicationmethods and equipment, we add value to concrete.Our market-segment oriented structure means that youcan rely on the proximity of a regional company with thebacking of a global group.Innovative ProductsComprehensive range of admixturesspecially engineered for the needs ofready-mix producers, precast operators,contractors and manufactured concreteproducts producersSingle SourceComplete range of latest technologyadmixtures for concrete and mortar aswell as auxiliary products such as formrelease agents, curing compounds andsurface retardersSuperior LogisticsEasy communication and proficientmeans of transportation ensured bylocal organizationKnowledge and ExperienceSuperior expertise in concrete and mortartechnology, its application and design withfull local coverageValue-Added ServiceSpecification development, mix designand production process optimizationsupport and quality controlExpert TrainingSpecific programmes for producers andcontractors