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Console49F Link 50F1 3 5 7 9 1113 15 17 19 21 2325 27 29 31 33 3537 39 41 43 45 47Power1F 2F 3F 4F24681012141618 202224262830 323436384042 444648Chapter 6: The Brocade CLIavailable slot. This is not required. The chassis also supports a second, orfailover, management blade. This blade will act as an active/standby failoverblade to the active management blade. This second management blade hasits own serial port, and can actually be accessed independently of the activemanagement blade. Because the two blades are automatically synchronized,there's little reason to access the second blade...unless it becomes active(due to a failure of the primary management blade).StackableThe stackable has a DB-9 serial console port as well, but it's typically part ofthe body. The RJ45 copper ports are also fixed, but you can see that there areoften ports to house mini-GBICs. These ports are usually shared with anembedded copper port. For example, you'll see the copper labeled as Port 1and the mini-GBIC port labeled as Port 1F. You can use one or the other, butyou can't use both at the same time. In this example, you can use Port 1 or youcan use Port 1F, but not both simultaneously. By default, you'll be able to usethe copper port. When a mini-GBIC is installed, it's assumed that you want touse the fiber port.Accessing the CLIKnowing the CLI is fine, but if you can't actually access it, this knowledge doesyou very little good. The CLI can be accessed in one of two main ways: viaserial and via network.SerialWith serial, the communication happens using the DB-9 serial console port onthe switch or management blade. The most basic way to access this port is toconnect a serial straight-through cable (not a null-modem cable) from your PCor laptop's serial port to the serial console port on the switch. This is the physicalsetup, but now you'll need a terminal emulator program running on yourworkstation or laptop. Common terminal emulators are HyperTerminal, ZTerm,and, my favorite, minicom. There are many others. The program will need thefollowing configurations:• Terminal Type — VT-100 [other terminals will work, but you're safest usingVT-100]• Data Rate — 9600 baud• Data Bits — 8• Parity — None• Stop Bits — 1• Flow Control — None120 Brocade <strong>IP</strong> Primer

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