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HUMANOIDS IN 19921992 brought with it an apparent increase of encounters with otherworldly creatures around the world. Incredible cases were reported from Puerto Rico,Argentina, Australia, and Germany etc. The crescendo reached its peak towards the endof the year, and brought forth 1993 with its incredible incidents reported in Israel andother countries.1.Location. Montana Santa, Puerto RicoDate: 1992 Time: variousAt the same time of the miraculous apparition of the Blessed Virgin in this hilltop, anumber of unidentified artifacts were reported in the hill’s vicinity and even captured onfilm. Other witnesses reported brilliant, disk-like objects flying overhead. One of thewitnesses, Delia Flores, reported that she and other worshippers were surprised to see abeige van parked in the area of the religious sanctuary on the hill. Its occupants woreorange fatigues with NASA insignia, and the vehicle’s Spanish speaking driver told themthat the van contained a most unusual cargo---a simian creature captured in the CaribeState Forest (El Yunque). According to Flores, she and the others saw a covered cage thatcontained something “struggling to get out.” The driver added that the creature was beingtaken to a secret primate research laboratory located somewhere in the island, where1
forward and lifted her skirt and proceeded to place his warm palm on the witness’s thigh.At this point she perceived very clearly as if something like a “thread” was being pulledfrom inside her stomach, after this procedure the man said, “The capsule is stitched”looking somewhere to his side, the witness did not see who he looked at. A few secondslater she found herself back in her home. At the request of the investigator X-rays wereperformed on the woman’s stomach and something strange was found, it was a symbolresembling the Russian number three but in an inverted position, apparently some kindtype of implant.HC addendumSource: Aleksey Priyma, UFOROM RussiaType: G9.Location. Khmelnitskiy UkraineDate: 1992 Time: 1400Mrs. Movchan mother of a woman named Olga Movchan was standing in his kitchennear a window when she saw a saucer-shaped object hovering nearby. The witness“greeted” the aliens with her thoughts and wished them all the best. At this moment herlegs seemed to give way and she became very weak in her knees. She thought she wouldloose consciousness and fall. The UFO who had been moving had now stopped. Thatsame day other witnesses saw the same UFO over the town. After that initial contact thewitness entered into periodical contacts with aliens. Home visitations began to occur on aregular basis. Her pets, a dog and a cat, seemed to sense when the aliens appeared. Thehumanoids behave very secretive, hiding from sight of the other relatives of the witness.At the time the witness was very ill, stricken with cancer and was becoming worse andworse. In despair, she asked the aliens for help. Incredibly, the aliens did help the strickenwitness. The woman confessed to her daughter that one night she was taken by anextraterrestrial that she called “Vadim”. In a dark location she felt warm and understoodthat the alien were conducting healing sections on her. This usually occurred between0200A and 0300A. She could not move as a result of the terrible pain and felt as if herveins were popping out of her body. The woman had a tumor in one of her veins, like aglobule. After the aliens cured her, the tumor began to sharply decrease in size becomingpea-size almost three times smaller. But being very curious the woman decided to findout what the aliens were really doing with her at night. For that purpose she met withpsychic Boris Benit and conducted a séance involving regressive hypnosis on her.Suddenly during the procedure both received a telepathic impulse which basically toldthem to stop the process, that the mystery was not theirs to know, that there would be direconsequences if they continued. “You will deform the program” the message added. Mrs.Movchan took this advice and never attempted another “experiment”. Some time afterthat she noticed some strange marks on her wrist. The same thing happened to Boris.These marks remained for a long time, like brands and then vanished. According to thewitness daughter the aliens completely cured the woman. Then the aliens establishedperiodical telepathic communication with the witness. The aliens also gave the witnessadvice on how to cure different illnesses. Accordingly she eventually became a psychicand began curing and helping other people. The very same day of her original UFO6
observation, many town people also saw the disc-shaped object and two workers at alocal industrial enterprise disappeared without a trace and were never found.HC addendumSource: Lubov Kolosyuk “New Aquarius” Newspaper, Samara Russia# 5, 1994. Type: GComments: Unfortunately there is no description of the aliens but these appeared to havebeen of the human-type. There also appears to have been a permanent abduction of twohumans.10.Location. Maracal, Puerto RicoDate: 1992 Time: eveningGerardo Rosario was weeding his property when he suddenly heard a noise to the side,upon investigating it; he noticed a hairy creature climbing up the hillside. It was about 5-feet tall, hairy and was accompanied by a smaller hairy creature just like it. He could notmake out their faces because they were climbing sideways, but he noticed hair coveringtheir features except around the eyes and cheeks. Another witness, a 12-year old boy onhis way to school was distracted by some odd sounds coming from the roadside. When hewent over to investigate he discovered two creatures sitting on a large boulder in amountain stream at the bottom of the ravine. The larger creature walked around the top ofthe boulder, as if keeping watch, while the smaller figure remained seated. The largercreature emitted the moan that had drawn his attention in the first place, causing thewitness to become frightened and flee the area.HC addition # 3301Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other MysteriesType: E11.Location. Carpinteria, CaliforniaDate: 1992 Time: eveningFollowing a series of UFO sightings Maryann X was in her home watching televisionwhen she became aware of a presence. Although she couldn’t see anything, in her mind’s7
eye she sensed a strange being. The figure was thin, bald, with a large head, gray skin anddark almond shaped eyes. In other words, the typical gray type being. At that pointMaryann began to experience the phenomenon of automatic writing. Messages, whichshe believed were from the alien, began to be transmitted through her. Like manycontactees, Maryann was given information about upcoming natural disasters. She wastold that they were here to observe.HC addendumSource: Preston Dennett Type: F?12.Location. Zielonogorskie Wojewodztwo, PolandDate: 1992 Time: eveningMrs. Zofia Namlik (involved in a previous encounter) was taking a stroll in a woodedarea when she saw a domed silvery craft on the ground. A humanoid emerged from theoutfit and behind him within the craft she could see something like an operation roomand several entities resembling doctors preparing an operation. She then lostconsciousness and alter woke up on a path leading to her house. She felt strange and wassure that something odd had occurred but was unable to remember any details of theevent. Her husband soon noticed that she was going bald; he also discovered whatappeared to be surgical marks on her head. A week or two later an unexpected andunidentified man visited her house. Mrs. Zofia, her husband and their two adult sonscould feel a presence and several times they caught a glimpse of a tall man-like figure.Soon she began receiving telepathic messages. After feeling something unusual in herhead she decided to get an X-ray examination. The examination revealed somethingunbelievable. It appeared that the woman had something within her head that would havenormally caused her death. The radiography showed something measuring 2X2x1.2cm orregular shape. Due to its abnormal shape the doctors decided that it wasn’t a tumor or aclot. Whatever it was it should had caused the woman’s death. On September 19 1998she went to Wroclaw to meet with psychiatrics, Ufologists and journalists. During anexamination she suddenly felt unbearable pain. She claimed that the aliens did not wantthe implant to be examined. She also claimed to have obtained paranormal skills as aresult of the encounter and her old back pain had suddenly vanished.HC addendumSource: Piotr Ayman Cielebiasz NPN PolandType: G13.Location. Atlanta, TexasDate: 1992 Time: eveningThe witness (involved in other encounters) was working on her yard one evening when awoman she knew as Brenda a registered nurse stopped by and said that she was tired dueto having worked several days without rest. The witness invited her for supper and shesaid she would return later that evening. Later both the witness, her husband James and8
her friend Brenda were down in the den and had their meal, after dinner they all sataround in the sofa for tea and coffee. The conversation was lighthearted with Brendamaking cute remarks when all of the sudden in place of Brenda there was a reptilianperson or being. The witness was so shocked that she jumped, yelled and spilled the teaon the floor. Her husband turned and yelled “What was that about?” But she could notactually tell her husband at that time, it took her about three days to relate to him whatshe saw. Somehow in the middle of the conversation Brenda had changed or (shapeshifted) into a reptilian creature. Her eyes were yellow, kind of yellow-green with a pupilgoing up and down (vertical). Her skin was a yellow-green color, but her nose or snoutwas not long, it was rather short and triangular. The witness remarked that it was like asif somebody had snatched Brenda away and the reptilian was in her place. And yetsomehow she knew that she was looking at Brenda. In fact the witness recalled talkingabout reptilians to Brenda at one time and she had asked her if she thought reptilians wereall bad. Moments later “Brenda” seemed to return to her human self and immediately ranout of the house. The witness claims that she later confronted Brenda and she admittedthat she was not at all human and added that there were several other women just like her.She stopped talking to her soon after the incident but claims that “Brenda” lives in thesame area.HC addendumSource: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com Type: E?14.Location. Shablykino Oryel Region, RussiaDate: 1992 Time: late eveningWhile on his way to visit a friend walking along a road Mikhail Zybunovskiy (involvedin other encounters) noticed a globe-shaped object in the sky that swiftly approached hisposition. He could see numerous round windows around its periphery. The globe beganto hover above the witness and he could see flat faces looking out the windows. Suddenly2 meters from the witness an alien appeared, it appeared to have suddenly jumped to theground or “teleported” there. The entity was similar to the ones he had seen before,dressed in a green suit and cap with an orange glow around it. Both, man and alien stoodfacing each other, studying each other. The witness felt that the alien’s air was “haughty”in nature but he felt no fear. The alien craft hovered directly above the witness. Thewitness was able to notice additional details on the alien. It was dressed in a green suit,remotely looking like a military chemical protective suit. It appeared to be saturated withphosphorescent threads that shone with different intensiveness. The cap on the alien’shead was oval shaped, tightly set on the head and the hood opened in the front. Thealien’s face was definitely not terrestrial. It was bluish in color, fleshy, with a flattenednose with two nostrils, very small mouth, resembling just a narrow slit without lips. Hisarms were long, reaching below the knees. The alien was holding some kind of device inhis hands, which he pointed at the witness. The witness felt emotionless. Suddenly thealien disappeared and the global craft took off, disappearing over the horizon. After thatthe witness state of stupor ended and he returned too normal. Seized with fear he rantowards his friend’s house.9
HC addendumSource: Aleksey Priyma, “UFOs Witnesses to the Unknown”Type: C15.Location. Moscow, RussiaDate: 1992 Time: nightA woman named S.P. Stelmachenko (previously abducted and implanted in the summerof 1975 in Artyemovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine) was sitting in her semi-dark room nextto the table lamp writing her dissertation about (of all things UFOs). Her husband anddaughters were sleeping in the other room. She was writing the part about “Who are theextraterrestrials and what UFOs are?” In her opinion, the aliens were visitors fromunderground and underwater realms. As soon as she wrote that an uncanny fear invadedher. She was not a coward but the strange fear totally overwhelmed her, paralyzing her.She managed to turn her head and looking at the mirror she was amazed to see whatappeared to be a never ending tunnel and in front of it a tall humanoid entity totallydressed in a black tight-fitting overall. The humanoid was similar to those sheencountered in 1975. But now the alien’s eyes emitted a bright red light (green in 1975).The red eyed alien crossed his arms on his chest and she heard a mental messageprohibiting heard to write about the topic. She told the incident to famed Russian UFOresearcher Dr. V.G. Azazha who expressed his opinion that she had come close to thesolution of the UFO mystery.HC addendumSource: “NLO” Saint Petersburg, Russia # 5, January 31 2005Type: E16.Location. Silesian region Poland (exact location not given)Date: 1992 Time: nightA 12-year old boy suddenly woke up in the middle of the night in order to make his bed.He looked at the door but didn’t see anything strange, the door was shut. After a while helooked at the door again and noticed a figure standing there. “It wasn’t tall, humanoid inshape and all black.” Any features of its appearance weren’t visible because it was sodark as if cut from paper. The only detail he noticed was that the entity appeared to havecombed back long hair. At first he thought it was merely a “mirage” but as secondspassed the entity was still there. He screamed and awoke his parents. When they cameinto the room the figure was already gone. The witness could only describe it as totallyblack “like a black hole”. He was convinced that it was standing there staring at him. Inhis younger years the witness reported encountering shining, spinning balls of light thatappeared in his bedroom and hovered over his head. He was paralyzed from fright. In oneoccasion he remembers being “sucked out” of his body by an unknown object andlooking down at his body lying on the bed.HC addendum10
Source: P.M.A. Cielebia NPN PolandType: EComments: Appears to have been a “shadow person” bedroom visitation.17.Location. Radzymin area, near Warsaw PolandDate: 1992 Time: nightA young woman was taken at night by a “shining bench” and a strange bluish beam oflight from her bed and transported to her garden. A UFO about 6-7m in diameter washovering at an altitude of 2m above the ground. 5 small entities were standing next to it.These resembled typical “grays” with large heads, with large black round eyes. Theywere about 1.2m in height. Although they appeared motionless the woman could feelsomehow being forced onboard the craft. She was very religious person and at thatmoment began to pray. It lasted several minutes. Then she felt an increasing physicalforce pressing down on her and suddenly she realized that she was back in her bedroom.HC addendumSource: Kazimierz Bzowski, PolandType: G18.Location. Oahu, Hawaii (exact location not given)Date: 1992 Time: nightDoug and his wife Sandy were vacationing on the big island and were taking a drivesomewhere on a remote road. There they experienced a missing time event. Later Dougwas able to remember much, if not all, of what took place. He said he saw a white owl flyin front of his car, almost grazing the windshield. He stopped the car and got out. Butinstead of a white owl, he saw some sort of luminous human being standing alongside theroad. As he gazed at this individual, messages began to be communicated directly into hismind in the form of images. They warned of a coming global catastrophe. The imagesincluded war, disease, environmental upheavals, and starvation. He also saw scenes ofpeople being herded into concentration like camps. Doug thought he was looking back intime of the 40’s. But then he realized the people were wearing contemporary clothing.11
There were many other images, but the one thing that really struck him was that he wastold that the ‘grays’ would make their presence known to all the earth. This would be at atime when the planet was teetering on global destruction. They would present themselvesas saviors of the planet and be welcomed by most on Earth, but this would be a lie. Atfirst they would assist the Earth’s governments, including the U.S., to bring peace andorder to the planet. Their ultimate goal, however, would be to eventually replace humanswith a human/alien hybrid race with minds that were to be locked into a hive-likementality. If they succeeded, freedom of thought and the spiritual evolution of the humanrace would be terminated.HC addendumSource: http://www.unknowncountry.com Type: E or G?Comments: Scary, since it appears that a lot of those predictions are indeed coming true.19.Location. Northern France, near Belgian borderDate: 1992 Time: late nightThe main witness and a young friend were driving along an isolated field when theynoticed at a certain distance a round luminous object hovering over a field. At first theythought it could have been the moon but as they approached they clearly noticed anilluminated white disc-shaped object, with bright white lights around its perimeter. Theobject then silently moved towards them. The object flew over their vehicle and shotaway at a 45-degree angle, quickly disappearing from sight. The following night the mainwitness was alone sleeping when he was suddenly awakened by three tall beings, about1.80 m in height standing close to his bed. They wore black outfits and hats and were ofan impressive appearance. Using telepathy the three figures assured the witness he hadnothing to fear. They represented themselves as three of the Archangels, Michael,Raphael and Gabriel. They asked the witness to come with them and at this point theyexited the room. Unfortunately the witness memory ends at this point. Years later (May2002) under hypnotic regression the witness remembered entering a bright object with acupola on top. Inside the floor was white and misty with a diffuse light encasing12
everything around him. He is sitting on an armchair similar to a dentist’s of white leatherwith a headrest that was apparently unattached to the main chair. He is completelyconscious and somewhat irritated. Two tall men now appeared, both blond, with cleareyes, and very white skin, almost transparent. The witness then feels that an “invisible”tube is inserted into his arm and sees a green liquid being infused into his arm. Upset thewitness struggles and asks to see the leader. At this point a much taller being nowappears, wearing a brown combination suit and communicates telepathically with theother two blond men. He apparently bereaves (!) the two blond humanoids stating that amistake has been made. After a discussion between the humanoids the witness apparentlyblacks out. After the apparent abduction he suffers from unexplained cysts in his earcanal and soon requires surgery.HC addendumSource: IPANI, FranceType: G20.Location. Lomas Verdes, Puerto RicoDate: 1992 Time: nightOne night while worshippers fervently prayed in the heavily wooded area, a five-foot tall,muscular figure covered with brownish hair raced between the trees in a zigzag pattern.Also in the same area, while religious apparitions were in full swing, sightings of largeheaded grays were also reported.HC addition # 3302Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and other MysteriesType: E21.Location. Salvador, Bahia, BrazilDate: 1992 Time: nightThe 3-year old witness was outside playing because of the heat when she encounteredthree strange humanoids in a field. The humanoids were short, a little bit less than 1meter in height. They seemed to be of a clear color almost transparent in nature. Shereported encountering similar beings a year later. No other information.HC addendumSource: Diana Sun Chab in AkasicoType: E22.Location. Near Swindon Wiltshire EnglandDate: 1992 Time: nightThe witness was walking near his home when he became aware of bright beams of greenlight coming down from the sky, which were playing across the rooftops nearby. Hecould make out the shape of a dark object, which seemed to be the source of these lights.13
After watching these beams for a while, his memory changed to one of being in a craft,possibly in a control room, two short gray figures accompanied him. He was apparentlynot restrained in any sense, and was able to start a “conversation” with the humanoids,mainly on spiritual and religious matters, though he got little in the way of answers. Afterthe incident the witness experienced bizarre dreams.HC addendumSource: APRA England Type: G?23.Location. Passa Tempo Minas Gerais BrazilDate: 1992 Time: nightTwo men, Geraldo Leocadio Teixeira and Benedito Belarmino Da Silva reported seeing alarge luminous object descend close to the ground. A tall dark skinned humanoid and ashorter luminous creature emerged from the object and reportedly performed“inexplicable” tasks around the object. No other information.HC addendumSource: Revista Brasileira de UfologiaType: B24.Location. Desterro de Entre Rios, Minas Gerais, BrazilDate: 1992 Time: nightA luminous disc shaped object landed on a field near two witnesses that ran away in fearas two short figures emerged from the craft and approached them. No other information.HC addendumSource: GEPUC BrazilType: B25.Location. Omsk, Russia14
Date: 1992 Time: nightA woman named Ekatherina Kurdyukova awoke late at night bothered by a light shiningthrough the window. She thought it was the moon at first and looked out the window. Shesaw what she thought was a huge moon and in a second she fell into a deep sleep. Shewoke up in the morning and felt a pain in her right hand, like from a burn. Soon sheremembered what had occurred that night. She remembered being in a white verybrightly lit room. Two “men” approached her, both about 2 meters in height, she couldnot see their faces. They were dressed in white spacesuits. One of the strangers begantalking to her. She did not hear the words, but understood everything perfectly(telepathy?). The man invited her to follow him to a smaller room, which was saturatedwith numerous instruments. Pointing at the instruments, the strange men explained theirpurpose. Suddenly she saw a small box on top of something that looked like a table. Itappeared to emanate a faint green light from inside. She stretched her right hand to touchthe box and her whole hand seemed to submerge inside it. Immediately she pulled herhand out instantly feeling a very sharp pain. After that she blacked out and found herselfback in bed. The burn disappeared after 2 days. Later she learned that many of herneighbors had seen a fiery globe shaped object, emanating light hovering outside theapartment building. But no one else reported encountering aliens.HC addendumSource: “NLO” Saint Petersburg # 37, September 1999 Type: G?26.Location. Artyemovskiy, Sverdlovsk region, Urals, RussiaDate: 1992 Time: nightA local man named Ivan C. awoke suddenly feeling that someone is in his bedroom. Hewas then amazed to see three unknown entities standing in the bedroom. All three were ofvery small height, about 120 cm to 150 cm in height. They wore overalls or spacesuit-likeoutfits. Each one carried something like an instrument panel in the chest area, resemblinga round plaque. They wore helmets with two small antennas on their heads, resemblinghorns. Ivan was able to recall that the alien’s faces were human-like but with noseswithout partitions. The beings moved about in the bedroom illuminating the area withflashlight-like instruments, which emanated a bright yellow light. They spoke amongthemselves in a language resembling the chirping of birds. When the aliens noticed thatIvan was awake they apparently became concerned and immediately shone a bright lighton him. The witness became terrified but the aliens soon disappeared. He was not able tomove as he felt completely paralyzed, but soon he was able to regain his movement. Hisbody felt numb for a while after the encounter.HC addendumSource: A. Alekseev in “Fourth Dimension” Yaroslavl UFOResearch Group # 7 1992Type: E27.15
Location. Near Almeira, SpainDate: 1992 Time: late nightAngel Caballero and his brother were driving along an isolated road and spotted a hugecraft hovering over the area with long rectangular lights shining down. As they stared atthe object a tall human-like being with white fair skin and long blond hair, appeared infront of them and saluted them with a wave of his hand. At this point both witnessesapparently blacked out, waking up later near another city having lost 12 hours of theirlife. No other information.HC addition # 3356Source: Manuel Figueroa, Karma-7 Type: C or G?28.Location. California, exact location not givenDate: 1992 Time: late nightThe witness suddenly finds himself floating out of his house. He then enters a hoveringdisc-shaped craft that appears to be empty. The interior of the craft is gray. The walls areflat and plain. He sits on a flat, small bench that circles the inside of the floor. Momentslater he is lowered onto a school playground by an invisible force. He stands there for awhile then about 10 gray beings with black almond shaped eyes approach him. They aredescribed as slender, with small noses; five-feet tall and there are both males and females.The beings surround the witness and start pressing mental images on him. One of thebeings that appear to be the leader approaches him carrying a transparent container filledwith about 200 marble sized balls. The balls are vibrating and bouncing around at a veryhigh velocity. He is told that these were used in the propulsion of their ships. End ofrecall.HC addition # 2193Source: Unsolved UFO Sightings # 2Type: G16
29.Location. Near Delavan, WisconsinDate: 1992 Time: late nightTwo witnesses driving home late at night and apparently ran over something big on theroad. Not being sure what it was, they turned around for another look. They said it lookedlike a wolf, or a huge dog, except it had silver/brown hair and stretched across the road.They thought it was at least 6 or 7 ft long. They angled the car a few times to obtain abetter look, but could not make out its face, much less what kind of animal it was. Afraidthey drove away from the area.HC addendumSource: Linda GodfreyType: EComments: The famed Wisconsin werewolf. I tend to think that this creature is some typeof Bigfoot hybrid with interdimensional capabilities.30.Location. Las Vegas, New MexicoDate: 1992 Time: late nightThe main witness had moved into an apartment with his girlfriend and from day one hehad noticed that there was movement in a large bedroom next to the living room. Hewould walk by and more often than not see one, two, and sometimes three figuresstanding and moving around the room. When he tried to approach them, they would backoff and disappear. One night, as both slept the main witness woke up to see three figuresstanding in the corner of the room encased in a cobalt blue glow. The blue glow appearedto be circular. The figures and the blue glow stayed in the room for about 30 minutes andthen disappeared.HC addendum17
Source: Paranormal Story Archives, Sept 2002Type: E31.Location. Tallinn, EstoniaDate: 1992 Time: late nightThe witness was sleeping in her bedroom one night when suddenly she awoke to see twobronze colored, short humanoids fly in through the closed window and start to exploreand examine items in the bedroom. They spoke among each in an unknown language.But her husband who was sleeping heard nothing and did not wake up. When confrontedby the witness they suddenly began to speak fluent Estonian. They asked about all theitems in the room. When they touched a flower in the room it was scorched. Theyapparently attempted to take the witness with them but she bit one of them in the arm andfelt the taste of metal in her mouth. Before they went away the promised to come back.Two days later several persons in the same area saw two shiny objects flying low over thearea. Around the same time at a nearby town called Haapsalu a young man that wassuffering from an illness was walking on a street when suddenly he saw a bright light infront of him. From out of the light a human-like figure about 2 meters in height steppedout and told the young man that he will not be ill for a year but will fall ill again after theyear. The figure and the light then disappeared. Apparently the prediction came true asthe boy did become ill again after the year.HC addendumSource: Mare Koiva, EstoniaType: E32.Location. Panorama City, CaliforniaDate: 1992 Time: late nightPat Brown a physical therapist was on vacation in Arizona when something triggered aseries of encounters with gray type extraterrestrials. For a period of several months, Patreported terrifying nightly visits by aliens in her condo. Then, one evening, she was takenon board. To her surprise she found the experience enjoyable. She was given a tour of thecraft and taken to meet the “master”. It was then that she was given several messages of aspiritual nature. She was surprised to find that the appearance of the alien had changed toa human male with blond hair. She asked, “Why do you look like that?” The alienreplied, “Because this is they way you want me to look.” Pat was taken out of her bodyand was shown what her astral body looked like. The alien told her, “That is your soul.That is the part of you that goes through all the lifetimes.” Pat was given further spirituallessons on vibrations and healing and was then returned to her bedroom. She soon hadfurther experiences, and suffered several medical effects as a result of her encounters.Additional witnesses also support her case. Her obsession with the subject grew and Patbegan a search for information and was led to a channeler, someone claiming to speak forthe aliens. She communicated on several occasions with the aliens through the channel.HC addendum18
Source: Preston DennettType: G & F33.Location. Redding, CaliforniaDate: 1992 Time: late nightHearing his dog barking a young 6-year old boy steps outside during the night and sees alarge disc-shaped craft sitting or hovering over the top of the house. He said he was takeninside and had intrusive probes put in him. He said his dog was taken into the craft also.No other information.HC addendumSource: http://www.etcontact.net/newsiteType: GComments: The boy’s father apparently has been involved in several previousencounters.34.Location. Maria da Graca, Teresopolis BrazilDate: 1992 Time: 2200After the 11-year old witness reported seeing several gold colored oval shaped objectsmaneuvering over the area, she woke up late at night to drink some water. Suddenly shefelt an urge to open the curtains of a nearby window and look out the window. As she didshe saw a tall human shaped figure completely dressed in black and with black hairstaring at her from a nearby field. As she watched, the figure took several steps towardsher in a mechanical fashion and suddenly disappeared in plain sight.HC addendumSource: Relatos, Genesis UFO Site Brazil Type: D or E?35.Location. Puszcza Piska, PolandDate: 1992 Time: 2200Mr. Wieslaw Ochman (involved in other encounters) had gone with his family onvacation to a cabin in the Piska forest and one evening he had gone out for a stroll. Hiswife, daughter and mother in law stayed behind eating dinner. He soon noticed a hugepatch of greenish silvery light that illuminated the trees around him. He looked up andbriefly saw an enormous, round, and completely black object, which suddenly took off atenormous speed in an irregular trajectory. He noticed that its upper section wasprotruding and was full of “holes” from which hundreds of thin and colorful beams oflight emanated. He began to scream “UFO, UFO” and it seemed that minutes passedbefore his wife and mother in law appeared on the porch. He had the impression that onlyminutes had gone by when he left the cabin, but it turned that the women had eatensupper, washed the dishes and gone to bed; his screams had woken them up. Almost anhour had passed. Apparently three implants have been inserted in his body.19
HC addendumSource: K. Bzowski, PolandComments: See 1991 for a previous encounter of Mr. OchmanType: G36.Location. Kurgan Ural Region, Western Siberia, RussiaDate: 1992 Time: 2300The 17-year old witness, Valeriy, suddenly lost consciousness and when he woke up hefound himself in an unknown room, quite large and spacious, filled with other humanssome of which, he knew personally. Some of them appeared very nervous, not realizingwhat had happened to them. The room did not have a wall on one side and he could seeblack sky and stars visible through it and what appeared to be cylinder shaped spacecraftflying around. There was a sudden sharp sound and he felt pressure and saw a bright lightappear. After that the witness lost consciousness again and later came back lying on somekind of sofa. A human-like female entity entered the room. She began asking numerousseemingly innocuous questions, like his name, age, profession, etc. The witness alsoasked her some questions but he could not remember what she answered. She then toldhim that they were flying and pointed to the floor telling him that there was a hatch therethat he could open so he could look out like a window, but Valeriy refused to do it. Afterthat the female became angry and walked out of the room. The witness then again heard asharp sound and saw a bright light; he lost consciousness and soon found himself on hisbed at home.HC addendumSource: Anton Anfalov quoting letter from witnessType: G20
37.Location. Orizaba, MexicoDate: 1992 Time: late nightAn adult woman involved in numerous previous encounters had gone to bed whensuddenly she felt herself being transported through mid-air. Her husband attempted towake up but suddenly felt very tired and immediately felt asleep. She looked around herand saw several short gray colored entities. She was stunned as she was able to seethrough her body like an X-ray machine. She could see her complete skeletal structure.She screamed as she suddenly felt terrific pain but one of the short gray humanoidsapproached her and touches her forehead immediately eliminating the pain. She was toldthat it was for her “own good”. Later her husband wakes up and finds her unconscious.As he tried to arouse her he found a bleeding scar on her chest area. No otherinformation.HC addendumSource: El Durmiente de Orizaba, MexicoType: G38.Location. Minneapolis, MinnesotaDate: 1992Time: late nightThe witness, Max Alberts awoke in the middle of the night to see a Northern StatesPower (Minnesota’s largest electricity source) truck in the alley outside his apartment.There were two men talking, examining some power lines. One of the men was talkingon a hand held transmitter, but Alberts couldn’t understand what was being said.However he could hear information being relayed back and forth. Thinking that there wassome kind of power outage (there was none in his apartment) he immediately rose andcalled the power company to ask why the truck was in the alley. The customer serviceperson replied that there was no power company truck in the area, and that no reports ofpower outages had come in. The customer service person again stated that Alberts wasmistaken. The truck left as abruptly as it had come.HC addendumSource: Max Alberts temp15@larkinghoffman.com Type: E?Comments: camouflaged aliens? The witness has been involved in other encounters.21
39.Location. Ushtagan, Guryev (presently Atyrau region) west KazakhstanDate: 1992 Time: unknownAs a result of a carefully planned operation, according to a super secret Russian militaryprogram to shoot down alien spacecraft (UFOs) a craft was shot down by anelectromagnetic pulse weapon and possibly by additional surface to air missiles firedfrom the Ashuluk air defense range in the Astrakhan region. As a result of the directedEM impulse, the object went out of control, gradually loosing altitude into the Kazakhdesert about 90 kilometers from the Russian border east of the Ashuluk range. A retrievalteam that arrived in a Mi-8 Hip helicopter from Ashuluk soon discovered a UFO partiallyembedded in the sand. The object was a disk about 5-6 meters in diameter, lenticular orconvex lens-shaped, matt gray in color, with a broad and slight, not jutting, gradual domeon top connected with the rest of the hull and a broad and low cylindrical base. Thebottom section of the object was substantially damaged with numerous dents and anarrow curved crack was found on its side. The object was then covered by anti-radiationfoil & tarpaulin and transported to the Kapustin Yar State central range # 4 and placedinside an underground bunker. A research team was puzzled as to how to penetrate thecraft. They attempted using strong drills, including diamond tipped ones, etc. Nothingworked, the hull seemed indestructible. Finally they concentrated on the crack at theobject’s side and expanded it by using lasers. The hull appeared to consist of 4 layers. In20 days the team made a hole big enough enabling them to penetrate inside, all wearingprotective suits and masks.The object consisted of 3 levels inside, the engine compartment was located on the lowerlevel, the main power plant with reactor had apparently self-destructed automatically andpremeditated. The main control room was located on the 2 nd level, it had a screen with amain control panel positioned in a semi-circle with multicolored rectangular key-shapedbuttons 2 x 5 cm in size, resembling the keys of a piano, it was positioned in 3 rows and 4small round chairs at the front. The identity of a dome-shaped cylinder in the center ofthe cabin’s floor was later determined to have been a holographic projector. The top levelappeared to have been an air locked chamber or garret which docked with the“mothership”. 4 alien bodies were found on level 2, all dead. The aliens were about 1.3 to1.4m in height, two were the same height, and a third was slightly taller, about 1.5-1.6m.They had large hairless heads and helmets, 6 finger extremities, gray-white skin, hugeround eyes covered by black eye lenses, and small ears set very close to their heads. Theywere dressed in tight-fitting and apparently very durable suits of a metallic silver colorwith a violet tint, with belts and round circles on the chest area. They also wore elbowhigh gloves. The suits were eventually removed with extreme difficulty; silver-greenish22
oots were also removed. One of the bodies was substantially damaged as a result of theimpact. In extreme secrecy all the bodies were moved to the top-secret alien biologicalresearch laboratory northeast of Solnechnogorsk in the Moscow region in an undergroundbunker. The alien blood appeared to be a thick black liquid. The object was latertransported inside a mountain behind the Polar Circle on Novaya Zemlya Island at themost secure ex-nuclear test range # 6 in the Artic, together with other crashed alien diskshidden in the same bunker at Kapustin Yar. The alien bodies were eventually taken to thesame location. The origin of the crashed disk was later established to have been possiblyZeta-1 Reticuli.HC addendumSource: Anton Anfalov (using remote viewing)Type: H40.Location. Dulwich East London, EnglandDate: January 1992 Time: 0600AThe witness woke up to hear noises coming down the hallway that led to her room. Shelooked up to see a short thin being suddenly shuffle into the room, the being approachedthe witness and touched her with a very long finger. As this happened the witness fellback and passed out. Later she woke up and the strange being had vanished.HC addition # 1990Source: Carl Nagaitis, Phillip Mantle, Without Consent.Type: E41.Location. Sierra Bermeja, Puerto RicoDate: January 1992 Time: 2230Two witnesses watching from their second story balcony watched a very bright whitelight suddenly appear on top of a nearby hill. The light was round and appeared to behovering in mid-air. Numerous multi-colored lights then became visible around theobject’s circumference. Two more witnesses arrived, and one of them, a young woman,was able to see several figures moving around directly under the object. The figures woresilvery outfits and were moving around in quick movements. The witnesses became tiredof watching and went back to sleep and did not see the objects or figure’s departure.HC addition # 2100Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 5Type: C42.Location. Alegrete, BrazilDate: January 1992 Time: nightA luminous globe shaped craft landed in a wooded area near a police station. Fourhumanoids emerged from the object. These were described as 1.45 meters in height, very23
large heads, as in proportion to their bodies, short arms, and huge staring eyes. They woretight fitting metallic objects. The humanoids collected ground samples and vegetation andthen re-entered the object, which took off at high speed.HC addendumSource: GEPUC BrazilType: B43.Location. Devon, EnglandDate: January 1992 Time: late nightThe son of a family involved in numerous bizarre encounters, including strange entitiesand paranormal events, began waking up to see typical small gray figures in his bedroom.In a number of occasions he would wake up to find a head with large black wrap aroundeyes, looking at him. The head seemed to move in a very peculiar manner when it lookedat him. Around the same time his mother had a “dream” in which she met “aliens.” Uponwaking up she experienced a painful feeling on one side of her head. Over the course ofthe next few weeks, her hair fell out on this spot and she was left with a small circularbald spot. The hair eventually grew back, but a pure white color. Under hypnosis thefather recalled seeing “alien creatures” with large cat-like eyes. He also recalled seeing asaucer like craft that contained a door and a hatch that was dark inside. He saw whatlooked like a radar screen in front of him, he also felt as if he was traveling in this craftand seeing clouds passing below him as he looked out a window.HC addition # 3793Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPI Type: E or G?44.Location. Not disclosedDate: January 1992 Time: late nightThe witness awoke to see a bluish light shining down from the ceiling. He was thenaware of two “people” in the room, talking to him. He does not recall the conversation.He then looked out the window and saw four lights streaking across the sky and thenmaking a 90-degree turn toward his house. He next recalled being somewhere in the air,looking down at his house, the next thing he knew he was in a small room, sitting on aplastic like seat that came out of the wall. He saw someone standing next to him and alarge, black, “windshield” type area in front of him, also sitting in front of it wassomeone that he could not see very clearly. The next memory was of standing on aloading dock of a huge warehouse, next to him stood a man he did not know. This mantold him that there were some people here that wanted to see him. Next a group of hybridlooking humanoids walked up to him, smiled and walked away. The unknown man thengave him a tour of the place. He later woke up at home.HC addition # 2200Source: Karla Turner, PhD Unexplained Universe # 1Type: G24
45.Location. Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDate: January 1992 Time: late nightOn a very hot night, 66-year Damian Franco was suddenly awoken by a loud noise andstunned noticed standing at the foot of his bed a figure about 80cm in height. It had verylarge head, large dark eyes. Due to the intense luminosity that the creature emitted hecould not see any further details. Thinking he was dreaming he blinked and saw the smallluminous figure glide out the bedroom door towards the living room. The whole time hiswife slept soundly next to him. Damian was able to move and ran out to see the fastmovingluminous figure disappear in the living room.HC addendumSource: Liliana Flotta, Eduardo Grosso, “Terror Nocturno,Historias reales de visitantes Extraterrestres”Type: E46.Location. Normangee, TexasDate: January 2002 Time: late nightThe witness was awakened by her dogs barking fiercely outside her bedroom window.She sat up in bed and looked out the window where the outside light was sufficient forher viewing. She was then shocked to see a strange “goatman” like creature walkingunder her pecan tree while her dogs steadily nipped at its heels. The creature was about 7ft tall and was standing upright like a man with slightly curved shoulders, with the hornsand hooves of a goat. Its hands were slightly curled with some very nasty looking grayfingernails. His skin was a yellowish-green color with sparse hair all about the body. Itslegs and body were that of a man. She caught a glimpse of the side of his face, which wasnearly the shape of a man’s. The creature never turned to look at her and quickly walkedaway from the area and the dogs. Later from time to time she could hear the sound of a“goat” calling in the night. According to the witness there are no goats in the area.HC addendumSource: http://paranormal.about.comType: E47.25
Location. Volzhskiy, Volgograd region, RussiaDate: January 1 1992 Time: 0400A66-year Nikolay Fyedorovich Pahomov, WWII veteran, awoke in the middle of the nightwhen he felt a push. He saw the now familiar alien called “Gerda” standing one meteraway from his bed, in the middle of a bright matt halo. She had light hair, impassive but akind face, dressed in a silver suit. A narrow beam of light emanated from the alienilluminating Nikolay’s head. The female alien confirmed that her name was “Gerda” andadded that the name of planet earth in her language was Zemi or Zema. Conversation wasthrough telepathy.HC addendumSource: Gennadiy S. Belimov “Other Worlds---On Line”Volgograd 1997Comments: This was Pahomov’s fourth and final contact.Type: E48.Location. Ambion Wood, EnglandDate: January 1 1992 Time: late afternoonTwo men were walking near to where part of a forest had been cleared. It was lateafternoon and it was beginning to get dark. Suddenly they saw a figure emerging from thewood. The figure wore a luminous green cloak and what appeared to be a golden crown.The apparition walked from the wood and seemed to glide alongside the canal. One of themen turned and ran but the other stood transfixed and watched the figure move an arm inthe direction of the felled portion of the wood, as if complaining about the change to theneighborhood. It then turned and moved backwards towards the wood. When it reached apile of stones it seemed to disappear into the ground.HC addendumSource: Farshores, U.K.Type: E49.Location. Saga Prefecture, JapanDate: January 4 1992 Time: late nightA farmer that had experienced strange cattle mutilations in the past was awakened by thesound of his dog barking. The farmer went to investigate and upon entering the cow shedsaw a small white “object” resembling a jellyfish with numerous tentacle-like protrusionscoming out of its bottom. The “object” was floating in the air; it then drifted outsidewhere it vanished. A cow was discovered on the floor. It had a badly broken leg.HC addition # 2343Source: Jenny Randles, Peter A. Hough The world Best True UFO StoriesType: E26
50.Location. Sverdlovsk (Now Ekaterinburg), RussiaDate: January 13 1992Time: 0015ATwo young female students were staying in a hotel; one was Olga Semeyonovna whowas sleeping in the same room with a second woman named Valentina. Suddenly Olgafelt someone flipping her over on the bed. She thought it was just a dream but a faintpink-light enveloped the room and a humanoid entity appeared near top of the bed. Theentity was wearing something like a rubber helmet over its head. It had huge eyes, nonose, and a very broad mouth. She also noticed a second, identical humanoid, standingnear her feet. She noticed that both entities lacked legs, or the legs were somehowinvisible. The entity closest to the bed appeared to be hovering over the floor and spokein a strange amplified voice, “We are here for you!” The second humanoid standing nearher legs then added, “Come with us!” She looked at them and told them that she couldn’tcome with them since she had an exam the next day (!). At this point the second entityfloated towards the other entity and both joined hands and then seemed to blend into thedarkness of the room, leaving behind a faint luminous trail, which quickly faded away. Atthe same time Olga heard the alien’s voice saying, “We will see you later, later, later…”She could not make out the complete sentence. Apparently Valentina did not see thealiens.HC addendumSource: “Anomalies & Phenomena”, “Oracul” Special Issue Moscow 2002Comments: Bedroom visitation.Type: E51.Location. Near Pawling, New YorkDate: January 15 1992 Time: 0400AThe witness was driving his truck on Route 55 and was approaching a mountainous curvewhen he noticed some sort of creature standing, not on the road, but just on the other sideof a low barrier about two feet high. This barrier was made of corrugated steel and bolted27
to posts to prevent a sliding car from going over the embankment. At the other side ofthis barrier was a creature standing, which looked like it was standing on its hind feet.The lights of the truck, which were on high beam, were reflecting from the retina of theeyes of the creature. The height of the two eyes was too high for a dear. The eyes were agood 6cm across each, they were complete disks, which had not little something in thecenter yet he could see lines in the retina, that moved towards or from a center point, likean iris that was completely closed, yet it was reflecting back red. The figure appeared tobe moving away, it went down the embankment and disappeared. He estimated the sizeof the creature to have been six and a half feet tall. It had its arms close to its body.HC addendumSource: House of The Sun, Strange EncountersType: E52.Location. Northridge, CaliforniaDate: January 19 1992 Time: 0431AThe night before the earthquake, the primary witness and her boyfriend saw a largediamond-shaped craft towing a smaller craft using a beam of light as a towrope. The crafthovered over nearby water towers before moving slowly away. A few hours later, theearthquake struck. Two weeks later the main witness saw a gray type alien standing nextto her bed in her bedroom. She tried to move but discovered she was paralyzed. She feltno fear. The being looked like it had a “cat face without any hair and a combinationskeleton face.” The witness tried to get up and could not; awhile later while sitting on thecouch she experienced an orgasm. The being apparently told her many different thingsthat she tried to write down. They told her that they were trying to invent ways ofintercourse since they “needed babies.”HC addition # 2543Source: Preston Dennett, UFO HealingType: E53.Location. Hipodromo de Victoria ArgentinaDate: January 20 1992Time: 0042ASeveral witnesses, including Roberto Lopez, ex-member of military intelligence watcheda white colored figure standing at the edge of the woods. The figure was human shapedabout 1meter 20 cm in height. No features could be seen on the figure. It disappearedbehind a construction area.HC addendumSource: Silvia Perez SimondiniType: E54.Location. Leesburg, Florida28
Date: January 20 1992 Time: 2300George A. Siessel suddenly woke up feeling some kind of female presence lying on topof his chest. As he tried to rise up from bed he felt the entity’s arms on either side of hisarms. The entity’s grip was very strong, and completely immobilized him. Frightened,Sissel visualized a cross of light superimposed on his body while intoning a prayer,hoping to remove the presence and discovered that the weight of the unwanted visitor andthe feeling of being restricted disappeared. (Succubus??)HC addition # 3021Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate January 1993Type: E55.Location. Volokolamsk area, Moscow region, RussiaDate: January 24 1992Time: nightTwo creatures covered with long grizzly hair entered the barracks of an army unitengaged in road construction. One was enormously tall, about 2.5 meters; the other washalf the size. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the larger one was a female, and theother one was its child. The baby jumped on to the soldier’s night table while its motherstopped by the stove, waved its long arms, and gave a series of short cries in a very lowvoice. Then the strangers, who encountered neither understanding nor approval, ran awayand hid in the forest. After the incident some of the soldiers felt ill and went to consultthe unit’s doctor. One witness could not utter a word. His speech returned several dayslater. The strangers left behind some tufts of hair, a drop of coagulated blood and largefootprints.HC addendumSource: Paul Stonehill, ParascopeType: E56.Location. Mezobereny HungaryDate: January 24 1992 Time: nightThe 50-year old witness was in her kitchen with her husband when suddenly a dull blackegg-shaped short “figure” went across the kitchen and into an adjacent room making avery strong “snorting” sound. The upper half of this being was blue gray in color, andthen a vibrating orange vertical line became visible. Then next to the stripe a beautifulwoman appeared and looked at the witness. The witness then apparently followed thebeings into another room where they suddenly disappeared. The husband was somehowprevented from witnessing any of these events. On the 27 th at 1830 the same witnessheard a loud female voice and felt compelled to go to the garden, there she saw an eggshapedcabin-like object on the ground, she entered it and inside she found herself in alarge gray room where numerous nude children and women stood around. She apparentlylost consciousness and later woke up lying in bed. The next day large red spots or marksappeared in the upper belly area and the lower parts of her breasts.29
HC addition # 629Source: Gabor Tarcali, Hungarian UFO NetworkType: E & G57.Location. Arizona (exact location not given)Date: January 25 2002Time: 0200A-0300AThe witness (involved in other encounters) woke up to a feeling someone was massaginghis temples on his forehead. He tried very hard to open his eyes & couldn’t do it. He kepttrying and finally got his right eye opened a small slit to see two small beings sitting onthe foot of his bed or standing there at the foot, he couldn’t tell which. They had onhooded robes and he couldn’t see their faces. The one on the right was “just there”. Theone on the left had a square-white board looking object on its front. It took the whiteobject and pushed the witness on the face and chest and pushed him back down as he washalf sitting up by now. The witness was then unconscious and sleeping again. When hewoke up in the morning he remembered rushing to the window to see if any footprintswere left in the snow outside his window. Later he wondered how he had known it hadsnowed that night.HC addendumSource: UFO Experiences http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.comType: E58.Location. Devon, EnglandDate: February 1992 Time: 0330AThe whole family was sleeping in the same room due to different and numerous bizarreencounters during the past 3 months. That night the father woke up to find the wholeroom lit up by a shimmering glow. He awoke his son, and as the son diverted his gaze inthe direction of the main source of light, he claimed to have seen a large gray “being.”They both then looked at the mother, who was lying flat on the bed with her armsoutstretched with her eyes shut. She was mumbling incoherently. Later she told them thatshe had been dreaming of seeing an “alien” in the bedroom and tried to wake both ofthem. A few seconds later, the swirling, misty, light effect rolled up into a ball, as if alarge vacuum cleaner was sucking at it. It then dissolved into a small funnel of light, andwith a “pop” disappeared.HC addition # 3794Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPIType: E30
59.Location. Digora, North Osetiya, RussiaDate: February 1992 Time: daytimeSeveral eyewitnesses assert that during a clear sunny day “a winged angel on a whitehorse” hovered about 3 feet above the roof of a house and then it steeply rocketedupwards disappearing from sight. On the snow-covered roof horse tracks, which werephotographed were found. Immediately after this strange apparition an uncommonamount of snow fell in the region.HC addendumSource: UFOZONE Russia “Chronicles” Type: E?60.Location. Simferopol, Crimea, UkraineDate: February 1992 Time: 2000Victor Alexandrovich Zdorov (involved in other experiences) was driving his“Moskvich” AZLK-2141 vehicle along Lesi Ukrainiki Street when he noticed two “men”standing near the road, hitchhiking. Strangely he stopped the car, despite the fact that he31
normally wouldn’t pick up hitchhikers, especially during nighttime and such a remotearea as it was (outskirts of the city) which had a bad reputation of being “riddled withbandits”. However he pulled over and stopped the car, as if obeying some unheardcommand and allowed the strangers to open the car doors in sit in the car cabin. One ofthe strangers (probably speaking in Russian) asked Victor to help him get to GeroyevStalingrada Street (Heroes of Stalingrad).Victor who was headed in that general directionagreed. Both “men” looked unusual with short cut black hair, black piercing and veryexpressive hypnotic eyes, slightly slanted, of general Middle-Asian outlook. Both weredefinitely not Russian and spoke in a foreign accent. Both were dressed in similar blacktrousers, black boots and leather jackets, and looked like twins (this fact is present inworldwide reports of such humanoids). Their faces were similar, strange looking, withtanned skin. In general, Victor felt weird as if some type of hypnotic influence, like hismind and behavior were somehow controlled. He also felt as if the strangers could readhis thoughts in his mind, like an open book. A strange detail that Victor noticed was thatbefore he stopped the car near the strange men, his car engine began to cough apparentlymalfunctioning despite a recent check up. One of the men sat on the back seat, while theother sat on the right passenger seat next to Victor. Victor could see the second “man” inthe back seat who never spoke a word just smiled once in a while. After driving for sometime and passing the railway station, the man seating next to Victor suddenly yelled out,“Be very careful and avoid any accidents!” Amazingly several moments later Victor sawa large MAZ truck crossing the road with a heavy load of rolled metal. Happily Victorwas able to break right before the truck passed, if he would have kept on going he wouldhad struck the large truck with possibly fatal consequences. Apparently the strangehitchhiker sensed something the witness did not. After this incident the stranger toldVictor, “Visit the church and light a candle”. After Victor delivered the men to theirrequested location, they paid him a considerable sum of money, much more thannecessary, as if money was not important for them. Victor is convinced that the men werenot normal human beings. And when he asked local in the areas none reported seeing thestrangers.HC addendumSource: Dr. Anton A. Anfalov PhD quoting direct communication fromThe witness.Type: E61.Location. Elkhorn, WisconsinDate: February 1992 Time: 2230The witness was driving home on highway H, when a huge dog-like creature crossed theroad n front of her vehicle. The witness stopped the car and was able to see a pointyeared,broad chest creature covered with brownish-black scraggly hair. It had a narrownose, thick neck, and yellow cat-like eyes that glowed in the headlights. It crossed theroad unafraid. The creature was apparently bipedal. The witness husband had seen asimilar creature earlier at a cow pasture.HC addition # 18032
Source: Scarlett Sankey, Strange Magazine # 10Type: E62.Location. Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDate: February 1992 Time: late nightDamian Franco (involved in a previous encounter) woke up in the middle of the night tohis name being called. Again standing at the foot of his bed was the same luminouscreature he had seen previously, this time emitting violet flashes of light that made itdifficult to look at straight. He was only able to lift his head and was immediatelyparalyzed. He was able to see that the creature had thin arms, but well defined, a smallbody, disproportionate as compared to its huge head. This time Franco did not close hiseyes and stared at the creature attentively. He felt no fear just curiosity. Seconds later thecreature spun around and glided quickly out of the room disappearing from sight.Franco’s 41-year old daughter, Laura reported finding several bloodstains on hernightgown in the back area, her husband reported seeing a luminous blue glow enteringthe room and then unaccountably falling immediately asleep.HC addendumSource: Liliana Flotta, Eduardo Grosso, “Terror Nocturno,Historias reales de visitantes Extraterrestres”Type: E63.Location. Orizaba, MexicoDate: February 1992 Time: late nightThe witness an adult married female with two teenage daughters remembers going to bedone night and upon closing her eyes she felt somehow being transported into a spaceshipby several short “gray” humanoids. She saw herself floating in front of a mirror-likesurface in which, she was able to observe her entire body skeletal structure. She screamedas she felt extreme pain. One of the short humanoids then approached her and upontouching her forehead it relieved her pain. She was told that it was necessary. Later whenher husband wakes up he finds her unconscious and when he attempts to wake her he33
finds a bloody scar on her chest shaped like the number “8”, which causes her extremepain and discomfort. The witness (or shall we say victim?) experiences other encounters.Every time this occurs right before they take her, her husband inexplicably becomesextremely sleepy and tired and falls asleep.HC addendumSource: Alex Benua Ricco, Juan Carlos Varela“EL Durmiente de Orizaba”Translation: Albert S RosalesType: G64.Location. Makawao, HawaiiDate: February 2 1992Time: 0300AThe witness woke up to feel the presence of some beings in her room. She was awake butcould not open her eyes and could not move her body. She heard a loud male voice say,“She’s awake.” She felt her clothing being pulled from her body, her dresser drawerswere being pulled and closed and her books on her shelves were bulled out one by one asif “they” were looking for something. She then felt a small “head” by her head. Thepresence said, “She will not remember this.” She also felt something implanted into heruterus that was of a triangular shape. She had horrible cramps for three days after thevisitation. Her uterus has been since removed. She had a previous encounter in Texasback in 1958 or 1959.HC addendumSource: NUFORCType: E34
65.Location. Gaspra, Crimea, UkraineDate: February 3 1992 Time: 2300A resident of this local hamlet, Vladimir Fyedorovich U. was attempting to get somesleep in his bedroom when he suddenly heard a loud clap from the direction of hisbalcony, resembling that of car door slamming shut. He then heard a strange whistlingsound, which he had never heard before in his life. He began to listen attentively butheard only silence and his clock ticking in the corridor. He opened his eyes and suddenlyfound himself slipping or falling somewhere. Soon he found himself inside a dark tube ortunnel with smooth walls made out of some kind of material resembling plastic. He saw anarrow section ahead and a half-moon shaped light. He was no longer afraid and passedout. Soon he woke up standing near an unfamiliar strange-looking door (apparently hehad been teleported into an unknown location), he was only wearing his t-shirt and shorts,the same thing he was wearing while on bed. At the door he saw two steps, sandy beigein color. He looked around and saw a humanoid entity, which reminded him most of allof an officer wearing a dark-blue uniform, military style, very similar to the uniformswore by the Nazi (German) officers during WWII. The strange uniform had 2 rows ofbuttons, white shirt, and something resembling a very narrow tie. The alien’s face wasgenerally human, with light skin and emotionless. The alien wore a dark cap on his headwith a high crown or peak. The door opened and the witness appeared inside the room,there was no one inside except for a table in the center of the room, and a uniformcoverall similar to the one wore by the alien man. He heard a loud voice, which orderedhim to get dress. He put on the uniform, which fit very smoothly and was easy to put on,and also a pair of very resilient shoes. He seemed be taller in height after putting theshoes on. He then walked outside accompanied by the “officer” into a completelydeserted street. He could see the walls of strange-looking structures totally lighted but hecould discern the source of the light. The “officer” then said, (either in Russian ortelepathically), “Once upon a time before you had wanted to be a pilot. Lets go I’ll show35
you a flying machine”. They soon entered some type of hanger, with unknown structuresand something that very remotely resembled a huge airplane, but definitely not terrestrial.The craft had a transparent pilot’s cabin (with a transparent glass-like cowl), but nothingcould be seen behind the glass. A broad ladder led up to the fuselage, it had low broadsteps. They approached the ladder and the man said something, which Vladimir did notunderstand. Suddenly an oval door opened and several strange “people” began exiting thecraft. These people resembled children in height and all wore the same type uniform,light pants and strange “shirts” worn outside the pants. Some of the short entities hadtheir hands in the shirt pockets and were looking down, apparently avoiding direct eyecontactwith the witness. The officer then told the witness that they were “studying”inside the object. When they all exited the object the witness and his guide climbedonboard. Inside there was another man wearing a uniform with a shiny belt that stoodbehind the door. There were no weapons in sight. The guide told this new humanoid thatthe witness was their “guest”. There were corridors inside the object leading to the rightand to the left side. The witness turned to his right to inspect the cabin but his guidegrabbed Vladimir’s right shoulder and with a powerful grab turned him aroundpreventing him to see the cabin’s contents. They then began to walk along the corridor, tohis left was a brown-colored room and to his right something that resembled windowscovered by white blinds with blue stripes. There was another door at the end of thecorridor and another door to his left. The man said, “Follow me” and they opened thedoor. There was a small cabinet with a shiny table in the room with nothing on it. Therewere two suitable chairs and his alien guide sat on one chair near the wall and the witnesson one chair near the door. A diffuse light lit the room from above and an oval shapedobject emanated light near the alien’s right shoulder. As they both sat in silence the aliensaid, “Let’s visit a friend” and they both went outside. They came to the other dooropened it went inside but there was no one there. Everything inside was the same as inthe previous room. Vladimir entered the room and saw 2 rows of tables inside. There wassome type of device on the first table and then he felt the alien’s hand on his shoulder,and the door closed. The “officer” said, “There is a class in progress, you can’t go inthere”. And suddenly as if a light switch had been shut off everything was submergedinto darkness. Vladimir then found himself back on his bed. It was already sunrise behindthe window.HC addendumSource: Alexander Bogatikov “Extra” Newspaper, Ukraine # 5 1996And Anton AnfalovType: G66.Location. Perth Western AustraliaDate: February 4 1992 Time: eveningThe witness, Andrew, was restless and could not go to sleep. He finally was able to dozeoff but then suddenly found himself awake. He was not in his bedroom. Somehow he hadbeen transported and was standing in the car park area outside a basketball stadium some50 km away from his home. Some 50 strangers surrounded him. He was toldtelepathically by one of the persons that he was lucky he had been “chosen.” Then a dot36
sized blue light appeared and grew larger until it was over the top of the group. His nextrecollection was of a bright flash. He then found himself inside the basketball stadium.Other people were also there. He became frightened, as the other people seemed sinister.They seemed human-like but their eyes were different, they appeared to be out of focus.There appeared to be a lot of activity around him. A being came over to Andrew and gavehim a cricket bat. One of the beings knelt down in front of him and appeared to read histhoughts, he then felt very angry, dropped the bat and walked out to the main entrance.Everything suddenly became bright white and the next thing he remembers was beingback in his bed.HC addition # 2662Source: UFO Research Australia, Issue # 35Type: G67.Location. Sturovo, SlovakiaDate: February 11 1992 Time: 2000The witness reported being abducted onboard a round UFO where he was apparentlyexamined and implanted by three humanoids from 1.2 meters – 1.5 meters tall. Thewitness has had implants in his body ever since that day. No other information.HC addendumSource: Dr Milos JesenskyType: G68.Location. Pyt-Yah, Nefteyugansk area, Tumen region, RussiaDate: February 22 1992Time: nightLocal residents began noticing very strange phenomena in the night sky. A flyinghumanoid figure was seen several times peeping into the windows of houses, the entityemanated light and flew easily in the air. Strangest of all, a smaller entity was noticedsitting on larger entity’s back, the small entity resembled a small girl that seeminglydirected or “commanded” the mysterious flying man around. A local man named N.attempted to get to the bottom of the situation and strategically hid in an area where it hadbeen seen more frequently, near house # 12 located in the 1rst micro housing area andwaited. Finally on the above date he noticed some flashing lights at second story level,the light then began to assume a humanoid shape. The light became a man-likehumanoid, dressed in black pants, and with black hair. Soon after that a small window(fortochka) opened on the 2 nd story apartment and a small girl crawled out of it. The girlseemed to N. quite ordinary. Most likely she was a resident in the tenement housingcomplex. The girl had light hair and was dressed in a short sheepskin cloth, but besidesthat she was very normal in appearance. Unexpectedly she sat on the tall flyinghumanoid’s back, which was hovering in mid-air in a horizontal position, she saidsomething to the humanoid and they started flying towards some nearby buildings. N.chased after them. He could hear the pair (girl and humanoid) talking about something asthey ascended towards the 5 th floor, peeped into one of the windows and then flew37
towards another building. After noticing their pursuit they easily gained air speed andvanished from sight. The next day, N. went to the house, calculated the apartment wherethe girl had come from and knocked on the door. The very same girl door answered thedoor and she seemed to recognize him (!). N. attempted to ask the girl a question but sheslammed the door on him. He ringed the bell again, but the residents inside threatened tocall the militia if he persisted. He then left. Who was the mysterious luminous flying manremains a mystery to this day.HC addendumSource: Mikhail Gershtein citing “Tumenskaya Pravda” newspaper in:“Anomaly” newspaper Saint Petersburg # 18 1997Type: EComments: This extremely high strangeness case reminds me of Middle Age witch lorein which witches and warlocks were said to ride on the back of flying “demons”.69.Location. Porto Alegre, BrazilDate: February 24 1992 Time: 1950One observer sees a glow in the clouds then a saucer-shaped object descends. The objectshines a beam of light towards the ground. Several figures inside the object also shinebeams of light at the witness.HC addition # 2395Source: UBPDV 1992Type: A70.Location. Adirondacks region, New JerseyDate: February 28 1992 Time: unknownThe main witness along with some others watched several gray colored metallic objectsmaneuvering over the area. There appeared to be some military planes involved also. Oneobject approached and landed nearby, soon several short gray-colored humanoids38
approached the witnesses. The beings had large heads and communicated to the witnessesthat they were going to be taken. The witnesses then apparently suffered a black out.HC addition # 1669Source: Karla Turner PhD, “Taken” Type: B or G?Comments: The source did not indicate if there had been any hypnotic regression on thewitness.71.Location. Buguruslan, Bashkir Republic, RussiaDate: February 28 1992 Time: 2230Several locals reported seeing luminous circular objects moving in the sky along astraight line. Two days after this event an elderly woman reported seeing a landedcircular object from which two tall humanoid figures came out from. The witnesses atonce ran away from the area but apparently saw the two tall humanoids return to theirUFO which then took off and disappeared from sight.HC addendumSource: UFO Navigator Russia, quoting “Buguruslan truth”March 6 1992Type: B72.Location. Bragino, Dzerzhinskiy area, Yaroslavl region, RussiaDate: end of February or early March 1992 Time: nightA 6-year old girl, Natasha, a resident of the 6 th housing lot of the Dzerzhinskiy area toldher grandmother Ludmila Nikolaevna that she had been abducted by extraterrestrials onenight. She described two entities, a hairless man and a woman. Both had “antennas” ontheir heads, their faces were without noses. The woman had something resembling“beads” hanging on her neck, which shone in different colored lights. She also hadmulticolored buttons on her “skirt”. The alien man had a blue and shiny coverall as wellas the woman. When the girl agreed to travel with them, they removed her clothing andput on a suit with buttons on her similar to theirs. They took Natasha by her hands andsuddenly the amazed girl saw the walls of the house suddenly move aside, or flattened.They went out and levitated into the air towards a brightly illuminated hovering eggshapedobject. Natasha felt no fear, and was indeed very curious and felt very good aboutthe experience. The hovering object was transparent. They then flew into the sky whereNatasha claimed they met “God” (or an entity purporting to be God?) who greeted hervery nicely. At first the alien leader (or God) spoke with the other aliens, whichaccompanied Natasha and then with her alone. The alien leaders told Natasha that therewere many good and bad people on Earth and that he would take energy from the goodpeople and transfer it to the bad ones, “to make them better”. According to Natasha thealien leader had a visible multicolored aura or “rainbow” over his head. He had black hairand a black beard; he appeared to have been about 40-50 years of age. He was tall, andslender. A crucifix-like object was suspended from his neck (!), and on it his own portrait39
was edged out. He was dressed in a long loose-fitting gown. At first he sat down but thenstood up when talking to Natasha. This “God” or alien leader invited Natasha to sit on achair, which rotated to different sides and emitted a red light. And while sitting on thechair the alien leader began telling stories to Natasha, according to her these were“joyful” and “interesting”. At the end the alien leader patted her on the back of her head.She then returned home the same way she had been transported into the craft, with thehelp of the alien woman and man. The walls of the house split opened again and Natashaappeared in her bedroom. It was late night. Natasha peered into her grandmother’sbedroom and saw her sleeping, but turning from side to side, in an uneasy sleep. LaterLudmila said she had dreamt “very strange dreams”. (No details on that). Natasha addedthat the aliens had told her that they were extraterrestrials and pointed towards the stars.HC addendumSource: Yuriy Smirnov, “Fourth Dimension” Newspaper of TheYaroslavl UFO Research Group 1992Type: G73.Location. Southeast New YorkDate: Spring 1992 Time: 0200ASeveral individuals belonging to an organization that conducts paranormal research wereat Reservoir Road one night when they began to hear what they described as a buzzingsound. The noise seemed to be coming form a section of the road located near some stonechambers. One of the members of the group, a male in his late fifties, started walkingtoward the noise. The other members of the group tried to keep their flashlights trainedon him as he slowly walked into the darkness. Off to the right was a large outcrop of rockand he could still hear the noise and was sure that it was coming from inside the rock. Asthe others watched, they tried to call out to him because they had difficulty seeing him, asthere was some type of distortion around the area. As he stood and stared at the rock, hewent into a hypnotic, dream-like state, and was unable to move. As he watched the rock,it started to shimmer and it looked like a circle of blue water. Then out of the portal thathad formed in the rock three dwarf-like, hooded beings walked out. The beings slowlywalked towards him and, even though he was scared, he was unable to move. The threebeings surrounded him and then, all at once, grabbed hold of him. They started pullinghim toward the rock, and although his companions called out to him, he now felt verycalm and wanted to go. Then he realized what was happening and began to awaken fromhis trance-like state. He was still unable to break free from the dwarfs and was now beingforcibly dragged to the portal in the rock. As the others ran down the road, they shinedtheir lights on the beings. This seemed to frighten them, and broke their grip, ran up thehill, merged with the rock, and disappeared.HC addendumSource: Philip Imbrogno & Marianne HorriganCeltic Mysteries in New EnglandType: E40
74.Location. Simferopol, Crimea, UkraineDate: spring 1992 Time: night35-year old Victor Alexandrovich Zdorov, (involved in numerous other encounters) at thetime a senior lieutenant, chemist-engineer of the local Republican Fire Department wassleeping in his bed, alone in his room (his wife Elena and both his sons were sleepingsoundly in the next room), when suddenly he had a weird feeling. His body began totremble and shake, as if traveling on a railcar, the next moment he saw a bright bluishlight and found himself at a strange location. He felt as he had been possibly separatedfrom his physical body, he began to quickly rotate around an axis and found himselfsurrounded by several entities and flying at a terrific speed amid a sea stars in space. Theentities that accompanied him consisted of spheres of bluish-white bright light, whichemanated a blue colored “spiritual energy” (aura?), but as Victor understood after nonverbalcommunication with them, they could take any form they wish, includinghumanoid shape. Then he saw several bright bluish stars in the background. The aliensthen entered into telepathic communication with him. He understood that they originatedsomewhere within a cluster of stars called “Crèche” or M44 (NGC 2632) of the Messiercatalogue of star clusters, in the middle of the Constellation of Cancer. The star cluster ismore than 500 light years in distance from Earth (but these aliens apparently lived insome unspecified location closer to the Earth). Victor also understood that the aliens werein fact cocoons of energy, or plasma beings that can easily take any shape and can easilymove in space, without the need of using spacecrafts and they could easily manipulate thespace and time continuum. There are both males and females of their species. Each“cocoon” of the blue-whitish colored was about 0.3meters in diameter, but they had thecapability to change their physical dimensions and characteristics. The complete spacejourney took about 10minutes of Earth time, but the time on Earth according to Victor’sfeelings after he awoke, was apparently “compressed” however while in space more timehad apparently passed. Victor could not remember anything else (apparently most of theexperience was blocked in his mind). Indeed the aliens informed him that they hadremoved most of the information in order to prevent any harm on his brain and physicalbody, since their energy was much more powerful than that of humans. After the “spacejourney” Victor felt a burning sensation in his body for several hours.HC addendumSource: Direct from Zdorov to Anton A. AnfalovType: F75.Location. Northern New MexicoDate: Spring 1992 Time: late nightThe uncle of a local police chief claimed to have been driving into town late at night,when he saw a woman dressed in red walking along the road. He stopped to offer her aride into town. She climbed into the front seat of his pickup truck, and as he turned to askher why she was walking in a deserted road, so late at night, he noticed that she had“hairy goat legs and hoofs.” She then instantly de-materialized from the front seat of histruck.41
HC addition # 2756Source: Christopher O’BrienType: E76.Location. Riga anomalous zone, near Krustakrogs, LatviaDate: March 1992 Time: unknownAs a result of an apparent “dogfight” between two alien groups an extraterrestrial diskwas damaged by some sort of alien beam weapon and crashed. Soviet military units (stillpresent in that country at the time) obtained the report of the crashed alien disc-shapedobject in the woods and mires approximately about 90-100km northeast of the city ofRiga. The military arrived at the location and found a disc-shaped object partiallyembedded into the ground or swamp. The object was about 4.5-5m in diameter and 3.omhigh, convexo-convex with a large hemispheric cupola on top, slightly flattened on thevery top. On the bottom, the disk had a protruding base. One side of the disk and thedome were damaged, with numerous dents inside the hull, obviously as a result of thetremendous impact at high speed. Its surface was ideally smooth, seamless, with a flangeconnecting the dome with the rest of the hull. The disk had a number of round or ovalstructures around its perimeter, obviously lights. The object was metallic without anyseams or rivets, evidently of alien origin. A retrieval team was dispatched on 3 “Ural”trucks, but they could not approach the disk---the truck’s engine and electrical powersuddenly failed several dozen meters from the disk, and the men felt sick and dizzy. Theperimeter of the craft was secured and the military positioned personnel at several dozenmeters from the crash site and began observing the disk. The disk was apparently still42
active, indicating that any entities onboard were still alive and attempting to take off.Despite the fact that one side of the disk was seriously damaged by the strong impact, theobject began emitting light and rotating, creating clouds of dust. 12 members of the teamthat arrived at the crash site were dressed in protective suits, 2 or 3 of the men thatinadvertently approached to close to the disk had died as a result of the intensiveelectromagnetic radiation emanating from the craft---apparently the bones on their bodieslost all the calcium and the bodies turned into a jelly-like substance (!). The restimmediately moved away and hid behind a hill. Finally, 30 minutes later, the diskstopped all activity and the light turned off, the military now felt safe in approaching thedisk. The disk and the earth around it were still hot, so they waited until dawn when thedisk grew cold and they were able to approach it. Then the disk was covered by a specialanti-radiation foil and then by tarpaulin and loaded upon a flatbed truck or suspendedbelow an MI-8 helicopter. The military team then moved the disk to a surface hangar atthe Centralized Material Research Institute (CNII MV) in the space-military industrialcomplex in the town of Kaliningrad (now Korolyev) just north of Moscow. Metal alloysfrom the disk were properly studied at the CNII MV, for inner examination of the craft;laser equipment was used to open the disk. That was done in extreme difficulty, becausethe disk had no visible doors or openings. Two alien bodies were found inside the disk’scabin near the control panel, both dead. The aliens were about 1.3-1.4m in height, withlarge hairless heads (with helmets) yellow-greenish brown color skin, with 4 webbedfingers, long thin arms, long thin legs, long neck and large slanted frog-like eyes coveredby black lenses, with 2 small openings in place of the nose, and a small slit-like mouth,and tiny ears folded back to the back of their heads. Both were dressed in tight-fitting andvery durable metallic silver suits. In general the beings were similar to those found in thedisk that crashed near the Kapustin Yar range (both disks probably belonged to the samealien race). In extreme secrecy the bodies were immediately removed from the disk,placed inside a hangar and isolated by a biomedical team. Later both alien bodies weretransported to a special KGB/FSB biomedical laboratory outside the town ofSolnechnogorsk northwest of Moscow where they were autopsied and hidden in anunderground bunker by only 4 officers. During the autopsy a yellow greenish alien bloodpoured out of the bodies reacting quickly with the oxygen, it was apparently copperbased. During examination it was found that the disk had 3 landing props hidden in thebottom and 4 windows on its dome transparent only from inside, but absolutely invisiblefrom the outside, the top of the disk’s dome was also transparent. An antenna on top wasbroken by the impact, a cylinder-shaped device was found in the center of the controlroom, the origin of which was established as a holographic projector, the chairs for thecrewmembers were deep, cot-like. The power plant of the disk was damaged, butpartially operational and was properly analyzed. Something rotated inside the power plantfor a long time after the recovery. The disc was eventually transported to the island ofNovaya Zemlya (former nuclear test State Central Range # 6 in the Artic) inside the topsecret military installation build inside the mountain code named “Lednik” (Glacier), likemost of the other crashed alien discs in the ex-USSR.HC addendumSource: Academician Lev Melnikov, K.E. Tsiolkovskiy Academy of43
Cosmonautics and “International UN Academy of Information’ andDr. Anton A. AnfalovType: H77.Location. Vechelde, GermanyDate: March 1992Time: 0200AThe witness (involved in other encounters) had a peculiar dream that her niece had comeinto her bedroom and was bending over the bed staring at her. Then it occurred to her thather niece was not staying with her on that night. Then she thought it was her mother butrealized that it could not be so. She opened her eyes and realized that she had not beendreaming since a figure was indeed standing over her, in a panic she sat up and the figureimmediately moved back; thanks to the light coming from her radio she could clearly seethe outline of a figure. The figure was not tall, maybe 5 feet in height, with a large headand a “conical” body, which seemed smooth and metallic, its arms were long and thinand she did not notice any legs. She asked, “Who are you” and there was a bright silverflash were the figure had stood and it was gone. For a few seconds afterward she sawbrown spots in front of her eyes.HC addendumSource: GEP Germany quoting “Journal fur UFO-Forschung”Type: E44
78.Location. El Cayul Sierra Bermeja, Puerto RicoDate: March 1992 Time: afternoonA man out testing a new video camera in an isolated wooded area suddenly caught sightof a flash of light overhead. He hid behind some bushes as he saw a small silvery discshapedobject land in a clearing on three leg-like supports. A section of the objectresembling an elevator was lowered to the ground and a door opened. Two short 4-foottall beings then emerged from inside the object. The beings had gray skin and had largeheads and large black eyes. They wore gray colored one-piece suits. They looked aroundfor a few moments then re-entered the object only to emerge a few minutes later this timeaccompanied by a tall human, very pale and thin. He had short platinum-blond hair andwore a pair of dark sunglasses. He also wore a new black suit and pants with a white shirtand a red tie. The tall human looked around and walked towards a nearby path there hewas met by two soldiers in a military jeep. He sat in the jeep and it then drove awaydisappearing into the woods. The two short humanoids then entered the disc-shapedobject, which then shot, away into the sky at high speed.HC addition # 1782Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 1, and Diego SegarraType: B79.45
Location. El Dorado County, CaliforniaDate: March 1992 Time: nightThe witness saw two car-size transparent bubble-shaped objects hovering close to theground. One object had a figure inside the other two figures. The objects were completelyilluminated. The two figures sat side-by-side, one had his hands hanging down and theother had his hands on his legs. In the second object the being sat straight up with handson his legs. No other descriptions.HC addition # 732Source: Virgil C Staff, Mufon Journal # 296Type: A80.Location. Nyirabrany, HungaryDate: March 1992 Time: nightA week after being followed by a bright crescent-shaped object and a blue sphere thathovered above his house, the main witness suddenly awoke to his dogs barking and aheavy weight on his chest. Soon he found himself on a table in a white room. A shorthairless, earless creature stood near the witness. He then woke up the next morning andfound blue marks on his ankle.HC addition # 1946Source: Unicus Vol. 3 # 2 Type: G?81.Location. Spissky Hrusov, SlovakiaDate: March 1992 Time: 2345The witness was driving on his way to the Ukraine when he noticed an orange ball oflight, which was floating above the road and emitted a white-blue glow. Suddenly thewitness felt that there was an invisible presence accompanying him in the car. He felt thepresence but saw no one. The invisible presence whispered to him, “Don’t be afraid” andhe calmed down. Then he heard, “please drop us off.” He stopped near a graveyard andthere he noticed two people, a young man, and a young pretty woman. They smiled athim and said “Thank you” and vanished. The orange ball of light also vanished.HC addendumSource: Dr Milos Jesensky Type: C or F?82.Location. Near Ozark, ArkansasDate: March 1992 Time: nightSamantha Allias and her boyfriend were driving on deserted State Road 219 when theyspotted a strange creature standing on the side of the road. They described it as about 4-46
1/2 ft tall, its body completely covered in long black hair, and glowing red eyes. Theykept driving and did not stop.HC addendumSource: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion ChupacabrasType: E83.Location. Perth Western AustraliaDate: March 4 1992 Time: 0230AThe same witness of a previous case was suddenly jolted from sleep by an intense bluelight. Through the glare, a figure appeared; it stood about 4-feet, and was apparentlyguiding the witness son down the passageway. He then noted that he was paralyzed andcould not move. When the figure disappeared from sight he was able to move again andwent to grab his son. The figure then vanished in a flash of white light. He then found hisson in bed looking pale and very shaky but apparently not harmed.HC addition # 2663Source: UFO Research Australia Issue # 35Type: E84.Location. Palhano, BrazilDate: March 5 1992 Time: 1830Military police officer Luis Ribeiro de Oliveira and his friend Pedro Rodrigues da Silvahad gone hunting for wild duck in an isolated area when in the Rio Palhano area bothmen observed what appeared to be a “star” descending at high speed towards the earth.Suddenly a bright light enveloped both men and Pedro ran and hid behind some nearbybushes. Luis ran towards town with the light chasing him close behind. He could see thatthe light now resembled a luminous wheel-shaped object the size of a bus. Soon he felt ashe was being sucked up into the object. At the same time Pedro watched in terror as hesaw Luis being taken up into the light. Pedro saw Luis enter the round light and itsuddenly vanished in plain sight. Terrified, Pedro armed himself with a shotgun andsearched the area but was unable to find Luis. Pedro then ran towards town and entered a47
local bar telling everyone present what had just happened. But later on Luis suddenlyappeared in town and related to Pedro a weird story. He remembers running and his legssuddenly becoming numb. He then came to hearing strange foreign sounding voices,looking up; he saw five strange beings standing in front of him. Frightened he asked thebeings what was going on, he received the following answer, “Don’t be afraid, we won’tharm you, we are Catadorians from Catandorius Decnius. Our civilization originatedfrom another higher civilization that lived on the earth 353,000 years ago.” They pointedto a small pyramid shaped object and told Luis that it was a model of their “temple.” Thealiens told Luis that they were here on Earth looking for remnants and descendants of thatlost civilization that they claimed lived in underground caves and tunnels worldwide.Luis was then placed inside what appeared to be a gas-filled sphere in the center of theroom. He saw in front of him a panel with multicolored lights and heard what appeared tobe radio transmissions. Around him stood five humanoids about 1.50 meters in heightthat spoke in a strange language. However their apparent leader communicated with thewitness telepathically in perfect Portuguese. Soon the leader returned to speak with theother aliens and Luis lost consciousness. When he woke up he found himself in the sameplace where the UFO had originally picked him up. Feeling a little dizzy he searched forPedro and his shotgun and then walked back to town. Luis described the humanoids asshort with gray skin, with black eyes lacking any pupils or eyelashes, large heads, wideshoulders, wearing tight fitting clothing with boots and gloves. Their heads and bodieswere completely hairless. Their speech was measured and their breathing was heavy andlabored. Every time their leader spoke to the others Luis felt a sharp pain in the head. Allthe humanoids were identical to each other; he could not find any difference among them.HC addition # 2394Source: UBPDV 1992, Painel OvniType: G85.Location. Thompson Manitoba, CanadaDate: March 6 1992 Time: late evening48
Some children were playing near a park when they noticed some bright lights movingnear some nearby snow banks. When they went to investigate they were confronted by atall hairy humanoid with red glowing eyes. The children ran home in hysterics.HC addition # 896Source: Chris Rutkowski, Unnatural History, True Manitoba MysteriesType: C86.Location. Hamar NorwayDate: March 9 1992 Time: 2200Two women were walking home when they began hearing a low frequency sound thatseemed to surround them, it resembled a cross between a train and a car engine on idle.Suddenly a very bright light appeared, blinding them and hurting their eyes. They thensaw an object 15 meters away and hovering 2 meters above the ground. The craft had atriangular bottom, with a transparent dome on top and a light at each apex of thetriangular section. The light suddenly went off and now they could see two movingfigures within the dome. One of the women walked towards the object and saw that oneof the figures inside the object was holding something resembling a steering wheel; heseemed to have long hair and large black slanted eyes, with black pupils that had a coldpenetrating evil look. The object suddenly disappeared without the witnesses noticinghow. Later back in the house they heard a loud similar sound and it felt like anearthquake was going through their house and bodies. They both experienced nosebleedsand ear numbness after the incident.HC addition # 626Source: Ole Jonny Braene, UFO NorgeComments: Classic entity case from Norway.Type: A49
87.Location. Arau, Perlis, MalaysiaDate: March 10 1992 Time: 0300AMohd Jowhar Meeran, a student at ITM Arau was awakened early in the morning by themovements of something in his room. He was then shocked to see three small beings, ½meter in height standing beside the bed. He described them as human-like but the skinwas very white like the color of the moon. He was not sure whether he fell asleep afterthat or the beings put him to sleep. Several days later, his friend told him that he had adream whereby he saw some small beings in their room. Only then did he realize that allthree of them (roommates) had seen the strange beings and it had not been a dream.HC addendumSource: Ahmad JamaluddinType: E88.Location. Bellomonte, Guaynabo, Puerto RicoDate: March 11 1992 Time: 1830The witness who had previously experienced a vision and telepathic communication withunknown entities, was sitting alone on her rocking chair in the rear patio area of herhome, when suddenly she felt a strong presence near her, she looked and nearby stoodtwo very tall muscular light skinned men wearing black tight-fitting outfits that coveredeverything except their faces. They told the witness via telepathy to remain calm; thesetwo men were accompanied by two shorter humanoids with large egg-shaped heads,yellowish skin, wide lipless mouths, and eyes resembling two large dark slits. These worebrown loose-fitting outfits. The two short beings appeared to be in charge of the situationand were intent in inspecting terrain and plants, constantly murmuring between them, in astrange language. The tall human-like beings communicated to the witness that theshorter humanoids wanted her to plant different types of trees and flowers in her garden.The witness said that she had felt more comfortable dealing with the human-like beingsthan with the short creatures. But there appeared to be a definite cooperation between thetwo types of beings.HC addition # 434Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma 52/53Type: E89.Location. Jacanas, Puerto RicoDate: March 13 1992 Time: nightSeveral witnesses watched numerous lights maneuvering over a nearby hilltop, then ahuge round-lighted craft, and the size of a cruise liner appeared and seemed to descendbehind the hill. Two women got into their car and drove towards the location where theobject had apparently landed. As they neared the area, they noticed a grayish luminous50
light hovering over the hill, and a column shaped beam of light emanating from the objectthat seemed to attract the two women, one of them suddenly went into a trance-like stateand was not reacting. The other decided to drive away back to her house. Once at thehouse they picked up additional witnesses and drove back to the area where the lighthovered. As they arrived to the site, all of the witnesses except for the driver noticed ashort 5-foot tall figure standing on the side of the road, no more than 10 feet from theirvehicle. The being was a thin humanoid with a large head and large dark almond shapedeyes, his skin was gray color and appeared to have a slight glow to it. It had long thinarms, and stood motionless looking at the witness. Behind the being a shaft of grayishlight could be seen, apparently coming from a source above. At that point the witnessespanicked and drove quickly away from the area.HC addition # 2101Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 5Type: C90.Location. Teotihuacan, MexicoDate: March 21 1992 Time: unknownReporter Marco Antonio Villasana took several photos of the area, when the photographswere exposed one of them clearly showed a winged man-like figure flying over thearcheological site. At the time that the pictures were taken no one saw anything unusual.HC addendumSource: Antonio VillasanaType: E91.Location. Protasovo, Szelkovskiy area, Moscow region RussiaDate: April 1992Time: unknownOn the shore of the Pruzhenka River several local inhabitants spotted a disc-shapedobject on the ground. Next to the object stood a figure resembling a modern day51
cosmonaut. Both the figure and the object soon left but on the ground four rectangularindentations were found on the ground.HC addendumSource: SKYZONE RussiaType: C92.Location. Badenoch, Highlands, ScotlandDate: April 1992Time: afternoonAt the side of a Scottish loch a group of fishermen, including Graeme Kilpatrick spottedsomething high up on the hillside on the opposite bank of the loch, a clearing in betweentwo banks of fir trees, which ran from the hilltop down to the loch-side. The figure inquestion was seen about one third of the way down the clearing from the hilltop, runningat a very quick pace out from the fir trees down the center of the fire break, it thenstopped and turned and ran uphill along the center of the fire break until it reached thesame area it emerged from earlier out of the trees. The figure would stay out of sight forabout ten seconds and re-emerge at a different point north or south of the original exitpoint always on the left bank of trees, each time following the same pattern down then upthe center of the fire break from the point it emerged from the trees. This went on foraround 5 minutes, six people including Kilpatrick were spread out at different pointsalong the loch side opposite the fire break on the other side of the loch, all saw the events.Kilpatrick estimated the distance from the figure and the men no more than a mile; thespeed of which it was traveling was between 20 & 30 mph, covering about 50 to 70 yardsat a time. The figure, all agreed, moved on two legs was black in color, humanoid inshape and size but heavier built. They all believed it was too quick to have been anordinary human.HC addendumSource: Cryptozoology.com, SightingsType: E93.Location. San Marcos Sierra, Cordoba, ArgentinaDate: April 1992Time: nightThe main witness and her father & mother in law first saw numerous lighted objectsflying over the area and at the same time she felt a hot burning sensation in her chest. Theships emitted bright orange and red flashes of light. They seemed to be entering a cliffinto what appeared to be an inter-dimensional portal into what appeared to be a fantasticlooking luminous city. Soon as the witnesses drove closer to the mountain they spotted abeam of light descending from the sky and in the beam two tall human like figures thatdescended towards the ground. This figures appeared to be semi-transparent, tall, and thinand lacking any hair, one was of feminine appearance and both wore tight-fitting grayoutfits. The beings apparently sensed the terror in the witnesses and retreated back up thebeam of light into a hovering lighted craft. The witnesses then drove away from the area.The main witness was to have further encounters.52
HC addendumSource: Los Favoritos de Ruthy, ArgentinaType: B94.Location. Tijeras Canyon, New MexicoDate: April 1992 Time: 2140Sue Strickland was traveling north through the canyon when she saw somethingresembling a “mini jet” streak into the canyon from behind her, preceded by a fireball oflight about 2’ in diameter. The ball of light streaked by following the paved road, themini jet apparently following it. Near an outcrop the mini jet suddenly stopped, andhovered silently, it then tilted 45 degrees and maneuvered over Strickland’s vehicle. Afterhovering over the truck for a minute or two it accelerated and disappeared around thenext curve. The witness drove up and saw it on the road ahead. She could see that it was ajet-like vehicle slightly larger than she thought with a curved canopy. She could see twofigures, one inside the other walking towards the rear of the object. As she sat looking atthe object and figures suddenly she found herself inside the object. She stood in an aislewith a short wooden bench on both sides. She attempted to walk towards the front of theobject but was commanded to stop. After saying something to the pilot, a short, thin,man-like figure approached her. He was bald and was wearing a blue coverall with goldembroidered epaulets on his shoulders. Apparently the being attempted to implant ahypnotic suggestion in her mind, about forgetting the incident, but it did not work. Helooked surprised then the pilot told him to get rid of her. Her next memory was of sittingin her truck, and seeing a streak of light out of the corner of her eye.HC addition # 3514Source: CAUSType: G95.Location. East Tucson, ArizonaDate: April 1992 Time: 2300Byron T Weeks and his ex-wife were watching television when his wife noticed somelights in the window. Weeks walked over to the window and pulled aside the lace curtain53
for a better look. There were lights at the top of the window looking down and throughthe window, focused on the pair. The lights were arranged on an arc, with two yellowlights centrally and then a red and a blue light on each side, like a tilted half circle.Seconds later the lights righted to a horizontal alignment and went straight up without asound. A couple of days later they both saw a saucer shaped craft about 40 ft in diameterat dusk. It reflected like a mirror and had antenna like pipes sticking out of the pillboxthing on the top. It flew silently down their street a few feet off the ground. A few daysafter that, Weeks had gone to bed in an upstairs bedroom and was fast asleep. Sometimeduring the night he was awakened, it felt like coming out of general anesthesia. He waslying on his back in a room filled with a bright moonlight level of illumination. He wasable to breath normally but otherwise seemed to be paralyzed. Standing around the “bed”were seven faintly luminescent beings. They seemed to all be dressed in white caftan likerobes. They were about 5-½ ft tall, and were stocky in built. He could see no hair on theirheads, and the eyes were large and dark, and perfectly round. The foreheads wereprominent and bulbous. The head in general was large and the face was broad, with asquare chin. He could see no whites to the eyes. No ears were visible, but a small mouthand nose were discernible. They seemed somehow “Buddha” like. They made no sound,but it seemed that they were reading his mind. Weeks had the distinct impression that hewas being rapidly fed telepathic information. After what seemed to be a few minutes, hisconsciousness just “winked out.” He awoke normally the next morning. For some reasonthe witness felt that the beings were from some Galactic Federation, to which PlanetEarth does not yet belong.HC addendumSource: CAUS PCES Type: E or G?96.Location. Near Provins, Seine et Marne FranceDate: April 1992Time 0300ATwo witnesses traveling on a road near the village saw a large luminous white triangularshaped craft hovering on the side of the road. Soon three tall humanoids with largeyellow glowing eyes and with no other discernible features and wearing silverycombination suits came out of the object. All three seemed to be carrying objects thatemitted beams of light. At this point the witnesses apparently blacked out and came to 3hours later parked on the side off the road. Strange marks were found on the witnesses’arms.HC addendumSource: LDLN # 314 Denys Breysse Project Becassine Type: B or G?Comments: Is not known if hypnotic regression was ever use on this witness.54
97.Location. Springfield, MissouriDate: April 1 1992Time: 0110AA 35-year old local woman was awakened in her bedroom to witness a disc-shaped objectwith red lights around the bottom rim just outside her window. The witness felt herselfbeing pulled toward the window by a “force’. She glanced at her bedside clock and sawthat it was 0110A. The next recollection of the witness is that she awakened with a jolt inher bed and that the time was 0310A.HC addendumSource: Acteon, MissouriType: F98.Location. Cicero, IllinoisDate: April 3 1992 Time: 0200AIn a dream like state, the witness remembered lying in bed next to her sleeping husband,when suddenly she heard her bedroom window open making a creaking sound. She wasthen unable to move. Moments later she saw three humanoid type creatures with chalkycolored skin, big heads, and big eyes walking around her bed. Soon they stood next toher. She was completely paralyzed and apparently her pet cat was also affected. She doesnot recall anything else, except that she awoke feeling empty.HC addition # 2159Source: Unsolved UFO Sightings, fall 1994Type: E99.Location. Near Kiel, GermanyDate: April 10 1992 Time: 0130AThe witness was sleeping in the cellar when he noticed an intermittent reddish lightshining down into the cellar from upstairs. The witness decided to investigate and wentupstairs into the living room. In the living room the witness saw a short figure whom hethought was his son “Boas”. But in the darkened living two dark figures remained onetaller than the other. At this point the witness realized that the short figure was not hisson, who was 11-years old at the time. The figure was about 1.20m in height, the other55
slightly taller; both had relatively large heads and child-like bodies. The witness thenwent to use the bathroom and there the witness noticed that the time was 0130A butincredibly when he returned to his bed the clock there showed only 0030A. Apparentlyinstead of loosing time the witness had somehow “gained” time, or maybe his memorieswere a bit confused. He did not see the creatures again.HC addendumSource: Greyhunter UFO site, GermanyType: E100.Location. Near Deming, New MexicoDate: April 12 1992 Time: 2320The witness was driving on US 180 along the desert and was listening to his CB radiowhen the radio suddenly went silent and he vaguely noticed a patch of white light shiningon a rise over the left side of the road. He then heard a voice in his head telling him to“watch out for the smoke.” Thinking it had been the CB radio he replied but there was noanswer. Suddenly what looked like a huge luminous cloud of smoke began stretchingacross the highway ahead, it formed a solid curtain across the road. The witness droveinto the grayish-white vapor for an hour. He stopped his vehicle and walked across theroad and into a ditch but was still unable to see anything. He suddenly went into a state ofparalysis and sensed the approach of two persons. Each person got on either side of thewitness and placed a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. He wasthen led to a shiny metallic object, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. Arectangular opening appeared on the side of the craft. Next he remembers sitting back ona chair inside the object feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly alone then two beingsentered the room. One being was a male with a round oval face with two large oval blackeyes. He was five-foot tall with a thin torso and limbs. The second being was a female,similar to the male being. The witness was then led to a dimly lit room and placed in areclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing stimulating sensation on his facial areaand felt as if a small object was being introduced into his nose. He was then released andlet outside and floated horizontally towards his vehicle. He resumed the drive and thevapor-like fog quickly dissipated.HC addition # 1292Source: Richard J Boylan PhD, Les K Boylan,Close Extraterrestrial EncountersType: G56
101.Location. Lockport, New YorkDate: April 15 1992 Time: 1900A large disc-shaped craft was observed coming out of the lake and flying erratically southtowards Lockport. The object appeared to wobble and moved lower appearing to be introuble. Observers claim it appeared to search for a landing spot, continued to losealtitude and crashed on Campbell Boulevard (Route 270) four miles west of Lockport andten miles north of Buffalo. When the UFO crashed it managed to avoid hitting the carstraveling on the road. However, the drivers of the cars stopped to examine the UFO andmost waited until the police arrived. The UFO was 100 feet in diameter and 25 feet high.Military, fire and police quickly arrived and cleaned up the crash site and cautioned thosethere not to talk about the incident. Some how the authorities were able to keep the crashquiet and only family members of those who observed the crash site have been told.HC addendumSource: UFO Crash list, quoting Unnamed Temple University Professor. Type: Hwould like to have more information on this incident.102.Location. Oderzo, ItalyDate: April 20 1992 Time: nightA guard on duty at the Oderzo Army barracks suddenly finds himself paralyzed andobserves two humanoid figures wearing what appeared to be cloaks; the figures walk byand disappear from sight. Around the same time other military personnel see an objectshaped like a cigar descending towards the ground. No other information.HC addendumSource: CISUType: D103.Location. Baku, Azerbaijan (USSR)Date: May 1992Time: 0130A-0530A57
A young witness named Eldar from the town of Nahichevan, a student at the localPolytechnic Institute was returning to his aunt’s house located on Rasuladze Street.Walking by the old Universal department store, Eldar felt that he was alone in the street,however he turned around and saw the a figure standing only a few steps from him. Eldarwas stunned to notice that it was the same strange “man” that he had encountered back inMay 1990 around the same location, Eldar immediately recognized him. He was takenaback not knowing what to do, the same familiar feeling of fear and uncertainty seizedhim. “I told you we would meet again!” exclaimed the stranger. “I had invited you tocome with me. Now don’t refuse me, you will not regret it. Let’s go!” Eldar did not havetime to answer; he was suddenly plunging into a deep mist. The mist enveloped his body,hindering his movements and driving him out of consciousness. He next felt rising up andfloating above the old Universal Store and over the Caspian steamship line building, thenhe blacked out. He woke up later lying on some kind of cot inside a spherical object.Apparently the object was hovering or flying through the air. Two humanoids wereleaning over his body; they were dressed in tight-fitting overalls of steel color. One ofthem Eldar recognized as the familiar “aged man” he had encountered previously. Eldarfelt a strong influence being exerted on him by the humanoids. “You are very much likeus” the second alien suddenly said, “We want only to study you. We don’t wish you anyharm”. What followed was to the witness what appeared to have been a high qualitysurgical procedure lasting several hours. The two humanoids attached several instrumentsinto his body, while at the same time looking at some nearby screens from time to time,where what appeared to have been Eldar’s inner organs were displayed. Eldar felt someelectrical currents running through his body, apparently emanating from the instruments.The aliens then asked him if he suffered from any illnesses and how did he felt in general.They then told him that he was going to live for a long time, until age 90. The aged alienman then diagnosed Eldar explaining that he was of good health and that had been theirbasic reason of their interest on him. “You do not have the standard brain system forgenotype”. They added. They also said that they could erase their memory if they wished,but that it could traumatize him but they hoped he would not talk much about it.Throughout the encounter Eldar constantly asked the men who they were and from wherethey had come from and also what they wanted, but those questions remainedunanswered. They only told him that they knew about the life of humans and could seefar into the future. Everything happens, according to their opinion, not by desire or fate,but according to the basic laws of physics. According to them the future could besuccessfully calculated by prognosis. The aliens did not reveal anything about themselvesbut did say that they knew that “Earthling had a huge interest on extraterrestrials, and thatsooner or later full contact would be established.” At this point Eldar suddenly saw themist suddenly encased him again; he became semi-conscious and was deposited back onthe same location in front of the old department store. Eldar glanced at his watch andrealized that he had spent about 4 hours with the aliens. Upon returning home he was notable to resume “normal” living for a while. He told his aunt what had occurred but shedid not believe him. Eldar became depressed and grew very thin.HC addendumSource: Zaur Ismail-zade, Baku in “Fourth Dimension and UFOs”Newspaper of the Yaroslavl UFO Research Group # 3 1994Type: G58
104.Location. South Dade County, FloridaDate: May 1992 Time: late afternoonKatherine Francovich was walking her two large “attack trained dogs” on leashes througha deserted grove of leafless lime trees, when she heard a very loud noise. Turning towardthe noise she saw a small humanoid standing by a tree. The being had grayish/pink skin,non-porous and almost plastic like. It stood about 4-feet 9-inches tall. It wore a snugfitting metallic looking outfit that clearly showed the shape of its body. The upper part ofthe being’s head was disproportionately wide; the eyes were huge, black, and almondshaped, with no whites or pupils visible. It had two tiny nostrils and its lips were verysmall and not well defined. Its ears seemed to be dropped down a little bit, very small andpressed flat against the head. The arms were very long, without muscle tone, very skinny,extending into very long six fingered hands. Its neck was thin looking, the shoulders notwell defined. It had a very slender frame and what appeared to be a small potbelly. Buincredibly its thighs were over-developed, with well-defined bulging muscles on its legs.Its feet however were small. On its feet it had what looked like a cloth boot, made out ofthe same metallic material it wore for its clothes. Francovich and the humanoid stared ateach other for a while. Her two dogs, normally aggressive, just sat down quietly in thepresence of the being. Suddenly the being began to run, at a stunning speed, leaping withvery little effort. The witness and her dogs ran after it, running a distance of several cityblocks. Finally they came to a kind of tunnel that was formed from densely growing vineson dead trees. The being then darted into it and disappeared. At that same moment apowerful sulfuric stench became apparent, causing the witness to stop in her tracks. Thewitness felt there were other beings hiding in the bushes and quickly left the area alongwith her dogs.HC addition # 2962Source: CNI News, quoting Linda Moulton HoweType: E105.Location. Manila, PhilippinesDate: May 1992Time: nightA woman, Martina Santa Rosa, reported an attack by a strange creature called a“manananggal” a sort of vampire type entity. Santa Rosa reported seeing half of her bodyand it was naked. She had long, scraggly hair, long arms, nails, and sharp fangs. A59
neighbor backed her account, coming forward to say that he had seen the creature’s tophalf flying away from Santa Rosa’s house.HC addendumSource: Mike Dash, BorderlandsType: E106.Location. Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDate: May 1992 Time: nightElizabeth R. and her husband both 32 years of age heard a noise soon after going to bed,both woke up to see a short glowing figure standing at the foot of their bed. The figurehad a child-like body, huge head and huge black eyes, a green glow surrounded it. Bothwitnesses, who are devout Catholics, began to pray frantically. The short figure thensuddenly vanishes. The next day the couple has a Catholic priest “bless” the house in thebelief that what they had seen the night before had been a satanic vision.HC addendumSource: Liliana Flotta, Eduardo Grosso, “Terror Nocturno,Historias reales de visitantes Extraterrestres”Type: E107.Location. Georgia, exact location not givenDate: May 5 1992 Time: 0200AThe witness woke up to see a shadow like entity at the corner of his baby son’s bed.Sitting up he saw the dark “shadow” move from the baby’s bed to the window and wall athis right. The entity stood about 4 ½ feet tall, and appeared to have a black cape of somekind on with a wide teepee-like hat that was somehow connected with its cape. No facialfeatures or arms could be seen. The entity then moved from left to right and thendisappeared through the wall of the house. This experienced was followed by anunsettling dream about the baby, and later by a frightening incident. Months later otherfamily members saw a shadow like figure with claws move out of the hallway and touchthe chest of one of the older children in the house.HC addition # 2624Source: John C. Thompson, ISURType: E108.Location. Kentucky, exact location not givenDate: May 11 1992 Time: nightOn a dark stormy night the passenger on the front seat of the car noticed a “phenomenal”creature standing on the side of the road. She first noticed its nude upper thigh, and thenbiceps. She described the creature as about 6 ft tall, solid black in color. It had a largealmost dinosaur like head, with large oval solid black eyes and very fierce large solid60
lack exposed teeth. No protruding nose or hair was seen. Its skin was also solid blackand appeared to be rough like leather. It had very long fingers and its legs were neverstraightened as it moved away, it was almost in a crouching position, which made itappear that it was running but slowly paced. It quickly disappeared into the darkness.HC addendumSource: Blurry Photo.comType: E109.Location. San Lorenzo, CaliforniaDate: May 20 1992 Time: 14002 men fishing out near the bay just a few miles from the Oakland International Airportstumbled upon what first appeared to be a building of some sort hovering above theground. They soon noticed that it was a 2 story tall circular craft about 35 ft wide, shapedlike a round cake. It appeared to be completely covered in mirrors, the bottom half wasstationary, while the top half rotated quickly in a clockwise direction. The object emitteda weird reverberating humming noise. One of the young men became frightened and tookoff on his bicycle, while the other one remained behind staring at the object for about aminute before he also left. The top half of the object was somewhat translucent and hewas able to see several figures standing in the top half, even though it was rotatingquickly he could still see clearly the figures standing completely still.HC addendumSource: NUFORCType: A110.Location. Connersville, IndianaDate: May 12 1992 Time: early morningA young boy reported being paralyzed in his bedroom by a strange elderly-lookinghumanoid. The boy had been apparently abducted on numerous occasions. No otherinformation.HC addition # 1970Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter 1-95, quoting Don WorleyType: E111.Location. St. Clair, MissouriDate: May 13 1992 Time: unknown17-year old Jason Stroop was dying of leukemia at his home when his brother Scottarrived from bible study and went to see him. As Scott walked into the room, Jason askedhim, “Who are the four friends with you”. Scott was alone, but Jason insisted, “What aretheir names? I wish I had a camera to take their photos, because they are so special. There61
is a beautiful, bright light around them.” A little later Jason said, “I’ve had enough pain, Iwant to go home.” He slept peacefully, and died the following evening.HC addendumSource: Paul Whitehead, FSR Vol. 39 $ 4 Type: E or F?Encounter with angels?112.Location. South Dade County, FloridaDate: Middle of May 1992 Time: 2300Katherine Francovich was sitting in her living room, shortly after her first encounter,talking on the telephone with a friend. All the lights were turned off in the apartment. Allfour dogs lay on the floor sound asleep. As she listened to the friend on the phone, shestared out through the window. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the ceiling. A mintgreen cloud, appeared at the junction of the ceiling and wall, opposite to where she sat. Itslowly spread across the ceiling and down the wall, expanding exactly like a thick cloudof morning dew. The mint-green cloud expanded rolled-swirled throughout the entireroom, hovering and clinging to the ceiling. Some of it drifted down to the floor, likecigarette smoke settling. She told her friend on the phone what was going on and beforeanything else was said she noticed movement outside the window. To her surprise one ofthe lime grove beings was peeking through the open window at her. The curious facepeeked through the corner of the screen, in an almost child-like manner, with big almondshaped eyes. Instantly Francovich identified this being as a female, which seemedobvious to her from the feminine characteristics of her face. Within a few moments, sheshifted her body slightly over to the center of the window. At this moment the witnessbecame aware of the fact that there was another being with her. A smaller one whopeeked around the right hand side of her body, as if too timid to stand next to her. Theshy being was a male that kept taking a peek and then ducking behind the safety of thefemale, only to wait a moment before daring another quick glance. The swirling greencloud continued to float in her living room, directly above her. All this time the witnesskept telling her stunned friend what was going on over the phone. For some unexplainedreason her dogs never woke up. At one point the female raised her hand in slow motionand gently placed it on the screen. The palm of her hand was facing the witness, with thefingers spread apart. The witness counted six long digits. The witness then placed herhand against the window on the exact same place where the alien had placed hers. Sheheard the words “Protector of life, Protector of life” in her head several times. Then thefemale turned, with her back facing the witness and leaped off the porch. The young malefollowed right behind her. All their body movements seemed to be in slow motion andgraceful, as if the laws of gravity did not apply. Soon they were gone.HC addendumSource: Dave Taub, & K T FrancovichType: E113.62
Location. Haye, near Nancy, FranceDate: May 24 1992 Time: 2300There were several observations of a fiery humanoid silhouette seen in a wood near thevillage. Six members of the local UFO group ECOL reported seeing the fiery luminousfigure floating over the ground in the woods. When the figure is approached it seems todissipate and disappear.HC addendumSource: Raoul Robe Regional CatalogType: E114.Location. Rooster Rock State Park, OregonDate: Summer 1992 Time: 0200AA couple were out camping when hey heard an awful scream from far away that was loudand mournful and then under the light of the full moon he noticed, only ten feet away, aten foot tall Bigfoot like creature. It wasn’t even looking at him, but across the river. Thewitness said the eyes of the creature were a silver dollar size, eight inches apart, and firered in the moonlight. As he began to panic, he heard a message of peace and nonaggressionin his head. He turned around, picked up his gear, and backed off. He packedup his stuff, land left in the boat (apparently in shock), leaving his wife, who woke later,went to get a friend to help find her husband who had been arrested, she later found out.Later they found wide tracks 17 inches long, and another set at 20 inches long.HC addendumSource: Ray Crowe’s Track Record # 43Type: E & F115.63
Location. Beckley West VirginiaDate: Summer 1992 Time: 0300AThe witness was just pulling out of the parking lot of a local mall when he noticed ablond haired woman that appeared to be 8 months pregnant running alongside of theroad. He pulled up next to her intent in assisting her when the frantic woman jumped intohis car and began screaming, “ Get out of here”! They are after me”! Leave me alone!Get away! They after me! As he drove away with the screaming woman next to him henoticed what appeared to be headlights following his vehicle. He attempted to outrun thelights but was unable to, at one point he slammed the brakes and the lights flew over hiscar then hovered in mid-air yards above them. The woman screamed again and told thewitness to drive to a nearby decrepit and apparently abandoned house. There she left thevehicle and ran into the house. The lights hovered overhead for a second then shot away.After awhile the witness recalled some strange details about the woman, she wasdescribed as good looking, with a petite face, not swollen like a normal pregnant woman.She wore a bright green blouse that seemed to absorb light and her slacks were wrinklefree without any creases. A week later he returned to the sit of the house and found outthat it had been abandoned for years.HC addition # 1958Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOSClose Encounters in the Mountain State Type: C?116.Location. Togliatti, Samara region, RussiaDate: Summer 1992 Time: eveningA 44-year old local woman, living alone reportedly entered into telepathiccommunications with different interlocutors during astral flights. She suddenlyremembered different events in her life that had been erased from her memory, whichindicated a series of rotational alien abductions. She remembered lying on a table in abrightly lit room. There she saw other human females lying on other tables next to her,apparently also abductees. Humanoid alien personnel present were dressed in specialsuits, resembling cream-colored gowns. Apparently the witness was able to see the aliensclearly because they had apparently disguised their features in front of the abductedwomen. Control panels with blinking lights were positioned along the walls. Among theother women in the room with the witness she was able several women that she againencountered during later abductions that lasted up to autumn of 1994. The witness foundthe procedures conducted on her by the aliens repulsive and she detested being abducted.But gradually the feeling of disgust vanished and she began to feel quite comfortableduring her abductions. The whole room was enveloped in light though the source of thelight was not readily apparent. According to the witness each time she was kept in theroom for several hours at a time, and soon began to feel as if she was pregnant(apparently she had been impregnated along with the other women in the room). Soon allthe women were moved to nearby rooms, smaller in size and every woman was keptalone there in the chamber-like rooms. The aliens placed the females in deep armchairs,the walls in the small rooms were completely saturated with control panels and64
interlacing transparent tubes filled with some type of liquid visible inside. The liquidappeared to be constantly moving displaying a magnificent mixture of colors. Some ofthe tubes had what appeared to be “suckers”. Somehow the witness had the feeling thatthe “suckers” had vestiges of intelligence. The woman’s body was touched in differentplaces by this suckers on a constant basis, as one sucker left her body another wouldimmediately fall upon her (apparently some type of complicated bio-organic technology).Then the aliens placed a cowl around her head and shoulders, and while this was goingon she fell into a state of euphoria beginning on the top of her head. She was thenreturned to the previous room, but she doesn’t remember how this was done. When shereturned to her senses, her left leg was placed against something warm and apparentlyalive, while her right leg felt rigid. The aliens were apparently doing something inside hersexual organs, but she felt no pain only a feeling of warmth. She then saw the aliensremoving what appeared to have been a transparent bubble from her stomach area, about10-15cm in diameter; she could clearly see a human embryo inside of it. Then a roundcontainer with a transparent section was moved closer to her location and the “bubble”was placed inside of it. She could see the embryo through the transparent section, itappeared to be hovering in mid air or floating on some type of liquid. Soon the containerwas closed tightly and moved away. After that the aliens began removing some kind ofreagent from the women’s bodies, it was apparently important not to leave any trace ofthe reagent. The women who attempted to resist or escape not wanting to wait until theend of the procedure, began to feel a strong sense of shame, as if they had donesomething immoral or indecent, quickly loosing all desire to escape. The witnessunderstood that it was extremely important for the aliens to remove the bubble with theembryo just at the right time. During one of her abductions, the “bubble” wasinadvertently kept for more time than necessary and this apparently caused panic amongthe alien personnel. The witness also noticed a marked different between human and alientime. Apparently 3-5 days with the aliens was only one night on earth.HC addendumSource: N.I. Makarova, Togliatti UFO Group & Vladimir G. Azhazha PhD in:“Ufological Mysteria” Moscow 2002Type: GComments: Do we have here a wholesale manipulation of the human species? Manycases seem to point in that direction.117.Location. Near Castelldefels, near Barcelona, SpainDate: summer 1992Time: eveningWitness, J.A. Perez was traveling near the town in a convertible with his wife when as heapproached Prat Airport he observed a gigantic bird-like figure, at least six times biggerthan the car, and with the profile of a prehistoric bird. It was totally silent. At first Perezthought it was somebody filming a movie but there wasn’t anyone around at the time. Hiswife suggested that it could have been some kind of “airplane”.HC addendum65
Source: http://www.iiee.cl/reportajesType: E118.Location. Town near Sea of Azov, RussiaDate: Summer 1992 Time: late eveningMr. Veniamin Kurochkin, involved in a previous contact in the spring of 1990 was againvisited by three humanoids in his hotel room. As in the previous case the trio penetratedinto his room directly through the wall. The alien bodies were seemingly transparent. Thevisit ended when a bluish mist enveloped the witness and him loosing consciousness. Butbefore the aliens left the witness had a “short talk” with them, which was accompanied bya demonstration of several “images”. This time Kurochkin felt neither fear nor anypsychological discomfort. This was apparently as a result of some invisible influence onthe part of the aliens, which blocked his sense of fear. Veniamin saw a huge pipe inside ascreen, with two “energy streams” curving into a spiral moving one in front of the other.There were huge oval-shaped windows in the walls of the pipe and behind them somemysterious buildings were visible. This screen was floating in mid-air to the left of thesemi-transparent alien trio and several steps from Kurochkin’s bed. Looking at the imagethe witness asked the aliens if it was a “time travel machine” (?). One of the aliens, whichappeared to have been about 50 years of age and dressed in a smoky gray tight-fitting suitanswered, “Your understanding of time is incorrect”. “This is something in the nature ofa time travel machine in your understanding”. The witness then asked how did themachine worked. The alien answered, “There are several ways to travel through time. Forexample there area corridors in space, that humanity is not aware of….do you see thosespiral (helical) streams in the pipe rushing towards one another?” The witness answeredaffirmative. The alien continued, “They hold a great future for your civilization. They canbe used for the benefit of humans”. The alien then added, “Anyway even if I give youadditional details you will not understand…take our advice stop wearing your wristwatch” (!). The witness was visible confused and was told that the “Rhythm of theUniverse did not coincide with terrestrial time, that it was one of the reasons for the manyunnecessary problems on Earth. Kurochkin then muttered, “Well is this all connectedwith my watch?” The alien answered, “Take your watch off your wrist and keep it inyour pocket. A watch on the wrist could be harmful; it “jams” the Rhythms of theUniverse, partially penetrating into the temporal field of Earth and into the biorhythms ofyour personal biological time. Besides that stop drinking alcohol, including beer, (!),would you remember what we told you today? “Yes” answered Kurochkin. At this pointthe blue mist covered the witness and the aliens vanished.HC addendumSource: Alexey K. Priyma, “Unknown Worlds” Moscow 1996 Type: EComments: Complicated and interesting case, were these visitors really time travelers? Imust admit I always felt “discomfort” wearing a wristwatch, but I am not sure if I couldstop drinking completely.66
119.Location. Pine Bush, New YorkDate: Summer 1992 Time: 2230Separate witnesses had seen on a road a black creature about 7-9 ft tall, all black withhead, arms and legs, the witnesses could not make out any features. It ran off into thewoods after being seen. This is an area of heavy UFO activity.HC addendumSource: Bill Brann, WBS Alien Report, Vol. 2 # 10Type: E120.Location. North of Las Vegas NevadaDate: Summer 1992 Time: nightA man parked in a remote area investigating reports of alien activity at a nearby topsecretAir Force site, reported seeing peculiar distant lights over the area. Later he caughtsight of what appeared to be a security four-wheel drive vehicle driving by 20 yardsaway. The vehicle’s inside light was on. In the passenger seat, sitting upright he saw afemale humanoid being; she appeared to be half-human with blond hair and huge darkeyes and a wide face. The vehicle drove quickly away.HC addition # 1691Source: UFONS # 295 Type: C?121.Location. Satka area, Chelyabinsk region, RussiaDate: Summer 1992 Time: nightA local resident staying at the local spring baths watched a revolving disc-shaped objecthovering low over the area. The man distinctly saw several illuminated windows andflashing lights inside. In some of the windows he was able to see figures of “persons”very similar to humans staring down at him. Another witness at the same resort reportedseeing a luminous sphere slowly land on the roof of the cabin without making any noises.He hid inside until the sphere left.HC addendumSource: V. P. Chernetsova “Satkinskiy legends”Type: A67
122.Location. Florida, exact location not givenDate: Summer 1992Time: late nightLate one night the witness was suddenly awakened by a loud humming noise. He couldnot move or speak and as he stared at the end of the bed he saw a tiny man in redclothing. The little man’s eyes were glowing. The man went back to sleep and did not seethe little man depart. His wife has woken up to humming sounds also but has not seenany entities.HC addendumSource: Alien Resistance, Case FilesType: E123.Location. Kent Cliffs, New YorkDate: Summer 1992 Time: 2300The witness was walking on a road near some ancient stone chambers, as he walked by achamber on the opposite side of the road he noticed a faint red glow coming from theinside. He also heard a faint sound like a hum, sort of like an electrical generator that wasbeing used to produce the light. He crossed the street and entered a short section ofwoods and entered the chamber. As soon as he walked in the noise stopped and he couldnot see the red light, it was all dark inside. He felt very uneasy as if someone waswatching him. After 30 seconds an invisible force field like force struck him. He fell tothe ground expecting to see somebody standing over him but saw no one. He tried to getup several times but an unseen force that felt like a hand kept striking him. He stayeddown and looked toward the opening and saw the figure of a man standing there. He waswearing a white robe and had long black hair and a beard. His hair was very curly and ithung over his shoulders. His eyes seemed very dark, but they also glowed. The center ofhis pupils looked red. He just stood there and looked at the witness. The figure raised hishand and pointed his finger at the witness, who realized that he was not wanted there. The68
figure was surrounded by a soft white glow. It then dissolved into a cloud of mist, and themist was drawn into a nearby rock, just as if there was a vacuum there. The witness thenleft the chamber.HC addendumSource: Phillip J Imbrogno & Marianne HorriganContact of the 5 th KindType: E124.Location. Scottsdale ArizonaDate: Summer 1992 Time: late nightA woman was checking on her husband (Eddie Sosa) in the bedroom when she saw twoto three short gray skinned humanoids with large heads and black oval-shaped eyes thatwere apparently injecting or extracting some type of fluid from her husband’s head. Heappeared to be sleeping. The woman was unable to move as the beings then entered herseven-year old son’s bedroom and repeated the same procedure apparently using a longneedle-like instrument.HC addition # 2078Source: Personal InterviewType: E125.Location. Florida, exact location not givenDate: Summer 1992 Time: late nightFaith Lovette suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling very afraid. It had beenvery hot and humid but the room felt very chilly. The streetlights were shining in throughthe window and she could see the room clearly. She then noticed a strange being standingat the end of the bed. The being had red glowing eyes and red marks on his face and hisarms and legs looked a little too small for his body, but he may have been wearing somekind of body armor. When the being realized that she was awake, he came up to herputting his face very close to hers, eye-to-eye. He then touched her face and hair assuringher that she would not be harmed. The being had some kind of scanning device in hishand that he used to scan her from head to toe. When he was done he looked at her as if69
to say he was done, backed up towards the closet and disappeared. (Note similarity tocase # 60).HC addendumSource: UFOs and Aliens Among usType: E126.Location. Josefow, near Warsaw, PolandDate: summer 1992 Time: variousA teenage girl named Edyta (allegedly involved in other contacts with an extraterrestrialcivilization) reported that her first encounter occurred during her stay at a sanatorium(clinic) in Josefow. She saw a shiny sphere hovering very close to the building thatcracked branches on nearby trees. When a car appeared the object seemed to camouflageitself by transforming itself into a car and then disappearing into thin air. The next dayEdyta and two of her friends, Kasia and Wojtek found several 5 fingered prints on thewindowpanes of the sanatorium building. Marks resembled those on an X-ray print theprints had long fingers with claws, with 4 well defined sections (bone structures). Theyalso possessed alleged papillary lines. For several days afterward especially at nightEdyta felt the presence of alien beings in the room, also she felt their “touches”. She hadvisions of beings in gray suits. She felt no fear and treated the beings as “old friends”.Sometime after her first encounter Edyta realized that the beings were able to move ortravel in between dimensions.HC addendumSource: NPN Poland www.npn.ehost.plType: GComments: According to the source the name of the beings which the witness is inalleged contact is “Tercyrians”. The beings once told Edyta that a long time ago she usedto live in their planet.127.Location. Mexico City, DF MexicoDate: June 1992Time: 0300AThe witness, a nurse, suddenly woke up and saw through a window in her bedroom around luminous object descend over a nearby roof. Several short figures with huge headsemerged from the object. She attempted to scream but could not. The beings all woretight fitting silvery outfits. Then she heard a loud humming sound coming from theobject, which also emitted a bright white light that surrounded the little humanoids. Asshe watched the scene, she suddenly blacked out and does not remember anything else ofthe incident.HC addendumSource: Fabio Picasso Type: B or G?70
128.Location. Rotherham, EnglandDate: June 1992Time: middayThe witness was walking through a strip of ancient woodland parallel to a road with his6month old baby in his baby buggy. He heard dogs barking that sounded very big so hetook another path that ran through the center of the wood. There he saw a human-lookingmale sitting in a tree with his leg along a branch. His leg looked too long and the witnesscouldn’t see the other leg. Then after only a second or two, he wasn’t there anymoreinstead there was a man in a brilliant white jacket and dark trousers standing on theground and looking directly at him. The figure was solid, not ghostly and he disappearedas soon as the witness looked at him. He continued along the path and after half a minutehe was halfway through the wood. He saw the man in the brilliant white jacket about 5-6times on both sides of the path he was on at varying distances. If he didn’t look at thefigure directly, he could keep him in his vision and he could see that he had dark hair justbelow his ears and was about 5feet to 5ft and half tall. He then felt that something wasbehind him and he looked over his right shoulder. He saw a man the same shape as theother one but much taller, about 7-8feet tall with branches covering the top of his headand he couldn’t see his face. This figure did not disappear as the witness looked at it. Thewitness was puzzled that he couldn’t see its face and searched with his awareness alonghis body and noticed that the figure was looking directly at another person who waseither dark or hidden and was looking directly at the witness eyes. He felt an analyticalmind and was like an electric shock. He felt as if he was looking into the mind ofsomething very old. He gasped air inwards, which was the first sound he made. He didn’ttry to make contact with it, but gripped the handles of the baby buggy and turned his backon it and walked on along the path. He then came to an unfamiliar path that was straightahead, the path crossed one that went in either direction, and he went straight forward andfound that the plants were so high that he couldn’t see over them. He then heardsomething pass him on his left side. He got to where the shrubs thinned out and saw theman in the white jacket again and he disappeared as soon as he looked at him. He saw thegate out of the woods and went towards it. At the gate he turned around after placing thebaby facing outwards, and he looked back. There was a ripple on the ground, like a wavethat came towards him very fast and it went through him and everything else. It seemedto make everything greener; he also felt a euphoric feeling of being at one witheverything alive. He felt very happy and had the distinct impression of something flyingpast the trees.HC addendumSource: http://www.ufoevidence.org/sightingsType: E129.Location. Antioch, IllinoisDate: June 1992Time: eveningMatthew Eaton was walking back from a creek located behind a neighbor’s house whenhe saw what appeared to be a 4 ft bipedal creature standing about 20 ft into the woods71
that where adjacent to a local creek. Its eyes appeared to be glowing red. Eaton stared atit and it stared back for what seemed to a minute or so. Its body appeared to be entirelycovered with fur, of an unknown color. Its right arm was wrapped around one of thetrees, which hid its right shoulder down, while its other arm was resting along thecreature’s side. It had 4 to 5 long bony fingers. The head appeared to be an oval shapeand the face appeared to be hairless. After a few moments it walked into the woods andvanished.HC addendumSource: Cryptozoology.comType: E130.Location. Agawam MassachusettsDate: June 1992 Time: nightAs a bright object hovered low over the area, all the mailboxes in one street reportedlyburst into flames. Several strange undescribed creatures were also observed nearby. Noother information.HC addition # 2393Source: UFONS # 283Type: C131.Location. Boa Vista dos Ramos, BrazilDate: June 1992Time: nightA lone motorist saw a tall human like figure with long blond hair with green luminouseyes was seen standing on the side of the road, it was almost 3 meters in height. It wore atight-fitting plastic like coverall and large silvery boots. It seemed to be watching thetraffic going by.HC addendumSource: Antonio Faleiro, BrazilType: E132.Location. North Palm Beach, FloridaDate: June 1992 Time: late nightThe witness, Norma Martinez, who had sleeping face down on her bed, suddenly wokeup in the middle of the night feeling a tremendous weight on her back. She felt as ifsomeone was squatting on her back and pounding on her lower back with bare fists. Sheattempted to grab at the creature and felt a rough cloth. She yelled a prayer and managedto grab the cloth throwing the short creature to the floor, she looked and saw a short beingcompletely covered in a dark blue hood; no facial features could be seen. The creaturethen disappeared. The next day there was blood in her urine.72
HC addition # 2092Source: Personal InterviewType: E133.Location. Maryland, exact location not givenDate: June 1992 Time: late nightThe witness suddenly awoke from a sound sleep to see a bright blue light coming throughthe mini-blinds of her bedroom window. In the morning she found a circle of dead grassin the yard and mysterious helicopters circled her house all during that morning. She thenrecalled that during the night she had been visited by a tall blond man, with short croppedhair, black eyes without pupils that appeared to have been benevolent but “lethal serious”with command. No other information.HC addition # 1363Source: Linda Moulton Howe Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. IType: C134.Location. Nottingham, EnglandDate: June 1992 Time: 2300The 19-year old witness (anonymous) reported encountering a tall thin white “light”shiny humanoid. He does not recall being onboard a craft. But reported suffering fromheadaches and nose bleeds and body aches after the incident. No other information.HC addition # 3833Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data PageUFO Watch Type: E?135.Location. Melesse, FranceDate: June 3 1992 Time: 233073
One observer saw a 7-foot tall transparent egg-shaped craft hovering low over a pasture.A short humanoid figure was seen standing behind a control panel inside the object. Anearby tree is apparently scorched by heat emitted by the object.HC addition # 2392Source: LDLN # 334Type: A136.Location. Malibu CaliforniaDate: June 9 1992 Time: 0400AThe witness suddenly awoke and found himself unable to move. He then saw standingnext to his bed three small figures. These were described as white-colored with frailbodies, large triangular-shaped heads, and huge luminous black eyes. The figures stoodmotionless staring at the witness emanating a felling of curiosity. The figures thenreceded backwards from the witness with a look of bewilderment and vanished.HC addition # 1119Source: Jefferson R Weekly, UFO Vol. 8 # 4Type: E137.Location. Quebradas De Yauco, Puerto RicoDate: June 15 1992 Time: late nightThe same night that Dr. Radames Marin found eight of his sheep dead and mutilatedunder mysterious circumstances, several neighbors heard guttural screams coming fromnear the farm. Others saw a 6 ft tall, dark hairy figure running on two feet away from thearea and disappear into some woods.HC addendumSource: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion ChupacabrasType: E74
138.Location. Mamaroneck, New YorkDate: June 20 1992 Time: 0335A35-year old “Jane” was just getting ready to retire for the night. Her husband and childrenwere already sleeping. It was about 2300 when she looked up through the skylight andsaw a bright, star-like object right over the window. She thought it was strange but wentsoon to sleep. Several hours later she was awakened by a strange buzzing sound. As shelooked toward the skylight, a beam of light came through and hit the foot of the bed. Thebeam split into a number of colors that looked like a rainbow. The light then traveled upthe bed until it was covering half her body. She tried to move and realized that she wasparalyzed. She looked across at her husband and noticed that he was on his back, aposition he never slept in. “He looked like he was in a trance.” After about two minutesanother beam of light came through the skylight. This time it was white. Inside the light,a figure began to materialize. When the light shut off she saw a very tall man standing atthe foot of her bed. He was dressed in blue robes and was at least seven ft tall. He hadlong black hair and his skin looked very pale. The being stood there and stared at Jane,who was still paralyzed. The being then raised his hand and pointed at her. He told herverbally that her husband had not been harmed in any way. The being then said that soonshe would receive messages that would help the human race through very hard times thatwere approaching. Jane blacked out and when she woke up the next day, she told herhusband about her experience.HC addendumSource: Phillip J Imbrogno & Marianne HorriganContact of the 5 th KindType: E139.Location. Near Warsaw, PolandDate: June 20 1992 Time: 1600At a government forestry project east of Warsaw 11 witnesses were gathered in onebuilding when they suddenly noticed that on an internal road in the complex appeared---literally out of nowhere---an object looking like a disc with a dome on its upper part. Thedome was rounded with some colorful lights in its lower part. The witnesses estimatedthe UFO’s diameter to be 4 meters in width and 2 meters in height. It was dark steel likein color. They did not see any windows, antennas or other protrusions. The UFO movedslowly above the road. It then suddenly turned towards a wall of the nearby woods andlanded in the trees. It remained there for a few minutes; the witnesses could not see any75
legs or wheels. Soon the UFO took off slowly and circled over a nearby square sand lot,it then flew over the asphalt road. After that it floated among buildings and thendisappeared behind some trees. Shocked, the witnesses decided to get together anddiscuss the matter. They decided to contact the “visitors” and wrote in a piece of paper:“We are people, please contact with us” and then they fitted it onto a pane of thebathroom window on the 3 rd floor. The next day, they found the sheet of paper still on thepane but upside down and covered with strange glue like gel. The glass was covered withthe traces of 4-fingered “palms”. The “prints” were narrow and they measured 20cm intheir length. Clearly visible was 4 stage finger-like traces on the window pane (humansonly have three stages). Those strange palm prints had no thumbs, but they appear tohave claws. A photograph of the prints was taken.HC addendumSource: Robert K Lesniakiewicz, Center for UFO & AnomalousPhenomena Research, Cracow. Type: C?Comments: The palm prints remind of the previous case at Josefow.140.Location. Nikolaevka, Crimea, UkraineDate: June 24 1992 Time: late eveningMultiple local residents and tourists at the Nikolaevka resort reported seeing a UFOhovering above the Black Sea. The disc-shaped object with four bright lights on thebottom and one on top hovered silently. It remained visible for about a minute until itslights dimmed and disappeared. That same night at the local camp “Ivushka” a bizarrealien figure was seen walking amid the small wooden frame houses. The alien was about2 meters in height, or taller. There was some kind of dim light like a halo over its head.Soon the alien vanished, some said absorbed up into a hovering UFO.HC addendumSource: Yuriy A. Pugachyov, Anton Anfalov Type: B or D?141.Location. Soumenniemi, FinlandDate: June 25 1992 Time: 2100A 54-year old woman was driving her car on the way to her summer cottage in Ristiina.After a long straightaway the road curved climbing a hill and the woman noticed somemovement on the road ahead. She thought it was some kind of animal and drove closer,speeding up. However when she came closer she could see that they were 2 humanoids,who seemed to be measuring something on the ground, the first was in the middle of theroad, the second on the roadside. They were so concentrated on their work that they didnot see her car before she drove up to them. When they noticed her car they turned andthe one on the roadside jumped to the ditch and disappeared, while the humanoid in themiddle of the road froze in place as the woman drove right over him, at the same timeattempting to steer away from the entity. When driving over the humanoid she heard a76
metallic sound resembling “niuuhh” sound under the car. She stopped her car and wentout to investigate, but could not find anything. Later she discovered that a cover of hardplastic under her car had been torn out. She described the humanoids as being well-builtminiature humans some 50cm tall, clad in tight-fitting dark gray overalls with a darkerbroad belt around the waist. Their head was round, and they seemed to have beenbaldheaded and had large dark round eyes or eye openings.HC addendumSource: Mervi Virtanen, FinlandType: E142.Location. Lakeville, Wayne County, PennsylvaniaDate: June 28 1992 Time: 0300AA husband, wife, and small child reported an apparent abduction experience, few detailsrecalled. The wife remembers being shown a small gray colored baby like being andbelieves she is the surrogate mother. She was then taken to an examination areaapparently onboard some type of craft. The husband recalls arguing with several palefacedbeings that apparently were working or testing on his chest area. An odd pattern ofred marks was discovered on the chest the next morning.HC addition # 55Source: PASU Data Exchange Fall 1992Type: G143.Location. Near Navadvipa West Bengal IndiaDate: late June 1992 Time: daytimeSeveral young boys had gone swimming in the Ganges River including a five-year oldthat could not swim. After awhile his parents who arrived looking for him missed hispresence. After awhile the young man was seen by the others somehow being held underthe powerful current by a strong unknown force, only his finger was sticking out of thewater, he was being held in place and was not moving. One of the older boys then swamover to him and pulled him out. He was apparently unhurt. When asked what happened,he said a “beautiful woman” wearing a crown and earrings and dressed very nicely hadappeared out of nowhere and held him up as the strong current attempted to drag himaway. After saving him she apparently vanished. (This humanoid was interpreted asbeing a “Jaladevata”, in old Indian Vedic tradition a being that reportedly givesprotection to those who are in danger of drowning in lakes and rivers.)HC addition # 1345Source: Richard L. Thompson, “Alien Identities”Type: E144.Location. Klimovsk, Tula region, Russia77
Date: July 1992Time: unknown77-year old invalid Nikolay Vasilievich Astahov, veteran of the Second World War(Patriotic War) reported encountering human-like extraterrestrials and visiting theirplanet. He reported two contacts and refused to go with them on a third. He reported thealiens are similar to humans that eat what the humans ate. He reported that there weremany humans living among the aliens, people who have disappeared without a trace,men, women and children.HC addendumSource: Valeriy Rudenko in: “Oracle” Moscow and“Tulskiy Courier” NewspaperType: GComments: Unfortunately there is no additional information on this fascinating case.145.Location. Middletown, New YorkDate: July 1992Time: afternoonWhitley Strieber was walking about half a mile behind the cabin when he noticed whatlooked like about a twelve-year-old sitting against a big tree. He had something betweenhis fingers, and Strieber assumed it was a local kid out sneaking a smoke. The woodswere very quiet and he strolled over and said: “Better be sure you put that out whenyou’re finished.” Then he realized that the “boy” was wearing a tan jumpsuit. His eyeswere deep set, and his skin was old. And it wasn’t a cigarette he was holding; it was alittle silver wand. At this point Strieber felt scared. He opened his mouth slightly. Stilllooking straight ahead, he growled. Terrified Strieber ran away from the area and did notsee the humanoid depart.HC addendumSource: Whitley Strieber, Breakthrough, The Next StepType: E146.Location. Springfield, MissouriDate: July 1992 Time: eveningA Springfield woman reported two robed creatures in a vacant field near her home. Thecreatures had glowing amber eyes and appeared to be carrying a computer-like apparatus,which one was operating. The creatures glided over the ground without apparent effort.HC addition # 58Source: UFO Intelligence NewsletterComments: Aliens carrying what appear to be laptops?Type: E147.Location. Houston, TexasDate: July 1992Time: 0300A78
Sally Crestman awakened in the middle of the night to find a tall man standing by herbed. She described the man as Egyptian-looking, with long, black hair and very pale skin.Although the room was dark, the being seemed to glow, and Sally could clearly make outhis facial features. The man just stood there staring at the witness. She was unable tomove as her husband slept next to her. He was snoring very loudly. The strangercontinued to look at the witness; his eyes were very dark; a red area glowed in the middleof his pupils. He then raised his finger, pointed to the ceiling, and just vanished. Scared,she pulled the covers over her head and heard a voice inside her head say, “You will nowtravel far beyond any place you have ever been before.” She then felt as if she was fallinginto a hole and sinking, and then she blacked out. The next day she woke up very tired.HC addendumSource: Philip J Imbrogno & Marianne HorriganContact of the 5 th Kind Type: E or G?148.Location. Brzozki, PolandDate: July 1992 Time: 0400A (date is approximate)The witness, Ryszard P. was driving on a road between Krosno Odrzanskie and Gubinnear the German border. The sun was coming up it was a warm and misty morning. Aftera long and exhausting trip he decided to take a break so he stopped by the roadside in thevicinity of the bridge on the River Bobr. He exited the vehicle and went for a stroll in thenearby forest. After walking for about 30 meters he heard a strange, unidentified soundand in the banks of the river he saw a very peculiar object. The object was dish-shapedand gray or greenish in color. The witness noticed an odor resembling “burningchocolate”. Ryszard hid in the thick bushes and observed several humanoid entitiesbustling about around the object. He also noticed several entities onboard the object. Thewitness saw about 15 entities which resembled “mummies” about 135cm tall. Theirtrunks were rather corpulent and they resembled “stuffed sacks”. The entities wereunipeds or had both legs somehow joined together. The witness didn’t notice any heels.Their arms were very flexible and seemed joint-less. The palms were also visible, but thewitness does not remember the number of fingers on each hand. The entities faces werecovered by whitish plates resembling the surface of a mirror and remained invisible. Theway the moved resembled that of kangaroos (hopping?). It didn’t seem that the entitiescommunicated among each other. They were examining local plants using utensilsresembling tubes. Ryszard was probably seen by the entities but they ignored him. Butafter a minute he suddenly coughed and immediately lost consciousness. He recoveredafter an hour and found himself standing. The craft and entities had disappeared.HC addendumSource: direct from woe_@vp.plType: A & C149.Location. Bukovec, Slovakia79
Date: July 1992 Time: 1600A young boy witnessed the landing of a Saturn shaped object near the village. He alsonoticed 5-6 little humanoids milling around it. He called his mother and grandmother andattempted to take 4 photographs, but this did not come out. The little humanoids wentback into the object, which then took off at tremendous speed.HC addendumSource: Dr Milos JesenskyType: B150.Location. Los Angeles, CaliforniaDate: July 1992 Time: 1830Reuben Taylor was driving on the freeway Hollywood 101 by Echo Park, accompanyinghim were his mother and son. His mother first saw the craft and called his attention tolook as she dipped her head and covered her face. He immediately looked outside of herdirection to the right and saw what at first he thought was the world’s biggest Ferriswheel sitting about 100ft off the ground. It was approximately 300ft in diameter, goldenbronze with colored windows and a glare that stretched out 50 to 100ft. As he watched itbegan to maneuver and assumed a more saucer-shaped form. The witness felt “a greatsurge of power” and a connection to the object as it came closer. Soon he was able to seein detail numerous human-like figures looking down at him smiling from behind thecenter ring of windows. He also saw what appeared to be writing on the top of the craftwhich resembled Hebrew or ancient Egyptian. Suddenly as quickly as it had appeared thecraft went straight up and disappeared into space.HC addendumSource: http://www.ufoevidence.orgType: A80
151.Location. Paltanavichus, LithuaniaDate: July 1992 Time: 2300Rimas, a 50-year old Lithuania rural priest was at home when he heard the sounds ofmotors and foreign voices outside in the courtyard. He looked out the window and saw alarge disc-shaped object descending quickly into the yard, as it approached the ground adoor opened and a rope-type ladder was lowered to the ground. Around the center of theobject the witness could see a dozen round-lighted windows. Curious the witness steppedout into the courtyard and climbed up the rope ladder, as he entered the hatch he wasgreeted by two silvery clad human-like figures complete with helmets and antennas ontop. Inside the saw numerous panel with buttons and estimated that the disc was about 50meters in diameter. Soon he heard a sound resembling that of a dynamo and the discrocked and climbed up. Looking out a window he saw what appeared to be the earthmoving slowly away, he did not see any stars only a dark blue firmament. Soon theylanded presumably on the alien’s planet where he saw low one story dwellings withwindows. He also saw trees; grass, which possessed striking colors. The aliens orinhabitants of the “planet” were human like about 1.60 meters in height all youthful inappearance. They wore simply flaxen clothing and the women had their hair picked up ina bun, they wore no cosmetics. The planet was very warm. He was given a juice thattasted like mango to drink. They aliens spoke neither English nor German but the witnesssomehow understood everything that was being said to him, he thought that maybe theycommunicated telepathically. He did not see any forms of electricity of lighting. He thenasked the aliens if they believed in God or in a God, he was told that yes that theyworshipped just as the earthlings did. He was taken to a building, which he was told wasa place of worship, which, in no way resembled a church. Inside he hardly saw anyimages except for that of a man with a belt and beard, which he was told was their81
superior “being”. He was told that there were other planets in their system populated bytall dark skinned aliens or 3 meters in height. He described the aliens as having beautifulgray eyes and light colored hair. Most wore light colored coveralls and the womenmulticolored dress. He remembered seeing beautiful flowered fields and flat topped hillsand mountains. He did not see any clouds but noticed that the sun was very hot. Afterawhile he was taken back to the disc shaped object and climbed again up the rope ladder.He was eventually brought back to his home. The aliens did not promise the witness thatthey would return.HC addendumSource: Sergey Shpakovskiy, quoting Lithuania Television channelTele-3 1992Type: G152.Location. Sedona, ArizonaDate: July 1992 Time: late nightThe witness, a well-known local psychic, professional artist, and channel was suddenlyawakened by voices talking in her bedroom. Looking up she saw several beautiful manlikefigures wearing white sparkling uniforms standing at the foot of her bed. The figureshad blue upside-down triangle insignias on the breast area of their uniforms. Anotherfigure with flowing blond hair and wearing a two-piece uniform with gold braidedepaulets and a large gold triangular emblem on his chest appeared to be the leader. A sortof spotlight shone on him and he smiled at the witness. He reassured her and a peacefulfeeling came over her. The next day she was also visited by numerous entities including ablond young woman wearing a shiny white uniform with a golden upside-down triangularinsignia on her breast area.HC addition # 758Source: Helga Morrow, The Missing Link # 125Type: E153.Location. Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDate: July 1992Time: late nightSoon after going to bed, 27-year old Sandra and 26-year Sergio A, both perceived beingwatched through a window, which is connected to their internal patio, both a verysurprised. Sandra sees a short humanoid that seems to be floating, while her husband seessomething different, he claims to have seen a luminous sphere. Soon the luminous spherevanishes and Sergio goes to the window to look out. The same night a female neighbor isterrified when a luminous sphere confronts her in her house that suddenly vanishes.Sandra who is at the time concerned about a tumor found in her ovaries has a peculiar“dream” days later. In the dream she is visited by a short humanoid with a large head thatenters her bedroom, paralyses her and then proceeds to insert a long sharp needle into herovaries, the pain is so great that Sandra suddenly “wakes” up lying terrified in bed.82
Sometime later she is surprised to learn that she is pregnant and that the tumor hasmysteriously disappeared.HC addendumSource: Liliana Flotta, Eduardo Grosso, “Terror Nocturno,Historias reales de visitantes Extraterrestres”Type: E154.Location. Jersey City, New JerseyDate: July 3 1992 Time: 2218The witness was riding his bicycle on Bergen Avenue on his way home from work whenhe saw what he thought was a meteor coming straight down at lighting speed. It lookedlike an orange fireball, which stopped suddenly 200 feet from the ground. It was then aflying disc that was flying down on its edge. When it stopped it slowly began to turn rightside up and that’s when the witness noticed that it was dark gray on top. Then it slowlyturned on its edge and the witness saw five pentagon shaped lights on the bottom, whichcovered the whole underside. These were emerald in color and were arranged with one inthe middle and the rest around it. There was no sound. The witness stood motionless withtears flowing down his face, he felt no fear only love and admiration. He also noticed thathe was suddenly holding his bicycle on Belmont Avenue. A few distance away fromwhere he was originally. He suffered from a memory lapse and paralysis during the eventand sleep disorder thereafter. No hypnotic regression has apparently been attempted.HC addendumSource: John Schuessler, MUFON, Filer’s Files # 9 2003High Strangeness Index: 9Reliability of Source: 9Comments: Hypnotic regression is imperative in this case.155.Location. Duarte, California83
Date: July 18 1992 Time: 0500AIn a “dream-like” state, a husband and wife reported being abducted from their beds aspart of a “massive” airlift of people being taken from their beds that night. Both wereraised off their beds, traveled through the house feet first to the back door, out the doorand then gradually into the air. They moved at a slow pace through the air. They metmany others in the sky. All were floating through the air feet first dressed in pajamas.They landed at the Angeles Forest in the foothills of the San Gabriel Valley near a landeddisc-shaped object. A female alien approached the pair and removed her helmet. Shelooked like an Oriental human. She gave both shots in the arms. At this point theysuddenly found themselves back in bed. In the morning both had sore arms where theshots were administered and had red marks. The experienced seemed to have lasted forabout 20 to 30 minutes.HC addendumSource: NUFORC Type: G or F?156.Location. West Vancouver British Columbia CanadaDate: July 19 1992 Time: midnightA 16-year old boy sees a dark cone-shaped craft overhead; it apparently descendedmaking zigzagging movements. The boy hid in the house but several humanoids enteredthe house through a closed bedroom window. He then suffered a period of missing time.HC addition # 2391Source: LDLN # 318 Type: C or G?157.Location. Sydney, Australia84
Date: July 23 1992 Time: 0730APeter Khoury was in bed as a result of a recent injury and was on pain medication.Suddenly he bolted wide-awake and sat up in bed. There were two humanoid femalessitting on the bed, both entirely naked. The two women looked very human in nearlyevery way. They had well-proportioned adult bodies. One looked Asian, with straightdark shoulder length hair and dark eyes. The other looked perhaps Scandinavian, withlight colored, possibly bluish eyes and long blond hair that fell half way down her back.To Khoury, the hair looked very exotic. Their faces were somewhat odd—notunattractive, but too chiseled, with high cheekbones and eyes that were two or three timeslarger than normal. Khoury specially noticed the blonde-haired person. Her face waslong, very long. The blonde-haired person, who was sitting in a kneeling position on thebed, seemed to be in charge. Khoury thought that she was communicating telepathicallywith the dark haired woman, who was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. Theirfacial expressions were almost blank. Stunned, the witness was unable to react as theblonde-haired woman suddenly reached out with both her hands and cupped the back ofhis head, drawing his face toward her chest. He resisted. Apparently very strong, shepulled harder. She pulled him over and his mouth was basically on her nipple, and he bitit. A piece of her nipple came loose in his teeth, but the blonde woman did not cry out.She seemed shocked or confused and looked at the Asian woman, then back at thewitness. Involuntarily, Khoury, swallowed the small fragment in his mouth, and it caughtin his throat. He went into a coughing fit. Suddenly the two women simply disappeared.Feeling an urge to go to the bathroom, he realized his penis felt very painful. Pulling backthe foreskin he found two thin blond strands of hair wrapped tightly around. He kept thehair samples for future testing.HC addition # 3515Source: Bill ChalkerType: E158.Location. Tuttlingen, GermanyDate: July 24 1992 Time: late nightAt 2230 that night Rolf Fuller had seen a maneuvering pyramid of light flying over thearea, it changed colors from white to red then white again and seemed to grow in size.Later that night as he lay sleeping he suddenly woke up and found himself in unfamiliarsurroundings. He was in a room weakly illuminated by a reddish light. A short figure in ablue suit with a black belt stood in front of him. The figure wore a dark blue peaked cap.It had long arms and fingers. It also had large slanted dark eyes, a small mouth and asmall nose, no ears and stubble of hair. On a sleeve he had the following markings inyellow “L / and a pyramid.” The witness panicked and grabbed the small figure. At thesame time two shorter gray figures grabbed the witness arms. The witness struggled withthe beings that were somewhat weak. He confronts the blue-garbed leader and kicks himthen another figures jumps on his back presses it hands on the witness mouth and thewitness faints. He later wakes up in his bed still surrounded by the entities. Thesessuddenly vanished in plain sight.85
HC addition # 889Source: Ihlobrand von Ludwiger, Mufon 93 SymposiumProceedingsType: G159.Location. Cabo Rojo, Puerto RicoDate: July 25 1992 Time: unknownThe witness, who had been previously abducted was visited in his home by a strangebeing described as humanoid in appearance but Hindu-like, the being communicated withthe witness. This being told the witness that the small gray humanoids were androids andonly lived for a few days before being recycled into new ones.HC addition # 772Source: Terry Ecker, The Ufologist Vol. 2 # 1Type: E160.Location. Tarasovka, Kiev, UkraineDate: July 25 1992 Time: 0300AThree men, including the main witness, 17-year old Alexander Metlov had gone out intosome fields to race their motorbikes. Two of them, not the main witness, had beendrinking and were somewhat inebriated. In a field near a bridge they saw a luminoussphere slowly descend to the ground. It hovered closed to the ground while three leg-likeprotrusions emerged and touched the ground. For about 10 minutes Alexander shone theheadlight of his motorbike at the sphere while the other two men stared. Soon an openingbecame visible on the upper section of the sphere and something resembling stairsdescended towards the ground. A human-like figure then became visible; Metlov thenshone the headlight at the figure, which immediately became still. The being wasdescribed as about 5’5” tall, human like, wearing a white coverall and an opaque helmet,he also had a rectangular shaped panel on his chest. After a few moments, ignoring thewitness, the figure walked towards the nearby river, it moved in a peculiar manner as if86
getting accustomed to walking on the ground, it eventually disappeared over theriverbank. After about 1o minutes the being returned, this time walking normally.Alexander then rushed towards the being with his motorbike, it suddenly disappeared andappeared standing next to the other tow men that were now apparently sleeping on theground. At this point an opening became visible on the being’s helmet, and an ovalshaped head became visible. It appeared human but seemed to have some “make up” onit. Moments later it walked back to the sphere, the sphere lit up, and the being re-enteredthe object. The sphere began glowing and changing colors then shot up vertically into thesky and disappeared. The next day Alexander and another witness reported seeing ametallic disc with a glowing green light land on a garden, remain there for about 5minutes then take off at high speed and vanished.HC addition # 3357Source: Yuri Selenok, ISURType: B161.Location. Near Talladas, PortugalDate: end of July 1992 Time: 2315A husband and wife were returning from the village of Talladas after a business trip whenthey spotted a round black object with a pointy end, the craft had three or four windowswhich emitted a bright yellow almost orange light, curiously the light seemed toilluminate the windows but did not “come out of the windows”. The craft maneuveredswiftly in front of their vehicle, perhaps only at about 8 meters away. The husband(driver) stopped the car and both stepped out the car to watch the object now at anincredible distance away over some mountains. They then both sat in the vehicle unableto speak in a state of shock. Upon arriving home they noticed almost 3 hours of “missingtime”. Later they were hypnotically regressed by psychologist Gilda Moura. During theregression it was learned that both witnesses felt a strong electrical shock in their bodiesand a feeling of floating in midair. Soon they found themselves in a totally gray room.The wife felt that she was lying on a metallic table and was terrified and crying.Something was done to her stomach since she felt some pain there but a being standingbehind her grabbed her arms and pulled them to her head this somehow stopped the pain.She could not move and noticed a very strong white light on the ceiling. She was able to87
describe the humanoids as very tall wearing tight-fitting black clothing or uniforms. Theyhad blue slanted eyes but not like the “Chinese”. One of the beings had shoulder lengthblond hair. All were very tall, perhaps almost 2meters in height. She felt anger towardsthe beings. She suffered from nightmares after the abduction and at on many occasionsfound her young son sleeping on the rug next to her bed as if he had been experiencingnightmares also.HC addendumSource: APO “Asociacion de Investigacion Ovni” PortugalComments: translation by Albert S. RosalesType: G162.Location. Nagornyi Karabach Caucasus, RussiaDate: August 1992 Time: unknownDuring the military battles on the frontier between Azerbaijan and Armenia in whichdifferent types of weapons were used, a massive alien landing was reportedly occurred.The beings observed by the different combatants were generally humanoid and robotic innature, metallic and stocky in appearance. UFOs were also seen on several occasionsafter that. The humanoids were apparently attempting to appease both sides of theconflict, making their appearance in battles amid explosions and fire. As a result bothsides were seized with fear and hid in their shelters and foxholes withholding their fire onseveral occasions. According to some of the rumors one or two such bio-robots were88
damaged as a result of mortar fire or cannon and parts of the destroyed robots were takento a special hospital either in Baku or Yerevan, where electronic specialists studied them.Reportedly it was found that the beings appeared to be biomechanical organisms orcyborgs.HC addendumSource: Special Issue of Oracle Moscow, “Anomalies & Phenomena” Type: H?163.Location. Liverpool EnglandDate: August 1992 Time: 0300AThe two witnesses had gone to bed after drinking tea. Janet woke up with a feeling ofabsolute terror. She felt as if she had been somewhere, and then landed back in her bed.Harry had also woken up and caught a glimpse of something more substantial than ashadow on the bed; it seemed to recede as if had gone through a doorway. Later when thepair recovered, Janet remembered what had happened. She recollected lying down withbright lights all around her. There were a number of “faceless” beings around her. Shebelieves she was given something to “calm her down.” The next thing she rememberedwas being in another room with several other people that were gathered around a strangeman. The man was small, very pale and had huge oval eyes that were very dark. He alsowore an odd black fedora type hat. When she looked into the being’s eyes she felt anincredible longing to be there. They seemed to contain the whole universe. She thoughtthe little being was not threatening and seemed to possess great knowledge. The beingwas apparently sharing his knowledge with the others in the room. He spoke ofhumanity’s origin and how we had been genetically engineered. He mentioned that thespirit was separate from the body. After that she found herself in a long, cold, graytunnel. In the tunnel she saw a man she recognized, that seemed to be deranged. She wastold that the man had been pushed to far. She was then taken into a room where she saw anormal looking man that seemed to be a medical doctor. Apparently he performed somegynecological procedure on her. At that point her memory ended.HC addition # 3452Source: Peter Hough, Moyshe KalmanThe Truth about UFO AbductionsType: G164.Location. Obninsk, Kaluga Region, RussiaDate: August 1992 Time: eveningLarissa N a local resident was walking along a grass-covered gully when she suddenlynoticed four semi-transparent human-shaped figures standing in a distance. When shelooked closer she noticed a strange apparatus standing 15 meters away on a slope. Thefigures were taking water from a nearby brook. The strangers were occupied with theirbusiness and had not noticed her. They were inserting the water as well as soil samplesinto some kind of packets. As she watched in amazement she suddenly realized that she89
could approach and speak to the aliens and they will not cause her any harm. Usingtelepathy she asked them why did they needed the samples they were collecting. Shereceived a telepathic response telling her that it was for examination purposes. She wastold that humans have a minimum 20 years and a maximum 80 years to survive (!). Sheasked them where were they from and the response was “Planet Lika” located in theSagittarius Constellation. She was then invited to go with them. Larissa agreed andwalked to the craft. The alien spacecraft was slightly tilted and had vertical elongatedwindows and a double antenna on top, resembling like feelers on a butterfly. All enteredthe object and there she met the fifth member of the crew. She noticed an unusual andsoft light inside the craft, and numerous control panels filled with multitude ofinstruments. All 5 aliens wore thin tight-fighting overalls having the same color of theiridentical faces. Under the soft light she could see that the aliens were of the same height,possessed the same rhythm of movements and had expressionless eyes, same hair, samevoices, almost like “twins” or “clones”. “How long will the flight take”, Asked Larissa.The answer was, “3 hours and 30 minutes using your time measure” was their answer.Larissa was placed on a chair in the middle as the rest of the crewmembers sat in thecorner armchairs. The alien leader stood up in the middle, and suddenly all of the aliensbecame immovable and appeared frozen to the floor. Larissa had the sudden thought thatthey were “robotic” systems. Some kind of control lever was rose up from the floor andin a moment Larissa saw a screen that showed the outside of the craft. Everything becamedark as she zoomed into space in just seconds. The witness was taken to Planet Lika nearthe Sun like yellow star (G3v spectral class). There she learned that the real aliens onLika were thin tall humanoids with large closely set eyes, small mouth, long noses, andvery powerful auras. Their language was very unusual resembling melodic singing.Larissa learned that she had communicated with their biological robots, which theyfrequently used for various space missions, but the real aliens also piloted the crafts.After the trip to Lika, Larissa was brought back to the same location where she wasoriginally picked up. Another witness, F Kim from St Petersburg also reportedly being intelepathic contact with the inhabitants of the planet Lika, and that some of the authenticinhabitants of the planet resembled tall furry animals (?).HC addendumSource: Obninsk UFO Group, published in Aura Magazine # 3-371994, Anton Anfalov Type: G165.Location. New Jersey, exact location not givenDate: August 1992 Time: nightIn a dream like state a man reported standing shirtless in a room as a short “gray”humanoid standing in front of a “mirror” placed something resembling a cattle prod onhis left shoulder blade. Behind the humanoid he noticed a woman with long dark hairwatching him. When he woke up he felt a sharp pain on his left shoulder blade, he thenran to the bathroom mirror and saw a “V” shaped scar, reddish and very sore, on his leftshoulder blade.90
HC addition # 3869Source: S.P.A.C.E. Type: G?166.Location. Needingworth, East Anglia, EnglandDate: August 1992 Time: nightThe witness was walking back home and was cutting through a field. His next memorywas of being in the field going in the right direction home, but the thing is although hewas in the field, he did not remember leaving the road. He was then in a ditch, beingprodded and spun around. It felt like tiny little hands were probing him all over.Everything is silent and he sees no lights, he feels confused and powerless to do anything.His next memory is of arriving home forgetting everything that had occurred.HC addendumSource: Alien UK, Sightings Type: G?167.Location. Kamchatka Peninsula, Far East RussiaDate: August 1992 Time: nightA UFO research expedition was organized to this isolated region. Organizers of theexpedition were led by telepathic instructions of an alien civilization allegedly from theplanet Dotumi in the Lyra constellation, as they stated. Detailed information about thisalien civilization was received and then the aliens invited the participants to visit theregion of their base or the place, which they frequently visited. Through telepathicchannels the aliens detailed a list of names of persons they wish to be part of the “visit”,plus they gave the exact time and place of the contact. By using a photo camera severalpictures were taken of a group of humanoid entities, semi-transparent in nature(apparently because they were surrounded by an energy shield, or an aura). The entitiesmoved in groups, one after the other among the mountain slopes, the last alien pairportrayed in the photos were holding each other’s hands. There was no direct contact,apparently because the aliens were apprehensive to the possibility of damage to thehumans because of their high bio-energy field. After the photographs were taken, severalmembers of the group entered into telepathic contact with the aliens and extensiveinformation about their planet and its inhabitants was obtained.HC addendumSource: G Soboleva, Y Rychkova, and O Miheenkova in:“Mysteries of Extraterrestrial Civilizations”Type: E and F168.Location. Simferopol, Crimea, UkraineDate: August 1992 Time: night91
The witness, Galina Vasilievna Kirichenko, a bio-energy therapist, was sleeping in herapartment when she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. She approached thebalcony and noticed three disc-shaped objects behind the window giving off white light.The objects were generally disc-shaped, with a higher cone-shaped top, with a visible rimseparating two sections. Each one was about 4-5 meters in diameter, like small modules.The next moment she became paralyzed and saw two white humanoid silhouettesstanding before a wall in her apartment. They seemed to have entered the apartment rightthrough the wall. The entities were tall, about 2 to 2.5 meters in height. She received apositive vibration from the entities. The faces of the entities were strange; they hadgreenish noses, unlike the human nose, but more like a beak or bill of a bird. They alsohad dark slanted eyes and narrow or thin mouths. Telepathically they told Galina to lookand showed her some kind of book, which contained unearthly inscriptions remotelyresembling cuneiform, from the ancient Sumerians. The whole contact lasted about 2-3minutes. The rest was apparently erased from her memory. However she was able toremember a strange incident, she saw a flame of light that slowly emanated from her rightpalm, yellow-green or bluish in color, and then changing colors. In the morning shefound that the tips of her fingers on her right palm appeared burned. The burn marksremained for about a month. The witness has seen UFOs before.HC addendumSource: Anton Anfalov personal investigation (an@crimea.com) Type: E?169.Location. Not disclosedDate: August 1992 Time: late nightThe two witnesses who live in separate rooms had retired for the night. The twobedrooms faced each other, with a three-foot hallway between the entrances. Some timeafter going to sleep “Jake” was awakened by the feel of something pulling on his covers.He opened his eyes and saw a strange creature about two feet away from him. As thecreature rushed towards him he yelled for his roommate Hal. The creature’s long skinnyfingers touched Jake’s chest and he immediately became paralyzed falling back to bedcompletely unable to move. As he looked at the creature it appeared that now it wassomehow above him. He then heard his roommate yelling for him. Hal recalled that as heran to assist Jake he ran into to some type of invisible barrier that prevented him fromentering Jake’s bedroom. He swung at it several times to no avail. Inside the open door hecould see a bluish-white light coming into Jake’s window. He could also see a dark shapeabout two feet above Jake’s bed and moving down towards it. He kept striking theinvisible barrier and then noticed that Jake seemed to be levitating from his bed. His nextconscious memory was of waking up at 0730A. Jake recalled that during the encounterwith the strange creature the room felt completely devoid of sound as if in a vacuum. Healso remembered that the creature had two very long side-to-side eyes, which weresquinted and almost closed.HC addition # 2198Source: Karla Turner PhD, Unexplained Universe # 1 Type: E or G?92
170.Location. Las Vegas, NevadaDate: August 1992 Time: late nightThe witness that had been asleep suddenly found herself floating just above her bed. Astrong yellow light appeared across the room through some type of “portal.” A figurethan appeared in the portal. The figure was described as human-like, bluish in color, ofmedium built, and with dark blond haircut like a bowl that fell to his ears. His eyes wereround and blue. The figure looked at the witness, motioned to her to keep quiet thendisappeared.HC addition # 1103Source: Letter in Strange Magazine # 12Type: E171.Location. Air Defense Military Base, Moscow area, RussiaDate: early August 1992 Time: 2300Assistant to the guard’s commander, Junior Sergeant Igor Arsienkov and Private SergeyMahorkin were conducting their rounds, checking the posts around the perimeter of theair base. The visibility was good when suddenly a humanoid figure appeared near thefence. “Stop, who is there,” screamed Arsienkov. The unknown figure stopped and Igorimmediately thought that who ever it was he must be arrested immediately, since only anintruder could be in that prohibited area. “Stop or I will shoot!” commanded the JuniorSergeant next and loaded his carbine. However the stranger suddenly dropped down intothe dense grass. The two soldiers also dropped to the ground. Several other commandsfrom the soldiers followed, but the stranger did not react to them. The puzzled soldiersdid not know what to do; the distance from the intruder was only about 50 meters. Quitenearby was the telephone that connected to the watch commander. Without taking theireyes off the area where the stranger was last seen the soldiers crawled to the dugout andcalled the commander. As soon as Igor grabbed the telephone receiver, somethingunusual caught his attention. A circle of light was suddenly hovering almost directlyabove his head, resembling a round mirror emitting beams of light. The light was at firstbright and then it dimmed. The size of the object was not large, only about a meter indiameter. Igor then reported what was going on to the senior lieutenant who did notbelieve him and thought that the men were joking. But upon the insistence of the twomen the lieutenant ordered them not to open fire and just to keep observing. Meanwhilethe bright object executed a small circle and then seemed to turn on its edge, and nowboth could see that it appeared to be a disc-shaped craft. Next, it gained speed anddisappeared westward. At this point other soldiers on duty reported the seeing the flyingobject and reported it to the senior lieutenant, Alexander Kislinskiy who immediatelyordered the men to armed themselves and ran to the guard’s barracks. At the same timethe luminous object vanished behind the forest over the horizon. The puzzled Kislinskiydecided to report the incident to the duty officer of their unit. Soon the duty officerarrived in a KAMAZ truck and interrogated both Arsienkov and Mahorkin who were93
clearly agitated. While investigating the area where they had seen the strange figure theyfound an area of matted down grass. Strangely the battery of the KAMAZ was reportedcompletely drained.HC addendumSource: Major S. Belugin, “Na Boyevom Postu” (On the Combat Post)Moscow area Air Defense newspaper August 27 1992 Type: C?172.Location. Hockliffe, near Milton Keynes EnglandDate: August 8 1992 Time: morningA family of four drove to Keynes to do some shopping. At Hockliffe they suddenly raninto a bank of mist that appeared from nowhere. The driver and his wife then recallnothing more until they were no longer in the mist and eight miles further down the roadnear Woburn Sands. Upon arrival in the town they had severe pains, red marks on theirskin of unknown origin and a sense of unreality. (Indeed, this was so serious that thewoman thought they may have had an accident and died and actually asked a relativelater is she was still alive). They also experienced great problems getting back to normalreality.HC addendumSource: Jenny Randles, Alien Contacts and Abductions, the realStory from the other side.High Strangeness Index: 6Reliability of Source: 9Comments: Hypnotic regression is imperative in this case.173.Location. Dedestapolsanyban, HungaryDate: August 11 1992 Time: late nightAwakened by a bright light from outside their home, several family members looked outto see an astonishing sight. A large bright spherical object was hovering over an adjacentconstruction site. The craft appeared to have several luminous oval shaped openings andwas shining a beam of light from a circular opening on its lower half. Inside this beam thewitnesses saw several small humanoid figures that flew in the air within the beamtowards a nearby apple tree. The beings were described as thin, with featureless heads,long thing arms, and wearing short robe like tunics, no legs were seen. The beings carriedsmall containers and flew around the apple tree collecting as many of the fruit aspossible. Soon they flew back into the craft via the same light beam. The luminous objectthen left the area. No other information.HC addition # 2178Source: Kriston Endre, Hungarian UFO Magazine 8/93Type: B94
174.Location. Salem OregonDate: August 13 1992 Time: 0900AThe witness was alone at home sitting in the dining room table facing the living roomwith the kitchen to her left when she caught sight of something outside her kitchen backdoor window. It was a short hairless greenish-gray figure that quickly walked into thekitchen. The witness watched the figure, as it briefly stood sideways by a storage cabinet.The witness attempted to communicate telepathically but the creature suddenly vanished.The figure had an elongated head and what appeared to be large “eyelids” drawn over theeyes. The witness dog did not seem to react to the intruder. Twenty minutes later as thewitness again sat down a greenish three-fingered hand suddenly appeared from behindher quickly touching her wrist. The touch was very painful, almost like an “electricshock”, and then the alien hand vanished. Two days later the witness found a round redmark on her wrist.HC addition # 1355Source: Linda Moulton HoweGlimpses of Other Realities, Vol. IType: E175.Location. Colinas Del Yunque, Puerto RicoDate: middle of August 1992 Time: 1700At least six independent witnesses including three children saw in broad daylight twoshort beings walking side by side on the middle of the roadway. The beings weredescribed as four-foot tall with shiny light-green skin, very thin long arms, and headssomewhat larger than normal and covered with a stringy light-brown hair. They appearedto be only wearing a pair of white shorts with a red stripe on the side. The childrenfollowed the short beings for a short distance until they entered a wooded slope and95
disappeared. One of the witnesses claims that one of the beings gave her the two finger“peace” sign as he walked by.HC addition # 511Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 60Type: E176.Location. Cañada Juncosa, Albacete, SpainDate: middle of August 1992 Time: late nightJose Manuel Sanchez Cabezuelo had already experienced two previous bizarre events onthe same isolated stretch of road, which included a block of ice falling on the hood of hiscar. On this night as he passed km3 he saw a huge light hovering above a nearbytelephone pole. The bright light was oval in shape and seemed to deplete his vehicle’senergy, which slowly seemed to lose velocity until it only moved a 20 mph. He noticedthat inside the egg-shaped craft he was able to see a heavyset dark man-like figure,apparently standing up. The object hovered parallel to the vehicle for a few minutes andthen shot away at very high speed. At this point his vehicle began to function normallyagain.HC addendumSource: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros La Historia de Los Ovni en EspañaType: A177.Location. Santa Rosa, CaliforniaDate: August 16 1992Time: 0330AThe witness had gone to bed on a very hot night at around 2300 when suddenly he foundhimself standing up looking out the windows of his den, which faced his neighbor’shouse approximately 6 ft away. All he could see was a blinding white light but one thatdid no make him close his eyes; it just made him focus more intently. As he wonderedwhat he was looking at outside the window his position suddenly changed. It felt as if agiant hand had picked him up and placed him on his back on the sofa. This action wasperformed in one quick motion. He was now facing north and was completely conscious.Then he noticed what appeared to be a person in a white suit, wearing welder’s goggles.Focusing more clearly the witnessed noticed that the goggles were fluctuating andchanging shape from thick to a narrow band. He also noticed that the figure had threelong fingers on each hand. The witness had the impression that the figure was puzzledwith him since it’s hands movements kept jockeying back and forth resting on thewindow. The witness did not see any nose, mouth or ears on the humanoid. At this pointthe witness yelled out apparently startling the humanoid, which leapt up as if surprised, itthen stretched its long arm out to close the window. It then disappeared.HC addendumSource: NUFORCType: E96
178.Location. Sugar Valley, GeorgiaDate: August 17 1992 Time: 0500ATwo witnesses saw a silent silver disc-shaped craft, approximately 15 to 20 ft in diameterthat seemed to float from behind a very large tree. As it moved from behind the tree ithovered about 8 ft above the ground but began to elevate and increase its speed. It slowlymoved toward another tree. At this point both witnesses were illuminated by a brightbluish light and lost consciousness apparently for several minutes. When they regainedconsciousness they were standing in different locations and positions. When the craftreached the other tree it tilted onto its side and began to wobble. It appeared that the craftwould tip over on top of the two witnesses, so they began running away. They thenturned back to see the craft shoot away from the tree at a very high speed out over a fieldand then disappear. The following day the witnesses returned to the site and discovereddistinct and unusual markings on the ground and tree correlating to what they hadexperienced.HC addendumSource: NUFORCComments: Unexplored abduction event?Type: G179.Location. Near Tarbrax ScotlandDate: August 27 1992 Time: 2240Two men, Garry Wood and Colin Wright were on a business trip when they rounded ablind corner in the vicinity of the Harpering reservoir, suddenly Colin abruptly leaned97
forward exclaiming, “What the hell’s that?” Garry peered through the windscreen, thereahead of the car; floating about 20 ft above the road was a two tiered disc shaped object.He remembers it being about 30 ft wide, wider than the road, smooth, black and shinywith no windows or illuminations. Garry a motor mechanic by trade found theappearance and finish of the object unusual. Wanting to get away as quickly as possible,he floored the accelerator urging their vehicle up to almost 70 mph. As they passed belowthe hovering craft a shimmering curtain of light descended on the car, Garry describes itas like looking at a detuned TV set, just flickering lights. Instantly they were envelopedin total, complete darkness. Later under hypnosis Garry recalled standing (presumably)outside the car, it was still totally and utterly dark, not a hint of light, he could not evensee the car; briefly he thought they had crashed and he was dead. He blacked out forwhat, subjectively, felt like a few seconds, then abruptly he was awake and the car wasveering all over the road. Garry could hear Colin shouting at him to watch out thenthankfully, he was able to bring the car to a stop. They looked at each other in disbeliefnot knowing what had happened. Setting off again, they arrived at their destination stilldiscussing their bizarre encounter. Soon both men realized that they had suffered from aperiod of unaccounted time. The following day Garry felt utterly drained of energy, morethan just the result of his late night, he felt really worn out. He sleeping patterns changedfor the worse. Eventually consulting a doctor because of severe headaches. Soon Garryconsulted several well-known investigators and agreed to undergo hypnosis. During thefirst session, Garry became very emotional and burst into tears, there was nothingspecific, only vague memories and impressions, later regression sessions were to provemuch more revealing. In later sessions both men remembered sitting in the car, whichwas stopped in the middle of the road, small humanoid creatures, three to each side,opened both front doors. Colin recalled Garry being placed on a type of stretcher orcarrier; none of the entities were supporting it; the “stretcher” was free floating. Garryalthough he remembers none of this, does recall creatures approaching the car then asearing pain in his abdomen, as if his stomach muscles were being torn apart. For hispart, Colin recalls walking up a ramp into the craft, which was lit by a dazzling whitelight. He remembers being in a circular corridor being led by one of the creatures. Theroom was utterly featureless except for an unusual chair; it was curiously curved, almostorganic in shape. He was stripped naked and placed unresisting in the chair, andsubjected to some for of non-intrusive physical examination. He also remembers lyingback in the chair looking at the ceiling, it was corrugated, translucent, there was soft,diffused lighting filtering through. His next memory was of being naked in a transparentcontainer made from a material rather like glass or Perspex; straps at the feet and anklessecured him. Outside the container he could clearly see other men and women, all nakedand all in transparent containers like his. Blowing around outside the container was a mistrather like the “fog” created by dry ice for stage and film visual effects. He also saw anumber of tall, humanoid creatures, one was standing framed in a doorway opposite him,and another three were approaching the container in which he was imprisoned. Abruptlythe transparent material of his container began to frost up, he began to weep, no soonerhad he done this that the frosting began to retreat, almost like a film sequence running inreverse, until the material was once again perfectly clear. Colin nervously watched as anangular device rose from the floor. It was long and thin, like a rod with a small triangularhead; two glowing red lights were set into one of the sides. There was a peculiar98
appendage about half way along the length of the device and the base was jointed at thefloor. The entire machine moved up and down continuously and the appendage swungfrom left to right; although there was no pain, Colin thought it might be scanning him.Garry recalled being in a featureless circular room lying on a flat table, he was unable tomove although he does not recall being physically strapped down. He was aware of ablack lens shaped device in the center of the room, the device was twisting and turningalmost as if it were folding on itself. It reminded Garry of a mobius strip. It made a“whooshing” sound as if air was being displaced. As he watched the device in fascinationhe suddenly became aware of a long, thin translucent arm extending over his chesttowards his head, the arm abruptly dropped onto his chest near his shoulder. On anotheroccasion, he remembers a hole forming in the floor; it was filled with a viscous liquid ofsome kind, like a gel. While he watched this, a small column rose from the floor. Garrydescribed it as resembling a tin can. It continued until it was about 3 feet above the floor;the device gave out a noise rather like an electric motor and began to rotate slowly. Partof the cylinder rose from the main body and extended towards him until it was level withhis eyes. The tip had two red, glowing dots. At this point Garry noticed the pool of liquidstart to vibrate. From this liquid a tall, incredibly thin frail looking creature slowly,almost painfully emerged. Although resembling a traditional “gray” it appearedemaciated, like a skeleton covered in skin. He remembers that the skin over its ribslooked discolored and bruised. He later discovered that all the creatures had difficultywith the gravity and atmospheric pressure, particularly the tall, thin translucent creaturesthat frequently tended to fall over. Bizarrely, he also recalled a small man apparentlyquite human in nature, dressed in a neat black suit complete with collar and tie that waswatching the proceedings. He was standing among the entities all of which seemed quitedeferential towards him. In all, Wood remembers being around 20 or 30 creaturespresent, the majority tall, a pallid gray color and frail looking. One notable variation fromthis was a smaller rather bizarre looking being with an odd heart shaped face. On its facewere some strangely familiar markings, these comprised of colored facial stripes, threediagonally on each cheek, these were reminiscent of the tribal markings normallyassociated with members of the Native American tribes. He looked at the creatures andmentally “asked”, “Why are you doing this”. The answer that appeared in his mind wassurprising and not a little disturbing, one word: “Sanctuary”. While he was in telepathiccommunication with the creature he was able to “see” fragments of its existence as if theprocess was a two way street. In further communication the being said, “In many waysyou are more advanced than us but you have been “capped.” Just what “capped” means isopen to question. Garry is certain that at one point they were taken underground; from thetable where he lay, he could see tunnels leading off from a huge, central chamber hewnfrom solid rock, there was also an enormous machine close to him, possibly it wasanother flying machine like the one he had witnessed above the road. Garry’s mostworrying memory was seeing a young woman seated naked on the floor, facing the wall;one of the tall creatures was standing beside her. As Gary looked at her, she turned herhead towards him; her hair was in a loose shaggy perm with blond highlights. She wassitting shivering with her knees drawn up to her chin, her arms were wrapped around herknees cradling herself, she had been crying and was clearly in the same predicament ashim. Gary became deeply involved n the study of UFOs. Colin in the other hand refusesto discuss the matter.99
HC addition # 2102Source: Eris E. Andys, Fortean Times # 81, UFO CasebookType: G180.Location. Cannock Chase Birmingham EnglandDate: late August 1992 Time: late afternoonIn order to escape the oppressive heat, the witness had gone on a walk in a wooded areaat a local park. As he neared a small clearing he noticed what seemed to be a foggy mistin the center of the clearing. He then noticed a glowing light within the mist. Curious heapproached the mist and was able to see a metallic shining object with orange, red,purple, and green pulsating lights within the mist. As he stepped closer he felt compelledto look towards the woods. Two men dressed in tight colored overalls were walkingtoward him; each carried an object resembling a worker’s toolbox and a thin long object,which emitted a thin laser-type light. The men were described as young looking withblack hair and identical to each other. The men approached the witness and asked himseveral questions and told him they were here to take samples. After several minutes ofconversation the witness suddenly noticed a slight glow appearing around the figures andbegan to feel drowsy, he sat on the grass almost feeling hypnotized by the men. The twomen then walked into the cloud of mist and vanished. The witness then went back to hiscar and fell asleep. The witness recalled that the two men had “olive” complexions andappeared very athletic. They both wore a thick belt around their waists.HC addition # 1319Source: Tony Dodd, UFO Magazine Vol. 12 # 4.Type: C181.Location. Malibu, CaliforniaDate: August 30 1992 Time: nightKim Carlsberg (involved in other encounters) recalls being taken to what appears to be avast underground complex where she sees many other abductees and extraterrestrials of100
various types. She woke up in a lobby where many humans were milling about. Theyreminded her of patients waiting to endure their turns in a dentist’s chair. Carlsberg alsorecalls sitting in a large auditorium with many other abductees where she was told by thealiens that she was being “prepared for something.”HC addendumSource: http://www.fatemag.com/2006Type: G182.Location. Perm region, Ural RussiaDate: end of August 1992 Time: nightA young woman named E. Belokrylova reported experiencing several alien abductions.The memory of them was mostly erased in her mind, and she could only remember thelast incident. She suddenly had seen a bright red light that appeared in her bedroom, shedid not hear any humming sound, just the light. The door of her bedroom was locked andshe saw the light penetrating the bedroom through the slit of the closed door. Thenseveral entities appeared in her room. She was very frightened and understood that theentities wanted to take blood from her. At this point she attempted not to look at thediffused faces of the entities; it appears the entities were somehow preventing her fromlooking at them. In the morning she did not find any traces of pinpricks in her arms. Shesoon experienced headaches and her blood pressure dropped dramatically.HC addendumSource: “Mir Nepoznannogo” (World of the Unknown) Moscow # 2January 1994. Type: E or G?183.101
Location. Near Sandy, OregonDate: Fall 1992Time: afternoonA man fishing on the Sandy River east of town and while he was kneeling and workingon his fishing gear along a rocky sandbar, he was alerted to a noise twenty feet away inthe trees. Looking up he saw a very short, 3-½ foot tall, hairy creature staring at him. Theeyes were the most prominent feature, and they were red. There was no distinct face asthe creatures face and body was covered with black-brown shaggy fur. The creaturegrowled at him and took off into the woods.HC addendumSource: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 41Type: E184.Location. Near Douglasville GeorgiaDate: Fall 1992 Time: 0200AThe witness who lives in an isolated trailer awoke to see a strange light outside. Goingout she observed in a clearing a mushroom-shaped object hovering 40-50 feet above theground. A narrow shaft of white light illuminated the ground below it. Approaching thecraft she heard a telepathic message telling her to “turn around.” Upon turning around shesaw lying on the ground a 4-foot long gray skinned being that appeared to have octopuslike suckers on its fingers. She was then told that it was sick, that it needed warmth. Shepicked up the being, which had a light bulb shaped head with large black round eyes andtook it into the house. She then placed the being in bed between her sleeping husband andherself. She attempted to wake her husband but to no avail. She then took the being to acouch and fed him a mixture of crackers and warm water, spoon-feeding him. At thispoint there was a memory lapse and she could only remember being outside watching thebeing going up the shaft of light into the object. She also noticed five other gray figuresstanding in a single military style file staring at her. Soon the beings turned in unison andmarched into the shaft of bright light one by one they were then levitated into thehovering craft. The object then streaked off emitting a thunder like sound.HC addition # 2796Source: Mufon/ISUR Type: B?185.Location. Tver, RussiaDate: autumn 1992 Time: nightA local woman named Nika Tverskaya (a pseudonym) claimed to have entered intotelepathic and physical contact with an extraterrestrial civilization from a planet called“URU”. Reportedly two tall humanoid figures suddenly appeared inside her bedroom inher apartment, located in a multistoried complex, while she was alone at home. Thehumanoid figures approached her and began communicating with her. They invited her tocome with them and she agreed. The two humanoids then accompanied her to a landedcraft. Each humanoid was very tall, about 3meters in height, and she soon learned that102
they were actually biological robots. Both “robots” were dressed in light coloredcoveralls. They had dim eyes that flashed at certain times. The robots communicated withher via telepathy. The alien craft had landed on the outskirts of the city. When they cameto the craft she saw that it remotely resembled a saucer with brightly lit “windows” orportholes on its sides. Suddenly at one location on the hull of the craft a rounded wall ofthe craft “moved aside” creating an opening. To her surprise, Nika did not walk in, butzoomed into the air and flew into the opening. The robots also levitated into the openingthat in moments closed behind them. The space within the craft was filled by a delicatevibration, as if the air was vibrating (a similar feeling when her face was exposed to ahair dryer). Moments later Nika lost consciousness and when came to she found herselflying in a deep armchair in a large round room, probably in the center of the alien craft.She could see buttons and numerous sophisticated instruments all around her. The wallsinside the craft were greenish, white and phosphorescent in nature. Close to her Nika sawthree humanoid figures in tight fitting silver coveralls, a woman about 3 meters in heightand two “bio robots”. The alien woman began communicating with Nika telepathically.She explained that while Nika was “sleeping” they took samples of her “geneticmemory” and they were convinced that she was useful and interesting to them. It seemedthat the aliens were interested in finding the reasons how humans were able to survive indifficult conditions. The alien woman was very well built and slender. However herbreasts did not seem well developed in comparison with terrestrial (human) females,nothing excessive. The alien woman had beautiful long fingers, dark shiny hair, and worea sort of “hoop” around her forehead. Her eyes were unusually expressive. The alienwoman then introduced herself and said that her name was “FA”; she added that it was a“conditional” name. In general, it seemed that the aliens did not possess any names at all;instead each individual had its own bio-energy spectrum (aura?) FA’s spectrum waswhite and violet in color. FA’s clothing tightly fit around her body, but seemed verycomfortable and did not hinder her movements and maintaining a constant temperature.Nika also found out that the furniture in the room would easily change shape just from asingle touch from the body. Nika then began asking questions. Nika asked, “Where arewe flying to?” According to FA they were going to their dimension but that she would bebrought back to her home earlier than when she was taken (!) since they had the ability tostop and reverse time, apparently the “stop-time” mode was already activated and thetime was running in reverse. FA told Nika about an energetic connection of the humanaura with that of the Sun and other planets, FA also mentioned that about 3,000 years agoa civilization on Earth had seized to exist (Atlantis?) and that humanity was currently in avery dangerous situation as well. During her experience Nika received large volumes ofinformation from the aliens. They told her that the name of their planet was URU. Theyadded that the rotational axis of their planet was positioned under the appropriate angle tothe ecliptic that provided an almost eternal summer season and the average temperaturewas from +15 to +35 degrees centigrade. As the aliens pointed out there was a secondartificial Sun near their planet that help to light it. The planet URU made one full rotationaround its axis much slower than Earth, taking approximately 24 terrestrial days. So thealien planet evidently had a much lower gravity. The planet is located somewhere nearthe Orion constellation. Atmospheric pressure is stronger than that on Earth and the levelof radioactivity is higher everywhere. Their bodies are also radioactive and could harmhumans if they did not use protective suits. (Heard this from other cases). They did not103
possess huge factories or plants in their planet. And they also didn’t have large cities. Allof their settlements were well adjusted and implanted or built into the natural surface oftheir planet, probably partially under the surface or underground. They “create”buildings, instead of building them; they “grow” them remotely like plants, using aspecial process. The houses are at first soft, but then they harden, assuming theirprogrammed shape. Their average life span in one physical body is about 800 terrestrialyears. They can easily change their bodies, implanting their souls from the old bodies tothe new ones. So their “physical suit (or envelope) can be changed several times duringtheir life span, perhaps lasting several thousands of years, with the entire memorypreserved. Their medicine had reached an incredible level. They can replace not only theentire body but also the inner organs. Copies of the organs can be created by usingholograms, after scanning the original and then artificially grown and implanted. Theyare vegetarians, and eat specially grown plants and artificial albumens. They cook theirspecial pastes from plants; they harvest their plants in special tube-like devices(hydroponics?). They have love and sex, but not like that on Earth, and “Urusians” do nothave any family affection. If desired all memories about their ex-loves can be erasedfrom memory. Like humans the aliens have children, but they do not “waste” time inimpregnation, birth and growing. The children can be “grown” inside the mother’s belliesbut also in special incubators with all the necessary conditions to develop. They give partof their soul to their children and then they are occupied in upbringing them. As soon as achild is born he or she is encased in a special “informational” overall. While growing thecoveralls are exchanged with larger ones. The children can go freely anywhere and havefree access to move anywhere. The children study in incredible schools, totally differentto the schools on Earth. In those schools they are taught not to learn mathematics,grammar, physics, etc, but are taught to take information directly from energetic andinformation fields. They also teach their children telepathic clairvoyance, creativeimaginative thinking and the ability to forecast events. All the information can be takenfrom two energy (invisible) rings which surround their planet. There are no books atschool; information is easily obtained from holograms. From a young age the children aretaught the ability to levitate and not to be afraid of flight. Their organisms containsnumerous magnetic cells, and their race is close to the creation of an eternal artificialbody, which can be disassembled to atoms and molecules and then reassembled again,while preserving all previous functions. Besides their natural ability to levitate, Urusianshave the ability to teleport – to walk through material obstacles. Their spacecrafts canalso fly through dense substances. Their souls can also live in other biological bodies.The necessary bodies can be grown from the donor’s cells by the method of artificialacceleration. The main different between the aliens and the bio-robots is that the robotscannot perform creative work and can’t synthesize the biological energy. Aliens on theplanet URU as FA told Nika are a race of creators, energy donors, light race, all Urusiansare telepaths clairvoyants and can levitate in the air and teleport, and possess other“supernatural” abilities. Their spacecrafts can be controlled by mental impulses, and thenew models of their craft can change their shapes and can take a variety of forms sincethey are made of something like liquid programmed metal. Aliens also informed Nikathat they have been on Earth for several million years but now they are only observers,because humanity is developed enough to independently make a choice for the directionof its development. They added that they represented “The Immortality group of the104
Universe” kind of an “evolutionary squadron”. When the spacecraft returned back toEarth it remained hovering in midair at about 100 meters about the ground, then the floorin the craft’s cabin trembled and became transparent, like a fog or mist had beendispersed. Nika was able to see the pipes and boiler rooms through the walls ofmultistoried apartments. Then Nika moved inside a beam of light and descended straightto the balcony of her apartment.HC addendumSource: Belyaev F. “Civilization UR” Volzhskiy Currier Newspaper Tver 1994“The Immortality group of the Universe” Volzhskiy Currier Newspaper Tver1994, Pavel Khailov Type: G186.Location. Krasnodar, RussiaDate: autumn 1992 Time: late nightGalina Rozhkovoya woke up in the middle of the night feeling a push on her side. Hardlyafter opening her eyes slightly she was horrified to see standing about a meter from thebed three women surrounded by something like a luminous flickering cloud. She thenheard one of the women read out loud a report about the witness (!). The two others listenattentively. In a very rapid tongue twister the woman spoke about many different eventsin Galina’s life, she even mentions undesirable events that Galina did not want toremember. Amazed she remained in bed and listened to additional reports about herintimate secrets. Suddenly the “speaker” interrupted her monologue and one of the otherwomen bend forward looking at the witness and said, “With this information we willdecide”, and then all three strangers disappeared. During the encounter the witness wasunable to utter a word, her vocal chords seemingly paralyzed.HC addendumSource: Aleksey Priyma, UFOROM RussiaType: E187.Location. Raeford, North CarolinaDate: September 1992 Time: unknownA former Army officer reported seeing a strange metallic hexagon shaped craft over thearea. The craft apparently had 20 bluish oval shapes inside of it. No other information.HC addition # 2174Source: Billy J Rachels, UFO Bureau Type: A?188.Location. Yorkeys Knob, Queensland AustraliaDate: September 1992 Time: 0430A105
A retired woman saw a strange creature on a paddock; it was the size of a man butresembled a giant “bee.” In the background she could see an object. Telepathiccommunication occurred over quite a lengthy period. After awhile she got out of bed andwent to the window where she saw an unusual object in the sky, it resembled a squarewithin a square and bright white in color. At the same time she saw jets over the area.HC addition # 2685Source: Vlad GodicType: C189.Location. Lessebo, Kronoberg, SwedenDate: September 1992 Time: 2100 and 0800AThe witness was looking outside her window in order to feel the fresh air before going tobed when she felt as if something or someone was watching her and where she lived therewere no neighbors around. She looked up to the roof and saw what appeared to be a blackaircraft hovering silently overhead, apparently cigar in shape. Suddenly her body wassuddenly turned around and placed on a vertical position facing up and half out thewindow. She could see the UFO hovering above her. Her next memory was of againstanding by the window and looking at the black UFO that now seemed triangular inshape. The next morning both the witness and her husband were awoken by the sound ofloud engines of numerous vehicles or cars outside their small mountain road. Looking outthey saw what appeared to be numerous silver-colored cars on their way to the deepforest. Incredibly none of the silver-colored “cars” were seen to return even so that wasthe only road access into the forested mountain. Both counted at least 100 silver coloredcars going up the hill. (!)HC addendumSource: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite Type: G or F?190.Location. Ubiad, PolandDate: September 1992 Time: nightA local man reported being taken onboard a hovering UFO through a closed balconywindow. However there is no additional information since the witness refused to beinterviewed or cooperate. No other information.HC addendumSource: P. Cielebias Type: G?191.Location. Spalding, South AustraliaDate: September 1992 Time: late night106
While he was asleep, the witness thought he had the following experience in the backyardof his property. At 70 degrees West he saw a teardrop shaped object with lines hangingdown. The lines appeared to have figures hanging from them. Then a bright light and anentity appeared and spoke to him. He then found himself in Jamestown and talking to anentity (none of the entities are described). Suddenly he was back home and the entity toldhim they would return. For 4-5 days after this episode the witness felt unusually tired.HC addendumSource: UFORSA, Australia Type: G?192.Location. Zhvalovo, Sudislavl area, Kostroma region, RussiaDate: early September 1992 Time: eveningMrs. N. Kokoreva, director of the local House of Culture had gone into the now emptybuilding in order to pick up some things. As she looked through her cabinet she suddenlyheard the door squeak, indicating that someone had walked into the corridor. She decidedto look and walking along the corridor was stunned to see a tall male humanoid about 2meters in height, standing there looking at her. The “man” wore a dark “official” suit, shesaw him clearly, not mist-like or ghost-like. She stood frozen, incapable of taking anotherstep. Then the humanoid figure simply melted away into thin air. Other witnesses in thearea had reported witnessing numerous UFOs at approximately the same time period.HC addendumSource: Vitaliy Dyachkov, Colonel ret in “Fourth Dimension and UFOs”# 1 2000 Type: D or E?193.Location. Sotkamo, FinlandDate: September 13 1992 Time: 0300AA school headmaster, 56, and his wife a nurse aged 55 were on a vacation in a travel vanand had been eating a late supper with their 85-year old German friend and had gone tosleep around 2200. At the above time the wife woke up and saw her husband sitting up inbed asking her, “Do you see the same thing I do”? She looked and saw on the table justthree feet form them was sitting a 100cm tall humanoid, shiny gold colored smilinghumanoid. It said, “Pasi, Pieska, I know you” The couple whispered the situation amongthemselves for about 5 minutes then the husband attempted to touch the humanoid, butwhen he began to move towards it the humanoid disappeared like a fading fog, slowlydissipating away. Their German friend also woke up but was not told about thehumanoid. The electricity had gone off in the van and it was very cold inside, thehusband distributed some blankets and then they all went to sleep again. In the morningthey noticed that a curtain holder had been removed from inside the van and left on anoutside table. None of the occupants of the van remembered doing that.HC addendum107
Source: Mervi Virtanen, FinlandType: E194.Location. Monsummano, Potenza, ItalyDate: September 14 1992 Time: 2300Two witnesses, a local medium and a clairvoyant and exorcist watch a luminous spherecome in the house through an opened window. A being comes out of the sphere; he isabout 1 m in height, with white skin and scaly. He asks the witness (the exorcist) for anexorcism (!) because apparently a young man they had abducted in Puglia had placed onthem an evil spell (!!!). The witnesses apparently go onboard the object and perform anexorcism that lasts for about 5minutes. When they return to the house they realized thatfive hours have passed.HC addendumSource: Notizie UFO # 39 Type: G or F?195.Location. Tansen, NepalDate: September 17 1992 Time: nightAt least two people saw a large bright light, which they took to be an angel descend,rapidly from the sky and fly in the direction of the local church. The same evening, over ahundred others saw a vision in the sky of a man wearing a loincloth, with armsoutstretched and head bowed, attached to a large cross. This stayed in the sky for over an108
hour and many people were very moved by it. Most of saw this vision were notChristians.HC addendumSource: Paul Whitehead, FSR Vol. 39 # 4 Type: F?196.Location. Jarradale Western AustraliaDate: September 19 1992 Time: 1200A man and his son were out hunting for firewood using a disused track into the brush,when they boy noticed a movement nearby and told his father. They then saw a jet-blackfigure watching them from behind some trees, the figure ducked down then boundedaway in two great strides. The entity had no arms and on either side of its head it had 2white patches where the eyes might have been. It did not have a neck and was estimatedto have been 3 ½ meters tall or almost 9 feet.HC addition # 924Source: Keith BasterfieldType: E109
197.Location. Zhvalovo, Sudislavl area, Kostroma region, RussiaDate: September 19 1992 Time: 1500 & 2207Mr. Boris Alexandrovich Arkhipov, the local cinema operator at the local Palace ofCulture was in his cabin re-winding the film, preparing for the next performance when hesuddenly heard something like an “inner voice” which persistently asked him to go outinto the corridor. After walking out into the hallway he saw a male humanoid figurecoming towards him from the fire room door. The entity was strangely shadow-like, noless than 2 meters in height. He could not remember its facial features; the whole figurewas pulsating and was enveloped in a blue-pinkish glow. Approaching the witness theentity asked Boris telepathically if he wish to undergo a medical examination. Thewitness immediately agreed. Boris felt no concern or fear---apparently under the alien’spsychological influence. He undressed, and placed his clothes on top of a sofa locatednear the entryway and then lay on the sofa. The alien “doctor” or examiner was armedwith a strange device, which emitted a thin beam of light, needle thin and apparently alaser. With the beam he opened the witness chest area. Apparently feeling no pain at all,Boris then asked if they could cure his chronic heart disease and his handicapped handsand legs (as a result of childhood poliomyelitis). The alien answered, “No, we don’t havethe right to interfere and to correct anything, everything will remain the same, exceptmaybe the heart”. Then he closed Boris’s chest area, and applied some white powder overit and with that the “surgery” was over. During the whole procedure the witness did notnoticed any bleeding. The alien carried a small sac, like a plastic packet, which had somepartitions, and inside those he placed samples, which he had taken from the chest area.Next the alien proposed that the witness lie on his stomach, so he could “work on hisspinal column” as he explained. But something unexpected occurred at this point, thewife of the witness stopped by the cinema on her way home and to her utmost amazementfound her sober, husband stark naked lying down on the sofa, in the very public corridor.Stunned, she asked her husband what was happening and he told her that “they” wereconducting a medical examination on him. The puzzled woman requested that herhusband dress and to go home with her. The now “invisible” alien doctor whispered toBoris, “We were interrupted. We will meet one more time and continue in your home!”That same evening at 2207 the same alien appeared in the witness bedroom, he appearedto have suddenly stepped out of the wardrobe. Two other shorter humanoids, a younghuman-like female and an alien man accompanied him. They proposed Boris to lie on hisbelly. He distinctly felt how the aliens conducted “manipulations” on his body, as ifsomething was being pressed on the spinal cord. The aliens were giving him telepathicinstructions and at the same time were speaking among each other in very commonRussian language. (Possibly time travelers?). But their voices sounded unusual, likemurmurs. Boris heard them say that one of the “blocks” must be moved a little higher andfelt corresponding movement on his backbone. He felt no pain, and was in a state of totaltranquility. When they were through with his backbone, the aliens began working on hislegs. They made several cuts in them, from the ankles all the way up to the hips; he couldhear the tearing sound of his skin when they opened it. The aliens were using the samedevice used earlier by the original alien, which emanated a thin beam of laser-like warmlight. They then moved their hands over his skin and poured the same white powder fromthe earlier encounter, once again the “operation” was finished. Understanding that the110
aliens were now departing Boris asked them, “Tell me who are you and from where areyou from?” They answered that if they told him where they were from it would be toocomplicated and long and he wouldn’t understand anyway, but they promised Boris thatthey would someday meet again. After saying that all 3 visitors “dissolved into thin air”the very same strange manner in which they had appeared. Other witnesses in the areareported seeing triangular-shaped objects at the same time of the contact; others sawglobe-shaped objects hovering over the village. Apparently Boris was actually cured fromhis heart disease.HC addendumSource: Vitaliy Dyachkov Colonel Ret. In “Mysterious Healers”Fourth Dimension and UFOs” # 1 2000 Type: E or D?198.Location. Sullivan MissouriDate: September 20 1992 Time: 2030Three witnesses sighted a large metallic craft with several large lighted windows,hovering low over a field, they could see behind the windows about 20 thin humanoidfigures moving back and forth and standing. No sound was reported.HC addition # 63Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter March 1993Type: A199.Location. Sentul, West Persekutuan MalaysiaDate: September 22 1992 Time: daytimeA group of children playing kites saw a tiny being, which they described as human-like inappearance but measuring only 15 cm tall. The body was reported to be greenish in colorand shiny. They said that the hands had only three fingers. On seeing the witnesses, thetiny creature scurried away into the housing project, which was still under construction.HC addition # 3432Source: Ahmad JamaludinType: E200.Location. Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan, MalaysiaDate: September 22 1992 Time: daytimeA 13-year old student, Law Wai Chow, claimed to have encountered a strange tiny entityin the same area as the above case. He described it as having eyes like those of humansbut red in color and with no eyebrows. The creature had pointed ears.HC addendum111
Source: Ahmad JamaluddinType: E201.Location. Sentul, Wilayah, Persekutuan, MalaysiaDate: September 22 1992 Time: 1500Mohd Najib Rasli, 12-years old went to the site where the creatures were reportedly seen.He spent nearly an hour searching for the creatures in the area. Finally at 1500 he spottedthe tiny being near a hole. He tried to catch it but it immediately ran away and was lostfrom view.HC addendumSource: Ahmad JamaluddinType: E202.Location. Huaika Tabio, ColombiaDate: September 22 1992 Time: 2005About 15 members of an international UFO group had gone to the scene of previousencounters and were waiting around for any type of unusual phenomena. Soon they saw alarge orange colored sphere descend from the mountain and land about 300 meters awayfrom the group. Five of the group approached the object and watched a beam of whitelight strike the ground ahead of them, on the ground it became a half moon shaped light,blue in color. Smoke was then seen rising around the object then a tall blond hairedNordic looking individual emerged from the smoke, he walked around briefly then wasseen entering the half moon shaped light. Everything then seemed to disappear.HC addendum112
Source: Grupo Contacto OVNI ColombiaType: B203.Location. Huaika, Tabio, ColombiaDate: September 23 1992 Time: 0005AAfter a heavy downpour the same group involved in the previous incident watched alarge orange spherical light descend from the mountain and come close to the ground onthe road close to their location on the farm. 3 minutes later several tall human likesilhouettes became visible, these ranged from 1.80 meters to 2.30 meters in height, theseseemed to be enveloped in a bluish mist. Four members of the group attempted toapproach the figures but these disappeared suddenly.HC addendumSource: Alexander Beltran, ColombiaType: C204.Location. Springfield MissouriDate: September 24 1992 Time: 0200AThe witness apparently in a dream or trance-like state remembers finding herself in alarge lighted room looking at a cow lying on top of a raised platform. Strobe like lightsshone on the animal. She was mentally told that these lights were purifying the animal,neutralizing the bacteria and germs. The animal appeared to be convulsing violently.Next a tube was inserted into the animal’s upper inside of the right leg, near the hip jointand then blood was apparently extracted. Several short gray skinned humanoids seemedto be operating different apparatus in the room and one explaining the procedure to thewitness. Next a gray being inserted what appeared to be a “light pen” inside the cow’srectum. It was activated and it began rotating quickly disappearing into the body. Therewas a strong nauseating burning smell. A large piece of what appeared to be rectumintestine was removed and placed in a container. The witness remembers being instructedto insert the “light pen” into the animal’s jaw area, she saw teeth and tissue being cut bythe object; the left eye was also apparently removed. The witness could not recall anyfurther details.HC addition # 1354Source: Linda Moulton HoweGlimpses of Other Realities Vol. IType: G205.Location. Sentul, West Persekutuan, MalaysiaDate: September 24 1992 Time: daytimeAnother student, Suriakumar, 12-years old, also claimed to have encountered the tinybeing in the same area but on a different occasion. He sighted the entity squatting near ahole of the building. He said the creature appeared to be surprised when it saw him and113
immediately ran into the hole. The witness claimed that the creature did not have any hairon its head even though it was human like.HC addition # 3433Source: Ahmad JamaludinType: E206.Location. Pedrera, Sevilla, SpainDate: September 24 1992 Time: 1800Three days after a localized power outage was reported and a huge white light traversedthe area leaving behind a luminous wake, several witnesses including 2 local boys and awoman named Paca were walking up a local hill when Paca suddenly felt chills and wascompelled to go to a nearby olive grove, the others followed her. As she entered the olivegrove she suddenly felt her feet glued to the ground and was unable to move. Momentslater she saw a luminous figure hovering about 25 cm above the aground about 10 metersaway in front of a olive tree. A bright glowing “cloud” separated this figure from theground. The figure was described as a female wearing a blue dress, with a white blouse.It had an intense sky blue scarf on its head. The witness saw what appeared to be 12small lights hovering over the figure’s head. Another witness standing directly next toPaca reported not able to see anything. According to Paca the figure had extremelybeautiful facial features, somewhat pallid. The hair was light brown in color and its eyeswere “caramel” colored. The witness was suddenly able to move but as she attempted toapproach the glowing figure it seem to disappear but as she stepped back it wouldreappear again. This strange process was repeated several times. During the encounter thearea was suddenly struck by a strong cold wave. Paca again became paralyzed and was114
unable to speak, one of the other witnesses, a young woman, fell to the ground andappeared to go into a trance. She then began speaking in a slow deliberate manner,repeating the words, “Pray for peace in the world.” Suddenly a strong rose-like fragrancepermeated the area, adhering itself to some of the witnesses. Besides the light from theclouds under its feet, a bright glow also surrounded the figure. It seemed to move in slowmotion, never moving its arms or legs or making any facial gestures. Its body wasdescribed as thin and child-like, and was only about 1 meter in height. It never oncespoke to any of the witnesses present. The two local children, Cristina & Sergio whowere witnesses to these bizarre event were to have a further encounter two weeks later.Around the same time and in the same area, witnesses observed what they called a“procession” of monks walking in single file in a field; these wore black smocks thatcovered their faces completely. Others saw a tall heavyset man, described as wearing abrown monk-like outfit, with sandals and walking with a heavy cane. He wore a longdark beard and never spoke to anyone; he seemed to be in a state of constant trance.HC addendumSource: Edenex Spain, La Virgen del Cuarton Type: E or F?207.Location. Clovis CaliforniaDate: September 27 1992 Time: 1900The witness reported seeing a hovering round object with reddish yellow and orangelights. Later that night the witness saw a man wearing black clothing in the bedroom. Theman said something to the witness, laughed, and then vanished into the hallway. No otherinformation.HC addition # 3330Source: NUFORCType: D208.Location. Northern California, exact location not givenDate: late September 1992 Time: afternoonNear the mouth of the Klamath River several kids reported seeing a grayish ape-like thingwith a pointed head, and glowing red eyes, staring at them for ten seconds, it then turnedand walked away ascending a very steep hill at high speed.HC addendumSource: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 68Type: E115
209.Location. Niddrie Burn, ScotlandDate: October 1992 Time: early morningThe witness woke up in the early hours of the morning—she isn’t sure why---and caughtsight of a brilliant white light clearly visible through her bedroom window. She tried todraw her husband’s attention to the phenomenon, but he stayed resolutely sleep. Curiousand somewhat apprehensive she got out of bed and went to the window to take a closerlook. She noticed that the light seemed to be coming towards the window. Her attentionwas drawn to a tree at the foot of her garden. Poised on one of the thicker branches stooda thing which she described as “a giant bird” the size of a man or possibly a human likefigure with wings. Badly frightened she tried again to wake up her husband who wouldnot move and gave her the impression of being in a trance. She climbed into bed, and asshe did so, a light came into the room and moved along the wall till it had traveled all theway round back to its starting point. The witness remained in a highly nervous state till,as dawn broke, she at last fell asleep.HC addendumSource: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland Type: C?210.Location. Near Blackburn, ScotlandDate: October 1992 Time: afternoonInvestigators, Ron Halliday, Ken Higgins, and a psychic medium Ian Shanes had gone tocheck out an area of previous UFO sightings and after tramping across many fields theycame to a small wooded area. It looked like an oasis in the middle of well-ploughedfarmland. It had that untouched feel about it, almost like walking into another world. Ianimmediately felt that they had arrived at a special place. At this point Ian saw many smallentities (undescribed). According to Ian they were well aware of what they were doing.The other two men sensed something strange but could not see the creatures.HC addendumSource: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland Type: E or F?211.Location. Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDate: October 1992 Time: night116
Sharon, a psychology graduate woke up one morning and told her husband of anexperience during the night. She had been up late studying and woke in a half sleep state.She woke to find the room brilliantly lit. She was then taken up into the light. Next thing,beings were around her and placed her on a table. An impression was conveyed to herthat the process following would be uncomfortable but not painful. She got theimpression they were going to take eggs from her ovaries. She then felt something goinginto her stomach. She was told not to be frightened. Then she was told she was goingback and that she was going to feel the event was not real. Next thing she was in bed,conscious.HC addition # 2727Source: Keith BasterfieldType: G212.Location. Cordelia Junction, CaliforniaDate: October 1992 Time: nightThree adults and two babies were traveling on highway 80 when apparently by somemental control their vehicle was diverted to a side road. The vehicle and its occupantswere then lifted into a nearby hovering craft. While the babies slept in the back seat theadults were interviewed by several beings or aliens and asked several questions. No otherinformation.HC addition # 1281Source: Richard Boylan, PhDClose Extraterrestrial EncountersType: G213.Location. Beaverton, OregonDate: October 1992 Time: nightThe main witness and a friend were driving on an isolated road called Cornelious Passwhen as they rounded a corner one dark night his headlights caught something odd on theside of the roadway that had been walking on its knuckles, like a gorilla. It reared up andlooked at them as the headlights hit it. It was about 4 ft tall, the size of a child. Its armswere long enough that when it stooped it touched the ground, even though it was standingup. It had an “incredibly ugly face” and was wearing clothes and a pointed hat. Itresembled a little pointed, cone hat, standing straight up. The moment it saw thewitnesses, it turned and shot into the grass on the side of the road, standing about fourand a half to five ft high. As it turned, the witnesses saw what appeared to have been abackpack on its back. They slammed on the brakes and then terrified drove away fromthe area.HC addendumSource: Paranormal Story Archive, December 2001Type: E117
214.Location. Colonia Agricola Oriental, DF MexicoDate: October 1992 Time: late nightThe 17-year old witness woke up to the sounds of his dog barking. Looking out hisbedroom window into his patio he saw a strange humanoid descend from the sky within abeam of light, another humanoid soon joined the first one. The witness remained in astupor unable to move. The humanoids approached him and began communicating withhim (apparently they had somehow entered his room at this time) without moving theirmouths. He felt the words enter directly into his brain. One of the humanoids offered thewitness a small pulsating orange sphere and urged to eat it. But the witness earnestlyrefused. That apparently angered the humanoids that told the witness that they meant noharm but he did not trust them and then told the witness that the “government” knew oftheir presence, but did not wish the people to know. One of the humanoids wore a strangebelt composed of luminous pearl-like stones. No other information.HC addendumSource: Fabio Picasso Type: C?215.Location. Gardendale, AlabamaDate: October 8 1992 Time: late nightLeah Haley remembered standing outside her house looking at what appeared to be two“full moons” in the sky. She realized that one of the moons was an object and then abeam of light that engulfed her and transported her onboard hit her. She found herself in a“contemporary” looking room, with tables adorned with crystal figurines. She also sawslips of paper underneath the figurines with the names of other people to come onboardthat night. A female human-looking alien then came into the room. She had short brownhair and wore a blouse, red, and gold in color with black trimming with some type ofprinted design, brown, beige, tan, in color. She spoke to the witness and among otherthings told her “her people were trapped in a time dimension and needed our help to getout.” Apparently the beings then performed some painful procedures on her that she wasmade to forget.HC addition # 2071Source: Leah Haley, Published ArticlesType: G216.Location. Edwardstown, Adelaide, South AustraliaDate: October 14 1992Time: nightThe witness was home in bed when he noticed a flash of light in the lounge. Threehumanoids then appeared. These were about 145cm tall, gray/silver in color, with long118
thin arms and three fingers and a thumb on the hand. There was a period of missing time.No other information.HC addendumSource: UFORSA, Australia Type: E or G?217.Location. Laguna del Pescado Parana ArgentinaDate: October 16 1992 Time: night60-year old Modesto Colman was alone closing up the mill where he worked and wasdescending a ladder from its upper section. As he reached the bottom he suddenly feltcold chills running down his back, and saw the area around him completely illuminatedby a bright light. Looking behind him he noticed a large sphere that was following him ata distance of about 30 meters. As the sphere still followed him he noticed three shortfigures descend from it. Frightened he pulled out a large knife and ran towards thefigures. Suddenly a beam of light came out of the sphere and struck him square in theface, blinding him. He then felt a queer sensation, as if his body was shrinking in size,soon it felt as if he was only several centimeters in height. He ran behind a tree but therea beam of light again struck him. Now in hysterics he began running, as he did it felt as ifwas running in slow motion and his eyesight was hazy. He tore his clothing as he jumpeda wire fence. Once he reached his home he began crying uncontrollably. For 10 days afterthe incident, Colman suffered from loss of hearing, and impaired vision, he also hadburns on his face. Ground traces were found at the site, and the tree where he hid a largeburn mark was also located.HC addendumSource: Silvia Perez SimondiniType: B119
218.Location. Gragnano, ItalyDate: October 17 1992Time: nightAt the same time that other witnesses watched strange “laser” like lights in the sky awoman looking out of her bedroom window spotted a 3-meter tall human like entity thatwalked quickly in front of the window. It wore some type of shimmering outfit andquickly disappeared from sight.HC addendumSource: CUN CampaniaType: E219.Location. Kaunas, LithuaniaDate: October 20 1992Time: 0200AAfter falling asleep during a rainy night the 11-year old witness suddenly woke up with afeeling that something was not “natural” or normal. He turned on the light located nearthe bed and immediately froze with fear. Standing on the carpet in his bedroom was what120
he described as a large “frog-like” creature. He reacted by not moving at first, andnoticed that the creature did not have a specific color, and that it looked more mechanicalthan a natural green color. It had what appeared to be small antenna like protrusions ontop of its head. For some reason the witness felt much fear. He thought that the creaturewas intelligent and seemed to be directing his attention towards the witness. Slowly thewitness covered himself with the sheets and stayed under them for about 15 minutesthinking of what to do. He then threw the bed covers on the creature and ran downstairsto get his mother. Both went upstairs to check the bedroom but it was now empty. Thewitness slept with his mother for the next several days.HC addendumSource: NUFORCType: E220.Location. Castellammare, ItalyDate: October 21 1992Time: close to midnightA woman standing in her balcony reported seeing three giant white colored humanoidfigures with large cone-shaped heads moving over a nearby field, apparently suspendedjust above the ground. The giants disappeared from sight from sight behind some bushes.HC addendumSource: Notizie UFO # 40, Denys Breysse Project BecassineType: E221.Location. Vidalia, GeorgiaDate: October 23 1992 Time: 2300As nearby UFOs were being reported an undescribed humanoid figure entered a couple’shouse and abducted the man while apparently putting the woman in a state of suspendedanimation. The being communicates by using telepathy. The man reports a period ofmissing time. No other information.HC addition # 2390Source: UFONS # 282Type: G222.Location. Lymington Hamsphire, EnglandDate: October 24 1992 Time: 0130AThe witness was lying in bed when he was suddenly projected (astral projection?) to afield next to a landed object. Standing next to the object was a very feminine andbeautiful female dressed in a white gown. She had very long hair that was blowing in thewind. She beckoned to the witness and communicated with him telling him that she wasgoing to return one day.121
HC addition # 1563Source: Steve Gerrard, Southampton UFO Group Type: C?223.Location. Dunajska Streda, SlovakiaDate: October 29 1992Time: midnightTwo witnesses watched a low flying cigar shaped object later a 12-year old boy saw fourhuman-like beings wearing silvery clothing apparently reading his books in his bedroom.These were man-like and wearing shimmering spacesuits.HC addendumSource: Dr Milos Jesensky Type: D?224.Location. Gaither Mountain, ArkansasDate: October 31 1992 Time: eveningA witness driving a pickup truck on a rural road saw standing by the roadway 15 feetaway a short gray-skinned humanoid with a large head and huge black eyes. The witnessapparently blacked out and experienced some missing time.HC addition # 272Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter 4-1993 Type: E or G?225.Location. Hardangervidda, Odda, NorwayDate: October/November 1992 Time: eveningA strange object was seen landing near a cabin at a place located 20km southeast ofOdda, just at the outskirts of Hardangervidda, 700-800 meters above sea level. Theobserver, Torbjorn Reinsnos saw the object land about 100 meters from his cabin. Heestimated it at 6-8 meters long, trapezoid in shape with rounded corners. After a shortwhile he saw two human-like beings (estimated height 1.2m and 1.4m) come out of theobject. They appeared to have been dressed in silvery clothing and some sort of helmetson their heads. They also seemed to be carrying “something black”, possibly a tool of122
some kind, but it was not possible to tell exactly what it was. Torbjorn Reinsnos hadample time to observe the craft and the humanoids using a pair of binoculars. He soonbecame very frightened though and fired off a few warning shots from his shotguntoward the beings. These returned and disappeared into the object, which took off anddisappeared into the distance.HC addendumSource: Ole Jonny Braenne, UFO NorgeType: B226.Location. Noyon, Oise, FranceDate: end of October early November 1992 Time: 1330Jean Claude was walking on a path when he saw standing about 150 meters from him atall black silhouette about 1.80 meters in height. The figure stood still for a while. Thefigure was slim and it had two luminous yellow points of light where the eyes would havebeen located. It appeared to be wearing a dark tight-fitting suit and some sort of headgear.The figure then moved using great strides towards a nearby field. It then quicklydisappeared from sight.HC addendumSource: LDLN # 332, Denys Breysse Project BecassineType: E227.Location. Winnipeg Manitoba CanadaDate: early November 1992 Time: nightThe witness was awakened by noises and she went to investigate. As she walked into herliving room she encountered two short beings all dressed in white. She scolded themthinking they were children but then realized they were not human. They had round headswith two round eyes that had large dark pupils. They were wearing long white gowns andcapes with white mitten-like gloves. They were friendly and communicated by telepathywith the witness telling her that they were going to take her on a trip. The witnesssuddenly found herself in a large hangar like room with a bullet-shaped vehicle inside.She was led by the two beings into a door then into a sort of control room and sat at aconsole. The beings apparently touched some buttons showing screens with space-likeimages on them. Later the witness found herself sitting in bed in her apartment.HC addition # 895Source: Chris RutkowskiUnnatural History True Manitoba MysteriesType: G228.Location. Cofre de Perote, Yucatan MexicoDate: November 1992 Time: early morning123
Traveling on an isolated road the witness drove ahead during heavy fog and stopped thecar deciding to wait for the sunrise. From a nearby hillside a short man-like figureapproached the witness and spoke to him in a strange accented Spanish. He asked him totake him to a location about 3 miles ahead. The witness invited the humanoid inside thecar. The stranger was silent during the trip. When they reached the location he exited thevehicle and moved fairly quickly over the field, almost as if gliding. He was lost fromsight behind a rocky outcrop and immediately the witness observed a light rise into thesky from the same location.HC addendumSource: Fabio Picasso Type: C?229.Location. Near San Jose Costa RicaDate: November 1992 Time: daytimeA woman taking a walk along a nature trail in the rain forest was turning a corner whenshe was confronted by a short humanoid. The being was described as gray-colored with alarge head and huge black eyes. He was dressed in a turquoise jumpsuit and had smallpointy ears. The being then dove behind a bush and vanished as the witness attempted totake a photograph.HC addition # 1151Source: The Ufologist Vol. 2 # 1Type: E230.Location. La Matanza, Tenerife, Canary Islands, SpainDate: November 1992 Time: eveningThe witness had driven to a local lovers lane with his girlfriend, soon from within the carthey were able to hear the sounds of branches rustling as if being parted by someone. The124
witness looked out the window and saw a creature about three-feet tall and covered ingrayish or black fur all over. The entity carried a staff or rod of some sort in its hand, andwas described as having “cat-like eyes.” The couple left the area in a hurry, refusing toreturn even by daylight.HC addition # 3114Source: Scott Corrales, Uncensored UFO Reports # 1Type: E231.Location. Samoryadovo, Dmitrov area, Moscow region, RussiaDate: November 1992 Time: eveningAnatoly Dobrenko was walking his Alsatian dog near the local sanatorium where heworked. Suddenly his dog bristled up and snarled angrily. Anatoly then saw a two-leggedhairy monster about a hundred meters away. The creature was moving toward the forest.The man said he could make out rusty-colored matted hair on the creature’s back.Dobrenko’s son Igor visited the area after the encounter, accompanied by someemployees from the sanatorium. Igor found some well-preserved prints of huge bare-feetin the mud that was nearly 50 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide at the broadestpart. Other local dwellers were interviewed some of whom had seen signs of the unusualguest’s presence before.HC addendumSource: January 2003 Fate MagazineType: E232.Location. San Luis Potosi, MexicoDate: November 1992 Time: nightSeveral members of two families, including children and several adults spotted a veryshort humanoid figure with a large head and small luminous red eyes that looked into thehouse through a window. When the humanoid realized he had been spotted, he steppedback. He wore a tight-fitting white suit. They estimate the height of the humanoid asbeing only “five inches” in height. A man ran out to chase the figure, but this onebounded quickly away leaving behind a luminous trail and quickly disappeared fromsight. Other youngsters saw the same humanoid standing in the middle of the patio.HC addendumSource: Ruben ManriqueType: E233.Location. Zlin, Moravia, CzechoslovakiaDate: November 1992 Time: nightDr J S woke up about half an hour after midnight with a feeling that somebody wasstaring at him. He then saw an indistinct, tall figure in the bedroom doorway. The witness125
was incapable of speaking or yelling. The frightened witness described the figure asroughly human shaped, semi-diaphanous, with an indiscernible face, dressed in, a whitecowl, a diving suit, or a space suit. The figure suddenly vanished. The witness had anunpleasant feeling afterwards, and his back was stinging.HC addendumSource: Timothy Good, Unearthly DisclosureType: E234.Location. Jenkintown PennsylvaniaDate: November 1992Time: nightIn a dream-like state, when the witness looked outside his window, there was a feeling offear. He saw a glowing object with twin rotor blades. It made a helicopter sound. He feltit was coming for him. That same week, he had another helicopter “dream”. This time henoticed that it did not have rotor blades aft or on top. It flew very close to the house andlanded right outside the window. Suddenly, a short stocky man appeared in the room. Helooked mean. He had yellow hair and a light complexion. His hair was in a crew cut andhe wore a “Nazi-like” uniform. He grabbed the witness and looked him in the eyes. Hiseyes were yellow. He told the witness that he would return.HC addendumSource: Linda Moulton Howe “Glimpses of other Realities” Type: C?235.Location. Magdeburg, GermanyDate: November 9 1992 Time: 2030Mrs Melitta Walter was sitting in her living room when all of the sudden she heard a verydeep humming sound coming from outside her house. When she looked out the window126
she observed a bright shining craft slowly flying over the roof. It was only about 50meters away and about 20 meters altitude. The witness could see several man-like formsmoving behind a large illuminated window. She described the object as a flat cylinderwith position lights on the left, right and on the back. Within a minute the object vanishedbehind the wall of her house.HC addendumSource: Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases – EuropeType: A236.Location. Yaroslavl, RussiaDate: November 12 1992 Time: 1500-1700A young girl named Katherine a sixth grade pupil of one of the schools in theZavolzhskiy area was alone at home with her cat. Going to the kitchen she was suddenlyconfronted by a man in black shiny suit. He was about 2 meters in height. The girl faintedat the sight and woke up later being pulled by a shorter humanoid also wearing a blackshiny overall. She had been unconscious for about 30 minutes. The short humanoidpulled her by her elbows. As she tried to stand up the stranger seemed to direct her towhere she needed to go, the small men followed Katherine to the porch where he invitedher to ascend an “invisible” ladder into a hovering UFO that floated not to far from thewindows. The craft was egg-shaped, not very big and gold in color. Katya could not resistand obeyed the stranger’s will. After entering the object she noticed that the object wasmuch larger inside than it appeared from outside (a remarkable detail reported innumerous incidents).She was led into a compartment where she saw a control panel thatstood on a stanchion in the center of the round room. Both humanoids, tall and short,began a conversation with Katya, which she did not remember quite well. Then an alienwoman approached the girl, she also wore a black overall. Her face was unnatural whitein color and she was holding a tray in her hands with “drinks” and apple-like fruits,which emanated bright lights. The woman offered Katya the tray but Katya refused. Thealiens then invited the witness to go in a flight with them to Mars, but she also refused(probably to a base on Mars?). Soon Katya decided to ask the aliens what was theirspacecraft made of. They answered that it consisted of energy. (A very evasive answersince everything basically consists of energy). After spending several hours in the alienship, Katya suddenly regained woke up in her home on the sofa. When her motherreturned from work she noticed that the cat was hiding under the refrigerator, apparentlyextremely frightened.HC addendumSource: Vyacheslav Zhurov, Yaroslavl UFO Research Group in:“Fourth Dimension and UFOs’” # 3 1993Type: G237.Location. Yaroslavl RussiaDate: November 14 1992Time: unknown127
Two days after her first contact, Katherine S. a local sixth grade pupil experienced asecond encounter. Unexpectedly, the same tall alien “man” appeared to Katya in thecorridor at her apartment and she then accompanied him without any fear to thespacecraft. Inside the aliens proposed to the girl that she sing a “contract” with them (!)and Katya agreed, even signing a piece of paper. Again they invited the witness to comewith them to Mars. They assured the girl that nothing untoward would occur to her there.Incredibly Katya then asked the aliens for a written receipt confirming that assurance (!!).The aliens agreed and gave her a document (which she later took and hid in her home).So she then agreed to visit “Mars” or another planet. She could see from a porthole in thespacecraft the houses below receding, getting smaller and smaller. The craft gainedaltitude and soon the stars became visible. The aliens then took the girl to an unknownplanet (supposedly Mars?) where she spent several hours (according to her descriptionthe planet did not look like Mars and according to one of the sources it could have been aplanet in the Ommars star system with a similarly sounding name?). There she sawamazing birds and a strange environment around her. According to Katya, while there sheencountered the “soul” of a Russian girl named Anya who being killed in an airplanecrash. (! this case if full of exclamation points). Later while inside the spacecraft Katyaasked the aliens what was the purpose of a “glassy globe” located on top of a “prop” inthe craft, the aliens explained to her that it was an energy globe. She then saw the globeseparate from the prop and float straight into the hands of an alien. The humanoid tookthe shiny globe and walked out of the craft entering a nearby structure with a triangularopening and star-like designs. (Such energy globes have been reported in numerous othercases, in which aliens seem to hold such a globe during a contact). Later theextraterrestrials taught Katya how to cure herself by using her hands or touch (bio-energyhealing) and showed her the world where intelligent beings lived after death. Apparentlythe aliens could exist both in the physical and astral dimensions. They added that theywanted to “save” the earth and wanted peace for our world and people to believe in God.Apparently Katya did not tell everything that was told to her by the aliens to theresearchers from the Yaroslavl UFO group. Apparently the aliens had ordered her not todivulge everything. Later researcher Zhurov established that two more residents besidesthe girl witnessed the UFO. One of them was a neighbor named I. G. Pershin. They sawthe object again on December 24 of that same year. Katya’s mother saw strange tracksleft on the snow resembling dark spots. On the place where the tall alien had stood ablack spot appeared on the carpet that soon vanished. Katya claims that she still has the“alien receipt” given to her by the visitors, and is locked up in a box in her room. (!)HC addendumSource: Vyacheslav Zhurov, Yaroslavl UFO Research Group in:Fourth Dimension and UFOs # 3 1993Type: GComments: Obviously a case out of the “Outer Limits” but with a hint of authenticity. Itis not known if researchers were ever given access to the written “receipt”.128
238.Location. Near Fordland MissouriDate: November 20 1992 Time: early morningA hunter was in an isolated wooded area waiting for deer under a heavy drizzle and hadsat down next to a large tree when he noticed a dim glow in the brush on the far side of anearby creek. He waited thinking it was another hunter, and then a figure came out of thebrush. It was described as a glowing 4-foot tall man-like entity that was walkingdiagonally up the hill. The being was visible from the waist up only and was glowingevenly an off-white cream color soft in nature. No facial features could be seen. Itseemed to move in stiff movements almost robot-like, never turning his head or body orswinging his arms. The being crossed the clearing area then disappeared out of sightbehind heavy brush.HC addition # 1447Source: Amateur Ufology News Issue # 12, March 1993Type: E239.Location. Near Ventura CaliforniaDate: November 20 1992 Time: 2130Two women were traveling on the Ventura Freeway when a huge bright light appearedabove them. It then shot downwards towards their vehicle. Both women then suddenlyfound themselves exiting the freeway with two hours of missing time. Both women werelater regressed and remembered being taken onboard a huge oblong-shaped craft.Onboard the object one of the witnesses was stripped and examined by small graycolored humanoids with large heads and huge eyes that communicated telepathically. Shealso encountered another creature resembling a praying mantis. The other witness wasguarded by several short gray humanoids during the ordeal.HC addition # 1694Source: UFONS # 295Type: G240.Location. Near San German Puerto RicoDate: November 23 1992 Time: 0130A129
A couple driving near the town on an isolated road saw a strange figure walking on theside of the road coming towards them in the opposite direction. The figure was describedas tall and very thin with a large head, which was covered by a black helmet. At eye levelthere was a rectangular opening where two large almond shaped eyes could be seen, thesegave off a greenish-yellow glow. It had wide shoulders and very long arms. The fingerswere extremely long and it wore a very tight black shiny outfit. Around its neck hung agolden-colored collar. The startled witnesses decided to turn back to take another lookbut the humanoid had already vanished.HC addition # 285Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 58Type: E241.Location. South Haven National park, Long Island, New YorkDate: November 24 1992 Time: nightA large metallic cylinder shaped craft with glowing blue ends reportedly exploded overLong Island. Wreckage, debris and some fragments of the humanoids were recovered atthe above site. Fire teams, police and secret service were involved. The remains of thecraft and its occupants were moved to Wright Patterson.HC addendumSource: Anton Anfalov UFO Crash listHigh Strangeness Index: 8Source reliability: 10Comments: Long Island is of course a place of much mystery and replete with strangeoccurrences and tragedy, especially a couple of unexplained airplane crashes.242.Location. Baca Grande, San Luis Valley, ColoradoDate: November 25 1992 Time: 2230The last memory of a 40-year old female witness was of turning off the heat in her pickuptruck. Two hours later she awoke to an orange beam of light, with her truck that was nowfreezing inside. She had two hours of unaccounted for missing time, her watch hadstopped, and her nose was bleeding. There were 2 independent witnesses of a UFO in thearea that night.HC addendumSource: Christopher O’Brien, “The Mysterious Valley” Type: G?Comments: Unexplored abduction event?130
243.Location. Somerset County, PennsylvaniaDate: November 29 1992 Time: 2300Three men were spotting deer when they saw not too well defined tracks with long stridesin the dusting of the snow. The friends followed the tracks in the snow for about ¾ of amile. One of the men leaned against a tree in a clearing and a tall hairy “thing” brushedagainst his cheek. It didn’t feel like a human touch and he fell to the ground, attractinganother friend’s attention. The man was disoriented and could not talk for awhile. Theyheard rustling noises, high-pitched screams and twigs breaking. The men only saw ashadow about 9 feet tall.HC addendumSource: Paul Johnson http://www.pabigfootsociety.comType: E244.Location. Ilager West VirginiaDate: late November 1992 Time: nightDuring a spate of UFO sightings over the area a young man using a pair of binocularssaw a metallic craft flying above some trees and shining a beam of light towards theground. The object had large windows and inside he was able to see several tall muscularmen with light hair and wearing silvery outfits. The craft drifted slowly away from thearea.HC addition # 1952Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOSClose Encounters in the Mountain StateType: A245.Location. Kinnegad, Northern IrelandDate: December 1992 Time: nightWhile drowsing in an armchair, and listening to music, the witness awoke abruptly to seea strange luminous figure hovering about two feet above him. He closed his eyes andrubbed them. However the figure was still visible in exactly the same place. After a fewmoments it vanished suddenly.HC addition # 3782Source: IUFOPRAType: E246.Location. Pine Bush, New York131
Date: Winter 1992 Time: 2230Three women parked near the house watched a black form or huge something, with head,arms and legs, and hands like mittens that floated right past the car. They both screamedas they saw it. It then seemed to float and disappeared near the house never setting off thesensor lights. All three women gave the same description.HC addendumSource: Bill Brann, WBS Alien Report Vol. 2 # 10Type: E247.Location. Houston, TexasDate: December 8 1992Time: late nightThe witness awoke and observed a bright flash of light (there was no sound of thunderfollowing). The subject rolled over and noticed a small gray alien “wearing aharness/utility belt.” The witness was instructed to follow the alien outside, where ablue/white light was shining on a spot on the ground. The witness was instructed to standin the light, and an instant later, found himself in a large circular room (about the size of ahigh school gymnasium). The witness was instructed to disrobe and led out of the roomand through a series of corridors and passageways. Part of the time they walked butmostly they were transported by a means unknown to the witness. Eventually they arrivedat a small room where several other aliens were present. A quick physical examinationwas given and then a human appearing individual entered the room (the witness in priorabductions had never encountered a human). The human asked several questions as tohow/why the abductee knew he had been abducted before. The witness was also askedhow abductees knew/found out about other abductees and why were they meetingtogether. (!) A model of the human brain was shown to the subject and he was asked toindicate where the “subconscious mind was located.” He was unable to indicate alocation and received a mental image or impression that another abductee was beingasked the same question. The human then left the room and the subject was moved toanother room. This room appeared to be some type of meeting or conference room. Italso was round, but the lighting and the furnishings were quite different. A number ofdifferent alien life forms entered the room, the last being the one with human appearance.The small gray aliens left the room but two of the taller brown aliens stayed. (Thedescription of the other life forms is being withheld pending further investigation). Thewitness was again questioned as to the nature of the subconscious mind and to his132
knowledge of his abductions and other abductees. After each question the witnessreceived images of other abductees. He could see them in a room together. They were allnude and seemed to be unaware of the presence of each other. Each seemed to be in atrance-like state and behaved as if acting out a part. Later the human took him into a sideroom where he was shown a “strange sort of chart or diagram” which he did notunderstand and was unlike any he’d ever seen before. He was then led by two tall browncolored beings through several other rooms to another examination room/laboratorywhere a nasal implant was placed in his nostril. The witness was then given his pajamas,told to dress, and returned to his home and bed.HC addendumSource: Derrel Sims, Abductions in HoustonType: G248.Location. San Antonio TexasDate: December 9 1992 Time: 0530AThe witness suddenly awoke to the faint sound of voices and music. She then heardsomeone walking away from her bed towards the stairs. She then saw a tall, slightlyglowing man-like figure run past her window. He was very quick and vanished inmoments. The witness remained in a state of panic and could not move for a while.HC addition # 1677Source: Karla Turner PhD, “Taken”Type: E249.Location. Elizabethtown South AustraliaDate: December 10 1992 Time: 0200AA five-year old child woke up to see a short being with thin legs, no arms and a largehead with glowing “colors” coming out of it, standing at the foot of his bed. The beingapparently suddenly disappeared.HC addition # 2611Source: Keith Basterfield, Australian UFO DigestType: E250.Location. Houston, TexasDate: December 10 1992 Time: late nightSometime after a meeting of known abductees the witness went to sleep for the night, hewas awakened by several aliens (not described) in his bedroom that, in a very quickprocedure, removed a nasal implant from the subject and immediately left. (Later underhypnosis a number of other abductees reported similar events).HC addendum133
Source: Derrel SimsType: E251.Location. Arizona desertDate: December 14 1992 Time: nightA squadron of heavily armed Air Force fighter jets intercepted a damaged UFO over thedesert and forced it to land at a remote base, where the huge vessel and its alien crew arebeing kept under wraps. Unnamed high-ranking officials say the sensational capture waspreceded by a dogfight at supersonic speeds high above the barren landscape. The UFOwas having propulsion problems or the American jets never would have been able to keepup with the more advanced airship. The craft was saucer shaped and 100 yards indiameter. It stands over 30 feet tall and held a crew of 24 aliens. The occupants weredescribed as about 4 ft tall with large smooth heads, two large eyes and small mouths.Military interrogators using a sort of sing language have been able to communicate withthem. The highly intelligent beings claim they were on a routine mission when their craftdeveloped operational problems. The ship commander intended to make an emergencylanding to repair the trouble.HC addendumSource: William Rock, The Sun (tabloid) Vol. 11 # 4Type: H This isobviously a tongue in cheek report, but I am committed in cataloguing all reportedincidents for research purposes, documentation and cross reference.134
252.Location. Scotland, exact location not givenDate: December 16 1992 Time: 0530AThe witness had just woken up as his girlfriend lay sleeping next to him. For someunknown reason he felt compelled to go and open the door of the bedroom. As he did hesaw a tall tan/gray colored creature standing at the landing. It stood motionless staringright at the witness, only two meters away. He felt fear and foreboding and asked atelepathic question “You don’t want me do you”? You want her don’t you”, he glanced athis girlfriend as he asked the question. He became increasingly upset, but then thememory faded. He woke up feeling ill later, and his girlfriend acted strangely the wholemorning.HC addition # 2860Source: A. Brough Type: E?253.Location. Rural, New South Wales, AustraliaDate: December 25 1992 Time: 2045The main witness and his wife saw three strange men all dress in black standing in theadjacent paddock. They disappeared suddenly with no trace of their presence. Three dayslater the main witness was in his yard when he was knocked off his feet by an explosionof undetermined source, which left a burning hole on the ground.HC addition # 3231Source: Bill ChalkerType: E254.Location. Chicago, IllinoisDate: December 29 1992 Time: 1900As the witness arrived home from work she was confronted in the parking lot by 8 humanmale figures that seemed “faceless” and carried hand-held devices resembling long blackflashlights. One of them spoke in a mechanical almost computer-like voice. A blindingheadache suddenly rendered the witness unconscious and did not remember this episodeuntil 3 days later. Earlier that same day, a silvery white flash of unknown origin hadbriefly illuminated her apartment ground floor.135
HC addition # 1046Source: Ann B Livingston, Mufon UFO Journal # 307Type: E255.Location. San Antonio, TexasDate: December 31 1992 Time: 0300AThe witness remembers walking outside by herself and hearing a very loud buzzingsound. She looked up and saw a huge gray metallic disc-shaped craft drop straight downfrom the clouds. The witness sat down cross-legged and watched the craft change into asphere with four legs, with strange markings and land nearby. Moment later the craftlifted straight up and left in a curved flight path. Later under hypnosis the witnessremembers sitting on the ground and seeing a group of very tall pale human-looking menstanding in front of the object. They all wore white clothing and watched her veryintently. She received mental communication form the men then remembers entering avery shiny room where she was examined by one of the men that had light hair.HC addition # 1678Source: Karla Turner, PhD, “Taken”Type: G256.Location. Severny, Vorkuta Region, RussiaDate: late December 1992 Time: 233016-year old Anatoli Petrov had gone to bed late at night when he heard a strange swishingsound in the far corner of the room, where the linen was piled. Glancing at the corner hesaw a small shape moving toward him. He then saw a being described as about 160-165cm tall and all brown. The skin was rough looking as if had “cracks” similar to bark orsmall protuberances. The creature’s head was oval shaped and had dark stain or gap-likeeyes. It did not have any whites on the eyes and the witness did not see a mouth. Thebeing had strong shoulders that were “round as if full of muscles.” It also had a widechest and very short legs. It had long hands with what appeared to be membranes inbetween the fingers. Petrov attempted to shout, but his scream appeared to fade out. Thecreature moved toward him in an unusual quick manner. Anatoli became afraid andclosed his eyes, moments later he saw a light from behind the closed eyelids. He openedhis eyes and saw a 25 cm wide blue beam of light shining on his chest. The beam of lightcame from the creature’s hand. The beam consisted of a multitude of light particles. Thecreature’s other hand also beamed a light, which shone on Anatoli’s legs. At this pointthe witness started to float up into the air. As he levitated, the blanked slipped down andoff. At this point he apparently lost consciousness. Sometime later he awakened andfound himself back in bed covered with the blanket. He was drenched in a cold sweat.Since the incident the witness has suffered from strange dreams. Other members of thefamily also had strange encounters. His sister saw a tall creature wearing a white overcoatwith a hood and his mother watched a small dark creature that walked from out of thewall.136
HC addition # 2660Source: Yuri SelenokType: E257.Location. Near Jihlava CzechoslovakiaDate: late 1992 Time: 0500AA bus driver reported seeing two large luminous spheres hovering above the roadway.Near the spheres stood two luminous humanoids. The witness drove on and did not stop.Another witness reported a similar encounter around the same time.HC addition # 1047Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 65Type: C258.Location. New Jersey, exact location not givenDate: late 1992Time: late nightThe witness and her mother were awakened by the sound of their dog growling andbarking. The mother told her daughter to stay put as she looked out the window. Shelooked down toward the dog, but the dog was looking up toward the window. She tried tofocus in front of her and told her daughter to get up and look but then told her not tomove and to wake up their male companion “Ward”. Ward then looked out the windowand after a moment his face went completely white. The girl was then told to lie down asWard walked outside and her mom stared out the window with a shocked look. Wardcame back and said that whatever it was it had run up over the hill. They all then wentinto the kitchen and the mother began to draw what she had seen. Both Ward and herdescribed the entity as standing up like a kangaroo, the woman could see a little bit ofhair sticking out of it, like it had been wet. It had a head like a ram, no neck, head shapedlike that of a horse’s, wings that hung on the sides of its body, and a little skinny tail witha point on the end of it. They all stayed up the rest of the night talking about it.HC addendumSource: Your True Tales, July 2005 Page 16Comments: Jersey Devil encounter?Type: E137
259.Location. Trnava, SlovakiaDate: end of 1992 Time: eveningA witness encountered in his room a 2-meter tall human like figure that suddenlyappeared. The humanoid was looking at the witness’s wife. The next night three beautifulhumanoid females wearing silvery tight-fitting body suits appeared in the witness room.When his wife asked what they wanted they replied they needed a sample of herhusband’s blood.HC addendumSource: Dr Milos JesenskyType: ETotal Cases: 259Addendums to be included as they become available.138