PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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Consolidated Financial Statements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft: Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 137At the end of the reporting period the gildemeister group comprised 127 companies(previous year: 79) including gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft, 124 of which (previousyear: 76) are subsidiaries and were included in the Consolidated Financial Statements aspart of the full consolidation process. gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft has the direct orindirect majority of voting rights in, or has a dominant influence over, the fully consolidatedcompanies. This includes two lease object companies (“Special Purpose Entities”).Compared to financial year 2009, the consolidated group has changed due to the first-timeinclusion of the following companies as well as subsidiaries that were not fully consolidatedin the previous year:_ Cellstrom GmbH, Vienna,_ dmg Service Drehen Italia S.r.l., Brembate di Sopra (Bergamo),_ a+f SunCarrier France sas, Les Ulis,_ a+f Italia Holding S.r.l., Milan,_ Alpenhotel Krone Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Pfronten,_ Alpenhotel Krone GmbH & Co. kg, Pfronten,_ 42 additional subsidiaries of a+f Italia S.r.l.The following companies were fully consolidated as of the date of their foundation orthe acquisition of the equity interests:Effective as of 16 April 2010 gildemeister acquired 50.001% of the equity interestsin Cellstrom GmbH, Vienna, within the scope of a cash capital increase. With the majorityequity investment in this company, gildemeister extends its product portfolio in the“Energy Solutions” segment to include the area of energy storage with big battery systems.The purchase costs for this amounted to € 9,000 k. The following individual assets andliabilities were acquired and recognised at fair value upon initial consolidation: € 1,986 kintangible assets (of which € 1,974 k for battery technology), € 633 k property, plant andequipment, € 317 k inventories, € 178 k trade debtors, € 174 k other assets, € 9,204 kcash and cash equivalents (including the cash funds brought in by the capital increase),€ 578 k other provisions, € 3,965 k liabilities and € 492 k deferred taxes. Net assetsamount to € 3,729 k. In measuring non-controlling interests, the option of the revised ifrs 3(2009) was used, to apply the proportionate re-measured equity to the non-controllinginterest (€ 3,728 k). An amount of € 5,272 k was recognised as goodwill and arises outof synergy effects, which are expected from including Cellstrom GmbH in the group.The acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment is presented in theassets schedule in the column “change in the group of consolidated companies”.Since 16 April 2010, Cellstrom GmbH has contributed € 816 k to the group salesrevenues. The share of earnings before tax for the same period amounted to € –2,139 k.If Cellstrom GmbH had already been consolidated as of 1 January 2010, sales revenues of€ 816 k would have been recognised in the consolidated income statement and earningsbefore taxes of € –2,421 k.consolidated financialstatements

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