PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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178Consolidated Financial Statements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft: Notes to the Consolidated Financial StatementsThe benefits actually granted including the insureds’ contributions are disclosed asbenefits paid.Of the company pension provisions in an amount of € 26,316 k (previous year:€ 26,331 k), € 25,841 k (previous year: € 25,799 k) are attributable to domestic groupcompanies; this corresponds to about 98% (previous year: 98%) of the total amount.The changes in the cash value compared to the previous year are due to an adjustment ofthe underlying interest rate from 5.20% to 4.60% and to the change in the number ofpensioners included in the calculations.The part of the new actuarial profit and loss that is due to experience-based adjustmentscan be derived from the following table:2010 2009 2008 2007 2006€ k € k € k € k € kProfits (–) and losses (+) on obligations 887 2,158 937 406 – 295Profits (+) and losses (–) on plan assets 799 – 41 – 791 – 122 – 166In financial year 2010, total expenditure amounted to € 2,898 k (previous year:€ 2,152 k), which breaks down into the following components:2010 2009€ k € kCurrent length of service expense 566 433+ Amortisation of past service cost 0 204+ Interest expense 2,004 1,766– Expected revenues from the plan assets (–) – 300 – 224+/– Actuarial profits and losses (+) 628 –27= Total expense for defined contribution pension plans 2,898 2,152The cash value of pension commitments has changed as follows:consolidated financialstatements2010 2009€ k € kCarrying amount as at 1 January 26,331 27,125Current length of service expense 566 433+ Retroactive service cost 0 204+ Interest expense 2,004 1,766– Expected revenues from the plan assets – 300 – 224+/– Actuarial profits (–) and losses (+) 628 –27– Pension payments made – 2,913 – 2,946= Carrying amount as at 31 December 26,316 26,331

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