PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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182Consolidated Financial Statements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft: Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statementsgildemeister re-structured the existing borrowers’ notes with a volume of € 200,000 k inFebruary 2010. The borrowers’ note with an original volume of € 140,000 k was reducedby a termination agreement by € 20,500 k to € 119,500 k. It had a term until 2013. Theborrowers' note with an original volume of € 60,000 k and a term of seven years wasreduced by a termination agreement by € 8,000 k to € 52,000 k. The term was shortenedby two years from seven years to 2013. In addition, a further borrowers' note of€ 30,000 k was likewise subscribed with a term until 2013.All borrowers’ notes bear interest at 6-month euribor plus a premium of a maximumof 4.75%.To safeguard the variable interest rate, interest rate swaps have been concluded (seepage 192 et seq.).Set out below are the major liabilities to financial institutions:31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2009Remaining effective Remaining effectiveCurrency Book value period in years interest rate Currency Book value period in years interest rate€ k % € k %Loan EUR 14,896 up to 8 3.2 – 6.8 EUR 16,366 up to 9 3.2 – 6.8Loan jpy 0 jpy 1,428 up to 3 0.95 – 3.0Loan czk 80 up to 1 5.82 czk 220 up to 2 5.82Overdrafts various 92,153 up to 3 0.34 – 8.45 various 93,725 up to 2 1.26 – 12.5107,129 111,739consolidated financialstatementsLiabilities towards credit institutes reduced in comparison with the previous yearby € 4,610 k. Long-term loans reduced within the framework of the planned repaymentof € 3,038 k whilst making use of overdraft loans fell compared to the previous yearby € 1,572 k.The short and medium term resource requirements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaftand, as part of the intra-group cash management system, of the majority ofdomestic subsidiaries are covered by syndicated loan agreements.In February 2010, the existing syndicated loans were re-financed. In addition to theexisting syndicated loan of € 175,000 k with a term until 30 June 2011, a new syndicatedloan with a volume of € 211,900 k was concluded, with the goal of securing the company'sfinancing until <strong>2012</strong> and to adjust it to the planned capital requirements. The existingloan is divided into two different tranches and the terms and conditions were adjustedwithin the scope of the refinancing.

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