PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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Consolidated Financial Statements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft: Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 191The translation risks describes the risk of a change in the statement of financial positionand income statement items of a subsidiary due to exchange rate differences in the translationof local individual accounts to the group currency. Any changes in the financialposition items of these companies caused by currency fluctuations in translation will berecorded in equity. Risks arising from the translation of sales revenues and results inforeign currency from subsidiaries are not hedged.gildemeister determines foreign currency sensitivity through aggregating allforeign currency items that are not represented in the functional currency of therespective company and sets these against hedging. The fair market value of the basicitems and hedges included are evaluated once at the actual exchange rates and oncewith the sensitivity rates. The difference between the two values represents the effectson equity and results.If the euro had been revalued (devalued) by 10% against the us dollar as at31 December 2010, the reserves for derivatives in equity and the fair value of the forwardexchange contracts would have been € 2,138 k lower (higher) (31 Dec. 2009: € 2,832 khigher (lower)). If the euro had been revalued (devalued) by 10% against all currenciesas at 31 December 2010, the results and the fair value of forward exchange contractswould have been € 13,371 k lower (higher) (31 Dec. 2009: € 2,788 k lower (higher)). Ahypothetical impact on profit or loss ensues in the individual case from the currencysensitivities eur / usd: € 7,250 k; eur / chf € 3,107 k; eur / jpy: € 2,852 k; eur / cad: € 162 k.The following tables show the transaction-related net currency risk in € k for themost important currencies as at 31 December 2010 and 2009:31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2009Currency usd jpy cad usd jpy cad€ k € k € k € k € k € kCurrency risk frombalance sheet items 48,366 2,156 1,589 17,749 2,226 1,812Currency risk frompending transactions – 3,763 – 1,468 3,195 17,725 513 1,335Transaction-relatedcurrency items 44,603 688 4,784 35,474 2,739 3,147Financially hedged itemthrough derivatives – 11,123 5,356 – 4,630 – 21,688 – 2,430 – 3,280Open foreign currency item 33,480 – 4,668 154 13,786 309 – 133Change in foreign currencyitem through a 10% revaluationof the euro – 3,348 467 – 15 – 1,379 – 31 13consolidated financialstatements

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