PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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Consolidated Financial Statements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft: Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 20339 explanatory notesto the segmentalinformationThe definition of terms used in individual segmental information is in line with themanagement principle for the value-oriented corporate management of the gildemeistergroup. Segmental information is in principle based on the same accounting and valuationmethods as form the basis for the Consolidated Financial Statements.Segmental assets include all assets tied up in the operative business includingshares, goodwill and prepaid expenses; it does not include income tax claims.To evaluate the profitability of the segments, sales revenues from the “Machine Tools”segment are reclassified to the “Services” segment. Sales between the segments aremade at standard market transfer prices.As part of the exercise of the option right pursuant to ifrs 3 “Business Combinations”,existing goodwill was allocated to the segments as follows: Goodwill is attributed to the“Machine Tools” segment of € 39,072 k (previous year: € 39,072 k), to the “Services”segment of € 32,865 k (previous year: € 32,412 k), to the “Energy Solutions” segment of€ 9,514 k (previous year: € 4,240 k) and to the “Corporate Services” segment of € 0 k(previous year: € 0 k). No impairment of goodwill was recorded out in the financial year.Investments include the additions to tangible fixed assets and intangible assets.Intra-segment sales revenues show the sales revenues that have been made between thesegments. The settlement prices of intra-group sales revenues are determined in line withthe market (arm’s length principle).Depreciation relates to segmental fixed assets.The ebt of the “Machine Tools” segment includes income from the dissolution ofprovisions in the financial year of € 6,209 k (previous year: € 8,248 k). The ebt of the“Services” segment includes income from the dissolution of provisions in the financialyear of € 6,216 k (previous year: € 8,311 k) and in the “Energy Solutions” segment in anamount of € 362 k (previous year: € 13,489 k).In the financial year non-cash expenses were included in the “Corporate Services”segment due to the scheduled amortisation of transaction costs of financial instrumentsin an amount of € 2,881 k (previous year: € 1,105 k). No significant non-cash expenseswere incurred in the three other segments.In financial year 2010 and in the previous year, no transactions were carriedout with any one customer that were more than 10% of the sales revenues of thegildemeister group.The “Transition” column represents the elimination of intra-group receivables andliabilities, income and expenses, as well as the elimination of intermediate resultsbetween the segments.The information on geographical areas is based on the registered office of thegroup companies and is broken down into regions comprising Germany, the rest ofEurope, North America, Asia and the rest of the world, which includes Mexico and Brazil.The data is determined on the basis of geographical sub-groups. Non-current assetsarise mainly out of tangible assets; they do not include financial instruments or deferredtax claims.consolidated financialstatements

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