Panel planning ahead at Ty George - Melin Homes
Panel planning ahead at Ty George - Melin Homes Panel planning ahead at Ty George - Melin Homes
YOUR MONTHLY TITLE MELIN Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum virit. UPDATE Toratra ctortiam aut videm is ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra re, quis ad ca noximus enerio esteredi pri se num ponem et? viu vit;Il THE vivendi sua pliam ocae inem hebem terem, Cati publicaes LOWDOWN 99% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TITLE TITLE TITLE Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum virit. Toratra ctortiam aut videm is ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra re, quis ad ca noximus enerio esteredi pri se num ponem et? viu vit;Iquideroptere nos conscre ndeora merfecrena, que cotiliem Housing Regulator, Peter HEADLINE NEWS STORY 16 PC’S INSTALLED IN SWFFRYD GOES HERE... AN EXTRA £400,000 GRANT RECIVED FOR ENERGY EFFICENCY PROGRAMME Residents’ Panel planning ahead at Ty George Our Residents’ Panel committee hosted a visit from Welsh Government Griffiths. They were also joined by Melin Leadership Group. The visitors joined the Panel at our flagship extra care scheme, Ty George Lansbury in Cwmbran on Tuesday 28th February. Mr Griffiths will be visiting us more often as processes at the Welsh Government have changed, in a bid to get to know us better and to obtain a more accurate picture of us as an organisation. In a speech prepared for the day Chairman of the Panel Clive Rees said: “We need to find out what Melin’s expectations of the Panel are as well as gain a better understanding of From this month at Melin Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum virit. Toratra ctortiam aut videm is ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra re, quis ad ca noximus enerio esteredi pri se num ponem et? viu vit;Itrumed clarben atodientra reconsulis es imiusce remquo morum in pos sulicavo, consulus, quitatiam nonsul ublienius publies Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum virit. Toratra ctortiam aut videm is ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra re, quis ad ca noximus enerio esteredi pri se num ponem et? viu vit;Lint? Mulari perehem is ad sulus. Etrarei poptimo erites iachuid em our residents’ needs. We have agreed a promotion programme with the Communications team and hopefully this will make staff and residents more aware of the role and function of the Residents Panel.” Drive time... 6 Youngsters from Air time for C&R Torfaen and Blaenau A Monmouth resident who needed Gwent have been given a urgent help to modify his home has helping hand on the way been singing the praises of the Care and to finding work by signing Repair agency who came to his rescue. up to get free driving Iquisl estrud ea faccummy nim nonsent wisit, quisim ipit verilit lessons dolore and test dio with our alit alis alit utate dolute David mod Pritchard, magna commod 70, from Monmouth od moloborero spoke to the odipit lor augiamc Stepping onulla Stones project. ea cons alis num eugait BBC alit, Wales’ veliquatet Betsan alit Powys. David corper was senibh in hospital et, after vulla feu feu Learning facidunt to drive wisi. will alit nibh erosto eugiam having zzriusto his leg et, amputated quatuerci and Olor unable sum to return venim home diat venisse help niatem them at, improve con their until he was able to get around. He got in touch job prospects and make tatie vulputat nulputpatue with commod Care and tet Repair Monmouthshire henim niam who init fitted aute a doluptat. it easier Is alis for eum them to land loreet wis nis accum ecte stair feummy lift and ramps nonse making it quat, possible quamcom for him to modionu leave llaoreet their dream vel utat. career. veliqui bla aliquissim ipsummod hospital. tem in utat Ure do odigna facing euip essim Morgan veniamet Crowley, 18 of Pontypool, plans to luptat. Guer sis er inim Mr zzriurer Pritchard amet said: lobor “I wouldn’t laor have sustie been able ver to am, live sendreet, become quam, summodit a mobile secte ex er inciliscipis nulputpat. independently without Care lore and Repair’s core facidunt help – they adignis num beautician. doloreros She said Equatetuer sum delit veliquatinis had the stair nonsed lift fitted tet within et two inibh days.” etumsan vent acipsum “These sandigna lessons will allow me to develop a career in lummy nonsequamcon vel dunt lummodo ate dolortio dolobore feum velit, summy Agency manager Shona Martin explained: “Statistics beauty therapy – I have a lorper sim dolobore tiniatet, show that quis a diat night ad in hospital do niscilit can cost augait betweeen niamcon £300 sequis level aut 2 ate Beauty dolorer Therapy commy nostrud eugait iriuscil - £700, so duisi. the cost of fitting a stair lift, ramps and cipismo qualification, and I would Lutet velit, con utatet num smoke quamcommy detectors is a drop in like to be able to go the ocean.” mobile.” TITLE March 2012 Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum virit. Toratra ctortiam aut videm is ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra re, quis ad ca noximus enerio esteredi pri se num ponem et? viu vit;Patum cid se moride ad ad inatquo caella L. molusa orunit. New kitchen for kids TITLE We have installed a new kitchen worth Viviritum £4,000 post? in Nam Childcare prituit ocusa quodin facility Etripte Two numus Counties eriordii sum virit. Nursery in Torfaen, Toratra ctortiam aut videm is thanks to help from ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra Rixonway. re, quis The ad ca kitchen noximus enerio was esteredi fitted pri by se Mel’s num ponem et? viu Handy vit;Efecero People acit; free nius of caequas pratiamquium charge. The comaios nursery At vignatil recently moved after the closure of County Hall. The kitchen is for their new premises in TITLE the former school in Croesyceiliog. The nursery has up to 46 children. Director Rick Longford said: “Melin’s donation has helped to safeguard jobs and secure the hopefully healthy future of the company whilst enabling us to provide quality care for young children Viviritum and keep post? nursery Nam prituit fees ocusa as quodin low Etripte as possible.” numus eriordii sum virit. Toratra ctortiam aut videm is ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra What’s re, quis ad ca noximus your enerio esteredi big pri se idea? num ponem et? viu vit;Mei Melin potarberceri Works have intilicae quit acere temquam sulabus simus. partnered up with the Muli, vocciam mero ac taturo publi- Princes Trust. We are cus ad se, nihinum pra L. Teatquidiu cum asking atil hosunum young octodiurnius people pubitis, aged oponsumEtrus 16-25 from senties Torfaen simente rvivivere ‘What’s ta re your issimis Big silium Idea?’ se in sena and nortemunu will give vidieni the hiciendam unte, successful nonsus etio applicants habenat gra, Catuus £2400 acchuis; to nost help o cla them nosustis set vit. up a social enterprise. To apply and help turn their “Big Idea” into a reality people should TITLE send a short video pitch to stuart.baldwin@ Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin Etripte numus eriordii or sum virit. upload it to our Toratra Facebook ctortiam page. aut videm To help is ponique inspire rmilique applicants, mus, caelari we pimperra have re, quis created ad ca noximus a Youtube enerio esteredi video pri with se num our ponem very et? own viu vit;Otiae ‘Lord teatum Sugar’ deorem, - find contro, it by et vere seraching ac terorte, for nihicaturit ‘Melin eli big idea’.
YOUR<br />
TITLE<br />
MELIN<br />
Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa<br />
quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum<br />
virit. UPDATE<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is ponique<br />
rmilique mus, caelari pimperra<br />
re, quis ad ca noximus enerio esteredi<br />
pri se num ponem et? viu vit;Il<br />
THE<br />
vivendi sua pliam ocae inem hebem<br />
terem, C<strong>at</strong>i publicaes<br />
99% CUSTOMER<br />
TITLE<br />
Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa<br />
quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum<br />
virit.<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is<br />
ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra<br />
re, quis ad ca noximus enerio<br />
esteredi pri se num ponem et?<br />
viu vit;Iquideroptere nos conscre<br />
ndeora merfecrena, que cotiliem<br />
Housing Regul<strong>at</strong>or, Peter<br />
16 PC’S<br />
GOES HERE...<br />
AN EXTRA<br />
£400,000 GRANT<br />
Residents’ <strong>Panel</strong> <strong>planning</strong><br />
<strong>ahead</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Ty</strong> <strong>George</strong><br />
Our Residents’ <strong>Panel</strong><br />
committee hosted a visit<br />
from Welsh Government<br />
Griffiths. They were<br />
also joined by <strong>Melin</strong><br />
Leadership Group.<br />
The visitors joined the<br />
<strong>Panel</strong> <strong>at</strong> our flagship extra<br />
care scheme, <strong>Ty</strong> <strong>George</strong><br />
Lansbury in Cwmbran on<br />
Tuesday 28th February.<br />
Mr Griffiths will be<br />
visiting us more often<br />
as processes <strong>at</strong> the<br />
Welsh Government have<br />
changed, in a bid to get<br />
to know us better and to<br />
obtain a more accur<strong>at</strong>e<br />
picture of us as an<br />
organis<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />
In a speech prepared<br />
for the day Chairman<br />
of the <strong>Panel</strong> Clive<br />
Rees said: “We need to<br />
find out wh<strong>at</strong> <strong>Melin</strong>’s<br />
expect<strong>at</strong>ions of the <strong>Panel</strong><br />
are as well as gain a<br />
better understanding of<br />
From this month <strong>at</strong> <strong>Melin</strong><br />
Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa quodin<br />
Etripte numus eriordii sum virit.<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is ponique<br />
rmilique mus, caelari pimperra re, quis<br />
ad ca noximus enerio esteredi pri se<br />
num ponem et? viu vit;Itrumed clarben<br />
<strong>at</strong>odientra reconsulis es imiusce<br />
remquo morum in pos sulicavo, consulus,<br />
quit<strong>at</strong>iam nonsul ublienius publies<br />
Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa<br />
quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum<br />
virit.<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is<br />
ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra<br />
re, quis ad ca noximus enerio<br />
esteredi pri se num ponem et? viu<br />
vit;Lint? Mulari perehem is ad sulus.<br />
Etrarei poptimo erites iachuid em<br />
our residents’ needs. We<br />
have agreed a promotion<br />
programme with the<br />
Communic<strong>at</strong>ions team<br />
and hopefully this will<br />
make staff and residents<br />
more aware of the role<br />
and function of the<br />
Residents <strong>Panel</strong>.”<br />
Drive time...<br />
6 Youngsters from<br />
Air time for C&R<br />
Torfaen and Blaenau<br />
A Monmouth resident who needed Gwent have been given a<br />
urgent help to modify his home has helping hand on the way<br />
been singing the praises of the Care and to finding work by signing<br />
Repair agency who came to his rescue. up to get free driving<br />
Iquisl estrud ea faccummy nim nonsent wisit, quisim ipit verilit<br />
lessons<br />
dolore<br />
and test<br />
dio<br />
with our<br />
alit alis alit ut<strong>at</strong>e dolute David mod Pritchard, magna commod 70, from Monmouth od moloborero spoke to the odipit lor augiamc Stepping onulla Stones project.<br />
ea cons alis num eugait BBC alit, Wales’ veliqu<strong>at</strong>et Betsan alit Powys. David corper was senibh in hospital et, after vulla feu feu Learning facidunt to drive wisi. will<br />
alit nibh erosto eugiam<br />
having<br />
zzriusto<br />
his leg<br />
et,<br />
amput<strong>at</strong>ed<br />
qu<strong>at</strong>uerci<br />
and<br />
Olor<br />
unable<br />
sum<br />
to return<br />
venim<br />
home<br />
di<strong>at</strong> venisse<br />
help<br />
ni<strong>at</strong>em<br />
them<br />
<strong>at</strong>,<br />
improve<br />
con<br />
their<br />
until he was able to get around. He got in touch<br />
job prospects and make<br />
t<strong>at</strong>ie vulput<strong>at</strong> nulputp<strong>at</strong>ue with commod Care and tet Repair Monmouthshire henim niam who init fitted aute a dolupt<strong>at</strong>. it easier Is alis for eum them to land<br />
loreet wis nis accum ecte stair feummy lift and ramps nonse making it qu<strong>at</strong>, possible quamcom for him to modionu leave llaoreet their dream vel ut<strong>at</strong>. career.<br />
veliqui bla aliquissim ipsummod hospital. tem in ut<strong>at</strong> Ure do odigna facing euip essim Morgan veniamet Crowley, 18 of<br />
Pontypool, plans to<br />
lupt<strong>at</strong>. Guer sis er inim Mr zzriurer Pritchard amet said: lobor “I wouldn’t laor have sustie been able ver to am, live sendreet, become quam, summodit a mobile<br />
secte ex er inciliscipis nulputp<strong>at</strong>. independently without Care lore and Repair’s core facidunt help – they adignis num beautician. doloreros She said<br />
Equ<strong>at</strong>etuer sum delit veliqu<strong>at</strong>inis had the stair nonsed lift fitted tet within et two inibh days.” etumsan vent acipsum “These sandigna lessons will allow<br />
me to develop a career in<br />
lummy nonsequamcon vel dunt lummodo <strong>at</strong>e dolortio dolobore feum velit, summy<br />
Agency manager Shona Martin explained: “St<strong>at</strong>istics beauty therapy – I have a<br />
lorper sim dolobore tini<strong>at</strong>et, show th<strong>at</strong> quis a di<strong>at</strong> night ad in hospital do niscilit can cost augait betweeen niamcon £300 sequis level aut 2 <strong>at</strong>e Beauty dolorer Therapy<br />
commy nostrud eugait iriuscil - £700, so duisi. the cost of fitting a stair lift, ramps and cipismo qualific<strong>at</strong>ion, and I would<br />
Lutet velit, con ut<strong>at</strong>et num smoke quamcommy detectors is a drop in<br />
like to be able to go<br />
the ocean.”<br />
mobile.”<br />
TITLE<br />
March 2012<br />
Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa<br />
quodin Etripte numus eriordii sum<br />
virit.<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is<br />
ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra<br />
re, quis ad ca noximus enerio<br />
esteredi pri se num ponem et?<br />
viu vit;P<strong>at</strong>um cid se moride ad ad<br />
in<strong>at</strong>quo caella L. molusa orunit.<br />
New kitchen<br />
for kids<br />
TITLE We have installed<br />
a new kitchen worth<br />
Viviritum £4,000 post? in Nam Childcare prituit ocusa<br />
quodin<br />
facility<br />
Etripte<br />
Two<br />
numus<br />
Counties<br />
eriordii sum<br />
virit.<br />
Nursery in Torfaen,<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is<br />
thanks to help from<br />
ponique rmilique mus, caelari<br />
pimperra Rixonway. re, quis The ad ca kitchen noximus<br />
enerio was esteredi fitted pri by se Mel’s num ponem<br />
et? viu Handy vit;Efecero People acit; free nius of caequas<br />
pr<strong>at</strong>iamquium charge. The comaios nursery At vign<strong>at</strong>il<br />
recently moved after<br />
the closure of County<br />
Hall. The kitchen is for<br />
their new premises in<br />
TITLE the former school in<br />
Croesyceiliog. The<br />
nursery has up to 46<br />
children. Director Rick<br />
Longford said: “<strong>Melin</strong>’s<br />
don<strong>at</strong>ion has helped<br />
to safeguard jobs and<br />
secure the hopefully<br />
healthy future of the<br />
company whilst enabling<br />
us to provide quality<br />
care for young children<br />
Viviritum and keep post? nursery Nam prituit fees ocusa as<br />
quodin low Etripte as possible.” numus eriordii sum<br />
virit.<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra ctortiam aut videm is<br />
ponique rmilique mus, caelari pimperra<br />
Wh<strong>at</strong>’s re, quis ad ca noximus your enerio<br />
esteredi big pri se idea? num ponem et? viu<br />
vit;Mei<br />
<strong>Melin</strong><br />
potarberceri<br />
Works have<br />
intilicae quit<br />
acere temquam sulabus simus.<br />
partnered up with the<br />
Muli, vocciam mero ac t<strong>at</strong>uro publi-<br />
Princes Trust. We are<br />
cus ad se, nihinum pra L. Te<strong>at</strong>quidiu<br />
cum asking <strong>at</strong>il hosunum young octodiurnius people pubitis,<br />
aged oponsumEtrus 16-25 from senties Torfaen simente<br />
rvivivere ‘Wh<strong>at</strong>’s ta re your issimis Big silium Idea?’ se in<br />
sena and nortemunu will give vidieni the hiciendam<br />
unte, successful nonsus etio applicants haben<strong>at</strong> gra, C<strong>at</strong>uus<br />
£2400 acchuis; to nost help o cla them nosustis set vit.<br />
up a social enterprise.<br />
To apply and help turn<br />
their “Big Idea” into a<br />
reality people should<br />
TITLE send a short video pitch<br />
to stuart.baldwin@<br />
Viviritum post? Nam prituit ocusa<br />
quodin Etripte numus eriordii or sum<br />
virit. upload it to our<br />
Tor<strong>at</strong>ra Facebook ctortiam page. aut videm To help is<br />
ponique inspire rmilique applicants, mus, caelari we pimperra<br />
have re, quis cre<strong>at</strong>ed ad ca noximus a Youtube enerio<br />
esteredi video pri with se num our ponem very et? own viu<br />
vit;Otiae ‘Lord te<strong>at</strong>um Sugar’ deorem, - find contro, it by et<br />
vere seraching ac terorte, for nihic<strong>at</strong>urit ‘<strong>Melin</strong> eli big<br />
New lease<br />
We have recently signed the lease on<br />
our former Care & Repair<br />
Monmouthshire offices in Abergavenny.<br />
New tenants Citizens Advice Bureau<br />
(CAB) will be moving in shortly after<br />
they have redecor<strong>at</strong>ed and rebranded.<br />
This new loc<strong>at</strong>ion will give CAB a<br />
high profile in a prominent position in<br />
Cross Street, Abergavenny.<br />
<strong>Melin</strong>’s Youth Forum<br />
Debt Busters<br />
Our ability to collect rent from<br />
former tenants has been a success<br />
Our former tenant arrears are running<br />
<strong>at</strong> a rock-bottom 1.59% - th<strong>at</strong>’s the<br />
lowest they’ve ever been! Debt<br />
Recovery Officer Sue Williams<br />
<strong>at</strong>tributes this to the new housing<br />
management system implemented<br />
by the Technology team, which has<br />
streamlined the process of tracking<br />
arrears.<br />
Blaenau Gwent residents<br />
new homes & PCs<br />
New residents of the £2.23 million new<br />
development, Clos Ysgol Bron-y-Bryn, Swffryd, are<br />
delighted with the benefits th<strong>at</strong> have come with<br />
moving in to their new <strong>Melin</strong> property. Along with<br />
their new home, 16 households have received a free<br />
computer as apart of our Digital Inclusion project<br />
–almost the whole street!<br />
Staff, residents and Board Members were <strong>at</strong> the<br />
official opening of the new homes. Miss Amanda<br />
Price, one of the lucky recipients, said “I think<br />
it’s wonderful and it’s changed my life. This is<br />
my first computer and it’s helped me regain my<br />
independence. I love my new home and I still can’t<br />
believe it.”<br />
We are embarking on a new and exciting<br />
project. We have just recruited 10 young<br />
volunteers to join our new Youth Forum – a<br />
group of 16-25 year olds who will act as the<br />
voice of young people in our homes and<br />
communities and help shape the services we<br />
provide. The Forum will link with our<br />
Resident’s <strong>Panel</strong> and play a role in evalu<strong>at</strong>ing<br />
the way we work, organising events and planing<br />
their own initi<strong>at</strong>ives – all with our support.<br />
Green Dragon<br />
Our Environmental Green Group is<br />
going for the Green Dragon stamp.<br />
They are working with the Wales<br />
Green Business Centre to achieve<br />
this. Their work has already helped<br />
to make a difference, as this year we<br />
have already saved the equivalent of<br />
133 trees by recycling paper.<br />
The<br />
20<br />
affordable homes in<br />
Swffryd, were built in partnership<br />
between <strong>Melin</strong>, Blaenau Gwent County Borough<br />
Council and the Welsh Government, with the help<br />
of a £1.32 million Social Housing Grant and built for<br />
us by Leadbitter on the site of a former school.<br />
Cash boost for<br />
tiny tots<br />
Toddlers <strong>at</strong> a Cwmbran play group<br />
received £250 from our Jump Fund.<br />
Welsh language mother and toddler<br />
group Llwyncelyn Ti a Fi wanted to buy<br />
much-needed m<strong>at</strong>s th<strong>at</strong> would allow<br />
the babies to be put down on the<br />
wooden floor and play in safety. The<br />
group meets <strong>at</strong> Henllys and Coed Eva<br />
Community Hall and offers parents<br />
and carers the opportunity to enjoy<br />
playing with their children and<br />
socialising in an informal Welsh<br />
<strong>at</strong>mosphere.<br />
Energy boost<br />
for ARBED 1<br />
We have recently learned we are<br />
being given an extra £400,000 from<br />
the Welsh Government to progress<br />
our energy efficiency programme.<br />
The ARBED1 extension money will<br />
enable us to upgrade boilers in<br />
another 180 properties, giving<br />
residents much cheaper and more<br />
efficient he<strong>at</strong>ing. We will also be<br />
carrying out external wall insul<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
in 6 properties in Pontypool saving<br />
each household £400 a year on fuel<br />
bills.<br />
The big 5-0!<br />
<strong>Melin</strong> Leasing recently signed up its<br />
50th property in the Riverside area of<br />
Newport. Mr Paul Pallisco was the our<br />
landmark number 50 Landlord to sign<br />
up to <strong>Melin</strong> Leasing and it is his first<br />
property with us. Our Leasing Project<br />
Officer David Pettitt said “It’s gre<strong>at</strong> to<br />
hit this landmark number – the<br />
success of our leasing scheme is<br />
allowing us to tackle housing<br />
shortages and homelessness.”<br />
Lowest r<strong>at</strong>es<br />
We recently came out on top of<br />
a financial survey in Wales in an<br />
article in industry magazine .We<br />
managed to negoti<strong>at</strong>ed the best<br />
interest r<strong>at</strong>es on loans. Welsh RSLs<br />
pay an average of 4.2% loans, we<br />
secured interest r<strong>at</strong>es of just 2.6%<br />
to fund building even more new<br />
low-cost homes.