124 – Belt Lipectomy / Lower Truncal Contouring, Al Aly, MD, FACS
124 – Belt Lipectomy / Lower Truncal Contouring, Al Aly, MD, FACS
124 – Belt Lipectomy / Lower Truncal Contouring, Al Aly, MD, FACS
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<strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Lipectomy</strong>/<strong>Lower</strong><strong>Truncal</strong> <strong>Contouring</strong><strong>Al</strong> <strong>Al</strong>y, <strong>MD</strong>, <strong>FACS</strong>Professor of Plastic SurgeryDirector of AestheticsUniversity of California Irvine
Ethicon ConsultantInvestment in InsorbAngiotechRoyalty from QMP for book<strong>Al</strong>lergan Consultant
Willstress key principlesrather thanspecific details
Factors That Affect RESULTS Weight or BMI at presentation Fat deposition pattern Quality of skin-fat envelope
Patients will lose weightand stabilize at aparticular level, which willvary from patient topatient
The Skin-Fat Envelope Thickness Pliability Translation of pull
If all treated the sameResults are inferiorBasic Principle
IMPORTANTMWLP haveCIRCUMFERENTIALlower truncal excessBasic Principle
Why Circumferential Excision? Tension & dynamics Tailoring physics Severe vertical excess Obese psychology
What Do ExcisionalProcedures Accomplish? Eliminate excess skin & fat Create distant contour
Treatment Options Abdominoplasty “T” or “fleur de lis”lipectomy Circumferential lipectomy
Abdominoplasty Ideally treats Mild excess belly fat Excess belly skin Belly laxity
AbdominoplastyThe design of theoperation has atendency to eitheraccentuate outerfullness or create it
Abdominoplasty Will not treat: Sides/waist Outer thighs Back Buttocks
It is important to understandthe dynamics of lowertruncal contouring
Tension is bad for scaringbutTension is essential forcontour
Surgical improvement=Tension above and belowthe closure
A circumferential procedure=aggressive as you need tobe
MWLP Circumferential Excess Differentially greater anteriorly Often vertical excess is severe To Tx appropriately <strong>–</strong> huge verticalexcision
T Shaped PanniculectomyEven when done well,incomplete and ofteninadequate effect on thesides & back is seen
“Stigmata of Obesity”
If you don’t address “ObesityStigmata”?Failure
Rehabilitation of thelower trunk in themassive weight losspatient most oftenrequires circumferentialtreatment
Body Lifts Are Not<strong>Al</strong>l The SameBasic Principle
Approaches to The Trunk<strong>Lower</strong> Body Lift<strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Lipectomy</strong>
Surgical Approaches to The Trunk Each philosophy has its pros andcons Each has its proper place in thearmamentarium of the plasticsurgeon Not exclusive of each other
<strong>Lower</strong> Body Lift <strong>Lower</strong> wedge-lateral & posterior Onto buttocks proper Final scar below the widest aspect ofthe pelvic rim-below underwear Eliminates zones of adherence
<strong>Lower</strong> Body Lift Pros Superior thigh reduction &elevation Reduces need for medial thigh lifts Scar below underwear
The “Sun Dress Effect”
<strong>Lower</strong> Body LiftLoss of adherence zonesScar below pelvic rimTenting across waistBlunting
<strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Lipectomy</strong> Zones of adherence are maintainedfor support The incisions are overall in a higherposition <strong>–</strong> natural junction ofbuttocks & back
Cinching at waist level creates adepression above the buttocks
<strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Lipectomy</strong> Pros Creation of a waist Better definition of buttocks Contour control at the level ofthe scar Better overall truncal contour
<strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Lipectomy</strong> Cons Thighs not lifted laterally as well Scars maybe outside of underwear line Medial thighs often need a vertical scar Overall thighs are not as well treated bybelt alone
Workup This is a BIG operation A “major life event” Extensive preoperativeworkup
Electrolytes<strong>Al</strong>bumin<strong>Al</strong>kalinePhospataseALT (SGPT)AST (SGOTBUNCalciumCBC w/Differential CholesterolCreatinineFerritinGlucoseMagnesiumTotal ProteinPT/PTTVitamin B12CopperThiamine
Criteria For Surgery Medically healthy Psychiatric stability Non-smoker Reduced intra-abdominalcontent Stable weight for ~3 to 6 months
Malnurtition is common inpost bariatric surgerypatients, especiallyduodenal switch patients.Check their labs early
If BMI > 35, > 100%complication
Philosophy THE MONEY IS ANTERIOR Aggressive side excisions Adjust back to anterior &lateral resections
Markings The essence of the procedure Adjustable guidelines forsurgery Vary according to anatomy &desires
Markings Photograph them Look at them prior tosurgery Compare them to yourresults
A major goal of marking=Controlling Scar Position
Controlling scar position isbased on:“Simulating tissuedynamics at closure”Basic Principle
The final position of a scar,in an excisional procedure,is based on the“tissue mobility”on either side of the woundBasic Principle
Low Tissue Mobility=Zones of Adherence
The Mons is “V” ShapedBasic Principle
Approach to Mons Eliminate vertical <strong>–</strong> 1 st procedure Avoid central midline excisions Defat if needed Let lymphatics reconstitute Tx horizontal excess last
Superior marks anteriorlyare passivethey simply fit into the inferiormarksas in a puzzle
Our Back Markings Confusing to understand Create an initial inferior line “purelyas a reference” Create superior mark based on pinch But superior line is final “determiner”of scar position
Markings Make vertical marks equidistantfrom anterior & posteriormidlines to help align the closure In large BMI patients the lowercircumference is always larger,thus there will be a discrepancy
Controlling Scar Position Anteriorly <strong>–</strong> inferior mark Posteriorly <strong>–</strong> superiormark
Technique Two surgeons General anesthesia Epidural
Position Sequence Evolution Prone/Supine Lateral/Lateral/Supine Supine/Lateral/Lateral
Flap Elevation Thin- traditional butminimal Thick flap- some form oflipoabdominoplasty
“If the flap is thick, layit in a depression”Basic Principle
Philosophy on Buttocks Autoaugmentation Buttocks implants-not ideal Fat injections
Autoaugmentation Often augments the wrong level Not apparent on the table Position of scar is compromised Proper scar position can lead,sometimes, to optical illusion ofaugmentation
Autoaugmentation Possible and real complications Wrong position Fat necrosis Infection/sepsis Skin necrosis Resistant seromas Uncontrolled pain
Postoperative Care Walk the day of surgery Patient is to walk bent forone week Patients will stay 2-4 daysin the hospital assumingno complications
Postoperative Course 4-6 weeks to recover Final results at 1 year +
Goals of Surgery Flat abdomen Elevate mons if needed Create a waist if needed Eliminate lower back rolls Define buttocks Lift outer & ? Inner thighs
Massive Weight LossGenerally, resultscorrelate with thepatient’s BMI atsurgeryBasic Principle
Expected ResultsHigh BMI
Expected ResultsIntermediate BMI
Horizontal Upper AbdominalScars Obvious vascular issues Consider time and position Options Use as inferior of flap Use as vertical limb Limited supra-umb. dissection &evaluate-cut upper line first
Expected ResultsNear ideal BMI
Indications forCircumferential Procedures MWLP Overweight - BMI = 26-29 Ideal weight patients Over-liposuctioned lowertrunk
Overweight Patients Usually <strong>–</strong> 26 to 29 No weight loss Unable to lose weight Circumferential issues
Normal weight patientsthat want especiallyexcellent contour
Over liposuctionedlower trunk
CAUTION!!!you improve contournotquality of skinBasic Principle
Complications Seromas (30%) Wound healing problems (20%) Psychiatric Difficulties (8.6%) Infections (4.3%) Tissue Necrosis (4.3%) Pulmonary Emboli (2.9%) DVT (1.4%)
Complications arecommon after beltlipectomy surgery;with seromas being thepredominantcomplication
A high BMI is associatedwith an increased risk ofcomplicationsBasic Principle
Both the surgeon and thepatient need to be aware thatbelt lipectomy is an extensiveprocedure with a fairly highcomplication rate
Usual Sequence <strong>Belt</strong> lipectomy w/ or w/oliposuction of thighs Upper body work Thigh reduction Face
Combination Surgery Generally like to do belt alone Never (?) upper and lowertogether Thighs always after belt
Transfusions Infrequent in our series But common in practices thatcombine many procedures Probably related to theamount of surgery done inone sitting
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