Brand Continuity Guide [PDF] - Anderson University
Brand Continuity Guide [PDF] - Anderson University
Brand Continuity Guide [PDF] - Anderson University
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BRAND CONTINUITY 3Table of ContentsAU BRAND CONTINUITY04 Welcome - Letter from Leadership05 <strong>Brand</strong>ing Overview06 The Importance of a <strong>Brand</strong> and Protecting It07 <strong>Brand</strong>ing Matrix08 Color Usage09 Paper Selection10 Font Usage12 Graphic Styles14 Working Effectively with the AU Office of PublicationsSTATEMENT OF RATIONALE – “we don’t believe”16 Target Audience Overview18 Institutional Target Audience19 Admissions Target Audience20 Campus Target Audience21 Alumni Target AudienceCAMPAIGN GUIDELINES – “we don’t believe”22 The Stamp23 Alternate Stamp Variations24 Stamp Restrictions25 Cropping the Stamp26 Graphic Usage of the Stamp28 Graphic Applications
4 BRAND CONTINUITYWELCOMELetter from LeadershipTHE ANDERSON UNIVERSITY BRANDMarketing and branding go far beyond logos, slogans and layouts. The<strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> brand is a visual and verbal expression of who weare. It attracts people to us and serves as an outward expression of ourabilities, identity and beliefs.<strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> has invested in a process to discover and formalizeour brand. It was a long process wherein firms specializing in marketingand branding worked closely with our campus community, universityleadership and our internal marketing office. Now, we ask for supportfrom our entire faculty and staff to ensure the proper brandingstandards are used at every opportunity.We recommend you keep this binder close at hand and become familiarwith the information it contains. It explains the importance of brandingand how you can ensure all your materials meet the establishedstandards. It also explains the rationale for our latest campaign, “wedon’t believe.” We expect this campaign to garner a lot of attention. Byfamiliarizing yourself with the brand campaign and concepts, you willbe equipped to answer questions you may hear from students, parents,peers or community members.Thank you for your assistance and support.Sincerely,P.E.S.(President’s Executive Staff)
BRAND CONTINUITY 5AU BRAND CONTINUITY<strong>Brand</strong>ing OverviewWHAT IS BRANDING?Everybody knows the term branding, but what does it really mean?Our favorite definition of a brand is from Marty Neumeier’s book, The<strong>Brand</strong> Gap – “A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, serviceor company.”It’s a gut feeling because we’re all emotional, intuitive beings, despiteour best efforts to be rational. It is not a slogan, logo or layout. A brandis the essence, the personality and the difference.Furthermore, a brand is defined by individuals, not by organizations.While organizations can’t necessarily control this process, they caninfluence it by communicating the qualities that make this product orinstitution different from another. In other words, a brand is not whatyou say it is, it’s what they say it is.To compare a brand with its competitors, we need to know what makesit different. <strong>Brand</strong>ing is the management of the differences. A brand is aclaim of distinction. It’s your differentiator. As such, it must be treatedwith consistency and thoughtfulness. Although it takes time to develop arespected brand, it can all be quickly lost in a single, uncalculated move.“True Freedom”On the first page of this binder, there is reference to <strong>Anderson</strong><strong>University</strong>’s story. Our story is about true freedom. As we move forward,it is imperative that our differentiator of true freedom is always at theforefront of the messaging.
6 BRAND CONTINUITYAU BRAND CONTINUITYThe Importance of a <strong>Brand</strong> andProtecting ItA BRAND IS BUILT ON TRUSTThe audience decides if an organization is delivering on their brandpromise. The danger is in the potential disconnect between whatwe say our brand is and what our constituents say it is. Becausebranding is all about trust, for many of our audiences it becomes anemotional paradigm, regardless of the product or service. Thereinlies the importance of developing a consistent, vibrant, flexible brandthat evokes a positive image and creates an emotional connection forcustomers. This is why branding is so important.A few other reasons why branding is so important:• <strong>Brand</strong>ing helps universities respond to business issues.• Strong brands have value beyond the balance sheet.• Strong brands command higher premiums.• Strong brands help attract, retain and engage employees.PROTECTING THE ANDERSON UNIVERSITY BRANDOnce we understand what a brand is and recognize its importance, itbecomes easy to see why we must work to protect our brand. Just asevery person has a unique look and personality, so does every brand. Ifa brand is constantly changing its appearance or personality, people maystart to mistrust the business, or even worse, forget about it all together.That’s why we have to support the <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> brand. Andthat’s exactly what this <strong>Brand</strong> <strong>Continuity</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> is designed to do.We not only have to tell our story of true freedom, but we also haveto ensure the story is told correctly across all audiences. That is wherethe “we don’t believe” campaign enters the equation. In addition, bycarefully managing graphic elements, including type direction, colorreproduction and more, we ensure that our brand maintains the highestlevel of trust, relevance and recognition.
BRAND CONTINUITY 7AU BRAND CONTINUITY<strong>Brand</strong>ing MatrixATTRIBUTES:OUR POSITION:VISUAL IMAGE:CORE VALUESTATEMENT:Underlying our institutional story are five core valuesthat form the pillars of the <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>experience, supporting our every undertaking.• Integrity• Responsibility• Excellence • Generosity• Servant LeadershipAU IS:Accepting, Faith-Based, Open, Uplifting, Challenging,Inclusive, InspiringAU IS NOT:Closed Minded, Restrictive, Judgmental, Secular,Average, ExclusiveMISSIONSTATEMENT:The mission of <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> is to educate fora life of faith and service in the church and society.BRAND POWER:AU offers true freedom, which differentiates us fromother universities. Our non-creedal church heritagehelps us to tell this story and to spell out exactlywhat we do and don’t believe.TAGLINE:Academic and Christian DiscoveryPOSITIONING:Because we don’t believe in and are not restricted byartificial conventions, we’re uniquely able to educatefrom a place of true freedom.PASSIONS:Education, Faith, Truth through Scripture, Growth,Discovery, Christian Beliefs, Success, True Freedom
8 BRAND CONTINUITYAU BRAND CONTINUITYPrimary Color UsageColor reproduction is vital to proper usage of all AU marketingcomponents. Materials and reproduction methods affect color andmust be taken into account. These are our primary colors. Strong andeasily identifiable, these colors are the first choice when representing<strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>.ORANGEOrange is one of the colors used inall corporate communications. Allpercentages of orange may be used.It may be used in the spot coloror the CMYK coordinates.Pantone ® Orange 021CMYK 0/65/100/0RGB 245/121/32HTML F57920BLACKBlack is one of the colors used inall corporate communications. Allpercentages of black may be usedto create shades of gray.Pantone ® BlackCMYK 30/30/30/100RGB 0/0/0HTML 000000GRAY40% black is used in the arc ofthe AU logo. For 3-color projects,Pantone ® 429 or Pantone ® 877Metallic may be substituted for40% black.Pantone ® 877 MetallicCMYK 0/0/0/40RGB 165/172/175HTML A5ACAFWHITE SPACEWhite is an integral member of the primary color family. Mosttraditionally printed AU marketing materials are produced on whitepaper. When lots of clean white space is utilized in any design, theother colors in the primary color family create maximum impactfor a look that is easily recognizeable as AU.
BRAND CONTINUITY 9AU BRAND CONTINUITYSecondary Color UsageThese colors may be used as supplemental support colors to the primary colors.When used in any digital media or print collateral, these colors may onlybe used when a primary color is present somewhere on the piece. Screenedversions of all secondary colors are acceptable in increments of 10%.Pantone ® 1205CMYK 0/5/35/0RGB 248/228/152HTML F8E498Pantone ® 128CMYK 0/7/68/0RGB 242/214/83HTML F2D653Pantone ® 1365CMYK 0/33/75/0RGB 255/182/82HTML FFB652Pantone ® 167CMYK 3/78/100/15RGB 189/79/25HTML BD4F19Limited Accent Color UsageJust as their name suggests, these colors are available for limited use asaccents – subtle use in color bars, lines, small copy, etc. Again, the primarycolors should be used first in all communications and marketing materials.Screened versions of these colors are acceptable choices in increments of 10%.Pantone ® 7525CMYK 11/51/59/34RGB 155/110/81HTML 9B6E51Pantone ® 5773CMYK 28/10/48/31RGB 144/152/107HTML 90986BPantone ® 7451CMYK 46/26/0/0RGB 137/168/224HTML 89A8E0Paper Color SelectionWhite should be your first color choice in selecting a paper for any traditionalprint collateral. When selecting a more creative paper for marketing materials,such as the cover of a report, brochure or flyer, the color of the paper mustmatch one of the primary or secondary colors.
10 BRAND CONTINUITYAU BRAND CONTINUITYFont UsageOur fonts are the graphic “voice” of the AU brand. Our audiencesexpect to see a certain “look” from our marketing materials. To buildbrand recognition and eliminate confusion in the marketplace, use thefonts listed in this <strong>Guide</strong> to represent <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>. The entirefont family, including italicized and bold versions of each may be used.PRIMARY FONTSThe typeface used in the <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> logo is from the Mondialfamily of fonts. This font may also be used in headlines and subheadsfor AU promotional materials.Mondial Plus Family (logo use, headlines, subheads)AbCdMondial Plus LightABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Mondial Plus Light ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Mondial Plus DemiABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Mondial Plus Demi ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
BRAND CONTINUITY 11AU BRAND CONTINUITYPRIMARY FONTS (CONTINUED)These typefaces are the preferred fonts to be used with all printed,outward facing marketing materials. The entire font family includingitalicized, bold, condensed and expanded versions of each may be used.SERIFAbCdSANS-SERIFAbCdABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890SUPPORTIVE TYPEFACESThese typefaces are the preferred fonts to be used with campaigns,promotions and special-event materials. The entire font familyincluding italicized and bold versions of each may be used.SANS-SERIFABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890SERIFABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890SCRIPTAdobe Garamond Family (primary body text, subheads)Universe Family (secondary body text, forms, contact info, headlines)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Frutiger Family (primary body text, subheads)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Goudy Family (invitation/announcement body text, subheads)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Shelley Family (formal invitation/announcement headlines, subheads)HAND WRITTEN (informal invitation/announcement & Admissions headlines, subheads)
12 BRAND CONTINUITYAU BRAND CONTINUITYGraphic StylesThese graphic styles help make <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> marketing materials easilyrecognizable while providing continuity throughout all target audiences.PHOTOGRAPHYPhotography can be used in a wide variety of formats. The various photo stylesshown below, applied to a wide variety of AU subject matter, allows formaximum impact and clear recognition of <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Please contactthe Office of Publications to review their photo library and discuss photo options.Lifestyle (Classroom)• Desaturated Colors• Warming Filter• Sharpened & GrainyLifestyle (Classroom)• Black & White• Sharpened & Grainy• Non-traditionalCroppingLifestyle (Student Life)• Duotone Created fromPrimary & SecondaryColors• Sharpened & GrainyLifestyle (Athletics)• Sepia Tone• Sharpened & Grainy• Non-traditionalCamera AngleBackground• Monotone in AnyPrimary & SecondaryColorCampus Environment• Saturated Colors• Warming Filter• Vignette with Dark Edges• Non-traditionalCamera Angle
BRAND CONTINUITY 13AU BRAND CONTINUITYVECTOR BASED GRAPHICSCharts, graphs, maps and silhouettes comprised of primary and secondarycolors and simplified shapes transform AU statistics into branded infographicsthat are easy to read and understand.USING THE FLAMEThe AU flame works to clearly represent <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Beloware some examples of how the flame can create maximum impact andbrand recognition.Isolated in themiddle of alight or darkbackgroundCropped atthe layoutedge with lotsof white spacePhotographypasted insidethe flame (spacebetween photoscreates a stainedglass look)Reversed outof photo
14 BRAND CONTINUITYAU BRAND CONTINUITYWorking Effectively with theAU Office of Publications1. What is the mission of the Office of Publications? Our primaryresponsibility is producing major university publications, however,one of the most important services is assisting all departments indeveloping effective, affordable communications.2. What services do you offer campus departments?• Planning and Advising • Project Management• Writing and Editing • Design• Photography3. How do we get started? Simply call x4239 to schedule an initialmeeting to determine your needs and assist us in planning a strategyto meet them. Be prepared to answer basic questions about your project’spurpose, audience, call to action, budget and distribution channels.4. What should I bring to the initial meeting? If your content is ready,bring that on a flash drive along with a printed copy. The documentshould be in text-only Microsoft Word (no formatting such as tabs,columns, etc.).5. How long does it take? Every project is different, but the timelineprimarily depends on the starting content, number of revisions andvendor turnaround capabilities. Contact us as soon as you know aproject needs produced.6. How much does it cost? There is no charge for our services.However, each department is responsible for costs such as printing,photography, etc.7. Do you produce university stationery? <strong>University</strong> letterhead, envelopes,business cards and name badges are a standard design. Orders are enteredvia an online storefront at and processedquarterly in June, September, December and March. Contact us for moreinformation regarding the ordering process.
BRAND CONTINUITY 15AU BRAND CONTINUITYThe ProcessThe publications office is here to help you develop effective communications.Our approach includes the following process:1. Initial Planning Meeting. Together we determine needs, plan a strategyand begin to formulate an editorial and design concept. Be prepared toanswer basic questions about your project’s purpose, audience, call toaction, budget and distribution channels.2. Project Management. A project coordinator or PC will be assigned toyour project to follow its progress, create a timeline and serve as yourdirect contact through all phases of production.3. Editing & Design. An editor reviews the content for style, grammar,punctuation and consistency. We also make sure content is appropriatefor the intended audience. Then, a design is created and a preliminaryproof is presented for review. Specifications are determined and printingquotes are requested.4. Page Proofs. Once proofs are checked by both you and the publicationsstaff, revisions are made and revised proofs are submitted. This process canrepeat several times. Upon final approval, the project is prepared for the printer.5. Print Production. The PC coordinates the project with the printer,including delivery dates and information.We look forward to working together to create impactful communicationsfor <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>.AU Website & Social MediaThe <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> public website and social media are managed bythe Office of <strong>University</strong> Communications. Departments seeking to establishnew web areas should contact Stefanie Leiter at or(765) 641-4273. For information on establishing a departmental presence onsocial media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), please contact Randy Dillinger or (765) 641-4257.
16 BRAND CONTINUITYSTATEMENT OF RATIONALETarget Audience OverviewAs we’ve explained, a company’s brand is one of its most valuable assetsand must be treated with respect. It should not be changed constantly ormerely on a whim. The opportunity now exists for <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>to begin communicating our key brand message of true freedom across alltarget audiences, while also allowing flexibility in message and delivery tomeet the needs and expectations of each audience.The following pages demonstrate how to convey our key messaging acrossessential audiences using the “we don’t believe” campaign introducedearlier in this binder.wedon’tbelieve
BRAND CONTINUITY 17DadsHS StudentsMomsAdmissionsCounselorsTraditionalStudentsCampusClubs/OrganizationsGradStudentsAdultLearnersAthletics“you centered”“we centered”FacultyStaffLocalCommunityLeadershipInstitutionalNon-alumniDonorsAlumniCurrent DonorsPotential Donors
18 BRAND CONTINUITYSTATEMENT OF RATIONALEInstitutional Target AudienceLEADERSHIP | FACULTY | STAFF | LOCAL COMMUNITY | NON-ALUMNI DONORSVoicewe don’t believewedon’tbelievePerspectiveAU talking to its own people and thelocal community.Creative RationaleOur non-creedal church heritage helps us showAU’s unique positioning as a strong Christiancollege that offers students true freedom.Distinctives• True Freedom• Truth• Openness• Diversity• Success• Growth• Excellence• Christian Beliefs• Positive ChallengesMessagesFocus on the non-creedal creed of “we don’tbelieve” through messages of what truly makesAU different. These can be broad overall beliefsor more specific messages spelling out AUadvantages and opportunities. The idea of truefreedom should be prevalent.
BRAND CONTINUITY 19STATEMENT OF RATIONALEAdmissions Target AudienceMOMS | DADS | HS STUDENTS | COUNSELORSVoiceyou don’t believeyoudon’tbelievePerspectiveAU talking to prospective students and theirfamilies.Creative RationaleWe’re telling potential students, “we understand you.” Bychanging the voice from the “we” of the university to the“you” of the student and parents, we engage this audiencewith ideas, positions and statements they can identify with.It acknowledges them as individuals who are engaged in apersonal conversation with AU.Distinctives• True Freedom• Individuality• Fun• Creativity• Community• Individual Growth• Academics• Christian Beliefs• Comfort• Security• ROI• VocationMessagesStudents who are looking at AU don’t only want to hearwhat we say about ourselves, they want to hear how we fittheir unique needs. Changing the voice from “we” to “you”gives AU the opportunity to have a personal conversationwith students and their parents that acknowledges theirindividuality and unique perspective. We believe the idea oftrue freedom will be especially attractive to this audience.
20 BRAND CONTINUITYSTATEMENT OF RATIONALECampus Target AudienceTRADITIONAL STUDENTS | GRAD STUDENTS | ADULT LEARNERSATHLETICS | CLUBS/ORGANIZATIONSVoicei don’t believei don’tbelievePerspectiveCurrent students engaged with AU, talking toeveryone, every day – ambassadors for AU.Creative RationaleBy changing the voice from “we” to “I,” weengage the audience currently affiliated withthe campus…students, athletics and clubs/organizations.Distinctives• True Freedom• Faith• Friendship & Fun• Education• Health• Growth• Goal-Oriented• Focused on the Future• Challenges• Experiences• Connection• CommunityMessagesHere we have messages for campus life and anotherfor the future students are working toward. Messagesshould offer validation for the choice to make AUtheir home. They should also focus on future successand promote ongoing engagement with AU aftergraduation. As the current ambassadors for AU, allmessages need to be relatable, honest reflections ofwhat campus is really like, including a strong focuson the true freedom they’re experiencing.
BRAND CONTINUITY 21STATEMENT OF RATIONALEAlumni Target AudienceCURRENT DONORS | POTENTIAL DONORSVoicewe don’t believewedon’tbelievePerspectiveAU supporters who started their adult liveshere, now really committed to preserving andpromoting AU, talking to all audiences.Creative RationaleWith alumni, we come full circle, back to the“we don’t believe” statement. Just like theinstitutional audience, alumni are part of AU andalways will be. The use of “we” underscores the closerelationship between donors and the university.Distinctives• Tradition• Memory• Connection• Legacy• Pride• Faith• Success• Value• Loyalty* An understanding that these values last a lifetime.MessagesBoth current and potential donors need tobe reminded of their experiences at AU andhow they are still a vital part of the <strong>University</strong>.They also need to be informed of the need fordonations to create a lasting legacy and ensuretheir Alma Mater continues to positively affectthe lives and future of young people.
22 BRAND CONTINUITYCAMPAIGN GUIDELINESThe StampMeet the workhorse of the “we don’t believe” campaign, the Stamp. TheStamp can be spotted by the two elements – the typographic elementand the outlined circle in 80% Pantone ® Orange 021. This versionshould be your first choice when using the “we don’t believe” Stamp.When appearing on a color background or photo, the Stamp must havea difference in value of at least 50%. Alternate versions of the Stampare available, but should only be used when design or production issuesmake it impossible to reproduce the primary Stamp clearly.“we” Stamp is usedfor institutional andalumni targetedmarketing materialsTypographicelement is lowercase in Universe57 condensed,centered within thecircle at a 22º anglewedon’tbelieveOutlined circleis alwayshollow with nofill colorNo punctuation“you” Stamp isused for admissionstargeted marketingmaterialsyoudon’tbelievei don’tbelieve“i” Stamp isused for campustargeted marketingmaterials
BRAND CONTINUITY 23CAMPAIGN GUIDELINESAlternate Stamp VariationsThese alternate variations may be used when design or production issuesmake it impossible to reproduce the primary Stamp. The outlined circle andtypographic element always appear in the same color and the circle is alwayshollow, allowing the background to show through. When appearing on a colorbackground or photo, the Stamp must have a difference in value of at least 50%.1-COLORThis version is shown with all elements in 100%black. This version may also be used in any ofthe primary or secondary colors in this guide.SCREENED BACKThis version is to be used behind type and other designelements in any of the primary or secondary colors asa supporting graphic or watermark. All type and otherelements must be readable and recognizable.wedon’tbelievewedon’tbelieveWHITEThis version is to be reversed out of photographs andcolor backgrounds. Photography shown here is anillustrated example of a background only and not acontrol field around the Stamp.wedon’tbelieveTONE-ON-TONEThis version is shown on a color backgroundPantone ® Orange 021 with a difference in valueof 50%. Color background here is an illustratedexample of a background only and not a controlfield around the Stamp.wedon’tbelieve
24 BRAND CONTINUITYCAMPAIGN GUIDELINESStamp RestrictionsThe Stamp must always remain easily recognizable. No part of the Stampmay be altered in any way and must be reproduced only from approvedartwork. Below are examples of unacceptable versions of the Stamp. Theserestrictions are here to maintain brand consistency.wedon’tbelievewedon’tbelievewedon’tbelieveNever stretch orskew horizontally orvertically.Never change thetypeface.Never rotate orstraighten.wedon’tbelievewedon’tbelieveWedon’tbelieve.Never fill with a color.Never fill with white whenappearing over a colorbackground or photograph.Never alter or rearrangethe typographicelement.wedon’tbelievewedon’tbelievewedon’tbelieveNever alter thethickness of theoutlined circle.Never placeanother shapearound the graphic.The typographic elementand outlined circle shouldalways be the same color.
BRAND CONTINUITY 25CAMPAIGN GUIDELINESCropping the StampA versatile application of the Stamp is to crop it off the edge of a layoutwhile remaining readable and recognizable. Below are the eight ways inwhich the Stamp is cropped in any of its variations.
26 BRAND CONTINUITYCAMPAIGN GUIDELINESGraphic Usage of the StampAs an integral part of the “we don’t believe” campaign, the Stamp has rulesfor proper usage.• The Stamp must always appear with a headline or copy which forms acomplete thought about the overall brand message of true freedom.• The Stamp will never appear together with the <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> logo orflame as a single, stand-alone graphic.• The Stamp, and all other graphics, headlines and copy, must always maintaina minimum distance from the AU logo outlined in the standards manual.• The AU logo must always appear somewhere on all marketing materials.Below are some examples of how the Stamp and AU logo may appear together.wedon’tbelievethat academic excellence andChristian humility are at odds.We don’t believethat academic excellence andChristian humility are at odds.
BRAND CONTINUITY 27CAMPAIGN GUIDELINESUSAGE WITH HEADLINES AND GRAPHICSThe Stamp can appear in a wide range of options, depending on thecircumstances. It can be enlarged to massive proportions or reduced to asmall mark. The Stamp may overlap headlines and graphic design elementsas long as it remains readable and recognizable. Below are some acceptableexamples of the graphic use of the Stamp.wedon’tbelievethat face-to-faceteaching and mentoringby faculty members isoutdated or irrelevant.wedon’tbelievethat learning—or faith—is dry,stuffy or stale.i don’tbelievecollege has tobe all followingthe pack.MINIMUM SIZEIn order to maintain readability and avoid print productionlimitations, the graphic should never appear smaller than.5˝ on all traditionally printed marketing materials.(Please note that the graphic may be required to appear smaller on somespecialty marketing materials and labels due to production restrictions.).5˝
28 BRAND CONTINUITYCAMPAIGN GUIDELINESGraphic ApplicationsTRADE ADVERTISINGIt’s common to think that a consistent look will make promotions boring.Nothing could be further from the truth. The sample ads below show howgraphic compliance can still pack a punch while maintaining a consistent look.Identification elementsAU logo and tagline color optionsShown here are approved color versions for<strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> logo with tagline.The artwork is not to be altered from its orginaldesign.youdon’tbelievecollegegraduates aremanufactured.Itati officitatur re andisqui ut lab imdiatur? Aximus demporera verci demnon rate natio exerspeles delliss imaiosconsent verit aut untusaped eum quiaccupta temperu pissuntium et quiapellec ernat. Obitatiorem ex eicia quiut alit labori nullaborerum sus. Itatiofficitatur re andisqui ut lab im diatur?Aximus demporera verci dem non ratenatio exerspeles. AU_Sig_H_OB_tagAU_Sig_H_B_tagAU_Sig_H_OBW_B_tagwedontbelieve.comAU_Sig_H_W_tagFile names indicated below each logo version.AU_Sig_V_OB_tagAU_Sig_V_OBW_B_tagAU_Sig_V_B_tagAU_Sig_V_W_tagIdentity Standards Manual 2.4youdon’tbelievethat learning—or faith—is dry,stuffy or stale.Itati officitatur re andisqui ut lab imdiatur? Aximus demporera verci demnon rate natio exerspeles delliss imaiosconsent verit aut untusaped eum quiaccupta temperu pissuntium et quiapellec ernat. Obitatiorem ex eicia quiut alit labori nullaborerum sus. Itatiofficitatur re andisqui ut lab im diatur?Aximus demporera verci dem non ratenatio exerspeles.H_OB_tagin followingthe pack.Itati officitatur re andisqui ut lab imdiatur? Aximus demporera verci demnon rate natio exerspeles delliss imaiosconsent verit aut untusaped eum quiaccupta temperu pissuntium et quiapellec ernat. Obitatiorem ex eicia quiut alit labori nullaborerum sus. Itatiofficitatur re andisqui ut lab im diatur?Aximus demporera verci dem non ratenatio exerspeles.
ementsandards for theU logo will help toimage and provideion.ersion:nge)2-color logos, business cards,marketing ands1-color logouments to bend white.Black 40%PMS 429 may be0% black tint usedbelow each logo version.AU_logo_H_OBAU_logo_H_OBWAU_logo_V_OBAU_logo_V_OBWAU_logo_H_BAU_logo_H_WAU_logo_V_BAU_logo_V_WIdentity Standards Manual 2.1ITATI OFFICITATUR RE ANDISQUI UT LAB IMDIATUR? AXIMUS DEMPORERA VERCI DEMNON RATE NATIO EXERSPELES DELLISS IMAIOSCONSENT VERIT AUT UNTUSAPED EUM QUIACCUPTA TEMPERU PISSUNTIUM ET QUIAPELLEC ERNAT. OBITATIOREM EX EICIA QUIItati officitatur re andisqui ut lab im diatur? Aximus demporeraverci dem non rate natio exerspeles delliss imaios consentverit aut untusaped eum qui accupta temperu pissuntiumet qui apellec ernat. Obitatiorem ex eicia qui ut alit laborinullaborerum sus. Itati officitatur re andisqui ut lab im diatur?Aximus demporera verci dem non rate natio exerspeles.BRAND CONTINUITY 29CAMPAIGN GUIDELINESGraphic ApplicationsCOLLATERALCollateral material can come in any size and format imaginable. From directmail to brochures, consistent use of the graphic appearance allows for dynamicdesign and a look that is easily recognizable as <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>.Posterards for the AU logoyoudon’tbelievecollegehas to beall work.youdon’tbelievecollege has to be all work.youdon’tbelievecollege has tobe all work.Direct MailCD CoverIdentification elementsAU logo and tagline color optionsShown here are approved color versions for<strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong> logo with tagline.The artwork is not to be altered from its’vefound yourway yet.AU_Sig_H_OB_tagcollege has to be all work.AU_Sig_H_OBW_B_tagAU_Sig_V_OB_tagAU_Sig_H_B_tagV I E W B O O K 2 0 1 3AU_Sig_H_W_tagAU_Sig_V_B_tagpg3ViewbookFile names indicated below each logo version.AU_Sig_V_OBW_B_tagAU_Sig_V_W_tagIdentity Standards Manual 2.4youdon’tbelievethat face-to-faceteaching and mentoringby faculty members isoutdated or irrelevant.
30 BRAND CONTINUITYCAMPAIGN GUIDELINESGraphic ApplicationsDIGITALEven in website and e-mail applications, the brand and campaigns can beexecuted in a way that allows maximum impact and recognition. Fonts,colors and graphics work together to clearly represent <strong>Anderson</strong> <strong>University</strong>.
BRAND CONTINUITY 31CAMPAIGN GUIDELINESGraphic ApplicationsSPECIALTY MARKETINGApparel, trade show swag and themed merchandise create their own uniquebranding challenges. Consistent use of the graphic appearance ensures alook that is easily has to be all work.collegehas to beall following the pack.youdon’tbelievethat conformity is the goal.