THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of ... - City of Moscow
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of ... - City of Moscow
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of ... - City of Moscow
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390223DEVELOPMENT <strong>AGREEMENT</strong><strong>THIS</strong> <strong>AGREEMENT</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>entered</strong> <strong>into</strong> th<strong>is</strong> 26th <strong>day</strong> <strong>of</strong>Miil,, 1992 by and between North Central FoodSystem Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER" ) andthe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Moscow</strong>, a Municipal Corporation <strong>of</strong> the·state <strong>of</strong>Idaho (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), for purposes<strong>of</strong> improving real property within the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Moscow</strong>.WITNESSETH:WHEREAS, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Moscow</strong> ordinances and regulationsrequire the installation <strong>of</strong> public improvements, includingsanitary sewer improvements adjacent to property which <strong>is</strong>being built upon; and,WHEREAS, the parties mutually desire to ensure thatsuch improvements are constructed;NOW THEREFORE and in consideration <strong>of</strong> the followingmutual prom<strong>is</strong>es, Developer and the <strong>City</strong> hereby agree andcovenant as follows:1. PROPERTY AFFECTED. The property which <strong>is</strong> thesubject <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> agreement <strong>is</strong> described as follows:Tax No 1814 nwse less tan nos. 3606 & 4715 in Sec.7, T.39N, R.5W as originally describe in book 76Pg. 232 contains 2. 59 acres Parcel numberM00000078115.2. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS.A. The Developer agrees to install, at its soleexpense, sanitary sewer to be constructed inan amount, and to the specifications <strong>of</strong>, theapproved plans attached as Exhibit "A" andincorporated herein by th<strong>is</strong> reference, andcurbing and additional necessary pavementadjacent to "A" street for the length <strong>of</strong> saiddevelopment along the south side <strong>of</strong> "A"street as shown on the approved site plansubmitted by Developer.B. The Developer agrees to construct, at itssole expense, a sidewalk, for the length <strong>of</strong>said development along the south side <strong>of</strong> "A"DEVELOPMENT <strong>AGREEMENT</strong> PAGE 1
a90223street, as shown on the approved site plansubmitted by Developer.3. CITY COVENANT. The <strong>City</strong> shall <strong>is</strong>sue buildingpermits subsequent to construction and inspection<strong>of</strong> said improvements described in section 2 <strong>of</strong>th<strong>is</strong> Agreement or when security in the amount <strong>of</strong>SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY DOLLARS($64, 190.00 ) has been deposited with the <strong>City</strong> inaccordance with section 4 <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> agreement.Said security shall be broken down as follows:A. Security for public improvements as describedin section 2.(A ) <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Agreement shall beprovided in an amount <strong>of</strong> FIFTY SIX THOUSANDFIVE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS ($56, 565.00 )as contained in Exhibit " B " page 1 attachedand incorporated by th<strong>is</strong> reference. It <strong>is</strong>further agreed that the security must beeffective for a minimum period <strong>of</strong> ONE HUNDREDEIGHTY (180 ) <strong>day</strong>s from the date <strong>of</strong> the<strong>is</strong>suance <strong>of</strong> the building permit;B. Security for public improvements as describedin section 2. (B) <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Agreement shall beprovided in an amount <strong>of</strong> SEVEN.THOUSAND SIXHUNDRED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($7, 625.00 ) ascontained in exhibit "B " page 2 attached andincorporated by th<strong>is</strong> reference. It <strong>is</strong> furtheragreed that the security shall be effectivefor a minimum period <strong>of</strong> SIXTY SIX (66) monthsfrom the date <strong>of</strong> the <strong>is</strong>suance <strong>of</strong> the buildingpermit.4. SECURITY FOR IMPROVEMENT. The <strong>City</strong> agrees thatupon receipt <strong>of</strong> security described in paragraphs 3and 5 <strong>of</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Agreement, it will <strong>is</strong>sue buildingpermits (upon payment <strong>of</strong> permit fees ). It <strong>is</strong>further agreed that the security shall be utilizedas follows:A. If Developer fails to complete construction<strong>of</strong> the public improvements described insection 2. (A ) within 90 <strong>day</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the <strong>is</strong>suance<strong>of</strong> said building permits, the <strong>City</strong> may attachthe security described in section 3. (A ) andcause such improvements to be made. Any costsassociated with the construction <strong>of</strong> suchimprovements in excess <strong>of</strong> the security shallbe borne by the Developer. Any additionalconstruction services shall be let by bid andsubject to the laws <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Idaho.DEVELOPMENT <strong>AGREEMENT</strong> PAGE 2
390223B. If Developer fails to complete construction<strong>of</strong> the public improvements described insection 2. (B ) within SIXTY (60 ) months <strong>of</strong> the<strong>is</strong>suance <strong>of</strong> said building permit, the <strong>City</strong>may attach the security described in section3. (B ) and cause such improvements to be made.Any costs associated with the construction <strong>of</strong>such improvements in excess <strong>of</strong> the securityshall be borne by the Developer. Anyadditional construction services shall be letby bid and subject to the laws <strong>of</strong> the State<strong>of</strong> Idaho.5. FORM OF SECURITY. Security shall be in the form<strong>of</strong> a construction bond, irrevocable letter <strong>of</strong>credit from a certified band or other financialinstitution, or such other form <strong>of</strong> securityacceptable by the <strong>City</strong> Attorney prior to the<strong>is</strong>suance <strong>of</strong> building permits by the <strong>City</strong>.6. TERM. Th<strong>is</strong> agreement shall remain in effect untilall improvements as described herein are completedand accepted by the <strong>City</strong>, and in no event shallthe time period to construct the improvementsdescribed in section 2. (A) exceed NINETY (90 )<strong>day</strong>s, unless said time period <strong>is</strong> extended by the<strong>City</strong>, and in no event shall the time period toconstruct the improvements described·in section2. (B ) exceed SIXTY (60 ) months, unless said timeperiod <strong>is</strong> extended by the <strong>City</strong>. If said timeperiod <strong>is</strong> extended by the <strong>City</strong>, Developer shallundertake at its sole expense to extend for a likeperiod the security for improvements.7. COVENANTS TO RUN WITH LAND. Th<strong>is</strong> agreement shallrun with the land and the benefits and burdensherein described shall be binding on the partiesheirs, assigns and successors in interest.DEVELOPMENT <strong>AGREEMENT</strong> PAGE 3
390223IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties cause th<strong>is</strong> agreement tobe executed to be effective the <strong>day</strong> and year first set forthabove.Th<strong>is</strong> agreement was approved by the <strong>Moscow</strong> <strong>City</strong> Councilat their regular meeting on the 4th <strong>day</strong> <strong>of</strong> May1992., Paul C. AgidiayorPauState <strong>of</strong> Idaho )) ssCounty <strong>of</strong> Latah ).. :.\:{¢'ti.::!i·z;;:.,i,, <strong>day</strong> <strong>of</strong> , 1992, before me, a Notary·\"''···; T t • ;;, . ,_ · · ·· l ;.lic··.;fn·)d for saMSte, appeared Paul Agidius, known::· ,; .:J:'? . ,·e . to . .,P'?. the person named above and acknowledged to me.' : that . h :exec11ted the foregoing agreement as Mayor <strong>of</strong> the ·... c j o_f ·.'!f.s- .P(' ••\,·
P.O. &ox 920383843·1703tJ/ 122 East 4th Street <strong>Moscow</strong>, IdahoPhone 208·882-5553Fox 208-882-4020June 10, 1992Paul GrayNorth Central Food Systems,P.O. Box 4311301 Cannon CircleFairbault, Minnesota 55021Inc.Re:Development Agreement Hardees Restaurantproperty on Pullman RoadRecently you signed a development agreement with the city <strong>of</strong><strong>Moscow</strong> for the above property and in the process <strong>of</strong>recording it at the Latah County Auditor's Office we findthat according to Idaho law it has to be notarized.Enclosed you will find a replacement. We ask that you haveyour signature notarized and return the agreement to us, myattention, so we can have it recorded.We are sorry for any inconvenience th<strong>is</strong> may cause you. Ifyou have any questions please contact Gary Riedner, <strong>City</strong>Attorney.Sincerely,Elaine Russell, CCCFO<strong>City</strong> Clerkenc.
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..JUN 1 6 1992P.O. Box 920383843-1703tl/ 122 East 4th Street <strong>Moscow</strong>, IdahoPhone 208-882-5553Fax 208-882-4020June 10, 1992Paul GrayNorth Central Food Sysems,P. O. Box 4311301 cannon CircleFair.bault, Minnesota 55021Inc.Re:Development Agreement Hardees Restaurantproperty on Pullman RoadRecently you signed a developmnt agreement with the city <strong>of</strong><strong>Moscow</strong> for the above property and in the process <strong>of</strong>recording it at the Latah Coury Auditor's Office we findthat according torized.osed you will find a replacement. We ask that you haveyour signature notarized and return the agreement to us, mcan hae it cecordcd.We are sorry for ar.y inconvenience thi::; may cause you. Ifyou have any questions please contact Gary Riedner, <strong>City</strong>Attorney.Sincerely,Elaine Russell, CCCFO<strong>City</strong> CleLenc.