March 2012 - Youth Consultation Service

March 2012 - Youth Consultation Service

March 2012 - Youth Consultation Service

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A Sampling of Events Hosted by our CorporatePartners and Friends*Sony Golf Outing dedicated to helpingchildren at YCSYCS is more than just an organization that cares for children, it's an extensionof our hearts. Sony has many wonderful traditions, but none are as importantas Sony people giving to their communities. We'll continue to support YCS andthe great work they do. We're just so honored by this partnership.Paul Spitale, Senior VP, SonyActor Jon Voight (r) uses his star power toraise funds on the stock market at BGCCharity Day event held in memory of allthose who lost their lives on 9/11. Boxinglegend Gerry Cooney (back) and YCSTrustee Vanessa Tyler represented YCS asone of the designated charities.Panasonic volunteers spent a day sprucingup a residence and outfitting it with newPanasonic entertainment centers, furnitureand more. Paterson Mayor Jeffrey Jones (l)stopped by to thank the volunteers.Students and alumni from In the Spotlight dancestudio performed at two sold out shows to benefitYCS. They were joined by dancers who competedin the TV show, So You Think You Can Dance.YCS welcomes a new partnerWPU VolleyballMary Ann Collura TournamentHAPI Fdn. (Hoop-A-Paluza ) hasnamed YCS one of its recipientsfrom this year’s fundraisingactivities. HAPI volunteers havealso rolled up their sleeves andhelped out at two of our residences.Friends of YCS, in pursuit of establishinga permanent camp for children at YCS,sponsored the 7th Annual Walkstock,”formerly known as Walk for YCS.* We wish there was more space so we can thankeveryone who has been so generous and done somany kind acts for our children. Please visit ycs.orgnewsletter archives for additional events.William Paterson University volleyballcoach Sandy Ferrarella hasorganized a high school tournamentat the campus for 33 years. Whenher dear friend Officer Mary AnnCollura died in the line of duty in2003, Ferrarella named the tournamentin her honor and used thegames as a way of raising funds fora worthy charity. In 2011, YCS wasselected as the receiving charity.“Mary Ann loved children andwould go out of her way to help achild in need. It is only right that wefulfill her dream that every child isimportant,” says Ms. Ferrarella.8

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