Name of the scheme: MGNREGA State: West Bengal 1 ... - Diksha

Name of the scheme: MGNREGA State: West Bengal 1 ... - Diksha

Name of the scheme: MGNREGA State: West Bengal 1 ... - Diksha

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challenged and o<strong>the</strong>r vulnerable sections <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> society. The <strong>State</strong> could also adoptTamil Nadu Model on this issue with appropriate modifications.• SEGC: The <strong>State</strong> should organize SEGC meetings, regularly during <strong>the</strong> FY 2013-14.• Ombudsman: The <strong>State</strong> needs to ensure appointment <strong>of</strong> Ombudsman in all <strong>the</strong>districts expeditiously. Asset Quality Monitoring: Assets created under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> should be mapped andphotographs be uploaded onto <strong>the</strong> website for future use.• Complaint Resolution: A nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer may be designated at <strong>the</strong> <strong>State</strong> level fortimely resolution <strong>of</strong> all VIP references/complaints and general complaints. 4 VIP and8 General complaints are pending.1. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)O<strong>the</strong>rs• The districts identified for DBT to be rolled out are Coochbehar and Howrah.• 78.25% account information is yet to be verified and frozen in MIS.• 99.96 % <strong>of</strong> registered worker’s Aadhaar number are yet to be seeded in <strong>the</strong> MIS.RSBY: A detailed action plan for extension <strong>of</strong> Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna(RSBY) to all eligible <strong>MGNREGA</strong> workers needs to be drawn up and operationalizedas soon as possible.

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