Solid State Fermentation: An Overview - pierre

Solid State Fermentation: An Overview - pierre

Solid State Fermentation: An Overview - pierre


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54 S. BHARGAV et al., <strong>Solid</strong>-state <strong>Fermentation</strong>: <strong>An</strong> <strong>Overview</strong>, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 22 (1) 49–70 (2008)and unloading of the reactor. The aim of Zymotis isto minimize vertical temperature gradients andmaximize the heat transfer through cooling water. 22In conclusion, most researchers for bioreactordevelopment have used mathematical modeling atmicroscopic scale using simple logistic kinetics.Logistic equations are simpler than complex partialdifferential equations and represent whole datawithout complexity. Modeling at microscopic leveldirectly affects heat and mass transfer in bioreactors,which affects scale-up of the bioprocess.Continuous operating bioreactors based on agro-industrialresidues are to be modeled. These bioreactorsshould have arrangements for substrate addition,water replacement and air inlet. However,validation of artificial results at smaller scale is necessaryin reality at a larger scale for success of themathematical modeling.BioreactorsIn fermentation processes, bioreactor systemsprovide the environment for growth, cultivation ofmicrobes. However, some of the factors affectingthe growth of the product in SSF bioreactors aretemperature, humidity of substrate bed, type of substrateused, size of the bioreactor, aeration, coolingrate, height of bed and fungal morphology. Whencompared to submerged fermentation, SSF is carriedout in simple bioreactor systems; SSF bioreactorsare fitted with a humidifier and with orwithout an agitator unit. Poor thermal conductivityof the substrate bed presents a great challenge tobioreactor design, but composition, particle size,porosity and water-holding capacity of the substrateused also affects the bioreactor.Various researchers have classified the SSFbioreactors broadly 20,50,52,53 but most bioreactors canbe distinguished by a factor whether they are usedat small scale and large scale.Small-scale bioreactors<strong>Solid</strong>-state fermentation at laboratory scale iscarried out in Petri dishes, jars, wide mouthed Erlenmeyerflasks, roux bottles, and roller bottles. Thesesystems are simple and experiments are carriedout easily. 53 There are several forms of small-scalebioreactors such as column bioreactors. MaurisRaimbault and J. C. Germon in ORSTOM (InstitutFrançais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpmenten Cooperation, France) laboratory ofsoil microbiology designed it in 1980, for growingAspergillus niger on cassava meal in solid-state.Column bioreactors consist of small columns (diameter:D = 22 mm, height: H = 210 mm) whichcan hold 20 g of pre-inoculated solid material. Approximately24 such columns were put together inthermo-regulated water baths and water-saturatedair was passed through each column at a flow rateof Q = 4–6 Lh –1 . Column bioreactors are usefulfor optimization of the medium, and constitute animportant part of research. However, difficulty liesin obtaining the product and poor heat removal.Pandey et al. 54 determined the performance of thecolumn bioreactor for glucoamylase production.Columns of different diameters were used and arrangedwith different substrate bed heights of h =4.5, 9, 18, 22.5 cm. Enhancement in substrate bedheight increased the enzyme synthesis. The columnwith 18 cm of bed height produced maximum enzymein 48 h with an aeration rate of Q a = 1 to 1.5LL –1 min –1 . However, with further increase in bedheight, enzyme synthesis decreased. The decreasemay be due to the reduced aeration rate with increasedheight of the substrate bed.A few years later the INRA (Institut Nationalde la Recherche Agronomique, Dijon, France) teamdeveloped a reactor with one liter working volumefitted with a relative humidity probe, a cooling coilin heating circuit, and a cover for the reactor vessel.These reactors were filled with pre-inoculated solidmaterial, and a computer controlled all parametersof the reactor. Sampling for analysis was easier inINRA bioreactors. This was the advantage overORSTOM bioreactors. The automatic control ofrelative humidity and temperature makes these reactorsuseful in scale-up studies.Apart from non-agitated column reactors, thereare bioreactor systems with agitator systems such asperforated-drum reactor and horizontal paddlemixer (with or without water jacket). Drum bioreactorsare designed to mix the solid substrate byrotating horizontal rotation vessels (which are withor without baffles). The rotation or agitation createstumbling in the matrix of the solid medium by minimizingthe heat produced. However, mixing ofinoculum with substrate is uniform in drum bioreactorsbut fungi morphology is readily damagedby high shear, stress is not used in such bioreactors.However, an intermittent mixing strategy is involvedin these bioreactors, which gives balancebetween positive effects of increasing temperatureon deleterious effects on fungal hyphae. 52,55 A paddlemixer was developed by Wageningen Universityof Agriculture. It consists of a number ofblades making mixing more efficient than rotatingdrum. 52Various advancements have been made throughrotating drum bioreactors. Kalogeris et al. have developeda laboratory scale intermittent agitation rotatingdrum type bioreactor for SSF of thermophillicorganisms. The main parts of the apparatusare: perforated (pore size, S =1mm 2 ) cylindrical

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