spring 2010 - JNF TORONTO - Jewish National Fund of Canada
spring 2010 - JNF TORONTO - Jewish National Fund of Canada
spring 2010 - JNF TORONTO - Jewish National Fund of Canada
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ROOTS700-1000 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2V5 • Tel: 416. 638.7200 • Fax: 416.638.7345 • email: tor@jnf.ca • website: jnftoronto.ca<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto61 st Annual Negev Dinner<strong>JNF</strong> Future leadershipRestorer <strong>of</strong> JerusalemCAARI-<strong>2010</strong>Canadian American Active Retirees in IsraelPublished by <strong>JNF</strong> TorontoNisan 5770March <strong>2010</strong>Vol.11, No 1Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon <strong>2010</strong>Band-Tastic
In our lifetime we have witnessed Jerusalem becomethe capital <strong>of</strong> the modern <strong>Jewish</strong> state and have hadthe privilege <strong>of</strong> witnessing the miracle <strong>of</strong> the reunification<strong>of</strong> the entire city. Since statehood, the <strong>Jewish</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>, Israel’s leading environmental organization,has continued protecting Israel’s ecology andremains committed to substantial development. The<strong>JNF</strong> is always focusing on its important tasks <strong>of</strong>planting trees, establishing reservoirs, building roads,draining swamps and dozens <strong>of</strong> other ways <strong>of</strong> preparingthe land for useful habitation and cultivation. Nowthe <strong>JNF</strong> is being asked for its assistance in thephysical improvement <strong>of</strong> the old city walls.For centuries we were sustained by the prayer“Next year in Jerusalem”. Now, the <strong>Jewish</strong><strong>National</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> in partnership with theJerusalem Foundation will take on this unprecedentedopportunity to allow Canadians to link their name withJerusalem, the city that embraces the spirit <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Jewish</strong> people, past, present and future.THE PROJECT• Restoration and development <strong>of</strong> the old city walls<strong>of</strong> Jerusalem• Expanding the possibilities <strong>of</strong> its utilization• Development <strong>of</strong> an “Archeological ActivitiesGarden” and “Scenic Promenade” for the enjoyment<strong>of</strong> all visiting the ancient city – especially schoolchildrenand the physically challenged.RECOGNITION:Your name will live on…The names <strong>of</strong> all “Restorers <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem” will be inscribedon a wall <strong>of</strong> honour which will runbetween the Jaffa Gate and the Zion Gate. Those whoassume responsibility in restoring the ancient citywalls will be linked to the city <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem and theirnames will be perpetuated for all time.Your participation is invited in the followingcategories:Restorer $1,000,000Trustee $ 250,000Guardian $ 100,000Pioneer $ 54,000Builder $ 36,000Chai $ 18,000Sponsor $ 10,000Friend $ 5,000Rebuilders <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> 1977dedication ceremonyROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1 3
Jerry WergerMessage from the<strong>JNF</strong> Toronto PresidentGreetings. I would like totake this opportunity towish all <strong>of</strong> you and yourfamilies a very good Pesach.Let me quickly bring you upto date with what <strong>JNF</strong> Torontohas been up to since last fall.First and foremost, we held our61st Annual Negev Dinner. Congratulations to our staffand volunteers for making this past year’s event one<strong>of</strong> the best ever. The Honourees for were Tony andElizabeth Comper. With the funds raised, the Comperschose to support the “MAOF” project in Israel, aneducational program that reaches out to youth inunderprivileged and peripheral areas to study ecologyand Zionism. Their love <strong>of</strong> natureand Elizabeth’s teaching backgroundmade this project aperfect fit. Let me once againthank Tony and Elizabeth fortheir unbelievable support anddedication.I am writing this article on theeve <strong>of</strong> our Annual Tu Bi’ShevatTelethon. It is a wonderfulmitzvah to plant at Tu Bi’Shevat.What I find especially heartwarmingis seeing so manyyoung students working the phones and articulatingthe virtues <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Fund</strong>, while at thesame time learning a little more about <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL.Next on the agenda is our very popular “Band-Tastic” Please note that this event has been moved upon our calendar to April 20th, which this year is YomHa-Atzmaut. Further details are available in this issue<strong>of</strong> ROOTS.This year’s Golf Tournament is going to be held atCoppinwood Golf and Country Club on June 7th. Westill need your help with sponsorships. I ask that youwatch for our Golf Tournament ‘on line’ Auctionbetween May 15 and June 8. Congratulations inadvance to our Golf Chairmen, Howard Davidson andSam Lighter as well as our Event Chairmen MarvynBudd and Stan White for what we know will be anotherunbelievably successful tournament.This is the last time that I will be contributing to thispublication as <strong>JNF</strong> Toronto President. In a few monthsmy term will come to an end. It has been a wonderfulexperience for me; in fact it is hard to believe how<strong>JNF</strong> <strong>TORONTO</strong> ANNUAL MEETINGThe <strong>2010</strong>/11 Annual GeneralMeeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>National</strong><strong>Fund</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto is scheduled forWednesday, June 2, <strong>2010</strong> at6:30 P.M. The event will takeplace at Beth Emeth Bais YehudaSynagogue, 100 Elder Street.Donors to <strong>JNF</strong> are eligible toattend the meeting. If you planon attending, you must reserveby contacting Lisa at the <strong>JNF</strong><strong>of</strong>fice (416) 638-7200 x24quickly the three years have gone by. Writing articlesfor ‘ROOTS’ during this time has provided me a greatopportunity to share my highs and lows with thereadership.I accepted my role as President because I wasdetermined to change the over branded image that<strong>JNF</strong> merely plants trees. I must confess when I firstjoined the Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong>; my understanding <strong>of</strong> what<strong>JNF</strong> is all about was pretty thin. However, it took onlyone <strong>JNF</strong> mission to Israel, and another trip to the“Homeland” as a delegate for the <strong>JNF</strong> “World LeadershipConvention”, to open my eyes. As I have said innearly all <strong>of</strong> my speeches. “<strong>JNF</strong> is the land <strong>of</strong> Israel”.<strong>JNF</strong> began purchasing the land in Palestine over100 years ago, Shekel-by-Shekel; thanks to the selling<strong>of</strong> trees, the filling <strong>of</strong> Pushkesand stamps for leaves. Sincethis time, we have built parks,made water flow in the desert,constructed roads and builtcities. <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL currently leadsthe world in environmentalresearch and development.Following the devastatingearthquake in Haiti, Israeli (infact KKL) technology was usedto purify the drinking water,saving countless lives.I was in Israel when war broke out in July 2006. Atthis time <strong>JNF</strong> commenced its Operation SecurityBlanket. Where needed, <strong>JNF</strong> built security roads andprovided respite from daily rocket attacks on Sderotby moving young children to the safety <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong>overnight camps.I could write a book on what <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL means toIsrael. ‘Research, Education, Beauty and Security.’That’s our contribution, and our mandate is for Israeland only Israel.This past week, January 27, we marked anotheranniversary, one that I wish we never had to remember.It was the 65th year <strong>of</strong> the liberation from Auschwitz.It was the survivors <strong>of</strong> this dark period <strong>of</strong> our historythat fast-forwarded the creation <strong>of</strong> a free <strong>Jewish</strong> Statein Israel.I am now even more convinced <strong>of</strong> the need tosupport, build and preserve the State <strong>of</strong> Israel to keepsafe our children and grandchildren everywhere.Thank you for your support; thank you for allowingme to serve <strong>JNF</strong> Toronto. It’s been a pleasure.ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 15
What a difference sixmonths can make! Sincelast fall, <strong>JNF</strong> Toronto hashosted its 61st Annual NegevDinner, a first and second MajorDonor Stewardship Event, anJosh Cooperoutstanding Tu Bi’ShevatTelethon with over 100 volunteers, our first <strong>JNF</strong>Future event for The Frozen Chosen, and aDownsview Park planting event. Additionally, wehave established Committees for new events, madechanges to the <strong>of</strong>fice to serve you better and somuch more.As we look ahead, the next six months is alsogoing to be brimming with activity. The <strong>JNF</strong> Torontoschedule includes our sold out 9th Annual GolfTournament, a summer Family Mission to Israel, theAnnual Negev Dinner Meritorious Awards evening,our Annual General Board Meeting, <strong>JNF</strong> Futureevent and our new Band-Tastic event on YomHa’Atzmaut!In addition to all <strong>of</strong> our outstanding programming,an exciting new project has come to fruition:the opportunity to become a Restorer <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem.For the first time in decades, <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> donorswill be able to have their name linked in perpetuityto the Walls <strong>of</strong> the Old City in the heart <strong>of</strong>Jerusalem.Aviva ReiflerMessage from theExecutive DirectorOn a recent trip to Israel, we saw projects madepossible by <strong>JNF</strong>, from the north to the south. It wasincredible to see these accomplishments. Acolleague joked that the two best-kept secrets in Israelare the Mossad and <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL. However, duringour travels, we were exposed to a wide range <strong>of</strong>projects that <strong>JNF</strong> is involved in. We visited Halutziot,a new town being built by <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL in the desert forthe former residents <strong>of</strong> Gush Katif. We saw several<strong>of</strong> our water reservoirs (we have built over 250) thatserve thousands <strong>of</strong> acres <strong>of</strong> agricultural land, visitedone <strong>of</strong> our seven research and developmentcentres. We walked through the new 9/11 memorialand heard about the water conference we hostedin January with the Manitoba Government. Afterthat, we met with planners to discuss some projectsincluding Azrieli Park that will run through downtownSderot, and the Joseph and Wolf LebovicBicycle Path linking Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.All <strong>of</strong> this tremendous work is possible because<strong>of</strong> your support. Hopefully you will be able toexperience the 109 years <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL’s achievementsin the near future. Hope to see you at one <strong>of</strong>many events in the months ahead.Wishing you and your family a Chag PesachKasher v’Sameach – a Happy and HealthyPassover.Message from the<strong>National</strong> Education ShlichaThe month <strong>of</strong> Shevat was avery busy time for theEducation Department, as wewere preparing fun and creativeactivities for our Tu Bi’-Shevat program.Our program included twelve different stationsincorporating games such as Picture Bingo for theyounger grades, Bingo with words in Hebrew andEnglish for senior students and a special series <strong>of</strong>card games for the holiday. Each student also hadthe opportunity to participate in arts and crafts activitiesthat included making a Shkediya (almondblossom) magnet or bookmark, decorating awooden sign with the word “Shalom” or making akey chain with the words “I Love <strong>JNF</strong>.”The students especially enjoyed decoratingtheir own flowerpot with the <strong>JNF</strong> logo and plantingthem with parsley seeds to be used at thePassover Seder. Our program was <strong>of</strong>fered to<strong>Jewish</strong> Day and Supplementary schools from alldenominations citywide. Over one thousandstudents took part in all the Tu Bi’Shevat activitiesand were extremely proud to take their beautifulartwork home to share with family and friends.The response from educators and studentswas very positive as they expressed their appreciationfor <strong>JNF</strong>’s involvement. The entire programis now available on our website to educators fromall over the world to use and benefit from.On behalf <strong>of</strong> my family and myself, I would liketo take this opportunity to wish you and yourfamily a Chag Pesach Kasher v’Sameach.6 tor@jnf.caROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon <strong>2010</strong>Once again, our Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon was held at the <strong>JNF</strong><strong>of</strong>fice. Chairs and tables lined the halls from end to end. Withcell phones in hand, our volunteers called our donors to enlist theirsupport for Israel. The volunteers ranging in age from 11 to 90 yearsyoung, enthusiastically made calls all day on Sunday, February 7and all through the week at our evening Telethons.The Co-Chairs <strong>of</strong> this year’s Telethon, Laura Greenberg,Jeffrey Goldman and Mitchell Shnier, did an outstanding jobleading the <strong>JNF</strong> Toronto Staff and over 100 Volunteers in a majorcommunity-wide effort.Proceeds from this year’s Telethon will be directed to plant agreen ring around the City <strong>of</strong> Be’er Sheva in continuation <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong>’sefforts to green the Negev.A special thank you to all <strong>of</strong> our Telethon Sponsors whodonated food, tickets to events and other great items. Theirassistance was appreciated in helping to make our Telethon a greatsuccess! Our state <strong>of</strong> the art bar code t-shirts were also a greatsuccess. In between calling, volunteers planted their own little treesto take home and scanned each other’s t-shirts, which took themto the <strong>JNF</strong> website.Please contact either Toby York, ext. 23 orRebecca Woods Baum, ext. 30 if you are interestedin joining us for next year. We welcome yourparticipation!ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 17
Introducing The Frozen Chosen<strong>JNF</strong> Future Leadership<strong>JNF</strong> Toronto is very excited to have Jessica Fenton and JianMagen as the Co-chairs <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong> Future. Young leaders in Torontocan look forward to new and exciting events geared towardsraising awareness and fundraising for projects in Israel,opportunities for social networking and just plain fun.On March 15, <strong>2010</strong> over one hundred <strong>of</strong> the top influentialmembers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> community aged 25-45 came out to hearinspirational speaker Spencer West at Cheval nightclub for thelaunch <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong> Future. The invited guests have been called TheFrozen Chosen and will be involved in organizing exciting eventsfor the 25-45 year old demographic in Toronto. Look forward to ahuge party to celebrate the summer, girl’s night out and guy’s nightout, unique missions to Israel and top notch speaker events.Ultimately, <strong>JNF</strong> Future’s goals for <strong>2010</strong> is to buildmembership, increase the support <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong>’s projects inIsrael and raise awareness <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong>’s environmentalinnovations and achievements across the globe. <strong>JNF</strong>Toronto is very excited to be working with a group <strong>of</strong>fantastic leaders over the upcoming year.If you want updates about upcoming exciting <strong>JNF</strong>Future events or if you would like to become moreinvolved please contact Rebecca Woods Baum at416-638-7200 x30 or rebecca.woodsbaum@jnf.ca.Spencer West<strong>JNF</strong> Future Co-chairs: Jian Magen and Jessica FentonChief EconomistSpeaks With <strong>JNF</strong>Major DonorsOn March 18, <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>JNF</strong> organized an evening for ourmajor donors hosted by Judy and Marvin Demone witheconomic guru David Rosenberg <strong>of</strong> Gluskin Sheff +Associates Inc. Mr. Rosenberg is Gluskin Sheff’s ChiefEconomist & Strategist. His insightful and frank commentaryover the years has earned him considerable notoriety on WallStreet and Bay Street.Over the past year, the global economy has been arollercoaster. The direction <strong>of</strong> the economy is always onpeople’s minds. There are many experts who have divergingpredictions about the future state <strong>of</strong> the economy, but DavidRosenberg, stands at the forefront as one <strong>of</strong> the firsteconomists to have warned <strong>of</strong> a housing bust in the UnitedStates, and the ensuing financial market and consumerspending collapse. <strong>JNF</strong> Toronto is proud to have theopportunity to hear David Rosenberg’s perspective on “Wherethe consensus among economists is wrong.”8 tor@jnf.ca ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
Let us remember themDr. Max and Gianna Glassman <strong>of</strong> Toronto have generously donated one hundred and thirty-nine trees(139) in memory <strong>of</strong> our fallen soldiers.Their heartfelt gesture is greatly appreciated by all.Please see below some <strong>of</strong> the thank you cards the Glassman’s received from the families.ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1 tor@jnf.ca 9
<strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> <strong>of</strong> Toronto61 st Annual Negev DinnerThe 2009 Negev Dinner in tribute to Tony andElizabeth Comper was an outstanding eveningattended by 1000 guests. The Dinner Co-Chairswere Leslie Dan and Larry Tanenbaum. The Dinnertook place on Sunday, November 29th at theFairmont Royal York Hotel. The evening beganwith grades 2, 3 and 4 students from the TorontoHeschel School marching into the Ballroomcarrying the flags <strong>of</strong> Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel,Israel, <strong>Canada</strong> and Ontario. After the processionthe students sang O <strong>Canada</strong> and a HebrewMelody. A highlight <strong>of</strong> the evening was ten-yearold prodigy pianist, Yike Yang <strong>of</strong> the RoyalConservatory who played music by Chopin. ActorAlbert Schultz emceed the evening.Thank to you all our corporate sponsors,guests and volunteers.Left to right:Honourees Tony and Elizabeth Comper with<strong>JNF</strong> Toronto PresidentJerry and Shelley WergerLeft to right: Tony and Elizabeth Comper,Negev Dinner Co-Chair Leslie and Anna DanNegev Dinner Co-Chair,Larry and Judy TanenbaumYike Yang, 10-year old prodigy pianistLeft to right (standing) Eric Inspektor, Jennifer Inspektor,Rina Gottesman, Dr. Irving Gottesman, Darren Inspektor andRussel InspektorLeft to right (sitting) Lynette Inspektor, Jerold Winter, Gale Winter,Lisa Inspektor and Joanna WinterStephanie and Darren SlavensEmcee, Actor Albert SchultzLeft to right - Judith Wilson, WorldChairman <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL Efi Stenzler, DaliaStenzler and <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> President,Frank A. WilsonMichael Levitt and BarbiBenjamin Levitt<strong>JNF</strong> Toronto Chairman <strong>of</strong> the BoardRon and Heather H<strong>of</strong>fmanLeft to right: Ralph and Risa Grossman,Elaine and Nathan Disenhouse andBobby Disenhouse<strong>JNF</strong> Toronto Executive DirectorJosh and Mary CooperLeft to right: <strong>National</strong> Education ShlichaAviva Reifler, Matthew Martow,Sheldon and Chaia NadalThe Toronto Heschel School Choir10 tor@jnf.ca ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
<strong>JNF</strong> Toronto in Israel, February <strong>2010</strong>Restorer <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem<strong>JNF</strong> 911 MemorialSite <strong>of</strong> the Restorer <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem Wall <strong>of</strong> HonourAyalon/<strong>Canada</strong> Park - The Miles S. Nadal & Family Environmental CentreAzrieli ParkResearch & DevelopmentCentre in Station BesorSderot urban park being sponsored by David AzrieliIn the Old CityPark Ramot MenasheLeft to right: Josh Cooper, Nathan Jacobson, Adam Blinick and The Hon. John BairdROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1Left to right: Jessica Lawson, Dorit Sadovsky,Elayne Rabinovitch, Joe Rabinovitch, Josh Coopertor@jnf.ca 11
New Missionsfor <strong>2010</strong>Reserveyour spot today!Ticketsare going fast.Have you ever been to Israel?We hope you will join us on one <strong>of</strong> twomissions this year. For the summer <strong>of</strong><strong>2010</strong>, we are planning a new “Family” mission.It will take place from August 2 to August 15. Itis geared for families with children ages 9 - 19.Come as a family, bring the grandparents too.Celebrate your Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Israel. Thismission will focus on introducing first-timevisitors to the beauty <strong>of</strong> Israel and reunitingreturning visitorsThere will be time to extend your stay at theHave you seen Israel the “<strong>JNF</strong>” way?end <strong>of</strong> the mission. If you are interested, pleasecontact Josh Cooper at josh.cooper@jnf.ca orby calling the <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice 416-638-7200 x26.Space for this trip is strictly limited and will beon a first come first served basis.Our second mission will take place inOctober. For further information, please contactRebecca Woods Baum atrebecca.woodsbaum@jnf.ca or by calling the<strong>JNF</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice at 416-638-7200 x 30.<strong>JNF</strong>/Downsview Park“Twinning Program”After last year’s success <strong>of</strong> the “Twinning” initiativelaunched by <strong>JNF</strong> with the DownsviewPark Foundation and Parc Downsview Park Inc.,<strong>JNF</strong> is excited to be continuing this joint venture<strong>of</strong> planting trees in both the <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> Forest atDownsview Park and the Toronto CommunityForest at Yatir, Israel.In May <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>JNF</strong> and Downsview Park willplant trees, play sports and help pick up litter atDownsview Park’s <strong>Canada</strong> Forest with schoolchildren in Grades 3 through 8 from across theGreater Toronto area. The “Twinning Program”highlights the shared values <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> and Israelwith respect to the environment.The Downsview Park Committee has organizeda second “Twinnng Program CommunityEvent” for the <strong>spring</strong> and fall that will be open topeople <strong>of</strong> all ages. For each tree planted atDownsview Park, a tree will also be planted at Yatirin Israel.To participate in either event, please contactRebecca Woods Baum at 416-638-7200 x30 orrebecca.woodsbaum@jnf.ca12 tor@jnf.ca ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
<strong>JNF</strong> Ambassadors Program“Building our Nation Together: Whatever you do Today is for Tomorrow”This past fall, we launched the <strong>JNF</strong> AmbassadorProgram, a very important initiative that is the brainchild<strong>of</strong> our <strong>National</strong> President, Frank A. Wilson. The goal<strong>of</strong> the program is to create a specially trained cadre <strong>of</strong>speakers from across <strong>Canada</strong> who are dedicated toZionism, the Land and the People <strong>of</strong> Israel and to highlight<strong>JNF</strong>’s efforts as a world environmental leaderin areas <strong>of</strong> conservation, research, and sustainabledevelopment.We mentioned the program in the Fall 2009 issue <strong>of</strong>ROOTS and since then, the group went on a highlyspecialized mission to Israel in which they receivedtraining and resources to prepare them to act asrepresentatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong> in their home communities. Afterthe Mission, there was an Ambassadors Breakfastwhere more <strong>of</strong> the program’s goals were reviewed. Inaddition, each Ambassador also receives whatever oneon-onesupport they need from the Regional <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficesand the Education Department.The majority <strong>of</strong> the Ambassadors have already givenpresentations to their communities. The goal <strong>of</strong> thesespeaking engagements is to raise the pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong> andby extension, support its core functions. These specialevents have ranged from a speech at a <strong>JNF</strong>-sponsoredTu Bi’Shevat Kiddush to presentations to <strong>Jewish</strong> DaySchools.The Toronto Ambassadors have already spoken tothe Weirzbnicker Friendly Society, Temple Har Zion,Baycrest and the <strong>National</strong> Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Women. All<strong>of</strong> these presentations, those from Toronto included,have received very positive feedback and a warmresponse from the respective communities. We arealready booking Ambassador Presentations for themonths ahead and looking forward to speaking eventsfor Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day.We wish all <strong>of</strong> our Ambassadors success as theycontinue to share the “<strong>JNF</strong> Story” across <strong>Canada</strong>.ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1tor@jnf.ca 13
CAARI-<strong>2010</strong>A Special Time in IsraelWe might be a little prejudiced about theCAARI (Canadian American Active Retireesin Israel) Program, but there is no better way tospend the winter than in Israel. The program, whichhas been operating for 16 years now, continues tobe exciting, rewarding, enriching and just plain fun!This year, the Program began with one week inJerusalem with fabulous weather – sunny and inthe 60’s – great for us North Americans! And whata fascinating tour - visiting some sites that usuallyaren’t on tours. Some <strong>of</strong> these included museumslocated under the Damascus Gate, which tell thehistory <strong>of</strong> this site from the time <strong>of</strong> the Temple, theZedakiah’s Cave, and the Roman Museum. Wealso visited the home <strong>of</strong> Shai Agnon, Israel’s NobelPrize winner for literature, and heard some excellentspeakers, including as Anat H<strong>of</strong>fman, <strong>of</strong> the“Woman at the Wall” and Ido Aharoni from theforeign Ministry. And this was only the first week –we had 6 more weeks to go.A very special day for Arnold and I during the 7weeks <strong>of</strong> the program was Tu Bi’Shevat! Weassisted <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL by helping people plant treesnear the city <strong>of</strong> Modi’in. We were expecting 8,000– 10,000 people. Dressed in our <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL t-shirtshirts, sweat shirts and <strong>of</strong> course hats to identifyus as the ‘workers’, we boarded our CAARI bus onthis warm, sunny Friday. The first thing we did wasplant our own tree. We then began handing out thelittle samplings to all that arrived, and arrive theydid! Israelis turned out in droves – school groups,groups <strong>of</strong> friends, families, mothers, fathers,grandparents and the most adorable little children– all planting trees to green this enormous mountainside.Many had picnic boxes; many pushedbabies in strollers, or carried them in their arms orslings. At times we couldn’t give out the ‘little trees’fast enough. We wished everyone a ChagSameach and Shabbat Shalom and by the end <strong>of</strong>the day we felt a special glow and feeling havinghad this meaningful experience.You too can have this special feeling - comeand participant on the CAARI Program in 2011.For further information, please call Rebecca at416-638-7200 extension 30.We hope to see you next year in Israel!PS: For more <strong>of</strong> our CAARI experiences visit theblog on www.caarivolunteers.com and click onthe blog.The groupMarcia and Ron Bercov from EdmontonThe full groupArnold and Alice Stark on a <strong>JNF</strong> forest day.Sheila Raskin fromTorontoCanadians on the program14 tor@jnf.ca ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
Band-TasticCelebrate 62 years <strong>of</strong> Israel’s independence with<strong>JNF</strong> by dancing the night away at the EglintonGrand on the evening <strong>of</strong> Tuesday, April 20, <strong>2010</strong> withour third annual Band-Tastic!Over the past quarter century, many bands haveentertained our community at a variety <strong>of</strong> simchasweddings,Bat/Bat Mitzvahs, family celebrations andjust plain old good times. Now, the very best <strong>of</strong>these bands are together for a one-night onlyperformance. They will join together to bring backmemories and to provide a wonderful evening <strong>of</strong>music, dancing, hors d’oeuvres and opportunities tocelebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut with Herzl, Ben Gurion,Meir and Dayan!<strong>JNF</strong> wishes you avery Happy andKosher PassoverROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1tor@jnf.ca 15
Give the Gift that Keeps on Living!An inscription in the <strong>JNF</strong>/KKL Books <strong>of</strong> Honouris the perfect way to recognize friends andloved ones on the occasion <strong>of</strong> a simcha, specialoccasion or in memory <strong>of</strong> someone who haspassed away. A stunning certificate <strong>of</strong> appreciationcreated by an Israeli artist is awarded to eachperson gifted with an inscription. All <strong>of</strong> the Books<strong>of</strong> Honour are on permanent display at the<strong>JNF</strong>/KKL Head Office in Jerusalem.The Golden Book is the most unique <strong>of</strong> the<strong>JNF</strong>/KKL Books <strong>of</strong> Honour and is, in effect, agenealogical tree <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> people with over650,000 listings including Herzl himself.There is no parallel anywhere in the world tothe tree planting undertaken by KKL. An inscriptionin the Book <strong>of</strong> Gardens helps <strong>JNF</strong> tocontinue to plant forests countrywide andestablish parks and picnic sites with the contribution<strong>of</strong> a Garden <strong>of</strong> 100 trees or a Woodland <strong>of</strong> 200trees. The volumes <strong>of</strong> the Book <strong>of</strong> Gardens are anexpression <strong>of</strong> the partnership <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> peoplein planting and caring for the forests.There are also three books that mark variousstages in the life cycle <strong>of</strong> individuals and families:Sefer Hayeled (The Children’s Book) – forinscribing babies at birth; Sefer Bar/Bat Mitzvah(The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Book) – for inscribing girlsand boys celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs;The Golden Book <strong>of</strong> Marriage – for inscribingweddings and couples who are celebrating theirsilver, gold or diamond anniversaries.Looking through the pages <strong>of</strong> the Books is likea voyage in time through <strong>Jewish</strong> history <strong>of</strong> thetwentieth century. Inscribing someone’s namemakes both the Honouree and the donor a part <strong>of</strong>this journey.For more information, please visit us online atjnftoronto.ca or contact Ariela Fuerstenberg,(416) 638-7200 ext. 32 orariela.fuerstenberg@jnf.ca.Are You Looking ForThat “Special Gift”?The cost <strong>of</strong> the book is $54 and youwill receive a $36 tax receipt.All proceeds will be directed towardsthe work <strong>of</strong> <strong>JNF</strong> in building a strongand beautiful Israel, that isenvironmentally aware and continues to be committed toassisting the settlement <strong>of</strong> our people in our ancient homeland.Consider giving this beautiful and informative book to familyand friends for the upcoming High Holidays, for birthdays,anniversaries, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, for house warmings or justto say hello. DON’T DELAY... ORDER NOW!The <strong>Jewish</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> presents “The 4000 Year Journeyin Search <strong>of</strong> Peace”. This outstanding work is a 252 pagec<strong>of</strong>fee table book – a photographic history <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> people.It captures the spirit, determination and achievements <strong>of</strong> a peoplewho have struggled for survival and have succeeded.It tells the story <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jewish</strong> people in such a unique format thatthis book will be passed from generation to generation.Place an order, and get additional information,by calling Rebecca at the <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice at416-638-7200 x 30 or bye-mail to rebecca.woodsbaum@jnf.ca.YiskorOn the occasion <strong>of</strong>It is Traditionto make a charitabledonation in memory <strong>of</strong> aloved one or friend.Proceeds <strong>of</strong> this year’sYiskor Campaign willbe directed to theRestorer <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem ProjectPlease complete and return theYiskor form enclosed in this issueRestorer <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem16 tor@jnf.ca ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1tor@jnf.ca 17
Halutziot – 21 ST Century ZionismIn August 2006 over 7,000 Jews living in GushKatif, in the Gaza strip were evacuated, leavingthem homeless. <strong>JNF</strong> took upon themselves one <strong>of</strong>the most difficult tasks – the transformation <strong>of</strong> theendless hilly sand dunes <strong>of</strong> the desert region int<strong>of</strong>lat land ready for homes, agriculture andgreenhouses. <strong>JNF</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices around the world tookresponsibility for different portions <strong>of</strong> what isnecessary to create a town. This area is nowknown as Halutziot, minutes from the Egyptianborder.Halutziot 1 and 4 are two new Negev communitiesdeveloped for settlers from the Gush Katifcommunities. These communities are developinga farming industry focusing on vegetables. All thisis thanks to the diligence <strong>of</strong> new settlers who areworking day and night on their new plots <strong>of</strong> land.Most <strong>of</strong> the farmers come daily from their temporaryquarters at various moshavim. Construction<strong>of</strong> their new homes has commenced. Some <strong>of</strong> theplots are now sown with winter wheat and thereare hothouses, from which a new crop <strong>of</strong> bellpeppers has already been harvested. Carrots andpotatoes are being grown in the irrigated openfields, and in the future there will also be lettuce,onions and beans. All the crops are organic andare intended for export. In the warehouse area,bell peppers and carrots are already being packedand exported.What has happened in Halutziot has neverhappened anywhere in the world. This area wascovered in sand dunes since the beginning <strong>of</strong>time. No one has ever tried to settle here, until thepeople <strong>of</strong> Gush Katif needed land to make theirnew beginning. <strong>JNF</strong> has literally transformedhundreds <strong>of</strong> acres <strong>of</strong> desert into land that willsupport life and agriculture.Halutziot developmentRecycled water main as a temporay bomb shelterAcres <strong>of</strong> organic carrots in Halutziot18 tor@jnf.ca ROOTS VOLUME 11 • Number 1
Come as a family (children ages 9-19),bring the grandparents too!This Mission will focus on introducingfirst timers and reuniting returneeswith the beauty <strong>of</strong> Israel.Mission Highlights• Jeep Ride in the Golan• Wagon Rides in the Hula -a world renowned bird sanctuary• Lunch in a Druze Village• Explore Tel Dan• Kayaks in the Jordan• Hamat Gader• Cheese Farm•Sachne• Ein Gedi Nature Reserve• Archeological Dig• Visit a Talmudic Village•Massada• Swim in the Dead Sea• Kesem Hagolan• Camel ride and dinner• City <strong>of</strong> David and the Tunnels• Educational Program inWestern Wall Tunnels• Kfar Kedem biblical village• Manara Cliffs with cable car & slides• Bar/Bat Mitzvah option available• Plant a tree with your own hands in a <strong>JNF</strong> Forestand so much moreFor further informationcontact Josh Cooperjosh.cooper@jnf.ca orcontact the <strong>JNF</strong> Office416-638-7200 x 26PRICEFull package ex Toronto Double Occupancy $4,900.00Land Only - Double Occupancy $3,800.00All inclusive luxury package -most meals includedReduction for childrenunder 16 years<strong>of</strong> age