Yale Summer Session - Yale University

Yale Summer Session - Yale University

Yale Summer Session - Yale University


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<strong>Yale</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Department of Spanish and Portuguese<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Session</strong> Program in Bilbao<br />

SPAN S-130/S-140: Intermediate Spanish I and II (Group I, L3-L4)<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> 2012<br />

Instructors:<br />

Dr. Pilar Asensio pilar.asensio@yale.edu (203) 432-8067 Office #419<br />

Dr. Lourdes Sabé lourdes.sabe@yale.edu (203) 432-5211 Office #222<br />

Spanish Department Office: 82-90 Wall Street, 2nd fl. (rear entrance)<br />

I. Texts (all texts are available at the <strong>Yale</strong> Bookstore unless otherwise indicated):<br />

a. Blanco, José and Colbert, María. Enfoques. (3 rd edition) Vista. Boston, 2012. (Package ISBN 978-1-61767-<br />

019-0 / ENFOQUES 3e SE + SSPlus (wSAM & vTxt) $168.95)<br />

b. Packet of grammar activities and exercises for La dama de Urtubi (available at DOCUPRINT, 27 Whitney Ave.<br />

Tel.: 776-6000)<br />

c. Recommended: A good Spanish-English dictionary (Oxford, Larousse, etc.).<br />

II. Course Description: SPAN S-130/S-140: Intermediate Spanish I and II is an intensive intermediate course in<br />

spoken and written Spanish that covers the material of SPAN 130 and 140 in one summer term. Meets for three<br />

and a half hours from Monday through Thursday the first four weeks in New Haven and, five days a week the<br />

month in Bilbao. Conducted in Spanish. Admits to L5 courses. Not open to students who have completed SPAN 130a or b or<br />

140a or b.<br />

This course uses a task-based approach to develop proficiency by integrating grammar and vocabulary in<br />

communicative activities. Discussions, role-plays, debates, and other classroom activities are based on readings<br />

and films. All readings are of authentic Spanish-language texts, including stories, newspaper articles, essays, and<br />

poems. Two films are also used in the course, and each student is required to do an oral presentation. Classes<br />

are conducted in Spanish.<br />

III. Expanded Description: This course has two four-week components: the first half, from June 4-June 29, is<br />

offered on <strong>Yale</strong> campus; and the second half, from July 2 to July 27, in Bilbao, Spain. Students will further<br />

develop their linguistic skills in Spanish and increase their understanding of the language and culture of Spain,<br />

within an intensive immersion program set in Bilbao, Spain. The study of grammar will be reinforced through<br />

classroom conversation, homework, compositions, the viewing and discussion of videos, stories and a short<br />

novel. The course is further enriched with planned excursions, visits to museums such as the Guggenheim,<br />

contact with popular culture, and other cultural activities, which are carefully integrated into the syllabus.<br />

IV. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to perform proficiently at an<br />

intermediate level in the following language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, the<br />

student will gain a deeper understanding of cultural and historical aspects of the Spanish-speaking world.<br />

V. Course Policies:<br />

A. Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial to the successful attainment of the course objectives. Therefore,<br />

Departmental policy requires that students attend classes on a daily basis. You are allowed a maximum of<br />

two (2) absences over the course of the program. However, you may not miss any scheduled<br />

evaluation. Additionally, three (3) tardies in excess of ten minutes will count as one absence. Any student<br />

who accumulates more than two absences will have his/her final course grade lowered by two<br />

percentage points per absence following the second. If you accrue significant absences over the one<br />

allowed, your instructor may request cut restriction or that you withdraw from the course. There will be<br />

NO MAKE-UP work.

SPAN S/130- S/140 Syllabus <strong>Summer</strong> 2012 2<br />

B. Audio-visual Work (films): Film sessions are a very important aspect of the course. Attendance at these<br />

sessions and the completion of the related work sheets is obligatory. The work sheets will be graded.<br />

C. Class Discussions: In the interest of stimulating conversation, some controversial topics will be discussed<br />

in the course. You are encouraged to present, explain and defend either your own views or views you think<br />

might engage your classmates. You are not expected to agree with the views of your instructors, nor will<br />

your grade depend in any way on the views you choose to express.<br />

D. Supersite: You can go to this website (enfoques.vhlcentral.com) through your access code (provided with<br />

the textbook) to find and practice selected activities from the textbook such as: additional activities for each<br />

strand of the book, additional cultural information and research activities, downloadable MP3s of the entire<br />

Textbook Audio Program and Lab Audio Program, the entire Video Program, multiple resources, such as a<br />

Spanish-English Dictionary and a Verb Wheel, and much more. Frequent listening practice is recommended,<br />

and some of the related activities are required for homework. Students can use the Supersite from any<br />

computer connected to the <strong>Yale</strong> network so long as the computer is capable of playing audio and has either<br />

QuickTime or another MP3 player installed. After entering the site, you are going to find the textbook audio<br />

in a box on the right hand side of the page called "student tools". There is a Media Resources part from<br />

where you can choose to download either the Lab Audio MP3 or Textbook Audio. When you click on either<br />

of them, you then can download either by chapter or activity.<br />

E. Course Web Page. The campus computer network on Classesv2 (http://classesv2.yale.edu) will have copies of<br />

the syllabus, assignments, materials, and the latest announcements about the course.<br />

F. Homework: Readings and written homework assignments are to be prepared before class, as indicated in<br />

the syllabus. You should go to the Enfoques website (enfoques.vhlcentral.com) through your access code<br />

(provided with the textbook) to do your online homework. Once you are on the Enfoques Web, make sure<br />

you click on the WebSAM tab, then click on the right lesson to display all three components of the<br />

homework: Workbook, Lab Manual, Video Manual, all of them in blue color and Lectura (reading) and<br />

Composición (writing) in red color. The deadline for completion of your homework expires the following<br />

day at 11:59 pm.<br />

Keep in mind that the comprehension of an assigned material requires at least two readings and the careful<br />

review of the vocabulary. Film guides will also be required, and will be reviewed and graded by your<br />

instructor. Late homework will not be accepted.<br />

G. Tests and Exams: The course includes one oral exam, one midterm exam for 130, one midterm exam for<br />

140, one written final for 130, and one written final for 140.<br />

a. Oral exam: It will be conducted by your own instructor and will assess oral proficiency.<br />

b. Written exams: There will be 4 exams. (See above information). These will evaluate reading comprehension,<br />

vocabulary, grammatical competency and analytical skills.<br />

c. Quizzes: There may be unannounced quizzes at the discretion of the instructors in order to check<br />

comprehension of reading or a grammar point. These will be evaluated as part of the class participation<br />

grade.<br />

H. Oral Presentation: Each student will do research in Spanish on a topic related to the themes of the course<br />

and will present his/her work to the class for discussion. The guidelines for this activity as well as the list of<br />

topics are included in the course packet.<br />

I. Grading: The final grade for 130 will be calculated as follows:

Grading Scale:<br />

SPAN S/130- S/140 Syllabus <strong>Summer</strong> 2012 3<br />

1) Class Participation (1 evaluation) 15%<br />

2) Homework:<br />

-WebSAM/Tareas de películas (2)<br />

20%<br />

3) Oral Exam (1) 20%<br />

4) Midterm 20%<br />

5) Final Exam 25%<br />

Total 100%<br />

The final grade for 140 will be calculated as follows:<br />

1) Class Participation (1 evaluation) 15%<br />

2) Homework:<br />

-WebSAM<br />

20%<br />

3) Oral Presentation (1) 20%<br />

4) Midterm 20%<br />

5) Final Exam 25%<br />

Total 100%<br />

94-100 = A 80-83 = B- 67-69 = D+<br />

90-93 = A- 77-79 = C+ 64-66 = D<br />

87-89 = B+ 74-76 = C 64-60 = D-<br />

84-86 = B 70-73 = C- 59 or below = F<br />

VI. Emergencies: If you are unable to reach your instructor in the event of a health or family emergency, while<br />

in New Haven, please send us an e-mail. In Bilbao, students will be able to reach both of us via cell phone<br />

(provided the first day of classes in Bilbao).<br />

VII. Additional guidelines will be provided by your instructor. If you have any questions, comments, or<br />

suggestions, please contact the Director of the Study Abroad Program, Cristin Siebert, at<br />

cristin.siebert@yale.edu.<br />

VIII. Culture. Culture is embedded in diverse ways in each of the various skills taught in the course.<br />


TB: Textbook WB (on-line Workbook), LM (on-line Lab Manual), VM (on-line Video Manual): WebSAM<br />

SS: Supersite CL: Cuaderno (Course packet)<br />



4 de junio,<br />

lunes<br />

5 de junio,<br />

martes<br />

6 de junio,<br />

miércoles<br />

7 de junio,<br />

jueves<br />

8 de junio,<br />

viernes<br />

11 de junio,<br />

lunes<br />

12 de junio,<br />

martes<br />

13 de junio,<br />

miércoles<br />

14 de junio,<br />

jueves<br />

Presentación del curso<br />

Lecc. 1: Relaciones personales<br />

TB Vocabulario (2-3); Género y nº (A7-A10). Ser/Estar<br />

(18-19, A5)<br />

TB Lectura sobre Sonia Sotomayor (35-38)<br />


TB Presente de indicativo (14-17)<br />

(verbos regulares e irregulares)<br />

TB Práctica Ser/Estar (20-21 y A62)<br />

Presente progresivo (TB 22-23)<br />

Aproximación al texto: CL Los dos diarios<br />

S E M A N A 1<br />

Horario: 9:00-12:30<br />

TB Pronombres de complemento directo e indirecto (56-<br />

57 y A11)<br />

CL Los dos diarios<br />

TB Cortometraje (26-29) Di algo<br />

Aproximación al texto: CL Un curioso intercambio<br />

Lecc. 2: Las diversiones<br />

TB Intro. y vocabulario (42-45)<br />

TB Gustar y similares (60-61 y A12)<br />

Pronombres de complemento indirecto. Doble sustitución<br />

de OD y OI.<br />

CL Un curioso intercambio<br />

TB El toreo: ¿cultura o tortura? (75-78)<br />

Clase de cultura (SPAN S-248)<br />

TB: Reflexivos (64, 65 y A13) y WB<br />

TB Práctica (A15 y A17)<br />

TB Pretérito (94-97 y A18)<br />

CL El aventurero<br />

Lecc. 3: La vida diaria<br />

TB Intro. al tema y vocabulario (82-85)<br />

TB Imperfecto de indicativo (98-101 y A19)<br />

TB El arte de la vida diaria. Aproximación a “Autorretato”<br />

TB Autorretrato<br />

TB (103-105 y A20) y CL Contraste pretérito e imperfecto<br />

TB (106-107) Cortometraje Adiós mamá<br />

Repaso para el examen parcial<br />


Discusión de la película El laberinto del fauno<br />

SPAN S/130- S/140 Syllabus <strong>Summer</strong> 2012 4<br />



TB Vocabulario (2-3); Gender and number of nouns & adj (A7 y<br />

A9); Ser/Estar (18-19 y A5)<br />

TB Present Indicative (14-15); Progressive forms (22-23)<br />

TB Volver a leer “Sonia Sotomayor: la niña que soñaba”<br />

WB<br />

CL Los dos diarios (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

Ver fotonovela: SS ¡Bienvenida, Mariela!<br />

Hacer: TB 1-2 (16) 1-2 (A4)<br />

WB<br />

TB Object pronouns (54-55); Vocabulario (42-43)<br />

TB Gustar & similar verbs (58-59)<br />

CL Un curioso intercambio (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

Hacer: TB (56) y 1-2 (A11)<br />

Hacer: TB 1A-B y 2 (43); 3-4 (44)<br />

Hacer: TB 1 (60) y 1-2 (A12)<br />

Span S-248: TB El toreo: ¿cultura o tortura? (76-77) (hacer la<br />

Comprensión)<br />

WB<br />

TB Reflexive verbs (62-63)<br />

TB The preterite (94-95)<br />

CL El aventurero (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

SEMANA 2<br />

Horario: 9:00-12:30<br />

TB Vocabulario (82-83)<br />

TB The imperfect (98-99)<br />

TB El arte de la vida diaria (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

CL Repaso: Lecciones 1 y 2<br />

TB Preterite vs. imperfect (102-103)<br />

TB Autorretrato (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

Estudiar para el MIDTERM EXAM<br />

�Ver la película El laberinto del fauno (Film Study Center)<br />

Complete la Tarea de la película y entréguela el viernes 15<br />

Span S-248

15 de junio,<br />

viernes<br />

18 de junio,<br />

lunes<br />

19 de junio,<br />

martes<br />

20 de junio,<br />

miércoles<br />

21 de junio,<br />

jueves<br />

22 de junio,<br />

viernes<br />

Clase de Cultura<br />

SPAN S-248<br />

S E M A N A 3<br />

Horario: 9:00-12:30<br />

Lecc. 4: La salud y el bienestar<br />

TB Introducción y vocabulario (124-125)<br />

TB (137-139 y A23) Subjuntivo en cláusulas subordinadas<br />

sustantivas; Subjuntivo con expresiones impersonales<br />

(A26-A27)<br />

CL El loco de Sevilla<br />

TB Mandatos (142-143 y A24)<br />

TB Por/Para (144-147 y A25)<br />

TB Mujeres de ojos grandes<br />

CL Repaso: Lecciones 3 y 4<br />

Lecc. 5: Los viajes TB Introducción al tema y vocabulario<br />

(167)<br />

TB Comparativos y superlativos<br />

TB (148-151) Cortometraje Éramos pocos<br />

TB Subjuntivo en cláusulas subordinadas adjetivas (183 y<br />

A29); 1-3 (182)<br />

Hacer: WB 1-2 (58)<br />

TB Expresiones positivas y negativas (186-187 y A30)<br />

CL La lengua de las mariposas<br />

Clase de cultura<br />

SPAN S-248<br />

SPAN S/130- S/140 Syllabus <strong>Summer</strong> 2012 5<br />

TB Vocabulario (122-123)<br />

TB Subjunctive Mood in noun clauses (134-136)<br />

CL El loco de Sevilla (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

Hacer: TB 1-2 (137) y 1 (A23)<br />

TB Commands (140-141)<br />

TB Por / Para (144-145)<br />

TB Mujeres de ojos grandes (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

CL Repaso: Lecciones 3 y 4<br />

TB Vocabulario (164-166); Comparatives & superlatives (176-177)<br />

Hacer: TB 1-2 (178)<br />

TB Subjunctive in adjective clauses (180-181)<br />

TB Negative & positive expressions (184-185)<br />

Hacer: TB 2 (A28)<br />

CL La lengua de las mariposas (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

TB pero/sino (A31) y 1-2 (A32)<br />

Span S-248 (ver película Mujeres al borde de un ataque de<br />

nervios (FSC)<br />

TB Vocabulario (204-205)<br />

TB 1 (205)<br />

Ver fotonovela: SS ¡Buen viaje!<br />

TB La conservación de Vieques (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

TB El eclipse (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

S E M A N A 4<br />

Horario: 9:00-12:30<br />


25 de junio,<br />

lunes<br />

26 de junio,<br />

martes<br />

Lecc. 6: La naturaleza TB Introd. al tema y vocabulario<br />

(204-207)<br />

TB La conservación de Vieques<br />

TB pero/sino (A32)<br />

TB El eclipse<br />


TB El futuro (218-219 y A33)<br />

TB Prepositions (224-227 y A35)<br />

Discusión de la película La lengua de las mariposas<br />

CL Repaso: Lecciones 5 y 6<br />

TB The future (216-217); prepositions (224-225)<br />

�Ver la película La lengua de las mariposas<br />

Complete la Tarea de la película y entréguela el miércoles 27<br />

CL Repaso: Lecciones 5 y 6<br />

TB Subjunctive in adverbial clauses (220-221)<br />

TB Vocabulario (244-245)<br />

CL Nosotros, no (hacer la Comprensión)

27 de junio,<br />

miércoles<br />

28 de junio,<br />

jueves<br />

29 de junio,<br />

viernes<br />

2 de julio,<br />

lunes<br />

3 de julio,<br />

martes<br />

4 de julio,<br />

miércoles<br />

5 de julio,<br />

jueves<br />

6 de julio,<br />

viernes<br />

9 de julio,<br />

lunes<br />

TB Subj. en subordinadas adverbiales (220-223 y A34)<br />

Lecc. 7: La tecnología y la ciencia TB Introd. y<br />

vocabulario (244-247)<br />

[TB Inventores y pioneros]<br />

TB Presente perfecto (258-259 y A38)<br />

TB Pluscuamperfecto de indicativo (261 y A39)<br />

CL Nosotros, no<br />

TB Imperfecto de subjuntivo (300-301 y A44)<br />

Examen Final de SPAN 130<br />

No hay clase: Preparativos del viaje a Bilbao<br />

SPAN S/130- S/140 Syllabus <strong>Summer</strong> 2012 6<br />

TB Present perfect (256-257); Past perfect (260)<br />

Review of the uses of the subjuntive<br />

TB Past subjunctive (298-299)<br />

Estudiar para el examen<br />

Ver fotonovela: SS El poder de la tecnología<br />

S E M A N A 5<br />


Horario: 9:30-1:00<br />

9:00 a.m. Encuentro del grupo en la puerta principal TB Vocabulario (282-283); The conditional (294-295)<br />

de la Universidad de Deusto (entrada con las puertas<br />

rotatorias).<br />

CL La mirada (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

9:10 a.m. Tour por la Universidad de Deusto<br />

10:10 a.m. Orientación sobre los servicios de la<br />

Universidad de Deusto<br />

11:10 a.m. Comienzo de las clases<br />

Lecc. 8: La economía y el trabajo<br />

TB Introducción y vocabulario (282-285)<br />

TB Condicional (294-297 y A43)<br />

TB (306-309) Cortometraje Clown<br />

CL La mirada<br />

Lecc. 9: La cultura popular y los medios de<br />

comunicación<br />

TB Introd. y vocabulario (326-327)<br />

TB Presente perfecto de subj. (337 y A48)<br />

TB Pronombres relativos (338-341 y A49)<br />

TB Sueños digitales<br />

TB Cláusulas con Si (304-305 y A45)<br />

TB ¿Qué? /¿Cuál? (A51 y A52)<br />

Lecc. 10: La literatura y el arte<br />

TB Introd. y vocabulario (362-365)<br />

TB Pluscuamperfecto de subj. (379)<br />

Cultura: Conferencia<br />

Cultura: Museo Guggenheim Bilbao<br />

Actividad obligatoria<br />

TB Futuro y condicional perfectos (375-377 y A53-A54)<br />

TB Continuidad de los parques<br />

S E M A N A 6<br />

Horario: 9:30-1:00<br />

TB Vocabulario (324-325)<br />

TB The present perfect subjunctive (336)<br />

TB Relative pronouns (338-339)<br />

TB Sueños digitales (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

TB If clauses with simple tenses (302-303)<br />

TB Vocabulario (362-363)<br />

TB The past perfect subjunctive (378)<br />

TB ¿Qué? /¿Cuál? (A51 y A52)<br />

TB The future perfect (374); the conditional perfect (376)<br />

TB Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo (379 y A55)<br />

TB Continuidad de los parques (hacer la Comprensión)<br />

TB Vocabulario (396-397); If clauses with compound tenses (A56)<br />

Hacer: TB 1 (379) y 1 (A57)<br />

Ver fotonovela: SS Unas pinturas… radicales<br />

CL Repaso: Lecciones 9, 10 y 11

10 de julio,<br />

martes<br />

11 de julio,<br />

miércoles<br />

12 de julio,<br />

jueves<br />

13 de julio,<br />

viernes<br />

16 de julio,<br />

lunes<br />

17 de julio,<br />

martes<br />

18 de julio,<br />

miércoles<br />

19 de julio,<br />

jueves<br />

20 de julio,<br />

viernes<br />

23 de julio,<br />

lunes<br />

24 de julio,<br />

martes<br />

25 de julio,<br />

miércoles<br />

26 de julio,<br />

jueves<br />

27 de julio,<br />

viernes<br />

Lecc. 11: La política y la religión<br />

TB Introducción y vocabulario (398-399)<br />

TB Cláusulas con Si (A57) y CL<br />

TB Preposiciones (416-417 y A60)<br />

Composición 1 (30 minutos)<br />

Excursión a Pamplona<br />

TB Usos de SE (412 y A59)<br />

TB Voz pasiva (409 y A58)<br />

TB Participio pasado como adjetivo (A61-A62)<br />

Cultura: Conferencia<br />

Cultura: Ayuntamiento<br />

Actividad obligatoria<br />

Lecc. 12: La historia y la civilización<br />

TB Introducción y vocabulario (440-441)<br />

TB Repaso Indicativo/Subjuntivo (461-463 y A64-A65)<br />


CL Secuencia de tiempos (II)<br />

TB y CL Estilo indirecto<br />

La dama de Urtubi, 1 y 2<br />

Presentaciones orales<br />

La dama de Urtubi, 3 y 4<br />

Composición 2 (30 minutos)<br />

Cultura: Conferencia<br />

Cultura: Museo de Bellas Artes<br />

Actividad obligatoria<br />

La dama de Urtubi, 5 y 6<br />

Presentaciones orales<br />

La dama de Urtubi, 7 y 8<br />

Presentaciones orales<br />

La dama de Urtubi, cap. 9 y repaso final<br />

Composición 3 (30 minutos)<br />

Presentaciones orales<br />

Repaso para el examen final de SPAN 140<br />

Presentaciones orales<br />

Cultura: Conferencia<br />


SPAN S/130- S/140 Syllabus <strong>Summer</strong> 2012 7<br />

TB The passive voice (408)<br />

TB 1-2 (409) y 1 (A58)<br />

TB Uses of SE (410-411)<br />

Span S-248<br />

TB Vocabulario 1-2 (438-439)<br />

TB Summary of the subjunctive (458-460)<br />

TB (A66-A67)<br />

S E M A N A 7<br />

Horario: 9:30-1:00<br />

S E M A N A 8<br />

Horario: 9:30-1:00<br />


La dama de Urtubi (leer introducción y capítulos 1 y 2)<br />

Hacer: Preguntas de comprensión de los capítulos 1 y 2<br />

La dama de Urtubi (leer capítulos 3 y 4)<br />

Hacer: Preguntas de comprensión de los capítulos 3 y 4<br />

Span S-248<br />

La dama de Urtubi (leer capítulos 5 y 6)<br />

Hacer: Preguntas de comprensión de los capítulos 5 y 6<br />

La dama de Urtubi (leer capítulos 7 y 8)<br />

Hacer: Preguntas de comprensión de los capítulos 7 y 8<br />

La dama de Urtubi (leer capítulo 9 y repaso final)<br />

Hacer: Preguntas de comprensión del capítulo 9<br />

Anotar dudas y preguntas gramaticales para el repaso<br />

Estudiar para el examen final<br />


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