Institute for Learning Partnership Lending Library Listing

Institute for Learning Partnership Lending Library Listing

Institute for Learning Partnership Lending Library Listing

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<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong> <strong>Lending</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>Listing</strong>Revised:6/6/12Author/Editor Title Publisher YearPrescott-Griffin, Mary LeeWriter to Writer: Fluency and Craft in the Multilingual Heinemann 2007ClassroomPressley, Michael; Allington, Richard <strong>Learning</strong> to Read - Lessons From Exemplary First-Grade The Guil<strong>for</strong>d Press 2001Classrooms, copy 1Pressley, Michael; Allington, Richard <strong>Learning</strong> to Read: Lessons From Exemplary First-Grade The Guil<strong>for</strong>d Press 2001L; Wharton-McDonald, Ruth; Block,Cathy C; Morrow, Lesley M.Classrooms, copy 2Project Construct National Center Constructivism in Education Volume 2: Emerging Literacy Project Construct National Center 1995(video)Project Construct National Center Constructivism in Education Volume 3: Emerging Project Construct National Center 1995Numeracy (video)Project Construct National Center Constructivism in Education Volume 5: Overview of Project Project Construct National Center 1995Construct (video)Protheroe, Nancy; Shellard, A Practical Guide to School Improvement: Meeting the Educational Research service 2003Elizabeth; Turner, JenniferChallenges of NCLBPublic AgendaA Lot Easier Said Than Done - Parents talk about Raising Public Agenda 2002Children in Today's AmericaPublic Agenda A Sense of Calling: Who Teaches and Why, Report Public Agenda 2000Public AgendaCreating a Formula <strong>for</strong> Success in Low Per<strong>for</strong>ming Public AgendaSchools, videoPublic AgendaKnowing It By Heart: Americans Consider the Constitution Public Agenda 2002and Its Meaning, ReportPublic AgendaOn Thin Ice: How Advocates and Opponents Could Public Agenda 1999Misread the Public's Views on Vouchers and CharterSchools, ReportPublic AgendaPlaying Their Parts: Parents and Teachers Talk About Public Agenda 1999Parental Involvement in Public SchoolsPublic AgendaSizing Things Up: What Parents, Teachers and Students Public Agenda 2002Think About Large and Small High Schools, ReportPublic AgendaStand By Me - What Teachers Really Think About Unions, Public Agenda 2003Merit Pay and Other Professional MattersPublic AgendaTeaching Interrupted - do Discipline Policies in Today's Public Agenda 2004Public Schools Foster the Common Good?Public AgendaTime To Move On - African-American and White Parents Public Agenda 1998Set an Agenda <strong>for</strong> Public SchoolsPublic AgendaTrying to Stay Ahead of the Game: Superintendents and Public Agenda 2001Principals Talk about School Leadership, Report, copy 1Public AgendaTrying to Stay Ahead of the Game: Superintendents andPrincipals Talk about School Leadership, Report, copy 2Public Agenda 2001Page 53 of 152

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