Swiss Biotech Report 2006

Swiss Biotech Report 2006

Swiss Biotech Report 2006


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...ON THE MOVE IN 200527vative pipeline over the long term. But the small companiesare also profiting from these networking arrangements.It gives them access to global marketsand additional research expertise.The result of the national referendum at the end ofNovember 2005 showed that the <strong>Swiss</strong> populationhas strong reservations about the build-up of greenbiotechnology (agricultural sector), whereas red(human and animal health) and white (industry)biotechnology enjoy wide acceptance.Thanks to attractive tax models, well-educated people,prestigious basic research and a legal environmentthat tends to be more favourable than in othercountries, Switzerland continues to be an attractivelocation for international biotech companies. This isalso shown by the fact that several foreign biotechand chemical companies such as Biogen Idec orAmgen have moved their international sales headquartersto Switzerland.Another proposition for Switzerland as a research locationand also for the entire biotechnology sector isthe outstanding cross-linkage between industry, onthe one hand, and universities and research institutions,on the other. Initiatives like the CompetenceCenter for Systems Biology at the <strong>Swiss</strong> Federal Instituteof Technology (ETH) in Zurich, which is alsosupported by the Universities of Zurich and Basel,represent a milestone in the development of Europeanbasic research. The combination of internationallyrecognised expertise in the areas of engineeringand science (ETH Zurich) with research centres forbiology, medicine and nanotechnology (University ofBasel) and the life sciences (University of Zurich) createsthe foundation for an integrated approach tosystems biology and is also extremely attractive topharmaceutical giants like Novartis and Roche. <strong>Swiss</strong><strong>Biotech</strong>net is another example of a successful networkingproject (see article on pages 14–15).ERNST & YOUNG ......is a leading audit and advisory services firmand provider of risk management, tax and legaladvisory services, transaction support andaccounting services. The <strong>Swiss</strong> Ernst &Youngis a member of the global network and employsaround 1’700 people.Jürg Zürcher (left) is Industry Leader for HealthSciences at Ernst & Young Switzerland. He is a <strong>Swiss</strong>Certified Accountant and partner of the firm.Markus Blaser is a <strong>Swiss</strong> Certified Accountantspecialising in biotech companies and a seniormanager at Ernst &Young Switzerland.@For further information please visitwww.ey.com/ch

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