Earth Week 2013 - City of Brantford

Earth Week 2013 - City of Brantford

Earth Week 2013 - City of Brantford


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<strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Brought to you by the<strong>Brantford</strong> / Brant <strong>Earth</strong><strong>Week</strong> Event Committee

<strong>Brantford</strong>/Brant <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong>• August <strong>of</strong> 2007 – <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong> EventCommittee formed• The purpose <strong>of</strong> the committee is to:*Promote / encourage / sponsor some localenvironmental events on or around April 22nd –<strong>Earth</strong> Day*Catalogue local events

<strong>Earth</strong> Day• April 22 nd <strong>of</strong> each year• Founded by U.S Senator Gaylord Nelson onApril 22 nd , 1970• designed to inspire awareness andappreciation for the <strong>Earth</strong>'s environment• 43 rd anniversary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Earth</strong> Day

<strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong> Event Committee• Partners – public citizens• Brant County Health Unit• Brant Historical Society• School Boards (BHNCDSB, GEDSB)• Brant Community Foundation• Brant County Power Inc.• Brant Roadside Tree Plant Program• Brant Rod & Gun Club• Brant Parks and Facilities• <strong>Brantford</strong> BIA• <strong>Brantford</strong> Parks and Recreation• <strong>Brantford</strong> Power Inc.• Grand River Conservation Authority• Habitat for Humanity Brant• Home Depot• Tim Horton Onondaga Farm (Canadian Chestnut Council )• Wilfred Laurier Eco Hawks

Grand River – riparian restorationApril 13 th , 2012Starring: Nathan MunnGRCA

Riparian Bird Box ProjectMay 2nd, 2012Starring – PJ/ GRCA

Blue Bird Boxes

E3 and Mohawk Canal Tree PlantingApril 19 th , 2012Starring: staff and studentsfrom Pauline Johnson

Mohawk Canal Riparian TreePlanting

Mohawk Canal Tree PlantingPartnersPauline Johnson Collegiate, Laurier <strong>Brantford</strong> Eco-Hawks, Echo Place School, Major Ballachey School,<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> – Parks and Recreation, BrantResource Stewardship NetworkSponsors & Funding:Laurier <strong>Brantford</strong> Community Environment Grant,Brant Community Foundation Grant, Pauline JohnsonFamily Studies Dept., Brantwood Farms

Brant Tree Coalition2005 - <strong>2013</strong>* Initially an industry led coalition*Today a community partnershipincluding industry, students, citizensand local government agencies.

Chronology• 2005 - Tree Nursery Planting at Apotex• 2006 - Sinclair Blvd. Industry participants• 2007- Sinclair Blvd. Industry participants• 2008 - Sinclair Blvd. Industry, students (First Year)• 2009 - Sinclair Blvd. Industry, students• 2010 - Sinclair Blvd. Industry, students• 2011 - Brant Park - Industry, students• 2012 - New Forest in the <strong>City</strong> – all hands on deck(Industry, Public, Students)

2012 “New Forest in the <strong>City</strong>”• 5 year plan• Create a new forest in the <strong>City</strong> (51 acres)• 50,000 native trees• 10,000 trees / year• Planting Primarily during <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong>• Environmental Restoration Opportunity

New Forest in the <strong>City</strong> – site cleanupApril 12, <strong>2013</strong>Starring:Pauline Johnson E3 class

New Forest in the <strong>City</strong> – Site Clean-up

New Forest – Rotary Club Tree PlantApril 19 th , <strong>2013</strong>Starring: Rotary Clubmembers

New Forest in the <strong>City</strong>, CommunityTree Planting EventApril 21st, <strong>2013</strong>Starring the community

Brant Tree Coalition – Tree PlantApril 23rd, <strong>2013</strong>Starring – high schoolstudents and industry

ReStore EventsApril 22 nd – 27 thStarring – ReStore (Habitat)

Clean & Green Community CleanupsApril 22 nd – 26 thStarring community Groups

Garbage bags and garbage pickup<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>– contact Kat Hodgins 519 – 756 - 1500County <strong>of</strong> Brant– contact Sonny Smith(519) 442-3342

Apotex Tree Nursery – TransplantApril 25 th

<strong>Brantford</strong> Community Projects – Apotex Nursery - 2005Community Nursery Planting <strong>Earth</strong> Day 2005A Cooperative Venture•Government•Community•Private Corporate49

2010 Planting SitesGrand RiverConservation AuthorityMap created: March 29, 2010Scale 1:8,000

<strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong> at Tim HortonOnondaga FarmsCONSERVATION TOURSw/o April 22ndBrought to you by theTim Horton Children’s Foundation& the Canadian Chestnut Council

Tour <strong>of</strong> camp (almost 400 acres) to talk about past and presentconservation strategies aimed at preserving and enhancing thebiodiversity <strong>of</strong> wetlands, forests and field habitats at THOF.

American ChestnutWhy are we interested this species?• Once the king <strong>of</strong> Carolinian forests• Canada’s ONLY native chestnut !• Nuts were food for settlers &wildlife• Almost wiped out by a seriouspathogen 100 years ago• Declared a threatened species inOntario in 1987• Now endangered

School Ground Greening2008 - <strong>2013</strong>

School Ground GreeningThe rationale:Protection from UV radiation – 80% <strong>of</strong> lifetimeexposure occurs before age <strong>of</strong> 18. One in sevenchildren born today will develop skin cancer(ref: BCHU)• Urban Heat sink protection• Passive vs. Active players• Stimulating environment• Environmental education – our modern daydisconnect.

<strong>Brantford</strong> / Brant School Ground GreeningTo: all Public and Separate Elementary Schools within <strong>Brantford</strong> and Brant County.Attention: School Principal*Does your school lack a healthy place to play, learn and develop a genuine respect for nature?*This is your chance to begin to change that …….by submitting your application for a School Ground GreeningBrought to you bythe <strong>Earth</strong> <strong>Week</strong> Event Committeein cooperation with Evergreen.

School Ground GreeningApril 23, 2012Starring: James HillierSchool

Thanks to:School Ground Greening SponsorsBrant Resource Stewardship NetworkLowes Home ImprovementS. C. Johnson and Son Ltd.Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds

School Ground Greening <strong>2013</strong>April 22, <strong>2013</strong>Starring: Grandview School

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