Crowhurst Bridge WTW - Drinking Water Inspectorate

Crowhurst Bridge WTW - Drinking Water Inspectorate

Crowhurst Bridge WTW - Drinking Water Inspectorate


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WATER INDUSTRY ACT 1991: SECTION 19(1)(b)THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD, AND RURALAFFAIRS:1) 1) is satisfied that South East <strong>Water</strong> Plc "the Company" is supplying water fromthe <strong>Crowhurst</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Treatment Works which may be at risk ofexceeding the standards for Metaldehyde. This means that the Company islikely to contravene its duty in respect of supplying water which meets theRegulations under Section 68(1)(a) of the <strong>Water</strong> Industry Act 1991 and meetsthe requirement set in regulation 4(2)(c) of the <strong>Water</strong> Supply (<strong>Water</strong> Quality)Regulations 2000.2) 2) has notified South East <strong>Water</strong> Plc on 28 August 2009 that he is consideringmaking in relation to the Company an enforcement order under Section 18 ofthe <strong>Water</strong> Industry Act 1991.3) 3) notes that South East <strong>Water</strong> Plc has on 28 January 2010 given anundertaking under Section 19(1)(b)of the <strong>Water</strong> Industry Act 1991 to take thefollowing steps by the dates shown:(a)(b)Ensure that metaldehyde has been assessed as a hazard as part of theregulation 27 risk assessment for the supply system supplied by <strong>Crowhurst</strong><strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>WTW</strong> following a <strong>Drinking</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Safety Plan approach.By 30 September 2009Submit a specific Action Plan identifying short, medium and long term mitigatingsteps to address metaldehyde issues in the connected supply system suppliedby <strong>Crowhurst</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>WTW</strong>. To include as a minimum the requirements within(c), (d) and (e) and review regularly.By 1 April 2010 and after changes made as a result of review, for theduration of the UndertakingShort term measures:(c)Develop and implement an enhanced monitoring strategy to supplementcurrent raw water and operational monitoring.By 1 April 2010 and after changes made as a result of review, for theduration of the UndertakingIf the concentration in any water sample exceeds the maximum deviation ofquality value set out in section 3 [10µg/l], take further measures to protectpublic health in consultation with the Local Authority and Health ProtectionUnit.For the duration of the undertakingReport exceedances of the 0.1 µg/l standard to DWI in accordance with thecurrent monthly exception reporting process.For the duration of the undertakingMid/Long term measures:

(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)Using the monitoring data and any other information that is available, carry outan assessment of the catchment to confirm the scope of metaldehydeexceedences – in particular, to confirm the discreet geographical areas of highhazard risk within the catchment.By 30 June 2010 and after changes made as a result of review, for theduration of the Undertaking.Carry out a review of the abstraction regime from the raw water source(s) withspecific focus on feasibility of using alternative supply arrangements when therisk of exceedences of the pesticide standards is high.By 31 December 2009 and after changes made as a result of review, forthe duration of the Undertaking.Ensure that existing processes at <strong>Crowhurst</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>WTW</strong> are optimised asfar as possible for metaldehyde reduction and that the potential for on-sitedilution with borehole is maximised.For the duration of the UndertakingCarry out programme of actions for catchment management (farm visits,briefings etc) in conjunction with ADAS and local catchment farming initiativesthrough Natural England and meet to review the effectiveness of catchmentmanagement measures progressed. Support initiatives for the control ofapplication of metaldehyde within the catchment.By 31 March 2013Continue to support industry investigations into the effectiveness, feasibility andcost of sustainable treatment options for metaldehyde.For the duration of the UndertakingLong term measures:(i)Continually appraise the risk of metaldehyde and total pesticides as hazardsas part of the regulation 27 Risk Assessment for the supply system associatedwith <strong>Crowhurst</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>WTW</strong> according to a <strong>Drinking</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Safety Planapproach, and ensure that Regulation 28 documents are regularly reviewedand updates provided.OngoingReporting:(j)At regular intervals provide DWI with reports on progress made with carryingout the steps contained within the Action Plan.Reports to include at least the following details: Metaldehyde results and trends for all sampling carried out on raw andfinal waters at <strong>Crowhurst</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>WTW</strong>; Current state of progress with catchment management measures(national and regional); Summary of effectiveness of catchment measures to date; Likely availability of treatment options.

For the duration of the undertaking, each report covering January toJune and July to December.(k)(l)Provide an interim report to DWI on the success of catchment and treatmentmeasures from this Undertaking, and develop further measures to securecompliance if required.By 31 March 2013Provide a final report to DWI on the efficacy of catchment solutions and theconclusions drawn from other investigational work carried out as part of theUndertaking. Include as evidence of closure for this scheme appropriatedocumentation to confirm that the actions set out in this Schedule of Work havebeen taken.By 31 March 20154) is satisfied that South East <strong>Water</strong> Plc has given and is complying with anundertaking to take all such steps as appear to the Secretary of State for thetime being to be appropriate to secure or facilitate compliance with therequirement of regulation 4(2)(c) of the <strong>Water</strong> Supply (<strong>Water</strong> Quality)Regulations 2000.Authorised by the Secretary of State to sign in that behalfMilo PurcellDeputy Chief Inspector<strong>Drinking</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Inspectorate</strong>DWI Ref No: SEW2723 21 May 2010

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