to download Eligibility Assessment Form - International Center

to download Eligibility Assessment Form - International Center

to download Eligibility Assessment Form - International Center


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Sl.UNIVERSITYOF MYSOREINTERNATIONAL CENTERUniversity of College of Fine Arts Premises, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006Passport sizePho<strong>to</strong>graphApplication <strong>Form</strong> for <strong>Eligibility</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> of Foreign Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates1. Name of the applicant as it appears in themarks transcript (in capitals)2. Place & Date of Birth (as in school records) Place Day Month Year3. Country, State and Place of Residence4. Nationality and Religion5. If you are an NRI/POI/POI Card Holder/OCI,please specify (Attach a copy of certificate)6. Gender (Enter ‘M’ or ‘F’)7. Marital Status8. Mother Tongue9. Name, Occupation & Address of Parent/Guardian/Spouse10. Name and Address of the Institution lastattended11. Highest examination passedExam.Year & MonthResult with Gradeand Percentage(Please provide a copy ofthe Conversion Table)12. Details about previous education No. ofyears(a) Primary School(b) Higher Primary/Middle School(c) High School(d) Higher Secondary/Pre-University(e) Undergraduate(f) Postgraduate13. Local address <strong>to</strong> which communication is<strong>to</strong> be sent with Telephone No. and Email ID14. Subjects offered at the qualifying examinationMedium ofInstructionLanguagesstudied

2…15. If you have taken an English Language Course, please provide the following details:Name of the Course Duration Institution offering thecourseTitle obtained aftercompletion of the course16. Courses of study the applicant wishes <strong>to</strong>pursue as a regular student in theUniversity of Mysore17. Passport Number, Date, Place of Issueand Date of Expiry18. Details of application fee and eligibility assessment fee paid(Challan number, date and amount)19. Documents <strong>to</strong> be enclosed:(a) Pho<strong>to</strong>copy of Marks Card/Transcripts/Marks Statement ofQualifying Examination (English Version)(b) Pho<strong>to</strong>copy of Degree Certificate(c) Pho<strong>to</strong>copy of Passport/Visa(d) Grade Conversion Table/Scheme of Examination/Syllabus(e) Original Challan for having paid the application fee andeligibility assessment fee(f) Any other certificate/information which supports theapplicant’s eligibility.Note:1. Issue of eligibility certificate does not confer right of admission or guarantee a seat, either in theUniversity/College/Department or in any of the affiliated Institutions.2. Issue of eligibility certificate is based on the authenticity of the school/university records/certificates and theadmission is liable <strong>to</strong> be cancelled at any time during the stay of the applicant in the University, if therecords/certificates are found incorrect.DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT1. I hereby affirm that I shall always abide by the rules and regulations of the University of Mysore and I shalladhere <strong>to</strong> the instructions issued by the University from time <strong>to</strong> time.2. I hereby affirm that I will undergo a medical examination soon after my arrival in India and that the medicalcertificate would be produced at the time of my admission <strong>to</strong> the College/Department.3. I solemnly declare that the particulars given above are correct and I submit myself <strong>to</strong> the disciplinaryjurisdiction of the authorities of the University who may be vested with the authority <strong>to</strong> exercise disciplineunder the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Rules that have been framed from time <strong>to</strong> time by theUniversity.Date :Place:Name, Address, Telephone No. and Email IDof the person applying for eligibility*Signature of the applicant* An authorized person can apply for assessment of eligibility on behalf of a candidate seeking admission <strong>to</strong> theUniversity, subject <strong>to</strong> production of valid documents as prescribed by the University.

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