The American Urological Association Erectile Dysfunction ... - Vastim
The American Urological Association Erectile Dysfunction ... - Vastim
The American Urological Association Erectile Dysfunction ... - Vastim
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<strong>The</strong> <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong><strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines PanelReport on<strong>The</strong> Treatment ofOrganic <strong>Erectile</strong><strong>Dysfunction</strong>Clinical Practice Guidelines
<strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines Panel Members and ConsultantsDrogo K. Montague, M.D.(Panel Chairman)Head, Section of Prosthetic SurgeryDepartment of Urology<strong>The</strong> Cleveland Clinic FoundationCleveland, OhioJames H. Barada, M.D.(Panel Facilitator)Northeast <strong>Urological</strong> SpecialistsAlbany, New YorkArnold M. Belker, M.D.Clinical ProfessorDivision of Urology/Department ofSurgeryUniversity of LouisvilleSchool of MedicineLouisville, KentuckyMembersLaurence A. Levine, M.D.Associate Professor of UrologyDepartment of UrologyRush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’sMedical CenterRush UniversityChicago, IllinoisPerry W. Nadig, M.D.Clinical Professor of UrologicSurgery<strong>The</strong> University of TexasHealth Science CenterSan Antonio, TexasIra D. Sharlip, M.D.Pan Pacific UrologySan Francisco, CaliforniaAlan H. Bennett, M.D.(Former Panel Chairman through1994)Murray Hill, New JerseyConsultantsClaus G. Roehrborn, M.D.(Facilitator/Coordinator)Assistant Professor of UrologyDepartment of Urology<strong>The</strong> University of TexasSouthwestern Medical CenterDallas, TexasPatrick M. Florer(Data Base Design and Coordination)Dallas, TexasCurtis Colby(Editor)Washington, D.C.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines Panel consists of board-certified urologistswho are experts in erectile dysfunction treatment. Portions of this Report on the Treatmentof Organic <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> were developed in parallel with the text for Impotence:Diagnosis and Management of <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong>, published by W.B. Saunders Companyin 1994, and appear in different forms in both publications.This report was extensively reviewed by nearly 50 urologists throughout the country in1995. <strong>The</strong> panel finalized its recommendations for the <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>(AUA) Practice Parameters, Guidelines and Standards Committee, chaired by Joseph W.Segura, M.D., in June 1996, and the AUA Board of Directors approved these practiceguidelines in July 1996.<strong>The</strong> Summary Report also underwent independent scrutiny by the Editorial Board of theJournal of Urology, and was accepted for publication and appeared in the December 1996issue. A Patient’s Guide and Evidence Working Papers have also been developed and areavailable from the AUA.<strong>The</strong> AUA expresses its gratitude for the dedication and leadership demonstrated by themembers of the <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines Panel in producing this guideline.ISBN 0-9649702-1-X
Introduction<strong>The</strong> treatment of impotence, more precisely termed erectile dysfunction, has receivedincreasing attention in recent years. <strong>The</strong>re are, however, considerable gaps in the knowledgebase. Little is yet known about prevalence and how it varies relative to such factors as patientage, race, ethnicity and concomitant disease. <strong>The</strong>re is much to be learned as well about thepathophysiology of erectile dysfunction. Although research in this area continues to burgeon,often the pathophysiology cannot be accurately classified in an individual patient.Nevertheless, the greater attention being given erectile dysfunction has begun to bear fruitin the form of improved diagnostic methodologies and new and improved nonsurgical treatmentmethods. Many patients and health care providers may not yet be fully aware of today’streatment options, but awareness is spreading rapidly; and treatment of erectile dysfunctionnow constitutes a sizable portion of the average urologist’s practice.To provide guidance regarding therapies for erectile dysfunction, the <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong><strong>Association</strong> (AUA) convened the <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines Panel and chargedit with the task of producing practice recommendations based primarily on outcomes evidencefrom the treatment literature. <strong>The</strong> result of the panel’s efforts is this Report on theTreatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong>.<strong>The</strong> panel was charged with producing recommendations to assist physicians specificallyin the treatment of acquired organic erectile dysfunction. <strong>The</strong> panel took diagnostic factorsinto consideration when necessary, but the focus of this report is the treatment of erectile dysfunction.<strong>The</strong> report also deals only peripherally with psychological factors and with otherforms of sexual dysfunction such as libido and ejaculatory disorders. <strong>The</strong> definition of thestandard patient is a man who develops erectile dysfunction after a well-established period ofnormal erectile function and whose erectile dysfunction is primarily organic rather than psychologicaland who has no evidence of hypogonadism or hyperprolactinemia.<strong>The</strong> panel recognizes, however, that it is important for urologists to diagnose and treat sexualproblems due to primary endocrine disorders. <strong>The</strong> panel also recognizes that there is frequentlya psychogenic overlay in the etiology of organic erectile dysfunction and there maybe a need with particular patients to combine different types of treatment, including sexualcounseling and in some cases psychotherapy.In general, treatment of erectile dysfunction is a rapidly evolving therapeutic area, but withvarious treatment choices and no clearly dominant therapy to date, making it an especiallyappropriate area for the kind of evidence-based practice recommendations offered in thisreport. A summary of this report has been published in the Journal of Urology (December1996), and A Patient’s Guide with illustrations of recommended treatments is available forpurchase through the AUA.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page i
Table of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iExecutive ummary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Definition and methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Physiology and prevalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Treatment methods and treatment outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Treatment recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Research recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Chapter 1 – Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Methods and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Literature searches and article review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Evidence combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Chapter 2 – <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction and its treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Treatment methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Chapter 3 – Outcomes of treatments for erectile dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21General categories of outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Combined outcomes data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Analysis of treatments and treatment outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Outcomes balance sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Chapter 4 – Recommendations for treatment of erectile dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Diagnostic assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Treatment recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Research recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Appendix A – Data presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Appendix B – Data extraction form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Production and layout bySuzanne Boland PopeLisa EmmonsTracy KielyBetty WagnerSally DriscollCopyright © 1996<strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Executive Summary –Report on the treatment of organic erectile dysfunctionDefinition and methodology<strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction, the more precise and nowpreferred term for impotence, is defined as “theinability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficientfor satisfactory sexual performance” (NIHConsensus Statement, 1992).To develop the recommendations in this Reporton the Treatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong>,the <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines Panelreviewed the literature available on treatment oferectile dysfunction, covering the period fromJanuary 1979 to December 1994, and extracted allrelevant data to estimate as accurately as possiblethe outcomes of the different treatment modalities.<strong>The</strong> panel followed an explicit approach to thedevelopment of practice recommendations, whichemphasizes the use of scientific evidence in estimatingoutcomes (Eddy, 1992). When the evidencehas limitations, they are clearly stated. When panelopinion is necessary, the explicit approach calls foran explanation of why it is necessary and/or discussionof the factors considered. For a full descriptionof the methodology, see Chapter 1.BackgroundResearch on etiology, diagnosis and treatmentof erectile dysfunction is relatively recent, and etiologicfactors and their interplay remain poorlyunderstood. Until the 1970s, erectile dysfunctionwas commonly attributed to psychogenic causes or,physiologically, to abnormalities in testosteronemetabolism. Studies since then indicate that,although testosterone deficiency may affect thelibido, it does not necessarily affect the ability tohave erections. Psychological factors, such asdepression, anxiety and the quality of relationshipswith sexual partners, obviously affect erectile function,but other factors may be involved as well.<strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction may be associated with psychogenic,neurogenic or vasculogenic factors orpenile structural factors such as Peyronie’s disease.In the majority of patients, erectile dysfunctionappears to stem from multiple factors acting in concert,although one set of factors may predominate.This report focuses on patients with acquired erectiledysfunction that is primarily organic in nature,excluding Peyronie’s disease and hypogonadismand other endocrine disorders.Physiology and prevalencePhysiologically, erectile response is a vascularevent initiated, in its most common form, by neuronalaction which integrates psychological stimuli,such as sexual perception and desire, and controlssympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of thepenis. Once initiated, a sexually stimulated erectionis maintained by a complex interplay between vascularand neurologic events, in which sensory stimulifrom the penis are especially important. Smoothmuscle relaxation, arterial dilation and venouscompression must occur simultaneously to createan erection. A defect in any of these three elements—problemswith smooth muscle relaxation,arterial insufficiency or corporovenous occlusivedysfunction—may cause or contribute to erectiledysfunction.Estimates of erectile dysfunction prevalencevary, but 10 to 20 million men in the United Statesare thought to be affected. If men with partial erectiledysfunction were included, the total wouldapproach 30 million (NIH Consensus Statement,1992). <strong>The</strong> majority of these men are older thanage 65. Age is a statistically significant predictor oferectile dysfunction (Goldstein and Hatzichristou,1994). <strong>The</strong> association between erectile dysfunctionand age has been attributed mostly to theincreased likelihood with aging of developing illnessessuch as diabetes and vascular disease thatare risk factors for erectile dysfunction, and to thegreater use of medications that may impair erectilefunction. <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction does not invariablyCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page Page 1 Executive Summary
occur with aging. In many men, erectile functionremains adequate well beyond age 80.Treatment methods andtreatment outcomesFive basic types of therapy reported in the literatureare potential options for treating organic erectiledysfunction:◆ Oral drug therapy;◆ Vacuum constriction device therapy;◆ Intracavernous vasoactive drug injectiontherapy;◆ Penile prosthesis implantation; and◆ Venous and arterial surgery.Probability estimates for outcomes of thesetherapies are shown in the outcomes balance sheettables on pages 24 to 25. <strong>The</strong> estimates, presentedin decimal form, can be converted to percentagesby moving the decimal point two places to theright.Oral drug therapyYohimbine, frequently prescribed as an oraltreatment for organic and psychogenic erectile dysfunction,is an indole alkaloid with a chemical similarityto reserpine. Until recently, published studiesof the effects of yohimbine on penile physiologyand human male sexual function described its useonly in combination with other agents. <strong>The</strong> drugwas grandfathered by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) in 1976, bypassing controlled trialsto demonstrate efficacy and safety in treating erectiledysfunction. Controlled efficacy studies usingyohimbine alone have been few and have only beenpublished since 1982.Based on the results to date, the efficacy ofyohimbine remains to be proven. For both return tointercourse and patient satisfaction followingyohimbine therapy, the outcomes balance sheetshows a probability estimate of only 24.7 percent.This is based on combined data for four patientgroups, 445 patients total. Three of the four patientgroups were placebo controlled, with a medianplacebo probability of 11.2 percent for patient satisfaction.<strong>The</strong> difference between yohimbine andplacebo, given the number of patients involved,does not exclude a pure placebo effect. Adverseevents from treatment are minimal and consistmainly of sympathetic stimulation.<strong>The</strong> status of other oral drugs for treatment oferectile dysfunction is still investigational. <strong>The</strong>sedrugs include oral phentolamine (not available inthe United States), trazodone and pentoxifylline.<strong>The</strong> efficacy of topical applications, such as minoxidiland nitroglycerin pastes, has also been studied.Reported results of recent studies of oral and topicaldrugs are discussed on pages 23 and 26 ofChapter 3.Vacuum constriction devices<strong>The</strong> vacuum constriction device (VCD) causespenile rigidity by means of a vacuum, and thentraps the blood in the penis with an elastic band,disk or O-ring placed around the base of the penis.<strong>The</strong> equipment includes a transparent plastic chamber,a hand-operated or electric (battery-powered)vacuum pump and the elastic band or other constrictiondevice.Vacuum pressure must be at least 100 mm Hg,but need not exceed 225 mm Hg. A vacuum regulatorto limit the maximum vacuum is essentialbecause excessive negative pressure increases thechances of ecchymosis and hematoma formation.To maintain rigidity when the vacuum is released,the elastic disk, ring or band is applied to constrictthe base of the penis. It must be tight enough tomaintain penile rigidity, but not so tight as to injurethe penis. Constriction sufficient to maintain rigiditymay safely be maintained for 30 minutes.Differences from a normal erection includedecreased penile skin temperature, cyanosis, distentionof the penile veins and increased penile circumference.<strong>The</strong> penis also pivots at the point ofconstriction, which may require the patient to stabilizethe penis during vaginal penetration. Whenvacuum-induced erection is not overly prolonged,injury to the penis is unlikely.<strong>The</strong> panel emphasizes that only prescriptionVCD equipment should be used. Rings made ofmetal or other inelastic materials should not beused as constriction bands.<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet shows relativelyhigh probability estimates for return to intercourseand for patient and partner satisfaction with use ofvacuum constriction devices. For occurrence ofpain, the balance sheet shows a probability estimateof 18.8 percent based on number of men reportingPage 2Executive SummaryCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
any degree of discomfort, however minor. Reportsspecifying the degree of discomfort indicate thatsevere pain occurs infrequently. Patient dropoutbecause of pain is also infrequent. For localadverse events, there is a probability of 9.5 percent.However, as noted in the discussion on page 27,most complications of vacuum device therapy areminor and require no treatment.Intracavernous vasoactive druginjection therapyVarious vasoactive drugs are available for intracavernousinjection therapy to treat erectile dysfunction.Currently papaverine, phentolamine andprostaglandin E1 (PGE1) are the most widely used,singly or in combination.Papaverine is an effective smooth muscle relaxant,but patients should be monitored for prolongederections, corporal nodules and plaques or fibrosis.Phentolamine, also a smooth muscle relaxant, seldomproduces a satisfactory erection when used asa single agent. It has often been used in combinationwith papaverine and more recently with PGE1to treat erectile dysfunction.PGE1 is one of a group of compounds, theprostaglandins, that occur naturally in the body andmediate a number of diverse physiologic processes.PGE1 is also referred to by the generic name of itssynthetic form, alprostadil, the form in which it isadministered. Under the trade name Caverject,alprostadil was approved by the FDA in 1995 forinjection therapy to treat erectile dysfunction.Patient and partner satisfaction rates of 70 percentand higher have been reported for alprostadil.Prolonged erection may occur, but the most frequentside effect is pain. <strong>The</strong> outcomes balancesheet shows the estimated probability of pain at23.3 percent. <strong>The</strong> estimated probability of prolongederection is 3.1 percent.<strong>The</strong> goal of intracavernous injection therapy isto achieve an erection that lasts sufficiently long forpatient and partner to engage in satisfactory foreplayand sexual intercourse, but the erection generallyshould not exceed one hour. <strong>The</strong> patient mustbe cautioned about the possibility of a prolongedpharmacologic erection, defined as an erection lastingmore than four hours or a painful erection ofshorter duration. (Prolonged pharmacologic erectionis discussed in detail on pages 17 to 18.)<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet shows fairly highprobability estimates for return to intercourse andpatient and partner satisfaction for the variousvasoactive agents, but some estimates are based onmeager data. Studies of papaverine and phentolamineused in combination provided the panelwith the largest amounts of extractable data.Studies reporting extractable outcomes data forPGE1 monotherapy (alprostadil) and the now widelyused papaverine/phentolamine/ PGE1 triple therapywere fewer. No data were available forPGE1/phentolamine combination therapy, which isconsequently absent from the balance sheet.For papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 triple therapy,the few available studies did not provide sufficientextractable information to generate probabilityestimates for patient and partner satisfaction orsystemic and local adverse events. <strong>The</strong> estimatedprobability for return to intercourse following tripletherapy is based on data from one study.Partner satisfaction data has been reported infew studies for any type of vasoactive drug injectiontherapy. <strong>The</strong> partner satisfaction estimates inthe balance sheet for papaverine/phentolamine andPGE1 therapies are each based on data from a singlestudy. For triple therapy no data were available.Penile prosthesis implantationPenile prostheses can be divided into two generaltypes: nonhydraulic and hydraulic. Nonhydraulicdevices are also commonly referred to as semirigidrod prostheses, and hydraulic devices are oftenreferred to as inflatable prostheses. Nonhydraulicprostheses include the <strong>American</strong> Medical Systems(AMS) Malleable 600/650, the DuraPhase/Dura-II(Dacomed), the Mentor Malleable and the MentorAcu-Form. Hydraulic devices include the AMSDynaflex (one-piece), the Mentor Mark II andAMS Ambicor (two-piece) and the AMS 700CX,AMS Ultrex and Mentor Alpha I (three-piece).<strong>The</strong>se devices are described in detail on pages 18to 19.<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet table for prosthesesshows a range of estimated probabilities for patientsatisfaction with various types of devices. <strong>The</strong>patient satisfaction rate is 83.3 percent for malleablesemirigid rod devices and 88.9 percent formulticomponent hydraulic devices. <strong>The</strong> 95.7 percentrate for mechanical (nonhydraulic) prostheseswas derived from combined data reported forDuraPhase/Dura-II (Dacomed) devices.<strong>The</strong> balance sheet table shows probability estimatesfor three undesirable outcomes: infection,mechanical failure and erosion. <strong>The</strong>se device problemsusually require reoperation.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 3Executive Summary
Venous and arterial surgeryVenous surgery to correct corporovenous occlusivedysfunction generally involves resection and/orligation of penile veins. Surgical techniques to correctarterial insufficiency of the corpora cavernosaare based on neoarterialization of the dorsal penileartery, cavernous artery and/or deep dorsal vein.<strong>The</strong> inferior epigastric artery is generally used asthe donor vessel.For venous surgery, the outcomes balance sheetshows an estimated probability for return to intercourseof 43.3 percent, based on data from 43patient groups (1,801 patients). <strong>The</strong> estimated probabilityfor patient satisfaction following venoussurgery is 43.8 percent. For arterial surgery, thebalance sheet shows an estimated probability of60.3 percent for return to intercourse (19 patientgroups, 713 patients). Also, it has been reportedthat approximately 25 percent of men who havehad vascular surgery (venous or arterial) can be salvagedwith the aid of vasoactive drug injectiontherapy.In general, surgical treatments for erectile dysfunctionof venogenic and/or arteriogenic origin arein an immature state of evolution. Almost all publishedstudies are based on nonstandardized diagnostictechniques, and on nonobjective and uncontrolledfollowup methods. In addition, there are anumber of well-known potential postoperativecomplications, such as infection, pain, postoperativepriapism, persistent edema, penile shorteningand glans hypervascularization (Jarow andDeFranzo, 1992; Wolf and Lue, 1992).Treatment recommendations<strong>The</strong> panel’s practice recommendations for treatmentof erectile dysfunction apply to the standardpatient. This patient is defined as a man who developserectile dysfunction after a well-establishedperiod of normal erectile function and whose erectiledysfunction is primarily organic rather thanpsychological and who has no evidence of hypogonadismor hyperprolactinemia.As previously stated, the panel generated itstreatment recommendations based both on outcomesevidence from the literature and on panelopinion. <strong>The</strong> recommendations were gradedaccording to three levels of flexibility, based on thestrength of the evidence and on the panel’s assessmentof patient preferences. <strong>The</strong>se three levels—standards, guidelines and options—are defined onpage 10. Standards have the least flexibility, guidelineshave significantly more flexibility and optionsare the most flexible. In this report, the terms areused to indicate the strength of the recommendations.A recommendation was labeled a standard,for example, if the panel concluded that it shouldbe followed by virtually all health care providersfor virtually all patients. Regardless of level of flexibility,the panel considered it important to considerlikely preferences of individual patients whenselecting from among the different treatments forerectile dysfunction.Recommended treatment modalitiesand patient informationFollowing are considerations for discussionwhen informing the patient about the three recommendedtreatment options: vacuum constrictiondevice (VCD) therapy, intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapy and penile prosthesisimplantation. (See first two recommendations onpage 6.) <strong>The</strong>se considerations include selection factorsand contraindications resulting from the diagnosticassessment. In the panel’s opinion, it isimportant to involve the partner in discussion oftherapeutic alternatives and treatment goals whenpossible. Interviewing and educating the partnercan alleviate much of the stress that erectile dysfunctionbrings to a relationship, with the goalbeing honest appraisal of the benefits and potentialdifficulties of therapy.Informing the patient about vacuumconstriction devices<strong>The</strong> VCD should be discussed as a treatmentoption based on the results of the diagnostic assessment.<strong>The</strong> discussion should be unbiased, andadvantages and shortcomings should be stated. <strong>The</strong>use of VCDs in conjunction with vasoactive druginjection therapy can also be discussed.<strong>The</strong> VCD will cause penile rigidity in most menthat is sufficient for vaginal penetration regardlessof the reason for erectile dysfunction. Men withdecreased penile sensation because of spinal cordinjury or other neurologic problems should use theVCD with caution. Only prescription vacuum constrictiondevices should be used, and constrictionshould not exceed 30 minutes.Page 4Executive SummaryCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Informing the patient about vasoactivedrug injection therapyAs with VCD therapy, intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapy should be presented as atreatment option in an unbiased manner, preferablyusing patient handouts or video presentations thatexamine the benefits and risks of each treatmentmodality available. Complications, including prolongederection, painful erection and fibrosis,should be discussed. Also as with VCD therapy, thepresentation should be based on the diagnosticassessment.A good response to test doses of vasoactiveagents during the diagnostic assessment in a patientwith organic erectile dysfunction or refractory psychogenicerectile dysfunction, indicates a suitablecandidate for treatment by vasoactive pharmacotherapy.However, a poor response may be situationaland does not necessarily preclude treatmentof the patient with vasoactive agents.Relative contraindications to vasoactive injectioninclude penile fibrosis, coagulopathy, uncontrolledpsychiatric disorders, regular use ofmonoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and severecardiovascular disease that could be exacerbated bya complication of the injection (Padma-Nathan,Goldstein, Payton, et al., 1987). Patients takingMAO inhibitors are at risk for hypertensive crisis ifadrenergic agents are used to treat prolonged erection.Patients with chronic systemic illnessesshould be followed in conjunction with their primaryphysician. Poor manual dexterity or morbid obesity,which could preclude self-injection, may beovercome by teaching the injection technique to anable and willing partner.Informing the patient about penileprosthesis implantationProsthesis implantation is a highly reliable butinvasive form of therapy. Candidates consideringthis treatment option should be aware that postoperativepain after implantation could be significantand typically lasts four to eight weeks, althoughthis is quite variable. Patients will need to restrictstrenuous physical activity for at least four weeks,and coitus should not be resumed for at least fourweeks.Complications, especially infection and erosion,need to be discussed. <strong>The</strong> patient should know thatinfection and erosion usually require deviceremoval. <strong>The</strong> patient also needs to know that anytype of penile prosthesis can fail mechanically, andthe probability of device failure tends to be proportionalto device complexity. <strong>The</strong> potential implantrecipient should be told that correction of devicefailure requires reoperation.<strong>The</strong> patient should be aware that implantationof a penile prosthesis does not ordinarily affectlibido, orgasm, ejaculation, urination or genital sensation.A few implant recipients experience unexplainablepersistent pain or decreased penile sensation.Fortunately, these complications are rare.It is important that potential implant recipientsunderstand that an erection produced by a prosthesisalways differs from a normal erection. Manyrecipients feel that the erection a prosthesis producesis shorter than a normal erection. Moreover,the appearance of the flaccid penis will be differentto some degree. <strong>The</strong>se departures from the normalstate are variable. <strong>The</strong> variability depends on thetype of prosthesis chosen, differences in the anatomyof individual patients and factors related to thehealing process.If the option of being implanted with a prosthesisis selected, the different prostheses offered bythe implanting surgeon should be comparativelydiscussed with the patient and, whenever possible,with the partner. No single prosthesis is best forevery patient. <strong>The</strong> patient’s or couple’s wishes areimportant factors in device selection.If the patient wants a simple device that has thelowest possibility of subsequent mechanical failureand he is willing to accept the limitations inherentin a nonhydraulic prosthesis, a malleable or positionableprosthesis can be considered. However, ifthe patient wants the most natural flaccidity anderection possible with today’s devices, a threepiecehydraulic prosthesis is the best choice.Other devices, such as one- and two-piecehydraulic devices, provide a compromise betweennonhydraulic and three-piece hydraulic devices.When considering hydraulic penile prostheses, factorssuch as patient motivation, intelligence, manualdexterity and strengths need to be considered inorder to avoid implantation of a device that thepatient will be unable to cycle.Although some penile implantations are doneusing local anesthesia (Dos Reis, Glina, Da Silva,et al., 1993; Kaufman, 1982), most continue to bedone using general, spinal or epidural anesthesia.<strong>The</strong> need for and the type of anesthesia should,therefore, be discussed.(continues on page 8)Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 5Executive Summary
RecommendationsRecommended treatment modalities and patient informationStandard: <strong>The</strong> patient and, when possible, his partner should be fully informedin an unbiased manner about recommended treatment options, their relative benefitsand potential complications.Guideline: Based on review of the literature and analysis of the data, the panelrecommends three treatment options for organic erectile dysfunction in the standardpatient, as this patient is defined on page 4. <strong>The</strong> three recommended treatmentsare: vacuum constriction device therapy, intracavernous vasoactive druginjection therapy and penile prosthesis implantation.Oral drug therapy (yohimbine)Guideline: Based on the data to date, yohimbine does not appear to be effectivefor organic erectile dysfunction, and thus should not be recommended as treatmentfor the standard patient.Vacuum constriction device (VCD) therapyGuideline: In order to optimize efficacy and safety, men interested in trying theVCD should be given individual instruction in its use. Only VCDs available byprescription should be used.Vasoactive drug injection therapyStandard: <strong>The</strong> physician should inform the patient using vasoactive drug injectiontherapy that a prolonged erection can occur and that the patient should presentfor treatment after a prolonged erection of four hours. <strong>The</strong> physician shouldbe familiar with the methods used to reverse a prolonged erection and shouldinform the patient of how to contact the treating physician or a knowledgeablesubstitute at any time.Guideline: For patients beginning initial therapy, PGE1 (alprostadil) monotherapyis preferred. For patients who fail PGE1 therapy because of pain or inadequateerection, other drugs should be considered.Guideline: For combination therapy, papaverine/phentolamine andpapaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 appear equally efficacious and safe. ForPGE1/phentolamine combination therapy, insufficient data have as yet beenreported in the literature; but panel opinion is that this combination appears to bean effective therapy.(continues on page 7)Page 6Executive SummaryCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Recommendations (continued)Option: Papaverine monotherapy may be considered in some patients becauseof lower risk of pain and lower cost in comparison with PGE1 monotherapy.Physicians using papaverine monotherapy should be aware of the higher risk ofprolonged erection and fibrosis as compared with PGE1 monotherapy.Penile prosthesis implantationStandard: Penile prosthesis implantation should not be performed in men withpsychogenic erectile dysfunction unless a psychiatrist or psychologist participatesin the preoperative evaluation and concurs with the need for prosthesisimplantation.Standard: <strong>The</strong> patient considering prosthesis implantation and, when possible,his partner should be informed of the following factors: types of prostheses;duration of postoperative pain and restriction of activity; possibility of infectionand erosion, mechanical failure and consequent reoperation; and differencesfrom the normal flaccid and erect penis.Standard: <strong>The</strong> implant recipient and, when possible, his partner should beinformed that penile prosthesis implantation may preclude subsequent successfuluse of a vacuum constriction device or vasoactive injection therapy.Standard: Surgery should not be done in the presence of systemic infection orcutaneous infection in the operative field. Prior to operation the absence of bacteriuriashould be confirmed.Venous and arterial surgeryGuideline: Based on the evidence to date, penile venous surgery is consideredinvestigational and should only be performed in a research setting with longtermfollowup available.Guideline: Arterial reconstructive and dorsal vein arterialization procedures inmen with arteriolosclerotic disease are investigational and should only be performedin a research setting with long-term followup available.Option: Arterial revascularization may be effective for treating young men withnormal corporovenous function who have arteriogenic erectile dysfunction secondaryto pelvic and perineal trauma.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 7Executive Summary
Costs can be an important factor in decision making,depending on the patient’s insurance coverageand/or financial resources. In general, the cost of aprosthesis is proportional to its design complexity.<strong>The</strong> surgical implantation fee usually depends ondevice complexity as well.Modality-specific recommendations<strong>The</strong> following discussion augments the modalityspecificpanel recommendations on pages 6 to 7.Recommendations and discussions are presented bymodality in the order in which the five modalitiesappear in the outcomes balance sheet.Oral drug therapy (yohimbine)In various populations of men with organicerectile dysfunction, yohimbine has shown only amodest beneficial effect, and there is a significantplacebo effect that may account for half of its beneficialeffect. Furthermore, based on present studies,the subpopulation of men with erectile dysfunctionwho are most likely to benefit from yohimbinetherapy cannot be accurately identified (see pages14 and 23).<strong>The</strong> status of other oral drugs for treatment oferectile dysfunction is investigational (see pages 23and 26).VCD therapySuccessful use of a VCD requires carefulinstruction. Patients who rely only on the manufacturer’sprinted or videotaped instructions are lesslikely to master the use of the VCD than those givena demonstration by a physician or experiencedmedical assistant (Lewis, Sidi and Reddy, 1991).Vasoactive drug injection therapy<strong>The</strong> choice of vasoactive pharmacotherapy totreat erectile dysfunction places the patient in thesituation of performing a minimally invasive druginjection on an intermittent basis. With any vasoactiveagent or combination, physicians should beprepared to aggressively treat all potential complications.(Treatment of prolonged pharmacologicerection is discussed on pages 17 to 18.) Complicationscan be minimized and patient acceptance andsatisfaction facilitated by careful attention to diagnosis,teaching and followup. Education of thepatient is particularly important to minimize frustrationand decrease the probability of untowardside effects. Good teaching of technical details anda willingness to elucidate difficulties in techniqueor to observe injection technique periodically maydecrease the incidence of improper injection andfailed responses. When appropriate, the patientshould be able to adjust within specific bounds thetotal dose of medication injected to match the specificsituation for which it is used. It is recommendedthat vasoactive drug injection therapy not beused more than once in a 24-hour period.Penile prosthesis implantation<strong>The</strong> ideal candidate for prosthesis implantationis the man with organic erectile dysfunction whofailed treatment by other means or finds other treatmentunacceptable and is a suitable surgical risk.Prosthesis implantation is not recommended forpatients in whom erectile dysfunction is situationalor reversible. Men with psychogenic erectile dysfunctionshould only be considered for penile prosthesisimplantation when sex therapy has failed anda prosthesis has been recommended by the therapistor the therapist believes that sex therapy is notfeasible for that individual or couple.Abnormalities of the tunica albuginea or fibrosisof the cavernosal tissue may complicate prosthesisimplantation. <strong>The</strong> penile prosthesis recipient shouldbe free of urinary tract infection and should haveno infections elsewhere in the body that mightresult in bacterial seeding during the healing phase.In addition, there should be no active dermatitis,wounds or other cutaneous lesions in the operativearea. Antibiotics to provide broad-spectrum coverageshould be administered, such that tissue levelsare adequate at the start of the operation. In diabeticimplant recipients, good control of diabetes mellitusmay reduce the risk of infection (Bishop,Moul, Sihelnik, et al., 1992).Prosthesis recipients with spinal cord injury areat increased risk for both infection and erosion(Golji, 1979; Rossier and Fam, 1984). Erosion inthese patients may occur in part because of infection,but lack of sensation also contributes to erosion.Inflatable prostheses in spinal cord injuredpatients offer a reduced risk of erosion. Inflatableprostheses are also considered advantageous inpatients, such as those with a history of bladdertumor or urethral stricture, who may require periodiclower tract endoscopic procedures.Uncircumcised men should be examined forabnormalities of the prepuce or glans penis. Mildphimosis or balanitis may be an indication for circumcisioneither before or at the time of prosthesisPage 8Executive SummaryCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
implantation. Postimplant problems with phimosisin uncircumcised men are unusual if foreskin andglans are normal.Venous and arterial surgeryAs discussed in Chapter 2 (page 20) andChapter 3 (pages 38 to 39), objective criteria toselect patients for penile vascular surgery still donot exist. In addition, the measures of success arenonstandardized and unpredictable. Postoperativesuccess in most surgical series has been based predominantlyon subjective patient reporting.Because patients are reluctant to have invasivestudies postoperatively, few studies report objectivepostoperative data such as from angiography orcavernosometry. Moreover, reported success rateshave been relatively low.Research recommendationsNew and better methods for evaluation of erectiledysfunction are clearly needed—beginning witha standardized diagnostic approach and establishmentof normal criteria for diagnostic tests. Amongtests needing standardization are vascular analysiswith duplex ultrasound, cavernosometry, cavernosographyand arteriography. Needed as well areexpanded research on evaluating nocturnal peniletumescence and rigidity and the development ofmethods for evaluating specific neurologic factorsin erectile dysfunction.For treatment, the ultimate goal is a therapy thatis not only reliable with minimal side effects, butsimple to employ. Such a therapy will most likelybe some form of oral or topical medication. Areasfor exploration include medications to activatevasodilation through actuation of nitric oxide synthesisand release, smooth muscle relaxants thatmay have specific receptors in the penile vasculatureand medications that may work on a centrallevel to inhibit the adrenergic response, particularlyin patients who have mild organic disease with apsychogenic overlay.Needed too are better-designed studies, includingwhere possible prospective, randomized, controlledtrials. Uniform methods of reporting outcomesare needed to produce more reliable datathat can be used for analysis. Especially needed arewell-designed prospective patient and partner satisfactionstudies for all treatment modalities.Meeting the need for better study design willrequire the development of standard criteria forreporting outcomes, including adverse events andspecific treatment complications, as well as thedevelopment of uniform inclusion/exclusion criteriafor enrolling patients in prospective trials. Betterstudy designs will also require the development ofoutcome assessment instruments, from sexual functionand sexual satisfaction questionnaires to physiologicassessment tools, that can be applied uniformlyto patients treated with different modalities.<strong>The</strong>re are, in addition, research needs specific toparticular treatment modalities. For vacuum constrictiondevices, which were developed empirically,scientific studies are now needed to addressphysiologic concerns, such as defining safe limitsfor negative pressure and constriction. For vasoactivedrug injection therapy, the ideal agent has yetto be developed. This would be an inexpensiveagent that is stable over time and provides a consistent,dose-dependent erection result with low riskof pain, prolonged erection or other complications.For penile prostheses, in addition to neededimprovements such as devices less subject tomechanical failure, more research is needed oncauses and prevention of infection—the single mostimportant problem associated with penile prosthesisimplantation.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 9Executive Summary
Chapter 1 – MethodologyMethods and definitions<strong>The</strong> recommendations in this Report on theTreatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> weredeveloped following an explicit approach to thedevelopment of practice policies (Eddy, 1992), asopposed to an approach that relies solely on panelconsensus without explicit description of evidenceconsidered.<strong>The</strong> explicit approach attempts to arrive at recommendationsthat consider the relevant factors formaking selections between alternative interventions.Such factors include estimated outcomesfrom the interventions, patient preferences and(when possible to assess) the relative priority of theinterventions for a share of limited health careresources. Emphasis is placed on scientific evidencein estimating the outcomes of the interventions.If the evidence has limitations, the limitationsare clearly stated. When panel opinion is necessary,the explicit approach calls for an explanation ofwhy it is necessary and/or discussion of the factorsconsidered.In developing the recommendations in thisreport, the <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical GuidelinesPanel made an extensive effort to review all the relevantliterature available on erectile dysfunctionand to estimate the outcomes of the different treatmentmodalities as accurately as possible. <strong>The</strong>review of the evidence began with a literaturesearch and extraction of outcomes data. <strong>The</strong> panelused the FAST*PRO meta-analysis package (Eddyand Hasselblad, 1992) to combine the outcomesevidence from the various studies, as described onpages 11 to 12.Estimates of outcomes for treatment modalitiesare arrayed in the outcomes balance sheet tables inChapter 3 (pages 24 to 25). A balance sheet, as theterm implies, displays the probability estimates fordesirable and undesirable outcomes to allow physiciansand patients to compare and evaluate the outcomesof various treatments. <strong>The</strong> balance sheettables in Chapter 3 show probability estimates ofoutcomes for five treatment modalities:◆ Oral drug therapy (yohimbine);◆ Vacuum constriction devices;◆ Intracavernous vasoactive drug injectiontherapy;◆ Penile prosthesis implantation; and◆ Venous and arterial surgery.Also discussed in Chapter 3 is evidence fromstudies that may not have provided outcomes datasuitable for meta-analysis, but provided usefulinformation considered by the panel in makingtreatment recommendations.<strong>The</strong> panel’s treatment recommendations andstatements in Chapter 4 are based on outcomes evidencefrom the literature and on panel opinion.Because existing studies of treatment modalities forerectile dysfunction report health outcomes variably,interpretation was often required to assesstreatment success or failure.Recommendations were graded according tothree levels of flexibility based on the strength ofthe evidence and the panel’s assessment of patientpreferences. <strong>The</strong> three levels (Eddy, 1992;<strong>American</strong> Academy of Family Physicians, 1995)are defined as follows:◆ Standard: A treatment policy is considered astandard if the outcomes of the alternative interventionsare sufficiently well-known to permit meaningfuldecisions and there is virtual unanimityabout which intervention is preferred.◆ Guideline: A policy is considered a guidelineif the outcomes of the interventions are sufficientlywell-known to permit meaningful decisionsand an appreciable but not unanimous majorityagree on which intervention is preferred.◆ Option: A policy is considered an option if(1) the outcomes of the interventions are not sufficientlywell-known to permit meaningful decisions;(2) preferences among the outcomes are notknown; (3) patients’ preferences are divided amongthe alternative interventions; and/or (4) patients areindifferent about the alternative interventions.Standards obviously have the least flexibility,guidelines have significantly more flexibility andPage 10Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
options are the most flexible. In this report, theterms are used to indicate the strength of the recommendations.A recommendation was labeled astandard, for example, if the panel concluded that itshould be followed by virtually all health careproviders who treat men with erectile dysfunction.Regardless of level of flexibility, the panel consideredit important to take into account likely preferencesof individual patients when selecting fromamong the different treatments for erectile dysfunction.Literature searchesand article reviewFrom January 1993 to January 1995, multipleliterature searches were performed, utilizing theMEDLINE data base and hand searching bibliographiesfrom published articles. <strong>The</strong> searches coveredstudies published in the period from January 1979to December 1994. <strong>The</strong>re were four basic reviewcriteria for panel acceptance of a study for dataextraction:◆ <strong>The</strong> study must have a defined population anddefined outcome(s);◆ <strong>The</strong> study must be published in a peer-reviewedpublication in the English language;◆ <strong>The</strong> data must be presented in raw form, not inpercentages or ratios; and◆ Treatment arms must be identifiable.A total of 1,888 articles was retrieved on thebasis of abstract review by panel members. Ofthese articles, 619 were selected by panel membersfor closer review. <strong>The</strong> final review stage yielded209 studies for entry into the data base for dataextraction. Figures A-3 and A-4 in Appendix Adepict the stages of review. Also see Table A-1 inAppendix A for titles, authors and sources of the209 articles from which outcomes data wereextracted. <strong>The</strong> data extraction form devised by thepanel to capture as much pertinent information aspossible from each of the 209 studies is provided inAppendix B.Articles cited in the text of this report, for referencingparticular points, were not necessarilyamong the articles that the panel reviewed toextract outcomes data. <strong>The</strong>se text citations alsoinclude articles published since the January 1995cutoff date for data extraction literature searches.Most studies rejected by the panel in selectingarticles for data extraction did not meet one ormore of the four basic review criteria. Studies werealso rejected for other reasons, such as informationduplicated in another article by the same author(s);device reported on (prosthesis or vacuum device)no longer available; no patients with organic erectiledysfunction (psychogenic only); diagnosticstudy without treatment outcomes data; review article(not a study and in some instances reviewingunpublished data); case report of treatment complication;and anecdotal information.Evidence combinationIn order to generate a balance sheet, estimatesof the probabilities and/or magnitudes of the outcomesare required for each alternative intervention.Ideally, these come from a synthesis of theevidence. This synthesis can be performed in avariety of ways depending on the nature and qualityof the evidence. For example, when there is onegood randomized controlled trial, the results of thatone trial alone may be used in the balance sheet.Other studies of significantly lesser quality may beignored.When there are no studies of satisfactory qualityfor certain balance sheet cells or the studies foundare not commensurable, the panel’s expert opinioncan be used to fill in those cells or they can remainblank with an indication of “No data.”When there are a number of studies that havesome degree of relevance to a particular cell orcells, then meta-analytic mathematical methodsmay be used. Different specific methods are availabledepending on the nature of the evidence. Forthe Report on the Treatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong><strong>Dysfunction</strong>, the panel elected to use the ConfidenceProfile Method (Eddy, 1989; Eddy,Hasselblad and Shachter, 1990). This methodallows analysis of data from studies that are notnecessarily randomized controlled trials. <strong>The</strong>FAST*PRO computer package (Eddy andHasselblad, 1992) was used in the analysis.<strong>The</strong> package was used to combine treatmentarms from various clinical studies to estimate outcomesfor a particular treatment. <strong>The</strong> studies thatwere combined frequently showed very differentresults, implying site-to-site variations. Because ofthe differences, a random effects or hierarchicalmodel was used to combine the studies.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 11
A random effects model assumes that for eachsite there is an underlying true rate for the outcomebeing assessed. It further assumes that this underlyingrate varies from site to site. This site-to-sitevariation in the true rate is assumed to be normallydistributed. <strong>The</strong> method of meta-analysis used inanalyzing the erectile dysfunction treatment dataattempts to determine this underlying distribution.<strong>The</strong> results of the Confidence Profile Methodare probability distributions. <strong>The</strong>y can be describedusing a median probability estimate with a confidenceinterval. In this case, the 95 percent confidenceinterval is such that the probability(Bayesian) of the true value being outside the intervalis 5 percent.Following is a simple example to illustrate useof the FAST*PRO software: Two studies looked ata certain outcome after a treatment for a given disease.In each study, 75 percent of the patients hadthe outcome. <strong>The</strong> first study had a total of 20patients, and the second had a total of 1,000. If thesoftware is used to update the probabilities for eachsite, the resultant (posterior) probability distributionsof the true probability of the outcome are asshown in Table 1 on this page (95% confidenceinterval column for studies 1 and 2). Note thatthere is a much wider confidence interval (CI),indicating much more uncertainty about the truevalue, for study 1 with 20 patients (95% CI: 0.536 -0.898) than for study 2 with a sample of 1,000(95% CI: 0.722 - 0.776).A third study involved 600 patients with 400(66.7 percent) having the outcome. <strong>The</strong> range ofuncertainty for this study is intermediate betweenthat of the first two studies. When all three studiesare combined using the Confidence Profile Methodas previously described, the result is the combinedprofile shown in the bottom row of the table. <strong>The</strong>95 percent confidence interval is narrow, indicatinglittle difference among studies. Since two studieshave the same result and the other is close, it is notsurprising that there would be minimal site-to-sitevariation suggested by these studies.<strong>The</strong> method of computation is Bayesian innature, which implies the assumption of a prior distributionthat reflects knowledge about the probabilityof the outcome before the results of anyexperiments are known. <strong>The</strong> prior distributionsTable 1: Meta-analysis exampleStudy Median 95% CI1 0.746 0.536 - 0.8982 0.750 0.722 - 0.7763 0.667 0.628 - 0.703Combination 0.716 0.687 - 0.743selected for this analysis are among a class of noninformativeprior distributions, which means thatthey correspond to little or no preknowledge. <strong>The</strong>existence of such a prior distribution can causesmall changes in results, particularly for small studies.In the foregoing example, for instance, themean of the distribution for the sample size 20 is0.746 rather than 0.75. <strong>The</strong> effect of the prior distributionis to slightly discount the value of theexperiment. This effect will not be pronouncedexcept in very small studies, and the combinationof multiple studies will reduce this tendency further.For the statistically sophisticated reader, the priordistribution for all probability parameters isJefferey’s prior (beta distribution with both parametersset to 0.5). <strong>The</strong> prior for the variance for theunderlying normal distribution is gamma distributedwith both parameters set to 0.5.Outcomes considered important to patientsreceiving treatment for erectile dysfunction wereanalyzed in the manner indicated previously.Evidence from all studies meeting inclusion criteriathat reported a certain outcome were combinedwithin each treatment modality.As stated previously, the existing studies oferectile dysfunction treatments report their datavariably. <strong>The</strong> probabilities for certain outcomes canvary widely from study to study within a treatmentmodality. Such variability may result in wide confidenceintervals, reflecting either considerableuncertainty about the outcome or considerable differencesamong sites and practitioners. <strong>The</strong> outcomeprobabilities in this report represent the bestestimates possible at the present time, pending newstudies reporting more reliable data from prospectiveclinical trials.Page 12Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Chapter 2 – <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction and its treatmentsBackground<strong>The</strong> National Institutes of Health ConsensusDevelopment Conference on Impotence (December7-9, 1992) defined impotence as “male erectile dysfunction,that is, the inability to achieve or maintainan erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance”(NIH Consensus Statement, 1992). <strong>Erectile</strong>dysfunction is the more precise term, especiallygiven the fact that sexual desire and the ability tohave an orgasm and ejaculate may well be intactdespite the inability to achieve or maintain an erection.Research on etiologies, diagnoses and treatmentsof erectile dysfunction began to escalate inthe 1970s and has continued to escalate since.Possible social factors stimulating this researchinclude an aging population, a new awareness ofsexuality and the refusal by many older men toaccept erectile dysfunction as an inevitable part ofthe aging process.Most research is relatively recent, and etiologicfactors and their interplay are still poorly understood.Until the 1970s, erectile dysfunction wascommonly attributed to psychogenic causes or,physiologically, to abnormalities in testosteronemetabolism. Studies since then indicate that althoughtestosterone deficiency may affect thelibido, it does not necessarily affect the ability tohave erections (Bancroft and Wu, 1983; Kaiser,Viosca, Morley, et al., 1988; Lue, 1991). Psychologicalfactors, such as depression, anxiety and thequality of relationships with sexual partners, obviouslyaffect erectile function, but other factors maybe involved as well. <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction may beassociated with psychogenic, neurogenic or vasculogenicfactors or with penile structural factors,such as Peyronie’s disease.In the majority of patients, erectile dysfunctionappears to stem from multiple factors acting in concert,although one set of factors may predominate.This Report on the Treatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong><strong>Dysfunction</strong> focuses on patients with acquired erectiledysfunction that is primarily organic in nature,excluding Peyronie’s disease and hypogonadismand other endocrine disorders.PhysiologyIn its most common form, erectile response is avascular event initiated by neuronal action that integratespsychological stimuli, such as sexual perceptionand desire, and controls sympathetic andparasympathetic innervation of the penis. A sexuallystimulated erection, once initiated, is maintainedby a complex interplay between vascular and neurologicevents, in which sensory stimuli from thepenis are especially important (NIH ConsensusStatement, 1992).A key element in the physiology of erections isrelaxation of corporal smooth muscle. During periodsof penile flaccidity, the corporal smooth muscleis in a state of tonic contraction maintained by anunderlying sympathetic tone (adrenergic tone). Asthe smooth muscle relaxes, the sinusoidal spacesengorge with blood, coinciding with an increase inpenile arterial inflow in response to the simultaneousrelaxation of arterial smooth muscle. <strong>The</strong> emissaryveins between the sinusoids and the tunicaalbuginea are compressed, retarding venous outflowfrom the corporal bodies. As inflow exceeds outflow,tumescence ensues. Continued stimulationfurther increases smooth muscle relaxation, and theincreased turgor of the corporal tissue against theunyielding tunica albuginea increases intracavernosalpressure, resulting in a rigid erection. Thus,an erection is a mechanical manifestation of ahemodynamic event (Barada and McKimmy,1994).Smooth muscle relaxation, arterial dilation andvenous compression must occur simultaneously tocreate an erection. A defect in any one of thesethree elements could cause or contribute to erectiledysfunction. Various combinations of partiallyreduced arterial inflow and/or venous compressionand/or smooth muscle relaxation may also accountfor erectile dysfunction in many men (Sharlip,1994).Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 13
Prevalence of erectile dysfunctionand relation to ageEstimates of the prevalence of erectile dysfunctionvary, but 10 to 20 million men in the UnitedStates are thought to be affected. When men withpartial erectile dysfunction are included, the totalapproaches 30 million (NIH Consensus Statement,1992).<strong>The</strong> majority of these men are older than age65. <strong>The</strong> NIH Consensus Statement reported an estimatedprevalence among U.S. men of about 5 percentat age 40, increasing to 15 to 25 percent at age65 and older. Other reports have also pointed out aclear association between erectile dysfunction andage. For example, the Massachusetts Male AgingStudy (MMAS) surveyed 1,290 men between theages of 40 and 70, in 11 randomly selected citiesand towns near Boston (Feldman, Goldstein,Hatzichristou, et al., 1994). <strong>The</strong> overall probabilityof erectile dysfunction (minimal, moderate andcomplete) was found to be 38.9 percent at age 40and 67.1 percent by age 70. Moreover, age wasfound to be a statistically significant predictor oferectile dysfunction (Goldstein and Hatzichristou,1994).This association between erectile dysfunctionand age has been attributed mostly to the increasedlikelihood with aging of developing illnesses, suchas diabetes and vascular disease, that are risk factorsfor erectile dysfunction, and to the greater useof medications that may impair erectile functioning(Feldman, Goldstein, Hatzichristou, et al., 1994;Gundle, Reeves, Tate, et al., 1980; Jünemann,Persson-Jünemann and Alken, 1990; Morley, 1988;Morley, Korenman, Mooradian, et al., 1987;Mulligan, Retchin, Chinchilli, et al., 1988; Oaksand Moyer, 1972; Slag, Morley, Elson, et al., 1983;Virag, Bouilly and Frydman, 1985; Wabrek andBurchell, 1980; Whitehead and Klyde, 1990).Other factors may be involved, such as the possibilitythat greater risks for peripheral neuropathy andloss of smooth muscle elasticity may be associatedwith aging; but there is no conclusive evidence forsuch an association.By no means, of course, does erectile dysfunctioninvariably occur with aging. In many men,erectile functioning remains adequate well past theage of 80.Treatment methodsFive basic types of therapy reported in the literatureare potential options for treating organic erectiledysfunction:◆ Oral drug therapy;◆ Vacuum constriction device (VCD) therapy;◆ Intracavernous vasoactive drug injectiontherapy;◆ Penile prosthesis therapy; and◆ Venous and arterial surgery.Oral drug therapyYohimbine is a drug frequently prescribed as anoral treatment for organic and psychogenic erectiledysfunction. It is an indole alkaloid with a chemicalsimilarity to reserpine. Among its properties is aselective inhibition of alpha 2 -adrenergic receptors.In humans, yohimbine can cause elevations ofblood pressure and heart rate, increased motoractivity, irritability and tremor (Weiner, 1985).Yohimbine has long been considered an aphrodisiac.Until recently, however, published studies ofits effects on penile physiology and male sexualfunction reported its use only in combination withother agents (Margolis, Prieto, Stein, et al., 1971).Yohimbine increases sexual motivation in rats(Clark, Smith and Davidson, 1984), but this aphrodisiaceffect has not been confirmed in humans.<strong>The</strong> drug was grandfathered by the FDA in 1976,bypassing controlled trials to demonstrate efficacyand safety for its use in treating erectile dysfunction.Controlled studies of its efficacy, when usedalone for that purpose, have been few and haveappeared only since 1982 (Morales, Condra, Owen,et al., 1987; Morales, Surridge, Marshall, et al.,1982; Reid, Surridge, Morales, et al., 1987; Susset,Tessier, Wincze, et al., 1989). Based on the resultsto date, the efficacy of yohimbine clearly remainsto be proven. (See the outcomes balance sheet onpage 24 and the analysis on page 23 of Chapter 3.)Other oral drugs being tested for treatment oferectile dysfunction include oral phentolamine (notavailable in the U.S.), trazodone and pentoxifylline.In addition, the efficacy of topical applications suchas minoxidil and nitroglycerin pastes has beenstudied. <strong>The</strong> status of all these drugs is consideredPage 14Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
investigational. Reported results of recent studiesare discussed on pages 23 and 26 of Chapter 3.Vacuum constriction device (VCD)therapy<strong>The</strong> prototype of the present VCD was developedearly in this century, but inexplicably itremained obscure for almost seven decades. <strong>The</strong>first scientific report of the safety and efficacy ofthe VCD was published in 1986 (Nadig, Ware andBlumoff, 1986). Since that time, the VCD hasgained acceptance and popularity among physiciansand patients. It is now widely prescribed forerectile dysfunction and is recognized as the safestand least expensive treatment available (Aloui,Iwaz, Kokkidis, et al., 1992; Blackard, Borkon,Lima, et al., 1993; Cookson and Nadig, 1993; vanThillo and Delaere, 1992; Vrijhof and Delaere,1994).<strong>The</strong> VCD causes penile rigidity by means of avacuum, then traps the blood in the penis with anelastic band, disk or O-ring placed around the baseof the penis. <strong>The</strong> equipment consists of a transparentplastic chamber, a hand-operated or electric(battery-powered) vacuum pump and the elasticband or other constriction device. <strong>The</strong> vacuumchamber must be of a length and diameter toaccommodate the patient’s penis. One end of thevacuum chamber is open. If the opening is of optimumsize, the expanded penis fills the proximalpart of the cylinder helping to seal the vacuum. Ifthe opening is not large enough, the penis cannotexpand completely and will not become rigid. Ifthe opening is too large, the vacuum will be difficultto maintain and loose scrotal skin can bepulled into the cylinder.Before using the VCD, a water-soluble lubricantis applied generously to the penis, particularly at itsbase, where an airtight seal must form. <strong>The</strong> penis isthen placed in the chamber, pressing the base of thechamber tightly against the pubic bone, and a vacuumis applied for approximately six minutes. Improvedpenile rigidity results from the technique ofdouble pumping, that is, applying the vacuum forone to two minutes, relieving it momentarily andreapplying it for an additional three to four minutes.Vacuum pressure must be at least 100 mm Hg,but need not exceed 225 mm Hg (Nadig, 1989). Avacuum regulator to limit the maximum vacuum isessential because excessive negative pressureincreases the chances of ecchymosis and hematomaformation. Men taking aspirin or other anticoagulantsare more likely to have this complication.To maintain rigidity when the vacuum isreleased, the elastic disk, ring or band is applied toconstrict the base of the penis. It must be tightenough to maintain penile rigidity, but not so tightas to injure the penis. Constriction sufficient tomaintain rigidity may safely be maintained for 30minutes. Severe penile cellulitis was reported inone case study of a spinal cord injured man whofell asleep for four hours with three constrictionbands on his penis (LeRoy and Pryor, 1994).<strong>The</strong> erection-like state caused by the VCD differsin a number of ways from a normal erection.Differences include decreased penile skin temperature,cyanosis and distention of veins of the penis,and increased penile circumference. <strong>The</strong>se changesresult from a decrease in penile arterial flow andpartial obstruction of all the veins of the penis(superficial and cavernosal). <strong>The</strong> penis also pivotsat the point of constriction, which may require thepatient to stabilize the penis during intercourse.<strong>The</strong> corporal distention that occurs is passive, andthe corporal cross-sectional area does not increaseto the extent of a natural or pharmacologicallyinduced erection. Penile blood stasis occurs duringa vacuum-induced erection, and a state of relativeischemia exists while the constricting band is inplace (Broderick, McGahan, Stone, et al., 1992). Toreduce the risk of injury to the penis, the vacuuminducederection should not be overly prolonged.Constriction bands alone can be used to maintainbut not initiate an erection. No reports of theindications for this use or of its efficacy have yetappeared in the peer-reviewed literature, butbecause constriction bands maintain the rigidity ofa vacuum-induced erection, they should be expectedto maintain a physiologically normal erectionand can be recommended for trial by selectedpatients.<strong>The</strong> panel emphasizes that only prescriptionVCD equipment should be used. Rings made ofmetal or other inelastic materials should not beused as constriction bands.Intracavernous vasoactive druginjection therapyClinical use of intracavernous vasoactive druginjection therapy to treat erectile dysfunction wasdeveloped independently by Virag (1982) andBrindley (1983), and has since become one of theCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 15
most common and effective methods of treatment.In addition, some men report an increase in frequencyof spontaneous erections with regular selfinjectiontherapy (Marshall, Breza and Lue, 1994).Various agents are now available for this therapyand more are being developed. Currently the mostwidely used drugs, either singly or in combination,are papaverine, phentolamine and PGE1.Papaverine is an effective smooth muscle relaxant.Its plasma half-life is one to two hours(Hakenberg, Wetterauer, Koppermann, et al., 1990;Tanaka, 1990), but it remains active within thepenis much longer. Patients should be monitoredfor the development of prolonged erections, corporalnodules and plaques or fibrosis (Needleman,Corr and Johnson, 1985; Seidmon and Samaha,1989). Currently, papaverine treatment for erectiledysfunction is an off-label use. In addition, its distributionoutside of hospital pharmacies has beenrestricted recently.Phentolamine is a competitive, nonspecific,alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonist. It is also asmooth muscle relaxant. Phentolamine seldom producesa satisfactory erection when used as a singleagent. It has often been used in combination withpapaverine, and more recently with PGE1, to treaterectile dysfunction. <strong>The</strong> addition of phentolaminespeeds the onset of tumescence and rigidity andallows for lower doses of the primary agent. It hasa plasma half-life of 30 minutes. Intravenouslyadministered phentolamine (used for treatinghypertension) may cause tachycardia, orthostatichypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectorisand abdominal pain because of intestinal hyperperistalsis(Needleman, Corr and Johnson, 1985). Fortunately,these effects are rarely, if ever, seen withintracavernous injection of phentolamine (Jünemannand Alken, 1989).PGE1, administered with increasing frequencyto treat erectile dysfunction, is one of a group ofcompounds, the prostaglandins, that also occur naturallyin the body and mediate a number of diversephysiologic processes (Linet and Neff, 1994). Withonly slight variations in structure, prostaglandinscan produce markedly different effects. For example,whereas PGE1 is a potent smooth musclerelaxant, another prostaglandin (PGF2a) is a potentagent for causing smooth muscle to contract(Hedlund and Andersson, 1985).Throughout the remainder of this report, PGE1is also referred to by the generic name of its syntheticform, alprostadil, the form in which it isadministered. Under the trade name Caverject,alprostadil was approved by the FDA in 1995 forinjection therapy to treat erectile dysfunction.Patient and partner satisfaction rates of 70 percentand higher have been reported (Godschalk, Chen,Katz, et al., 1994; Linet and Neff, 1994; Livi,Faggian, Sorbara, et al., 1993; von Heyden, Donatucci,Kaula, et al., 1993).Prolonged erection may occur, but the most frequentside effect of intracorporeal alprostadil ispain (Jünemann and Alken, 1989; Linet and Neff,1994; von Heyden, Donatucci, Kaula, et al., 1993).<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet shows the estimatedprobability of pain at 23.3 percent. <strong>The</strong> estimatedprobability of prolonged erection is 3.1 percent.One case has also been reported of penile curvatureand development of a Peyronie’s-like plaque afternine months of alprostadil self-injection by thepatient (Chen, Godschalk, Katz, et al., 1994).Use of vasoactive agentsFor using intracavernous vasoactive agents,singly or in combination, the first step is an officetest injection. Visual sexual stimulation or manualgenital stimulation following injection of a testdose may be used to achieve a better result.Following dose titration, it is important to instructthe patient in self-injection, emphasizing cleantechnique with a sterile solution and needle (Parfitt,Wong, Dobbie, et al., 1992). Patient education inpenile anatomy appropriate to intracavernous injectionis also important.<strong>The</strong> goal of intracavernous vasoactive injectiontherapy is to achieve an erection that lasts sufficientlylong for patient and partner to engage insatisfactory foreplay and sexual intercourse, but theerection generally should not exceed one hour. <strong>The</strong>patient must be cautioned about the possibility of aprolonged pharmacologic erection, defined as anerection lasting more than four hours or a painfulerection of shorter duration. (Prolonged pharmacologicerection is discussed in detail in this sectionon pages 17 to 18.)If a prolonged erection occurs, the patientshould know how to contact the treating physicianor a knowledgeable physician substitute at any timefor instructions. If the physician is unavailable, thepatient should know to report to the appropriateemergency facility. A physician who prescribesintracavernous vasoactive injection therapy shouldbe familiar with the use of alpha-sympathetic agonistsand injection/irrigation protocols for suchagents in order to reverse prolonged pharmacologicerections that may occur.Page 16Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Long-term followup includes examinationregarding corporal fibrosis, review of injectiontechnique and patient adjustment as necessary forsatisfaction with this technique.Intracavernous vasoactive injection therapy hasbeen successfully used in special populations, suchas patients with psychogenic erectile dysfunction(Dhabuwala, Kerkar, Bhutwala, et al., 1990; Turner,Althof, Levine, et al., 1989; Weiss, Ravalli andBadlani, 1991); with spinal cord injuries (Bodner,Leffler and Frost, 1992; Earle, Keogh, Ker, et al.,1992); and elderly patients (Kerfoot and Carson,1991; Richter, Gross and Nissenkorn, 1990).Patients who have psychogenic or neurogenic erectiledysfunction generally require reduced doses ofvasoactive agents to achieve satisfactory erections,compared to patients who have diabetic or vascularcauses for erectile dysfunction. Elderly patientsmay require special instruction for injection techniquesbecause of poor hand-to-eye coordination.In some cases, the partner may need to be instructedin injection techniques.Prolonged pharmacologic erectionWith the use of various intracavernous vasoactivedrugs, the iatrogenic prolonged pharmacologicerection has become a concern for physicians.Because the definitive diagnosis of erectile dysfunctionetiology is as much a function of diagnosticexperience as of reliance on objective testing,prolonged erection following intracavernousvasoactive drug injection is most commonly seenduring office diagnostic testing and dose titrationand in the early stages of home use.Patients with a psychogenic or neurogenic etiologyare more likely to be sensitive to vasoactivedrugs, with a smaller margin of safety between anerection of sufficient rigidity and duration and aprolonged pharmacologic erection that requirestreatment. Also, men who fail to achieve an adequateerection following injection of the prescribeddose may proceed to “double-inject” with a variablesecond dose. <strong>The</strong> cumulative dose results in anunpredictable response and may increase the risk ofprolonged erection.Definitions of prolonged pharmacologic erectionvary in the literature, but the urgency for treatmentis uniformly accepted. Prolonged pharmacologicerection is on the priapism continuum and, ifleft untreated, the subsequent smooth muscle fibrosisand lack of response to vasoactive agents areindistinguishable from classic priapism. As yet, theincidence of significant changes, histologic or clinical,following a prolonged pharmacologic erectionis unknown.<strong>The</strong> optimal time between onset of erection andthe reversal treatment to induce detumescence isalso not known. <strong>The</strong> interval may vary dependingon the agents used, with longer intervals foralprostadil compared to papaverine/phentolaminecombinations. In the panel’s opinion, patientsshould be instructed to contact their treating physicianswhen a rigid erection does not subside withinfour hours. Treatment should occur as soon as feasible.(By the time patients present for treatment,the interim since injection has usually been six toeight hours.) Prolonged pharmacologic erection caneventually result in ischemic priapism with damageto cavernosal smooth muscle tissue because ofhypoxia.In treating prolonged pharmacologic erection,the goal is to restore the flaccid penile hemodynamics;that is, to lower arterial inflow, contractsinusoidal spaces and enhance venous outflow. <strong>The</strong>patient who presents relatively early may onlyrequire aspiration of blood or a single injection ofphenylephrine followed by a period of observation.More commonly, it is necessary to reverse the pharmacologicerection using corporal injection or irrigationwith alpha-adrenergic agents.Aspiration and irrigation permit removal of theresidual inciting pharmacologic agent as well as theaddition of a reversing agent. <strong>The</strong> most widely usedagents are dilute solutions of phenylephrine or epinephrine.One effective method is to aspirate 10 mlof blood followed by injection of 0.5-1 ml of asolution using 10 mg/ml phenylephrine mixed with19 ml saline (Lue, 1995: personal communication).<strong>The</strong> choice of phenylephrine is due to its alpha1selective action and lack of beta1 activity.Metaraminol as a vasoactive agent for the treatmentof prolonged pharmacologic erection is to be avoidedbecause of potential hypertensive crisis anddeath (Lue and McAninch, 1988; Stanners andColin-Jones, 1984).Precautions to prevent systemic toxicityinclude aspiration prior to injection, using lowvolumes of the reversal agents and the avoidanceof injection/aspiration after detumescence isachieved. Because of the potential for hypertension,tachycardia and arrhythmias from systemicabsorption, the patient should have blood pressureand heart rate monitoring. Failure to respond tocorporal aspiration/irrigation with alpha-adrenergicagents or persistence of hyperviscous ischemicCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 17
lood is an indication for formal corporal shuntingby percutaneous or open methods (Grayhack,McCullough, O’Conor, et al., 1964; Quackels,1964; Sacher, Sayegh, Frensilli, et al., 1972;Wendel and Grayhack, 1981; Winter, 1976).Penile prosthesis therapyPenile prostheses can be divided into two generaltypes: nonhydraulic and hydraulic. Nonhydraulicdevices are also commonly referred to as semirigidrod prostheses, and hydraulic devices are oftenreferred to as inflatable prostheses. Unless otherwisestated, exposed surfaces of prostheses aremade of medical grade silicone.Nonhydraulic implant types<strong>The</strong> <strong>American</strong> Medical Systems (AMS)Malleable 600 prosthesis is a paired, malleable, silicone,semirigid rod device. Adjustment betweensizes is made by adding rear tip extenders. Experiencewith the AMS Malleable 600 device has beenfavorable (Dorflinger and Bruskewitz, 1986; Mouland McLeod, 1986). To date no mechanical failureshave been reported with this device. A modification,the AMS Malleable 650, has been recentlyintroduced.<strong>The</strong> DuraPhase penile prosthesis consists ofpaired cylinders containing 12 polysulfone segmentsthat articulate with adjacent segments andare movable through an angle of approximately 17degrees. A stainless steel cable runs through thecenter of each segment, and a spring on each endmaintains constant tension between the segments.Each prosthetic cylinder is covered with polytetrafluoroethylene,and varying sized proximal and distaltips are attached to produce the proper length.This prosthesis design produces better device positionabilitythan other implants. Early experiencewith the prosthesis has been encouraging(Hrebinko, Bahnson, Schwentker, et al., 1990;Thompson, Rodriquez and Zeidman, 1990).However, in a multicenter study, four cable breaksoccurred in 63 implant recipients (Mulcahy, Krane,Lloyd, et al., 1990). <strong>The</strong> Dura-II prosthesis is arecently introduced, newly designed version replacingthe DuraPhase device.<strong>The</strong> Mentor Malleable penile prosthesis is apaired, semirigid rod device containing a coiledwire for malleability and enhanced columnstrength. Length adjustment is made by trimmingthe prosthesis at the desired cm mark and thenapplying a standard ±0.5 or ±1 cm tail cap.<strong>The</strong> Mentor Acu-Form penile prosthesis is asemirigid rod prosthesis that contains no coiledwires.Hydraulic implant typesOne-piece: <strong>The</strong> AMS Dynaflex penile prosthesisis currently the only one of this design available.<strong>The</strong> prosthesis is a paired, hydraulic devicetotally confined within the corpora cavernosa. <strong>The</strong>pump for this prosthesis is the distal portion of thedevice, and the reservoir is the proximal portion.Adjustment between lengths is made by the additionof one or more snap-on rear tip extenders.Two-piece: Mentor introduced a two-piece prosthesisin 1988. <strong>The</strong> cylinders of this device are constructedfrom Bioflex, a polyurethane polymer.<strong>The</strong>y are connected to a scrotal component, whichis both a pump and a fluid reservoir. Rear tip extendersare supplied to make length adjustments. Thisdevice was later named the Mentor G.F.S. inflatableprosthesis. After connectors were eliminated fromthe device, it was renamed the Mark II InflatablePenile Prosthesis. One patient satisfaction study(Fein, 1994) reported only one mechanical failurewith the Mark II in a group of 138 patients followedfor 12 to 50 months (mean followup 31.7months).<strong>American</strong> Medical Systems introduced a twopieceprosthesis in 1994. This device, the Ambicorprosthesis, consists of paired corporal cylindersconnected to a small scrotal pump. <strong>The</strong> fluid reservoirsare in the rear tips of the penile cylinders. <strong>The</strong>cylinders have a nondistensible design. Whendeflated, the cylinders are partially collapsed andlack significant rigidity. When the scrotal pump isused to transfer fluid into the cylinders, theybecome full without stretching. Further cycling ofthe pump then results in high cylinder pressuresand penile rigidity. Adjustment between lengths ismade by the addition of one or more 0.5 cm reartip extenders.Three-piece: <strong>The</strong> Scott inflatable penile prosthesismanufactured by <strong>American</strong> Medical Systems isa three-piece device consisting of paired cylinders,a scrotal pump and an abdominal fluid reservoir.<strong>The</strong> first report by Scott, Bradley and Timm (1973)was followed by numerous reports of clinical experiencewith this device (Fallon, Rosenberg andCulp, 1984; Fishman, Scott and Light, 1984;Furlow, 1978; Furlow and Barrett, 1984; Furlow,Goldwasser and Gundian, 1988; Furlow andMotley, 1988; Gregory and Purcell, 1987; KabalinPage 18Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
and Kessler, 1988a, 1989; Kessler, 1980, 1981;Light and Scott, 1981; Malloy, Wein andCarpiniello, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1988; Merrill,1983a; Montague, 1983; Montague, Hewitt andStewart, 1979; Scarzella, 1988; Scott, Byrd,Karacan, et al., 1979; Wilson, Wahman and Lange,1988; Woodworth, Carson and Webster, 1991).<strong>The</strong>se reports revealed initially high mechanicalcomplication rates that decreased progressively asimprovements occurred in prosthesis design and inimplantation techniques. A satisfaction rate of 83percent was reported for 272 patients who had theprostheses implanted between April 1983 andDecember 1986 (mean followup 23 months), with apartner satisfaction rate of 70 percent for 265 partners(McLaren and Barrett, 1992).<strong>The</strong> AMS 700CX, a three-piece inflatable prosthesiswith a redesigned cylinder, was introduced in1987. <strong>The</strong> cylinder has three layers: a silicone outerlayer that prevents tissue ingrowth into the device,an inner layer consisting of a silicone tube intowhich fluid is pumped and, between them, awoven-fabric middle layer that controls girthexpansion. Reliability in terms of cylinder aneurysmsand leaks has improved (Furlow and Motley,1988; Knoll, Furlow and Motley, 1990; Montague,1990; Mulcahy, 1988; Nickas, Kessler and Kabalin,1994; Quesada and Light, 1993; Scarzella, 1993).A smaller version, the AMS 700CXM, is alsoavailable.<strong>The</strong> AMS Ultrex, a three-piece inflatable prosthesiswith a modification of the CX cylinderdesign, was introduced in 1990. <strong>The</strong> middle layerof the three-layer cylinder is a fabric that providesboth controlled girth and controlled length expansion.In a report concerning length expansion characteristicsof this device, the intraoperative pubis tomidglans length increase from deflation to inflationvaried between 1 and 4 cm with a mean increase of1.9 cm (Montague and Lakin, 1992).<strong>The</strong> Mentor three-piece inflatable penile prosthesiswas introduced in 1983 (Brooks, 1988;Engel, Smolev and Hackler, 1986, 1987; Fein andNeedell, 1985; Fuerst and Bendo, 1986; Hackler,1986; Merrill, 1983b, 1986, 1988, 1989). Thisprosthesis consists of an abdominal fluid reservoir,a scrotal pump and paired cylinders made of thepolyurethane polymer Bioflex, which is strongerthan silicone and does not require a controlledexpansion fabric.<strong>The</strong> current version of the Mentor three-pieceprosthesis is the Alpha I Inflatable penile prosthesis,which has a pump preattached to the cylinders(Goldstein, Bertero, Kaufman, et al., 1993;Randrup, Wilson, Mobley, et al., 1993). Lengthadjustment between sizes is made by the additionof 1, 2 or 3 cm rear tip extenders. A satisfactionstudy of the Alpha I (Garber, 1994) reported a 98percent rate of satisfaction for 50 men followedfrom two to 41 months (average 15 months).Decreased penile length was the most commoncomplaint.Preoperative preparation for implantationPreoperative preparation of the implant recipientis directed primarily at reducing the risk ofinfection. <strong>The</strong> recipient should be free of urinarytract infection, and he should have no infectionselsewhere in the body that might result in bacterialseeding during the healing phase. <strong>The</strong>re should beno dermatitis, wounds or other cutaneous lesions inthe operative area. In diabetic implant recipients,good control of diabetes mellitus may reduce therisk of infection (Bishop, Moul, Sihelnik, et al.,1992).Broad-spectrum antibiotics providing gram-negativeand gram-positive coverage are administeredprophylactically. Frequently used agents are anaminoglycoside and vancomycin or an aminoglycosideand a cephalosporin. <strong>The</strong>se antibiotics shouldbe administered before the incision is made; theyare usually continued for 24 to 48 hours postoperatively.<strong>The</strong> operative area is shaved immediately priorto the operation. If shaving is done earlier, smallcuts in the skin may become infected. After thepatient is shaved, a thorough skin preparation isperformed. Penile prosthesis implantation is usuallyperformed under general, spinal or epidural anesthesia,but has been performed under local anesthesia(Dos Reis, Glina, Da Silva, et al., 1993;Kaufman, 1982).Surgical approachesImplantation of a penile prosthesis can be performedthrough a variety of surgical approaches.Those commonly used today include only three:the infrapubic, subcoronal and penoscrotal.<strong>The</strong> primary advantage of the infrapubicapproach is that it permits reservoir implantationunder direct vision. Its disadvantages includepossible injury to the dorsal nerves of the penis,Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 19
problems in limitation of corporal exposure anddifficulty in scrotal pump fixation.<strong>The</strong> subcoronal approach can only be used fornonhydraulic or one-piece hydraulic devices. <strong>The</strong>primary advantage of this approach is that it allowsimplantation of a prosthesis with minimal bendingof the device. This is important with an implantsuch as the DuraPhase, where excessive bendingduring implantation might weaken the cable.Disadvantages include prolonged sensitivity of theincision and possible difficulty in proximal cruraldilation from the distal corporotomy.Advantages of the penoscrotal approach, whichwas first used for semirigid rod implantation (Barryand Seifert, 1979) and is now used for implantationof all types of penile prostheses, include optimalcorporal exposure, avoidance of the dorsal neurovascularbundle and easy pump fixation in thescrotum. <strong>The</strong> disadvantage of this approach is thatit requires blind reservoir placement for three-piecehydraulic devices.Penile prosthesis implant techniqueAfter corporal exposure through one of the foregoingsurgical approaches, longitudinal corporotomiesof 2 to 3 cm are made. <strong>The</strong> corpora aredilated proximally and distally in preparation fordevice implantation. Proximal and distal measurementsare obtained and a device of appropriatelength is chosen. Many hydraulic prostheses arenow supplied prefilled with normal saline. If thesurgeon fills the device, normal saline or an isotoniccontrast solution must be used because siliconeis semipermeable. After the cylinders are implantedinto the corpora, the corporotomies are closed. Inthe case of a one-piece device, the implantation isnow complete. For a two-piece device, a Dartospouch is made for the pump or pump reservoir. Fora three-piece device, after the pump is implantedinto a Dartos pouch, entry into the retropubic spaceis made for reservoir implantation. <strong>The</strong> emptyreservoir is placed into the retropubic space andthen filled with isotonic fluid. To avoid autoinflationof the prosthesis postoperatively, the reservoirshould only be filled to zero pressure and the cylindersshould not be maintained in a state of constantinflation. <strong>The</strong> components of the prosthesis are thenconnected using the sutureless connectors suppliedby the device manufacturer.Venous and arterial surgery<strong>The</strong> consensus among research and clinicalauthorities is that vasculogenic dysfunction constitutesthe most common pathogenesis of erectiledysfunction in older men. <strong>The</strong> possibility of restoringnatural function by surgically correcting vascularpathology is appealing, and various techniqueshave been proposed by different surgeons. However,no definite conclusions can be drawn from thecurrent literature about the efficacy of penile vascularsurgery because almost all published studies arebased on nonstandardized diagnostic techniques,and nonobjective and uncontrolled followup methods.(See the outcomes analysis on pages 38 to 39of Chapter 3.)Venous surgerySurgery to correct corporovenous occlusive dysfunctiongenerally involves resection and/or ligationof penile veins. Because tests to establish thediagnosis of corporovenous occlusive dysfunctionhave been incompletely validated, it is likely thatthe diagnostic criteria for this type of surgery haveled to inappropriate selection of some, if not many,patients as candidates for the surgery. Failure rateshave been high, especially when long-term followupis reported (Freedman, Costa Neto,Mehringer, et al., 1993; Lue and Donatucci, 1994;NIH Consensus Statement, 1992; Rossman, Miezaand Melman, 1990). However, it has been reportedthat some patients who did not respond positivelyto intracavernous injection of vasoactive drugsbefore venous surgery have been able to achieveadequate erections with pharmacologic assistanceafter venous surgery.Arterial surgerySurgical techniques to correct arterial insufficiencyof the corpora cavernosa are based on neoarterializationof the dorsal penile artery, cavernousartery and/or deep dorsal vein. <strong>The</strong> inferior epigastricartery is generally used as the donor vessel.Again, the use of nonstandardized diagnostic techniquesand nonobjective, uncontrolled postoperativefollowup has raised serious doubt about thereliability and reproducibility of these operations(Sharlip, 1991, 1994). In general, arterial revascularizationprocedures have a limited role in treatmentof erectile dysfunction. <strong>The</strong>y may be effectivein patients with pure arteriogenic erectile dysfunctioncaused by pelvic, and possibly perineal, trauma(Sharlip, 1994).Page 20Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Chapter 3 –Outcomes of treatments for erectile dysfunctionGeneral categoriesof outcomesFor purposes of comparative analysis, outcomesof a therapeutic medical intervention can be categorizedas either beneficial or harmful (Eddy, 1990,1992). <strong>The</strong> benefits and harms of alternative therapiesfor erectile dysfunction were reviewed andanalyzed in detail by the <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong>Clinical Guidelines Panel in developing the practicerecommendations in Chapter 4 of this report.Both benefits, such as return to intercourse, andpossible harms, such as prolonged erection, are listedwith their estimated probabilities in the outcomesbalance sheet tables on pages 24 to 25.Treatment outcomes, desirable and undesirable,are also frequently categorized as direct or indirectoutcomes. Direct health outcomes are felt directlyby the patient and have a direct impact on thequantity or quality of life. Indirect biologic outcomesare physiologic end points. Used as measuresof treatment success or as criteria for choiceof treatment modality, indirect outcomes are oftenof great importance to physicians and clinicalresearchers although the patients may not viewthem as important end points per se.Distinctions between direct and indirect outcomesare evident, for example, in the treatment ofbenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Improvementof peak urinary flowrate (Qmax) and decrease inpostvoid residual urine are indirect biologic outcomesfrom successful active treatment of BPH.<strong>The</strong>se values are important parameters for manyphysicians. Patients, however, are likely to be moreinterested in direct health outcomes when choosinga treatment option. Examples of direct outcomesfollowing treatment of BPH are the degree ofsymptom improvement and the possible occurrenceof posttreatment complications, such as urinarytract infection. <strong>The</strong>se outcomes can be felt directlyand have an immediate impact on patient quality oflife.Similar distinctions can be made between directand indirect (biologic) outcomes following treatmentof erectile dysfunction. However, in the caseof erectile dysfunction, the distinctions are less relevantfor the purpose of choosing among treatmentoptions. For this purpose, direct treatment outcomes,such as return to intercourse and patient/partner satisfaction, are usually considered mostimportant by physicians and clinical researchers aswell as by patients. Thus, the tables in the outcomesbalance sheet show estimates only for directoutcomes.Treatment of erectile dysfunction is different ina number of ways from treatment of most other diseases.Sexual activity by its nature is intermittentand generally involves a partner whose support isvital to therapeutic success. Moreover, althougherectile dysfunction is commonly physical in origin,it can have significant psychological overlaysfor both the patient and partner. <strong>The</strong>se can affectdirect treatment outcomes, such as patient satisfactionand partner satisfaction in individual cases.Combined outcomes dataOutcomes balance sheet<strong>The</strong> term balance sheet, as applied to display ofoutcomes information, refers to a table or tablesthat list “beneficial and harmful health outcomesand their magnitudes, including a range of uncertaintyfor each” (Eddy, 1992). This form of summarydisplay allows “simultaneous consideration of allthe important outcomes.”In the outcomes balance sheet, the tables summarizeresults following confidence profile (FAST*PRO) meta-analyses of combined outcomes datafrom the erectile dysfunction treatment literature.<strong>The</strong> meta-analytic process used is described inChapter 1. Results are displayed in the tables asoutcome probability estimates in decimal form.Estimates can be converted to percentages by movingthe decimal point two places to the right. ItCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 21
should also be noted that median in these tables isthe median of the probability distribution resultingfrom FAST*PRO meta-analysis. It is not the medianof an array of individual study results.Each treatment modality in the outcomes balancesheet has its own set of outcomes, which mayapply only to that modality. For example, prosthesiserosion obviously applies only to prosthesistherapy. Most outcomes listed apply to more thanone modality, but not to all modalities. For example,discomfort/pain as a potential outcome of therapyapplies to all modalities except oral drug therapy.If an outcome is not relevant to a particularmodality, the pertinent cells are shaded. For returnto intercourse under prostheses, there is also anexplanatory note as to why probability estimatesfor the outcome are irrelevant for this modality. Inthe G/P column for each modality, the top numberin a cell is the number of patient groups/treatmentarms (G) and the bottom number is the total numberof patients (P).<strong>The</strong> first listing in the outcomes column isreturn to intercourse. <strong>The</strong> desired result is an erectionor artificial erection sufficient for intercourse.<strong>The</strong> data for this outcome, as for patient satisfactionand partner satisfaction, were patient/partnerreported.Possible systemic adverse events includehypotension, tachycardia, vasovagal response, liverdysfunction, flushing and dizziness. <strong>The</strong>y applyonly to oral drug therapy and vasoactive drug injectiontherapy. Local adverse events include hematoma,ecchymosis and petechia, which apply onlyto vacuum device and vasoactive drug injectiontherapies. Surgical complications include hyperemia,edema, anastomotic failure, surgical morbidityand death.In the absence of current data in the literatureon the amount of patient time necessary for eachtreatment modality, the panel developed the estimatesin Table 2 by consensus.Limitations in combining outcomesevidenceThose outcome estimates in the balance sheettables with wide confidence intervals suggest considerableuncertainty in the medical knowledgebase. One reason may be data limitations becauseof the relatively few studies of a given therapy thatmet panel inclusion criteria (such as having identifiabletreatment arms) or because of few studiesreporting a given health outcome directly. In someinstances, data were insufficient for meaningfulestimates even with wide confidence intervals. <strong>The</strong>balance sheet tables indicate these instances withthe notation “No data” in the pertinent cells.Two major reasons for outcome estimates withwide confidence intervals are:(1) the wide variability in how studies have reportedtreatment data, and(2) wide variations from study to study in thereported incidence of certain outcomes for particulartreatment modalities. For example, thereported incidence of complications associatedwith vacuum devices varies considerably acrossstudies.<strong>The</strong> combined analysis may also be weakenedby the quality of individual studies. Most data analyzedby the panel came from clinical series. <strong>The</strong>limitations of including these types of studies areobvious. Yet, if clinical series were not included,little could be said about the benefits and harms ofvarious types of therapy for erectile dysfunction.Table 2: Estimated patient time commitmentsVisits to physiciansDays lost from usual activitiesTreatment modality (cumulative time) * because of surgeryInjection therapy 2.5 to 3.5 days N/AVacuum devices 1 to 1.5 days N/AYohimbine therapy 1 to 1.5 days N/AProstheses 2.5 days 10 to 30 daysVenous surgery 2.5 days 5 to 7 daysArterial surgery 2.5 days 14 to 28 days* One visit equals a half day.Page 22Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Greater certainty about treatment outcomes canbe obtained through well-controlled, randomizedstudies that test the effectiveness of different therapiesin well-defined patient populations. Ideal outcomesdata for treatments of erectile dysfunctionshould include durability of effect, discomfortsassociated with the treatments and information onpartner as well as patient satisfaction.New outcomes studies, in addition to the developmentof new therapies in this rapidly changingfield, are under way and will make updating of thisreport necessary. Meanwhile, on the basis of whatis known about current therapies, guidance can stillbe given to physicians and patients dealing with theproblem of erectile dysfunction at the present time.Analysis of treatments andtreatment outcomes<strong>The</strong> outcomes data used to generate medianprobabilities in the outcomes balance sheet tables,the sources of these data and the results of dataanalysis are discussed for each treatment modalityin the following sections. Also discussed, in a generalanalysis of each treatment modality and itsoutcomes are clinical studies that may not haveprovided data suitable or sufficient for statisticalanalysis, but which provided useful informationthat the panel may have considered in developingtreatment recommendations. (For oral drug therapyon this page and venous and arterial surgery onpages 38 to 39, the balance sheet analysis and generalanalysis are combined.) <strong>The</strong> overall format ofthe following sections is structured by treatmentmodalities, rather than by outcomes, because of thenumber of outcomes that are treatment specific.Analysis of oral drug therapyYohimbine treatmentFor return to intercourse and patient satisfactionfollowing yohimbine therapy, the outcomes balancesheet shows a probability estimate of only 24.7 percent.This is based on combined data for fourpatient groups (445 patients). Unfortunately,because of study design and vagaries of diagnosis,the 445 patients treated included a significant numberwith psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Overall,the adverse events from treatment were minimaland consisted mainly of sympathetic stimulation.Three of the four patient groups were placebocontrolled, with a probability estimate of 11.2 percentfor patient satisfaction in the placebo columnon the balance sheet. <strong>The</strong> difference betweenyohimbine and placebo, given the number ofpatients involved, does not exclude a pure placeboeffect.Yohimbine does not appear to have a significantrole in the treatment of organic erectile dysfunction.Efficacy has yet to be proven, and demonstrationsof efficacy will require larger trials of betterdesign.Other drug treatmentsA number of alternative delivery systems,including oral and topical administration, havebeen investigated for use of drugs to treat erectiledysfunction. In one trial, oral phentolamine (notavailable in the U.S.) was administered to 85 menwith erectile dysfunction, 36 (42.3 percent) ofwhom achieved full erections sufficient for intercourse(Zorgniotti, 1994). <strong>The</strong> trial included diabeticpatients and patients with nonspecific as well asvascular causes for erectile dysfunction. In a subsequenttrial, as part of the same study, using buccalphentolamine, 69 patients each placed a 20 mgtablet of phentolamine mesylate between gum andcheek 20 to 30 minutes before intercourse. Of these69 men, 22 (31.8 percent) achieved full erections.In another study, oral trazodone (50 mg threetimes a day) was administered over a 30-day periodto 23 patients with erectile dysfunction believed tobe of nonorganic etiology (Kurt, Özkardes, Altug,et al., 1994). A positive response rate of 65.2 percentwas reported. However, prolonged erectionsassociated with trazodone have been reported tooccur in men with normal erectile function (Saenzde Tejada, Ware, Blanco, et al., 1991).Oral pentoxifylline was used with 18 couplesover a period of 12 weeks (Korenman and Viosca,1993). Subjects were randomized to pentoxifyllineor placebo (double-blind random assignment byhospital pharmacy). Nine of the 18 couplesachieved successful intercourse defined as vaginalpenetration, orgasm and ejaculation. Three coupleshad no improvement, and six did not attempt intercoursebecause of health or family problems.Topical application of vasoactive drugs has beenused to induce pharmacologic erections. Agents(continues on page 26)Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 23
OUTCOMESBALANCE SHEETOUTCOMESOF TREATMENTSRETURN TO INTERCOURSE Median:95% CI:PATIENT Median:SATISFACTION 2 95% CI:PARTNER Median:SATISFACTION 95% CI:DROPOUT Median:95% CI:SYSTEMIC Median:ADVERSE EVENTS 3 95% CI:LOCAL Median:4ADVERSE EVENTS 95% CI:DISCOMFORT/PAIN Median:95% CI:PROLONGED Median:ERECTION/PRIAPISM 95% CI:FIBROSIS/NODULES/ Median:PLAQUES 95% CI:DEVICE PROBLEMS:INFECTION Median:95% CI:MECHANICAL DEVICE Median:FAILURE 95% CI:PROSTHESIS EROSION Median:95% CI:SURGICAL Median:COMPLICATIONS 95% CI:ORAL VACUUM VASOACTIVE DRUGDRUG THERAPY DEVICES INJECTION THERAPYG/P 1 YOHIMBINE G/P 1 PLACEBO G/P 1 VCD G/P 1 Pap Mono G/P 1 Pap/Phent G/P 1 PGE1 G/P 14 .247 0 no 18 .757 1 .999 10 .714 3 .771 1 .781445 .188 - .317 0 data 1,943 .668 - .828 20 .883 - 1.000 672 .588 - .821 77 .642 - .872 146 .706 - .8414 .247 3 .112 20 .763 1 .674 12 .776 2 .706 0 no445 .188 - .317 110 .051 - .202 859 .686 - .826 144 .593 - .745 1,112 .666 - .864 19 .442 - .898 0 data0 no 0 no 7 .742 0 no 1 .976 1 .886 0 no0 data 0 data 218 .582 - .867 0 data 172 .946 - .992 10 .619 - .989 0 data0 no 0 no 22 .253 2 .640 17 .309 4 .346 2 .1580 data 0 data 1,072 .218 - .291 195 .533 - .734 2,074 .227 - .407 253 .098 - .677 262 .067 - .2952 .067 0 not 4 .070 8 .029 6 .019 0 no297 .044 - .102 0 reported 452 .046 - .104 635 .017 - .043 639 .008 - .036 0 data18 .095 1 .040 9 .147 4 .098 0 no884 .054 - .150 136 .013 - .089 1,045 .077 - .242 287 .057 - .151 0 data20 .188 3 .189 9 .171 9 .233 2 .0352,481 .135 - .254 377 .101 - .303 1,059 .076 - .306 856 .175 - .304 262 .011 - .08110 .093 19 .061 14 .031 3 .035997 .049 - .156 2,084 .043 - .085 1,191 .017 - .053 490 .011 - .0802 .093 14 .062 4 .001 2 .027117 .002 - .452 1,371 .035 - .099 332 .000 - .008 262 .002 - .110Shaded cells indicate that outcomes are not pertinent to particular modalities.1 G = Number of groups/treatment arms P = Number of patients2 Patient satisfaction groups for venous and arterial surgery include only those patients able to return to intercourse3 Systemic adverse events include hypotension, tachycardia, vasovagal response, liver dysfunction, flushing and dizziness4 Local adverse events include petechiae, ecchymoses, hematomas, abrasions and discomfort on ejaculation5 Nonmalleable semirigid prostheses are no longer availablePage 24Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
OUTCOMESBALANCE SHEETOUTCOMESOF TREATMENTSRETURN TO INTERCOURSE Median:95% CI:PATIENT Median:SATISFACTION 2 95% CI:PARTNER Median:SATISFACTION 95% CI:DROPOUT Median:95% CI:SYSTEMIC Median:ADVERSE EVENTS 3 95% CI:LOCAL Median:4ADVERSE EVENTS 95% CI:DISCOMFORT/PAIN Median:95% CI:PROLONGED Median:ERECTION/PRIAPISM 95% CI:FIBROSIS/NODULES/ Median:PLAQUES 95% CI:DEVICE PROBLEMS:INFECTION Median:95% CI:MECHANICAL DEVICE Median:FAILURE 95% CI:PROSTHESIS EROSION Median:95% CI:SURGICAL Median:COMPLICATIONS 95% CI:VENOUS/ARTERIALPROSTHESES SURGERYMechanical MulticomponentG/P 1 Semirigid 5 G/P 1 Malleable G/P 1 (Nonhydraulic) G/P 1 Hydraulic G/P 1 Hydraulic G/P 1 VENOUS G/PIntercourse is possible with any functional prosthesis 43 .433 19 .6031,801 .378 - .488 713 .538 - .6643 .533 8 .833 2 .957 5 .644 12 .889 11 .438 11 .73880 .302 - .754 254 .773 - .880 73 .877 - .992 177 .539 - .737 1,953 .838 - .925 515 .357 - .522 245 .660 - .8032 .540 2 .789 1 .986 1 .581 4 .879 1 .319 0 no43 .270 - .795 37 .567 - .932 16 .857 - .999 12 .312 - .820 478 .746 - .959 72 .222 - .435 0 data2 .144 4 .102 1 .019 2 .087 5 .025 6 .216 1 .192212 .044 - .315 145 .030 - .233 63 .002 - .072 118 .012 - .269 983 .001 - .050 156 .116 - .346 11 .040 - .4678 .028 1 .077218 .001 - .059 15 .007 - .2726 .025 9 .033 2 .024 12 .038 36 .025695 .015 - .038 465 .019 - .051 89 .005 - .070 1,051 .028 - .051 5,133 .021 - .0292 .062 7 .046 2 .069 6 .183 26 .096181 .033 - .103 476 .031 - .069 89 .029 - .134 355 .146 - .227 2,225 .084 - .1092 .012 6 .039 1 .009 2 .025 21 .011262 .003 - .030 242 .019 - .067 26 .000 - .091 125 .007 - .063 2,396 .008 - .0160 no 0 no 0 no 1 .299 3 .055 27 .172 15 .2150 data 0 data 0 data 107 .220 - .392 531 .038 - .077 1,250 .152 - .194 377 .176 - .259Shaded cells indicate that outcomes are not pertinent to particular modalities.1 G = Number of groups/treatment arms P = Number of patients2 Patient satisfaction groups for venous and arterial surgery include only those patients able to return to intercourse3 Systemic adverse events include hypotension, tachycardia, vasovagal response, liver dysfunction, flushing and dizziness4 Local adverse events include petechiae, ecchymoses, hematomas, abrasions and discomfort on ejaculation5 Nonmalleable semirigid prostheses are no longer availableCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 25
include minoxidil and nitroglycerin pastes. Onestudy (Beretta, Saltarelli, Marzotto, et al., 1993)reported some success with minoxidil, but othershave reported poor results (Chancellor, Rivas,Panzer, et al., 1994; Radomski, Herschorn andRangaswamy, 1994). In a study of transcutaneousnitroglycerin therapy (Meyhoff, Rosenkilde andBødker, 1992), restored potency was reported infour of 10 patients. Another study reported erectionssufficient for vaginal penetration in five of 17patients (Sønksen and Biering-Sørensen, 1992).Treatment by vacuum constrictiondevices: Balance sheet analysis<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet shows relativelyhigh probability estimates for return to intercourse,patient satisfaction and partner satisfaction with useof vacuum constriction devices. Included in thecombined data from which probability estimateswere generated are data from a manufacturer-sponsoredstudy of 1,517 patients (Witherington, 1989).<strong>The</strong> panel decided to include this study after findingthat excluding it did not significantly changeany of the probability estimates.For occurrence of pain, the balance sheet showsan estimated probability of 18.8 percent based onthe number of men reporting any degree of discomfort,however minor. Reports specifying the degreeof discomfort indicate that severe pain occurs infrequentlyand that patient dropout because of pain isalso infrequent (Papyrus numbers 271, 627, 1091and 8425 in Table A-1, Appendix A). For localadverse events, there is a probability of 9.5 percent.However, as noted, most complications from use ofvacuum device therapy are minor and require notreatment.General analysis of vacuumconstriction device (VCD) therapyPatient acceptance and satisfaction<strong>The</strong> VCD causes penile rigidity sufficient forvaginal penetration in most men regardless of thecause of erectile dysfunction (Aloni, Heller, Keren,et al., 1992; Arauz-Pacheco, Basco, Ramirez, et al.,1992; Bodansky, 1994; Heller, Keren, Aloni, et al.,1992). Only men with extensive scarring and deformityof the penis, such as that caused by an infectedpenile prosthesis, can be predicted to fail to obtainrigidity with the VCD (Meinhardt, Lycklama,Nijeholt, et al., 1993). Successful use does requirecareful instruction (Gilbert and Gingell, 1992).Patients are more likely to master use of the VCDwhen given individual training by a physician or anexperienced nurse or medical assistant.<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet shows that about75 percent of those men who obtain a VCD continueto use it regularly. Men who discontinue regularuse usually do so within the first three months(Cookson and Nadig, 1993; Meinhardt, Lycklama,Nijeholt, et al., 1993; Sidi, Becher, Zhang, et al.,1990; Turner, Althof, Levine, et al., 1990). <strong>The</strong>majority of men using the VCD report satisfactionwith penile rigidity, length and circumference; frequencyof intercourse; and partner satisfaction (Sidiand Lewis, 1992; van Thillo and Delaere, 1992).<strong>The</strong>y also report improvement in self-esteem andsense of well-being. In one study (Cookson andNadig, 1993), patient and partner satisfaction were84 percent and 89 percent, respectively, in a groupof 115 men followed from 11 to 63 months (meanfollowup 29 months).With particular regard to penile rigidity, inresponse to a questionnaire returned by 161 of 216users (72 percent) after a median followup of threemonths, 94 percent of the respondents reportedthey were satisfied with the hardness of the erectionproduced by the VCD. A second questionnaire wassent to another group of VCD users after a medianfollowup of 29 months. <strong>The</strong> questionnaire wasreturned by 115 of 202 users (57 percent) in thissecond group, and 92 percent reported satisfactionwith the hardness of the erection (Cookson andNadig, 1993).<strong>The</strong> most frequent complaint by men using aVCD is the unnatural interruption of the act oflovemaking to use the device. Some men complainof discomfort on ejaculation, but most do notdescribe this discomfort as objectionable. Othercomplaints include numbness of the penis, coldnessof the penis, penile pain and difficulty in achievingorgasm.VCD therapy compared with vasoactivepharmacotherapyFew studies have been published comparing theVCD with vasoactive injection therapy or comparingthe impact of these therapies on the psychologicaland sexual functioning of the user’s sexualpartner. In one comparative study focusing on thepartner (Althof, Turner, Levine, et al., 1992),women responded equally well to both treatments,Page 26Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
experiencing significant increases in their levels ofsexual arousal and satisfaction, and in frequency ofintercourse and coital orgasm. <strong>The</strong>y felt more atease in their marital relationships, and they spontaneouslycommented on how relaxed, unhurried,assured and enjoyable sex had become. Negativeresponses concerned the lack of spontaneity withboth therapies, worry about side effects by theself-injection group, and annoyance at the coldnessof the penis and need for lubricant by the VCDgroup.In studies focusing on the man (Turner andAlthof, 1992; Turner, Althof, Levine, et al., 1992),VCD therapy was compared directly with selfinjectiontherapy using papaverine and phentolamine.Both treatment modalities caused a comparableimprovement in the quality of erections andfrequency of intercourse, and sexual satisfactionwas comparably increased over pretreatment levels.<strong>The</strong> group using self-injection therapy had a 59percent dropout rate, and plaque-like nodulesappeared in 57 percent of the patients. In contrast,the VCD group had only a 16 percent dropout rate,and the most common side effect was blocked ejaculation.VCD use in conjunction with vasoactiveinjections or prostheses<strong>The</strong> VCD can enhance the effect of intracavernousvasoactive injections in patients for whominjections alone fail to induce penile rigidity adequatefor vaginal penetration (Lue, 1989; Marmar,DeBenedictis and Praiss, 1988; Sidi, Becher,Zhang, et al., 1990). Smooth muscle relaxationcaused by pharmacologic agents apparently augmentsthe vacuum-induced tumescence. Ten or 15minutes should be allowed to pass from the time ofinjection before the vacuum is applied so as not toinduce ecchymosis or hematoma as a result ofblood leaking from the injection site.It is possible that the VCD may be used successfullyafter removal of a penile prosthesis. It isalso possible, when a malfunctioning prosthesis isstill in place, that the VCD may be used to obtainrigidity or increase the girth of the penis(Korenman and Viosca, 1992; Sidi, Becher, Zhang,et al., 1990).VCD complications<strong>The</strong> majority of complications from using theVCD are minor and require no treatment. Petechiaeoften develop on the skin of the penis after use ofthe VCD, presumably as a result of capillary rupture.<strong>The</strong>se are painless and disappear within 48hours. Vacuum pressure above 225 mm Hg shouldbe avoided. It is unnecessary and can lead to subcutaneousbleeding. All VCDs should have a vacuumregulator to prevent excessive pressures.Ecchymoses can occur, particularly in men takingaspirin or other anticoagulant drugs, but havecaused no problems. In one case study, a singlepatient developed Peyronie’s disease after fouryears of complication-free use. Approximately fivemonths before presentation, he experienced asevere burning sensation in the left side of the penisat midshaft during creation of the vacuum beforeplacement of the constriction band (Kim andCarson, 1993).Men whose foreskin is phimotic are at risk forparaphimosis when the penis becomes tumescentand should be circumcised before trying the VCD.Men with spinal cord injuries and other neurologicproblems that impair penile sensation should usethe VCD with caution (LeRoy and Pryor, 1994;Meinhardt, Kropman and Lycklama, 1990).Treatment by injection of vasoactiveagents: Balance sheet analysis<strong>The</strong>re is now a considerable body of literatureon vasoactive drug injection therapy, althoughmany reports were rejected for data extractionbecause they did not meet the review criteria outlinedon page 11. Studies of papaverine and phentolamineused in combination provided the largestamounts of extractable data. Articles reportingextractable outcomes data for PGE1 monotherapy(alprostadil) and the now widely used papaverine/-phentolamine/PGE1 triple therapy were fewer innumber. No data were available for PGE1/phentolaminecombination therapy, which consequently isabsent from the balance sheet.For papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 triple therapy,the few studies available did not provide sufficientextractable information to generate probabilityestimates for patient and partner satisfaction orfor systemic and local adverse events. <strong>The</strong> estimatedprobability for return to intercourse followingthe triple therapy is based on data from one study(Number 8243 in Table A-1 in Appendix A).Partner satisfaction data has been reported infew studies for any type of vasoactive drug injectiontherapy. <strong>The</strong> partner satisfaction estimates inthe balance sheet for papaverine/phentolamine therapyand for PGE1 therapy are each based on dataCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 27
eported in a single study (Number 8524 and Number8112 in Table A-1), and for the triple therapyno data were available.General analysis of vasoactiveinjection therapyPapaverine monotherapyPapaverine hydrochloride was the first intracavernousvasoactive agent used to treat erectile dysfunction.Virag (1982) described a bimonthly injectionof 80 mg papaverine followed by corporalinfusion with heparin solution to maintain a rigiderection for 15 minutes. This in-office therapyproved beneficial after two or more treatments andwas subsequently repeated by Virag and otherinvestigators, using larger groups of patients andvarying doses of papaverine (Virag, Bouilly,Daniel, et al., 1986; Virag, Frydman, Legman, etal., 1984).In-office vasoactive therapy did not prove to beas successful as initially hoped; intermittent stimulationtherapy did not return the majority ofpatients to normal sexual function. Thus, attentionturned to the development of home pharmacologicerection programs (Brindley, 1986; Gilbert andGingell, 1991). Home programs are now routine formost patients using vasoactive injection therapy.It soon became clear that papaverine used as asingle agent has a significant risk of prolongederection and fibrosis as well as systemic reactions.<strong>The</strong> incidence of prolonged erection followingdiagnostic and therapeutic use of papaverine asvasoactive pharmacotherapy is shown in Table 3.(Also see pages 17 to 18 for a detailed discussionof prolonged erection.)Notwithstanding variability in study populations,papaverine doses and definitions of a prolongederection, prolonged erection is an evidentcomplication of papaverine monotherapy.Statistically significant risk factors for prolongederection that have been reported are younger age,better quality of spontaneous erection and neurogenicor psychogenic etiology (Lomas and Jarow,1992).Data for papaverine-induced corporal fibrosisare also subject to variability in how the data arereported. Moreover, the pathophysiology of corporalfibrosis development is not clearly understood.Proposed mechanisms include microtrauma fromneedle injection, low pH of the injection solution ormicroprecipitation of papaverine at physiologic pH(Aboseid, Jüenemann, Luo, et al., 1987; Seidmonand Samaha, 1989). <strong>The</strong> presentation of fibrosiscan be subtle and localized, with changes apparentonly on ultrasound examination of the tunica albugineaor corporal tissue. At the other extreme arediffuse changes with complete corporal fibrosis(Brindley, 1986; Buvat, Lemaire, Marcolin, et al.,1986; Desai and Gingell, 1988; Tullii, Degni andPinto, 1989).<strong>The</strong> incidence of fibrosis ranges from one to 33percent (Brindley, 1986; Buvat, Lemaire, Marcolin,et al., 1987; Ruutu, Lindström, Virtanen, et al.,1988; Tullii, Degni and Pinto, 1989). Fibroticchanges appear to be mostly dose dependent andcumulative, but significant changes following limitedinjections coupled with prolonged erection havebeen reported (Corriere, Fishman, Benson, et al.,1988). <strong>The</strong> appearance of fibrosis may result in arecommendation to discontinue therapy. <strong>The</strong> naturalhistory of fibrosis after withdrawal of injectiontherapy is unknown. Another study reported minimalhistologic changes of corporal tissue at theTable 3: Reported incidence of papaverine-induced prolonged erectionReference Papaverine dose (mg) Number of patients IncidenceBrindley, 1986 16-120 34 35.3%Lue, Hricak, Marich, et al., 1985 60 90 18.8%Virag, 1985 80 227 18.5%Lomas and Jarow, 1992 60 or 15 400 17%Bodner, Lindan, Leffler, et al., 1987 7.5-60 20 15%Cooper, 1991 30-128 20 10%Pettirossi and Serenelli, 1988 20-110 144 8.3%Postma, Steffens and Steffens, 1988 25-50 48 6.3%Gilbert and Gingell, 1991 30-120 194 2.6%Page 28Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Table 4: Complications of papaverine/phentolamine combination therapyAuthor Number of patients Prolonged erections (%) Fibrosis (%)Zorgniotti, 1986 97 1.0% 4.1%Stief, Gall, Scherb, et al., 1988 156 1.9% 1.9%Goldstein, Payton and Padma-Nathan, 1988 300 2.3% –Girdley, Bruskewitz, Feyzi, et al., 1988 78 23% 16%Robinette and Moffat, 1986 101 6.9% –Nellans, Ellis and Kramer-Levien, 1987 69 8.7% 1.4% *Levine, Althof, Turner, et al., 1989 111 1.8% 57%*Painless nodules at 12 monthstime of prosthesis implantation after failure ofpapaverine vasoactive pharmacotherapy (Sidi,Cherwitz and Becher, 1989).Systemic reactions of pallor, dizziness, facialflushing and sweating have been reported followingthe use of papaverine (Lue, Hricak, Marich, et al.,1985; Sidi and Chen, 1987; Wespes and Schulman,1988). Tanaka (1990) measured systemic papaverinelevels following corporal injection and notedthat patients who had a poor erectile response hadstatistically higher peripheral blood levels, suggestiveof corporovenous occlusive dysfunction.Papaverine/phentolamine combination therapyIn an effort to increase the safety profile ofvasoactive pharmacotherapy, Zorgniotti and Lefleur(1985) combined papaverine with phentolamine. In250 patients evaluated with a solution of 30 mgpapaverine and 1 mg phentolamine, 72 percent ofthe patients achieved an erection satisfactory forintercourse and 97 percent of these patients wenton to self-injection with excellent response and alow dropout rate (Zorgniotti, 1986). A prolongederection occurred in four of the diagnostic injections(1.6 percent), but in only one on home therapy.Four of the 97 patients on home therapy (4.1percent) developed fibrotic changes confined to thetunica albuginea, prompting discontinuation oftherapy.As indicated previously, papaverine/phentolaminetherapy has been widely studied. Efficacystudies of this therapy, compared to placebo or withpapaverine and phentolamine alone, demonstratesuperior efficacy of the combination in men withorganic erectile dysfunction (Gasser, Roach,Larsen, et al., 1987; Stief and Wetterauer, 1988).Reported rates for patient satisfaction typicallyexceed 75 percent (Gall, Sparwasser, Bähren, et al.,1992; Goldstein, Payton and Padma-Nathan, 1988;Robinette and Moffat, 1986; Sidi, Reddy and Chen,1988; Stief, Gall, Scherb, et al., 1988). Reportedcomplication rates vary (Table 4), but in generalthey compare favorably with reported complicationrates for papaverine monotherapy.Girdley, Bruskewitz, Feyzi, et al. (1988) reportedon 78 patients, of whom 93.5 percent had atleast one complication (primarily transient painwith injection). Prolonged erection (more than sixhours) occurred in 23 percent. In spite of the complications,69 percent of the patients rated the therapyacceptable.A study of 33 diabetic men using papaverine/phentolamine injection therapy reported a higherfailure rate, with 12 satisfactory responses and 21unsatisfactory responses (Bell, Cutter, Hayne, et al.,1992). <strong>The</strong> only significant difference between thetwo groups was age. Only one of 14 patients overage 60 had a satisfactory response, whereas 11 of19 patients under age 60 had satisfactory responses.Armstrong, Convery and Dinsmore (1993)reported papaverine/phentolamine treatment resultsfor 160 patients with diverse etiologies, includingdiabetes. Positive response rates were reported byetiology as follows: vasculogenic (50 patients), 48percent; psychogenic (41 patients), 93 percent; neurogenic(25 patients), 92 percent; diabetic (22patients), 68 percent; idiopathic (8 patients), 63percent; traumatic (5 patients), 60 percent; alcoholrelated (5 patients), 80 percent; drug related (4patients), 75 percent.Table 4 summarizes the incidence of prolongederection and corporal fibrosis associated withpapaverine/phentolamine combination therapy.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 29
PGE1 monotherapy (alprostadil)<strong>The</strong> clinical use of PGE1 began with the observationof Ishii, Watanabe, Irisawa, et al. (1989) thatpatients receiving intravenous PGE1 for peripheralvascular disease also experienced less erectile dysfunction.This prompted the authors to use intracavernousPGE1 at the same dose (20 µg) as that usedin intravenous therapy. <strong>The</strong> onset of action wasrapid, within two to three minutes after injection.Full or partial erections were observed in 86 percentof 135 patients with various erectile dysfunctionetiologies. Patients with previous pelvic fractureor diabetes mellitus were less likely to respondfavorably. <strong>The</strong> duration of erection was one to threehours, and no patient had a prolonged erectionrequiring reversal. Dull penile pain following injectionwas present in “a limited number” of patients.In direct comparisons of PGE1 with papaverinemonotherapy, more favorable responses and fewerprolonged erections were noted with PGE1 (Buvat,Buvat-Herbaut, Dehaene, et al., 1986; Buvat,Lemaire, Marcolin, et al., 1986; Chen, Hwang andYang, 1992; Earle, Keogh, Wisniewski, et al., 1990;Kattan, Collins and Mohr, 1991; Mahmoud, elDakhli, Fahmi, et al., 1992; Sarosdy, Hudnall,Erickson, et al., 1989). PGE1 was also comparedfavorably with papaverine/phentolamine combinationtherapy (Lee, Stevenson and Szasz, 1989; Luiand Lin, 1990).<strong>The</strong> most notable adverse outcomes reported forPGE1 therapy were painful injections and/or diffusepenile pain during erection (Buvat, Lemaire,Marcolin, et al., 1986; Chen, Hwang and Yang,1992). <strong>The</strong> lack of systemic side effects was attributedto the local metabolism of PGE1 and the rapidfirst pass clearance in liver and lung tissue(Hamberg and Samuelsson, 1971; Hedlund andAndersson, 1985).PGE1 therapy has been used for patients whofailed to respond to office testing with papaverineor who had limited success with home injection.Reiss (1989) reported on 12 patients, two of whomhad a gradual loss of papaverine response over severalmonths. A dose range of 5 to 20 µg PGE1 wasused. All 12 patients reported erections sufficientfor intercourse, and seven began a home injectionprogram with good results.Ravnik-Oblak, Oblak, Vodusek, et al. (1990)used PGE1 in 41 patients with erectile dysfunctiondue to diabetes mellitus and noted a response sufficientfor intercourse in 29 of the 41 (71 percent).Schramek, Dorninger, Waldhauser, et al. (1990)used PGE1 for diagnosis and therapy in 149 menwith erectile dysfunction. A vasculogenic etiologywas present in 72 percent of the men, psychogenicin 17 percent, neurogenic in 10 percent and diabeticin 1.0 percent. Seventy-nine percent respondedto 5 to 40 µg PGE1, injected in the office, with anerection sufficient for intercourse. Three patients(2.0 percent) had prolonged erections of more thanseven hours that required treatment. All three had anonvasculogenic etiology. Overall, 40 percent ofthe patients reported pain with injection and/orerection. Sixteen percent had severe penile discomfortfollowing injection. Again this side effect wassignificantly greater in patients with a nonvasculogenicetiology. Of 11 patients who went on tohome injection therapy, with a mean followup ofseven months, nine had good responses with noside effects, except for one patient who had tolerablepain during injection.Gerber and Levine (1991) reported on 72patients in a PGE1 home pharmacologic erectionprogram. Thirty-seven patients (51 percent) failedto continue beyond the in-office dose titration/teaching period. Another 15 patients discontinuedtherapy later, for a total dropout rate of 72 percent.<strong>The</strong> most common reason for dropout was penilepain following injection (17 percent). Failure toachieve adequate erection with PGE1 was a reasonfor dropout in an additional 12.5 percent ofpatients. <strong>The</strong>re were no instances of prolongederection, significant hematoma, systemic reactionor cavernous fibrosis in the patients continuing withthe pharmacologic erection program.<strong>The</strong> problem of pain following PGE1 injectionwas addressed in a study of 24 patients with a historyof PGE1-induced pain (Schramek, Plas,Hübner, et al., 1994). <strong>The</strong> authors reported a significantdecrease in incidence of local pain using acombination of 20 µg PGE1 and 20 mg procaine.In summary, PGE1 is an effective vasoactiveagent for the diagnosis and treatment of erectiledysfunction. Specific advantages of PGE1, in comparisonwith papaverine or papaverine/phentolaminecombination therapy, are its reliable doseresponse and rapid metabolism in the corpora,which results in a lower incidence of prolongedpharmacologic erection. In addition, the incidencesof systemic side effects and delayed cavernousfibrosis are significantly lower, perhaps due to therapid local metabolism of PGE1 or its potential formembrane stabilization.On the negative side, PGE1 is more likely thanother agents to result in pain with injection and/orerection to a degree that may prevent the patientPage 30Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
from continuing therapy. Other disadvantages thatmay limit widespread acceptance of PGE1 are relativelyhigh cost per dose, limited shelf life and needfor refrigeration.As noted on page 16, PGE1 (alprostadil) wasapproved by the FDA in 1995 for intracorporealinjection under the trade name Caverject. It isavailable in single-dose vials with 10 or 20 µg oflyophylized powder.Papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 (P/P/P)combination therapyEach of the individual vasoactive agentsdescribed in the preceding sections has associatedlimitations at physiologically active dose concentrations.<strong>The</strong>se shortcomings prompted the combiningof papaverine, phentolamine and PGE1 for therapy(Bennett, Carpenter and Barada, 1991). Aseach agent acts on a specific site in the erectionprocess, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation andarterial inflow, it is possible to take advantage ofsynergism at very low doses of each individualagent. <strong>The</strong> widely used original formulation isshown in Table 5. Other investigators have subsequentlyreported successful results with differentformulations (Allen, Engel, Smolev, et al., 1992;Govier, McClure, Weissman, et al., 1993; Montorsi,Guazzoni, Bergamaschi, et al., 1993a; Montorsi,Guazzoni, Bergamaschi, et al., 1994).Table 5: Formulation of papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 solutionVasoactive agentDose (ml)Papaverine HCL (30 mg/ml) 2.50Phentolamine (5 mg/ml) 0.50Alprostadil (500 µg/ml) 0.050.9% Saline for injection 1.20Total volume 4.25Bennett et al. performed a diagnostic evaluationof 116 patients with the P/P/P combination using astarting volume of 0.25 ml containing a total of 4.4mg papaverine, 0.15 mg phentolamine and 1.5 µgPGE1. A lower dose was used in patients with suspectedpsychogenic and neurogenic etiology.Eighty-nine percent of the patients had a positiveresponse and went on to home injection therapy.Overall, 78 patients (74 percent) were maintainedat a volume of 0.25 ml per injection with a frequencyof use averaging 3.1 times per month. Twopatients (1.9 percent) had prolonged erections(greater than six hours) requiring treatment; bothhad a psychogenic etiology. Two patients (1.9 percent)complained of pain at the injection site orwith intercourse, prompting one to discontinuetherapy. With an average followup of 12.7 months,no patient had corporal fibrosis.In a later study (Barada and Bennett, 1991), 110patients with 12 to 28 months of followup werecontacted. Sixty-five percent continued injectiontherapy. Of these, 89 percent were satisfied with thedrug combination as a treatment option. Seven prolongederections (5.6 percent) greater than threehours occurred, but only one patient required intervention.No patient treated exclusively with P/P/Ptherapy developed fibrosis or nodules.Goldstein, Borges, Fitch, et al. (1990) used asimilar combination of P/P/P in 32 patients whohad failed previous pharmacotherapy with papaverine/phentolamineor PGE1 alone. Twenty patients(62 percent) had erections sufficient for satisfactoryintercourse. Eight patients (25 percent), six ofwhom were diabetic, reported pain with injection.No systemic side effects or prolonged erectionswere seen.Hamid, Dhabuwala and Pontes (1992) usedBennett’s formulation (Table 4) in 100 consecutivepatients with erectile dysfunction at a dose range of0.05 to 0.35 ml. A positive response was seen in 88patients, and only five complained of pain at theinjection site. One patient required corporal aspirationfor a prolonged (four hours) erection.McMahon (1991), in a randomized crossoverstudy of 228 patients, compared the P/P/P combinationwith papaverine/phentolamine and PGE1alone. In men with severe arteriogenic or mild corporovenousocclusive disease, P/P/P was significantlybetter, with a lower incidence of prolongederection when compared to papaverine/phentolamine(0.9 versus 7.9 percent).In summary, a combination of papaverine, phentolamineand PGE1 has been used for the treatmentof erectile dysfunction. <strong>The</strong> available data indicatethat this vasoactive agent combination has a successrate equivalent to that of PGE1 alone, with alower cost and lower incidence of painful erectionsthan PGE1 alone (see the outcomes balance sheet).Further clinical evaluation is required to determinethe long-term effects of this combination therapy.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 31
Investigational injection therapiesOther injection therapies currently being investigatedinclude a combination of PGE1 and calcitoningene-related peptide (CGRP). In one study,the combination (10 µg PGE1 + 5 µg CGRP) wastested: (1) in 28 patients who had venous leakageand failed penile venous surgery; (2) in another 28patients with venous leakage who declined surgery;and (3) in 12 patients without venous leakage whohad a poor response to maximum doses of papaverine/phentolamineinjection therapy (Truss, Becker,Thon, et al., 1994). <strong>The</strong> first group of 28 patientsresponded with 19 erections sufficient for intercourse(67.9 percent), and the second group of 28with 20 full erections (71.4 percent). Of the 12patients who had failed papaverine/phentolaminetherapy, 11 (91.7 percent) responded with erectionssufficient for intercourse. No significant side effectswere reported in any group.In another experimental study, the same PGE1/-CGRP combination and dosage were used in 59nonresponders to papaverine/phentolamine therapy(Djamilian, Stief, Kuczyk, et al., 1993). Thirtythreepatients (56 percent) achieved full erections.<strong>The</strong> combination was used also in six patients whohad cavernous fibrosis from papaverine/phentolaminetherapy. Five of the six (83 percent) had fullerections. Two patients in the group of 59 experiencedpenile pain. <strong>The</strong>re were no other side effectsin either group.In a study of the nitric oxide donor linsidominechlorhydrate (SIN-1) as treatment for erectile dysfunction,63 patients were injected with 1 mg SIN-1 (Stief, Holmquist, Djamilian, et al., 1992).Twenty-nine patients (46 percent) had full erections.<strong>The</strong>re were no side effects. However, Wegnerand Knispel (1993) reported that in 30 patientswith venous leakage, responses to 1 mg SIN-1were no more successful, and in 22 patients lesssuccessful, than the responses to 20 µg PGE1.In summary, injection therapy with new drugsor combinations appears possible, but as yet nonew drugs or combinations superior to thosealready established have emerged.Pharmacotherapy dropout<strong>The</strong> couple who selects intracavernous pharmacotherapyfor treatment must be sufficiently motivatedto begin a therapy that may involve a periodof frustration as the technique is mastered and dosingis adjusted. <strong>The</strong> patient has multiple opportunitiesto reject or discontinue therapy during the diagnostic/teachingphase, the early home injectionphase or later. This may result in a relatively highrate of patient dropout compared with other therapies,although it does not necessarily mean thatthese patients will select penile prostheses or vacuumdevices as an alternative therapy.Unfortunately, although dropout rates arereported in the literature for vasoactive pharmacotherapy,the reasons for discontinuing and theidentification of subsequent alternative therapiesare not well described. Also, some reasons for discontinuing,such as loss of partner or deterioratinghealth, may be unrelated to treatment-associatedproblems (Armstrong, Convery and Dinsmore,1993; Irwin and Kata, 1994).Reported dropout rates have ranged from zeroto 72 percent (Hollander, Gonzalez and Norman,1992; Gerber and Levine, 1991; Stackl, Hasun andMarberger, 1988). Most studies report approximately30 percent dropout with at least a six-monthfollowup. For papaverine/phentolamine combinationtherapy, the outcomes balance sheet shows anestimated probability for dropout of 30.9 percent(95% CI: 0.227-0.407), based on a FAST*PROmeta-analysis of combined data from 17 studies(2,074 patients).Althof, Turner, Levine, et al. (1989) evaluated131 patients for a vasoactive pharmacotherapy program.A cumulative dropout rate of 46 percent wasobserved. <strong>The</strong> highest dropout risk occurred in thediagnostic/teaching phase, with patients whodeclined therapy accounting for approximatelythree-quarters of the total dropouts. Once thepatient was entered into home therapy, the dropoutrate decreased dramatically. <strong>The</strong> primary reasonsfor late dropout were loss of treatment effectivenessand the cost of treatment (medication, supplies andfollowup). Listed in the box below are potentialreasons for dropout, some of which may occur inPotential reasons for discontinuingvasoactive pharmacotherapyInadequate response tomedicationReturn of spontaneous erectionsFear of needles/injectionConcern over side effectsDissatisfaction withartificial erectionLack of spontaneityLack of partner support/satisfactionFinancialComplications of therapy:Pain following injectionProlonged erectionSystemic reaction toinjectionSignificant life event:Loss or death of partnerMajor illness/operationSocial stressors, such asjob loss or maritaldiscordPage 32Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
patients who can achieve a satisfactory erectileresponse to intracavernous pharmacotherapy.Cooper (1991) examined the reasons fordropout in a small group of patients and found thatpatients who discontinued therapy were more likelyto have a poor relationship with a sexual partner orhave a partner who was not regularly available. Allpatients who discontinued pharmacotherapy had arelative decline in libido during its use.Van Driel, Mooibroek, Van de Wiel, et al.(1991) followed 152 patients who were consideredcandidates for intracavernous pharmacotherapywith papaverine or papaverine/phentolamine. Fiftythreepatients (34.9 percent) declined injection therapy.<strong>The</strong> remaining 99 patients (65.1 percent)entered into therapy. Seventy-six of the 99 (77 percent)were able to attain a functional erection duringthe dose titration phase. Of these, 18 (24 percent)discontinued therapy early in the program,generally for reasons of fear of injection, episodesof prolonged erection or inconsistency of erectilerigidity. At two-year followup, 32 additionalpatients (44 percent) had discontinued therapy,many for the same reasons, but others because theyhad a return of normal erections or a loss of sexualinterest. Cumulatively, 82 percent (126/152) wereconsidered dropouts or treatment failures. Thisstudy indicates that despite the utility of vasoactivepharmacotherapy for treatment of erectile dysfunction,many men will not accept this treatmentoption or will terminate therapy early.Treatment with penile prostheses:Balance sheet analysis<strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet table for prosthesesdisplays a range of probability estimates for patientsatisfaction with various types of devices.Nonmalleable semirigid rods, which have the lowestpatient satisfaction probability, are no longeravailable. Nevertheless, for historical purposes, thepanel decided to extract and combine the datareported in the literature for semirigid prostheses.<strong>The</strong> estimated outcome probabilities for mechanical(nonhydraulic) prostheses were derived fromcombined data reported for DuraPhase/Dura-II(Dacomed) devices. (For a description, see page18.)<strong>The</strong> balance sheet table shows estimated probabilitiesfor three undesirable outcomes: infection,mechanical failure and erosion. <strong>The</strong>se device problemsusually require reoperation.One of the clearest differences in the balancesheet table between types of devices with regard todevice problems is the difference betweenhydraulic and nonhydraulic devices for probabilityof mechanical failure. <strong>The</strong> table shows, for example,a 9.6 percent estimated probability of mechanicalfailure for a multicomponent prosthesis comparedwith a 4.6 percent probability estimate for amalleable prosthesis. Although the multicomponentdevice offers more natural flaccidity and more naturalerections, as pointed out on page 43, the riskof reoperation because of mechanical failure isgreater.General analysis of penile prosthesisimplantationSatisfactionMost satisfaction studies after penile prosthesisimplantation have been retrospective. Someinvolved only the recipient (Berg, Mindus, Berg, etal., 1984; Beutler, Scott, Rogers, et al., 1986;Hollander and Diokno, 1984; Telang and Farah,1992). Others involved the recipient and his partner(Beutler, Scott, Karacan, et al., 1984; Schlamowitz,Beutler, Scott, et al., 1983). <strong>The</strong>se studies indicategenerally reasonable levels of satisfaction postoperativelyalthough satisfaction rates are not as high assurgical success rates. Presumably the patients orcouples who were dissatisfied postoperativelydespite good surgical results did not have theirexpectations met.Generally satisfactory results have been reportedfor penile prosthesis implantation in patientswhose erectile dysfunction was caused by spinalcord injury or diabetes (Dietzen and Lloyd, 1992;Jaworski, Richards and Lloyd, 1992; Perkash,Kabalin, Lennon, et al., 1992). In a report of menwith Peyronie’s disease treated with semirigid rodimplants, 48 patients and 29 partners were followedfor a minimum of five years. Only 23 patients (48percent) and 12 partners (40 percent) were satisfiedwith the long-term result (Montorsi, Guazzoni,Bergamaschi, et al., 1993b). However, in anotherreport (Wilson and Delk, 1994), 118 of 138patients with Peyronie’s disease (86 percent) weresuccessfully treated using an inflatable three-pieceprosthesis together with a new technique of manualpenile modeling over the prosthesis.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 33
Complications<strong>The</strong> frequency of many complications occurringduring and after penile prosthesis implantation canbe minimized by careful attention to detail andproper technique before, during and after the operation.Nevertheless, even the most careful surgeonwill have some patients who experience variouscomplications, and the ability to properly recognizeand manage these problems is essential.Patients familiar with the publicity about siliconebreast implants may be concerned about possiblecomplications from silicone in penile prostheses.No evidence has been reported in the medicalliterature demonstrating a health risk from siliconeprostheses, and it is the firm opinion of this panelthat no such health risk exists.InfectionInfection is the most significant complication ofpenile implant surgery (Carson and Robertson,1988; Thomalla, Thompson, Rowland, et al., 1987).It usually requires reoperation and frequentlyrequires device removal. After an infected penileprosthesis is removed, cavernosal fibrosis occurs,making the penis smaller. Implantation of anotherprosthesis at a later date is not a significant problemwith regard to pump or reservoir placement.However, implantation of new cylinders is oftenvery difficult. Also, in the panel’s opinion, the riskof infection is greater for revisions than for primaryimplantations (Quesada and Light, 1993).<strong>The</strong> overall incidence of infection associatedwith penile prostheses has been estimated to beabout two percent with infection rates of 0.6 to16.7 percent for nonhydraulic devices, 3.0 to 8.1percent for one-piece hydraulic devices and 0.8 to8.0 percent for three-piece hydraulic devices (Mouland Carson, 1989). Most periprosthetic infectionsare the direct result of the implant procedure, butlate hematogenous spread of infection from distantsources has been shown to occur (Carson andRobertson, 1988).Staphylococcal organisms are found in morethan 50 percent of infections, with the remainder ofinfections usually caused by gram-negative bacteria(Kabalin and Kessler, 1988b; Licht, Montague,Angermeier, et al., 1995; Montague, 1987; Persky,Luria, Porter, et al., 1986). From 5 to 7 percent ofprostheses may become infected with Staphylococcusepidermidis at time of implantation, developinginto a subclinical state of infection manifestedby chronic pain (Parsons, Stein, Dobke, et al.,1993). In a study of 269 patients who underwentpenile prosthesis implantation between 1979 and1989 (Radomski and Herschorn, 1992), the authorsreported that perioperative antibiotics, intraoperativeshave and scrub and strict surgical techniqueresulted in a low prosthesis infection rate (1.9 percent).<strong>The</strong> authors also concluded that despite theprecautions, a group of patients exists who are atrisk for urinary tract infection because of predisposingconditions, such as neurogenic bladder, diabetesor ileal conduit.Unusual infectious complications reported inthe literature are fungal infections (Peppas, Mouland McLeod, 1988); gonococcal infections (Nelsonand Gregory, 1988); and Fournier’s gangrene(Walther, Andriani, Maggio, et al., 1987). Penilenecrosis occurs rarely (Bejany, Perito, Lustgarten,et al., 1993; Bour and Steinhardt, 1984; Shellingand Maxted, 1980). It is sometimes caused byinfection, but can also be caused by ischemia relatedto other factors. To help avoid penile necrosisafter prosthesis implantation, pressure dressings onthe penis are either not used or are applied withminimal compression of the penile tissues.An early sign of infection is adherence of theskin and subcutaneous tissue to an underlying prosthesiscomponent. This condition is most frequentlyseen in the scrotum where the scrotal tissuesbecome adherent to the pump. <strong>The</strong> tissue adherentto the pump gradually becomes thinner, and eventuallypump erosion occurs. Other signs of infectioninclude persistent pain, swelling and erythemaof tissue, fever and purulent drainage.<strong>The</strong> cause of bacterial adherence to the prosthesishas been shown to be the ability of bacteria toproduce an extracellular matrix or glycocalyx composedof polysaccharides. This glycocalyx acts as aphysical barrier and impedes antibiotic and hostdefense mechanisms (Thomalla, Thompson,Rowland, et al., 1987). Superficial wound infectionswill usually respond to standard treatment,but deep infections in the periprosthetic space willusually not clear even with intensive antibiotic therapy.Because of adherence of bacteria to the prosthesis,removing all the prosthetic material isimportant when prosthesis explantation is required.Standard treatment in the past has been to reimplanta new prosthesis at a later date. However,because of the difficulty with prosthesis implantationinto fibrotic corpora, alternative methods ofdealing with infection have been sought.Page 34Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Furlow and Goldwasser (1987) introduced theconcept of a salvage procedure for dealing withpenile prosthesis erosion. <strong>The</strong>y were able to successfullysalvage 16 of 22 cases of scrotal pumperosion, eight of eight cases of reservoir erosionand zero of two cases of cylinder erosion. Becauseerosion is often associated with infection, salvageprocedures are now considered reasonable alternativesfor dealing with infection. In a salvage procedurefor infection, all prosthetic material is explantedand cultures are taken. <strong>The</strong> operative field is irrigatedwith copious amounts of saline and antibioticsolution; all new prosthetic material is thenimplanted.Infection in diabetic, spinal cord injured andrenal transplant patients<strong>The</strong> literature provides no clear preponderanceof evidence that diabetic men either are or are notat greater risk than nondiabetics for incurring infectionfollowing prosthesis implantation. Some studiessuggest increased risk (Kaufman, Linder andRaz, 1982; Small, 1978; Wilson, Wahman andLange, 1988). Other studies find no evidence ofincreased risk (Kabalin and Kessler, 1988b;Montague, 1987; Thomalla, Thompson, Rowland,et al., 1987). Investigators agree, however, thatinfectious complications which occur in diabeticpatients are potentially more severe than in nondiabeticmen. <strong>The</strong> data in one study (Bishop, Moul,Sihelnik, et al., 1992) indicate that preoperative elevatedglycosylated hemoglobin values (11.5 percentor higher) may correlate with an increased incidenceof prosthesis infection in diabetic men.Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), in thepanel’s opinion, are at greater risk than non-SCIpatients for infection and erosion following prosthesisimplantation. Rates of prosthesis-associatedinfection reported in the literature for SCI patientstend to be high (Dietzen and Lloyd, 1992).Renal transplant patients who undergo placementof a prosthesis are not per se at greater riskfor prosthesis-associated infection and erosion, inthe panel’s opinion and as indicated by recentreports (Hill, Jordon and Bahnson, 1993; Rowe,Montague, Steinmuller, et al., 1993). However, aswith diabetic men, there is agreement that infectiouscomplications, when they occur, are potentiallymore severe in renal transplant patients.Fibrosis<strong>The</strong> most common cause of significant fibrosisis infection following previous penile prosthesisimplantation. Fibrosis can be severe following priapismand can lead to significant difficulties withprosthesis implantation (Bertram, Carson andWebster, 1985). Fortunately, priapism resulting infibrosis is rather uncommon. Fibrosis associatedwith intracavernous pharmacotherapy has beenreported and consists of intracorporeal nodules andplaques, as in Peyronie’s disease (Lakin, Montague,Mendendorp, et al., 1990). <strong>The</strong> degree of fibrosis inmen who have been on intracavernous pharmacotherapyis rarely severe, and prosthesis implantationis usually accomplished with only minimal difficultyin such patients.Peyronie’s disease causes fibrotic plaques whichoccur within the tunica albuginea of the corporalbodies. Cavernosal smooth muscle is not usuallyaffected, and the corpora are usually easy to dilate.If a malleable semirigid rod prosthesis is implanted,the penis can often be straightened by bendingthe prosthesis (Montague, 1984). With an inflatablepenile prosthesis and sometimes with nonmalleablesemirigid rod devices, plaque excision or incisionor a Nesbit procedure may be necessary to correctpenile curvature (Eigner, Kabalin and Kessler,1991; Knoll, Furlow and Benson, 1990; Subrini,1984).Penile fibrosis may occur in implant recipientsas a result of one or more of the previouslydescribed conditions (infection, priapism,Peyronie’s disease, intracavernous pharmacotherapy)and following radiation therapy. Idiopathicpenile fibrosis may also be encountered unexpectedlyduring prosthesis implantation, and the surgeonshould be prepared to deal with this problem.ErosionA common cause of erosion is tissue injury duringthe implant procedure. If the urethra is entered,the implant procedure, at least on that side, shouldbe abandoned. Lateral perforation of the tunicaalbuginea can still permit prosthesis implantation ifanother more medial plane for dilation is establishedand the perforation is closed. If the crus isperforated during proximal corporal dilation, usuallythe crus can still be adequately dilated down toits bone attachment. A rod prosthesis or hydrauliccylinder can then be inserted, making certain thatthe proximal end of the prosthesis does not extendthrough the perforation. Alternatively, a Dacronor polytetrafluoroethylene sock can be constructedto prevent prosthesis migration out into the perineum(Fritzler, Flores-Sandoval and Light, 1986;Mulcahy, 1987).Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 35
Infection is also a common cause of erosion,and it is not always possible to tell whether erosionoccurred because of infection or other factors. Thismakes the true incidence of periprosthetic infectiondifficult to judge. Erosion with or without infectionrequires device removal either with a salvage procedureor reimplantation at a later date.Erosion can occur because of ischemia, whichmay be associated with many contributing factors.This is particularly true if the prosthesis is too longto fit in the corpora without pressure. Lack of sensation,usually associated with spinal cord injury,contributes to erosion. Radiation therapy, diabetesmellitus and atherosclerosis may also contribute toerosion. Finally, ischemic erosion and gangrenemay result from a pressure dressing or urethralcatheter (Steidle and Mulcahy, 1989).After cystectomy, the retropubic space is part ofthe abdominal cavity. Placement of a reservoir in astandard fashion results in intraperitoneal reservoirplacement, which has been associated with variouscomplications. <strong>The</strong>se include small bowel obstruction(Nelson, 1988); erosion into an ileal conduit(Godiwalla, Beres and Jacobs, 1987); and erosioninto small and large bowel (Singh and Godec,1992). If a three-piece hydraulic prosthesis isimplanted in a patient who has had a cystectomy,extraperitoneal reservoir implantation through aseparate incision can be performed.Erosion of reservoirs into the bladder has beenreported (Dupont and Hochman, 1988; Fitch andRoddy, 1986; Furlow and Goldwasser, 1987). Asalvage procedure is usually advisable in these cases.Scrotal pump erosion is most often a manifestationof infection, and prosthesis removal with reimplantationat a later date or a salvage procedureshould be done. Furlow and Goldwasser (1987)reported 22 salvage procedures for eroded pumpswith success in 16 cases.Sizing errorsInadequate distal dilation of the corpora andplacement of a prosthesis that is too short willresult in poor support of the glans penis. This iscommonly referred to as an SST deformity becauseof its resemblance to the nose of the supersonictransport aircraft. This is not only a cosmetic but afunctional deformity because poor glanular supportusually causes pain during coitus. Treatmentinvolves removal of the prosthesis. Long Metzenbaumscissors are then inserted distally, and thefibrous capsule is perforated with the scissors.Hegar dilators are used to dilate the distal portionof the corpora. New measurements are taken and alonger prosthesis is implanted. Alternatively, a dorsalsubcoronal incision can be made, and subcutaneoushorizontal mattress sutures can be placed topull the dorsal aspect of the glans back onto thedistal penile shaft (Ball, 1980; De Stefani,Simonato, Capone, et al., 1994). Care should betaken so that these sutures do not injure the dorsalneurovascular structures or damage an underlyinghydraulic device.Placement of a hydraulic cylinder that is toolong will result in buckling or folding of the cylinder,which may result in early cylinder wear andfluid loss. With the AMS Ultrex cylinder, in whichelongation takes place, a cylinder that is too longcan result in an S-shaped deformity of the peniswhen the cylinders are inflated. For this reason, it isadvisable to implant AMS Ultrex cylinders that are1 cm shorter than usual. An SST deformity isunlikely since these cylinders lengthen with inflation.Implantation of a nonhydraulic or semirigid rodprosthesis, as already mentioned, may result in erosion.An earlier sign is persistent pain. Penile painfollowing prosthesis implantation generally persistsfor one to two months. Pain that lasts beyond thistime may be due to infection or a prosthesis that istoo long. Treatment of pain due to an oversizedprosthesis involves removal of the prosthesis, resizingof the corporal bodies and implantation of ashorter device.Insufficient length and/or rigidityPenile prosthesis recipients frequently complainthat their new erection is shorter than their formernatural erection. This complaint is inherent in prosthetictreatment of erectile dysfunction, only partiallycorrected by the length-elongating AMSUltrex cylinders. Patients should be counseled preoperativelyregarding this difference between naturaland prosthetic erections.When an implant recipient complains of insufficientrigidity, the complaints may or may not berealistic and the urologist should determine this bycareful examination. Pressure on the glans penistoward the body is a good test of long axial rigidity.A one- or two-piece hydraulic prosthesis will providesufficient rigidity for many men, but often notfor those with longer penises. When rigidity isinsufficient, conversion to a three-piece inflatableprosthesis may be necessary. Men with semirigidrod prostheses may also have insufficient rigidity,which is more likely if the penis is long or a smallPage 36Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
diameter or nonmalleable rod prosthesis has beenimplanted. Again, conversion to another prosthesismay be necessary.Component displacement<strong>The</strong> most common component displacementproblem is upward pump migration. When thepump is low in the scrotum, the cosmetic appearanceis better and the pump is easier to cycle.Upward pump migration not only affects the cosmeticappearance and makes pumping more difficult,but the pump may impinge on the base of thepenis and interfere with complete vaginal intromission.Treatment requires reoperation to move thepump to a lower location.Distal cylinder crossover results in both distalcylinders being in the same corpus cavernosum.<strong>The</strong> cylinder that has crossed over pushes the othercylinder tip laterally, which frequently results inpain. Treatment requires removal of the cylinderwhich has crossed over, distal dilation of that corpuscavernosum and reimplantation of the samecylinder. <strong>The</strong> problem may also occur with nonhydraulicdevices.A reservoir may pop out through the transversalisfascia and present as a bulge in the inguinalcanal. <strong>The</strong> bulge can be distinguished from a herniaby inflation of the prosthesis, which causes thebulge to disappear or become smaller. Treatment isreplacement of the reservoir and repair of the fascialdefect through a separate inguinal incision.Mechanical failuresMechanical failures of penile prostheses, morecommon with hydraulic devices, also occur withnonhydraulic or semirigid rod prostheses (Parulkar,Hamid and Dhabuwala, 1994). Breakage of strandsin the silver wire core of the Jonas penile prosthesis,fractures of the Small-Carrion and FinneyFlexi-Rod devices and cable breakage of theOmniPhase and DuraPhase prostheses have beenreported (Agatstein, Farrer and Raz, 1986;Hrebinko, Bahnson, Schwentker, et al., 1990;Huisman and Macintyre, 1988; Levinson andWhitehead, 1989; Mulcahy, Krane, Lloyd, et al.,1990; Pearman, 1967; Tawil and Gregory, 1986;Tawil, Hawatmeh, Apte, et al., 1984; Walther andFoster, 1985).Early experience with the Scott-Bradley-TimmAMS inflatable penile prosthesis revealed mechanicalfailure rates ranging from 21 to 45 percent(Furlow, 1979; Kabalin and Kessler, 1988a; Malloy,Wein and Carpiniello, 1982; Merrill, 1983a;Montague, 1983). Four reports indicate significantimprovement in mechanical reliability of the AMS700 prosthesis compared to the pre-700 AMS models(Fallon, Rosenberg and Culp, 1984; Scarzella,1988; Wilson, Wahman and Lange, 1988;Woodworth, Carson and Webster, 1991).<strong>The</strong> current models of the AMS three-piecehydraulic prostheses (AMS 700CX, AMS Ultrexand AMS Ultrex Plus) utilize triple-ply cylinderswith input tubing protection, a sutureless connectorsystem, kink-resistant tubing and seamless reservoirs.Long-term experience with these newdevices is not yet available, but preliminary reportsindicate that their mechanical reliability will beconsiderably better than the reliability of earliermodels (Furlow and Motley, 1988; Knoll, Furlowand Motley, 1990; Mulcahy, 1988; Parulkar, Hamidand Dhabuwala, 1993). (See Chapter 2, page 19.)<strong>The</strong> Mentor three-piece hydraulic prosthesiswas introduced in 1983 (see page 19). Initialreports indicated a 7.3 percent mechanical failurerate (Brooks, 1988; Merrill, 1986). A later reportindicated a mechanical failure rate of 3.0 percent(Merrill, 1988). Mentor cylinders have a single layerconstructed from Bioflex, a polyurethane polymer.<strong>The</strong> reservoir and pump are silicone.AutoinflationAutoinflation can occur in three-piece hydraulicdevices when resting pressure in the reservoir isgreater than zero, because physical activity willresult in fluid being transferred from the reservoirthrough the pump into the cylinders until cylinderand reservoir pressures are equal. Autoinflation canbe prevented or minimized by ensuring that fluidpressure in the reservoir after implantation is zeroand by maintaining the prosthesis in the deflatedstate during the healing process while a fibrouspseudocapsule is forming around the device.Finally, a reservoir in the prevesical space is lesssubject to increases in pressure due to physicalstress than a reservoir that is implanted between therectus muscle and peritoneum. Treatment forautoinflation requires reoperation, at which time theabove principles are followed (see page 20).Sensory disturbancesWith the infrapubic or subcoronal surgicalapproaches for penile prosthesis implantation,injury to the dorsal nerves of the penis is possible.However, even when these approaches are used,dorsal nerve injury is rare. With ventral (penoscrotal)approaches, dorsal nerve injury is avoided.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 37
Complaints of decreased sensation following penileprosthesis implantation with any of these approachesare rare.A somewhat more frequent but still rare problemis persistent pain following penile prosthesisimplantation. Pain after prosthesis implantationgenerally persists for one to two months, althoughthe duration varies from patient to patient. Painlasting more than two months may be the result ofa nonhydraulic device that is too long or periprostheticinfection. Patients with sensory neuropathyassociated with their primary disease (for example,diabetes mellitus) often experience more severe andprolonged pain than other implant recipients. <strong>The</strong>yoften describe this pain as a burning sensation,which is different from the kind of pain describedby other patients. When persistent pain is the resultof infection, clinical signs of infection will eventuallydevelop. Treatment is then directed toward theinfection. Usually, pain due to a sensory neuropathywill gradually resolve. A prosthesis seldomneeds to be explanted because of pain that does notresult from infection.Ejaculatory incompetenceIf the ability to have an orgasm (with or withoutejaculation) is present before penile prosthesisimplantation, it should still be present postoperatively.However, ejaculatory incompetence, a termused to describe the inability to reach orgasm,occasionally occurs after penile prosthesis implantation.In the early postoperative period when somediscomfort is still present, this complaint is morecommon and the problem usually resolves with furtherhealing. It may, however, persist as a long-termproblem.This problem is due, at least in part, to a differencebetween natural and prosthetic erections. Aman without a prosthesis does not attempt coitusunless sexually aroused because arousal is neededto obtain an erection. <strong>The</strong> implant recipient, on theother hand, can use his prosthesis for coitus withoutbeing sexually aroused. This results in lesspleasure during coitus, and the threshold fororgasm might not be reached. When a couple isgiven permission to have coitus after prosthesisimplantation, they are encouraged to use a watersolublelubricant and ample foreplay before vaginalintromission. Partner anxiety during initial coitalattempts may impair vaginal lubrication. <strong>The</strong> lubricantcan later be discarded if natural lubricationappears adequate. If a couple continues to haveproblems with coitus despite the absence of surgicalor prosthetic problems, referral to a sex therapistis indicated (Schover, 1989).Venous and arterial surgery analysisAs noted in Chapter 2 (page 20), various surgicaltechniques have been developed for potentiallycorrecting vasculogenic erectile dysfunction causedby corporovenous occlusive dysfunction or byinsufficient arterial flow. However, based on resultsreported in the literature, chances of success do notappear high enough to justify routine use of suchsurgery.Venous surgeryFor venous surgery, the outcomes balance sheetshows an estimated probability for return to intercourseof 43.3 percent, based on data from 43patient groups with a total of 1,801 patients. <strong>The</strong>estimated probability for patient satisfaction is 43.8percent. It has also been reported that approximately25 percent of men who have had venous surgerycan return to intercourse using intracavernousinjections of vasoactive drugs.Reported outcomes suggest that although erectilefunction can improve in the short term for somemen following venous surgery, the probability ofsuccess after 12 months is low (Afsar, Metin,Sozduyar, et al., 1992; Anafarta, Bedük, Aydos, etal., 1992; Austoni, Colombo, Mantovani, et al.,1992; Bar-Moshe and Vandendris, 1992; Claro, deLima and Netto, 1992; Gilbert, Sparwasser,Beckert, et al., 1992; Hauri, Alund, Spycher, et al.,1992; Katzenwadel, Popken and Wetterauer, 1993;Knoll, Furlow and Benson, 1992; McLoughlin,Asopa and Williams, 1993; Montague, Angermeier,Lakin, et al., 1993; Motiwala, Patel, Joshi, et al.,1993; Puech-Leão, 1992; Schild and Muller, 1993;Sparwasser, Drescher, Pust, et al., 1994; Stief,Djamilian, Truss, et al., 1994; Weidner, Weiske,Rudnick, et al., 1992; Wespes, Delcour,Preserowitz, et al, 1992; Wespes and Schulman,1993; Yu, Schwab, Melograna, et al., 1992).In one study, for example, 46 men with venousleakage who underwent penile vein ligation wereavailable for followup for more than 12 months(Freedman, Costa Neto, Mehringer, et al., 1993).Erections allowing normal intercourse wereobserved in 34 men (74 percent) within the first sixmonths, but after 12 months only 11 men (24 percent)were able to achieve erections sufficient forintercourse. Associated complications includedPage 38Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
penile shortening in 20 men (43 percent) and penilehypoesthesia in nine men (20 percent).Arterial surgeryFor arterial surgery, the outcomes balance sheetshows a probability estimate of 60.3 percent forreturn to intercourse. In addition, it has beenreported that about 25 percent of men who havehad arterial surgery can return to intercourse aidedby vasoactive drug injection therapy. To generateoutcome estimates displayed in the balance sheetfor arterial surgery, data were combined for morethan one type of procedure. Most techniquesdescribed in the literature are variations of microsurgicalpenile revascularization by anastomosis ofthe inferior epigastric artery to the dorsal penileartery, cavernous penile artery and/or deep dorsalvein (Cookson, Phillips, Huff, et al., 1993; Grasso,Lania, Castelli, et al., 1992; Janssen, Sarramon,Rischmann, et al., 1994; Löbelenz, Jünemann,Köhrmann, et al., 1992; Melman and Riccardi,1993; Sarramon, Janssen, Rischmann, et al., 1994;Schramek, Engelmann and Kaufmann, 1992).Although not confirmed or refuted statistically,panel expert opinion is that the best results ofpenile revascularization surgery are achieved inyoung, nonsmoking men with normal serum cholesterolwhose erectile dysfunction is due to pelvic,and possibly perineal, trauma.In general, surgical treatments for erectile dysfunctionof venogenic and/or arteriogenic origin arestill in an immature state of evolution. Initially,newly developed operations suffered from crudeand inaccurate diagnostic tests, so that somepatients were operated on who actually did nothave vasculogenic erectile dysfunction. With moresophisticated diagnostic techniques, it is now possibleto identify more accurately the patients whohave vasculogenic erectile dysfunction. Also, investigatorshave recently begun to use more objectiveselection criteria and postoperative followup methods(Melman and Riccardi, 1993). Yet current testsare still not standardized, and methods of postoperativefollowup are often inaccurate and subjective.<strong>The</strong> literature reflects this immature state.In addition, there are a number of well-knownpotential postoperative complications, such asinfection, pain, postoperative priapism, persistentedema, penile shortening and glans hypervascularization(Jarow and DeFranzo, 1992; Wolf and Lue,1992). <strong>The</strong> outcomes balance sheet shows estimatedprobabilities for surgical complications of 17.2percent for venous surgery and 21.5 percent forarterial surgery.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 39
Chapter 4 –Recommendations for treatment of erectile dysfunctionOverview<strong>The</strong> AUA <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> ClinicalGuidelines Panel analyzed outcomes data for thefollowing methods of treating organic erectile dysfunction:(1) oral drug therapy (yohimbine); (2)vacuum constriction devices; (3) intracavernousvasoactive drug injection therapy; (4) penile prosthesisimplantation; and (5) venous and arterialsurgery.Panel recommendations regarding these treatmentoptions are based primarily on evidence fromthe literature, both as summarized in the outcomesbalance sheet (pages 24 to 25) and as discussed inthe analysis sections of Chapter 3, and secondarilyon panel expert opinion.<strong>The</strong> choice of treatment modality or combinationof modalities depends in part on the desires ofthe patient. <strong>The</strong> panel believes, as recommended inthe 1992 NIH Consensus Statement on erectile dysfunction,that “treatment should be individualizedto the patient’s desires and expectations.” <strong>The</strong> panelalso recognizes that some patients will choose theoption of no treatment.Treatment choices depend as well on results ofthe diagnostic assessment, which will governpatient options. <strong>The</strong> panel, therefore, included inthis chapter an initial overview section on diagnosticevaluation of men with erectile dysfunction. <strong>The</strong>recommendations in this diagnostic section arebased solely on panel opinion and not on a rigoroussystematic review of the literature like that describedin Chapter 1, which was used for the treatmentrecommendations. Moreover, they are generalrecommendations only and are not intended to beall-inclusive or limiting with regard to assessmentof individual patients.Diagnostic assessmentAn appropriate assessment of men with erectiledysfunction includes these key elements: (1) generalmedical history; (2) detailed sexual history; (3)psychological evaluation; (4) physical examination;and (5) basic laboratory studies (NIH ConsensusStatement, 1992).Medical and sexual history andpsychological evaluation<strong>The</strong> medical history may identify specific riskfactors that account for or contribute to erectiledysfunction. A detailed history of medicationsshould be included. Vascular risk factors includehypertension, diabetes, smoking, coronary arterydisease, peripheral vascular disorders and bloodlipid abnormalities. Neurologic risk factors includediabetes mellitus or alcoholism with associatedperipheral neuropathy. Certain neurologic disorders,such as multiple sclerosis, spinal injury andcerebrovascular accidents, are often well definedprior to presentation. A history of significant pelvicor perineal trauma may indicate either vascular orneurologic risk factors. <strong>The</strong> general medical historymay also reveal that a patient has had a psychiatricillness, such as depression.For the sexual history, ideally the patient andthe patient’s sexual partner should be interviewed,although not necessarily at the same time if thepartner’s presence inhibits the patient. A detailedhistory is required to define the patient’s complaintaccurately and to distinguish erectile dysfunctionfrom problems, such as orgasmic or ejaculatorydisturbances or decreased sexual desire, which mayindicate a hypogonadal state or depression.Specific questions should include queries suchas whether the patient has painful erections or apenile deformity (possible Peyronie’s disease).Other questions should be aimed at eliciting thepatient’s (and the partner’s) perception of erectiledysfunction, details of sexual techniques used,patient and partner expectations, situational circumstances,occurrence of performance anxiety, thenature of the patient-partner relationship (includingpossible discord) and specific motivation for treatment.Page 40Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
<strong>The</strong> physician who takes a good history is alsoperforming a screening psychosocial evaluation.Various psychological tests and sexual questionnairesare available for use as part of the evaluation.Formal psychological consultation should beobtained as necessary. If the initial evaluationreveals that the dysfunction is primarily psychogenicor a major relationship problem exists, referralto a specialist is indicated. <strong>The</strong> evaluation alsomay reveal evidence of psychiatric disorders.Physical examination<strong>The</strong> physical examination includes an assessmentof neurologic and secondary sex characteristics,femoral and lower extremity pulses and thepatient’s general state of health. It includes palpationof the shaft of the penis to detect Peyronie’splaques; evaluation of testis size and consistency; adigital rectal examination of the prostate; andassessment of anal sphincter tone, perianal sensationand the bulbocavernosus reflex.Laboratory testsAmong the tests to exclude unrecognized diabetesor other systemic diseases are a completeblood count, urinalysis, creatinine, lipid profile andfasting blood sugar or glycosylated hemoglobintesting (NIH Consensus Statement, 1992). Endocrineevaluation begins with a serum testosteronedetermination. Low testosterone indicates obtaininga repeat total testosterone measurement and assessmentof free testosterone, prolactin and luteinizinghormone.Other testsIntracavernous injection of test doses of vasoactivedrugs has become a popular office diagnostictest. A rigid or nearly rigid response indicates adequatecorporovenous occlusive function and athreshold arterial response. However, a rigid ornearly rigid erection does not exclude the possibilityof arterial disease. In patients with no history orphysical evidence of neurologic or vascular disease,an excellent response to vasoactive drug injectiontesting suggests a psychological basis for the problem.Although these generalizations can be madeabout the man who has a good or excellentresponse to diagnostic injection, little can be saidabout the man who has a poor or absent responseto the injection. A man with a poor response mayhave arterial insufficiency and/or corporovenousocclusive dysfunction, or he may have psychogenicerectile dysfunction and fail to respond to the testinjection presumably because of high sympathetictone mediated by anxiety.Vascular testing is often done by duplex ultrasonographyof the cavernosal arteries after intracavernousvasoactive drug injection. Measurementof peak systolic velocities in the cavernosal arteriesis reproducible, and values have been obtained innormal subjects. This test is generally regarded asthe most useful and accurate assessment of the statusof the cavernosal arteries. Penile arteriographyis usually reserved for patients who are candidatesfor arterial bypass surgery.Measurement of corporovenous occlusive statusis generally done by performing infusion cavernosometryand cavernosography after vasoactivedrug injection. Complete cavernosal smooth musclerelaxation must be obtained by vasoactive druginjection. Often this does not occur, presumablybecause of patient anxiety. If complete smoothmuscle relaxation does not occur, the false diagnosisof corporovenous occlusive dysfunction may bemade. This test limitation, together with theabsence of test values in control subjects, limits theusefulness of these tests for corporovenous occlusivedysfunction. Techniques such as visual sexualstimulation have been used in an effort to create thebest possible erectile response during diagnosticevaluation and reduce patient anxiety that maycause falsely abnormal test results.For measurement of neurologic function, fewuseful tests exist. <strong>The</strong>re is no clinically validatedtest for measurement of neurologic function of thecorpus cavernosum. Biothesiometry measuresvibratory sensory thresholds and is of some useclinically. Tests, such as bulbocavernosus reflexlatency and somatosensory evoked potentials, havegenerally been performed only in a research settingand at this time are not regarded as being clinicallyuseful.One test for erectile dysfunction is the measurementof nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity(NPTR). As demonstrated by studies in controlsubjects, normal males of all ages have nocturnalerections which mostly occur during rapid eyemovement stages of sleep. Men with erectile dysfunctionwho have normal NPTR are likely to havea psychogenic etiology, whereas men with impairedor absent NPTR may have an organic etiology.Exceptions to this generalization include men withsleep disorders, depression and neurologic disease.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 41
Treatment recommendations<strong>The</strong> panel’s practice recommendations for treatmentof erectile dysfunction apply to the standardpatient. This patient is defined as a man who developserectile dysfunction after a well-establishedperiod of normal erectile function and whose erectiledysfunction is primarily organic rather thanpsychological and who has no evidence of hypogonadismor hyperprolactinemia.<strong>The</strong> panel generated its treatment recommendations,as previously stated, based on outcomes evidencefrom the literature and on panel opinion. Asexplained in Chapter 1, the recommendations weregraded according to three levels of flexibility, basedon the strength of the evidence and on the panel’sassessment of patient preferences. <strong>The</strong> definitionsof these three levels are repeated as follows fromChapter 1:◆ Standard: A treatment policy is considered astandard if the outcomes of the alternative interventionsare sufficiently well-known to permitmeaningful decisions and there is virtual unanimityabout which intervention is preferred.◆ Guideline: A policy is considered a guideline ifthe outcomes of the interventions are sufficientlywell-known to permit meaningful decisionsand an appreciable but not unanimous majorityagree on which intervention is preferred.◆ Option: A policy is considered an option if: (1)the outcomes of the interventions are not sufficientlywell-known to permit meaningful decisions;(2) preferences among the outcomes arenot known; (3) patients’ preferences are dividedamong the alternative interventions; and/or (4)patients are indifferent about the alternativeinterventions.Standards obviously have the least flexibility.Guidelines have significantly more flexibility, andoptions are the most flexible. In this report, theterms are used to indicate the strength of the recommendations.A recommendation was labeled astandard, for example, if the panel concluded that itshould be followed by virtually all health care providersfor virtually all patients. Regardless of levelof flexibility, the panel considered it important totake into account likely preferences of individualpatients when selecting from among the differenttreatments for erectile dysfunction.Recommended treatment modalitiesand patient informationRecommendationsStandard: <strong>The</strong> patient and, when possible,his partner should be fully informed in anunbiased manner about recommendedtreatment options, their relative benefitsand potential complications.Guideline: Based on review of the literatureand analysis of the data, the panel recommendsthree treatment options fororganic erectile dysfunction in the standardpatient, as this patient is defined above.<strong>The</strong> three recommended treatments are:vacuum constriction device therapy, intracavernousvasoactive drug injection therapyand penile prosthesis implantation.Following are considerations for discussion ininforming the patient about the three recommendedtreatment options: vacuum constriction device(VCD) therapy, intracavernous vasoactive druginjection therapy and penile prosthesis implantation.<strong>The</strong>se considerations include selection factorsand contraindications resulting from the diagnosticassessment. In the panel’s opinion, it is importantto involve the partner, when possible, in discussionof the therapeutic alternatives and treatment goals.Interviewing and educating the partner can alleviatemuch of the stress that erectile dysfunction bringsto a relationship, with the goal being an honestappraisal of the benefits and potential difficulties oftherapy.Informing the patient about VCDs<strong>The</strong> VCD should be discussed as a treatmentoption based on the results of the diagnostic assessment.<strong>The</strong> discussion should be unbiased, andadvantages and disadvantages should be stated. <strong>The</strong>use of VCDs in conjunction with vasoactive druginjection therapy can also be discussed.<strong>The</strong> VCD, as noted in Chapter 3 (page 26), willcause penile rigidity in most men sufficient for vaginalpenetration regardless of the reason for erectiledysfunction. As also noted in Chapter 3, men withdecreased penile sensation because of spinal cordinjury or other neurologic problems should use thePage 42Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
VCD with caution. Only prescription VCD equipmentshould be used, and constriction should notexceed 30 minutes.Informing the patient about vasoactivedrug injection therapyAs with VCD therapy, intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapy should be presented as atreatment option in an unbiased manner, preferablyusing patient handouts or video presentations thatexamine benefits and risks of each treatmentmodality available. Complications, including prolongederection, painful erection and fibrosis,should be discussed. Also as with VCD therapy, thepresentation should be based on the diagnosticassessment.A good response to test doses of vasoactiveagents during the diagnostic assessment, in apatient with organic erectile dysfunction or refractorypsychogenic erectile dysfunction, indicates asuitable candidate for treatment by vasoactive pharmacotherapy.However, a poor response may be situationaland does not necessarily preclude treatmentof the patient with vasoactive agents.Relative contraindications to vasoactive injectioninclude penile fibrosis, coagulopathy, uncontrolledpsychiatric disorders, regular use ofmonoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors and severecardiovascular disease that could be exacerbated bya complication of the injection. Patients takingMAO inhibitors are at risk for hypertensive crisiswhen adrenergic agents are used to treat prolongederection (Padma-Nathan, Goldstein, Payton, et al.,1987). Patients with chronic systemic illnessesshould be followed in conjunction with their primaryphysician. Poor manual dexterity or morbid obesity,which could preclude self-injection, may beovercome by teaching the injection technique to anable and willing partner.Informing the patient about penileprosthesis implantationProsthesis implantation is a highly reliable, butinvasive form of therapy. Candidates consideringthis treatment option should be aware that postoperativepain after implantation may be significantand typically lasts four to eight weeks, althoughthis is quite variable. Patients will need to restrictstrenuous physical activity for at least four weeks,and coitus should not be resumed for at least fourweeks.Complications, especially infection and erosion,need to be discussed. <strong>The</strong> patient should know thatinfection and erosion usually require deviceremoval. <strong>The</strong> patient also needs to know that anytype of penile prosthesis can fail mechanically, andthat the probability of device failure tends to beproportional to device complexity. <strong>The</strong> potentialimplant recipient should be told that correction ofdevice failure requires reoperation.<strong>The</strong> patient should be aware that implantationof a penile prosthesis does not ordinarily affectlibido, orgasm, ejaculation, urination or genital sensation.However, a few implant recipients do experienceeither persistent pain or decreased penilesensation which are unexplainable. Fortunately,these complications are rare.It is very important that potential implant recipientsunderstand that an erection produced by aprosthesis always differs from a normal erection.Many recipients feel that the erection a prosthesisproduces is shorter than a normal erection.Moreover, the appearance of the flaccid penis willbe different to some degree. <strong>The</strong>se departures fromthe normal state are variable. <strong>The</strong> variabilitydepends on the type of prosthesis chosen, differencesin anatomy of individual patients and factorsrelated to the healing process.If the option of being implanted with a prosthesisis selected, the different prostheses offered bythe implanting surgeon should be comparativelydiscussed with the patient and, whenever possible,with the partner. No single prosthesis is best forevery patient. <strong>The</strong> patient’s or couple’s wishes areimportant factors in device selection.If the patient wants a simple device that has thelowest possibility of subsequent mechanical failure,and he is willing to accept the limitations inherentin a nonhydraulic prosthesis, a malleable or positionableprosthesis can be considered. If, however,the patient wants the most natural flaccidity and themost natural erection possible with current devices,a three-piece hydraulic prosthesis is the bestchoice.Other devices, such as one- and two-piecehydraulic devices, provide a compromise betweennonhydraulic and three-piece hydraulic devices.When considering hydraulic penile prostheses, factorssuch as patient motivation, intelligence, manualdexterity and strength need to be considered inorder to avoid implantation of a device that thepatient will be unable to cycle.Although some penile implantations are doneunder local anesthesia (Dos Reis, Glina, Da Silva,Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 43
et al., 1993; Kaufman, 1982), most continue to bedone under general, spinal or epidural anesthesia.<strong>The</strong> need for and type of anesthesia to be usedshould therefore be discussed.Costs can be an important factor in decisionmaking, depending on the patient’s insurance coverageand/or financial resources. In general, thecost of a prosthesis is proportional to its designcomplexity. <strong>The</strong> surgical implantation fee usuallydepends on device complexity as well.Modality-specific recommendationsFollowing are practice recommendations specificto the five treatment modalities for which estimatedbenefits and harms are shown in the outcomesbalance sheet tables. <strong>The</strong> recommendationsand their accompanying discussion are presentedby modality in the order in which the five modalitiesappear in the outcomes balance sheet.Oral drug therapy (yohimbine)RecommendationsGuideline: Based on the data to date,yohimbine does not appear to be effectivefor organic erectile dysfunction, and thusshould not be recommended as treatmentfor the standard patient.In varying populations of men with organicerectile dysfunction, yohimbine has shown only amodest beneficial effect, and there is a significantplacebo effect that may account for half of yohimbine’sbeneficial effect. Furthermore, based on presentstudies, the subpopulation of men with erectiledysfunction who are most likely to benefit fromyohimbine therapy cannot be accurately identified.<strong>The</strong> status of other oral drugs for treatment oferectile dysfunction is investigational (see pages 23and 26).VCD therapyRecommendationsGuideline: In order to optimize efficacyand safety, men interested in trying the vacuumconstriction device should be givenindividual instruction in its use. Only VCDsavailable by prescription should be used.Successful use of a VCD requires carefulinstruction. Patients who rely only on the manufacturer’sprinted or videotaped instructions are lesslikely to master the use of the VCD than those givena demonstration by a physician or experiencedmedical assistant (Lewis, Sidi and Reddy, 1991).Vasoactive drug injection therapyRecommendationsStandard: <strong>The</strong> physician should inform thepatient using vasoactive drug injection therapythat a prolonged erection can occur andthat the patient should present for treatmentafter a prolonged erection of four hours. <strong>The</strong>physician should be familiar with the methodsused to reverse a prolonged erection andshould inform the patient of how to contactthe treating physician or a knowledgeablesubstitute at any time.Guideline: For patients beginning initialtherapy, PGE1 (alprostadil) monotherapy ispreferred. For patients who fail PGE1 therapybecause of pain or inadequate erection,other drugs should be considered.Guideline: For combination therapy,papaverine/phentolamine and papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 appear equally efficaciousand safe. For PGE1/phentolamine combinationtherapy, insufficient data have asyet been reported in the literature; but panelopinion is that this combination appears tobe an effective therapy.Option: Papaverine monotherapy may beconsidered in some patients because of lowerrisk of pain and lower cost in comparisonwith PGE1 monotherapy. Physicians usingpapaverine monotherapy should be aware ofthe higher risk of prolonged erection and fibrosisas compared with PGE1 monotherapy.<strong>The</strong> choice of vasoactive pharmacotherapy totreat erectile dysfunction places the patient in thesituation of performing a minimally invasive druginjection on an intermittent basis. With any vasoactiveagent or combination, physicians should beprepared to aggressively treat all potential complications.Complications can be minimized andPage 44Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
patient acceptance and satisfaction facilitated bycareful attention to diagnosis, teaching and followup.Education of the patient is particularlyimportant to minimize frustration and to decreasethe probability of untoward side effects. Goodteaching of technical details and a willingness toelucidate difficulties in technique or to observeinjection technique periodically may decrease theincidence of improper injection and failed responses.When appropriate, the patient should be able toadjust within specific bounds the total dose of medicationinjected to match the specific situation forwhich it is used. It is recommended that vasoactivedrug injection therapy not be used more than oncein a 24-hour period.Penile prosthesis implantationRecommendationsStandard: Penile prosthesis implantationshould not be performed in men with psychogenicerectile dysfunction unless a psychiatristor psychologist participates in thepreoperative evaluation and concurs with theneed for prosthesis implantation.Standard: <strong>The</strong> patient considering prosthesisimplantation and, when possible, hispartner should be informed of the followingfactors: types of prostheses; duration ofpostoperative pain and restriction of activity;possibility of infection and erosion, mechanicalfailure and consequent reoperation; anddifferences from the normal flaccid anderect penis.Standard: <strong>The</strong> implant recipient and, whenpossible, his partner should be informed thatpenile prosthesis implantation may precludesubsequent successful use of a vacuum constrictiondevice or vasoactive injection therapy.Standard: Surgery should not be done inthe presence of systemic infection or cutaneousinfection in the operative field. Priorto operation the absence of bacteriuriashould be confirmed.<strong>The</strong> ideal candidate for prosthesis implantationis the man with organic erectile dysfunction whofailed treatment by other means or finds other treatmentsunacceptable and is a suitable surgical risk.Prosthesis implantation is not recommended forpatients whose erectile dysfunction is situational orreversible. Men with psychogenic erectile dysfunctionshould only be considered for penile prosthesisimplantation if they have failed sex therapy and arerecommended for a prosthesis by the therapist, or ifthe therapist feels that sex therapy is not feasiblefor these individuals or couples.Abnormalities of the tunica albuginea or fibrosisof the cavernosal tissue may complicate prosthesisimplantation. <strong>The</strong> penile prosthesis recipient shouldbe free of urinary tract infection and should haveno infections elsewhere in the body that mightresult in bacterial seeding during the healing phase.In addition, there should be no active dermatitis,wounds or other cutaneous lesions in the operativearea. Antibiotics to provide broad spectrum coverageshould be administered such that tissue levelsare adequate at the start of the operation. In diabeticimplant recipients, good control of the diabetesmellitus may reduce the risk of infection (Bishop,Moul, Sihelnik, et al., 1992).Prosthesis recipients with spinal cord injury areat increased risk for both infection and erosion(Golji, 1979; Rossier and Fam, 1984). Erosion inthese patients may occur in part because of infection;however, lack of sensation also contributes tothe erosion problem. Inflatable prostheses in spinalcord injured patients offer a reduced risk of erosion.Inflatable prostheses are also consideredadvantageous in patients, such as those with a historyof bladder tumor or urethral stricture, whomay require periodic lower tract endoscopic procedures.Uncircumcised men should be examined forabnormalities of the prepuce or glans penis. Mildphimosis or balanitis may be an indication for circumcisioneither before or at the time of prosthesisimplantation. Postimplant problems with phimosisin uncircumcised men are unusual when the foreskinand glans are normal.Venous and arterial surgeryRecommendationsGuideline: Based on the evidence to date,penile venous surgery is considered investigationaland should only be performed in aresearch setting with long-term followupavailable.(continues on next page)Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 45
Recommendations (continued)Guideline: Arterial reconstructive and dorsalvein arterialization procedures in menwith arteriolosclerotic disease are investigationaland should only be performed in aresearch setting with long-term followupavailable.Option: Arterial revascularization may beeffective for treating young men with normalcorporovenous function who have arteriogenicerectile dysfunction secondary topelvic and perineal trauma.As discussed in Chapter 2 (page 20) andChapter 3 (page 39), objective criteria to selectpatients for penile vascular surgery still do notexist. In addition, the measures of success are nonstandardizedand unpredictable. Postoperative successin most surgical series has been based predominantlyon subjective patient reporting. Becausepatients are reluctant to have invasive studies postoperatively,few studies report objective postoperativedata such as from angiography or cavernosometry.Moreover, reported success rates have beenrelatively low. (See Chapter 3, pages 38 to 39.)Research recommendationsFocused research is needed in a number of areasto address deficiencies in the erectile dysfunctionknowledge base. New and better methods for evaluationof erectile dysfunction are clearly needed,beginning with a standardized diagnostic approachand establishment of normal criteria for diagnostictests. Among tests needing standardization are vascularanalysis with duplex ultrasound, cavernosometryand cavernosography studies and arteriography.Needed as well is expanded research on evaluatingnocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity, andmethods need to be developed for evaluating specificneurologic factors in erectile dysfunction.For treatment, the ultimate goal is a therapy thatis not only reliable with minimal side effects, butsimple to use. Such a therapy will most likely besome form of oral or topical medication. Areas forexploration include medications to activate vasodilationthrough actuation of nitric oxide synthesisand release and smooth muscle relaxants that mayhave specific receptors in the penile vasculature.Also needed are medications that may work on acentral level to inhibit the adrenergic response, particularlyin patients who have mild organic diseasewith a psychogenic overlay.Needed too are better designed studies, includingprospective, randomized, controlled trials whenpossible. Uniform methods of reporting outcomesare needed to produce more reliable data that canbe used for analysis. Especially needed are welldesignedprospective patient and partner satisfactionstudies for all treatment modalities.Meeting the need for better study design willrequire development of standard criteria for reportingoutcomes, including adverse events and specifictreatment complications. (See the box on the nextpage for suggested particulars to be reported.)Also required will be appropriate inclusion/exclusioncriteria for enrolling patients in prospectiveclinical trials and the development of outcomeassessment instruments, from sexual function andsexual satisfaction questionnaires to physiologicassessment tools, which can be applied uniformlyto patients treated with different modalities.Many research needs are specific to particulartreatment modalities. For vacuum constrictiondevices, which were developed empirically, scientificstudies are needed to address physiologicissues and concerns, such as defining safe limits fornegative pressure and constriction. Questions to beanswered with regard to VCDs include:◆ Why does the use of the VCD increase maximumarterial flow into the penis (Donatucci andLue, 1992)?◆ Why does “double pumping” accelerate developmentof penile rigidity?◆ Why, if no venous backflow occurs under negativepressure, does standing or sitting facilitatedevelopment of penile tumescence and rigidityduring the negative pressure phase?◆ For those men who fail to achieve adequaterigidity at 225 mm Hg negative pressure, wouldincreasing negative pressure result in a highersuccess rate and how much can negative pressurebe safely increased (Nadig, 1989)?Page 46Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Techniques and outcomes to be reportedDiagnostic modalitiesPatient diagnosis:VasculogenicArteriogenicCorporovenous occlusive dysfunctionNeurogenicDiabeticPsychogenicPostoperativeMixedUnclassifiedVacuum constriction device typeVasoactive pharmacotherapy:PreparationDosage rangeRoute/techniqueProsthesis typeProsthesis implantation:AnestheticProphylactic antibiotic(s)Surgical approachComplications rates:Prolonged erection (definition)Corporal nodules/plaquesCorporal fibrosisHematomaPain: localized and diffusePain scaleSystemic reactionsInfection (prosthesis)Erosion (prosthesis)Mechanical failure (prosthesis)Device malposition/migration (prosthesis)Intervention for prolonged erection:Vasoactive drug aspiration/irrigationSurgical shunt proceduresOutcomes data:Followup (mean, minimum, maximum)Rate of return to intercoursePatient satisfaction with therapyPartner satisfaction with therapyReturn of spontaneous erectionsRates of adequate rigidity/durationQuality of rigidity/duration (definition)Injection frequencyDropout rates and reasons◆ How much longer than 30 minutes can constrictiondevices be left in place beforeischemic changes occur?For vasoactive drug injection therapy, the idealagent has yet to be developed. This agentwould be inexpensive, stable over time, and providea consistent, dose-dependent erection resultwith low risk of pain, prolonged erection or othercomplications. Among questions to be answeredwith regard to vasoactive drug injection therapyare:◆ Why do some patients experience pain fromalprostadil? How can the pain response bepredicted? How can the pain response beblocked without compromising the erectileresponse?◆ What are the limitations on frequency of usein injection of vasoactive drugs?◆ What are the mechanisms by which injectionassociatedpenile plaques and fibrosis occur?How can such plaques and fibrosis be treated?How can they be prevented?◆ What are possible home therapies that can beused successfully for prolonged pharmacologicerection?For penile prostheses, in addition to neededimprovements such as devices less subject tomechanical failure, more research is needed oncauses and prevention of infection, the singlemost important problem associated with penileprosthesis implantation. Questions to beanswered include:◆ Why do infections occur in some patients butnot others, even with the same preventivemeasures? What are the sources of the infectingorganisms? What additional preventivemeasures can be taken?◆ What are the optimal conditions and techniquesfor penile prosthesis salvage (infectedprosthesis removal with immediate newdevice implantation)? Would the developmentof antibiotic impregnated prosthetic deviceslower the infection rate?◆ For patients to master inflation and deflationmore easily in hydraulic prostheses, can themechanisms be simplified for going fromflaccid to erect and back to flaccid?◆ How can penile prosthetic devices beimproved for greater mechanical reliability?Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 47
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Appendix A – Data presentationCopyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 57
Table A-1 Articles extracted by Papyrus reference numberPapyrusRef. Journal Year Volume Pages Title Authors2 Acta Urologica Belgica 1988 56 220-225 Experiences with a standardized diagnostic procedure onout-patient basis in 150 impotent males5 Acta Urologica Belgica 1988 56 211-219 Intracavernous injection of papaverine, phentolamine andphenoxybenzamine21 Angiology 1984 35 79-87 Intracavernous injection of papaverine as a diagnostic andtherapeutic method in erectile failure29 Archives of Physical 1989 70 712-716 Synergist erection system in the management of impotenceMedicine &secondary to spinal cord injuryRehabilitation34 Archives of Surgery 1986 121 774-777 Deep-penile-vein arterialization for arterial and venousimpotence45 Australian & NewZealand Journal ofSurgery52 British Journal ofPsychiatry56 British Journal ofUrology61 British Journal ofUrology63 British Journal ofUrology66 British Journal ofUrology67 British Journal ofUrology68 British Journal ofUrology73 British Medical Journal -Clinical Research77 British Medical Journal -Clinical Research82 Cardiovascular &InterventionalRadiology1989 59 959-962 Complications associated with penile implants used totreat impotence1986 149 210-215 Maintenance treatment of erectile impotence bycavernosal unstriated muscle relaxant injection1986 58 692-695 Intracorporal injection of papaverine and phentolamine inthe management of impotence1988 61 151-155 Diagnosis and treatment of venous leakage: a curablecause of impotence1987 59 164-169 Assessment of the immediate and long-term effects ofpharmacologically induced penile erections in thetreatment of psychogenic and organic impotencePostma, H.J.P.M., Steffens, J., and Steffens, L.Pettirossi, O., Serenelli, G.Virag, R., Frydman, D., Legman, M., and Virag, H.Zasler, N.D., Katz, P.G.Balko, A., Malhotra, C.M., Wincze, J.P., Susset,J.G., Bansal, S., Carney, W.I., and Hopkins, R.W.Earle, C.M., Watters, G.R., Tulloch, A.G.S.,Wisniewski, Z.S., Lord, D.J., and Keogh, E.J.Brindley, G.S.Robinette, M.A., Moffat, M.J.Williams, G., Mulcahy, M.J., Hartnell, G., andKiely, E.A.Kiely, E.A., Williams, G., and Goldie, L.1989 63 546-547 Use of the "Correctaid" device in the management of impotenceAsopa, R., Williams, G.1990 65 68-71 Prostaglandin E1 in erectile dysfunction. Efficiency and Schramek, P., Dorninger, R., Waldhauser, M.,incidence of priapismKonecny, P., and Porpaczy, P.1989 64 535-540 Deep dorsal vein arterialisation in vascular impotence Wespes, E., Corbusier, A., Delcour, C.,Vandenbosch, G., Struyven, J., and Schulman, C.C.1988 296 161-162 Successful non-invasive management of erectileWiles, P.G.impotence in diabetic men1987 295 595-596 Impotence: treatment by autoinjection of vasoactive drugs Williams, G., Mulcahy, M.J., and Kiely, E.A.1988 11 237-239 <strong>The</strong>rapeutic roles of intracavernosal papaverine Goldstein, I., Payton, T., and Padma-Nathan, H.110 European Urology 1989 16 175-180 Effects of intracavernosal pharmacotherapy on self-esteem,performance anxiety and partnership in patients withchronic erectile dysfunction114 European Urology 1988 15 209-212 Long-term results of deep dorsal penile vein transsection invenous impotenceBähren, W., Scherb, W., Gall, H., Beckert, R., andHolzki, G.Lunglmayr, G., Nachtigall, M., and Gindl, K.
124 International Urology &Nephrology144 Journal ofPsychosomaticResearch150150JournalJournalofofSexSex &MaritalMarital<strong>The</strong>rapy<strong>The</strong>rapy152152JournalJournalofofSexSex &MaritalMarital<strong>The</strong>rapy<strong>The</strong>rapy1989 21 485-490 Surgical treatment of impotence due to venous outflow Török, A., Székely, J., Márk, B., and Götz, F.1987 31 413-418 Preliminary experience with a vacuum constriction device(VCD) as a treatment for impotence198919891515163-176163-176Self-injectionSelf-injectionofofpapaverinepapaverineandandphentolaminephentolamineininthethetreatmenttreatmentofofpsychogenicpsychogenicimpotenceimpotence198819881414184-201184-201PsychosocialPsychosocialfollow-upfollow-upofofpenilepenileprosthesisprosthesisimplantimplantpatientspatientsandandpartnerspartners155155<strong>The</strong><strong>The</strong>JournalJournalofofTraumaTrauma198419842424579-585579-585<strong>Erectile</strong><strong>Erectile</strong>failurefailurefollowingfollowingpelvicpelvictrauma:trauma: areviewreviewofofpathophysiology, evaluation, and management, withparticular reference to the penile prosthesispathophysiology, evaluation, and management, withparticular reference to the penile prosthesisTurner,Turner,L.A.,L.A.,Althof,Althof,SS.E., Levine, S.B., Risen, C.B.,Bodner,Bodner,D.R.,D.R.,Kursh,Kursh,EE.D., and Resnick, M.I.Tiefer,Tiefer,L.,L.,Pedersen,Pedersen,BB., and Melman, A.VanArsdalen,VanArsdalen,K.N.,K.N.,WWein, A.J., Hanno, P.M., andMalloy,Malloy,T.R.T.R.156156JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology198619861361361210-12121210-1212AnotherAnothersurgicalsurgicalapproachapproachforforvasculogenicvasculogenicimpotenceimpotenceLewis,Lewis,R.W.,R.W.,Puyau,Puyau,FF.A., and Bell, D.P.157157JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology1990199014314360-6160-61EarlyEarlyexperienceexperiencewithwiththetheDuraPhaseDuraPhasepenilepenileprosthesisprosthesisHrebinko,Hrebinko,R.,R.,BahnsonBahnson, R.R., Schwentker, F.N., and159159JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology198719871371371168-11721168-1172IsIsyohimbineyohimbineeffectiveeffectiveininthethetreatmenttreatmentofoforganicorganicimpotence?impotence?ResultsResultsofof acontrolledcontrolledtrialtrial160160JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology1987198713813852-5452-54PharmacologicalPharmacologicalerection:erection:diagnosisdiagnosisandandtreatmenttreatmentapplicationsapplicationsinin6969patientspatientsO'Donnell,O'Donnell,W.F.W.F.Morales,Morales,A.,A.,Condra,Condra,MM., Owen, J.A., Surridge,D.H.,D.H.,Fenemore,Fenemore,J.,J.,anand Harris, C.Nellans,Nellans,R.E.,R.E.,Ellis,Ellis,L.L.R., and Kramer-Levien, D.163163JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology1987198713813865-6765-67InfectiousInfectiouscomplicationscomplicationsofofpenilepenileprostheticprostheticimplantsimplantsThomalla,Thomalla,J.V.,J.V.,ThompThompson, S.T., Rowland, R.G.,andandMulcahy,Mulcahy,J.J.J.J.166166JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19871987138138310-311310-311<strong>The</strong><strong>The</strong>applicationapplicationofofintracavernousintracavernousinjectioninjectionofofvasoactivevasoactiveBodner,Bodner,D.R.,D.R.,Lindan,Lindan, R., Leffler, E., Kursh, E.D.,medicationsmedicationsforforerectionerectionininmenmenwithwithspinalspinalcordcordinjuryinjuryandandResnick,Resnick,M.I.M.I.169169JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19871987137137676-677676-677Scott'sScott'sinflatableinflatablepenilepenileprosthesis:prosthesis:evaluationevaluationofofGregory,Gregory,J.G.,J.G.,Purcell,Purcell, M.H.mechanicalmechanicalsurvivalsurvivalininthetheseriesseries700700modelmodel172172JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19871987137137678-680678-680IntracavernousIntracavernousself-injectionself-injectionwithwithphentolaminephentolamineandandGasser,Gasser,T.C.,T.C.,Roach,Roach,RR.M., Larsen, E.H., Madsen,papaverinepapaverineforforthethetreatmenttreatmentofofimpotenceimpotenceP.O.,P.O.,andandBruskewitz,Bruskewitz, R.C.177177JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19861986136136599-601599-601ReconstructiveReconstructivesurgerysurgeryforforvasculogenicvasculogenicimpotenceimpotenceBennett,Bennett,A.H.,A.H.,Rivard,Rivard, D.J., Blanc, R.P., andMoran,Moran,M.M.182182JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19901990143143518-519518-519DuraphaseDuraphasepenilepenileprosthesis--resultsprosthesis--resultsofofclinicalclinicaltrialstrialsinin6363Mulcahy,Mulcahy,J.J.,J.J.,Krane,Krane,RR.J., Lloyd, L.K., Edson, M.,patientspatientsandandSiroky,Siroky,M.B.M.B.191191JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19841984132132270-271270-271Long-termLong-termfollowupfollowupininpatientspatientswithwithananinflatableinflatablepenilepenileFallon,Fallon,B.,B.,Rosenberg,Rosenberg, S., and Culp, D.A.prosthesisprosthesis192192JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19841984131131894-895894-895<strong>The</strong><strong>The</strong>inflatableinflatablepenilepenileprosthesis,prosthesis,reoperationreoperationandandpatientpatientApte,Apte,S.M.,S.M.,Gregory,Gregory,JJ.G., and Purcell, M.H.satisfaction:satisfaction: acomparisoncomparisonofofstatisticsstatisticsobtainedobtainedfromfrompatientpatientrecordrecordreviewreviewwithwithstatisticsstatisticsobtainedobtainedfromfromintensiveintensivefollowupfollowupsearchsearch197197JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19851985133133796-798796-798VenousVenousleakage:leakage:surgicalsurgicaltreatmenttreatmentofof acurablecurablecausecauseofofWespes,Wespes,E.,E.,SchulmanSchulman, C.C.impotenceimpotence199199JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology1985198513313339-4139-41Auto-injectionAuto-injectionofofthethecorpuscorpuscavernosumcavernosumwithwith avasoactivevasoactiveZorgniotti,Zorgniotti,A.W.,A.W.,LefleLefleur, R.S.drugdrugcombinationcombinationforforvasculogenicvasculogenicimpotenceimpotence204204JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19801980124124205-207205-207FinneyFinneyhingedhingedpenilepenileimplant:implant:experienceexperiencewithwith100100casescasesFinney,Finney,R.P.,R.P.,Sharpe,Sharpe,JJ.R., and Sadlowski, R.W.207207JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology19861986135135929-931929-931ExperienceExperiencewithwiththetheAMSAMS600600malleablemalleablepenilepenileprosthesisprosthesisMoul,Moul,J.W.,J.W.,McLeod,McLeod,DD.G.209 Journal of Urology 1986 135 704-706 Intracavernous drug-induced erections in the managementof male erectile dysfunction: experience with 100 patients209 Journal of Urology 1986 135 704-706 Intracavernous drug-induced erections in the managementof male erectile dysfunction: experience with 100 patients211211JournalJournalofofUrologyUrology199019901431431138-11411138-1141IntracavernousIntracavernousinjectioninjectiontherapy:therapy:analysisanalysisofofresultsresultsandandcomplicationscomplicationsCooper, A.J.Sidi,Sidi,A.A.,A.A.,Cameron,Cameron,JJ.S., Duffy, L.M., and Lange,P.H.P.H.Lakin,Lakin,M.M.,M.M.,MontaguMontague, D.K., VanderBrugMedendorp, S., Tesar,Medendorp, S., Tesar, L., and Schover, L.R.
PapyrusRef. Journal Year Volume Pages Title Authors212 Journal of Urology 1983 129 517-521 Microscopic penile revascularization McDougal, W.S., Jeffery, R.F.217 Journal of Urology 1983 129 295-298 Reactions to the implantation of an inflatable penileprosthesis among psychogenically and organicallyimpotent men226 Journal of Urology 1988 140 972-974 Intracavernous self-injection for impotence: a long-termtherapeutic option? Experience in 78 patients227 Journal of Urology 1989 142 729-731 Negative pressure devices in the explanted penileprosthesis populationSchlamowitz, K.E., Beutler, L.E., Scott, F.B.,Karacan, I., and Ware, C.Girdley, F.M., Bruskewitz, R.C., Feyzi, J.,Graversen, P.H., and Gasser, T.C.Moul, J.W., McLeod, D.G.233 Journal of Urology 1989 141 58-59 Experience with the Hydroflex penile prosthesis Kabalin, J.N., Kessler, R.234 Journal of Urology 1989 141 54-57 Side effects of self-administration of intracavernous papaverine and phentolamine for the treatment of impotenceLevine, S.B., Althof, S.E., Turner, L.A., Risen, C.B.,Bodner, D.R., Kursh, E.D., and Resnick, M.I.235 Journal of Urology 1988 140 1420-1421 Use of CX cylinders in association with AMS700 inflatablepenile prosthesis237 Journal of Urology 1988 140 1424-1427 Clinical experience with the Mentor inflatable penileprosthesis in 301 patients238 Journal of Urology 1988 140 1422-1423 <strong>The</strong> Hydroflex self-contained inflatable prosthesis:experience with 100 patients239 Journal of Urology 1988 139 956-958 Evaluation of patients and partners 1 to 4 years after penileprosthesis surgery241 Journal of Urology 1988 139 947-950 Clinical experience with a self-contained inflatable penileimplant: the Flexi-Flate242 Journal of Urology 1988 139 951-952 Eleven years of experience with the inflatable penileprosthesis245 Journal of Urology 1981 126 475-476 Jonas silicone-silver penile prosthesis: initial experience inAmerica246 Journal of Urology 1988 139 1217-1219 Treatment of impotence due to perineal venous leakage byligation of crura penis247 Journal of Urology 1988 140 66-68 Intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 in impotentmen252 Journal of Urology 1988 139 945-946 <strong>The</strong> inflatable penile prosthesis: clinical experience with anew controlled expansion cylinder265 Journal of Urology 1989 141 551-553 A prospective double-blind trial of intracorporealpapaverine versus prostaglandin E1 in the treatment ofimpotence267 Journal of Urology 1989 141 1360-1363 Effect of yohimbine hydrochloride on erectile impotence: adouble-blind study271 Journal of Urology 1989 141 320-322 Vacuum constriction device for management of erectileimpotence273 Journal of Urology 1989 141 323-325 Intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 for thetreatment of erectile impotence275 Journal of Urology 1988 139 48-49 42 months of experience with the Mentor inflatable penileprosthesisMulcahy, J.J.Merrill, D.C.Mulcahy, J.J.Pedersen, B., Tiefer, L., Ruiz, M., and Melman, A.Stanisic, T.H., Dean, J.C., Donovan, J.M., andBeutler, L.E.Wilson, S.K., Wahman, G.E., and Lange, J.L.Krane, R.J., Freedberg, P.S., and Siroky, M.B.Bar-Moshé, O., Vandendris, M.Stackl, W., Hasun, R., and Marberger, M.Furlow, W.L., Motley, R.C.Sarosdy, M.F., Hudnall, C.H., Erickson, D.R.,Hardin, T.C., and Novicki, D.E.Susset, J.G., Tessier, C.D., Wincze, J., Bansal, S.,Malhotra, C., and Schwacha, M.G.Witherington, R.Ishii, N., Watanabe, H., Irisawa, C., Kikuchi, Y.,Kubota, Y., Kawamura, S., Suzuki, K., Chiba, R.,Tokiwa, M., and Shirai, M.Brooks, M.B.
279 Journal of VascularSurgery1989 10 117-121 Experience in diagnosis and treatment of impotencecaused by cavernosal leak syndromeDePalma, R.G., Schwab, F., Druy, E.M., Miller,H.C., Emsellem, H.A., Edwards, C.M., andBergsrud, D.280 Journal of the <strong>American</strong> Geriatrics Society1990 38 217-220 Use of a vacuum tumescence device in the management of impotenceKorenman, S.G., Viosca, S.P., Kaiser, F.E.,Mooradian, A.D., and Morley, J.E.296 <strong>The</strong> Lancet 1987 2 421-423 Double-blind trial of yohimbine in treatment ofpsychogenic impotenceReid, K., Surridge, D.H.C., Morales, A., Condra,M., Harris, C., Owen, J., and Fenemore, J.308 Microsurgery 1988 9 258-261 Microsurgical arterialization for vascular impotence Wagenknecht, L.V.Pearl, R.M., McGhee, R.D.321 Plastic &Reconstructive Surgery1987 80 284-288 Penile revascularization in the treatment of vasculogenicimpotence337 Radiology 1986 161 807-809 <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction caused by venous leakage: treatmentwith detachable balloons and coils1988 15 115-121 Venous surgery for impotence Lewis, R.W.385 Urologic Clinics ofNorth AmericaCourtheoux, P., Maiza, D., Henriet, J.P., Vaislic,C.D., Evrard, C., and <strong>The</strong>ron, J.401 Urology 1990 35 304-306 Synergist Erection System: clinical experience al-Juburi, A.Z., O'Donnell, P.D.404 Urology 1990 35 405-406 Mentor GFS inflatable prosthesis Engel, R.M.E., Fein, R.L.406 Urology 1984 23 141-143 Success with penile prosthesis from patient's viewpoint Hollander, J.B., Diokno, A.C.408 Urology 1982 20 271-275 Treatment of vasculogenic sexual impotence byrevascularizing cavernous and/or dorsal arteries usingmicrovascular techniquesCrespo, E., Soltanik, E., Bove, D., and Farrell, G.411 Urology 1987 30 23-26 Cavernous artery revascularization in vasculogenicimpotence: new simplified technique415 Urology 1988 31 114-115 Systemic complication of intracavernous papaverineinjection in patients with venous leakage418 Urology 1990 35 35-37 Cavernosometry: corroboratory method to surgicaltreatment of impotence due to venous leakageCarmignani, G., Pirozzi, F., Spano, G., Corbu, C.,and De Stefani, S.Wespes, E., Schulman, C.C.Rodrigues Netto, N. Jr., Reinato, J.A.S., Cara, A.,and Claro, J.F.A.420 Urology 1986 28 480-485 AMS malleable penile prosthesis Dorflinger, T., Bruskewitz, R.421 Urology 1987 29 498-500 Mentor inflatable penile prosthesis Engel, R.M.E., Smolev, J.K., and Hackler, R.423 Urology 1986 28 489-491 Mentor inflatable penile prosthesis: a reliable mechanicaldevice424 Urology 1988 32 311-314 Clinical evaluation of inflatable penile prosthesis withcombined pump-reservoir429 Urology 1989 34 22-27 Venous surgery in erectile dysfunction: a critical report on116 patients430 Urology 1989 33 17-19 Penile prosthesis surgery: review of ten-year experienceand examination of reoperations431 Urology 1988 31 483-485 Mid-term results of autoinjection therapy for erectiledysfunction434 Urology 1988 31 486-489 Cylinder reliability of inflatable penile prosthesis.443 Urology 1984 23Suppl444 Urology 1984 23SupplExperience with distensible and nondistensible cylinders in325 patientsHackler, R.H.Fein, R.L.Treiber, U., Gilbert, P.Kabalin, J.N., Kessler, R.Stief, C.G., Gall, H., Scherb, W., and Bähren, W.Scarzella, G.I.86-92 Experience with inflatable penile prosthesis Fishman, I.J., Scott, F.B., and Light, J.K.83-85 Experience with Jonas malleable penile prosthesis Montague, D.K.451 Urology 1986 27 126-131 Noninvasive device to produce and maintain an erectionlikestateNadig, P.W., Ware, J.C., and Blumoff, R.
PapyrusRef. Journal Year Volume Pages Title Authors485 Acta EuropaeaFertilitatis621 Journal of Sex &Marital <strong>The</strong>rapy626 International Journal ofImpotence Research627 International Journal ofImpotence Research629 International Journal ofImpotence Research630 International Journal ofImpotence Research631 International Journal ofImpotence Research632 International Journal ofImpotence Research1989 20 305-308 Prostaglandin E1 in the therapy of erectile deficiency Beretta, G., Zanollo, A., Ascani, L., and Re, B.1989 15 121-129 Why do so many people drop out from auto-injection therapy for impotenceAlthof, S.E., Turner, L.A., Levine, S.B., Risen, C.,Kursh, E., Bodner, D., and Resnick, M.1989 1 49-54 Fibrosis of the cavernous bodies following intracavernous Tullii, R.E., Degni, M., and Pinto, of vasoactive drugs1989 1 55-58 Six years experience with the vacuum constriction device Nadig, P.W.1989 1 175-180 Infected penile prostheses: incidence and outcome Fallon, B., Ghanem, H.1990 2 21-27 Penile venous surgery for the management of cavernosalvenous leakage1990 2 29-34 Results of deep penile vein resection in impotence causedby venous leakage1990 2 35-42 Sexual performance and satisfaction with penile prosthesesin impotence of varoius etiologies641 Journal of Urology 1990 144 79-82 Treating erectile dysfunction with external vacuumdevices: Impact upon sexual, psychological and maritalfunctioningKnoll, L.D, Furlow, W.L., and Benson, R.C. Jr.Kropman, R.F., Lycklama à Nijeholt, A.A.B.,Giesbers, A.G.M., and Zwartendijk, J.Fallon, B., Ghanem, H.Turner, L.A., Althof, S.E., Levine, S.B., Tobias,T.R., Kursh, E.D., Bodner, D., and Resnick, M.I.642 Journal of Urology 1990 144 679-682 Penile vein ligation for corporeal incompetence: an Rossman, B., Mieza, M., and Melman, A.evaluation of short-term and long-term results644 International Journal of 1990 2 Suppl 229-234 Experience with deep dorsal vein arterialization: Furlow- Oh, C.H., Moon, Y.T., and Kim, S.C.Impotence ResearchFisher modification in 11 patients645 International Journal of Impotence Research1990 2 Suppl 199-204 Penile prostheses for Chinese patients Chiang, H-S., Wen, T-C., Wu, C-C., and Chiang,W-H.647 International Journal of 1990 2 Suppl 181-186 Clinical experience of vacuum tumescence enhancement Park, N.C., Min, K.S., Cha, Y.I., and Yoon, J.B.Impotence Researchtherapy for impotence648 International Journal of Impotence Research1990 2 Suppl 155-156 Treatment of venous impotence by ligation of the crura penisHashine, K., Kimura, K., Tamura, M., Kawanishi,Y., and Imagawa, A.649 International Journal of Impotence Research1990 2 Suppl 153-154 Ligation of the deep dorsal vein of the penis in 57 cases Hashine, K., Kimura, K., Tamura, M., Kawanishi,Y., and Imagawa, A.Lui, S.M-C., Lin, J.S-N.650 International Journal ofImpotence Research1990 2 Suppl 147-151 Treatment of impotence: comparison between the efficacyand safety of intracavernous injection of papaverine plusphentolamine (regitine) and prostaglandin E1653 Journal of Urology 1988 140 1428-1430 Five-year follow-up of the Scott inflatable penile prosthesisand comparison with semirigid penile prosthesisKabalin, J.N., Kessler, R.655 Urology 1986 28 385-387 Reliability of AMS M700 inflatable penile prosthesis Malloy, T.R., Wein, A.J., and Carpiniello, V.L.657 International Journal of 1989 1 127-130 Intracavernosal self-injection with injection pen Kromann-Andersen, B., Nielsen, K.K.Impotence Research659 Journal of Urology 1988 140 293-294 Patient acceptance of and satisfaction with vasoactive Sidi, A.A., Reddy, P.K., and Chen, K.K.intracavernous pharmacotherapy for impotence662 Journal of Urology 1987 138 68-69 Periprosthetic infections Montague, D.K.Sonda, L.P., Mazo, R., and Chancellor, M.B.918 Journal of Sex &Marital <strong>The</strong>rapy1990 16 15-21 <strong>The</strong> role of yohimbine for the treatment of erectileimpotence
935 Journal of Urology 1991 146 1022-1024 Pharmacologically induced erections among geriatric men Kerfoot, W.W., Carson, C.C.954 Journal of Urology 1991 146 786-789 Pharmacological erection program using prostaglandin E1 Gerber, G.S., Levine, L.A.965 Arch Ital Urol NefrolAndrol976 British Journal ofUrology1991 63 95-100 Arterial and venous surgery for vasculogenic impotence: acombined French and <strong>American</strong> experienceVirag, R., Bennett, A.H.1991 67 640-643 Treatment of organic impotence Cumming, J., Pryor, J.P.995 Urology 1991 37 531-539 Patient satisfaction with Mentor inflatable penileprosthesisWhalen, R.K., Merrill, D.C.1002 Journal of Urology 1991 145 1176-1177 Outpatient 3-piece inflatable penile prosthesis Lubensky, J.D.1061 Journal of Urology 1991 145 284-286 Vacuum tumescence devices: the role of papaverine in the Broderick, G.A., Allen, G., and McClure, R.D.selection of patients1077 Urology 1990 36 502-504 Clinical experience implanting an inflatable penileprosthesis with controlled-expansion cylinder1084 Urology 1990 36 406-409 Management of Peyronie disease by implantation ofinflatable penile prosthesis1091 Journal of Urology 1990 144 1154-1156 Patient acceptance of and satisfaction with an externalnegative pressure device for impotence1155 European Urology 1990 18 42-44 Surgical exclusion of the crural ending of the corporacavernosa: late results1266 Journal of Urology 1988 139 741-742 Implantation of model AMS 700 penile prosthesis: longtermresults1267 International Journal ofImpotence Research1990 2 Suppl 457-458 Experience with AMS 700CX penile prosthesis Montague, D.K.1269 Journal of Urology 1989 142 988-991 Use of the malleable penile prosthesis in the treatment oferectile dysfunction: a prospective study of postoperativeadjustment1271 World Journal ofUrology1272 World Journal ofUrology1987 5 156-159 Clinical experience with vasoactive intracavernouspharmacotherapy for treatment of impotence1987 5 160-165 Intracavernosal pharmacotherapy: the pharmacologicerection programKnoll, L.D., Furlow, W.L., and Motley, R.C.Knoll, L.D., Furlow, W.L., and Benson, R.C., Jr.Sidi, A.A., Becher, E.F., Zhang, G., and Lewis, J.H.Glina, S., Puech-Leão, P., dos-Reis, J.M.M.,Reichelt, A.C., and Chao, S.Furlow, W.L., Goldwasser, B., and Gundian, J.C.Krauss, D.J., Lantinga, L.J., Carey, M.P., Meisler,A.W. and Kelly, C.M.Sidi, A.A., Chen, K-K.Padma-Nathan, H., Goldstein, I., Payton, T., andKrane, R.J.1274 Urology 1981 18 470-472 Complications of inflatable penile prostheses Kessler, R.1275 Journal of Urology 1984 131 670-673 Long-term evaluation of the inflatable penile prosthesis Joseph, D.B., Bruskewitz, R.C., and Benson, R.C.,1297 International Journal ofImpotence Research1299 International Journal ofImpotence Research1300 International Journal ofImpotence Research1991 3 95-104 Intracavernous pharmacotherapy: psychological,sexological and medical aspects1991 3 113-121 A comparison of the response to the intracavernosalinjection of a combination of papaverine andphentolamine, prostaglandin PGE1 and a combination ofall three agents in the management of impotence1991 3 129-137 Cavernosometry and penile vein resection in corporealincompetence: an evaluation of short-term and long-termresults1301 Journal of Urology 1991 146 1564-1565 Improved vasoactive drug combination for pharmacologicalerection program1306 International Journal of 1990 2 143-149 Intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 in impotentImpotence Researchdiabetic menJr.Van Driel, M.F., Mooibroek, J.J., Van de Wiel,H.B.M., and Mensink, H.J.A.McMahon, C.G.Claes, H., Baert, L.Bennett, A.H., Carpenter, A.J., and Barada, J.H.Ravnik-Oblak, M., Oblak, C., Vodusek, D.B., Kristl,V., and Ziherl, S.
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8025 Diabetic Medicine 1994 11 410-412 Treatment of male erectile dysfunction using the activevacuum assist device8030 Urology 1994 44 400-403 Long-term experience with controlled expansion cylindersin the AMS 700CX inflatable penile prosthesis andcomparison with earlier versions of the Scott inflatablepenile prosthesis8052 Journal of Urology 1994 152 888-890 Objective criteria in the long-term evaluation of penilevenous surgery8053 Journal of Urology 1994 152 884-887 Investigation of vascular changes following penile veinligation8058 British Journal ofUrology8090 British Journal ofUrology1994 74 102-105 Vacuum constriction devices in erectile dysfunction:acceptance and effectiveness in patients with impotence oforganic or mixed aetiology1994 73 561-565 Microsurgical arterio-arterial and arterio-venous penilerevascularization in patients with pure arteriogenicimpotenceBodansky, H.J.Nickas, M.E., Kessler, R., and Kabalin, J.N.Wespes, E., Moreira de Goes, P., Sattar, A.A., andSchulman, C.Kerfoot, W.W., Carson, C.C., Donaldson, J.T., andKliewer, M.A.Vrijhof, H.J.E.J., Delaere, K.P.J.Janssen, T., Sarramon, J.P., Rischmann, P., Bennis,S., and Malavaud, B.8112 Journal of Urology 1994 151 1530-1532 Treatment of erectile failure with prostaglandin E1: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response study Godschalk, M.F., Chen, J., Katz, P.G., andMulligan, T.8153 Journal of Urology 1994 151 880-883 Prognostic factors for the postoperative outcome of penile venous surgery for venogenic erectile dysfunction Stief, C.G., Djamilian, M., Truss, M.C., Tan, H.,Thon, W.F., and Jonas, U.8160 Urology 1994 43 214-217 Mentor Alpha 1 inflatable penile prosthesis: patient Garber, B.B.satisfaction and device reliability8161 Urology 1994 43 209-213 GFS Mark II inflatable penile prosthesis: four-year clinical Fein, R.L.study8171 European Urology 1994 25 29-33 Deep dorsal vein arterialization in vascular impotence Sarramon, J.P., Janssen, T., Rischmann, P., Bennis,S., and Malavaud, B.8191 Urology 1994 43 84-87 High attrition rate with intracavernous injection of Irwin, M.B., Kata, E.J.prostaglandin E1 for impotency8210 Annals of the Academy 1993 22 675-678 Retrograde penile venoablation Schild, H.H., Muller, S.C.of Medicine, Singapore8235 Urology 1993 42 554-558 Effectiveness and safety of multidrug intracavernous therapy for vasculogenic impotenceMontorsi, F., Guazzoni, G., Bergamaschi, F.,Dodesini, A., Rigatti, P., Pizzini, G., and Miani, A.8243 Journal of Urology 1993 150 1822-1824 Experience with triple-drug therapy in a pharmacological erection programGovier, F.E., McClure, R.D., Weissman, R.M.,Gibbons, R.P., Pritchett, T.R., and Kramer-Levien,D.8244 Journal of Urology 1993 150 1819-1821 Patient-partner satisfaction with semirigid penileprostheses for Peyronie's disease: a 5-year followup study Montorsi, F., Guazzoni, G., Bergamaschi, F., andRigatti, P.8245 Journal of Urology 1993 150 1814-1818 Early experience with the first pre-connected 3-piece inflatable penile prosthesis: the Mentor Alpha-1Goldstein, I., Bertero, E.B., Kaufman, J.M., Witten,F.R., Hubbard, J.G., Fitch, W.P., Geller, R.A.,McKay, D.L., Krane, R.J., Borges, F.D., Babayan,R.K., Tuttle, J.P., Gruber, M.B., Harik, V., andLevenson, S.8265 International Journal ofSTD & AIDS1993 4 214-216 Intracavernosal papaverine and phentolamine for themedical management of erectile dysfunction in agenitourinary clinic8282 Urology 1993 42 305-308 Clinical experience with Mentor Alpha I inflatable penileprosthesis. Report on 333 casesArmstrong, D.K.B., Convery, A., and Dinsmore,W.W.Randrup, E., Wilson, S., Mobley, D., Suarez, G.,Mekras, G., and Baum, N.
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8524 Andrologia 1992 24 285-292 Long-term results of corpus cavernosum autoinjectiontherapy for chronic erectile dysfunction8534 Journal of Urology 1992 148 815-820 Preliminary report: penile vein occlusion therapy: selectioncriteria and methods used for the transcatheter treatment ofimpotence caused by venous-sinusoidal incompetenceGall, H., Sparwasser, C., Bähren, W., Scherb, W.,and Irion, R.Schwartz, A.N., Lowe, M., Harley, J.D., and Berger,R.E.8548 European Urology 1992 21 120-125 Penile revascularization in nonresponders to intracavernousinjections using a modified microsurgical technique8549 European Urology 1992 21 115-119 Impotence due to corporeal veno-occlusive dysfunction:long-term follow-up of venous surgery8554 British Journal of Urology1992 70 81-83 Vacuum constriction devices: second-line conservativetreatment for impotence8571 International Urology & 1992 24 65-68 <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunction due to venous incompetence treatedNephrologyby dorsal vein ligation8575 Urology 1992 40 36-40 Factors predicting efficacy of phentolamine-papaverineintracorporeal injection for treatment of erectiledysfunction in diabetic male8580 Urology 1992 39 526-528 Clinical trial of a simplified vacuum erection device forimpotence treatment8582 Psychiatric Medicine 1992 10 283-293 <strong>The</strong> clinical effectiveness of self-injection and externalvacuum devices in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: asix-month comparison8612 British Journal of 1992 69 404-407 Comparison of effects following the intracorporealUrologyinjection of papaverine and prostaglandin E18654 Journal of Urology 1992 147 623-626 Comparative value of prostaglandin E1 and papaverine intreatment of erectile failure: double-blind crossover studyamong Egyptian patients8655 Journal of Urology 1992 147 618-622 Preoperative and postoperative dynamic cavernosographyand cavernosometry: objective assessment of venousligation for impotenceLöbelenz, M., Jünemann, K.P., Köhrmann, K.U.,Seemann, O., Rassweiler, J., Tschada, R., andAlken, P.Wespes, E., Delcour, C., Preserowitz, L., Herbaut,A.-G., Struyven, J., and Schulman, C.Gilbert, H.W., Gingell, J.C.Afsar, H., Metin, A., Sozduyar, N., Salih, M., andGulsoy, U.Bell, D.S.H., Cutter, G.R., Hayne, V.B., and Lloyd,L.K.Sidi, A.A., Lewis, J.H.Turner, L.A., Althof, S.E.Chen, J.-K., Hwang, T.I.S., and Yang, C.-R.Mahmoud, K.Z., el Dakhli, M.R., Fahmi, I.M., andAbdel-Aziz, A.B.A.Yu, G.W., Schwab, F.J., Melograna, F.S., DePalma,R.G., Miller, H.C., and Rickholt, A.L.8665 Journal of Urology 1992 147 383-385 Risk factors associated with penile prosthesis infection Radomski, S.B., Herschorn, S.8670 Journal of Urology 1992 147 62-65 Patient and partner satisfaction with the AMS 700 penile McLaren, R.H., Barrett, D.M.prosthesis8691 Revista Paulista deMedicina1992 110 280-282 Surgical treatment of veno-occlusive dysfunction:evaluation of short-term and long-term resultsClaro, J.A., de Lima, M.L., and Rodrigues Netto,N., Jr.
Appendix B – Data extraction formPage 68Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Appendix B con’t.Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 69
IndexAAdverse events (complications). See also specifictreatment methodsand oral drug therapy, 2, 22, 23, 24and prosthesis implantation, 3, 5, 25, 34-38,43and vacuum constriction devices, 2-3, 15, 22,24, 26, 27and vasoactive drug injection therapy, 3, 5,16-18, 22, 24, 29-31, 43and venous/arterial surgery, 4, 25, 38-39research needs regarding, 9, 46-47types of included in balance sheet data, 22Age and erectile dysfunction, 1-2, 14, 17, 20Alpha-adrenergic agents, 17Alprostadil, 3, 6, 16, 27, 31, 47. See also PGE1monotherapy<strong>American</strong> Medical Systems (AMS) penileprostheses, 3, 18, 19, 36, 37Anastomotic failure, 22Arterial insufficiency, 1, 4, 13, 20Arterial surgerycomplications of, 4, 25, 39description of, 4, 20, 39estimated patient time commitments for, 22ideal candidate for, 7, 39, 46in combination with vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 39intercourse, return to after, 4, 25, 39recommendations for, as treatment, 7, 9, 45-46Autoinflation, prosthesis, 37BBalance sheet of benefits and harmsdefinition and description of, 10, 21-22Outcomes balance sheet, 24-25Bioflex, 18, 19, 37CCalcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), 32Cardiac arrhythmias, and treatment of prolongederection, 17Caverject, 3, 16, 31. See also PGE1monotherapyCavernosography, 9, 41, 46Cavernosometry, 9, 41, 46Circumcision, 8-9, 27, 45Complications. See specific complications;Adverse eventsConfidence intervals, 12, 22Confidence profile method of meta-analysis,11, 12, 21-22Constriction bands, as used in vacuum constrictiondevices, 2, 15Corporal fibrosis. See FibrosisCorporal nodules, 3, 16, 24, 27, 47Corporovenous occlusive dysfunction, 1, 4, 20,38, 41, 47. See also <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunctionCosts of treatment, 7, 8, 31, 32, 44DDeath, as treatment complication, 17, 22Diabetesand diagnostic assessment, 40and oral drug therapy, 23and prosthesis implantation, 8, 19, 33, 34, 35,36, 45and vasoactive drug injection therapy, 17, 29,30, 31as risk factor, 1, 14, 40Diagnostic assessmentand use of vasoactive drugs, 5, 16, 41elements of, 40-41research needs regarding, 9, 46, 47Dropoutfrom vacuum constriction device therapy, 2,24, 26, 27from vasoactive drug injection therapy, 24, 29,30, 32-33Drug therapy. See Intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapy; Oral drug therapy;Topical drug therapyDuraPhase/Dura-II (Dacomed) penile prosthesis,3, 18, 20, 33, 37EEcchymosis, 2, 15, 22, 27Edema, persistent, 4, 22, 39Ejaculation, 5, 26, 27, 38, 40, 43Epinephrine, as agent to reverse prolongederection, 17<strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunctionand corporovenous occlusive dysfunction, 1,4, 20, 38, 41, 47arteriogenic, 7, 20, 31, 47definition of, i, 1, 13neurogenic, 13, 17, 29, 31, 40, 41, 47prevalence of, 1, 14psychogenic, i, 1, 13risk factors for, 1, 14, 40vasculogenic, 13, 20, 23, 29, 47Erectionsdifference from normal with VCD, 15, 26insufficient length and/or rigidity with prostheses,36physiology of, 1, 13Erosion of prostheses, 3, 5, 7, 35, 45, 47. Seealso Prostheses; Prosthesis implantationFFAST*PRO meta-analysis package, 10, 11, 12,21, 22FDA, 2, 3, 14, 16, 31Fibrosisand prosthesis implantation, 8, 35, 45and vasoactive drug injection therapy, 3, 5, 7,16, 17, 24, 28-29, 43research needs regarding, 47Finney Flexi-Rod penile prosthesis, 37GGlans hypervascularization, 4, 39HHematoma, 2, 22, 27, 30, 47Hydraulic prostheses. See Prostheses, hydraulicHyperemia, 22Hyperprolactinemia, 4, 42Hypertensive crisis, 5, 17, 43Hypogonadism, i, 1, 4, 42Hypotension, 22IImpotence. See <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunctionInfection, 3, 25. See also Arterial surgery;Prosthesis implantation; Venous surgeryand prosthesis implantation, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 34-35, 43, 45and venous/arterial surgery, 4, 25, 39in urinary tract, 8, 19, 34, 45Inflatable prostheses, 8, 18-19, 34, 45. See alsoProstheses, hydraulicInjection therapy. See Intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapyIntercourse, 22, 23, 24, 25. See also specifictreatment methodsfrequency of with vacuum constrictiondevices, 27return to with oral drug therapy, 2, 23, 24return to with prosthesis implantation, 21, 25return to with vacuum constriction devices, 2,24, 26, 38return to with vasoactive drug injection therapy,3,24return to with venous/arterial surgery, 4, 25,38, 39Intracavernous vasoactive drug injection therapy.See also Papaverine monotherapy;Papaverine/phentolamine combination therapy;PGE1 monotherapy; Papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1combination therapyadverse events with, systemic, 22, 24, 27, 29as diagnostic test, 5, 16, 41, 43as treatment method, 3, 15-18complications of, 5, 16, 25contraindications to, 5, 43dropout from, 24, 29, 30, 32-33estimated patient time commitments for, 22fibrosis as complication of, 3, 5, 7, 16, 17, 24,28-29, 43in combination with vacuum constrictiondevices, 25-27in combination with venous/arterial surgery, 4,20, 38informing patient about, 5, 6, 8, 16-17, 42,44-45intercourse, return to with, 3, 24investigational, 32outcomes of, 28-33pain/discomfort as complication of, 3, 5, 6, 9,24, 29, 30, 43partner satisfaction with, 3, 16, 19, 24, 26-27patient satisfaction with, 3, 16, 24, 27, 45prolonged erection as complication of, 3, 6, 7,16, 17, 24, 28, 29, 32, 33, 44research needs regarding, 9, 47LLinsidomine chlorhydrate (SIN-1), 32Liver dysfunction, 22MMassachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), 14Mechanical failure of prostheses, 3, 5, 7, 18,19, 25, 33, 37, 43, 47. See also ProsthesisimplantationMentor Acu-Form penile prosthesis, 3, 18Mentor Alpha I prosthesis, 3, 19, 37Mentor G.F.S. inflatable prosthesis, 18Mentor Malleable penile prosthesis, 3, 18Mentor Mark II inflatable penile prosthesis, 3,18Meta-analysis. See Confidence profile methodof meta-analysisMetaraminol, 17Minoxidil, as topical drug therapy, 2, 14, 26Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 5, 43NNecrosis, 34Neurogenic erectile dysfunction. See <strong>Erectile</strong>dysfunctionPage 70Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.
Neurologic problems, 4, 27, 40, 46Nitroglycerin pastes, as topical drug therapy, 2,14, 26Nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity(NPTR), 9, 41, 46Nodules. See Corporal nodulesOOmniPhase penile prosthesis, 37Oral drug therapy. See also Yohimbineadverse events from, 2, 22, 23, 24as treatment method, 2, 14-15intercourse, return to with, 2, 23, 24oral pentoxifylline in, 2, 14, 23oral phentolamine in, 2, 14, 23outcomes of, 23, 24, 26patient satisfaction with, 2, 23, 24trazodone in, 2, 14, 23Organic erectile dysfunction, i, 1, 13Orgasm, 5, 27, 38, 40, 43Outcomes balance sheet. See Balance sheetOutcomes. See outcomes under specific treatmentmethodsPPain/discomfort. See also specific treatmentmethodsand intracavernous vasoactive drug therapy, 3,6, 7, 16, 24, 29, 30, 31, 43and prosthesis implantation, 5, 7, 25, 36, 38,43and vacuum constriction devices, 2, 24, 26and venous/arterial surgery, 4, 25, 39as outcome, 22, 24, 25research needs regarding, 47Papaverine monotherapy. See also Intracavernousvasoactive drug injection therapyand PGE1 monotherapy, 30, 44as treatment method, 16complications of, 3, 16, 28-29, 44dropout from, 32outcomes of, 27, 28-29prolonged erection as complication of, 28, 44Papaverine/phentolamine combination therapy,3, 16. See also Intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapydropout from, 29, 32fibrosis as complication of, 29outcomes of, 27pain/discomfort as complication of, 29partner satisfaction with, 27-28patient satisfaction with, 29prolonged erection as complication of, 29Papaverine/phentolamine/PGE1 triple therapy,3, 16. See also Intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapycomplications of, 31formula for dosage of, 31intercourse, return to with, 24, 27outcomes of, 27, 31patient satisfaction with, 31Paraphimosis, 27Partner involvement, 4, 5, 6, 17, 24, 27and intracavernous vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 3, 16, 19, 24, 27, 28and vacuum constriction devices, 2, 24, 26, 27outcomes data and, 22, 24-25, 28Penile curvature, 16, 35. See also Peyronie’sdiseasePenile shortening, 4, 39Pentoxifylline, oral, 2, 14, 23Petechiae, 22, 27Peyronie’s disease, 1, 4, 13, 27, 33, 34, 35PGE1 monotherapy, 3, 6, 7, 16, 27, 28, 30-31,44. See also Intracavernous vasoactive druginjection therapyadvantages and disadvantages of, 30-31partner satisfaction with, 27-28PGE1/phentolamine combination therapy, 3, 6,16, 27, 44. See also Intracavernous vasoactivedrug injection therapyPhentolamine, 3, 14, 16, 23Phenylephrine, 17Phimosis, 8-9, 27, 45Plaques, 3, 16, 24, 47Prevalence, 1, 14Priapism, 4, 17, 24, 25, 39. See also ProlongederectionProlonged erectionas complication of vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 16, 17-18, 31, 33, 43,44, 47as outcome, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 39research needs regarding, 47reversal of, 6, 17-18, 44risk factors for with vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 28Prostaglandin E1. See Alprostadil; PGE1monotherapyProstheses, 3, 18-19hydraulic, 3, 5, 18, 25, 33hydraulic, factors to consider in choosing, 5,43hydraulic, one piece, 3, 5, 18, 37, 43hydraulic, three piece, 18, 33, 43hydraulic, two piece, 3, 5, 18, 37, 43nonhydraulic, 3, 5, 18, 20, 33, 36, 43semirigid rod, malleable, 3, 35, 43semirigid rod, nonmalleable, 33, 37Prosthesis implantationanesthesia and, 19, 43-44as treatment method, 3, 18-20autoinflation and, 37circumcision prior to, 8, 45complications of, 3, 5, 25, 34-38, 43contraindications to, 8, 19, 45costs of, 8, 43erosion as complication of, 3, 5, 7, 33, 35-36,45estimated patient time commitments for, 22fibrosis as complication of, 8, 35, 45ideal candidate for, 45infection as complication of, 3, 5, 8, 9, 33, 34-35, 36, 43, 45informing partner about, 6, 7informing patient about, 5, 6, 7, 43-44, 45intercourse, return to with, 25mechanical failure of, 3, 5, 7, 19, 33, 34, 37,43pain/discomfort as complication of, 5, 7, 36,38, 43partner satisfaction with, 19patient satisfaction with, 3, 18, 19, 25, 33-34reoperation and, 5, 7, 33, 36, 37, 43research needs regarding, 9, 47Psychiatric disorders, 5, 43Psychogenic erectile dysfunction, 1, 13, 29, 40,47. See also <strong>Erectile</strong> dysfunctionand intracavernous vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 5, 17, 31, 43and prosthesis implantation, 8, 45Yohimbine as treatment for, 2, 14, 23Psychological factorsaffecting erectile dysfunction, 1, 13relating to treatment outcomes, 21RReserpine, 2, 14SScott inflatable penile prosthesis, 18Scott-Bradley-Timm AMS inflatable penileprosthesis, 37Semirigid rod prostheses, 33, 35, 36, 37. Seealso Prostheses, nonhydraulicSexual counseling/therapy, 38, 45Small-Carrion penile prosthesis, 37Smooth muscle relaxation, 1, 13, 27Spinal cord injured patientsand intracavernous vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 17and vacuum constriction devices, 4, 15, 27, 43as prostheses recipients, 8, 33, 35, 45infection in, if prostheses recipients, 8, 34-35,43, 45SST deformity, 36Standard patient, i, 4, 42Surgery. See Arterial surgery; Prosthesisimplantation; Venous surgeryTTachycardia, 16, 17, 22Testosterone deficiency, 1, 13, 41Tests, used in diagnostic assessment, 41Time commitments, for patients by treatmentmodality, 22Topical drug therapy, 2, 14-15, 23, 26Transcutaneous nitroglycerin therapy, 26Trazodone, 2, 14, 23Tunica albuginea, 8, 13, 45VVacuum constriction devicesadverse events with, local, 3, 22, 24, 26as treatment method, 2-3, 15compared with vasoactive pharmacotherapy,26-27complaints about use of, 26complications of, 15, 27description of, 2, 15dropout from use of, 2, 24, 26, 27estimated patient time commitments for, 22in combination with vasoactive drug injectionsor prosthesis implantation, 27informing patient about, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 42-43,44intercourse, return to with, 2, 24, 26, 38pain/discomfort as complication of, 2, 24, 26partner satisfaction with, 2, 24, 26-27patient satisfaction with, 2, 24, 26, 27, 33research needs regarding, 9, 46-47use of, 2, 15, 27, 44use of, constriction bands alone, 15vacuum pressure in, 2, 15, 27Vascular disease, 1, 14, 17, 23, 29, 40Vasculogenic erectile dysfunction. See <strong>Erectile</strong>dysfunctionVasoactive drug injection therapy. See Intracavernousvasoactive drug injection therapyVasoactive pharmacotherapy. See Intracavernousvasoactive drug injection therapyVasovagal response, 22VCD. See Vacuum constriction devicesVenous surgeryas treatment method, 4, 20complications of, 4, 39description of, 4, 20estimated patient time commitments for, 22in combination with vasoactive drug injectiontherapy, 4, 20, 38outcomes of, 38-39partner satisfaction with, 25patient satisfaction with, 4, 25, 38return to intercourse with, 4, 25, 38YYohimbineas treatment method, 14estimated patient time commitments for, 22intercourse, return to with, 2, 14, 23, 24outcomes of, 23, 24patient satisfaction with, 2, 23Copyright © 1996 <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Page 71
<strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.Board of Directors (1996 – 1997)Jack W. McAninch, MD*Roy J. Correa, Jr., MD*Charles F. McKiel, Jr., MD*William R. Turner, Jr., MD*Winston K. Mebust, MD*Thomas P. Ball, Jr., MD*Dennis J. Card, MD*Joseph C. Cerny, MD*Joseph N. Corriere, Jr., MDValentine A. Earhart, MDLloyd H. Harrison, MD*H. Logan Holtgrewe, MDLawrence W. Jones, MD*Harry E. Lichtwardt, MDHarry C. Miller, Jr., MD*Martin I. Resnick, MDGerald Sufrin, MD*E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr., MDRobert S. Waldbaum, MD*G. James GallagherRichard J. HanniganThomas D. BrockmanMelanie H. Younger*Voting memberPractice Parameters, Guidelines and Standards Committee (1996 – 1997)Joseph W. Segura, MD, ChairIan M. Thompson, Jr., MD, Vice-ChairRodney A. Appell, MDReginald C. Bruskewitz, MDJack S. Elder, MDThomas C. Fenter, MD, ConsultantJohn B. Forrest, MDCharles E. Hawtrey, MD, ConsultantJack W. McAninch, MD, Ex-officioJohn D. McConnell, MD, ConsultantSharron L. Mee, MDWinston K. Mebust, MD, Ex OfficioDrogo K. Montague, MDGlenn M. Preminger, MDClaus G. Roehrborn, MD, FacilitatorLinda D. Shortliffe, MD, ConsultantJoseph A. Smith, MDWilliam R. Turner, Jr., MD, Ex-officioHealth Policy Department Staff and ConsultantsStephanie MenshDirectorSuzanne Boland PopeGuidelines CoordinatorJulie BowersGuidelines AssistantKim HagedornHealth Policy Projects CoordinatorRobin HudsonHealth Policy Projects SecretaryLisa EmmonsHealth Policy ManagerTracy KielyHealth Policy AnalystBetty WagnerHealth Policy AssistantMegan CohenGovernment Relations ManagerScott ReidGovernment Relations Policy AnalystRoger WoodsGovernment Relations AssistantRandolph B. FenningerWashington LiaisonJustine GermannLegislative AssociateWilliam GlitzPublic Relations ConsultantThis Report on the Treatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong> was developed by the <strong>Erectile</strong><strong>Dysfunction</strong> Clinical Guidelines Panel of the <strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.This Report is intended to furnish to the skilled practitioner a consensus of clear principles andstrategies for quality patient care, based on current professional literature, clinical experience andexpert opinion. It does not establish a fixed set of rules or define the legal standard of care, preemptingphysician judgment in individual cases.An attempt has been made to recommend a range of generally acceptable modalities of treatment,taking into account variations in resources and in patient needs and preferences. It is recommendedthat the practitioner articulate and document the basis for any significant deviation fromthese parameters.Finally, it is recognized that conformance with these guidelines cannot ensure a successfulresult. <strong>The</strong> parameters should not stifle innovation, but will, themselves, be updated and willchange with both scientific knowledge and technological advances.
<strong>American</strong> <strong>Urological</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Inc.1120 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21201-5559Report on the Treatment of Organic <strong>Erectile</strong> <strong>Dysfunction</strong>ISBN 0-9649702-1-XDecember 1996