Mediterranean Coproduction Forum Staff - Apulia Film Commission

Mediterranean Coproduction Forum Staff - Apulia Film Commission

Mediterranean Coproduction Forum Staff - Apulia Film Commission


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ITALY<br />

<strong>Mediterranean</strong> <strong>Coproduction</strong> <strong>Forum</strong><br />


Contact<br />

Oswald Garms<br />

Producer<br />

Rome, Italy<br />

M. +39 320 1781646<br />

o.garms@gmail.com<br />

Company Profile<br />

Bavaria Media Italia is an Italian subsidiary company of Bavaria <strong>Film</strong> GmbH, which<br />

is its only shareholder. Bavaria <strong>Film</strong> GmbH was founded in 1919 and today is one<br />

of Europe’s largest audiovisual holdings. The head offices are located in Geiselgasteig‘s<br />

<strong>Film</strong> City just outside Munich. The Bavaria <strong>Film</strong> GmbH shareholders are German<br />

public broadcasters including ARD and ZDF. Bavaria has always had strong<br />

links to Italy, i.e. making numerous co-productions and significant sales. In 2001<br />

Bavaria opened a branch in Rome, which in 2005 was turned into an Italian limited<br />

corporation with plans to intensify its activities in the Italian market. Bavaria Media<br />

Italia has been active in the following business areas:<br />

- Feature film production and co production for the Italian and international market<br />

- Co production between Italy and German speaking territories;<br />

- Distribution of Bavaria Media TV catalogue on the Italian market Production of TV<br />

fiction for the Italian broadcasters;<br />

- Co-production of TV fiction between Italy and German speaking territories.<br />


Piazza San Bernardo 108/A, 00187 Rome<br />

T. +39 06 48907856<br />

F. +39 06 48930161<br />

o.garms@bavariamedia.it<br />

www.bavariamedia.it<br />

Most recent film produced/sold/distribuited by the company<br />

2011 - MOZZARELLA STORIES by Edoardo De Angelis<br />

Pagina 39

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