Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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that now controls her: the Castus Sanguis).. . . . . . . . $8.00Pinborough, Sarah The Shadow of the Soul (Forgotten Gods #2: Adevastating terrorist attack has crippled London. To find aperpetrator who is more than human, Special Branch turns toDetective Inspector Cass Jones).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.00Piper, Lindsey Blood Warrior (Dragon Kings #2: PBO; A Dragon Kingseeks revenge on the woman he holds responsible for his exile,unaware that she is striving to put an end to their clan'scenturies-old civil war).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Pitts, J.A.Forged in Fire (Sarah Beauhall #3: A magic-wieldingserial killer is prowling the Pacific Northwest, and all of hisvictims have ties to Sarah. She must unravel the web she findsclosing around her before a powerful necromancer and acrazed blood cult known as the Dragon Liberation Front tearapart everything she holds dear). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99Rawles, James Wesley Founders (Coming Collapse #2: In the near future, chaosreigns in the US, and a silent coup has placed a dangerousgroup of men at the helm of a false government). . . . $7.99Richardson, Kat Possession (Greywalker #8: When a comatose womansuddenly wakes up and bizarre phenomena begin to manifest,the patient's sister turns to Harper Blaine to discover who -or what - is possessing her sister's body). . . . . . . . . $25.95Ringo, John Queen of Wands (Special Circumstances #2: Soccermom and demon fighter Barbara Everette has a problem. Herassistant Janea has been thrown into a coma by some nastymagic. Barbara must track down the perpetrators and breakthe spell, or Janea's soul will be forever lost on the astralplane. Oh, and zombies will destroy humanity). . . . . $7.99Rivers, Phoebe Playing with Fire (Saranormal #9: Kids; Sara hasdecided to tell her best friend Lily about her powers, and theirupcoming trip to the Adirondacks seems like the perfect time.But their hotel turns out to be so haunted that a psychic hasbeen called in to help eradicate the ghosts). . . . . . . . $5.99Roberson, Jennifer The Wild Road (Karavans #3: Audrun, a human womantrapped within the forest, is reunited with her children, onlyto learn that each has been marked by the deepwood's wildmagic. And her youngest child is still missing. Audrun hassworn to find the infant, but can a mere human possiblyoutwit the deepwood and its monstrous inhabitants?).$7.99Rowling, J.K. The Casual Vacancy (Pagford is a town at war: richwith poor, teenagers with parents, wives with husbands,teachers with pupils. When Barry Fairweather diesunexpectedly, the seat he leaves empty on the town's councilbecomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has seenyet. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion,duplicity, and unexpected revelations?). . . . . . . . . . $18.00Salvatore, R.A. The Companions (Forgotten Realms: Sundering #1: AsDrizzt's fate hangs in the balance, he reflects on the lives ofthe trusted allies who stood by his side throughout his earlylife, the friends now known as the Companions of the Hall.Meanwhile, the first stirrings of the Sundering begin)$. 27.95Schwarz, Liesel A Conspiracy of Alchemists (Light & Shadow #1:Spark reactors power the airways, creatures of Light andShadow walk openly among us, and a deadly game ofAlchemists and Warlocks has begun. When an unusual cargodrags airship pilot Elle Chance into the affairs of themysterious Mr. Marsh, she must confront her destiny, and doeverything in her power to stop the Alchemists fromunleashing a magical apocalypse).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Sniegoski, Thomas E. In the House of the Wicked (Remy Chandler #5:With his human and angelic natures sharing the same space,PI Remy Chandler can feel himself becoming more and morevolatile. Then a once-formidable sorcerer kidnaps Ashlie Berg.The man wants vengeance against those he believes wrongedhim - and Remy will be the instrument of his wrath, or Ashliemost certainly will die)........................ $7.99Sniegoski, Thomas E. Walking in the Midst of Fire (Remy Chandler #6:With Heaven and the Legions of the Fallen on the brink ofwar, it falls to angel PI Remy Chandler to discover who - orwhat - murdered one of Heaven's greatest generals). $15.00Snyder, Maria V. Storm Glass (Glass #1: Sabotage has killed theStormdancer Clan's most powerful magicians; glassmaker andmagician-in-training Opal Cowen must keep it fromhappening again)............................ $7.99Sullivan, Michael J. The Crown Tower (Riyria Chronicles #1: PBO; Prequelto the Riyria Revelations. A warrior with nothing to fight foris paired with a thieving assassin with nothing to lose.Together they must steal a treasure that no one can reach)......................................... $16.00Tayler, Kassy Shadows of Glass (Wren #2: PBO; YA; Life outside thedome is not the paradise Wren thought it would be. Most ofthe shiners have died, a burden that sits heavily on her. Still,some have survived, and Wren is determined to keep themsafe as they fight to establish a home outside while hidingfrom the rovers)............................. $9.99Tolkien/Olsen, Corey Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (ProfessorCorey Olsen takes readers on an in-depth journey, chapter bychapter, revealing the stories within the story: the darkdesires of dwarves and the sublime laughter of elves, thenature of evil and its hopelessness, the mystery of divineprovidence and human choice, and, most of all, thetrans<strong>format</strong>ion within the life of Bilbo Baggins). . . $14.95Turtledove, Harry Coup d'etat (War That Came Early #4: Winter, 1941: Asthe Germans, with England and France on their side, slamdeep into Russia, Stalin's terrible machine fights for its life.Following the suspicious death of Winston Churchill, with hisstaunch anti-Nazi views, a small cabal begins to imagine theunthinkable in a nation long famous for respecting the ruleof law. Meanwhile, in America, a woman who has met Hitlerface-to-face urges her countrymen to wake up to his evil)......................................... $16.00Turtledove, Harry Two Fronts (War That Came Early #5: With England andFrance out of their alliance with Germany, the Nazis now findthemselves split between their war with Russia and one withthe newly allied western powers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28.00Vaughn, Carrie Kitty in the Underworld (Kitty Norville #12: PBO;As Denver adjusts to a new master vampire, Kitty gets wordof an intruder in the werewolf pack's territory. When sheinvestigates the challenge to her authority, she winds up in anabandoned silver mine, captured by a cult that wants toinduct her in a ritual they hope will put an end to DuxBellorum).................................. $7.99Ward, Dayton From History's Shadow (Star Trek: PBO; Followingtheir encounter with Gary Seven in the 20th century, CaptainKirk and his crew are startled, first by the arrival of twoaliens who have traveled through time and space from 1968Earth, and then by the arrival of Gary Seven's protege seekingtheir help).................................. $7.99Weber, D/Lindskold, J Fire Season (Stephanie Harrington #2: YA; On thepioneer planet Sphinx, 14-year-old provisional forest ranger

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