Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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Lewman, DavidLow, RobertLynch, JimMacInnes, HelenMaron, MargaretMaron, MargaretMaron, MargaretMarsh, NgaioMarsh, NgaioMarsh, NgaioMarsh, NgaioMcCarry, CharlesMcPherson, CatrionaMinnesota Crime WaveMorris, MarcThe Case of the Plagued Play (Club CSI #6: PBO;Kids; Someone is trying to sabotage the school play, and it'sup to Club CSI to make sure the show goes on).. . . . . $5.99The Lion Wakes (Kingdom #1: 1296: King Edward I ofEngland arranges for John Baliol, a man he knows he canmanipulate, to take control of Scotland after the death ofKing Alexander III. But unrest is rife, and many aredetermined to throw off England's control - including anangry young man who will come to be known as Robert theBruce).................................... $16.99Truth Like the Sun (Hammett Prize finalist. A cat-andmousestory of urban intrigue in Seattle, set in 1962, whenSeattle hosted the World's Fair, and in 2001, after itstrans<strong>format</strong>ion in the Microsoft gold rush).. . . . . . . $15.00Decision at Delphi (Reissue; When a national travelmagazine sent New York architect Ken Strang to Europe tosketch Greek ruins, he didn't know until it was too late thathe had become the pawn in a murderous game ofinternational intrigue)........................ $9.95One Coffee With (Sigrid Harald #1: PBO; NYPDhomicide detective Sigrid Harald investigates when murderstrikes the Art Department of Vanderlyn College. Everyone inthe department had both motive and opportunity, but whopoisoned the deputy chairman's morning coffee?). . $12.95Death of a Butterfly (Sigrid Harald #2: Reissue; NYPDhomicide detective Sigrid Harald investigates the death ofJulie Redmond, a beautiful, self-centered and demandingwoman; digging into Redmond's past reveals a web ofblackmail, murder, and stolen gems). . . . . . . . . . . . $12.95Death in Blue Folders (Sigrid Harald #3: Reissue;Attorney Clayton Gladwell keeps sensitive cases in bluefolders that only he can access. When he announces hisimpending retirement, someone decides that those secretswon't be safe unless Gladwell is dead; NYPD homicidedetective Sigrid Harald investigates). . . . . . . . . . . . $12.95Death at the Bar (Roderick Alleyn #9: Classic reprint)......................................... $14.95Surfeit of Lampreys (alternate title: Death ofa Peer) (Roderick Alleyn #10: Classic reprint). . $14.95Death and the Dancing Footman (Roderick Alleyn#11: Classic reprint)........................ $14.95Colour Scheme (Roderick Alleyn #12: Classic reprint)......................................... $14.95The Shanghai Factor (A nameless young spy workingfor a shadowy US agency is sent undercover at a massiveChinese conglomerate, tasked with learning the secrets of thepowerful CEO, who is believed to be a front man for theChinese government's largest foreign intelligence agency)......................................... $26.00As She Left It (When she was 12, Opal Jones escaped hermum's endless drinking. Returning to their Leeds cottageafter her mum's death, Opal feels like she's gone back in time- except that her favorite neighbor's grandson disappearedyears ago. As the door Opal closed on her past begins to open,she uncovers more secrets about the people who were onceher friends)................................ $14.99Fifteen Tales of Murder, Mayhem, and Malicefrom the Land of Minnesota Nice (Anthology;stories by Minnesota crime writers). . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.00The Norman Conquest (Nonfiction; explains why theNorman Conquest was the most significant cultural andmilitary episode in English history, as language, law,architecture, and even attitudes toward life itself werealtered)................................... $32.00Morris, R.N. Summon Up the Blood (Silas Quinn #1: London,1914: A killer's victims all have one thing in common: thereis no blood in their bodies. DI Silas Quinn's search for thekiller leads to the members of an exclusive gentlemen's club)......................................... $15.95Neri, KrisRevenge on Route 66 (Tracy Eaton #4: Cafe ownerLucy Crier plugged her ex and went to the big house formurder. That's why it's perplexing when she's seen dodgingtraffic along Route 66. Aging Hollywood hunk Alec Graingeruses that mystery as a lure for his daughter Tracy and hersweetie Drew. But the road takes a darker turn when Lucy'ssmarmy son turns up dead, and an even stranger bend whenthe FBI calls Tracy one of America's Most Wanted).. $17.95Odyssey, Shawn Thomas The Magician's Tower (Oona Crate #2: Kids; Bravesouls from all over Dark Street enter the Magician's TowerContest - an array of dangerous tasks, riddles, and obstacles -in hopes of becoming the first successful contestant. Thisyear, Oona is going to try her luck. As the contest commences,a punchbowl with great magical powers disappears from thecarnival surrounding the Magician's Tower. Can Oona find theculprit?).................................. $15.99Parker, Robert B. Stranger in Paradise audiobook (Jesse Stone #7:Unabridged. Hired to find a mobster's daughter, Apachehitman Crow resurfaces in Paradise, but has qualms when themobster wants his ex-wife killed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99Parker, Robert B. Cold Service audiobook (Spenser #32: Unabridged.When a bodyguard job goes wrong, Hawk's client and hisfamily are killed, and Hawk is critically wounded. Hawk andSpenser learn that the Ukrainian mob was responsible for thehit, but taking down their operation will require somequestionable techniques and even more questionable allies)......................................... $14.99Parker, Robert B. Painted Ladies adiobook (Spenser #38:Unabridged. Spenser agrees to provide protection during aransom exchange - money for a stolen painting. When he failsto protect his client and the painting remains stolen, heenters into a game of cat-and-mouse with the thieves)......................................... $14.99Pascoe/Fassbender By the Balls: The Complete Collection (Reprints2 hardboiled novels featuring PI Ben Drake, plus 2 new Drakestories)................................... $16.95Pearce, Michael The Bride Box (Mamur Zapt #17: 1912: When a littlegirl is discovered riding under a train from Luxor, CaptainOwen, head of Cairo's political CID, is called in to investigate.Owen finds himself confronting a political storm when hisinvestigations uncover a tangled web of family loyalties andbetrayals, with its roots in a slave trade long supposed tohave been stamped out in Egypt). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28.95Pearce, Michael The Donkey-Vous (Mamur Zapt #3: Reissue; 1900sEgypt: How is it possible that two tourists disappeared whiletaking tea on the terrace at the highly respectableShepheard's Hotel, and no one saw anything? Are theseordinary crimes, or symbolic blows at the British? CaptainOwen, head of Cairo's Political CID, investigates).. . $14.95Pearce, Michael The Men Behind (Mamur Zapt #4: Reissue; Last LaughDagger finalist. 1900s Egypt: Captain Owen, head of Cairo's

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