Planescape: Torment Guide - Cheats

Planescape: Torment Guide - Cheats

Planescape: Torment Guide - Cheats


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Again I asked her who she was. She asked how it was that the thieves ofmemory still kept her name from my memory. She said that the name Deionarramust evoke some memory within me.I said that I thought I felt the stirrings of memory, that perhaps her words wouldchase the shadows from my mind. She asked how she could help. I asked ifshe knew who I was. She said I was both blessed and cursed. I asked what shemeant. She said the nature of my curse should be apparent. Did I not wonderwhy my memories have fled?I said I was still trying to get my bearings and asked what else she could tell meof myself. She said that I once claimed that I loved her and would do so untildeath claimed us both. She believed me not knowing who or what I was.I asked what I was. She froze for a moment and then said that the truth is this: Iam one who dies many deaths. These deaths have given the knowing of allthings mortal and in my hand lies the spark of life and death. Those that dienear me carry a trace of themselves that I can bring forth.As she spoke a crawling sensation flowed up the back of my skull and I had acompulsion to look at my hand. As I did so I saw the blood coursing sluggishlythrough my arm, pouring into my muscles … (1000)[You can now raise fellow party members from the dead.]I knew Deionarra was right. I remembered how to coax the dimmest spark of lifefrom a body. No doubt this will come in handy at parties.[This is the first major point at which having a high wisdom will make a differencein what conversational options you have. My character originally had a wisdomof 12 and an intelligence of 9 so I did not get the conversational option described©2000 All Rights Reserved

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