Planescape: Torment Guide - Cheats

Planescape: Torment Guide - Cheats

Planescape: Torment Guide - Cheats


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keeping himself alive by will alone. If someone could find a way to douse him fora few moments it would give him his life back.I said that someone should be able to do something. I went on to ask if sheknew of Pharod. She snickered and called him the Collector King. She told me Icould probably find him in the trash warrens on the far side of the Hive.Ebb CreakkneesGoing left in a far corner of the bar I saw Ebb. As soon as I walked up heexclaimed at what a sight I was, so many scars on me, like a cloak. Then he toldme his name and extended his hand. I said my greetings.He apologized for his unfair jesting and hoped there were no hard feelings. Heasked if he could buy me a tankard. I said why not? He said that was the spiritand told me to wait while he fetched the drinks.When he got back he asked what he could do for me. I said I had somequestions and he settled down to answer them. I asked who he was. He said hewas Ebb Creakknees, Third Measure of the Harmonium, now retired and turnedtout. He asked who I was and what trouble I was in.I asked what made him think I was in trouble. He said someone with this manyscars had to be in some sort of trouble. Did I take him to be blind? He asked ifhe could help.I said I did have a few. I’d woke up in the Mortuary and seemed to haveforgotten who I was. He took a moment to let my words sink in. Looking moreclosely at me he said it was no wonder they took me for dead, he might havemade the same mistake.©2000 All Rights Reserved

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