jt Strasser Seminar Announcement - Academia Liberti

jt Strasser Seminar Announcement - Academia Liberti

jt Strasser Seminar Announcement - Academia Liberti


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Holistic Horse and Hoofcare<strong>Seminar</strong>Lecturer Dr. vet med.Hiltrud <strong>Strasser</strong> (Germany)A veterinarian who, for nearly 30 years, of which 15 in her own clinic (Hufklinik), hasbeen studying and researching the causes and cures of lameness and other commonhealth problems of domestic horses. She has based her research on the wild horse andhas defined the optimum barefoot model. Using her research she has developed acomplete system for the care of horses in a manmade environment which minimizes themany health problems currently found in conventional boarding. The orthopedicmethods she has developed have yielded unprecedented success in equine lamenessrehabilitation. More importantly her techniques are successful as a daily method formaintaining horses in optimum health.In 1993, she opened the 'Institute for Hoof Health' and ESHOP (European School forHoof Orthopedics), a center for study and learning.Dr. <strong>Strasser</strong> is the author of several text books on lameness and healing, referencebooks on natural boarding for horses, and many articles for both horse and veterinaryjournals.http://www.hufklinik.deSeptember 25–27, 2009Venue place is the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Helmana street 8, Jelgava, LatviaLanguages: English, Latvian, RussianDay 1, September 25. Theory10:00–17:00 (13:00–14:00 lunch break)The first day is spent outlining the environmental needs for horse health and identifyingthe harmful conditions in conventional boarding. Anatomy, physics and functioning ofthe horseʼs hoof, the importance of these functions, linking the hoof to the rest of theanimal and the effects of horseshoes complete the day.Day 2, September 26. Theory9:00–16:00 (12:00–13:00 lunch break)

The second day covers the basics of anatomically and physiologically correct hooftrimming (different from the trim taught in conventional farrier courses). It outlines whatto expect during the transition and/or rehabilitation period of the lame or shod horse tothe sound, high performance barefoot horse.Day 3, September 27. Practical Anatomy and Introduction to Basic Trimming9:00–16:00 (12:00–13:00 lunch break)The third day is spent with hands on practice: demonstration of trimming techniques byDr. <strong>Strasser</strong>, participants trimming hoof biospecimens. Dissection of hoof biospecimensfor study will show the situation inside the hoof and the reason for correct trimming.Fees/Term for paymentFull 3 days participationpayment made before September 17 — LVL 80 / EUR 120payment made after September 17 — LVL 100 / EUR 150Day 1 attendancepayment made before September 17 — LVL 25 / EUR 38payment made after September 17 — LVL 35 / EUR 53Day 2 attendancepayment made before September 17 — LVL 25 / EUR 38payment made after September 17 — LVL 35 / EUR 53Day 3 attendance (allows only theory listening on this day)payment made before September 17 — LVL 15 / EUR 23payment made after September 17 — LVL 25 / EUR 38Attention! Those who’s paid for Day 3 separately (LVL 15 before September 17,or LVL 25 after September 17) aren’t allowed to trimming and taking partin discussions on the trimming techniques on Day 3. Only Full 3 days participantsare allowed to the practical trimming on Day 3.You will need to bring the following trimming supplies for Day 3Protective glovesHoof knifeRaspTransfer your payment toNatalja Aleksandrovap.k. 200574–10413IBAN: LV59HABA0551000397819SWIFT/BIC: HABALV22

Bank name: SwedbankAdd statement: <strong>Strasser</strong> <strong>Seminar</strong>After making your payment send the following details by email of by postFull name:Address:Phone:email:Specify what youʼve paid for(Full participation, day 1, day 2, day 3):Send to Natalija Aleksandrova, Igloo, Terbatas 30, Riga LV1011, Latviaor email natalija@academialiberti.de

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