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X3L JL U XXjlJ xjLJl<br />

jjT Vi.LU.ME IV, NUMUISR 38.<br />

ifaV I, ,... ..,..,.,...... .1.1.. ...- -. u.i. .... i; ";" .'jnwfi: 'i'. ".aji'i-'Ji- "' 'S r' gUi5rS! ' -- ''""<br />

Si .<br />

IVr<br />

tr<br />

ff<br />

T. I'oreljn Slonlhllrt. m,t<br />

L' iiKotriini)rlhiiifiHllymtlhtfnl- - firm, ritlfrr hs pumpm tii(.ay 01 tijrchatttr- -<br />

th month. f rimotrUwertpton of "W a.i..pia 10 iw IUi Is l.r !"""<br />

... iiwit mut tlanrf-ria- n anp.rcatiaiM l permit- -<br />

i r..le l rxwtfun of the Sowlii, trt) ,, . thai tru public ofW<br />

i will Ik pflntil In nxi Sattutias't ha!l - hchl stnctly nccnuntnltlc for their<br />

pVmenl. tntat t that thry their rlutita in<br />

ccufiluvf ,,i''1 ( I''' lvl (ne 'I1'1' of the<br />

rw S-- i ne: Mtrhatan article ) ami that the Irgitiatutv will t.mine and<br />

'IcrlMtt Spencer on The Slw of I.ttfrator. '!mt la lh iritiars nil nrnilr-r- a of imblk<br />

J<br />

. i.looK.olH.nln.lran.ltoocUnnicl<br />

I rr given In fratjriisrtt. It It earnestly earn- -<br />

i rolei! tothw mnnben nf the present Hats-'nu- n<br />

Legislature who he the time, the<br />

pttienee ami the Intellect to attfmlhle it.<br />

IItrpr's opens with ilelightful<br />

i Dry, written ami lltustrateil dy Howanl I'jrle.<br />

Ilarpct'ti richer in lllustratinnt this month<br />

than it The Century, tn fiction, William lllaek<br />

fanly otTsett Cable; ami Krv. H. 1'. Hoe<br />

thimsh he write. let well, htt infinitely more<br />

t j lay than either Kobert Grantor llemy<br />

Jjnirt has. Mr.Illnglnson't paperi on the<br />

ettly prcthltntt are cnntlnucil the pres-en- t<br />

one beinj; entilteil The Kra of Cowl<br />

feeling, ami treating of Monroe a the central<br />

figure. Mr. Cnrll I), of course, cl In the<br />

IMItor't lUiy Chtir. The tiewi of Mr. Ctirtlt<br />

on the nieces nf the modern newspaper would<br />

l rr tpeetfully jubmllteil to an ailmiilnR con<br />

stituency If pacc permlttnl. The May num-<br />

ber it a literary feat, an artHtlc ilellRhl and<br />

a tupgettlve helper foi the earnest thinker.<br />

The Centuty for January contain Dr. r,<br />

inott entertainingly continued ; that<br />

thiillingly ttupld ttoty An Average Man ami<br />

the lwginnlng of a new study in commonplice<br />

culture by Heniy Jamet, entitled Uvly<br />

Sludcnttof ethnological resemblance<br />

will be Interested In the portrait of the Ner<br />

Perce Chief Joseph, who bens a trong<br />

statue. I.mer<br />

(liMriellJer'lIiwihotne will welcome a paper<br />

yr<br />

l<br />

upon the ereal novelist's life In btlem, wiilten<br />

foA,,bJ hlsijicrjurlwilhimsclf awiilcrof strong<br />

""" (ahd thoTou&hV Imlividual storie. On the<br />

TrainlngjOPtttents, is one of Mr. trank K.<br />

SiocViohVinoU tharacteristic sketches. The<br />

Ope"rYT.ctter denattmenl it unusually full and<br />

meaty. Temiance people ought to read Kev. in<br />

Washington tlladdcn't critic and the review<br />

of his reviewer.<br />

The Overland for May It not a scry inter-etil-<br />

number. The following vcrte by Mr.<br />

the<br />

K. C. Stnford will be appreciated, not only<br />

by hit friends but by man) lovert of genu<br />

inely poetic verse who have not the honor of<br />

that talented young gentlemen' acquaintance ; F,<br />

Ml-ri- AND f7RASrLOWBt:. in<br />

0 i let And ntt a wrutpr floats,<br />

r m rirj hull of (tfay-sr- n oali :<br />

in<br />

.Vii htr a nous ihtm btaaes up<br />

Thl orant flarns of Iha pv cup :<br />

IVe altar lire thai shins between<br />

T'tt tipenn; shafts uf a temple frren.<br />

Vl I ibire lb bjttrreups flat j bcMLie<br />

Ta purpll aratvUa' lsri wijs ;<br />

AarJeaol MtJai, as of olj,<br />

CitH half its btattomt lumsl to 20IJ.<br />

No which, tny tal. Ilk you best,<br />

1 ne parple an 1 Ai of kmity rrtt ;<br />

f .!w:rt of dt nr thit wrtt ths less<br />

la spite of IU fuller pjrfe;tnt I<br />

Our lAtrnl Jlonlhllt.<br />

The Hawaiitn Is Rood this rnonth. Mr.<br />

Bj'top' article 0.1 th: KraVatou eniptlon was<br />

naticcd In the Honoluln Letter ricentry. Mr.<br />

M. M. Scott contribute tome interestinc<br />

of Japanese folk lore. The cditorials-n.'Ubl- j-<br />

that entitled Wanted and the one on<br />

Chinese Immigration deserve the earnest at- -<br />

.1<br />

fntion of every thoiichtful reader. The Fit e<br />

Dollar Gold Piece it fintlly expended.<br />

The Anglican Church Chronicle contains the<br />

usual amount of interesting reading for Church<br />

men. The following sentence of interest to<br />

newspaper men chiell) are a happy combina<br />

tion of graceful compliment and a ttrong cen<br />

sure, evidently written in anticipation of the<br />

new regime at the Itulletin office ; "There is<br />

nothing to despicable as a new siuper which<br />

indulges In tile personal abuse merely because<br />

of differences in political opinions. The temp-<br />

tation to abuse it very gieat In o.ir smalt com-<br />

munity, and the paper stnich shots the most<br />

in this accomplishment is too often considered<br />

by us the brightest and most readable, until it<br />

happens to fall foul of one's self, and then no<br />

name is Ivad enough to aprly to it."<br />

The Friend for May it an unusually bright<br />

number. The opening article notices the tub- -<br />

script ions already paid in to secure the $15,000<br />

conditionally proanised to Oahu College l<br />

Hon. C. K. llithop ; and contains an earnest<br />

appeal for further subscriptions that the gene<br />

rous donation may not go by default. Mr. V,<br />

W. Damon's Ramble, in China are devoted<br />

thit month to "Chinese New Year." A e<br />

article on The Lalr Traffic conclude<br />

with the following sentences t "There is a<br />

great difference, it must be acknowledged, In<br />

the manners an.l morals of different ship mas-<br />

ters. The instructions of the Hawaiian Govern-<br />

ment atetrulypaternaljbuttoputthevvork of<br />

recruiting laborers In the hands of tome captains<br />

would be at wise at In send Satcn to preach<br />

the gospel of salvation from tin."<br />

Front the excellent number of the Planter'<br />

Monthly foi May It selected the following<br />

timely editorial extract t<br />

A comparison nf these great and intelligent<br />

nations England and the United States with<br />

Hawaii may appear foolish t yet the principle.<br />

of government at those countries ought to<br />

guv.-i- here, for ae tiled to follow them. The<br />

,an.UIution define and restricts the )meis uf<br />

the departments. Each must lw kept separate<br />

ami distinct the other. Whenever an<br />

id it patted by which either lake powers fiom<br />

the other, such law is contiary to the spoil and<br />

intent uf the fundamental law, even if not in<br />

itte f ttnctly unconstitutional. I is just at<br />

lierestaty that the king keep within constitu-<br />

tional limits at for the courts or legislature.<br />

Tot constitution declare that the king govern<br />

for tha good uf the whole people and not for<br />

ptont or honor of any cUs, individual or fam-<br />

ily. The people htv the right, and it may Us<br />

laid it is Iheir duty to see that (he government<br />

it r the Coiunnm i;vkI. It the duty of the<br />

tiiislature lolniuirc i.itu the use, the purpo.4<br />

end object nf the numerous foreign cmbasic<br />

(U the past two )cm, and it it the light til the<br />

avacnibly to appioie or condemn the unit at<br />

til cite: may b:. Il it the duty of ihcatttmliy<br />

to impute whether the government hat been<br />

conducted in general In accordance with itt<br />

prctciitKnl powtrt. It it lit tluty tn ascertain<br />

wr)rlhcr the new coins have been made accor-din- '<br />

10 law whether they have coined of gold<br />

arul silver lit compliance with the act to icgu-lai- c<br />

the currency in about the proiurtion nf<br />

thice of gold to two of silver 1 whether the<br />

puichat of bullion for tuch woik hat been in<br />

accordance with (he acl, and whether all of<br />

lucb. money are the coins prcacriped by the<br />

law, it ihe right uf (he Icgitlallx assembly<br />

la ctpttM tt view at to what Is meant by the<br />

"klngt pleasure," with reference to the appoint-tsen- i<br />

anal icrnotal of miimtcit of (he cabinet.<br />

Il it lie duty nf the leglslaluic to guild itt<br />

own honor arul Integrity by enacting lawt<br />

w hkh 1H1H prevent lit inembert fnun accept,<br />

iru? 01 holding any utfice of dust or profit fropt<br />

the guvtinm.Rt. The people expect that the<br />

(<br />

gituwie ssUljsvtlouslygutid ami defend the<br />

people t rum s an encroachment tiui win<br />

farce economy in all etpenditutc (that it will<br />

wholly prevent any foolish or wattcful use of<br />

public Money t that it will cause it to be un<br />

tlarttoad itt no uarertain voice, that the<br />

0 ibt couolry, however derie come<br />

- (MB tVJtt. Uln 10 Lb fssyle, and that no<br />

.halt fili.lry thr w them away. In arty<br />

ate- -<br />

shall<br />

for<br />

fiom<br />

inienrv. u it aio hii-ii- m ami i in. auiy ui<br />

)h) uiMmt , tw wh ,,, foa,.<br />

nlthosil fear or favor, but tn no i!til f !ctlon<br />

or idle If honor lie iliie, let hon<br />

or be given t if renire I necestsnry, let the Mo.<br />

vthcc 01 cotxJetnn!ion he clear and certain<br />

It lie with the comliw station tn further dem<br />

monttratr beftire the world whether Hawaii I Vatat<br />

lit for or whether it must be<br />

trriverrKtl from witlnnit.<br />

(xtnif AW.tha llntthl.<br />

Since the Ut reeord in thit depaitment,<br />

the following notrd personage have tiled in C<br />

Europe Charlet Heade, l'.nglltli novelist,<br />

aged 701 Alfieil Atlionse llaentjen), l'reneh<br />

xtatesman, aged Co; Dr. Kniamiel Itogge,<br />

(iernun etplorer of Wett Africa; Henry<br />

Jamet Jlyron, the tucrettful Knglitli diainatltt;<br />

Hcv. Kotxrl Illckeistcitli, lIrliop of KIpoA,<br />

England 1 Walter 1'rancis Montague Djuglas<br />

Scott, Dake of lljccleucii and Oueemlnir) : So.<br />

John Henry lllunl, a writer for<br />

Knglish religious teviewt ; Ivnianucl Geibel,<br />

the famous Crmian poet, Aged 59 in London,<br />

Kdward M. Sncll, American Consul at Mann-<br />

heim, Germany; nt Monte Carlo, Tuscan),<br />

Dr. Ferdinand Zeitc, one of the oldest and<br />

best known San Francisco ph)sicians. In the<br />

United State t New York City, Col. John HA<br />

J, Cladel, aged 50; Cleaseland, Ohio,<br />

Jal Fitch ; New York, Martin I.<br />

Howell, an old underwriter; Ilrookljn, Col. A<br />

Thomas W. Cartwright, nged 81 ; llaltimorc,<br />

Inshka Yansant, city comptroller, aged So;<br />

Uelilmorc, Kev. John C. Ilackus, a noted<br />

Presbyterian pastor ; Virginia'. John<br />

W. Gregory, aged 80 j New York, Joseph T.<br />

Hauls, an eminent aititt.iiged So; Hartford, D<br />

Connecticut, Dr. Pliny A. Jewell, a highly<br />

successful ph)tician, ; High Kock, Mastacbus- -<br />

sctts, HenryJ. Hutchinson, one of the originals<br />

the Hutchinson family of ningers ; Oxford,<br />

Mississippi, udgej. M. Hove), agedS5 ; Xcw<br />

York, Isaac Walton, a noted builder ami con<br />

tractor, aged S3 ; New York, Major Stephen<br />

Kovacs, a Hungarian patriot and member of<br />

(J. A. 14. from the Union side ; New York,<br />

Thomas Gold Applcton, the lloston author;<br />

New York, Anson House, a notable hotel J<br />

keeper, formerly a Californian ; Rtiv. Father<br />

J. Sanchez, the oldest Ho.nan Catholic priest<br />

California, aged 93; Indian ipotis, George<br />

nged 71, the oltle-i- t locomotive engineer<br />

the United Mates ; Woodland, California,<br />

Jams Moore, 1 pioneer; San Francisco, Cap!.<br />

John Clar, a pioneer of '40, and one of the<br />

oldest merchant captains in the American fcer<br />

sice.<br />

lllnlnr' lltttnn,<br />

the<br />

Blaine it ahead among Kansas Republican.<br />

Nevada ami Orcgoi Republicans have de<br />

clared for lllamc.<br />

The California U'publicans liave instructed<br />

their delegate for HUinc.<br />

leading Militiciuis think<br />

Maine's success at Chicago it assured.<br />

The San Francisco Aragonaut has receiv etl<br />

tetters from nearly tuu thousand Illaine men.<br />

Honolulu American Republicans are nearly<br />

unit for Illaine. The next choice it KdmumK.<br />

It it said that Conkling expresses a decided<br />

preference for Illaine at a presidents! candi-<br />

date.<br />

The Xcw York Tribune figures that Illaine<br />

hat 35S votes, and several states and territories<br />

to hear from.<br />

A dispatch sa)t; "Thercit the tactt author<br />

ity for the statement that Illaine' liook will<br />

reach t,oco,ooo copies and hit profit $800,<br />

000.<br />

A wag says: "Mr. Illaine' book hat proved<br />

tuch an assured success in advance of itt pub<br />

lication, that he may yet conclude that he<br />

would rather write than be president. "<br />

"Illaine it undoubtedly the choice of the great<br />

mast ol the Republican party, and wo cannot<br />

see him cheated out of a nomination thit )car.<br />

The colored element are especially euthusiatic<br />

over the proposed nomination of I.inqo'n for<br />

the Washington Freed man.<br />

all )e freemen in the song,<br />

e loud and clear the glad refrain,<br />

IMowte, O Fame, on trumpet strong;<br />

L-- o'er the land It heard the ttrain.<br />

A defening cheer like thunder p5.1l<br />

! given now vviih might and main ;<br />

N-- other name provoke tuch thrill<br />

the gallant Jamet G. Illaine.<br />

lllr I'urntjlt .Vrtr.<br />

Yellow fever hat rrachetl Lima l'eru.<br />

Nevs York hat now a CalifornUn Club.<br />

ThousamU of KnglUh.tailort hate no uorL.<br />

Queen Victoria has been tulTerini; uilh lum-<br />

bago.<br />

llc'lmunt Cattle Scotlaml, has been destroyed<br />

by lire. t<br />

Slril.cs are un the Increase In IjiglanJ nntl<br />

on the continent.<br />

It it rum ireat thtt I'ort Ita nuy ek an<br />

at) turn In l'rance.<br />

There hate cxtentlre firet in Utngooi ant<br />

Matulalay, Djrro.th.<br />

The tleeragepaiugefrom Kcw Yijrk o Lis-ei-<br />

hat been rctlucetl to $1$,<br />

A new nrciy Mil hit erHl great abrm<br />

amantth French niUIdlc clati-jt- .<br />

The bill to stamji out l.ntuinonia in cattle<br />

hat (uttal the United Sutn Senate,<br />

llisnuik hat declared tint Unjjland it ret<br />

pontible fur the cuiitliiiw of lg)'ll.<br />

Uyntmitert lute been ulannin,; to blow up<br />

thj C'ltcrnment buildings tn Toronto.<br />

Kinr John, of Abytinnia, hat not yet fur<br />

nUhel lliii iirny with which to vthip VA Madhi.<br />

Memorial tervicci in liom r of Wendell<br />

I'hillipt were hcKI in Boston ou the (Sih<br />

Coita It aliosit 10 dltchargr all her Ameri-<br />

can and Kjrp(an employea and tub.litulc<br />

lapaaete.<br />

Adticct from the far east luing runort of<br />

lieth uussaciia of (.hustlaut la laces bMtli<br />

eastern AtU. f;<br />

"<br />

I'reliiniruiy iilani hueTtxtn drawu up fj<br />

Ihe catnstructioa of a ctrul between Guatemala<br />

auj Salvador.<br />

Kigtt Eminent Sir IStonroe Petri, hat been<br />

elected Grand Conimod:r of Knightt Tcruplar<br />

In talilJinia.<br />

coviuilta w ractra rac<br />


flrofcwionnl Qlnrbs<br />

'MtTII ft THUMTOrf, iW.O. Rmitii,<br />

) U A. Tm mid<br />

HrnrHae III iMIr,<br />

fa. Msmoitsrt RftrsMrT, ...tf.l.l'l.f !o.<br />

at<br />

UflU.Ill 0. SUtTrl ft e.<br />

J I. A. Tfi"Jt, t<br />

(W O. Smith, f<br />

,rni nurt Wnwl IWtil trfcw,<br />

M M..itT StrtT Bwmijc Jo.<br />

(MiiUht I 101<br />

memad K, RaOW, TstVto- - and W P<br />

Stock , Bands ssttd stonlar Vi.trtiVM<br />

Uovdtrr io Soto 01 CnKMitMoa.<br />

Money Loaned m Stock SeettrUte.<br />

tlo-t-f<br />

B. DOLB,<br />

fViMHseor 11I Iai9 rttl .Vfr,irr rtihtlf,<br />

JWT<br />


It<br />

W. ASIII'OHD. No.<br />


,1 llnrn ey, .Snllellnv, llle.,<br />

is Kaahumsxu Srwirr<br />

IIonolbiu<br />

to<br />

UT R. CASTLE,<br />

tltlnrnru nt l.mr nml Solum fnhllr,<br />

Attetids all ltt Cmina of the Klnxdom.<br />


.tttornrl nml t'nnntlnr nt .tri-- .<br />

foT StBT<br />

HliNOLlLtl<br />

LBEiVr C. SMITH,<br />

.llrnf In tithe ArknutrltHlffeiHnt<br />

tn<br />

Imtrtttnrnt,<br />

Orricr With .Smith A rhurton, atton.y-tIa-<br />

No. jE. MkrcmaktStkaxt. -<br />


.NurjffrtiM iiiKf llomrrjHtlhle 7jyt,v.ri.<br />

Offkbctirnbh Four avd I.ijristaia Sts,,<br />

OTrfe lour Until 9 A. M., an 1 trom -3 an J 6:y-- 8 f.M.<br />

vj D. EMERSON, M. D.<br />

VlUftlctitit f. M(I Sttryron.<br />

Honolulu<br />

U.<br />

TltlJtPHUI SUMBBK I49.<br />

Co<br />

OTice houn from JJi to toMa. ni.; i to p. m,<br />

Office And KeldMKc, So, a isuk utiircct, corner Furt<br />

Utett.<br />

S<br />

M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S.<br />

Dnntal Ji"oi I'nrt Mrrr,<br />

Honolulu<br />

U. I.<br />

Office in Hrewtr IHoek, conrtr Hot ami Fort<br />

Strcru, cotrnoct on llotw street.<br />

tttilliam b. McAllister,<br />

Hontlst,<br />

rexMAMrutTir locatko in '.<br />

OAce, corner of Fort ami Hotel street, ever Trejkai'a<br />

Slvre.<br />

Particular atrentioa pkl to rtatorauaa yoltl fifHrtf.<br />

Kelyitlf on goal work at reslson fjea toir<br />

CAXvfilenoc of the public<br />

rZO L. DADCOCK,<br />


TeWofth Piwto- - Forte. AJirmv, IACVN fVCO<br />

nmoitMci-.N- a. to Emtu4trctt. i4jv<br />

A G. ELLIS,<br />

StorJi Tlroker,<br />


Memt-ertt- iheHnuotulu stock tud BvoJ Exch-inv-<br />

It prcnireil to buv xal HI btuck ini Ifo ult i th<br />

optm mar'tcct, at the usual rate of cuottrtiattt on,<br />

lljumjney djKiiu on tjjc, mtr-n- ; rv<br />

ijuirtTLi un line vonir4..<br />

iiu ojviic a to ti.TeMMnK w.io rcfi"JCioj.<br />

53<br />

P O HALL ft SON ILIbmmO<br />


Hartttrarr ami ttrneral MerchiintttMf,<br />

Coksilr uf Kucr anh Pont Strect, HguLULU<br />

oppicttm;<br />

WiUum V, Hall Prtident and Manager<br />

- C .Vhlet Setrttary id Tramrer<br />

I. C Jones, Jr Audttur<br />

Director K. O. Hall, Gtorsft E. Howe. 151<br />

O M. CARTER,<br />

.ttf ent to takr AtkHmrtrf'jmntn to Con-<br />

tract to Lnhor,<br />

Honolulu, Hawaiian Ulani i$<br />

R W. LA1NE.<br />

Cominlmxlonrr of Deed<br />

For the St ite of California, for tit. Hatraiian UUnd,<br />

anJ General Ajcnt fr the Pacific alutuat Uf !<br />

urance of 14s<br />


J tyent to t'lh AeUntnr1eilmutn to Con<br />

' tntrttj'or InUor,<br />

NTftkioR Or r ice ...Honolulu<br />

OHN H. PATY,<br />

J<br />

.tttnrt VnhU nntl Vommfttlnn nf lltrtln.<br />

Pur tt, Males of UaUarnla and New Yotlc' Office<br />

at Ihe Itanlc of lllahou & Co.<br />

HoNiiiULt;, Oaiiv, II. 1. 1<br />

P T. LENBHAN & Co.<br />

imjnulert nntl Conttnlmtttin Jtrrahnntg<br />

NuvANuSrxswr, llotfourui.<br />

r YCAN & CO.,<br />

Imitnrtrrn rim hmtrrn In nil Klmtm of<br />

.iiri.in eato'ie, a 11111f rrou.ta,<br />

7iHfiifae' tioojt.<br />

No, tot avp 137 Knar- - STrJtT,.'.....'..ltuKOH,U'<br />

Puisiture, CtVsb-i- , Sewsat; MathtaM, Mirrars aa.1<br />

Mlrrtv llaiea, i'Mtur, rramtt aad toestac., tatast, lu<br />

swIm. w,! .<br />

CUREVVEU ft<br />

(Umift.)<br />

COMPANY,<br />

tltnrrul ,1.rrftMf0flfatf CoMimfai.'ofi AatntM<br />

Sraswr, IIoowjlu.<br />

OfltoM-- P. c. Jonw,jr..<br />

lurt0. Carter, imtttt.r aau stssatan-- . Isiravruaa<br />

ll.. CUarC. ri. M II. A. r. tawtM", llasv<br />

Slay, asttu-ar- . III<br />


Itrnter In VJtl,rl lUrf, l"tj, Million, Ktc,<br />

Ne. 6 Qiitat HraaaT. Kiwt llaukut.<br />

Faatlhr txsl KWtvisvs; jeiteet earaaMrjr Uited to.<br />

Law tasiiali fasnstslMd ta V,MttV au abort awtK.<br />

VtysaaMai o( all Itstkla wnplattt la Jar.<br />

TeLatHdKK . . No. tit.<br />

- "t<br />

r S. CKIN3AUM & La,<br />

Importer itn't WUolt, to le.ffer. Ira ri.aa<br />

rul MrrthttwU9<br />

Mama's llu ...... yaaa Srattr, lltMottik<br />

tT S, GIMNOAUM & Co.<br />

'ariasarv(lii al rMmi'aliia JivAir<br />

at Cauraaaia St., Saa Faasx tacts.<br />

R:aal brihlle Ix ail tsaatssialar atleaalavn paid I.<br />

tXMslronusss of tisd aeiadstc. t<br />

p IIOR,<br />

ttlrttm OihiI; iLtiivftlory anti<br />

ii.it.ry.<br />

laoi.ctl;<br />

II. I<br />

L.It a, ....! u- - ft...u P,j.l Kiwi HaVm<br />

KumUr p Hotel at, Uiweea Ton and<br />

uimv i<br />

H OLLISTCR IC Co ,<br />

Wholto-l- anil Iftall Trugyl,tt aawd To--<br />

.aew.aai.fa.<br />

Ne.sa, Nsrvaa Sruir. .ll.ruavtt<br />

,t9itieft& (Jiu'tifl. j<br />


Iltlt:,nikir, tltTWif. rttilrtHfrf. '' '<br />

ninmnmt ffitiTn<br />

'<br />

lit ror "tTtrmiT Itri' n<br />

All arde-- i fnrthN.tr tene1. si<br />

OHAMK OtfJtTX,<br />

jToat .wtsfttinwrrt<br />

Roontwtl SkjtttMtM Order.<br />

ira tViitT St., rrirrnarr Atnm STAtuas.<br />

M. olioirro, net<br />

nt)ir tinil llriymrtii.<br />

Freight. I'ackairea, anrl Itanie detleere.1 10 and tram<br />

all pans nf It ilitla ami imty. Careful at- -<br />

imtton tsatd so mosrUut Paronare, tnth<br />


rehphon M Ktehknca i PuiKhtnwt Mreet. of<br />

OWet. M Kinsj Street tti No.<br />

PHILLIPS & Co.<br />

T<br />

Importer nntl llmsfiM llrttltr In r'oli- -<br />

lurt Itnntr, STtnrnt lint. Mrnm r'ift<br />

tthlnsjwUnrltt I'ltuey f'oo., i;e.<br />

ti IvAAHt'HSNi' Sraaar lIooi.et.t)<br />

J. LEVEY St. CO.,<br />

Whntemttf unit Jlrtntl Orncintt<br />

Pout Strut Htisouat;<br />

r<br />

Frth grocrfo Ami protikms ftf nit IcInJ. on hantl mvl<br />

rrcWnt regularly from Rurope an.l America w hich<br />

will C vtij at ih I.nen mAfUei mi.<br />

Good. cMivctm tn any turt tf the citvr free of c(urce.<br />

IfclnnJ orJrr wlteiteU wiJ prompt attention Mill ( No.<br />

girrn 10 ine Mnif. iia.iy<br />

IfONO LEONC ft CO., J<br />

Ayrnttt fur .Jlnnntil Snynr, Vnlnma litre f<br />

l'lnntntlonf<br />

And Kallua lvico rUntatlon and Mill.<br />

N'tiUANir SraFtsr Coknkk Marink<br />

ise-t-<br />

nnHEO. II. DAVICS & Co., r<br />

(Lath Iahio.x, Grbkn & Co.) H<br />

Impnrter ttntt i'otnmtnton .1rrrin (f.<br />

AGENTS rOR<br />

IJot1' and the UnJerwritrn,<br />

Itntinh Whl Foreign . Urine Inturauce Company, ami<br />

Northern .iKuratice Company, t<br />

A W. UICIIARDSPN ft Co job<br />


Hoot, .sio'e, I'timttitiintf lloatti, Huts,<br />

f'o, Trnnhn, I'nllsri,<br />

Perfumery arul So.ips, WlJtham Watdtes,<br />

hlne Jewelry, elc,<br />

r Ne k Foar asd Merchant SrnRErs, Honolulu<br />

or<br />

--s B. WILLIAMS,<br />

IstroRTKR ANI1 DbaLRR IN<br />

I'tiritltnrr ttf Vrrrfl lrtncrlptlon. AImo<br />

Ujthotstrrer nntl Jlnmtnrtitrf r.<br />

Furniture Warerooms No. la) Fort Street. York<br />

.hop at old Maml on Hotel Mrer. All ortlera promptly<br />

mtemletl to. 13<br />


JImporter ami I)reitr (n (triiern! ,Urr--<br />

Qukkn STfttKT .Honolulu<br />

HACKFELDft Co.<br />

H T<br />

Oenarttt Cmnihitan Apentt,<br />

Qvsen Strhut Honolulu<br />

ipD. HOFFSCHLASGEH ft Co.<br />

Jmiiortcm nntl Com mt titton MfvrhnntH.<br />

Kowu ui UmiW. II.<br />

TILLmGHAM ft Co,<br />

Importers c iiiMltnrJtrrirt, Jn<br />

Paints anJ OJ, anJ Central Merctandife.<br />

No. 37 KtjT SrKEirr Honolulu<br />

A W. PEIRCE ft to.<br />

yhtji Ciiiinler ttuit dnnmttiton Jnr-chan- t.<br />

"<br />

Honolulu, Ha'vaiiav Island1..<br />

Agent, fur 11m t t'i Gj.n aa i Ujjib Lance and Per-<br />

ry lIcavift Pain Killer.<br />

ft. G. IRWIN ft Co.<br />

w .Vujrir factum and Comtntvalon Afait.<br />


tlosoLULtr , ',.. H.<br />

T; P. ADAMS,<br />

Auctioneer miff Coin ml ton Jterehnnt,<br />

Quecx SrnKitr .Honolulu<br />

P A. SCHAEFER k Co.<br />

Importer) nntl Com'nlMiton JIeretinntf<br />

Mrrchant Sthukt Honolulu<br />

TXTILDER ft Co.<br />

ftinnhvr, I'nlnt, Oil Xatt, nntl JtutUHno<br />

JlatvrlalM of ere ry AntL<br />

Cor. Fort anp Qubkn Sts .. HonLL<br />

WILLIAMS ft Co.<br />

J Vftatouritphfa Artist,<br />

ioi and 101 Fort Strict.. - , .,. Honoiulu<br />

Pictures of all sues and UnJs nude to order, and<br />

frames of all descripti ns contantlv on hand Alo<br />

Curalt, Shells and Curio! ties of tl Pacific,<br />


lienlrrti In r.mnltrr nntl nil hlntt of llnlltl<br />

inn Mntertnl, Vntnts, O, Atila, rlc,<br />

HoNuLl'Ll', II, I,,<br />

aurst or aciiooNicas<br />

Haleakala, Kularnanu, ICekauhiohl, Mary Ellen,<br />

Ullama, Pauahl and Leabl.<br />

'<br />

At UoKIru on'. Wliarf. I<br />


Importer of Omcrnl Mrrrlitintllto from<br />

J'rtince, tintilnntt, tlorinany nntl<br />

(in Uitltnl .Mule:<br />

No. jSUuatH Sraaar Honolul<br />


&<br />

H7iul,4iif Groeorn,<br />

aid axu n3 CAUroaNia graaxT. . ..San raAXCaseo.<br />

Wrticulir atlmtlon paid 1.0 ailing anJ Mpjin Is<br />

laad ustePk 1<br />

pDC. RO'.Vh,<br />

llonme nntl iitjn VttUtler,<br />

Panta Haviiaa, etc,<br />

No. t; Kiaa Srtr Uqnolvi- -<br />

i in<br />

T YONS & I.SVEY,<br />

.IJCfilllrl tlaul t'orrim'a.loH JlrrfJlrtlit,<br />

Ila Duor, Qvatu Sraaar, lauius.<br />

StlM ot t'untttisM. $rck. Real V.tla'.. and Gaoerat I<br />

uwaaattllaa woatiptiy aHtnernl to. M jnt l<br />

Ametitaa and KasruFna lasrehandis,. (I, I.tfJNt,<br />

isa-s- . ' 1 I.a.av<br />

rvyrits. a. m. mbllis,<br />

I'.lt'lllnl'tlf l)r; I Vtntil; ,Vn'.'a-- ,<br />

N'o. ia Ksht Sruar Ilumiun.<br />

Ayr w. ucciiEs.snY & son,<br />

DtALStt IM<br />

...lAra-- f UltStM, Tit low ami CotnutlittoH<br />

Mrrthnnl<br />

Agents for h Royal &sb Company.<br />

No, as Qvm ArattT HoxoiVL.<br />

I<br />


I fit til tAdit lI'atJaflA lalf A ata<br />

U Ki Stit .....lUwoLLt-C- f<br />

Iiajiruf o Ats Jrwilry Cifenffy destrip-lly- a<br />

(Yvrmvif ot bai) Prancf, Caliovoia.) 5,<br />

A U SMITH,<br />

XmjMHier and UtaUr i fJta$iaret<br />

iJraieikrtVf I'ujee,<br />

N- - 44 fWT Stasar .? . lloaot-fl-<br />

Kloa't CMila hi aad eTreelaaa,<br />

IjawraJ W.re wre. Fiey v. ;ctiar. Fr.ns pis<br />

tils. Woat.ah '. Pjckai Cuttres , Powaar, h and<br />

Clark's Srool Cotlaxt, Mavtwaalad, all<br />

klit tf MtchU Ntadln. "Domn-tc- " Pap-- r I<br />

Swl aeins of ik adrally aakov,alel,sd Llkl.<br />

waaanatut at.ia Mars.aae<br />


--j ire cttcincao wv)ii.<br />

I IWSK6 COOKK,<br />

fleccwrsdini to t.KWItn ft l)i:Kn,)<br />

firliS'ae rrirf Dtotivr tn t,tnnlpr riinl alt<br />

flfrf of llHllitlnt) Jlntrrbtt.<br />

rmirSiaaat lidoLLii<br />

- C CdLttttttW,<br />

lltMmill!i, Jl.l'illlf.l, t'nrrtnnr ll'ora,<br />

lirs Sltntlntl,<br />

Itotmul.". ' II. I<br />

rtattlavtlrm Uaerrlaarsr. ess. trken a. KInc Sired<br />

M CeHtl Kmm t. srj-ry- r<br />

TOHIf HOTT,<br />

Tin, tnjiptr nntl Shett Irnn 11'nrker,<br />

4 litnrr ttHil tlnnim. The<br />

iTiiabers' Moick Mt rMtaVt, ItAuse furniili<br />

Mt sMlMelMWteteH, lamn, etc.<br />

Ir.e<br />

I IvJeAHVMaNt SmttT lloWLCU'<br />

M. OAT & Co.<br />

lllinnhrr, nf nil Asrril<br />

tmtife nntl rejntmlf<br />

lloisjieW ...II. t<br />

tft in A P Cooke's new fireproof lmilittng, ful 01<br />

NuiMOII Street. t<br />

EMMULUTII ft Co.,<br />

I'lnamlth nntl rlnnttiern, llntlrr lit<br />

Slttvrn, Ititnilrn, 77m,<br />

5 N1.1MNU SrKtrtT Honoluiu No.<br />

W GtHVIN,<br />

nmmlmlon Jlrrhnnt nntl tltrnrrnl lrnirr<br />

In lli'it tlnwt,<br />

Wailuku, Maui II. I The<br />

Crorcries, Ilsrjware, Stationery, l'atent Mullclnes,<br />

IVtfumery nnt Glassware. I<br />


The<br />

VutttrfMf Irnn, llrtin unit Anil Cnttttff<br />

Honoiulu H 1<br />

D.<br />

Mactunery of ercrj description inaile to order.<br />

P.irlirtil.ir Atlrntiun ruiil la Sliio'l. l.lickmithlftl.<br />

worVt ckcaitcO on tlie litrle.t notice. to Dr.<br />

HOS. G. THRUM,<br />


Mnttnner, A'arn ,lfettlf Printer, llvah-iilwlr- r,<br />

rtr<br />

AnJ puMUhrr of the S tukoav Pit pa, and ffaum'i-ti-n<br />

Almxtutc a tut An unit Merchant trect. Deal<br />

in Fine Sulianorj, fUA. Mutic, Toys an.l Pauvy<br />

lliOtl, Tort street, nr Hotel. Honolulu.<br />

A S. CLHOHORN ft Co.<br />

Itnportrr tutt Dwlrrti In (Irnvrttl Mrr--<br />

cnrtnuiKc,<br />

Corner Qufftn anJ Street, HonotuliL<br />

F. DURGUSS,<br />

N<br />

Curpcuter itmt Ilultttfr.<br />

kind of jolibiii' promptly allenJed to.<br />

Tctephdne No. tto, Williarawn's Kxurru Office.<br />

SltOf, NO. ti KlUC, iylMiKT, . .. . . .IIONOIUI<br />

at<br />

G.<br />

AINE ft Co.<br />

Com MiNt fon Jlerchrt nt,<br />

importers and dealers tn Hiy, Grain and General<br />

1 rouuee<br />

Honolulu. !, I<br />


OroccrV 'f Veal Store,<br />

Con, Kino axu Port St Honolvlu<br />

nnpjr.fircitnMAWlA market.<br />

I HnvrtM'LU, H. L<br />

Kcef, t'ettt, Mutton t Lttmb, Poultry<br />

ami 2'ttti<br />

Cnnsumtly on hand, and of choicest quality. Pork<br />

)iuaj?k, liuloiiu, etc, ilways on liand Our meatu<br />

art, nlj cut and put up in llaMern t)l. AM Older<br />

'Skilfully at tenJed tu, and delivered in any part of the<br />

aty. blmp on Hottl Street, brtwreu Union and Fort<br />

directs. G. RAUPP, Proprietor,<br />

A. SHEPARU,<br />

Watchmaker ami fcireter.<br />

W.itoli I'oiinirlit nmloa Spoolt&ltty.<br />

Ml otdrr fron the othet Iklands prompt! attended to.<br />

No. s$. Hotel Sthskt. Honolulu, ILL<br />

Vrtyr<br />


Jeiecler and ItamnntllSettcr,<br />

No 60 Nuuanu Stkubt, Honolulu, H, I.<br />

(Opposite HolIUtr i Co.),<br />

Peitticular attention paid to repairing.<br />

i;i-y- r<br />

OPP ft CO.,<br />

H<br />

....Kino Street<br />

UphoMerers, Urapcri and Dealer In alt<br />

hltuli of furniture<br />

Tclcplione Na tsj.<br />

i;6- -<br />

II U ST ACE,<br />

c. (rORMEKLY WITH A. CO.)<br />

Wholesale and He f a II 1 1 rover,<br />

itt, KiMO Stuiert, Unufi Hakmony Halu<br />

Family, Plantation, and Ship stores supplied at short<br />

notice. New cad bv ver steamer. Orders from<br />

the other Island faithfully eecut,d.<br />

'lelej.bone Na 119. 75'.t<br />

B ENSON, SMITH, & CO.,<br />

Prnotlriiti Sniggltta,<br />

ij and ii j, FOUT STRKKT,<br />

lrc potior<br />

UOKRICKR & aCllkSCK'rt cklkbiatku iioMttorarHic<br />

'<br />

MICICIUtt.<br />

JtUltireKo'rerfnines,<br />

and<br />

TJir, common sue wyRsiNc norru:<br />


T<br />

and<br />

ANNUAL FOR 1834.<br />

IS hpff KgADY fOI CKLIYCRY<br />

atd ts tebIaJ ivme f lit predecessors in tuttrtU and<br />

Ji.tiruutl.a.<br />

Pftcf psrerpy, jaxiw j ort by null aUuad, 69 ci.<br />

TUOS. h TIIIiV.1T,<br />

ViiUtihir.<br />


T TRUiSF.S.<br />

TRUJsS<br />

ntubsts.<br />

1 KUhhr.s.<br />

lufsaacHt TlairSsr: Ttittncpc<br />

iTRUftiS njDf.SKh.liiRS.<br />

I Klim.b.<br />

TKUS.M-- S.<br />

I ItUSIF.'i.<br />

1 UUS3I-3- .<br />

w. HOZalalSTUR & CO.<br />

ft. Has. juu raucivad a l uirok. of<br />

ThoiOolaliratoil OaMulattl Trttuta<br />

W tH.Kt raaiaa rut racroair<br />


Tor A 1J us ting Tntiaatth<br />

UOZ.XaISTR CO.,<br />

Car. To, aad Mfthalas strts aisd ti Nutaaaia stf,!,<br />

Press.<br />

<strong>.7</strong>, iSSfS<br />

.uoincfia i!ni:bo?9<br />

rrrr.'r<br />

rilSHOP ft CO., Cankers -- .ai H<br />

llooLViti, Hawaiian Island.<br />

T)nw Ktthanfte on<br />



Arvl their see tits In<br />

NEW VORK,<br />

llOSTON,<br />

HONO KONG.<br />

Messrs. N MKOlll.SCIIII.DiSONS,<br />

I ONDON.<br />

HANK I NO LO,<br />









Nb<br />

7iwrjff 11 (itiitnl Unking liutintsi,<br />

11 it r<br />

rASTLE ft COOKH,<br />

Shipping a tut Commhtton Mrthtntf<br />

80 KingStr&kt . . i ., Honolulu<br />

tMPONTPftS and DKALrr IN<br />


A Rent for<br />

Hitchcock JV Comniny'i Plantation,<br />

'Vhr AI wider it Haldvain Plintaitoti.<br />

R. HaNteid, or Waialaa Plantation.<br />

A. II, bmith & Comnnn), Koloa. Kauai,<br />

J, Si, Alexandfi Haiku, Maui.<br />

Ihe Haiku Sur ar Coionanv.<br />

Ihe Kohala Sugar Cum pan jr.<br />

Hamakua Plantation<br />

Union ! mitrance Company ol San Frank ico.<br />

ne new intirance ol ttotoi.<br />

ne utake .Manuiactunng 01 iioton.<br />

M. Weuon't Patent Centrifugal Mathinei.<br />

ITie New York and Honotulu IVckct Line.<br />

Ihe Mrrchant's Line. Honolulu and San Frandtco'<br />

JajneiA Son's Celebris. ed Medicines.<br />

Wilcot k GiKb's .Singer Manufacturing Company,<br />

Wheeler & iSewIni; Machines. '75'ty<br />

sell<br />

TNO. 0. FOWLER ft Co.,<br />

LEr.DS, ENGLAND,<br />

Arr prrpttrrtt to fnmlh I'htnM ttml Rtt-im- te<br />

for fitcct<br />


With or without Cars and Locomotives, Specialty<br />


Perminent RaS1wa)s, anJ locomotives and tars. Trac-<br />

tion Engines and Koad Locomotives, Steam<br />

Ploiit.iin)E and Cultivating Machinery, Port-<br />

able hnzinei for all purposes. Winding<br />

.nsincs or inclines.<br />

Catalocues with llliMtratluns. Models and Photo<br />

graphs of the above Plants and .Machinery may lie seen<br />

theolTicesof thr undersigned, V, L, (JKKKN and<br />

V. MACFARUXNK & CO., Aaents for Ino. Kow.<br />

erV Co.<br />

(General tibcrtbcinntts.<br />

T I C E.<br />

N<br />

MESSRS. R. MORE & CO.<br />

King Street Honolulu<br />

Would keg to notif) the Public that they<br />

have ust received a shipment of the famous<br />


atT Anvoeron wUhinrtODurvttascaKwinr machine<br />

would do well to examine them.<br />

Also<br />

a number of superior<br />

Double-barr- Dreach-loadtn- Shot Gunt,<br />

Wlnchestrr Rifles, Kennedy Rlfltt<br />

Parlor Rifles,<br />

Smith ot Wlstoa Reyoleers.<br />

A Tull auortmrnt oT CARTR1DGF.S, brass and<br />

paper shell ', and Sportsmen's General Supplies.<br />

lar Call and ejtamlnc our Stock<br />

Having in our employ a firt-cU- lock and Gun<br />

Smith, we are prepared to do all kinds of repelling In a<br />

manner and on short notice.<br />

Sewing Machine repalril and aiJutd<br />

And all kinds of Iron Work mads and repaired,<br />

ifi-t-<br />

r W. H1N0LEY ft CO.<br />

Jtanfactttrer of Havana Cl$mr<br />

luroarras amd dealbms in<br />

Toaiacco,<br />

Ci'crtitei,<br />

iid Smokers' Articles<br />

The nott complete stock In the klnfdonu<br />

King street, (near AUkea) Honolulu.<br />

nju-i-<br />

T EMMELUTH A Co.,<br />

No. j NUUANU St.. HONOLULU, II. I,<br />

STOVES aad RANOES,<br />

'lln, Copr and Slice! Iron, Sheet Lead and Lead<br />

Pile,GaKaniJcd Iron Pipe and Filtin,s, Ilras.Go.adl<br />

all slaes, Artcian Well and Irrig.liug Pipe, The us-<br />

ual Tio and Iron wars, Hatha, CluMta, Sinks. Wash.<br />

stands, Marble and F.rumaled Iroa, la stock and for<br />

Sal. at reaionabt. rates.<br />

Tal.olaon. No. Sll, nt-q- r<br />


Upraolatatry IVnUtar.<br />

I). M. CnOWLF.Y at Dranal ludni ia.<br />

itrd Into . lth MR. HUGH IIA5TIK,<br />

ihw turn .ill b, kuown as<br />

CROWLEY a 00.,<br />

il<br />

,,,,,. Kiao Srnar,<br />

oopo.it, Whltmaa 4 WruU't.<br />

Evrry daacriptloaa of Fnnallur, al lowest<br />

required wa Tuu, Payment<br />


La Sdk, Horsehair, aad other coar, nn,,<br />

raow VmurwA,<br />

Eltgaal cweriags and lrtauminjr,t.<br />

ataTS.. Ih, BOSTON " aad "CHALLENGE<br />


It, MSB MtMMXT.<br />

Ttiarc.ua.. Nvsstaa, lja.<br />

ft<br />

r&tV<br />

Ilitiaaaiaaafc a.vtiwa-- w. v-A-t m j.. ;&glm&!x, A,, ui.jatt.-St-<br />

"y-"- i - -- .-.- 1 -- - .<br />

rocncnil blicrtiotmtnlfl.<br />

IIACKPBLD ft Co.,<br />

Q<br />




Ine<br />

I<br />

F.x flails Kalt and Miitllan<br />

From Ml EM EX,<br />

Coniuln) In pari of at follows I<br />

J,<br />

A Litre. Aaaorttnoat ol Drjr Oooda,<br />

Sun<br />

Denims, Drown and Whit. Cottons, Drills, Tick<br />

, Tuilatj Rl, Merinos-bla- ck and<br />

(<br />

colored, 4 qualltlta, Repps. Alpacas,<br />

Cobourgt, Italian Cloth aad<br />


Vie SUkn,<br />

Blaik, Grot-tfral- a, Paocf, Color.d aad StrirxJ<br />

Bare Crap., Ac,<br />

Om<br />

Men' FumMiing Good,<br />

Shlrtt, Wool.n, Mlatd, Calico. Hlckorr, Oulra<br />

tic, Motino and Cotton UuderthUts, Whlla<br />

Bosons Shlrtt, Socks ek Stocklag , OIotm<br />

llajidkarchlefs, Poulards, a lar,. in- -<br />

voire ol CLOTHINO conslatlns:<br />

of Fin Black Cloth Coatt aad<br />

PanU, Bucktkia Sacks,<br />

Pants and Suits, Fait,<br />

Mohair, Drill,<br />

Flannel<br />

Sacks Pants,<br />

Boy's Shlrtt, and<br />

Children's Jackets, I.<br />

R. Coatt Lerf lots, Moa- -<br />

k.r and Sailor Jackals. Carpal<br />

Slippers, Silk and I. C. Umbrellas<br />

andParasols. PancT and Travallinr<br />

Shawls, Cotton and Turkish Tow.lt,<br />

lftla A ITk.d tT.atlaA Dalt DBaA amJ I3.a<br />

WUIIB aeUlU VUUHl ' 4k rHBB UIU UlUf<br />

Carpet Lnr Silk and Ve Wet Ribbons, TlireaJs<br />

lUatikets,<br />

White and Fancy Blankets,<br />

Fancy Striped Woolen, two Ues,<br />

Scarlet, Orange, White Woolen and 4 points,<br />

Buttons for Shlrtt, Coats, Pants, Dressci,<br />

V ERFU M E R Y ,<br />

Genuine fvau d Lutiin s K<br />

tracts. Toilet Soaps, Philocome. Hair<br />

Oil, Combe, Looking Glasest, Pijm I,<br />

R. Halls, Harmonicas, Ulank Aooks,<br />

Gold Uaf, Jewelry, Gold Watches,<br />

Tape, BUstic, Scarfs, Albums<br />

Vienna Furniture,<br />

Kitenslon, Arm, Dining room and rarlor Chnirt,<br />

Setleea, Mirrors, etc,<br />

SatUlltt, Cnlfiklnt, fllrlh; Mlrrup lathtr<br />

Itcnip & I. R. Pacltlns, Coal Uailtett,<br />


ContainIne Plates, Cups. Teapots, Bowls Chamber,<br />

Kice Uivhcs and Bakers, llcinii&hns 3 and j<br />

Gallon, Sample llottles. Vases and Glawwarc, Manila<br />

r..a'. Ti li 1 . . rt f.:.<br />

ano lariea rvopv, wmi j, uuiihic, 1 wui,<br />

Uurlaos Woolpackand 1 willed ackinf, Linen Hoc<br />


of all sires and qualities.<br />

Groceries<br />

Sardines In half and quarter botes.<br />

Salt la Jars, Castor Oil In tins. Matches<br />

Cocoanut Oil, Wash Blue, H. Whit Lead,<br />

Stearins Candles, 4. . md 6, H. ft P. Biscuit,<br />

Hubbuck's Linseed Paint 00, White Zluc Pain<br />

Gorman and Havana Clya rn,<br />

liattd wire Spoons, Forks, Cruets, Tea<br />

sets, Cups, Napkin Rings, Salvers, esc,.<br />

Hardware,<br />

Pocket and Butcher Knires.'Sciseors, She- e- Shears.<br />

Needles, bptons. Files, Spurs Galvaniied liaslns<br />

Hoop Iroo, Kce Kivcti. Hammers. Yellow<br />

Metal and Coinposltton Nails, CUrUiers<br />

Babbitt Metal, Sugar Coolers, I roc<br />

Tanks,<br />


Fire Clay, BUckamlth Coat Plrt Bricks. TUe<br />

Bmpty BanaU, Oak BesU, ftc.<br />

Orders from the other 1 stands careful. r tendedto.<br />

M, Bmkfid Jk C:<br />

ila- -<br />


Are constantly receiving additions to their LARGE<br />

and WLLI. StLKCTLl) STOCK of<br />




Pin., Oak, Ash, Koa, Black. alnul, Caslar.<br />

Dtxart , a ro ,- - a .<br />

WlnJowa 7 a , la il 1 ao In.<br />

Trieste. 1, BUods<br />

ltulltler't Hardware,<br />

Of .hlch . keep a An, aasortmeot.<br />

CStl Jf.ll,, Sal I tlOtt.<br />

Calvaatetd Nails, j d to to d Spike,, f lo I Ln.,<br />

kc, sVc<br />

,too SHEETS<br />

CoaTtsjttUd QtUTattlM Irtitm<br />

rj, 7, 1 aad , lot laoapha.<br />

Caltanlaid Strews and Kldjinf s.<br />

SEWER PICE, Ta, Elbows, Trat. etc . 4. t<br />

arid Una.<br />

1 art Cotla Chlmnlet and Chimney Pipe, sLaapel<br />

tod far supsrl 10 brick ChumntM.<br />

WALL PAPERSof all klndi,<br />


MATI1MSI Jfe<br />

la m .arlatU. now da, from llouakcana par Bark<br />

"ll.Uaa- -<br />

Fur sale la quaMitlm I. suit and al Wwi maakw<br />

r' iM-t- I.EWERS 4. COOKE.<br />


' S. M. CARTER 4 CO ,<br />

aaraa uavsiaat<br />

la<br />


HAVaaoOATV<br />

Fraa Dtliewy loall pomelaaCaly,<br />

m. aujre nmrnmr.<br />

m T!<br />

.<br />

Whole Number<br />

tScneral bbcttietments.<br />

O. W, M. t. MACfALAMI.<br />

W. MACPARLANB ft CO,<br />

InpoHon, Commtmloa Morekavate<br />

and BoKAC Fiwstorm.<br />

rrf HuiUlnt fucfn Hurt, Hooonila.<br />

AGtMTt tOR<br />

list a SuesfCo, Ksusl,<br />

Wikaiti Swi PUntatlon, Mief.<br />

ne Spnctr Kt Plantation, llawsil<br />

Itonohma Surnr Co, Hawaii,<br />

HutkiSusar Mill, Msul,<br />

HiitloSufsr Plantstion. Msul,<br />

Keciprority Sogir Co., Hans,<br />

MsViha Sitgsr PUntstltm. Oshu,<br />

OoVil Suga-- f Its !.,,<br />

Olowalu SuisrCo, Maul,<br />

Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co, Hi all,<br />

roler Jk (Vt&ttsm Plow and Ports We Tramway<br />

Works, l.tfdt.<br />

.Mint, Wiwn A Co's Butsr Machinery, Glasow,<br />

GlaKow and HontiiIu Lint of Packm,<br />

Urerpool and Honolulu Uns of Packets,<br />

laondonand llonululu Mne of Sissmers,<br />

rlre Iniurance Co. of I.ondn.<br />

toi-l- jr<br />

ii<br />

BRSWBR ft CO.<br />

Oitrr for Sale lhecaf of tk bark<br />

"MAItTlIA DAVIS,"<br />

Jual anlr.J, the Mlowln, Hal of Mwt handle,<br />

Carl;<br />

LtffM Brprtot Wnfts,<br />

Kxtmtlon Tp CttrrtVtM,<br />

bteam Coal.<br />

CMmborln4 Coal,<br />


Common Wood Chain)<br />

Matches.<br />

Pin Harr.1 Shook.<br />

REMIX,<br />

Soar<br />

lea Chests, Not. t , , anil $,<br />

Ho, llarxlls.<br />

Lobtltrt, I lb. TUs,<br />

Ileans jib. Tma,<br />

Spruce Planks,<br />

Hay Cullers, No, i, i and ),<br />

Ask GreaM,<br />

Hoatr;Xo$. 7, t, 10, 11, 111-- ,<br />

leather Belting,<br />

CcntriftfaJ Ltnlnis I, InchM,<br />

Comnositlon Nails, l. Inch and tW lath.<br />

Mammoth Kockers,<br />

Bale. Eacelslor,<br />

Mattila Cordage, Aaeorte4,<br />

EaccUlor Matlrettrt,<br />

Calv. Fenc. Kt.oUa,<br />

Farmer's DoDers, so and ss Coals<br />

Sisal Kopc, AtMrlMJ<br />

Ash I'Unks<br />

Damp llarrows,<br />

Amea1 Slwvcls,<br />

Trllow MMl Sheathing,<br />

Hair Mattresses,<br />

Grindstone,<br />

Hubler Hose.<br />

Had. Poison,<br />

Barb Wira,<br />

Kenued Inm,<br />

Anoealwi F,aua Wlr,<br />

Gals, Screw aad Waaha<br />

Ac, c, tVc , 1<br />

E W GOODS<br />

N<br />

Iust aactirao t<br />

" Martha Daria," " JlallijaH," kad eiraeeted u<br />

" Marlpoaa" and other vea.la<br />

Boston Card Matcliea,<br />

Hon, Shoe, and Nails<br />

DOWNERS aad NOONPAV 00,<br />

iLaUlcalln, OUs of all kinds.<br />

Cut Nails, all slria.<br />

Clinch Nails, all site.<br />

Cuion Waal, la halt,<br />

blacksmith's Hallow.<br />

Chop Rim Clocks,<br />

Garde. Brooma<br />

Brown Soap, La cat,<br />

Wlr, Hatigui, Baskets for Farrat, 4c.<br />

Lane's Plantation 11m,,<br />

K Inch Cooae aaat Socket How,<br />

Ic, Cream Fre.tert,<br />

Lawn Mowers, best kind,<br />

Case's Genuine Amoakea, DemJme,<br />

Craa.'s Geouto, Aauoakeaa; Maiinaa Slrirae,<br />

Besid.s a thousand article us ih, Hardwai. lit altmrt<br />

sa hand.<br />

Soon apected, not by ihe " ftrtaa," a asem torn<br />

plete asaaartawM at<br />

aVasaa'a aMaed aPfarsra attal arssttaVr,<br />

With sura Handles, Ueaasa aad Points.<br />

All ihM. will U found al th. tmr Wick atora ttf<br />

1(4 t O. HALL m hON. UatUU.<br />


CO..<br />

Kara receiv! a full lia, of th, b.ortsa<br />

ailll-gS- tf<br />

aVtmUtfaag Wtwrtj,<br />

aUaanartT.aAAaftttTavFtowt.<br />

(tmlTlpa)<br />

Tk.a. PViwa at. at aaad. faaam M.taa ala..B.<br />

by in, ,ll(lnal Jamat D.r, Mtalat PsW Wmta,<br />

uo paoneer wester, slue manvfa taary usal Itm mraet<br />

steal plow .wks la Ih, wwld. Far lata flat), Wihs<br />

maaalauur, w, aa, .rala.<br />

Approved attles U<br />



K<br />


Bieckcy, Movert<br />

liuTenMlel Pulsey Bkatas<br />

llyalraulic Jacks<br />

"<br />

Fodda.'aaam Gauden aad Caaal mtteem<br />


Ra,MMOek<br />

lalata,raaaetmVl<br />

naa ro, Uraaaauaoaaa, riaa H<br />

aWajd,makt Wafuaa<br />

Hovaa Fuaatsatiasa GacM<br />

aWMmOasttla rarVarMasJ<br />

alp u tanas ,i mth.au malum t atw hyat.<br />

ass) tan at Wwtat ptiaaa.<br />

-- 'a<br />

m<br />

i?F"<br />

,jy<br />

i<br />

u<br />

rliaamm, u--,a rad. j ALtmMrsalitatmSlmmmml<br />

fcffi?.':5&latjyfj2gSyi:smml<br />


vSATCKDAV .'Rivals<br />

Iti nAM . A till, IT mtwi.<br />

FAS.!,. MIDI 1.1 tS.liaVI<br />

tft ttv ., awiminw ! " ifntm.<br />

SATHKiSAf.. .mat m<br />

Hw atwtgft ta, In to total, rtwdwt.<br />

The Kttttt oCreoluiinito incmwc the<br />

bill b not yet determined The win-uter- s<br />

pe, propose and iuypaM!, am!<br />

the tegtetaton dUptwe. The people,<br />

iMWNmf. pV the taxes. Directly nr<br />

indirertly th fan o( all the expendi-<br />

tures that dull It marV ttndor aMhor<br />

to of the appfojiriation hill, ash may<br />

rtnalty be procd, must be paid for in<br />

hard money, collected m i.tsc. a li<br />

. ertces or Import dutica, from the pco<br />

pie of the kingdom. It i true that<br />

direct urattort at five dollars a head<br />

iloeanot lall heavily upon a majority of<br />

tat payer, it in true that real estate<br />

taxation is to here in comtiarferOri<br />

with like taxation in miny other land<br />

Hut that f no reason we should fail<br />

to practice economy etvnomy is<br />

mth ectmemieal. It is not economy<br />

to ghc ny servant of the government<br />

more work to do than he rjin do well.<br />

It U downright squander to give any<br />

public officer a sinecure, or to add clerk<br />

to any department in order that clerks<br />

already in office may cat the' bread of'<br />

idleness in merrier comiwny.<br />

It is clear<br />

that those items of the appropriation<br />

bin which provide for the apiiointmcnt<br />

of new clerks, or for Increased salarv lo<br />

officials, ought to be considered by the<br />

finance committee and fully discussed in<br />

committee of the whole.<br />

The opium bill has been killed, or ir-lisp- s<br />

Mr. I jlfkalani will say "scotched."<br />

We opposed the bill and are glad it<br />

was defeated, Hut we hope the mat-<br />

ter will not be allowed to rest there. It<br />

is well that the nation go on record<br />

against every form of the opium traffic.<br />

Hut that is a mere beginning. It U<br />

notorious that large quantities of opium<br />

are smuggled into this txrt. It is a well<br />

known fact that use of opium is increas<br />

ing on the islands, not only ninong<br />

Chinese, but among natives, half whites<br />

and whites. 1 here arc not enough cus<br />

tom house officials to prevent smug<br />

gling : and there is not the lice per-<br />

sonnel to'break up the opium dens or<br />

prevent retail sale. We must hae<br />

jwlice reform before we can restrict the<br />

traffic and lessen its evils. I'ricnds of<br />

the present law must not rest content<br />

with its mere presence on the statute<br />

liooks. Christian men and women and<br />

their must devise and carry<br />

out an organized effort for reform in this<br />

terrible matter. If they do not, Mr.<br />

Lilikalani's scotched snake may charm<br />

so wisely two years from now that prac-<br />

tical men may join hand with the<br />

friends of license, and choose another<br />

eil in lieu of the one under which we<br />

so shamefully exist.<br />

-<br />

In common with other Honolulu<br />

nowsimpers, the I'ress has been favored<br />

with copies of the Washington Gactle<br />

which contain charges against Lot. . s.<br />

Spalding, President of the Planters'<br />

tabor ami Supply Company. In the<br />

absence of direct proof in the mailer,<br />

we prefer to lieltcve the cluirges arc<br />

part of a black-mailin- scheme by the<br />

American enemies ofthe treaty. It i<br />

now in order for Colonel Spalding to<br />

explain. If he cannot do so to the<br />

entire satisfaction of the company, he<br />

ought to be dismissed from his office.<br />

It lias hitherto been our strongest<br />

card that we were free from the lobby<br />

ing tactics of the usual "ring." Our<br />

lxat advisers have wisely counciled re-<br />

liance upon the justice of our plea that<br />

tl(e treaty was truly reciprocal, it --Mr.<br />

Sualdinir has done much to destroy<br />

the American impression of our perfect<br />

fairness, we may do something to re<br />

store tlat impression by promptly re-<br />

buking JMr. Spalding.<br />

We print the second part of a<br />

letter on the water resources of Hono<br />

lulu. It clwllcnges attention by the<br />

clearness and distinctness of its state<br />

ments and liecausc of its startling an<br />

lagonlim to the popular belief in the<br />

necessity of storage reservoirs. Air.<br />

tawrence's per comes at a good<br />

time. An engineer is now in the em-lo- y<br />

of the government at work on a<br />

system of water supply for Honolulu.<br />

Until he has matured his plans,<br />

completed his ottimates amtaubmitted<br />

his conclusions, we have no right to<br />

rejudg them. Hut until the matured<br />

plan is so pithily indicated that ever<br />

lonhlaliire may understand it, the pi!<br />

lie is fully justified in distrusting the<br />

good judgment of the proposition to<br />

(Spend $100,000 on waterworks during<br />

the next two years ; anu not unnaturally<br />

looks niton tint modest sum as the thin<br />

entering wedgo of a KWiWy outrageous<br />

aimroiwtauon.<br />

Next to iKiinc nuht is frank ac<br />

knowledgment of error. We con<br />

fow to a feeling of disappointment<br />

in the . Icittsjamx! record of the<br />

attotneylgcncral. It is discouraging to<br />

tte a iiwirfln whose independence<br />

his friends have counted wiling as Aim<br />

liter Neumann ld on the mil to inve<br />

the supreme court a voii in the aii<br />

x)iiitmcul ol district nidges. So good<br />

a detail r a he might surely have ex<br />

IiLiineU a virtc survrisinn to his Iicm<br />

fuends We have l out the at<br />

tomr v general from am-'iii- ; several Ik-<br />

canst he l A lawyer A Uir himHi,<br />

we think.<br />

Jtidge W vtcU n .Tuesday<br />

la.t t" indefinitely H.ij.om- - the lill to<br />

jive tin sureme cofiit a vone in the<br />

i lei ti. .n f district judc. On Mon-b- at<br />

belud toted to t,i it. He ex- -<br />

I jins bis trti by MM114 flat he kuew<br />

the ntonsnlctjiiixi ol die lull, in the<br />

then tomhtton ofthe hou- - meant d<br />

feat, ami. umhinkinglv, he voted in it<br />

aliirnutiu- - that lie might liave an ot<br />

poriunuv to move a reromudrration,<br />

fort utrv lor the moment thai the htH<br />

w,i, alrudy lwing rucoutidftrcd This<br />

i, Mr Uidrmaun's nateiiKiU of the<br />

nutter, ami he certainly is entitled to<br />

the Uncut ol hts explanation.<br />

ant "1<br />

l.rcdit to whom, etc. In certain<br />

. quaitutrs it U ilia fathioit to contend that<br />

no possible mmx! may come out of the<br />

ministerial Naxaieth. We are perhaps<br />

as unlikely as anyone Is to uke our Gu<br />

fonian icform without salting. Hut the<br />

i virion of the ministry upon the ojfium<br />

hill was a concussion to nghuous pub<br />

lic opinion, and deserves re ojinhoa<br />

c expect to luvc much to luudema<br />

It js vel o have one thing to praise.<br />

'W'wwmnp.mftwwwww<br />

till !! J 1 1 ul l;l 1 m,<br />

hi ' no a ', . ( J ulij the<br />

iKtst u-- ileeloped a new<br />

danger to the cjriMe of reform tthkli<br />

must he seited with Arm hands and<br />

killed. That danger ts a tendency to<br />

unseemly brag ma bluster em the part<br />

of a few Independents, and the adop-<br />

tion by at leftst one tmlervcndent --<br />

per of a foolishly irritating policy of<br />

small detraction and unucntlcmanly<br />

nersonal welfare, altogether out of keep-<br />

ing wkh the dignity ofthe Indeiendcnt<br />

canse. There are many iuestlons nrm<br />

which existing party, lines will he tightly<br />

drawrt. That is inevitable. We must<br />

win or lose those issues as we control<br />

or do not control a majority vote.<br />

There arc other questions on which<br />

agreement lietwccn parties is a mere<br />

matter of m l and mutual conccsj.ion.<br />

some of these latter-clas- s questions are<br />

orpteswng importance. The npifim<br />

hill defeated on Wednesrlay is an<br />

illustration. Now the rausc of reform<br />

rannot afford to thow away its chances.<br />

The assumption of a tone, of cither<br />

bravado or Wlying must inevitably re<br />

coil. Even were such a policy ever<br />

warranted by good taste and sound<br />

judgment, the numerical strength of<br />

the Independent party makes that oli-c- y<br />

impracticable. Wo may k able to<br />

compel the cabinet to concede reform,<br />

we nrc in no position to coerce the king<br />

into the adoption of our plans. Right<br />

or wrong the king's friends<br />

they may thjnk of Mr. Gibson are a<br />

unit in their support of what they con-<br />

sider the king's rights. The patty lash<br />

is the very last thing likely to bring<br />

them into harmony with reform. Dis-<br />

trust of the king's friends is one thing.<br />

Holding them at arms length is an-<br />

other. Human nature is wonderfully alike<br />

the world over. That is one of the<br />

tritest of truisms. The Indcienilent<br />

party may win unpledged votes by<br />

conciliation. It can win nothing by a<br />

haughty assumption of mounoiy in<br />

that not loo common quality, integrity:<br />

or by an attempt to whip into line those<br />

who believe in good government, but<br />

dislike the Independent plan of pro-<br />

cedure.<br />

This is plain language. We think it<br />

is needed. If considered in the ..pirit<br />

that prompts it, good may result. Most<br />

of the committees appointed by Presi-<br />

dent Rhodes are all that the most<br />

ardent Independent could wish. In<br />

the language of a reformer who typifies<br />

the liest that is in the nam: " 1 he<br />

present committees are the strongest ihtu<br />

have been made for the twst four ses<br />

sions." These committees notably<br />

the finance committee haye the op<br />

portunity to make full, searching, 1111- -<br />

ixirti.il and convincing investigation of<br />

every department of the government. !<br />

I hey have the right to employ expert<br />

assistance a right that will ooubtless<br />

be exercised The result of this inves-<br />

tigations will not necessarily determine<br />

the status of the Indcjicndent party be<br />

fore the nation. I he liuleienlent<br />

larty charges Minister Gibson's ad-<br />

ministration with a deal besides finan-<br />

cial dishonesty while in office. Hut<br />

the dollars-nnd-cent- s charge is the<br />

most imiiortant one. It is by the sub<br />

stantiation or refutation of this charge<br />

that LithsomMn must chiefly stand or<br />

fall. Provided llielcgislaturc throws<br />

no safeguards around the ministers (by<br />

hampering investigation in refusing to<br />

vote iiowers that may be asked for) the<br />

finance committee ought to make an<br />

instructive, n convincing and a broadly<br />

damaging showing, Hut until the in-<br />

vestigations shall conclude their labori-<br />

ous duties, it is not only idle, but un<br />

just to predicate results. Good taste<br />

and sound judgment arc equally im<br />

perative 111 saying " Vt ait '. 1 lappily,<br />

we who have waited nearly two years<br />

for this investigation can now afford to<br />

wait a few weeks longer.<br />

We have confidence in both the<br />

ability and the integrity of the finan e<br />

commute, and vce.have no doubt th..:<br />

they will accomplish a good deal. We<br />

arc aware also that much time must<br />

elapse before they can go their round<br />

of investigation properly, and that the<br />

temptation is always to pass over with<br />

merely cursory examination those de-<br />

partments which enjoy the community's<br />

confidence. It is jicrfectly true that<br />

the public e.ects to find the accounts<br />

of the clerk of the supreme court in<br />

applc-ni- e order, anil his method of<br />

booh keeping all that such methods<br />

should lie. Out it is equally true that<br />

a spHt of strict impartiality ought to<br />

control its actions, so unmistakable an<br />

impartiality that he who runs may read.<br />

We feel compelled to sound this note<br />

of timely warning, because we wish to<br />

anticipate the criticism of the munit-<br />

ion. The Iwoks of the clerk of the<br />

supreme court ought to be as closely ex-<br />

amined as those of any other employe<br />

of the Kovernmcnt. His methods of<br />

book keeping ought to lie rigidly scrut-<br />

inised there ought to<br />

tie an examination of the clerical work<br />

of the department far the period, in<br />

order lo determine whether additional<br />

help is needed. 'This with all resjicct<br />

for the opinions of the judges. 'The<br />

sleiks have never Mx-me- d to be an over-wurke-<br />

set. Thi advice vill apply to<br />

every olftu; wlioae expenditures aiu ex-<br />

amined by the finance committee, and<br />

if the advice be carried out some valua-<br />

ble data may be secured and brought<br />

to bear on the advisability of additional<br />

clerks in various depaitinents. In any<br />

event the turn total of investigation can<br />

lie noue too great to satuly public ex<br />

mvutioa ; and we must not allow it to<br />

!je oreiudked by een the semblance<br />

of partulity.<br />

We are aware that unthinking iwoj'te<br />

with inconvenient memories will tike<br />

exiertion to our right to make this<br />

week's preachment upon 'The 1 Hguity<br />

of Reform and will say : atan is re<br />

buking sin. 'The Pros is preaching<br />

moderation. Iu editor dcjJore do- -<br />

MUKIUV 1I5WM11WIHWM15 Vil<br />

flUefauu of this suit by a brief statement of<br />

fact ami an equally ihii proieasion 01<br />

belief, ror the put two years the<br />

Press has fuuht fur rctorm under the<br />

llaiioilie iiKklK.-uut.-i- uiity. lUfiiit<br />

or wrong it ha held that Mag to the<br />

fore throng It eawnragement and dis-<br />

couragement, throiudi good and evil<br />

report, in antii ipaiioit of success as<br />

yl hatdty realized. In tluc two<br />

ycow tUa mkoncies of the tlmas liavtj<br />

often called fur strung denunciation, fur<br />

Miiuriru: mvwciive, for iirutiarmg run<br />

cule. Hut we think even thoic we hate<br />

critkked most numteiUy will liear wit-<br />

new to the fact that the most bitter<br />

personal abuse aipcarin in ihec col-<br />

umns has been made openly. In plain<br />

and direct language, and at our own<br />

risk. IIn jwper has never pnee ue- -<br />

lli'.i- to l'ii nt 01 iKli.i!of til li<br />

- mnuin our injndp ion-- liillc rouli id<br />

Purar), the Knlietin, the tordial dislike<br />

of many not urertotis its enemies anMeon,in,,,,CT mf r,rrtikntfilt mi<br />

the" cordiitl contermrt of fflanv twho<br />

otherwise would hnve lietm itffriend- s-<br />

all we have said about Mr. Gibson to<br />

the contrary. Our profession of belief,<br />

so far as It touches the existing situation<br />

may fairly be summed up in a formula.<br />

These arc serious times. 'They need<br />

the employment of serious weapons. In<br />

effect the Independent demand is n de-<br />

mand for legislative surgery. The<br />

prolie, and, particularly, the scahwl arc<br />

needed. I.ct us lay aside the rtipicr of<br />

wit, the Mitdgcon of invective ami the<br />

cheese knife of buffoonery, and let us<br />

take up, prepared to use it, the scalpel<br />

of investigation.<br />

1'eihaps the most thankless task the<br />

Press ever attempted has liocn under<br />

taken tcxlny. It is an effort to point<br />

out certain xpecific features ofthe exist-<br />

ing and proposed public silary list<br />

which need cither revision or earnest<br />

consideration. We say thankless be-<br />

cause we are fully aware that our action<br />

will add to the long list of those who<br />

dislike the Press, while we cannot hope<br />

that it will lie appreciated by a corrcs-(Kindi-<br />

numlter of unbiased reformers.<br />

'There arc unfortunately too many axes<br />

to grind. "The public grindstone c<br />

have not always with us. It is in use<br />

for a few months only once every two<br />

years. I.ct us turn it while we moy<br />

for ourselves and our friends." We arc<br />

fully aware of the tendency among men<br />

who are honest enough in ordinary<br />

business dealings to look at office-holdin- g<br />

in a different way. Many men say<br />

"1 m glad 'Tom's got the office ; that<br />

Mick is getting so good a salary ; that<br />

Harry is lucky enough to fall into a<br />

sinecure " Hut these men forget all<br />

about the taxes that must come some<br />

day, if this tendency to multiply offices<br />

and increns-- salaries be not nipped in<br />

the bud. 'The hud of iSS.t is the very<br />

best one to niji;<br />

If any one believes diat this paper is<br />

prepared to go all lengths in its d<br />

task of proving the incomp<br />

etency and wrong-doin- g of Minister<br />

Gibson, any one so believing knows<br />

very miperlcctly the temper null th<br />

principles which animate this journal's<br />

control. irankly and at our own<br />

risk we have attacked Gihsonism; and<br />

oHr tliargts Hire remained umtisnvred.<br />

rimy, trunkiy aim at our own risk wt<br />

have ns has been repeatedly said of<br />

us "mirrored the opposition. Ho<br />

cause we have believed in opposition<br />

to what we have considered position.<br />

we have adopted a policy which for two<br />

years ixtst, has led n lo uirestietttitm.<br />

I here the duty of an honest journal<br />

must momentarily pause. e have<br />

assumed that investigation was needed.<br />

We have no right to predicate the re-<br />

sult of investigation. And, in common<br />

with those of the party who are fight-<br />

ing for reform in the legislature and in<br />

their business or plantation relations,<br />

we must abide by the results of investi-<br />

gation for at least two years.<br />

We fail to see why the salary of the<br />

clerk of the hoard of education should<br />

be $.5000 a year. 'The sum obtaining<br />

in 1S82, then $2500, was ample. It is<br />

true that the office is a responsible one,<br />

but it is by no means so responsible or<br />

so arduous as that of registrar of public<br />

accounts. The secretary ol the board<br />

of education performs purely clerical<br />

unties, requiring ability and integrity,<br />

but demanding no high order of mental<br />

endowment and presupposing no long<br />

years of previous education. The<br />

ol schools ought to be a man<br />

of ripe education. So ought the prin-<br />

cipals of the leading public schools. If<br />

there be money to pay high salaries it<br />

ou-li- t to go to them. The inspector is<br />

already fairly well paid although he<br />

has too much ground to go over in a<br />

year. Many of the teachers are under-<br />

paid.<br />

It is proposed to increase the salary<br />

ofthe police judge For<br />

the period ending in 18S2, the salary<br />

was $2400 a year. For the period just<br />

ended it was $3000 a year. It is now<br />

proposed to increase the latter sum to<br />

$4800 a year. We are not prepared to<br />

say that the increase is undeserved.<br />

Hut we do say that if such an increase<br />

be made it ought to be made on condi-<br />

tion that the police judge shall be de-<br />

barred from practicing law or engaging<br />

in any other professional business.<br />

We think the office of police justice of<br />

1 lonolulu so important that its nictim-lia-<br />

ought to be paid enough to secure<br />

lus exclusive time and attention to the<br />

continuous study of the cases, the<br />

cmergancics and the characteristics<br />

which demand his consideration.<br />

We are distinctly in favor of the bill<br />

lo appoint two new judges of the su-<br />

preme court. As we understand the<br />

plan, one judge is to reside ou each of<br />

the three islands, Hawaii, Maui, mid<br />

Kauai, and two are to reside on Oahu.<br />

Such a plan would make it possible for<br />

the supreme court to sit in nearly con-<br />

tinuous session for two thirds of the<br />

year, holding sessions in banc at this<br />

city once or twice a year. We think<br />

such an increase would be a judicious<br />

one, would meet the needs of litigants<br />

and serve the ends of jiutice,<br />

'The foreign officeTUT manifestly the<br />

least important ollicc in the cabinet.<br />

Hawaii is at peace with all the world,<br />

Our relations with foreign countries<br />

ought to be carried on in a plain,<br />

straight-forwar- business-lik- manner.<br />

It should be filled by a competent man,<br />

havinii ability to write a good letter ;<br />

a man of sound business training, of<br />

tact, of coolness and presence uf mind;<br />

above all by a Kcntlcmaii. .Such a man<br />

could do the work of the office with the<br />

assistance of two clerks atan aggregate<br />

salary of $3,000 a year.<br />

We hope the attorney general may<br />

make a convincing showing of the need<br />

01 auuuionai ciencai ucip in 111s oiucc<br />

'The deputy attorney general will un<br />

doubtedly conserve a public need. 'The<br />

additional clerks needed ouuht not to<br />

be expensive ones. For the chief clerk-<br />

ship $i,Soo a year would be ample pay.<br />

A lawyer is not needed.<br />

I.ci us have eiicct union in the In-<br />

dependent ranksa union Iwsed mwn<br />

mutual concessions iu matters of cxiic-dienr- y<br />

and mutual inflexibility in ques-<br />

tion of principle. 'To cement this<br />

union demand' infinite tact, a long pull,<br />

a strong pull, and 3 pull altogether for<br />

reJorm.<br />

It Is nronoH'dlo' give the secretary<br />

of the board of health a salary' of $2ooq<br />

a year. Why this increase when he<br />

UCSiueni Pimwief ui me uueiuii jiui<br />

lis proent chief clerk filled the posir<br />

lion satisfactorily aj f Qoo a year,<br />

nwtnmifw<br />

iinsm.i t.t 11 iri.niii'i'M<br />

rrmf<br />

I'.mi" .'ri-SIA- 1'rfss -- .Vt : li Ihi-<br />

WPlrnf HofWltUitJ I will rmfeww to<br />

forth ami expMA tht nwthnri wMeh hi mr<br />

ptniiMi wl serve tn ntllire the dWhUit<br />

existent source of wsler nrptr, I11 lite roost<br />

economical nl effective minner, eonnnene- -<br />

rng with ihe Nsanrrn Valley swpply- -<br />

A mll pipe Iwwl rejemvlf ef iron or<br />

of shout fVro esllons esreidf y plceil nl<br />

nr nesr 1ft l't Anwf, fitteil with a wiie<br />

of movrsble sereem of ! wtle of itinVtenl<br />

site olmenhiiliese scietin sre lo strm llrmi<br />

ml sny (toting nsitlrles, the top nf I lie Link<br />

lo I suffiemily shove Inlet of pipe line, to<br />

give the neeejHUy velocity he! to the walcf<br />

flowing therein.<br />

The channel of the trim above Ihis t!nt<br />

is mainly of .1 rocky cliAraettr, ami the water<br />

Honing, bring ilnivfil from ipilng, is nnni- -<br />

atfrely free fiom Impmillea, except limine,<br />

heary ralnn, when It would doubtless lie mr-bi-<br />

Iiut the Mali velocity nf the lluwing unttr<br />

In lite plw line, ntHild prevent any tilling tip<br />

or ticiimrt therein from tint! cause, from till<br />

tank as much ofthe wslrr nf the PuM Auitai,<br />

a would lie dcstnthle, say j cubic feel fr<br />

second, could lie conveyed In the pine already<br />

provided and on the ground, to the ti'-- or<br />

filtering reservoir which, with some .addi-<br />

tional CAMrlty could nuw be used aa it<br />

leaervoir. The wlioleof the aliuc quantity<br />

ol water would therefore be delheretl free<br />

from contamlnntiiiii In this jint. This pipe<br />

totittl be fitted with nutrmutlcair nlves, onall<br />

summits, llkcwlw aenuilng valves al Ihe low-<br />

est points uf the line. ' '<br />

from Ihe upper or filtrrinjj reservoir to the<br />

resertoir, u 15 Inch pipe is<br />

distributed for laying. Commlcraliotx of<br />

economy would demand thcutiliuuinnofnll the<br />

cxist!n means of Murine; and conc)ini; ihe<br />

water supply ; when such n course wvuld not<br />

imoKe a wnUe ofthe s.inie. I wculdlhere-for- e<br />

rcconimend thai tliif reservoir be repaired<br />

and modified, and an additional one limit,<br />

which would allow of cleaning nnd repairs<br />

without Interfering with the supply. I'rom<br />

here to Nuuanu Valley a 15 Inch pipe is<br />

provided.<br />

A certain amount of distribution Mwccn<br />

the last named ioinrs hasmetl a ceit.nln ijuantlty<br />

of the initial supply of 3 cubic feet per second<br />

but the auxiliary supply received would more<br />

than compensate for the loss. I will there-<br />

fore assume that the constant supply lo this<br />

point is 3 cubic feel per second only, '"" as<br />

the demand is intermittent, it becomes neces-<br />

sary to provide a storage for aliout half the<br />

above amount in order thai it may mil run to<br />

waste during Ihe night. The existing res-<br />

ervoir has a rapacity of about 2S7,Sjo V, .S. gal-<br />

lons, it would therefore require another of a<br />

capacityof 6Sl,S78 gallons to prevent waste, as<br />

suming 2 hours intcrmiisiun in the demand and<br />

lli.nl said demand etpials ihe supply. It is ob-<br />

viously necessary that the distributing mains<br />

should be able lo carry olf the w hole supply du- -<br />

the period of the demand or say 12 hours.<br />

which would be equal to conveying 0 cubic feet<br />

per second. I am satisfied that no part of Ihe<br />

present system needs reorganization more than<br />

Ihe distribution.<br />

Incert.nincitieaofliuropewlicnthenecessityof<br />

economizing the water supply forced itself uvin<br />

the different communities, a careful examina-<br />

tion would reveal losscsducto leaky joints ai-.-<br />

broken pipes, ranging from 20 to So per cent.<br />

of Ihe whole supply in some cases. It is clear,<br />

therefore, that any scheme of iuiprovem.-n- t<br />

here must include the service system, or the<br />

rest would be of little value by itself.<br />

If the above were the only supply, It would<br />

give a population cf 30,000 a dally iiialitily per<br />

head of 97 gallons.<br />

In towns in Europe ill<br />

daily allowance per bead is about IS gallons.<br />

In manufacturing towns it is about 35 gallons<br />

per head.<br />

In the United States, as a rule, they ate<br />

more liberally supplied, ranging from 33 to<br />

65 gallons per head; New York Citywilh its<br />

enormous resources supplying aliout loo gal<br />

lons per head each day. So that with only<br />

a part ofthe available supply from the Nuuanu<br />

Valley source, frovrly ulitiud, vvc should be<br />

belter oft than nearly every city in Ihe world<br />

in the matter of town supply per head, with<br />

our population of say 30,000.<br />

l'auoa Valley, with a pipe head reservoir anil<br />

small pipe line is, in my opinion, good for a<br />

supply of 1,000,000 gallons in 24 hours, con-<br />

veyed to (lie Nuuanu reservoir. Makiki Valley<br />

with the same arrangements could, I feel con-<br />

fident, spare Soo,ooo gallons per day if re-<br />

quired. Manoa Valley would .permit the<br />

amount of ,000,000 gallons per day with a<br />

proper regard to rqurian rights, which with a<br />

pipe head reservoir and small pipe line could<br />

be led to Makiki reservoir for distribution.<br />

My own observation in the above men-<br />

tioned valleys has led mc to believe that a<br />

considerable prnrwrtion of the diflerent<br />

streams are lost in transit, the system of<br />

measurement herein recommended would re-<br />

veal the fact, and if it should prove that this<br />

is not the case a plan of storage for irrigalion<br />

in the Manoa Valley, that would not threaten<br />

the safety ofthe inhabitants, could be adopted.<br />

Said plan would render available for to a n sup-<br />

ply a considerable proportion or the minimum<br />

How- - In the valley.<br />

The previously enumerated sources of sup-pl- y<br />

if available as claimed herein, would aggie-gat- e<br />

.),73S, Si 6 gallons per 24 hours, or a daily<br />

supply per head of a population of 40,000 peo-<br />

ple of aliout 1 18i U. S. gallons; rather an<br />

important fact this, if it lie true. It would seem<br />

to he reasonable ns well as highly desirable,<br />

that our actual resources should lie ascertained<br />

beyond a doubt, Ufoie appioprialiuns are<br />

made to Initiate any costly or , iwltfinlte<br />

scheme of water supply, involving gieat out-<br />

lay in the execution and assessing Inherent<br />

disadvantages in some rciccts. I would sug-<br />

gest the following simple and quite customary<br />

method of ascertaining lieyond a doubt what<br />

our actual resource arc, outside of Ihe 1'aki<br />

Auwai and artesian wtlts. In each o( the<br />

l'auoa, MakiUI and Manoa valleys, at or near a<br />

suitable place-- for head of pipe line, (nil in a<br />

weir plilc and scale, also one at, or near, where<br />

the water begins tiileutrd for inlgalion pur-ito-<br />

lei a daily observation 1 made of Ihe<br />

flow ihrnu;h these mains nnd a record kept of<br />

the sain; at the end ol two jrats tli<br />

government would lie In oyievion of<br />

tolerably exact iiiformslloti as irgaids the<br />

minimum qtunlit) ol water front the<br />

sources available for supplying Honolulu and<br />

environs. ',l'.uilinx such information and<br />

data no person omld lie justifies! in affiiimlng<br />

thai limit sources of supply ate nt available<br />

at such.<br />

Artesian Wells 1 In connection with this I<br />

will apologize fur and collect a mistake in the<br />

first part of this letter which stated that lie<br />

diameter of Inlet uf lining pipe of the govern-<br />

ment well al Waiktki was only 5 inches.<br />

whereat it was 7 inches, with Ihe flow as before<br />

Mated. In order to utilize the flow of an arte-<br />

sian well it must 1 lcliveti.il under preuure<br />

lo the city mains there arc llncc methods In<br />

vogue for effecting Ihb, namely, 1 rft<br />

t'irl The direct pfessuro systcem. In which<br />

the waif h delivered directly into the main<br />

under Ihe pf ewuie ier)r (hit is the nuM<br />

economical of the three systems,<br />

Stand The stand pi system in wlikh Ihe<br />

water It pgnijxvl up thrQugl) a UnJ pipe, sup- -<br />

iiinl by a sural le and luting 1 small<br />

lank .11 Us summit Win m llu- - water I1 ,ur<br />

rii-i- t by gravity mm Ihr city mams.<br />

'.'iint The reservoir syntem in which ihr<br />

water Is forcml Ihmwgh rising mam Into n<br />

rtsetmlr at a utile elevation whence it<br />

flown by gravity thr.iogh the dhtrllmting system.<br />

This last, although a more eixnly plan, iilfetx<br />

certain hupottant advant(jei tint lit my<br />

ni inlrm wmikl fnlly instlfy the additional emt<br />

ol using it<br />

I will now add a tmiRh estimate of Ihe rml<br />

of the rlllTi-rr- tuelheiils of iititlMilon, only<br />

excrpting that of Imimumllng and stor.vge. (I<br />

except this method mr the twicm liefnre enti- -<br />

mrrami, ami nimt cinpimtirtiiiy lieetuise n<br />

large storage lewrvnh would shortly Iwenme<br />

an accitrmiMtnt msisof filth nw log to the rarid<br />

rormatinu of lire nsstr, slimy growth known<br />

as limn, which even in our small tesetvoir"<br />

where tin? water Is lielng constantly chjingeil Is<br />

ImhI enough, Intt which in Sglarge teservnir, ex-<br />

posed lor a long period to the sun, would mi<br />

Intensify the evllr.l luid water that I am afraid<br />

the temperance movement here would lien<br />

forlnnt ktfr Indeed ami that lite supply, even<br />

elnlmrate lillerinB, could not lie used as<br />

po able water with safely lo the mimnunllyi<br />

'ml Cost nl utititlog the I'.ikl Auwal<br />

ttpily of 3 cubic feel ier second by put-<br />

ting In piie bend irseivoir, laying pipe line,<br />

nuking new upper iefr-oir-<br />

,<br />

also n new- - reser-<br />

voir for high service, and 1111 additional one<br />

for low service, also relavlng a large iion'on of<br />

the service itlne system, total 05,001).<br />

Srctmt Utilizing a daily supply of 1,000,<br />

000 gallons from I'aum valley, if amititMe<br />

and HttilM, $j,uco. I Ins provide mr n new<br />

nine.<br />

Tkint Utilizing a daily supply of Soo,c<br />

gallons mini .vinkiKi vnuey, 11 nvaiiaoie ann<br />

needed, StS.Soo, incluiline in'tie.<br />

'milk a lally supply of l.ooo,- -<br />

000 gallons fiom Manna Valley, delivered to<br />

Makiki reservoir, including pipe, $7.1,551.<br />

Cost of utilizing a daily supply from artesian<br />

wells of 1,250,000 gallons t<br />

I'int system ns follows ! A pumping plant<br />

of approved construction ; one combln.it ion<br />

lioiler for internal firing, with smoke stack)<br />

one Corliss automatic cut-of- f engine, fitteil<br />

with condenser; all Ihe neci'ssiry foundation<br />

also n suitable building of wood and iron 1 the<br />

whole furnished comiilcle for working. This<br />

can be made by the Honolulu Iron Works for<br />

Ihe sum of $n,ouo.<br />

Stten.t system pumping plant ol in-<br />

creased capacity, costing $13,000 ; lower and<br />

a'anil-pipo- , with foundation complete, $I.S,,Oo;<br />

add cost of well, etc., $,ooo total, $30,000.<br />

Third system Inordirtorahc I 'f inlllionaof<br />

gallons to the height of say 140 feel through a<br />

ilslng pipe 3,000 lect long would require a<br />

pumping plant of suitable capacity with engine<br />

of almut 40 nominal horse iowcr, a well con-<br />

structed reservoir to cniilain 12 hours supply<br />

or C25, 000 gallons, a pipe line to and Irom<br />

same, the total co-i- t of which would lie about<br />

$5t,eoo j add cost of well nnd appuitanances,<br />

$4,000 j duplicate pumping plant for use in<br />

emergencies, if such be deemed necessary,<br />

$16,000 j total, $71,ooo.<br />

I regret that in writing this article I have-no- t<br />

had time to give a subject, of such vital<br />

inqiortaiice to the well being of this commu-<br />

nity the treatment it merits. If this humble ef<br />

fort should have Ihe cjfect of throning some<br />

light on I lie question, and thereby aid in ob-<br />

taining a wise and economical solution of the<br />

problem of water siimily for this city, 1 shall<br />

feel fully compensated. My acknowledgements<br />

are due to the Superintendent of the Honolulu<br />

Iron Works for his courteous assistance, in<br />

making certain estimates on pumping plant.<br />

Tit inking you for your valuable space accorded<br />

this article. I am your obedient servant,<br />

W. U. LAWkUN'CU.<br />

Honolulu, May 15, 1SS4.<br />

77ie ll'rrr i'tjif I'mitrurt,<br />

The editor of this paper called yesterday on<br />

Mr. G. W. Macfarlane and asked a distinct and<br />

succinttatement of the last pipe tiansactiou<br />

between the government and tiie firm of which<br />

Mr. Macfarlane is head. This request was<br />

made of insinuations by the I lonolulu<br />

Bulletin that Mr. Macfarlane's conduct in the<br />

matter has savored of sharp practice, if 1101 of<br />

irregularity. lie received an answer In sub-<br />

stance as follows :<br />

"The pipe transactions between this firm<br />

and the government began Juring the Wilder<br />

administration and continued through the<br />

Carter administration. Under the latter<br />

regime every pipe importing firm in<br />

town competed and our bid, being the lowest,<br />

was accepted. We were then enabled to lav- -<br />

down superior pipe more cheaply than any<br />

other firm liecausc of our f ilasgovv connections.<br />

I'lie suoerioritv of (Jlasiiow nii Is .<br />

ledged everywhere and Ihe Glasgow pipe market<br />

is lhc,cheaiest in the world. This superiority<br />

consists chiclly in the method of casting.<br />

Glasgow pipe is cast vertically ; in oilier<br />

countries pipe is cast horizontally, the former<br />

method insuring uniform thickness, which<br />

enables the pipe to stand great pressure. Its<br />

cheapness is insured because of Glasgow's<br />

position as the large-,- pig iron market si the<br />

world. It was natural then that ihe interior<br />

department should look to us for any further<br />

supply of pipe needed by the eovcrnment. In<br />

July or August of 1SS2, Minister Hush ap<br />

plied to us tor an estimate upon a icquired<br />

lenglli of pipe line, to be furnished in IS inch<br />

pipe. We furnished the estimate. lie found<br />

the total estimated cost largely in excess of Ihe<br />

appropriation available. At Ihe beginning of<br />

negotiations I had said to Minister llusli that<br />

in my opinion not only were 18 inch pipe too<br />

large for the purpose intended but that 12 inch<br />

pipe w ould be amulc. He informed inc that<br />

the requisition had been made out by the<br />

superintendent of water works, who insisted<br />

tl.at lS inch pipes were needed. I then sug-<br />

gested that he ask Engineer Stirling's opinion<br />

as 10 tne sire required ; anil, 1 believe, lie<br />

recommended 12 Inch or 15 inch pipe. It was<br />

finally agreed to suWitutc 15 inch pipe for the<br />

18 inch pipe asked for, for reasons already<br />

explained. After the bargain had been closed<br />

and I had received my contract, Mr. Sprcckels<br />

suggested, ootn to tne ministry and to myscl ,<br />

that for motives of policy, the pipe order (liein<br />

a large one) ought to lie tilled in the United<br />

States, provided it could be filled there as<br />

cheaply as in Scotland. I assented to the sug-<br />

gestion and released the government from the<br />

contract, with a proviso ihat if Mr. Sprcckels<br />

was unable, through liU American connections,<br />

to lay down the pipe here at the same figure s<br />

my lender that the contract with mc should<br />

continue in force. Mr. Sprcckels and I wet .<br />

to San Francisco ou the same steamer, I lie'..,;<br />

011 my way to England in the interests of im-<br />

migration. Two or three days after our<br />

arrival In San Francisco, Mr. Spreckels in<br />

formed me that the best tender he had<br />

been able to obtain from pipe manufacturers<br />

in the eastern states was two cents n-- r Kiund,<br />

Jelhtred inships in AVw iWi, which quo.<br />

talion was a small fraction higher than the<br />

contiact price of my pipe, laid dmvn on Ike<br />

wharf at lonohilu. I then of course placed<br />

the order in the hands of my Glasgow agents<br />

for execution. The llullctin's insinuation<br />

that I received vay for the whole pipe order<br />

lieforc the plie left Kngland is untrue. I re-<br />

ceived only tin- - customary one fourth, advance J<br />

nnd nu-- lo receive one half on shipment from<br />

lila-go- and the remaining one fourth on the<br />

arrival of Ihe ship in Honolulu Harbor. I was<br />

not even furnished with a letter of credit, cus<br />

tomary In similar large transactions. On the<br />

contrary 1 was obliged to do the financiering<br />

ihicllyout ofthe icourccs and ciedil of my linn.<br />

m far from lieing paid In advance, I did not re-<br />

ceive Ihe final patuient of $50,000 until nearly<br />

mon tin alter delivery of the pipe<br />

10 contrail,"<br />

This tiucMlou lus lieen brinish! directly lie- -<br />

fore the public in the alxivc manner for two<br />

leatoiis. Ilecause Mr. .Macfarlane's veision of<br />

th.: transaction ought lo be known, and be-<br />

cause any different version that may lie sub-<br />

stantiated by fads is now In order, While<br />

Mr. Macfarlane did not ek lids publication.<br />

he assures the writer thai he it prepared tu<br />

tuustanliate eveiy statement made herein,<br />

tiik i.s:tiisi..rn'in:.<br />

Saturday's mvioN niimi.ENiii hay.<br />

Petitions vi ere presented as follows 1<br />

lly Mr. Dole, $,ouu for Improvement! lo<br />

Ihe roaiU in Panoa Valley.<br />

lly Mr. Kaneali), lm tuition charged<br />

for children going to Ijiglish Schools be<br />

nbolbhcil.<br />

lly Mr. Kamakele, that uus of liquors k<br />

to Hawaiian!, ami the liquor laws con-<br />

tinued.<br />

Jly Mr. Amata, that Waitnca he made a dii-Hi- d<br />

uf Waialua, Oahu.<br />

Keports of committees<br />

lly Mr. IJole, from judiciary committee, Ihat<br />

tl.e hill relating to corporations, Introduced by<br />

Mi. Smith, be passed as Introduced,<br />

The attorney general said he could not sup<br />

(Kill the bill until llWu wo an amendment<br />

made to It, I'eilufH from (he fact ol an<br />

intendment litttg elfrieit by a minister, Mr.<br />

Dole would nolCwjwort it, M nothing good<br />

can come put ofiKmrcth,<br />

picsidcnt Rhodes said It was Ihe Jrepoit of<br />

Ihe commute; win consideration, and not an<br />

amendment, u the bill had only four sign.<br />

tur-.- . when n Ihere members mi tin-<br />

null. iary Ciinimiter, u wis I.111I on table until<br />

Ihe olher mrmlier signed.<br />

Ity Mr. D.ile, from the same committee,<br />

thtt the opium bill introduced by Mr. t.illka-lanl- ,<br />

be y Ktponeri, II not lieing In<br />

proper form. Mr. Ismberg said he hid been<br />

trmud Ihe Islands a .great ileal, snd found lira!<br />

opium was used lew than heretofore. If this<br />

bill were lo mss, opium would again lieermie<br />

cmtmion with Chinese who have given It up.<br />

It would tie dangerous lo plinting Inleiests.<br />

Mr. Cleghorn moved the hill be lefetred l<br />

loimnittfe of the whole and made stieclal<br />

order for Wednesday, lie thought it was a<br />

very important matter and needed more dis-<br />

cussion limn they would be able to give it<br />

today. Carried.<br />


Petitions were ntncntril as follows<br />

Ity Mr. Kamakele, Ihat ienple having no<br />

ciuiiiten tic rnngeii niny 3,1 mr seiiooi las<br />

Also, that lepers at Kalawao be allowed to<br />

return to llielr homes and there lie owed for.<br />

Hy Mr. Kaitwil.i, $5,000 fo'r a boat landing<br />

at hniiiinloa.<br />

lly Mr. Pillio, that the election of repre-<br />

sentative PaIoIiuii he declared null ami void.<br />

Mr. P.ilohaii sai.l he would like to see the<br />

petition, Mr. Ahnto honed they would not<br />

let him have the original copy, lie might do<br />

away with It. A copy was ordered lo be<br />

furnished Mr. I'alohau.<br />

Hy Mr. Knulutoni, that a license lie granted<br />

II. I, N'olte, for his Casino, Kapinl.tni I'.irk,<br />

nnd bills were presented as fol-<br />

lows t<br />

lly Mr. Prank ltrown, $3,200 for a bridge<br />

al Walanae<br />

lly Mr. Aliolo, to fill certain vacancies In<br />

government olfices.<br />

lly Mr. (,. Hum 11, that Ihe minister of finance<br />

return $45<strong>.7</strong>5 overcharge on taxes nl Kohala.<br />

lly Mr. Kaiiliikon, $10,000 for opening a<br />

road from Knmoiliilii to Waiklkbk.nl.<br />

lly Mr. Cecil llrovvn, to apioint two more<br />

justices of the supreme court.<br />

lly Mr. K.nttlia, $ I ,ooo for repairing landing<br />

at vvaim.inalo, ualiu.<br />

Mr. Auiara read 1st lime an act lo amend<br />

Section 411S, Civil Code.<br />

.Mr. Nawalii remarked he had not vet seen<br />

the minister of finance's rcjrl in the I fnwaiiau<br />

language. .Minuter Kapena said he would not<br />

let the report be distributed until the printers'<br />

eirors wrre properly corrected.<br />

Atlorncy-iicncra- i isetimami moved that nil<br />

resolutions referring to taxes be sent to<br />

committee. They were ordered to be<br />

referred to the finance committee,<br />

Mr. Hitchcock said that his resolution<br />

respecting the discrepancies In the minister of<br />

nuances report remained unanswered. Mr.<br />

Godfrey Iliown said the finance committee<br />

would answer It very shortly,<br />

lly Mr. Nawahl, whereas, two persons are<br />

in the employ ol the foicign olfice (Mr. Webb<br />

nnd Mr. Parker) who have not been naturalized<br />

and are drnvvini! eovcrnnienl nay. the minister<br />

of foreign affairs be requested to state his<br />

reasons lor breaking Hie laws ol Hie kingdom.<br />

Minister Gibson said they were only leuqio-raril- y<br />

engaged, Mr. Wbb, as acting secretary,<br />

anil Dr. Parker lor Hie iKiard ol health, lit<br />

had engaged sisters of mercy, and had paid<br />

them out of the public funds, and they had not<br />

taken the oath. Mr. Nawahl wanted to know<br />

what the sisters of mercy had to do with it, he<br />

was referring to Webb and Parker, employed<br />

in the foreign office. Mr. Hole sumiortcd the<br />

resolution, it was a sound one. The minister<br />

had broken the law. As Ihe law standi, a<br />

person In the employ of the government should<br />

have taken the oath of allegiance. Mr. Gibson<br />

said Colonel laukea holds lire cornmissionof sec<br />

rctaiy. Mr. Smith asked whodrew tlies.nl.uy?<br />

UI course vveiiii noes, lepned me minister.<br />

Mr. Smith said Mr. Parker had stated openly<br />

that morning that he had a written agreement<br />

vvilh the minister. The resolution was finally<br />

ordered lo be submitted lo the justices of the<br />

supreme court.<br />

The order of the day was :<br />

First : 3rd reading of an act relating to the<br />

aiipoiiiliueutof district judges introduced by Mr.<br />

W, U. Smith. Mr. Smith said he hoped the bill<br />

would pass as it would preserve the purity of<br />

inc administration, vve must nave our s<br />

pure and this bill would have ihe effect<br />

of so making them. Mr. Dole, in support, said<br />

the judges of the supreme court arc inorclikcjy<br />

to know what kind of men to supjxirt for these<br />

positions. A motion to indefinitely postpone<br />

was lost 24 to 21, the four ministers being in<br />

the minority.<br />

Second : 3rd reading o) an act relating tn<br />

corporations, introduced by Mr. Smith. Passed<br />

after an amendment had been made that the<br />

word "lying" should be changed to "line."<br />

Third: 3rd reading of an act defining owner-<br />

ship of turkeys and other wild fowls. Passed.<br />

Attorney General Newman asked for an<br />

amendment tn be added lo ihe bill relating In<br />

corKirations which had been reported on by<br />

the judiciary committee. Mr. W. O. Smith said<br />

the amendment could not be added without a<br />

remodeling of the bill. Mr. Cecil ltrown did<br />

not believe in the attorney general interfering<br />

with the wort; ofthe judiciary committee.<br />

tuesijay's SRS1IOX. FIFTEKNTII day.<br />

The following petitions were presented :<br />

lly Mr. Kamakele, that government physi-<br />

cians charge no fees to poor people.<br />

I!y Mr. Knwell, that the roads in the Wai-nic- a<br />

district be extended. Also, that the mat-<br />

ter of establishing leper hospitals be considered<br />

by Ihe house.<br />

Ity Mr. Richardson, that the road supervisor<br />

district of Kaanapali be not the same person as<br />

the one for district.<br />

lly Mr. Keau, $3,500 for a bridge over .the<br />

stream at Moanalua. Also, that $tG be<br />

awarded one Ahlo for post office services.<br />

lly Mr. Hlcliardson, for a bridge at Ilonoko-hau- ,<br />

Maui.<br />

lly Mr. W. 0. Smith, that the circuit court<br />

be held at Wailuku, Instead of Lnhaina.<br />

lly Mr. Frank llrown, that a road be opened<br />

at Puiiloa.<br />

lly Mr. Kauhikou, $3,000 for a road from<br />

Kamoiliili to Manoa.<br />

Hy Mr. I laker, for improving School street,<br />

and for a bridge over Pailoa srrcam. Also,<br />

$20,000 for building workshops at lall, and<br />

general improvements for the benefit of the<br />

prisoners.<br />

lly .Mr. Nahinu, that parents having children<br />

at F.nglish schools pay no personal taxes.<br />

Ity Air. Kauvvila, that prisoners work out<br />

uieir nine 111 me nistrici wnere convicien,<br />

.Mr. l'.iloliau moved that the vote on the bill<br />

relating to the appointment of district judgis<br />

be reconsidered. Carried.<br />

Mr. Kauhikou moved that the bill be indefi<br />

natelv liostlHllled. Mr. Pilim. that llu; bPt<br />

pass. Mr. Dole said the bill ought to pass lo<br />

protect the rights of Ihe people. The judges<br />

of the supreme' court were quite able to make<br />

guou appointments, ami would not snow parti-<br />

ality. They were liest posted as to the com- -<br />

jietency of ersons. Governor Doiuluis said his<br />

aiiporuimcnls bad always given s.vlulactinu.<br />

He was pioud In say there had never been any<br />

fault found wills the persons he had selected.<br />

Mr. W. O. Smith said this matter was of interest<br />

to the whole community. These apolntinetits<br />

ought to be ill the hands of the supreme judges<br />

and In 114 one else s. 1 lie muustcrs are Irving<br />

to break down this safeguard without an ur<br />

ment, and he could not understand it. A s<br />

should not be led by one man, but vote accord-<br />

ing to our conscience. This was an ltniorUnt<br />

matter to the mor people, in guarding their<br />

rights. He hoped every nun would vote on<br />

this bill as he Ihoueht. without fear or favor.<br />

The vote to indefiiialely postpone was)<br />

cairled. A)e Gilnon, Guhck, Kaoeua, Neu-<br />

mann, Ooinlnis, Kuihelani, llunh, Wldein.iim,<br />

Kaar, Kauoa, Macfarlane, Kauhikou, Keau,<br />

I.llikalaui, Hiker, Amaia, Kaulia, Aliolo,<br />

Klchaidson, Kamakele, Gardner, Naliiiui,<br />

K.iuiuiiuno, Ciloliau. Kupihra, Nakaleka.<br />

Total, 26, Noe- s- lll.liop, Cleghorn, Wilder,<br />

Iseuberg, Dowsstl, Molt Smith, I', llrown,<br />

K.ilua, C, llrown, Katiealii, W. O. Smith,<br />

Nawahl, llitdicock, Kauwila, Kauliaiic, Pilipo,<br />

G. llrown, Hole, Howell, Total, 17,<br />


The following petitions wrie presented 1<br />

lly Mr, Kancajii, that the sale of opium be<br />

prohibited,<br />

lly Mr. 1'. llrown, against licensing and<br />

sale of opium. 300 sigiiatuiesi<br />

lly Mr. C. llrown, against lire licensing and<br />

sale of opium, 75 signatures.<br />

lly Mr. Howell, that the bill for the sale nr<br />

o iiiuin Ik rejected. 20 Chinese vignaluirs<br />

also that $lScu be appropriated for building<br />

breakwater at Waitnca.<br />

lly Mr, Hitchcock, again licensing of<br />

opium, fioo signatuics.<br />

lly Mr, Nawahl, against the Importation and<br />

sale of opium. Over 200 signatures.<br />

lly Mr, Kamakele, Ihat eniploveis return<br />

tat receipts lo their employes.<br />

lly Mr. Kauhikou, for a national loan of<br />

$S,ooo,oo0 for building a hospital district of<br />

Koolauhu; that license be granted Hawaiian<br />

o practice medicine 1 $J,ooo for a czurlliousc<br />

and lockup at KooUuloa.<br />

lly Mr, Nahinu, that the Konohiki tea<br />

fivherle be 0ned lo Ihe public<br />

Resolution and bill were offered at follow 1 1<br />

llj- - Mr. Alxilo, first residing of an act lo<br />

amend wectlon jS, chapter J teuloo lint &8a<br />

WWfW1W w<br />

rc'aiini; to loIIci turn of taxrv Parsed l 2nd<br />

lending.<br />

Ilv Mr. Dole, first reading of a bill by n<br />

title to regiilair Ihe use of Intosimlmg liquor.<br />

Urfcneil loptinllne eommlltcc.<br />

lly Mr. Smith, lht the Justice of the<br />

court Ire tKiwilcri lo evpreiw to this<br />

Assembly their oplnmii on Ihe following nuta-<br />

tion t t It lavful foi an alien, to vvliow<br />

letters intent of denization have brrnermfHieri,<br />

to Ik appointed to mi office of profit or<br />

emolument under the government of this<br />

kingdom, without taking ami siiIkk iftilng the<br />

iHlh of allegiance in nistiii'r Ami form<br />

by sections 430 and 431 of III Civil<br />

Code ? In support nf his resolution, he MM,<br />

that a revolution wan imssed llw nlrwr day 10<br />

ask Ihe opinion of the judges respecting two<br />

perMins<br />

(n grrreiment employ who had ml<br />

taken Ihe oath of allegiance. Vntenlny his<br />

ma csty r.rsnlcii trttenv 01 iiiniMiinii in tinfse<br />

two H?tHms, He dlil not wish in say anything<br />

almut the situation Ihr ministers had pined<br />

themselves In, Iml he would like In have the<br />

question answered. Mi. Kalnkmi, tltoughl<br />

shonld n ease atlw the ministers would lie<br />

placed In a peculiar mi1lun. Mr. Nawahl<br />

mild the honorable was afraid ofthe resolution,<br />

If then men have lieen dinvving imrTrnmenl<br />

money not In accordance with the Uw they<br />

would nave 10 iriun.i 11, aim uie minister<br />

Mr. Dole tesiei-lri- l and approved<br />

a question like this It would benefit all con-<br />

cerned to get the opinions of llr judge. The<br />

resolution was finally passed.<br />

Mr. I.llikatanl moved a resolution I list<br />

cnplc of the Dally and Weekly l'aenlru. I Into<br />

I lavvaii, and (iaeltc be fiiiiilvhed the members<br />

ofthe house e.nrled.<br />

The order ofthe day was then taken np, un-<br />

finished business, an art tn amend section<br />

JZ Civil Code, relating to confirm ions.<br />

Tire bill was rehired to committee oil whole<br />

ami made special outer for Thursday,<br />

Ncsl was thespecl.nl onhr, an act tn regulate<br />

Ihe importation and sale of opium in I he<br />

country, inltoduccri by Mr. Mllkalani, The<br />

house went into committee: ofthe whole. Hon.<br />

J. Mott Smith, cliniriii.111.<br />

1 ne lust section 01 inc lull was i ny<br />

Secretary Pierce, The attorney general said<br />

after hearing the first section read, he should<br />

move the lull be Indefinitely postponed. The<br />

section makes the whole bill unconstitutional<br />

and I am pretty sure Ills Majesty would veto<br />

it. Mr. Ulikalatil said y was one of the<br />

proudest days of his life, Insomuch as he was<br />

the Introducer of the bill and would be able lo<br />

explain it. Mr Kaun.iin.ino spoke in favor ofthe<br />

bill as it would largclyincrc.ise the revenues of<br />

the country. If the bill had passed the last<br />

session there would iu the two years past have<br />

been enough money made In build a good road<br />

over the Nuimmi Pali. The honorable iiiein-lie-<br />

wondered why there was so much opium<br />

In the country. Mr. Aliolo said the bill had<br />

been considered very carefully by the judlclaiy<br />

committee. Minister Gibson said he was<br />

decidedly opposed lo the bill because it nilghl<br />

disturb our relations with the United States.<br />

Mr. Nawahl said there was a great deal of<br />

opium in the country, and it must come in<br />

through the dilTcicnl ports. New potts hail<br />

been made and the chances to get it in were<br />

Increased.<br />

Mr. Kalua said that Captain Hnyley told<br />

Chinese residents on Maul to raise $100,000<br />

and distribute $10,000 among the members of<br />

the assembly and that would help the lull to<br />

pass. The member from l.aliuina in answer<br />

to a question said thai the opium in the coun-<br />

try came in through the port of Honolulu.<br />

Minister Kapena called for ayes and noes lo<br />

indefinitely postpone.<br />

Ayes Gibson, Kapena, Neumann, llishop,<br />

Wilder, Isenberg, Mott Smith, Kauoa, Walk-<br />

er, Martin, Macfarlane, Keau, F, Brown,<br />

Kaulia, Aliolo, Kalua, Uich.iiilsou, Kanealii,<br />

W, O. Smith, Kamakele, Gardner, Nawahl,<br />

Hitchcock, Kauwila, Kauhaue, Nahinu, Pili-<br />

po, G. llrown, Dole, Howell, I'alohau, Kupl-he.-<br />

Nakaleka. Total 31.<br />

Noes I.ilikalani, Hush, Kaac, Kauhikou,<br />

Itaker, Kaunamano. Total d.<br />

The committee of the whole 'then rose and<br />

reiiortcd that the bill had been indefinitely<br />

postponed. The reKirt was adopted.<br />


Petitions were present ed as follows :<br />

Hy Mr. Kamakele, $5,000 for improving<br />

roads, districts ol Kul.v nnd Yvaikaivj, Maul.<br />

lly Mr. Kauwila, Ihat the Konohiki sea<br />

fisheries be thrown open to the public.<br />

lly Mr. Cecil llruwn, $2,000 lor improving<br />

roads and wharfs Koolauloa. Also that school<br />

teachers collect no fees from children.<br />

lly Mr. Hitchcock, fur a rope landing at<br />

uokaia<br />

lly Mr. Keau, $3,500 for cxtcriiltnc Queen<br />

street to Waikiki. '<br />

lly Mr. Dole, for hospitals, districts of Ko-lo- a<br />

and I.ihuc.<br />

lly Mr. Pilipo, $5,000 for building an<br />

Knglish scIuhiI at North Kona.<br />

lly Mr. Kauli.nne, that two district judges<br />

be appointed for the district of Kan.<br />

Mr. Dole rexirted from the judiciary com-<br />

mittee that the petition contesting Ihe election<br />

ofS. K. Kiiplhca and J, Nakaleka us repre-<br />

sentatives be indefinitely Hislponcd,-lh- c irregu-<br />

larities not being deemed sufficient evidence.<br />

The following resolutions and bills were<br />

ofiTered t<br />

lly Mr. Keau, to provide a permanent<br />

for the widow of Major Kinimaka.<br />

lly Minister Gulick, for funds to purchase<br />

properly known as " Honolulu Hale for the<br />

govern mt nl.<br />

lly I Ir. Smith, that a special committee of<br />

five be npjiointeil to report on the various<br />

Kilicc departments in the kingdom.<br />

Mr, Kauhikou said the resolution ought to<br />

be referred to finance committee,<br />

Mr. Kalun mo veil that the committee num-<br />

ber 13.<br />

Mr. Dole, moved another resolution to re-<br />

construct the police system with 13 on the<br />

committee. Tht amendment was carried and<br />

the following members were appointed on the<br />

committee W. O. Smith, Cecil ltrown,<br />

Kaunamano, Attorney-Gener- Neumann, Ka<br />

110.1, Martin, Hush, Nawahi, Dole, Nakaleka,<br />

Kauhikou, Kaae and Governor Dominis,<br />

lly Mr, Kaulia, to amend section 1419 and<br />

14:0 Civil Code.<br />

Hy Mr. Amara, to forbid Chinese fishing in<br />

the harbor at Waialua.<br />

lly Mr. Richardson, $5,000 for Improving<br />

loads and bridges at Kahakuloa, Maui.<br />

lly Mr. Kauhikou, that the minister of fi-<br />

ll ncc state lo the assembly whether or not<br />

bonds were issued lo the supreme court oil ac-<br />

count ofthe estate of Joseph booth, if so what<br />

silver coin was paid In exchange for those<br />

bonds. Mr. W. O. Smith was in favor of the<br />

rcKilutiou, the house wanted all the informa-<br />

tion they could get pu the coinage question.<br />

The judges of the supreme court would not<br />

wish to have anything suppressed that would<br />

be likely to rellcet on them was carried.<br />

Minister Kapena said "yes" to the first<br />

question, the second one he could not answer<br />

as it was he came Into office.<br />

Auditor General Walker pieseuled his<br />

Rcfcred lo printing corniuilee.<br />

lly Mr. Cecil llrown lead 1st lime a bill in-<br />

creasing the justices of the supreme court.<br />

Rcfcred to revision committee.<br />

Hy Mr. Keau read 1st lime a bill to amend<br />

Sections. 1165, :6(i and 267 of the civil code.<br />

Kcfeicd to special committee of 13.<br />

lly Mr. C, llrown, a hill to regulate<br />

in bankruptcy.<br />

lly Mr, Kaneahl, a bill to alulllsh tuition<br />

feet where psicnts have five or more children 1<br />

also a lull to repeal chapter 57 Chi Code,<br />

Ity Mr, l'iiliK, Ihat the inspctlor of immi-<br />

gration, remrl ou matter cmiueclrd with Ids<br />

d nl let for Ihe pan two years. The inspcclor<br />

sjld he would icKit In 7 days.<br />

lly Mr. Keau, a bill to iri'.ulate elections.<br />

lly Mr, I'alohau, bill for an iucirascof<br />

population.<br />

lly Mi. Kauwila, a bill to amend Section<br />

1C8 Civil Cole.<br />

lly Mr, Kaulia, a bill lo provide a ieiman-en- t<br />

settlement on jiouridkreper Na iilm,<br />

KoolauiHiko,<br />

Mr, Doleiukcd If ihe crown coniiiiistlniieit<br />

lad Ihelr irotl ready in compliance with a<br />

resolution siucd the previous week. The<br />

secretin y not having notmed itiecuiiimissi'inrrt<br />

a motion to Mtciuillic lime to repoit to ten<br />

days was cairml.<br />

Scrrral motions tn adjourn weie nude, one<br />

for a week, one for a month, but after consid-<br />

erable divumloii the hum adjoin ntri until I<br />

if, Monday.<br />

'I'lie Dally Hawaiian takes courlcouo<br />

exception to our helief that in nosition<br />

of ideal i impossible of<br />

continuance. for many reason!; a<br />

really inilceiulciit dally will he a Itooii<br />

to these island, b'o long m merely<br />

honest differences of opinion ejiar.tte<br />

the Hawaihnlyid lite I'ress, we shall<br />

exercise and trust to receive the per-<br />

fect courtevy with which each luu so<br />

far treated the other. Uut we hope our<br />

indejienricnre and the Hawaiian' may<br />

lie tome day fashioned after the Mine<br />

Prow pattern.<br />

I tlw Tvuuti'liutmtiilfi.<br />



A lift Aimni of<br />


lll.ANk ItOOKS, III.ANK IIUOK1,<br />

now In mmIi reftst'llnf f<br />

i.i:iiii!ns,,itttiit.:ti.i, 11.1 v.tiKiiif.isii)<br />

full boml, In llrair ami Mrrfinm Sif- -<br />

Lcdrreta, Journals nnd Hccotds,<br />

tlslf Itotmd, In lap, iMmy l MiJhiiii birrs.<br />

C.f Umt ly nVwks ) Sfirjle Unity liar Ikiolt'<br />

Ml bomi. lnlMJ llsy IttMls, Nsiruw-<br />

Onr Hants, IthM llattnrr IS.A,,<br />

tWi IWM, Qia. KrCMJi<br />

SH JWnMIM,<br />

rum sau jvi- -<br />

Tllli.s. II. tllttlKH'S,<br />

Mrnsvsr Srssrrr sun lor Smmr-Sux- s:<br />


ir ORM UOOKS.<br />

Illl.lJt IH'.a'IVAIII.b urn, PAYAIII.I. LOOKS,<br />

Nnrtt Itootoi,<br />

Mora<br />

1<br />

llnil .( .Houry Itrrrlfl', Klilvrlllll llrrrllilt,<br />

ItvtiK s, tSthrwl Itrrtirih,<br />

I1MiloTlwi Hook,, PimIisC HxIJ. sblw Or<br />

dsr lltanlis. Ar,, Ai ., eunslioslly on tun.1, or<br />

Sprclal Ponni Maili lip to Order en illioit tfotlcs<br />

.11 IIIOH. II. TIIHVWS<br />

Mmiium Srssst sn I'osrt Xrtritr .liusss.<br />


A full Mm It mi ItikftJ t !) Ilricrf iiou<br />

)tr kim! ihlrtsliAHCf<br />

.Urmnrttmhtin ltnokit uttit nnrlnl .tlt?i<br />

t'ttn thnfit allir, (re Url and tt' cu r<br />

.MuiilMv iirwl Wroliljr Mhia. Titn IIiUt Milk Hooli,<br />

Itim twi' mi' I IJnKcr' Hjh Itootti, HwVl,<br />

lsKfb,Opyllu)k4,r,kriYt HocVft,<br />

M miit'v I '"no nml l'rerclt<br />

Itr ,, 11 r, imt fciut i<br />

ire.tidir ttml fullliotiixlt<br />

Vr Sutf ut TlHtS. ih Tltlttrjt'S<br />

MnirtMAHT STftCKr ANIl VtUJ StUHiT Hri)N.<br />


uoiim.k'fi i.iIrrr.R pads.<br />

Letter On dtmJ Nm- - lllotl. or firt quality (upcr,<br />

IRiiM'iip, littt l Nttis? l.lotbftof iul(l<br />

MartilU i"atr, fUin Mhki. fltnl Nni<br />

, M. ft II. form MikIci<br />

fur ttillt, Slattiiiciitl,<br />

, ttc<br />

Or Paper PUT UP fn ANY FORM Detlred,<br />

Jt TilOS, tU Tit HUM'S<br />




Mow In tsV, with mJilitioiul Kavttm 7nvoicr en<br />

foiitp A fuie vdrieiy uf tli<br />


Ilm Quality<br />

Cap, LcbJ. Lrttff, Nute and tlllt Pjper,<br />

Annortfd writf!il AUi Mnaut Wutil's TiU!i Linen<br />

I'LiI folio nnJ Nute pap!, j hln, or can ht<br />

ruled up intuit any older.<br />

arwr.niUNn noib ano knvki.opiis, oji<br />

Muuriiing lnir, WIndwr nt Turkey MitU Linen<br />

Letter arm Nutt, Kreiith fitter and<br />

Note irt per. 0vlni pafr,<br />

'r .Srif at TIIOS. . TIUtVMS<br />



In mock, and on tlie way, full antortmcnt of lte<br />

and dtfieient cjualityr<br />


vli : No. j, X And XX Iu white, amber and canary.<br />

No. 6 and j XX nliitr. No. BM,9. to, n, is and<br />

14 XX ...id XXX white: XXX lUrouUI wtdte and<br />

Cabinet. Mini ml tiff r. u rrtrij CUdhlined<br />

wtiite, from Na 0 tn n, all In the resular<br />

(;ovemmrnt liick and ihipei, or .ctUl le made up<br />

to order, al Tints, a vtiitUMb<br />




In (its., pin.,<br />

pu.atid ccitea,<br />


INK, in qu. pt. und ptv<br />


iit (t., pt., Ji ptt. and ioue<br />

ARNOLD'S CUPVINO INK, inot-- . i. onl X .<br />

DAVIS nnd PKKKLliSS cone tuU In LUtl, Uu and<br />

viutct, and imiuii.eundcrimwn Flaidifioin i to 4 u,<br />

ANTOlNK'X vit.ln 1,1 jels Cpini Ii.l, itii. and pt.<br />

CAW'S lUock FIwhI Ink, pi.<br />


lt., pts..cone, n iiiokI refract 01 y andretLMeatticle.<br />


Vnv tlr ul TIIOS, Ot Til HUM'S<br />

Pout Stkkkt anu Merchant Stkliit Ktohk.<br />



in all the denirakle numlwr.<br />

Quill Pent, Siiencerian, (uimerctalanJ Custom lfoua<br />

('cnt. Matie, 'J'udtl & Co.S<br />


CroW Si)lorTjpWc Fens plain and cold mounted.<br />

Princoa Founuin l'ciii, hhrtdlnj Peni S w?e<br />

Ij ilo C04 Auionutic PettciTu and ld.<br />

Red, Itlucand Until I'encitf,<br />

DIXON, I,Alli;KandOUOSSlU:KGi;R& KURTZ<br />

I'eucdt, Ni. i to 4, Artil Ptnctlt, Drawing<br />

I'enciU tnwrtii, iWket PufiU, SUtt<br />

PcnuU pbin or Iu wood,<br />

Al TIIOS. 0, 'JIIItVM'S<br />

Mkkciiant- SrRbttT anu Fort Struct Stoku.<br />




KulUr Holder, Coik Holders, Ivory and Kbony<br />

Holderi Rold mounted. Ivory and Hoim<br />

FoUIertaiid i'stpur Cutters, FblwrVlabUt<br />

Lrottrii, Dcidisou' Veltet LroMia,<br />

Liyt.tftl Itubuer, kutUerm kyod<br />

pencil fctiape. '1 liumfi T(i.t,<br />

Pencil Protectors, Rubber<br />

lUndl of atlyu<br />

Uct, etc, etc.,<br />

Vor .Vif? n( TUOS. it. TIIHVM'H<br />

Merchant $rRiircT anu Fort Struct Siokki.<br />


LsUir Cunt met , HitlsnT lulinc,<br />

UitUuT Kxeluiiec, lVjuersof AllonK)-- ,<br />

Murta,:.. uriner lM)-s-<br />

ItuiMsrs Cunlracts Arliels&r Airrvinnt.<br />

IKrtli, lluilumry luxiut,<br />

Itaies, !lHllatet, umt Atsniilaclureis tnvwtces. Mar.<br />

ri.s Certiueales ll.iailaa furm. letter<br />

Sliccl Maisortli Uhnils, llaus<br />

uf llutiululii, ' Chart, ur<br />

I'rtnelpat INitl<br />

Hawaiian I,<br />


.f J"H,V. II. TIIIIVM'H<br />

iltaciUSir Slss-K- 8tu.<br />

TpTC, ETC., ETC.<br />

VISlllNtiCAKllS, fl.VVINtS CAKIlS, 8UVI fS<br />

urxjf l aitj itovttff. IIujUk CaiiaiHl Ullrrcllp,<br />

Miiiiimi's lii.r, Cap atkl Itivyti tiUs, KuU<br />

Ur tcpviri, Cu')ui( llru.h..,<br />

tlauibhi llowK, lnlvUn.u. I'af.<br />

WrialiU, ixalin, Wa.tlai alnl<br />

I.U. raMcr riiiiwn, I...<br />

K.l and NuiatUI Ocali, Aliu,'. lilonin,<br />

I'ads, t'rvizrainin. 'I asuU, Kty Hinis, I'ins.<br />

bilk U.le. I'lnV'I'aiJ., loi'lhtr Willi ll.<br />


usually fuuikl to .ell a('iotiUiJ Huitofir Bior..,<br />

Tiitis. a. ruuvM'M<br />

MHKCiiaxr fiTr axu l't-- Smsr Srorna.<br />


Ai.tucr run ma Suiruv er<br />

ALU I'At'KKa Oil KNOWN 10<br />

I UK IKADll.<br />

iMunlln any MH t lb. orl.l. 'Ilia alia iaiUu-Ufrsia-iw- J<br />

Ui all iii,s tuutM miu-i- t him las<br />

It. 11 ihmuiUi auj forwarUui viilws,<br />

linmcjialcly wi W arWalt,r Miatl. tliy am tutl4<br />

au4 UlMltUil.tl lulls vaJUaissaUctiUia'UslioatkMrti<br />


ai.l il.liv.t.J la any 111 uf h lUaial, .Ulaiul<br />

.sir. hai<br />

1 U 8AIX COUN I I.kTTuh.IW will. Ml ilali. uf<br />

I,',.. Irrit "ml .sum s'ruiielaro Wfkllr<br />

11 ml l.nltil Muit fVmif'.r. liullle;<br />

lly cash wail, as sIm) ktl'lW I'vlitil. alarftiliMs.<br />

mo. 11. rii hum,<br />

6 Mr.miiani ir. (CaiairUITa K.L)<br />


V uiJnltJ ,!m nn4 SlUalUin la al<br />

ur nr 1:1! i.i 1. a unr.mt<br />

t pR IIOO ItS, MUSIC, "ifIA I ION KM V. IOU<br />

ICAt.S. Huiiur.K, SlHATih us z,ir.a,u<br />

btALS,<br />

Of any ul.tr aiitclca, xilau,la In lb.<br />

,Vttrt, Hook, jHutlvntru UHil fuutu N.W<br />

Trade.<br />

4arAU audi OfJnsshuuU taslsw aad M4i.l Ut<br />

avv4 snvri M itllaja.<br />

THfaMt. m., 1R1WI.<br />

. Js<br />

s<br />

A<br />

,.<br />

......A-<br />

.' .A'g'W-a- ' '.'sfel. $&&<br />

1<br />

'nl<br />

j<br />


j<br />

I<br />

V<br />

ity<br />

l& JS<br />

bf<br />

e<br />

A<br />

'i f<br />

.!<br />


Publication ofTica It at Merchant street. Hi)<br />

Infill roAml ! Port Irrrt.<br />

Snfcscrtbrrt mill Advfrtlsf n will pleti a.Urrst,<br />

THOS O THRUM, PuWUlif r ml Propillr<br />

All matter far the Saturday Pi eat thmtlj b<br />

aiMtetuJ Is Ih. ' SATURDAY I'RliSS<br />

M.illte rl any events af Interest trantptrlne; ml<br />

the other Isltndswltlalways be thankfully re elve-- t<br />

fur puhtittllon. Correspondents are teijittHlfrd to<br />

appenj lhlr true ninfi to All commHntf tttons,<br />

not for pttWI atlon necessarily , but At a guarantee<br />

t Kit the writer It ittloit In kmhI filth.<br />

SATURDAY, MAY i;. ti<br />


The Malawi Sttjjar Cemtftan) jM s tilt!<br />

ili ml of Ji on Tarsdav.<br />

Her A. O. Iwlt will ocrwpy lh jwlpil In<br />

the Hethri wmmtwir rrrotnrrtaj.<br />

The Mftrtttrit And Mrctiiarw nf Knrtimnit)<br />

tie Ihimiph i:(ii bj- the Amaraiva.<br />

On Mrmdijr afltinntm tvset) ttnfionith<br />

li inch hvvtal iramfMtrrl to MoJiAal,<br />

A iuiItc womin wt thrown ffom hr lioitc<br />

in Tar1) 11, on Klnaj Hifti, arfcl nerttttj'<br />

lirurtftl, tlirHtgri iAI ikrre:rrtl hull.<br />

A ttir ptetrtant icrtlon wit glten st IW<br />

ahati, an Mnntatj- lat, b) Kef. C,<br />

M'rtitt, In ISotMir of Uev. Dr. Mclnn, of<br />

Oilliml, wrn hit been making the It la mis a<br />

Urine<br />

The ictiHirrsl amount of tulncrlrrliont have<br />

lieen tectitti. ami Mr. C. K. HKhjoji h taltl<br />

into the treasury nf I'muliou Cntlrge tlw $15,<br />

cttj vvhkh he pmuilinl 1111 the tttnilition that a<br />

die amount I nblaincil by ulrtcriHiiMi.<br />

A new laml U lo be formed for the king,<br />

which will l contposrxl of kitty Ihjjs, umler<br />

the direction of Mr, Chatlrt Michlel. The<br />

instrument! hatrr been onlerol from lVtris, ami<br />

are eipctcJ u arrive by the neat steamer.<br />

Mr. Aniu tut Iraseil, for 25 )ear, from<br />

Horace Crabb, the lot on King street, nearly<br />

opposite the police sttton, ami is pulling tip a<br />

two story frame building, 50 b) 75 feet, which<br />

will toon be occupied by a swarm of Chinese<br />

merchants.<br />

The schooner Oustav arriieil on Snnda)<br />

from Tuhitl with the German Consul fioin that<br />

j lace who goct bj the Mariosa lo San 1'ran<br />

Cisco. The Guslar is the first sctsel that lias<br />

bren in this port from Tahiti for two jeau.<br />

She was laden with oranges ami coctuntils.<br />

A Chinaman named Ah You fell from a rock<br />

car on llentania street on Wednesday, and the<br />

ear wheel tan over his leg, breaking With<br />

bonet Inst above the ankle. He was taken to<br />

the Chinese Hospital, where Dr. Henri Mc<br />

Grew attended him. It it barel) iiosstbte that<br />

the limb may be taxed from amputation.<br />

.Musical programme by the Kusat Hawaiian<br />

Military Hand. This afternoon the band will<br />

plar at Kmma Stiuire :<br />

Overture Ron,tlda," ... ....... .......Meyerbeer<br />

Haacw--" Cartas." Fel.py<br />

rotate Kiyoktlo.- - eadi<br />

leslioIl Ponces lea "(new) ........ ...Sullivan<br />

Warti-"'I- Ie SUlm,' vvauteulel<br />

Quadrille un f In r air," . Williams<br />

On Monday evening the usual concert at<br />

1'mma Square.<br />

Hie entertainment! and fair last sscek in aid<br />

of the fun4 Jung and funds of<br />

the Honolulu Library and Keadfng Room<br />

Association hase already netted the handsome<br />

turn ol nearly $3,000, with scleral outstanding<br />

collection accounts to hear from. It was in-<br />

tended to have a ball at Musical Hall last<br />

Thursday night; but that event' bat been put<br />

off until neat month. It was also intended to<br />

have another entertainment at V. M. C. A.<br />

Hall this evening, but that hat besn indefin-<br />

itely postponed.<br />

A Chinaman employed on' the Ueretania<br />

ttreet railway, engaged in bringing in broken<br />

stone from Kamoiluli, wasrunoscr by the cart<br />

last Wednesday afternoon, and hit leu broken<br />

ami ankle crashed so bad at to probably require<br />

amputation. Engineer White complains of the<br />

rnischievions and dangerous practice of boss<br />

hsing at Kamoiliili of placing rocks and other<br />

obstruction! on the track, and it was in jump-<br />

ing off In clear the road, without notifying the<br />

engineer, that he tlipped and fell between the<br />

tails instead of getting on the outside.<br />

Mr. Hatton Tumor, wholus lieen holding<br />

evening meetings recently in the Lyceum and<br />

V. M. C A. Hall, went on Sunday by the<br />

Australia to the coast lo meet hit family and<br />

In hold evangelistic sersicet there. Mr. Tur-<br />

ner wxt ten ) ears in the Knglish army and gas e<br />

up hit commission at a captain in order to en-<br />

gage in the work of an He started<br />

from Encland IS month unccand hxt traveled<br />

through the oriental cities, proclaiming the<br />

gospel, and at hit own expense. I Ic purjioscs<br />

working this summer in the towns along the<br />

l'icitic C oast.<br />

"The Missionary Gleanert Society" pro.<br />

pose to give a free literary and musical enter-<br />

tainment on the evening of Thursday, May,<br />

22nd, at theV. M. C. A. Hall, to celebrate<br />

their tenth anniversary. The riarcnts and<br />

friends of the young ladiet are cordially in-<br />

vited to attend, a are also any of the many<br />

strangers among us. The programe will in-<br />

clude a piano duet by Misses May Athcrton<br />

and Nellie Lowrey, recitations by Misses II.<br />

U Dickson ami May Dilliligham ; a vocal solo<br />

by Mrs. ). K. Iliown ; an addrett by the pres-<br />

ident and other etcrciset.<br />

To accommodate those parents and friends<br />

of the iiupdv of Kawaiahao Seminary, who<br />

on the other islands It !ai been thought<br />

Lett to hate the eiamiiuliont and closing e<br />

crcises of the school during the session of the<br />

Evangelical Association, at formerly. Thcie<br />

fore, the ciaminatlont still take placejunc 6th<br />

in th various clatt-roum- t In Ihc morning, and<br />

lit the kIkioI room in the afternoon, dosing<br />

with a tlling match and gymnastics. On<br />

Monday ctening June 9O1 al the request of<br />

Ihc Hawaiian fnendt, the kIiooI will give a<br />

MtiU entritamment In aU of the<br />

fuel, which uil take the place of the usual<br />

rhetorical ctcidscs. No rmiuion will be<br />

grtnlnl Iq any pupil lo lease ih school till<br />

lo o'clock Tuesday looming June loth. Ih<br />

summer vacation will est end till ihc close of<br />

August, due notice of the date of reopening<br />

will l published hereafter.<br />

The tegular inunthlr meeting of the V. M<br />

C. A. was held un Thursday evening last, the<br />

president, P. C. Jonct, Seven new<br />

tnemlieit woe adiuittrtt. The reading room<br />

committee wrreempwvserrd lo esl-w- l the litt<br />

of peifudicalt ami piovldc thelf tsice on the<br />

Alakra slirt-- t tide for itlricncc ami historic<br />

library, A Irtltr fiom Iter. t. Ukker, the<br />

I'curral trcicltty ttlcctcsl, sv read, thowing<br />

llial he would be uruvoUably dctalnrsl for<br />

tome three montht rre lie could leave !viun.<br />

Itil Ih Atsoclation solrtl to abide Mr. Ulster's<br />

lime rather I lun look fjillitr, which woukl<br />

jmjlubl) take another year. IIoiuJ.W. Kalua<br />

stat mrsenl, asd, by imlialiion, ttioleupon<br />

the cooJuton of the young (topic' Christian<br />

asfKialiuna imong the lUaaliani, which til<br />

not of an encouraging nature. On motion, a<br />

omimtltcc (4 three, contbliiig of Judge Judd,<br />

Hev. A. O, Forbes and Mi.W. O, fimllh, wrte<br />

aptminteil lo confer with the delegation of the<br />

oatite atmcullont that will luecl in lliii city<br />

scat luoolh.<br />

Aliltii; .Wet.<br />

Th Sir William Wall tic is ai the foul f<br />

I.iktlike nhatf<br />

The American lwrk lletper, H dMMrginjt<br />

coal l ih fool n( Poll Uteri.<br />

TV Alanwta may hi tonltri for fmW "fcn<br />

San rmnctan nrt rhnttday at<br />

Geeetrmd, Mitrtl April Sth. llatvtilan<br />

bulk ('. U. ltrthop, Air llonolaln.<br />

Th r.klnore ant! .Maldy i M tlw llSe<br />

Mail tnnMhlp wliatf, dlieliainlnn mm).<br />

The CHy o( fljtfrWy tfiay I kinkftl for Ihts<br />

evening from San Haneteo with nine tlaya<br />

Uttr dart nev<br />

Al Ih IStpranade, nfipoMle llie CiMnm<br />

llinwr, ihe Aithtrtatti IwiVwitln Joint Smith,<br />

it diehajlnn a carpi of coal.<br />

D Anwttean htlfplMin W. G. Irtvht it at<br />

the Oeeanie Stcamthlp Cotrtpan)' wharl,<br />

lnd)t fo Sfl KfaneJaco, lt sail to ly.<br />

TJtt American batk AWite Carwr, n 11<br />

lut A Co.' wharf whtrre aHt h dlsclrme<br />

tnf 111 wHtl x'K" of nierclmmllw ftmn<br />

New Vwk.<br />

Tne American iMiVenlinc Kiltap, It<br />

a enign of himWr al Allen & Itoliiu-on-<br />

sliaif. She will retain to the Sound<br />

in alxwl ten day.<br />

The American Iwik Calliailen, (tat the old<br />

Citttom llt wharf htadlnj; for San rraneh- -<br />

eo, for which oit lie will tall on or about<br />

Tlair ncvl.<br />

Th French tehooner Ouslase irritexl last<br />

Sunday from Tahiti. She brltigt Tahiti<br />

oraim, all of whkh hate lieen dlpoiil of at<br />

miction. She return lo Tahiti to da).<br />

'Ihc American baikcnlinc Setini, lllake,<br />

hence, arriscit at Astoria, April cStli; l'orl<br />

Townsend, April 27th, American letn llurnc<br />

me, Oiot; AprilJilh, Aiherican Urn<br />

I'll!, Ixith Irom Honolulu.<br />

The folloaing setsels, hence, arriteil at Sin<br />

Francisco, at follows, siti April 19, llritish<br />

tlctmtlilp Arabic, I'catnc, S ih)t ; 21st,<br />

Ameticanteamtup City of Sydney, Dear<br />

born, 6days, 17 ininulrs;22il, American steam-<br />

ship .Marli.MK.1, Howard, 6 dayt, 15 hours :<br />

2J1I, American bilgantinc Contuelo, Cousins,<br />

144 days; 231!, American barkcntine Dis<br />

cos el), l;da).s<br />

f'dlMeiMnl .ril of thr II W..<br />

Siitni-Jti- Minister Gibson reports, 14S<br />

pages ; an admirable illustration of how to say<br />

tety little al great length. II. I . Holies died,<br />

al 6:30 r. M. Ln-- st entertainment of library<br />

fund; good ; $,000 in at tint time.<br />

SunJjy: Kef. and Hon. G. W. 1'ilipo,<br />

n emlier from Kont, prcichetl in the morning<br />

at Kawaiahao church, ami in the cscning al the<br />

Kaumak-ipil- i church. Iliblc reading in morn-<br />

ing at Kamakapili church, conduitetl by Mr.<br />

Henry Watcrhoute, assistcil by meniliersof the<br />

assembly, Hess. J. Kauhane, J. Waiatnui and<br />

lions. J. W. Kalua, V. W. 1. Kanciln, J.<br />

Kauwilia Dr. I. K. Mclean, from Oakland.<br />

preacheil an iloquent sermon at Fort street<br />

church. Lapt. Walton Iurnor, the isan-Celis- t,<br />

went by the Australia lo San Francisco,<br />

Funeral of .Mr. Holies. 1 lags in the harbor<br />

at half-mas- t in his honor.<br />

.tAvrili; Hon. J. Mott Smith took his seat<br />

in the assembly as a mcmlier of the house of<br />

noblo. Messrs. T. K. Walker, Ihoinis .May<br />

and Antone Ilosa elected by St. Andrews<br />

church as delegates to synod in August. 20<br />

ciers shipped from branch hospital in this<br />

city to Molokai. 'Hon. C. K. Ilishop presents<br />

trustees of Oahu College a check lor $15,000.<br />

TucsJiy Ht. Kcv. Utshop of Honolulu re-<br />

turns Irom Maui. Princess Victoria Kaui-lan- i<br />

gift to Maui. .Messrs. Webb and Parker<br />

receive letters of denization. The llalawa<br />

Sugar Company pa) a dividend of $2 per<br />

share.<br />

U'oliitsJay . Petitions against licensing the<br />

sale of opium, signed by 1200 citizens of<br />

Honolulu, presented lo Ihclegislature. Hill to<br />

license Ihc imortatin, minufacturc and sale<br />

of opium, discussed by the house in committee<br />

of the whole, meets its deserts death. Im-<br />

promptu hop on board the Mariposa. Good<br />

time.<br />

ThurtJay : Mr, M. (. Klmore to the front<br />

with a gas pro)iosition. At a meet of the<br />

cabinet council, the minister of finance was<br />

authorized to compel collection of duties in<br />

gold after the Is: proximo ; a good rule, too<br />

suddmly sprung. Mariposa sails lo day ;<br />

Noble Ilishop on board ; 'nother vote less for<br />

reform.<br />

Friday 1 A concert was held at the Kauma-kapi-<br />

Church under the direction of Mr. lien-r- y<br />

Waterhouse, and in which Queen Kapiola- -<br />

look a part. No legislature ; no nonsense; no<br />

news ; no more lime nor space. Pau.<br />

Jron ll(,rA rei.<br />

The Honolulu Iron Works Co. are making<br />

for Homer & Co's plantation al Hamakua, Ha-<br />

waii, a complete new 15 mill, with<br />

double effect. Its dimensions will lie 30x60,<br />

with double gcarirg and a foot vacuum pan, two<br />

twits of compound lioilcrs. It will be driven by<br />

a Corliss engine, 16x42. Il will have also an<br />

engine oxiS to drive centrifugals, and other<br />

necessary machinery to make it a s<br />

sugar mill.<br />

Hie works are making a large marincboitcr<br />

for the Ukelike, which is 1 1 fett 6 inches by<br />

1 2 feet 6 inches.<br />

As the company has agreed to give its<br />

workmen, numbering about 130 in all, Satur-<br />

day afternoons to themselves, the l)3 have<br />

organized a cricket club, and also a base ball<br />

club.<br />

On Monday morning Chung Quow came<br />

pacing down King street with a pole on his<br />

luck and on either end of it a basket of straw<br />

lvrrici. lie ttopiml to adjust the cans and<br />

put the laigctl berries on top, when a small<br />

boy slipped up him and stole a h toilful.<br />

Chung dropped the iole and started for the<br />

boy. Al this another small boy aptiearcd in the<br />

scene and helped himself lo the ticrrii<br />

Chung observing this Hank movinent returned,<br />

thouldered Ihc lc and paced off down the<br />

ttreil. We are Incoming rapldl) San Kiau-cisca-<br />

lloodlumitiu it a bad sign.<br />

Mr, IMwaid W. Townsend of San Fran- -<br />

clso, who vbilul hc islandt three )rart ago at<br />

correspondent ol the San Francisco Call, lu<br />

which (iarr he wiote several lively letters,<br />

was mairicd on I he iClh ultimo to Miss Annie<br />

Lake, the "Phillip Shirley" and "Jael<br />

Ilcmice" whose allractltetvriiinghaienliscnctl<br />

the pages of scvwal San l'uncitwu juurnalt<br />

during the att l0 )eJlt. Miu blc U the<br />

daughter of the late Judge ami Mr.<br />

fuwintnd It one o San Francisco most mp<br />

utai ncUr men.<br />

The oftieeit of the Hawaiian Agricultural<br />

Society hate called a meeting for lulf ut<br />

seteii neat Saturday evening, al V. M. (. A,<br />

Kali, 'ie pi last, certificates and medal<br />

awarded Lut year will then be distributed,<br />

I'lriidenl Judd will deliver a short addle<br />

ami uhrr brief tjvnihvs will In; made. All<br />

ate Iniitrd,<br />

,<br />

II, K. II. 1'iince.iiiJkelike It mle.l lo<br />

return from the Coait on the 2jd liuUiu by<br />

ie rsuniciia.<br />

Captain J. C. Cluney ami Mr, S. Magin have<br />

bought the nieit) for $4,jox<br />

rjitr llnmtliilx 7llrr,<br />

"I- - it waim uiiiii,lil r ) - II i" c I<br />

ti.m I hate lrn gnitfd with I 1I1110 t cvrr)<br />

11 tittaini snee I have mrt inc-- i laM situolit)<br />

Uven Ih ItlnihotnTi have huAeil more parchnl<br />

Wri day, l the wayfarer h tnttght the cool<br />

teramla and ih njrla fourwam, ivilh a<br />

tmllfteTr-n- nntml only In th rnhaW<br />

tanli of a iroptc clinw. IVtipltvthofnmehete<br />

friwi the mwth Mtoalty rillktae what trwjaw<br />

plrate.1 to call lite "biy hahha" of trw averaR<br />

llimolul n 1 but, after a few month, I find<br />

that Ihey beronie at pione at any of u In fatmi<br />

iw llw (nlhwrie of oar climate on ih phyakal<br />

rftsn. I am lohl tlial mn of Ihete Ittrliarlant<br />

hare Iwrom to nearly Mi'llmate.1 that they ar<br />

tttumontlj- - advoeatlnit lit proponed eloaing of<br />

bwfneta lifime at 12 o'clock nn Jtamtilayt.<br />

Well, lint It a move In the right diieeiton, ami<br />

ih few Iwhm given emproyew rm SMttntay. will<br />

in nwx caena, more than he marie bj by Ih<br />

httr woih thtougnmit lh week.<br />

Himolnln it tli most lttaureamie elly It ha<br />

ever lieen my lot In ojmun in j ami while<br />

man) people talk of It anefeil drawback ami<br />

lack or armraementt, it eiii In me lhat the)<br />

tlo not fully appreciate lt man) aileantagca.<br />

1 hot who lie alieil until rlfrht o'cloch in the<br />

morniitf, then timtch a Imsty lireakfatt and<br />

creep down lo tmtinen at half past eight or<br />

nine o'clock, yawn and complain nf dullness<br />

throughout the da), and are in lied sejaln bj<br />

nine o'clock l M., tote uiil of the pleasures<br />

of life to be found here. I found ui) self falling<br />

into till tort of routine esitlenn whlih ma)<br />

lie varied and enlivened, If on wlihet, ever)<br />

da) in the week and broke Ihc monoton)<br />

by an early drive to Diamond Head. It it<br />

must delightful to find )omelf up at live<br />

o'clock, and after a cup of colTee, to laki a<br />

drive lo Waikiki, enjoy n cool bath at ihc<br />

finett beach in the world, and then away to<br />

Diamond Head ami back again through<br />

Kipiohnl Park, with a good appetite for<br />

breakfast and a rest for business.<br />

Moonlight pirtiet and socials are tptitc the<br />

fashion just now. lly the way, there vvasaiuost<br />

enjo)abtc moonlight excursion last Situuh)<br />

evening b) n part) of brivc lads and winsome<br />

Isssiet to the top of Punchbowl Hill. 'Ihc<br />

ascmt of the 11 ounltln is easy and the view<br />

obtained ftom llieHitniniH is poetic and grand<br />

l)ond description If the proioeil roid is<br />

constructed to the top, Punchbowl will be<br />

come a pleasant and eshileraling resort for pic-<br />

nics, lunch parlies and tourist.<br />

Now that the legishture is sitting, I hope<br />

some member will tie fit to introduce a bill<br />

modifying our roid hw and providing tint our<br />

sidew ilkt must be built of a uniform width<br />

and on an established grade. It is a pily that<br />

so large a cit) as tint should kcip us foot<br />

walks in such n shameful stale of dilapidation.<br />

I understand there is no law rigarding the<br />

construction ol our sidewalk!, and that their<br />

present condition is due to the fact that ever)<br />

person is allow eil lo build lwforc his property<br />

in the most inartistic fashion, or not at all if<br />

he prefers mud and dust. It would lie well<br />

to spend some of the money expended on the<br />

roads for the benefit of the foot Iravtlcr.<br />

I am a loser of music and attend the con<br />

certs at Cinnia Square regular!). During the<br />

present week the music pla)ed has beenscry<br />

fine, consting of selections from such iqicras ns<br />

"Ihe Troulndou," "The Grind Duchtss,"<br />

"Last Days of Pompeii," and "Jerusalem."<br />

I hate noticed that the attendance at these con<br />

certs is not what it should be ; sit I can haiill)<br />

think the neglect is from lick of appreciation.<br />

Those who comphin of etimit will find an<br />

athetlc nettnthe in the harmory of sweet<br />

sounds, and will be well repaid for the trouble<br />

of going. There arc few cities in the vvorl,<br />

where we can hear more good music free linn<br />

han in Honolulu. Joma.<br />

Houolulu, Ma) 9th, 1SS4.<br />

TUr Olltrr JsilinN.<br />

The rainfall at Niulii, Koholi, during April<br />

wa 15.24 inches<br />

On Ihc first instant the Anna and Ferris<br />

Thompson arrived at Kahului.<br />

The bridge ovir Wailuku Hivcr at Hilo his<br />

lieen put in fine condition again.<br />

During month April there lieen<br />

a very large rainfall Hilo district.<br />

Wtl<br />

the of Ins<br />

in<br />

A concirt was given at the Hist Maui Young<br />

Ladies Seminary last Thursday evening.<br />

Kohala purposes to send at least tw o horses<br />

to compete in tl.c rCaniehanieha Dy races.<br />

Two Portuguese women from Papiikou Ha-<br />

waii, were arrested for stealing dry goods in<br />

Hilo and given two months to think ov'cr their<br />

folly.<br />

"A government official at Hilo was lately<br />

arrested and lined for fast ruling, others not<br />

officials should also lie fined, but arc allowed<br />

to go as they please" writes a Hlloile.<br />

Key. IX P. llakir, of Hilo, accompanied h)<br />

two chinamen, visited Mauni Loa, during last<br />

month. They went and rtturncd on foot,<br />

visiteti the place of eruption during the flow of<br />

1SS0, and found considerable heat and steam<br />

still issuing.<br />

subscriber, interested in the question of<br />

self support in agricultural matters here, wants<br />

to know if it U true that a number of planters<br />

on Maul are raising excellent potatoes. If so,<br />

why may not these islands raise all (he potatoes<br />

that arc needed for home consumption?<br />

Mrs. Dr. Walters ol I.ihue, Kauai, hxs<br />

generously remitted, through a friend the<br />

sum of twenty five dollars at a contribution to<br />

the Library Fair, in lieu of preparation of<br />

fancy work therefor. The Prest would be<br />

pleased lo record similar favors from others<br />

similarly situated.<br />

On liavstli (here are many lmrtcs ami mulct<br />

living fium tome tllsc-asc- . Officer DjiiicI<br />

1'orltr liaslx.cn sitiling several plantation! to<br />

gain infoiinilion alxjut the tlitrass-am- i<br />

to Kite Infuiniallon to the government.<br />

The ilitease amoni the mulct causes! the<br />

death often M Slnc' plantation Hilo, ami<br />

livcal I'cplvtkra, ami tloet not cr 111 on lite<br />

Increase at ucry effort it mule lo kvej the<br />

tletcase from tprcaillnt.<br />

On Ihe evening of the Sih instant, .1 ri)<br />

pleasant evening was luJ at Ihe resilience of<br />

Manager Well, of llalawa plantation, Hawaii.<br />

It was inaile the ocension uf prttstiillnt; Uev.<br />

Mr, Houston, ssilh 4 purse of $115,00. The<br />

house and premises, Imill ami laiil out lit<br />

tJottor Tistlale, forinrr nunayer, are iiollcralile<br />

fur their neat ami cliciiful appearance ; the<br />

lout; uianila, ctlenilini; rouml three tl 1 uf<br />

Ihe house, forming a pleasant featura In in<br />

plan. The luilor povtctset the only fire place<br />

In the tlislrlcl, such a ihlni; Mn ceneially<br />

irgaiuttt at unncccuary In Ihit tlimale. Tlie<br />

weather cxinlinuet lainy, but favom! lite tocia-hi- e<br />

ty a utpite.<br />

TheYatht Club tut leant) the ptemitat<br />

batk nf A. W. I'eirce i. Co'tan I will bulhl at<br />

once,<br />

Tlie llrlllih llelietnleiu S"C,tl' UH will<br />

be litltl on Tuculay et eiilnu net! at Mu.lc Hall.<br />

. 'M'"11<br />

Mr. Geo, l.ueai bei-a- ii h sliUe )rtu,.y<br />

t KapliiUnl Park for Ihe Aettculluial fail.<br />

- On KitiKlumclia slay, June illh, all tjov.<br />

nment offistt will be iloicj.<br />

COKMT.rtaiAI,.<br />

It v ,, M ; I<br />

tt 11 t nr It t'tP ti ,mt n I i'<br />

iliin ut f !" tl Irl.li-- . Ihc miu Mttongt to t m<br />

imm prvlllac Iwth anvxva J Mien Awl r titers. I Vi<br />

u tiMliirn f rnwmhiWM mi All sMrs, ami Mle w<br />

ra Hmf any rtwm ft ahrm II it Hn 10 W wm lht<br />

ttrttrfme n ail bntlntat Itaaiaeitam to ntH"l f w<br />

at jMtl la aorka rhat ttnra niarlMi l ttMi-lin- l w.<br />

In IwfmvlAlltiat, At has Mtumlrltttl Dim and aaam "<br />

irtU JnataAl TWt BiBt fawl ltff. lsa 1 at<br />

cmtllnlia amtrt iha aim eli!HI t""- - h "<br />

forwd htiritrtitt i htjurjf llwj r 4ntv hens<br />

ttlsiM anil iht ctwirtrv a kwi hf ifctlr ewrmnnlim<br />

tiotniniAvcrrlMtttrart SaawdAAlwsArrnow<br />

eonthlftlin tat MltlttWnv ul miring, and II may ti<br />

ant a rof osreawtrt with anoBltitaiMW 10 imm inti<br />

ihls muvt Is ttl'.i lih mlr &mm nnJtnit. ii<br />

Whtf rcmraon In ihar Ihtr caatM ami wtt llvlnf<br />

Wfteet elwit eaato net<br />

SWuplita imwtwmli ktara Im htm haw m hm ar<br />

llv. lndtHlwirtBnrtMfliAmll)<br />

r Marvay IW Ja Fiwartate valtnd i ti977 ',',<br />

J).1J i nwnwllttly I a rwal nf $il,Mi ! ilw<br />

W !' ('n., la warMrnastti thif thamllirv<br />

itnlBtf btulaetc at rMr ofel want nn th mnkAl wl nf<br />

ivwti ttntt, will insrltr movv turom Im mism rn the<br />

oMer stand Mcnllnwl with Ihtlr Dm of aaitntw, "'! n<br />

ru.lnl by ih law Htm of llolhjt A Co, tinea 1864<br />

rtia MlmMn of I Inaner, by avian ef IJtWiaH I mm<br />

ell, hat Istnnil ndlowing " By Amhorhy ' notk .<br />

Ifkft, Thai the Mlnll nf Kiimnct ht Ami Iw H<br />

heBfhy nmtmil to wjtiins irw iynwm M tnioii mhw<br />

In llnittsl Staim aoM rotn, ncianling 10 law, nn ml nf<br />

p iht m day of Jun, 1881<br />

It thin a nr bom ptthlieo act to hiht in early to a<br />

goM bastt, lfo. why ib give nollet In rail) mil llw<br />

lw 14 lit tntlrtty s nr. Is h an attempt to lillilis llif<br />

tontmaalty 10 ak for n iltt-t- r tiAntlarit on hwiHI) , die<br />

tUwaiinn coin lwltitT<br />

The Oily of Sydnay l ntaib iln tlih San Kroiiclsco<br />

tlaiet la iht tosh tmlant,<br />

"snippiN'a<br />

Mrrrluut Vettalt Now In Poit.<br />

Sim WniiAM WiustR, IWvmn Itrli Ilk<br />

PutiHowa, Jtntuv. Am I Ic<br />

Mai.sv, rl,... VmliMne<br />

Wll tvwia, Tnnwr . . ..Aitt bflnr<br />

CAiftAHiaK, lliibbanl . . . Am tk<br />

Kitaap. Rnblnton . . Am lAlne<br />

Iiq4kk. Ut lr . ....Am Lit<br />

John Smith, kuitiet ... Am litiue<br />

HKta tAHvait. I'enilUton, .Antlh<br />

lIltTAV, KuMnrr I rf nrli Sthr<br />

Vetseli Expecteil from Torelen Ports.<br />

llmtMKN (Icr Ik.Sncs tloltimin<br />

1 hit no I Incltff 1 A Ln , Acentt.<br />

I ivkarool , lint lk. CltH (iant Wilson<br />

line June s 10.<br />

IttisroN, Am nlc AIV lfBNKR New, II<br />

Pue June ts C llrcwer ( u., aent.<br />

Mkhonmia, Am batne Mcanic. Staa (IvUnJ<br />

Hue now. I U Hill A Simi, Aenls.<br />

LlVKAfmu lint a. s. t itv or Paris, Lvclieatl<br />

Hue Ma o, W asvtits<br />

New CArl.r, N h v . Ni., I k Kktnjio,. .<br />

l.mit ni! Melt sfi. Aftcnis<br />

Vnw t Atnr. NS W, Am lk ili vhii Alenc ktv,<br />

hinileit fAjailinjt Melt allt. Uikler A. Lo, AErnls.<br />

San Am 1 1 itv or StliNKi . IlcMrburn<br />

Hue May 17 It HicUetJ A Co, Agents.<br />

Jai tir, Haw silir Kaidna. . .I.ove!l<br />

Ilui now A I"( twki' acinl<br />

l.lttHKHii, tit Ik akuna . .Ingrain<br />

lAmtlinjt Msrrh 10.<br />

DtPARTimt Has. Am Ik CO W'ihtmork .Caltionn<br />

lluanoiv Alt'n & Kotitnon, Asents<br />

Sas Am belne LtiNSLKLo CotiMns<br />

Ilui- - May aw-- U (J Irwin Co, Accents.<br />

San I NANiiscu, Am bl me Uistuvknv<br />

Due Mav as- - r llai.kfekl .Is Co. Acems<br />

SAN I hanlko Am h s At asihiia. .More<br />

Due Mtv vx C, Irwin Co. Ate ntii.<br />

San 1 niiKlvcn, Am ktne I Ha, Cliliunl, due May<br />

c liiewcr a. to.,<br />

.<br />

I)ti ah kk Has . Hki caii<br />

Vm Malml'ona howilu' Wilder A, Co. Aaenls.<br />

Pokt lowNsiNU, Am irrn KxcruuoK. . I'elu<br />

Hue May 0. WiMer &. Co, Agents.<br />

Port I union m bk Atalvnta . .Hall<br />

I lac Ma) j., 30. llsckfetd A Co, Agents<br />

Port I. 01. nv, n bk t mprai n Gatter<br />

Duejiur'i s MackfiblA Co, Agents.<br />

Hkhhi y, HitvlkC II Ilismii .Walters<br />

lltie August io-- is Illcklel I ii Co, Agents.<br />

Nrw i astip, N S W,' Apoilo<br />

laxKlmit April 34. Agents,<br />

Pour Hi Akrt v. Am lkiic Aueij a........... Newhall<br />

Due Ma ja Allen t Kolniiont Agents.<br />

Arrivals,<br />

kiburt Hou.stin. jin, (roil Kihuhii. . .May to<br />

Jrnnie, nrhr, fmni KtUui . to<br />

Kiftatu, tm. King, fron. Hilo .iiid way HrH ' to<br />

tatatii. Mm, Laiirroti. from Kulo.1 pml Wal<br />

mca .. . ' ti<br />

tliukwU, v;li, from ataltia . , ti<br />

Nfttie Merrill, scl r, from Lilmna . . "it<br />

C K HiMin.t, dtm, Oamh, from Hannku.. . ' it<br />

1'au.ilii. till, faoni Ilanalci . " it<br />

(.litnv, Irtncti hr, from Jahtli . " ti<br />

AiKtraha, I'nt . r , (tlie.!, from Sydney. , "it<br />

ihohliu, ui, from AVawiae ,, " ti<br />

Wainwlu, sth, from kolt.a . ...,. " n<br />

Alarj rcii, liuin llamniaiilu , " 13<br />

niter. Mm, IHte, front Kin, Kuna and Ma- -<br />

Alaca "<br />

. , ,,, 13<br />

Hob Koj, nchr, from Kcmlau . . " 13<br />

Walintnalu, stm. Nelson, from Wainvanalo ... M<br />

13<br />

iawal tin, tciir, Irum irOiiu . .. 14<br />

Jam aMakee. sim, rreeman, Horn Kauai... . ' 14<br />

Mat) Alice, sthr, from Lami..., " 15<br />

K?ui1nh, from JoiJiu..a,.. " 15<br />

LtVtliVt, Mm. Viimrth, iftan ilmtiaVud.fV,!-'- tfr<br />

Lfhua, Mm, Lotefwet., from liana ami .Molutnl ' t&<br />

Mokoln, Mm, McGtrjor, from Kooliu. . . ' 16<br />

(Jen Siege), (sth, from Kooliu,. ...... ., ..... " 16<br />

t)CIATrfte.<br />

lloue. Am U:, Pertlialluw, (wr Port Tom i.tcml..Ma) to<br />

I tilCait fli. for kohala M to<br />

ut4ralia, lint s. ., (.itieM. for San tiikiico ' 11<br />

CJtcnn., sell, for II vulci. " 12<br />

Jennie Walker. mIi. for II1I0 ., ' is<br />

I ehua, miu. Lorcnzeti, for Mol Aal ami liana ' 11<br />

kslaiica I(ou,Mm, Sears, for Kahului.. . " 13<br />

Vaili. sthr. fur liana . ... . " 13<br />

C K Ilisln., ktm, Itaviei, for Hamakua "<br />

Waim-tlu- , kIi, for kolf a . , 'j<br />

ManuukaiUeil. v.li. for kekaha . . . "<br />

khiau. Mm. kills', for Hilo aiul nviiotH .... "<br />

Jennie, rli, for koloa . "<br />

luaiaui, Mia, iin.croti, ur Noiua ana aiinea "<br />

Nettie Slemll, wh, fur Liliama, ... "<br />

Mink.'i!, Kh, for Vjuluav , . ...... "<br />

WaikK ich, for MaliU "<br />

1 C Mur,a. Am bk., Tor -n ranciwo '<br />

MniKWi. Am tun . (.uldm? for San rrincicu "<br />

Jami Mkkee, Mm, fnuiun, for Kauai ami<br />

waiaiue . .<br />

Planter Mm, latcs, for Maalica, kona and<br />

Kau .... ' ... "<br />

From Mill! tn,l<br />

(.oniwell<br />


Arrivals.<br />

lawan. ner Kmait. Mav"<br />

A II Smith, Kev A 0 Hrbc, J W.bbn, J<br />

Cuacio, M bwanrv, Capt II II I'erry, II C Clovon,<br />

I' McLanc, J K lcl can. J O Carter, S II kalial. 0<br />

C Notlcy, Mradraysoii, Ml Wilcox, II fl IlincUey<br />

nnduife, I II Soper, u ife and 3 children, W U faeaf(<br />

MrrJ NUnjIit, I'll llenrj.<br />

From ICahulul. per KEUtuea llou, Msj 10 Capt 1<br />

II HaUoil, Master I' W lluhroll,.W II Utile), 'l K<br />

Koster, Capt fvtss, (I W K King and ilaiihter, Mrs 1<br />

Winter, WC lluby, II il Jarvit, it Carr.<br />

rrunt Haul r Iwalant, May 11 V 11 Schmidt, R<br />

Ciuon, Win R Austin, J II Grant, wife and two ser-<br />

vants, Mrs Win Auhl.<br />

t ront tho Colonies, per Australia, itiy it J Ireni.<br />

let, U IJreenhals, and 4 steerage<br />

Iroin Maul and Hawaii, per Planter, May 13 ilrs<br />

il A uhcr and daughter. luster, Ilishop Willis,<br />

Martin, wife and children.<br />

cnljcre.<br />

Mun.arr.'it, ilraj Kaae, ALai, I.ce, (.Psarlc,<br />

il llorrett<br />

In<br />

t<br />

1,1,4<br />

I II II I, A let<br />

j C P J<br />

Utparturet.<br />

San rranctsco, ir I urcka, ilay 7 C llalkev,<br />

II P JoIinsoiL<br />

Tor .Maul and Hawaii, tier Kinati, May t3 Princes<br />

Kalalanl. .Miu V. Cletrlurii. Mist I. ParLer.Sliu .Need.<br />

ham Miu F Low, ilUt Wajta.r, Mis. Ileniard, .Mr<br />

ClreeeiluiUS, Mr Irmlett, II Kuhelatil tud wile, A<br />

t biKi2, l.- Il aiu, vv j.iuate ana laimit, siax t'raclit,<br />

K kennel, M LlKstiall. Mr Newell, il LouUvon, Rev<br />

Father I hcodore, ISi Ian, II A lieen.<br />

I W<br />

W.<br />

lor tvauai, per Iw&lani, May 131; Kruse, I, iitus,<br />

.Su,tth, M Str.nl.fck and wife, iliss Pecker, il!.t<br />

I J Cillln, ilr WiUxi, V CuthtrfTt,<br />

ror Kaliumt per Kuauea lluu. Slay t vv It uallcy<br />

aik wile m,d 3 cl.ildren. Mi.i SWr.it I, ilisi Newell,<br />

V nas iirown, t. ,s inurston, 1 i wait.<br />

lor San Flattctsra a.r Mkrtpota, ilay isMiss C<br />

Mcllitvre. 1'laidwl.r. MraPI.ua ond dauTiter. illsa<br />

II rtter, W C Clab), II il Jaivia, r (irre Mrs Ilia<br />

II Hjikit aivl lihltdrcn. Oia ItreuiL and wife. Ireil<br />

huiitli. ilU N ftiul.l, Mrs J II lallanl, II Miul, wife<br />

1 children and nenMiit, ( ap I, A ICubUns, N S bachs<br />

Kev llr I K. ifelAan, Lov Win Hale, wife and ton,<br />

Hon 0 U Million, II Cornwall. II rxhn.idt. Oil Chon2.<br />

All Huiw, II itlodle, K W Wrt.ht, U hrWUr. II<br />

Slulte, A touclua.li, A (...iwl.in, J Hradley, U J .Sil.j,<br />

t,e II Sale, P lUneluu. Vuti Lil Ntln, 1. Jurrs,<br />

It J Will ins IVt tan, A lioojisr. I P (iuulwiu, Kin<br />

t lyriiir .San. J llavls II I Wokc. O Hnlnansnri. F<br />

Vuvrr. I lloriiw,J J tlOleutras, lleylac), Ah Sick, 1<br />

I l.laaJI, Chun Mil, Lhunrf Llun, AU bam, J Hank,<br />

tvy Ah I in, Chin Oou, I ilartlull, I lke, .Mrs<br />

I. II Kerr and chiljan, Lit lai, A W llolaer, r<br />

I Mow, KShnl.), J K Potter, WRaniK).<br />

For hm Fftuutict t II, C. ilurra). May 15 O S<br />

lUwwiii, J Olewwt, wilt and 4 cldldntu, I ruorvcrt.<br />


FroinSanl ranclaco. ier Manoosa. ilavlOW ilae.<br />

fattant it Co, 1 144. wiiitky, 11a . im sks<br />

atwitt alk lecO, laa ska lUalr, tfSo liale. lay, ISC<br />

3iauipttfie, 17 lUla fwfHtr, I' ill luatliy, toUtls tnalUc<br />

UlMI rU vvusa I o, v IJJt iiurMs tlurt lr<br />

c.iiiLiiLr. S 1. I.. 11 - LiHUa<br />

stitKatr.<br />

kta.MnaWti A Cum iXtw futnUluiiaE IU. 6 hl.<br />

(Mm Nuit, t; Vb ldwe, livtkfv iltUtrw<br />

Iittin A lok 101 trie ffJ a tad rotiiin. iS tkiffc<br />

ItaV. u rtl. tiaatur. win U--<br />

J. ki k vr.Ii. --ml fctd.<br />

I.. a. I r . 1 I .. - .... . 1. t<br />

IM tW( fctfUl, A.4tvrfWal, II WjsXUUlltU. Still<br />

tilclautM iuurtl. Cottf, i baa Huht(wry<br />

ffl wn UarJrr, b tAuUy, I M (&xt KCa, ( f<br />

1x.a, t oi( W r JwrtJ. $4 j I g l<br />

vjIaHlgWfl, llAaYA.aU I Wll U.ImJ1M Cg, 8 (L<br />

lttai-.i- f; ltt 19 ll ijluutUtlV Ua(rtiff<br />

'Vttltkr fi,iv, ti lti tulttt) bcUua A lot'l<br />

nt$hu4u 4 liiy tnrchnti, J I<br />

V (, itjt4 wtfa-i- -i ; II UtfTaihUctr A<br />

Qy, 6 i& tom(UMUt MtfoiU4 & Co, v t<br />

VVftUiy, WIur ll.lf. 4 4Utf , iMnU U7.0<br />

l fwj, VV t'Uby. j t wAiumi Ky 4 Cu, i W<br />

ftta. , Mvlti v$ & goo. rHf , nitr<br />

T4j4 t4ft. 4k.uigu tv. 107 1X4) Kiwrrtau. lUt<br />

v.J4 W, p. a uwaruTi I O llaiuin,<br />

'i 9 ;A ir. OiUttsMeio Jk Cu. v tkitt tutcu. il<br />

M I firry, yu (tj aril ulj V,iVf 4 lj, 1<br />

irlyvdM; lwttiHiACU. i$44uRfJsL4Jt;;<br />

ltti,J A Us tj n uh imuI uti4fu; Ctvu<br />

UiMMt, ina u'tt n tfi A ttSutlih.<br />

J4 ,4 . UjJ ivtalrt. LtH &U Sitl tAtk't<br />

1; IlillsltS 11<br />

yli tuMwuaj .hu & Cu, A fix? itutu-4- 1 C K Wii<br />

In ' Vg fa 'uiui Kn.' II XI t(l 1 It, ,<br />

l r N I'll1 I irr I II n , k<br />

tl S ul rerd I t.tt .nVRr-lr.it- t<br />

fer ! I emwdy t i i oka ,. he r, J 1 Vai<br />

mr, 8 nkitjl nr xenr Mn htn,i t Sn Jl ikd<br />

fri?ltAitilleAlbr.<br />

IVnmn, .inttb Co ti.lmi,<br />

'Ify tf nwls ml lfes, 111<br />

Nnht ct CTtirrH. t tivirT , l,rnv to, 9<br />

"vl<br />

frail, Ailvemwr I , , . Iijw Ktnmey ft Ksttr 41<br />

pttfft frivert, lUwanti t ,r Muring otrinf Co.<br />

It ka rArrl-w- nnt'ii,-- . IK lam A Lo, tf<br />

.k(t menhsiMUse, li,nu n t iternmffltl, Ion ts<br />

Coin, i rvnna, tiTilfT, tf b t men IntmliM, CMntsc<br />

Firm t1 ieH inn unli<br />

Frnvtan fmnrtvn, per Ctilirlen, Mty IV ( r<br />

lltili'lt, t it ukam tin Igo nvAttrtAls, II taits Ir.uvi<br />

htlcks, eon lists lime, II MtV to I o, l.et ptiti ntm<br />

ed amreftiw, I A vhArftr Mo itt V lwly! Allen<br />

H k minMMi, ijytltt hnwt, too IH liay I I vtaier<br />

limits-- ion pkat bay and fefsl, t ptif Imt, c dry<br />

l. rd llavtl .m, s pkfr nvn lilnrty, j b'tf.<br />

btoiil, lAlaa rtCn, Its Kiy, I!<br />

1.0, It)I HI<br />

Nav.<br />

rnn<br />

ih<br />

lailey, llilny, C llitneyi<br />

Wh'-an- : II to<br />

, trssliAoAts,<br />

lowers<br />

I<br />

I<br />

K t noire, ion IW1,<br />

in I Hhhls, t fkat sic, I<br />

41 II.,<br />

to, H,<br />

,. u.lu.l..<br />

SJlMK "IKI,"<br />

blefn. trr rt pbHler eaniert<br />

tlaU miter, I pkg mis, I tts hardware, t<br />

rtrewtf to Co, ijo It limn', tt lliler A Co, TOplfi<br />

afit. erle, iss bis liav: IaiI Oaoke. t rks tmt<br />

He. srffAlAttl CnfnrM I tmts. en iikat merthnndite<br />

I mat VtmavMir, VSWtet llay. May 3 1,05<br />

iiini etati 10 iirtteer 1 o<br />

rrmn SAn et I) C tarrAy, May t Geo.<br />

I it 8,ono hrlvlts. And bills time, n nrs cedtr lum<br />

oer, rj 11 hftrtmi, Iff pkirt wagunt, n leler Slo,, 11<br />

pAgs nimllarA, to sks tMit, too ska lnly, to t Vet<br />

lAit jfi sks Ifaii, Halt A Son, w n uuwilcr, SulliTail<br />

!)tickly A Co, its oafioolA, lunbAtesbav, I AlcCutlt,<br />

75 ska ours, jon ska bean ,1 milk rafts, SJrt I bos l,ncf .<br />

in ct tewlne; imtebttni I mmelntb c Co, 6 es stmr<br />

sllnf. Or hickfT, st cs ftttnittir, J. IKnld. an lcttft<br />

iftrroU, II Waller so lles na), 1; aacVs lnileyl Mr<br />

Mum it 1, tW I Us lieef,<br />

tt Ileal, l sks linn<br />

lotlas hay, at ska oaia, s sks<br />

t I WHllsme. AfitAjtrs fiifnilure,<br />

0 faux carrots, s trim aafta, 6 bales bay. A llertut, f<br />

psa, powoer, Ii pkos jatpet. Ii vv sinrlallAne, 5 I sa<br />

mineral water; llncklefd A In. 531 lles Imy,<br />

, sks<br />

bailey, st bbls aabiion, Stai lxtU slilnjttes J II llruns,<br />

emi-l- bits.<br />

I rim ?sewfnIIe, iN S ier Henper, May et.ans<br />

Ions coal to Inter Idaml St ill Nav t o.<br />

Imm P,rt lownsetut ier Kitsap, Miy y II<br />

fel.l to Co, ;n tit fi rotixji lumber, iji,yg ft dreiwe,!<br />

lumlfer ltff,mai sfnnalea.<br />

I isnn San feaneiaert. tier Wm fl ttwln. MavtV C<br />

I llnllck, lij lie htidge mileriats, jlatls A Co, Jto sks<br />

bniiVe. ino lit Ulinte. (WliilKtitin A Co. aio ska tmrlev.<br />

I IIKtSlna, IIKRS enmaet I inmelulli A to, no lias<br />

RioveA ami btnlwiire, Allen A Kobinsun, fln fl lum<br />

ber, DiUinirhim to to, tiroii safes, llvmmt llroa, 4 c<br />

slmeat It W Maifiltane A Co, 8 Imet lm nieil, v,<br />

rstletbAy; J I Watethmtie, 410 sks (lour, 10 sks w beal<br />

P3 fs Broixiie jjo ik lluur, Irwin A Co, ?s blls<br />

otintAt, joia, Inlcks, 173 bbls bine, 8j ksi milliliier)<br />

..xpoirrs.<br />

liHrti (or Sin IVanctrn tr Dortt Illuhm. iMnv 4<br />

tf Mtiu h.i Mijjar. t.ofjC.ift it . alu, $57,459 -<br />

lot iai francifot r I ur'kn, Mnj 77,115 l.c<br />

uuRir, 849 wi I'm, 6ulfignrlce, 6j,4i '' 183 Wli<br />

r.ir n Wanc.4u, ir i My 15 4."oJ<br />

iV$. mpr, a, 805,403 IM, a,)$i V tlr, 95, ami lu;<br />

?,l7 Irntln Kmana, m i.Vr icoat lcin i(tt Vr4<br />

emi tnt 673 Vic ilry liKki, ai6 ImIU wet liiitc, in<br />

Ml Jry hUle, at UlUiictel Icavc. Viltie $701,977 6i<br />

l.rT Han I fnnfi-oc- I). C Murrn, May 15 t,7iC<br />

lutt Mi jar, 690,80 II<br />

t I'tp tur, uow n; 13<br />

ltU titst! Usei. t)co K)Hon4. VnTit, $JJ3j 6t<br />

rUlinml llemriitt.<br />

'I lie Prew some weeks Incr mcnlioncil lite<br />

fact tint llierc was 1 KKi.iiliiy that Honolulu<br />

woultl soon he fioreil with the presence of<br />

iMwan! KeiiKini, one of the nmt talented of<br />

luing iollnit. Mr. J. 1!. Wiseman has just<br />

rccclvcil a reply-- to a letter sent some weeks<br />

ag In which Mr. Kcmenji writes that he<br />

wilfrl.nll) comchtre for a reason of two wtcks,<br />

nrovidcit he can so time his moicments as to<br />

arrnchcrcin time to close hi season before<br />

the departure of the mill steamer for Australia.<br />

on or about June 28th, (is .Mr. Ke1nct.y1.1n- -<br />

iterstootl when he wrote) if he comes, it will<br />

probably be on the return Mariion, which will<br />

Tnncisco on the 1st ultimo. Hut<br />

lhat would le.ic liim onl) one week, as the<br />

June mill steamer will prolnbly leac on the<br />

6th.<br />

The following sketch of the circcr of the<br />

celehriled ph)rr will interest those not alreidy<br />

familiar with it<br />

This noted Wohn.sl was Irarn in 1S30, at<br />

Ikwes, in Hutigir). At the age of twelve he<br />

entered ihe Viuun Consemtory, which he left<br />

at the bicaking out of the Hungirian revolu-<br />

tion to enter the ranks of the revolutionists .is<br />

a ohmteer. The fortune of arms was adtrse<br />

to ihe patriots, and Ucmen)!, to aoid more<br />

unpleasant consequences, left the country and<br />

sailed for America. He gae a number of very<br />

successful concerts through the country. In<br />

lSc.3 he returned to Europe, miking his home<br />

at Wcim-u- where he was the companion and<br />

friend of Liszt. He then went lol.ngland.<br />

auVl in 1S54 was appointed solo iolinist to<br />

Cjcen Victorii. lie then revUittd his nilhe<br />

land, and in 1S79 returned to Anurica. Mnce<br />

which time he his gi en a cry hrge number<br />

of concerts all oer the United Slates, Canida<br />

and .Mexico. Hcinen)! is a must iacicms<br />

comianion, but a strict abstainer from all<br />

spirituous liquors. He is a disciple of Richard<br />

Wagner, with whom he was on the most<br />

friendly terms, but )ct seldom phjshis music.<br />

IIepla)s to phase as much as to instruct his<br />

audience, and avoids in his popular concerts<br />

thotc selections which musicians alone can un<br />

deriitand. His playing is nnsterly, and the<br />

dash of his execution often electrifies his<br />

audience in a wonderful degree.<br />

Tip li uiiimer Cuntli used.<br />

Gooil morrow, Mr. McCliesncy, What<br />

hav c ) on for sale this vv cek ?"<br />

"I1 resit eggs, just armed from .S111 1 rancisco.<br />

Large size ami prime quality."<br />

"What can I tlo for )ou, Mr. Manager of<br />

Walerliousc's No. io Port street store?"<br />

"Just !ay I have a fine new lot of ladies' ami<br />

children's lints."<br />

"Whit tio jou offer Mr. I'Miel ? "<br />

"llari;aint in all kinds of milliner), oting<br />

man ; and especial bargains in kid gloves. A<br />

large invoice of slightly damaged ones on hand<br />

going at a dollar a pair."<br />

"Have ou anything special to mention,<br />

Messrs Castle & Cooke?"<br />

"A)e, we hive a large new stock of plan-<br />

tation Roods in every tine. C1C0 1 in qutiil),<br />

reasonable in price, appreciated when seen and<br />

tried."<br />

"Messrs. Wolf & LMtvanls, how aliottt jour<br />

new groceries ?"<br />

"flicy arc just vvlnt this market needs, of<br />

infinite variety, an 1 Cfitap for CatA.,<br />

"What la lint jou are smiling alwitt, Messrs.<br />

Kenncly S. Co,?"<br />

"Our big purchase nf Soutli Sea onnges.<br />

This market seldom has tuelt a treat, and at<br />

such low prices. We expect our customers to<br />

blest us for the next two weeks.<br />

"What it thli I hear, Mr. Ooti Klin?"<br />

"I am telling out my store on N'uuami street;<br />

und this (Saturda)) evening, at 7 o clock, will<br />

have an auction sale, Uvirtbody ought logo,<br />

because I have much to tell, and it must all be<br />

sold alany pitt lo close up this branch of<br />

my business."<br />

"Iaisl, but not least, Messrs. Ilackfcld & Co,<br />

vtlul have )ou jhat It gcod lo day ?"<br />

"A new lot of lirtt-0- s ptaulition coats,<br />

luck outside and lltuncl witliin. We have sold<br />

llii'in by the liundrnl tloieus, and expect lo be<br />

rU of a lare stock ju.l received iuvldc ol titty<br />

tlayt."<br />

ai in a mi -<br />

I'muliou Rue lull Club contcmpUtts cha.<br />

tanng the M. M<br />


Hnuialtoldnra Ttsha Notlcal<br />

W ill wii "IUANKIIN STOVi: COAI,"<br />

ctst.t al<br />

917.311 VKH V,WII 1.111.<br />

AaJCUlHII.KUNn CO.M.fw HbuUmuh. use, al<br />

tl.l.uu j.er V,uoo llt, Ih Hulk, ur<br />

$IU,.1II yr V,llOO k In i(Ua.<br />

C. UKKWKK & CO.<br />

llu.wil'U', liy t;lU. tl. iv.-- "<br />

riinAi' nEADiNo mattbk.<br />

atca HUMttat uv iLtsfSTittTtui ahii<br />

Sttirjr .Papara nasi MavKava,t<br />

1111 vp (a Hai.lalh..l.t it taaaitiii. at iclufcej (aUt.<br />

llrnth 0 II. I', llollr:<br />

Mr It Hull,! ilietl at his residence in<br />

.Ntmanit v alley al 0 30 r M. Iitt Saiuulay, at<br />

the lipe old age nf 70 )cir, I month and I J<br />

day. He wat a mllvcof the nnilline lown<br />

of Nets London, al the mouth of the 1 hainet<br />

Kiver, ( onnrctlctit lie brgari biisinett in<br />

itiew ItlatMltln lSfj, tlmillj arier hhattival,<br />

opening a ship ctnndlcty at U1I11I111, Maul, a<br />

port then en)n)lnq n luge thtre of ihc whal-<br />

ing trade. In iSOj he movnl lo Ihit elly, and<br />

hid n chtndlery for Iwojearton Kaahuitianu<br />

tlreel, tetnmfng to Ihe time ncitipieil imill<br />

trcertlly h) hit firm, In lW'. Mr. Holies<br />

itntrittl Ml! r.llnbelh C, llobron In lS8j.<br />

Hit wife and sis rhlldtcn survive him. Of<br />

five iltughlert four are mirrirtl 1 Mrs. John<br />

Paly ami Mrt, Chirles lluslacein llonoluhil<br />

Mrs. J, Mi Caverly Inhin I'randsco, and Mrt.<br />

II, 1 . in Washington Tertilory,<br />

Mrs, Caverly wot rspeclol to arrive on a slsll<br />

by Ihc Maiiimtii bill wat unforlunitcly tie<br />

lilnetl and she will proltably anive on Ihe City<br />

of lS)dney. Mr. Holies hid been nnconscliiut<br />

for three dajt but fmtlly ilietl wilhotil a tlrug<br />

gle. I Ic w.ts buried on Sundiy In Ihc Nutiatn<br />

Valle) Cemrter), Ihc Kcv. J. A. ( until<br />

'Ihe pall liciiert were at billows 1<br />

lion, thitlct It llishoii, A. I, Carlwtlghl, A.<br />

S. Clighorn, Henry May, Samuel C, Allen,<br />

h, (i. Wilder, I'. V. Jonet and I . A. Sdnef<br />

Icr, Many sincere Irlendt mourn a iwrtonal<br />

lots.<br />

IIOI ll S At llomilulu, May iinli. 1884, llinjamlii V<br />

hihi n re.Ma-i- ui iiiciw laiiM invi iu.<br />

Jlclu cTtblicrliscmcnlfl.<br />

yjirouvE & mnvARDS,<br />

tuioiireas and in<br />

IhttrftlfMf I'loralona rftof<br />

dm. KixnaNiiNul anu Sit., , iHonoiuiu<br />

I resb by every<br />

P. O. Ilos 130. lot If<br />

'I elepbone jr .<br />

u<br />

nun)<br />

iiitirs<br />

lrnt,<br />

(.nods neamer,<br />


At a meeti-i- nf tl.U (onirwn. heM At tlirlr nlTiCe at<br />

Kf'iinh, on Mav 51I1, 1864. Ilir foil iiij olTiceri were<br />

elected for tfie eittilnn )ear, lii<br />

Pre.! lent --- Jamfs UrwTON<br />

Vice Prculent - - - - Oty.m.K l Jlomr<br />

(...raiitii I II Bit II fl tiara<br />

I reinrer - I hos. K, WaIkkm I<br />

Autlllor UODPKhV IIkomn<br />

TIllO II. IJAVII.S, Secretary.<br />

Honolulu, Mi) 13,1884 I94--<br />

194-- ir<br />


Iiiijiorlrr anil ilrtlrr In<br />

fir, liny tml iitnln<br />

tiuoilflpromptl) delivered<br />

iiUn.iOtiltrtSoluttfJ,<br />

Qumtn A Edinburgh Sit<br />

telephone No 175.<br />

P. O Itov 177.<br />


Wednrsdav, lite nth iliv of June, the Coinmemnra<br />

lion of Kaiiifluiitrlia I, will 1 obrvcd as a public<br />

Hohdtv, and all flovernment Oflices throughout the<br />

Kingdom will he closed.<br />

CHAb T. OUI.ICK,<br />

Minister of the Interior.<br />

DrrAKTHRNTor Inthkiob, ilay 17. 1881<br />

194-- 1 m<br />



Vor tlie manuf-ctu-<br />

ie<br />

of<br />

JCrntod ami Medlolnal Waters<br />

lit CuUm Vatvut Itottlm,<br />



00 IIOTEI STKEKT, - - llOXOZULU.<br />

A<br />

NUU VAHINE, Proprietor.<br />

Maker of Tahiti Hats.<br />

MER1CAN<br />

XES<br />

KOK iALE UV<br />

H. HACKFELD St CO.<br />

194-- at<br />


til Un.nWKlVe lo Still<br />

at<br />

KENNEDY &. OO'S.<br />

o<br />

30 I)AVS. 30 1U8.<br />

gkani) cm:akanci: sAi.n<br />



m:ai)iN(; mim.intkv iiousi:,<br />

(.OK IOKT ANI1 HOItl. iTS.,<br />

Comttwtciiig AfonJjy, May nth, an, UiUug<br />

'Jhilly Oaf1 1<br />





IMMKNSh IIAK(1,MNSN l.MllltOltll.KV<br />

I.ACIS.hll.KIIOSIKttT',<br />

I.AiUI.VUNI'r.KWKAil, hTC, ETCi<br />

c;hi:at ukducVionTn iki:ncu kid<br />

SIIODS. Wf. AKf. OVVKSItKKrillN.SllOKtl<br />

Coo Iilr of IjtillvVj. 6. S ami 10 luUon<br />

itti. r:t nvrw --hv,i1 .,t-,..- i ., t.,.1<br />

(ur only $1 u).t (Hit llic vci)' Ucsl Ihaiii) uf<br />

itttivst in iritt 11131KC1,<br />

A v itil o my Uorc. ami cmniliiail.Mi nf niv<br />

tlncls will i:Irc llillct a r Mta nf I lie-- prices<br />

ami tiatt in t;tait tjicciiitM mail an ruuincia-ia- i<br />

rJ ilta In lliii sicr,<br />

C1IAS. J. KlSlir.I., 11'Mtult an.1 AVAiiV,<br />

Cor, Fmlii IMel, aiij Cor. Nujaniit slmhtiil Sit,<br />


Cor, lll(ha Mahittt., WAILUKU, MW<br />


itnt"H Ckhhr iiiiiJi4.,<br />

Mitst Hf ft tst os sHui peilJt m aptifoyttl<br />

SMuay Aoolyu W. L, liKKKN,<br />

OiUe littvcr Isua, tot Si, Mttsttti,<br />

isjr-- m<br />

JlClU<br />

ilUClliltClllClllO.<br />


PACIIMC (limited)<br />

ro,irHr Hod f'oMiifilsefoH .Ifenl.<br />

Cerardlf'AAA'iV .S'UUA.W frrr, flfttvt<br />

Uegtitar vttsels for the potts of<br />

Mahkoam! liana on Matit,<br />

tjtuiutiitehne, llonimtl, Pantaa kml lllloem<br />

n.n,<br />

Koloa, Hantp and W'Atmea on KausI, and<br />

aIiIua tm OaIiii,<br />

And Arty otber of1l vtben IndiKemenls offer.<br />

persons basloe fretbtt tor any part of tb Islands lo<br />

! fnewanled from San iVamlscB by way t4 llonoltila.<br />

or direrl sbipmenlS from Honolulu will do wtt! I<br />

ethinlr first of ihe Pacific Navigation Ca Ufore<br />

making final arrangements.<br />

fbaidi intetided for sblptnent by any of our vessels<br />

received and tlueeil fiet of rbatgt in our fire proof<br />

laid llog al any lime Apply lo II eafaalnt on hoard,<br />

or to A r LOOM.,<br />

laj'iot Msnigr I'aeifie NalgimvCo.<br />



,ot UH Merrhitul Slrrrt Ifniintutu, It, t,<br />

Th only rncoi;iiIml Ooit-r- nl IliiIum-Auni- it<br />

In tlm Klii:l(ini.<br />


Ketl Ktt-- tf Hroker, Life lnurancr Acrnt<br />

Cuitoni Home H rotter, Hmploymut Aeent,<br />

Money Utoker, Fire tniurdnce Ajjen!,<br />

And General tluilneit Agent.<br />

ItrAi static Hur'ARrMRNr liny ami I'll Ueit<br />

kilatt In all iarl f f tle kingdom, aIii ttt tn<br />

anil rteily if nil kin!, Kent ami lae llout Cot<br />

ni, U'Kjtm 1 ml I Ami, AttrtHl la Insurance. lakM,<br />

KepAirlnff ami CnllettInK of KenlnU; Draw IHI<br />

rajters Df every nature, beared me Keeoriu, etc, etc<br />

KMFiiiVMrKT DitPtitTMKHT lnJ frnplo)ment in<br />

all brnnchetof ImluMry connect eil with (he U1am,<br />

nKNFJMt. llifsiNPM M Art km Keep ItooV ami<br />

Account t Collect llilN, leoanaml Invent Money, I en<br />

manthip, I'liKroaIn and all Mndi of Copying done)<br />

Proaiie rire mul I ife Insurance, AdtcrtUemenll and<br />

Corremwmlence attendetl to.<br />

Custom IIouhk IlKOtcra Attend to all 1 ntrie<br />

th run fill power of attorney and ntherwlw Merrhini<br />

will fnitl Ihi department a Krcul lenent lto thentn I<br />

attend to the delivery of Invoice complete.<br />

SoLtcitlNO Af.KNr fur the Mutual I ife Iiiranee<br />

Company of Tit lurk, the largest, arandct aiI<br />

AounJeit Insurance ComMny in Die world<br />

Toumtftarkl Travelers, Ami those eektng permi<br />

nent homes on the I aland, will find it to their ftJ van<br />

tage tn consult n e ronalty or h) letter when uitatl<br />

accommodation rue reiutred, and they will fin I It to<br />

iheir inttrett to call on me for general information r<br />

timing to the ttlands<br />

Correpondence ftfilicltel from abroad and order<br />

accepted and filled for Hawaiian Curlol, Kern, Coral,<br />

ShclU, Iava Specimen, Photos, Views, etc etc, apper-<br />

taining to the Island.<br />

Order of every nature attendrd to, Coming from the<br />

vorioui<br />

NOTICE.<br />

The tinJersiftnetl have this ilay furmetl a psrtnershli<br />

lit I.AtipAhoehoe, Hawaii, fur the mriose of carrying<br />

on a deneral Merclnnjise More under the nsnie of<br />

j. 11 i'rasi:r&co<br />

J. I). FUAM 15,<br />

193-i- P.W. HMsNAUIl.<br />


VAT'MJtXS.<br />

A new Kiippl) tX latest tle tint rereived to le re<br />

tlenhhed each month and for nate nt their marlced<br />

praeat 1 HOS. 0.1 IIKUM'S<br />

193-i- Fort St. Stork.<br />

Auction Safes.<br />



? a<br />

fine lot of<br />


in single ftliceU<br />

with views of UUnJ Scencrv and I'rumineiit Go ern-<br />

ntrnt Huilsijiiifs. h itit kinj tut up In quim attortcd<br />

at 50 c. pr quire.<br />

(or Sale at<br />

1I10S. G. THRUM'S<br />

Stationbhv Sronus.<br />


Jarve IliMorj of the Hawaiian ltlandi.<br />

Aiitiiew liciiiii-r- y.<br />

hitney'i (Jutde IkioL.<br />

MiM IliriTftMY Monihtin the Sarulwich IiUnJi<br />

Miu (aorilon Cuinming's ire I ountain!.<br />

Mr, fiitjai lloiiuluhi.<br />

Haw.itan Ahitanac anU Annual<br />

Iogelher with a to4.U of valuable ami entertain<br />

ui houki. htt of which imtliJieJ in the tuuulc meiil<br />

of tin paper.<br />

For tale at<br />

TUOH<br />

A I N B CO<br />

Ot TiiKVM'St<br />

fort Al. fttnfe<br />

Mava a larch; stocs. or tiik<br />


which is ofleretl at the<br />


anil JelivcrtJ lit. 10 any ja( of the cit).<br />

Agents for the<br />

Vtielfle MutHul .le Juanr-iiii- Co.<br />

of California.<br />

Agents for Ih. IIOOVhRI I'l.r.lMIONK.<br />

Coinniissloner bf Iceds for the btale of CalirornU.<br />

TELKI'IIOir. NO rM6jlf.<br />


rOR SrVrriNO IN IIRICK.<br />

: m i i: i. v t 11 x- on.,<br />

No. j Nuuaku Sramtr llnxoLUlu<br />

bole axents for llies. Maiklt. 'Hi. best cooVlntf ap<br />

luratus lor tlie rianlalimi, lli4lor family.<br />

KANOKi. 4 FIXIUKU tush as<br />

Hot H.ltei- - llullrr;<br />

lldcr<br />

,<br />

Ortttm llura, fit.,<br />

Always in tloik,<br />

I'splicit durcllonl for aetllnj up B(CCMts4uy ever)<br />

Kaiie,<br />

Cireu.in anJ I'rita ( utfitatUii, in t<br />


lit --Ulatncttfef lh 9lllm tl ItAtfLI fYuKi.l.s.f.juitt'<br />

a Lani ru 14, will ull al lautlu. aurtL-- i. i il fn<br />

etiii Kt of Ahl.Jj.iil llouw, i..ulu, uqiIm ib.Uf<br />

tn Aiajr, laatuxK nuofi. an mt Fi.iiiiiti<br />

IlkJ tlalcJ tl la aUklal LliLrillat ttt it tn tnlar.<br />

tvtU U kul air'--, a I'MnVAl.U, u, UT<br />

c klrti hi Kojral Ciicni No, 9. ' t<br />

Al3, ii Intrita lu lit hul WU<br />

t'ajwklu, KoJaa, Maui, tcln o Uutf,i(tt tl<br />

HtM 4 we m$ ,<br />

MtaCuUutH llUIn4 fH<br />

vtK-AK- rj<br />

P<br />

1.<br />

euMuiuiTio motioc<br />

'iSsinV.'Hlll'.kn t w'taUt ajt oii.m,4ailn My<br />

ilwtM. ti4llvtt vk IwiIm sotulnx jvar arAiewsl<br />

Ml rswrvsltsl l--t lesavt lb. urn. at lUir tarlWx siat<br />

tnWvVt. MaioUtumesvsury tibsBMl vvlS, nurtaa<br />

SHntilsHlotts, ur UeUjt wait nw otica,<br />

THO. U. TttltVM,<br />

Stir .tr-i.l- .<br />

PIIOrOrKAMVa.<br />

'Its-- V. 1 1. .(:.r let, Etc.<br />


aaMii. M fktrn.. O. '1 UKUM a<br />

JShipplna.<br />


IV Mi.fniH, .W.I-1- KlAi Wfet.<br />

MAIUI'OSA Huff ffTt,ii$iiA<br />

Ut mid .fill. r JUwh Mnittli<br />

PiWrHM V ihU liiw mm IwHW Mflil ihfl Uy<br />

will U alfrxm. tp m. T tMttm fm hf iM Cfrr<br />

laml Halfway, aa intvnia iuM<br />

ttsnasrast ticat rent Kei'arJ Tr,<br />

to itliiia ay any 01 iha cawjtaay t Rflaeni<br />

lit istaety was.<br />

1'aaainfirs war "at 'air naat--,k- I<br />

ley tnrHyinfAi iHoaVtiof iha Aa<br />

MvrrranaHea Mtuntlerl for aayni.<br />

lia ,iea,eat rV nf<br />

laMia. And hpretMA<br />

t<br />

a lanV<br />

laaaM r- .-<br />

niarrpatnoiap, svMM la taa waren III J<br />

wiiMAii o. nnsi-.- !<br />

Atf, u C<br />

- " itW<br />



i.ini: ok irrrAMiiiM,<br />

TUr lhtnlvv<br />

ItAtK .... . ....CdWWifcJ<br />

Will run refwW- !- fr KOKA rt RAtf<br />

Leave. Honolulu At 4 I M.t<br />

rrWay<br />

upIay<br />

rriuay<br />

rimday<br />

l.i,l.y<br />

Friday<br />

I n fay<br />

rnlar<br />

Inet-u- y<br />

r riuay<br />

, A11II Teaaiy..........Miy<br />

I, IrMat. ... jmf, 6<br />

... " n I ! y , . f tj<br />

.May e 1'rMay " ;<br />

KrttirnlitK, Tnuclilna; at Mattra<br />

Arit rt 'tatalay. ...... Inn" 3<br />

. " ,1 IHUr... .,. I,<br />

May 1 raWas; ' l<br />

'J yy )iy 4<br />

" j<br />

The firtttanf,<br />

Cameron, rommsndvr. Hormhila every y<br />

at s p in for Nawihwili, KKm, fJtfi flint Wal<br />

mea, Kauai Returning leave Nifiwh etery<br />

Satunlay evening<br />

TftrtfttinrM Mtthrc,<br />

freeman, commjnderj leav Itonohtltt erery Thur<br />

da)', at 1 p.m for Kapaa arvl KiUiia. Kttum<br />

trig leaver Kan.il fiery 1 urlAy at 4 p,m., ami touch<br />

tng ai niutue ootn wav.<br />

ti v. it. nhn)t,<br />

Davit, enmniartjer, leaves I loiuiliitu every Tttettlav<br />

at 4 r. m. for fCuktiilutte. I I.Hte.lcata, aral I'aatiltJir. He<br />

nimmtr amvet al I lonululu every Sutnlay ntriinir<br />

ttrOlrXtr. nf lln Com atny, ft.<br />

.Street, near Ihe P. M. S. h. Wnirf.<br />

of Kilaue<br />

III- -<br />



The Sptemlitl .Steamship<br />

y.r.Ai.AXJHA<br />

Well ,<br />

still leave Honolulu for San rranrlitftr<br />

On or nlraitt . . Juno Silt<br />


CITY<br />

DrAKI'OKN...<br />

Tlie SplemlU bteatmhtp<br />

or svjhvnv<br />

, Commander<br />

Oiiornloul.. , May I7lh<br />

Tlie flrnt here flrt! now ptstarM to Iwue tLkft lo<br />

n fntricitojnn'l return for fits, tli routM trip.<br />

GontW for Klupmrnt pet Mrami-- r can now if MorM,<br />

fr- e- of tlurge, in the warehouse near the<br />

ntcamerwharf.<br />

Tor freight or patt.ie, apply to<br />

172 H HACKIT,!,!) ft 0t Aita<br />



v. nnnn Kit .r (oiiim.vc, .irt,.<br />

Merrlianifise received Str.rn(;e I ree. anil liberal eavh<br />

ailvancra made on l,v II Is line<br />


r a c k 1: r h 1 x ;.<br />

Mtssvs. W. II CKOSSMAV k I1HO III.II.,.-,(rl-<br />

a f!rstcLiss veucl to this rnvrl the latter rail of May<br />

1 mr wimiihk iu h! oy tins line v. ,11 sems IiwAru<br />

their orders eaily, so that there mav he ria ilclav at<br />

time of sailini:.<br />

o.t.sri.KA room:,<br />

Ayr,,!<br />

BREWER Packets.<br />

& CO'S UOSTON<br />

Shippers will please lake notica that the fine UiW,<br />

Martini Ihirl,<br />

Will 1 plarril on the lierlli at llaaon to leave there<br />

June 1st neat lor mis Mtl tli.leit for goods slionU !<br />

sent as early as the mail of A til tsth lo lnur ship- -<br />

ment ror further Information<br />

U HKI.vW.it (,0<br />

Ijiieen ialreel<br />


Hie A I Uuientine<br />

hmi. a. run' ix,<br />

1 urner,<br />

Commander<br />

SYDNRY<br />

shipments<br />

nopiy to<br />

it<br />

Will hare quick dupalch forth-- hot't jait,<br />

fielht or iaAge apply to<br />

Matter<br />

WM. (5 inVltN CO. Agtntv<br />

for<br />


'the turtnerUiIu heretofore exiuhitr LctwrM Utttim<br />

. W ' Jon ami (tcwTM C ItKht, of<br />

Nao. IUwju, rartl wi.h tit Jratli of Mr lrail.t<br />

Aawunt tf2inI t ha lata finu itl ptila.t ua- -i<br />

af pltLatiuiiuthc umUrneti m Kihuku, Kau, II<br />

-- " . W. C JONIA.<br />

ji-i- m<br />

A CARD<br />

UOhniAUM. Itliuar) rvk 1M4,<br />

M.wt ACKPKtti i.;Cl.( Atvnu 'Iiinuibntic<br />

Hra InuriM. CLaiiany, UtMi'itulm<br />

. PtrStr$- - Uiehy ln: lu lentier biytJuieir UonVa<br />

ut lttrnl nlmni t4 the I nj I ittv<br />

MtnU Ihtuv&h h ilMrnakn ly ftt if my ttai ii<br />

lullM In kbltaU the hIU of ihriih I'M mil.<br />

I tAirtaidrr it myUuiy lu ratuKii. the lnmM.,<br />

Ccxiiiuihy fur which wiai- - th Anm tg aU<br />

.Ieliirttvf ruicrtfii tbttr jrorerly hv lmjmt:- -<br />

I aw, . lU44ciifu'ly ViHiri,<br />


Hyt klrtioveu<br />

i III IK i'LACLOr UUINT-i-S<br />

-- 10<br />

aVo, as Quijnx svnunv,<br />

Nit door j V tl. Irwbt . CU,<br />

'JlttrtMnc tht tJbUai for IUa I Ural patrontf. trarlof<br />

Ih. bait MvtHlaro )"J, lky will 4t iWil U4 lo<br />

lain ih. aaiM. at ihau bcWrtof. ttt'sat<br />

ts , r, :<br />

y JJt" " J 'J' 'Ey'Wgy-Qa-<br />

Fi J r<br />

vm<br />

R.<br />

II<br />

tn<br />

i.l I<br />

111<br />

IPl<br />


t<br />

i<br />


SATURDAY, MAY ir. ii<br />

lrst raw lust hi<br />

Mr. GrWson t1 t clatl to tain tlut Jt<br />

Mmmii tvriwvrfctarrti ttftmljr atrirtsj In New<br />

Vault frem l.arvr.<br />

The Cehan hmiiiwikmtttt me carntsv: hi<br />

rreevtWrs. Smtsl ittr;M lv hrr rowi<br />

mtttrvl by tkrm.<br />

TVe rflwcivf NwwajrH psweirtrrit; Wht t of<br />

Ufccial supais. aMl lb terms Tit tttsas.<br />

svee t Ms :.<br />

Mr. fiH4wnit hit anisvivrtl Ms pes ho<br />

rrfl M hMtudt hi Ihr frimMtr MH tlmir<br />

T ItW. agtrtiots tarv- - anrt !5jrs, art<br />

bejHrvnl Is. h ristsdeewtnl In ike shsusmelr<br />

espkiiaW Iw KoflomL<br />

S j,ja -- mfrt. amn and<br />

tMMmt wr rmswiTsl hy ht IttsvtfgenU bi<br />

llw StvsrtrHt i mwMh.<br />

MfrH, CkMfo, bratm af Ckrtfs and<br />

Artnp, bete hiM, v.fth NabtlHe. ealtaurtsl<br />

t i$,y.,txxo(fitK.<br />

A rntlnir hHwwo SwUn and Mefbtt t<br />

pMsposerJ, bfch, it r Mktwi, wW rlle<br />

Kiihwi fimntlj.<br />

"Jim" Keen., live noted tV. arwcnlalor,<br />

frsrmerlv of Trvstu, hut birr of .Vtw Ymtr, has<br />

l)M twotubl- foe uvtr a MlitHon.<br />

The IMlMi ColumHi Kpiwtaiiv at<br />

CXui have foinMllj ptttfeMRl fliw trw<br />

disallewaivcY of the ntlCWivre bill.<br />

The Itttm; House, an oM land mails in New<br />

Yoik Cltjr, called altrr Washlnon Irving,<br />

v. ho used to put up there, ito le torn kn.<br />

.lantty proposes to tench, from llie Congo<br />

eowMiy, one id" the l!rtUn ttatiuns in the<br />

McKDlmltjr country, on the WilleincMn riser.<br />

There lecenlly-- mint; in the prefecture<br />

of Wei-eha- alwu: 50 mile north of I long.<br />

Konjj the Imperial troop surieascil this<br />

tevolt.<br />

The fourteenth annual meelim; of the 'i<br />

IVvardof Foreign Missions of the I'lesby.<br />

terian Church wai hcM In Ne York City last<br />

month.<br />

Advice from'Cape Town mention a stilke<br />

ami serious disorders in the diamond fields.<br />

Tie men are searched daily at the conclusion<br />

of otl.<br />

The Hrilish Government ha decided to<br />

postpone the contemplated reduction in li<br />

rate from one shilling to ait pence per<br />

twenty words.<br />

The Spanish Minister at Washington has<br />

leen instructed to make strong protest against<br />

the organiiation of filibustering expeditions<br />

in the United States.<br />

The marriage of I'rince Louis of llattenber"<br />

to l'rincrss Yictoria of Hesse, a<br />

of Queen Victoria, took place on the Jotli<br />

ultimo at Darmstadt.<br />

Chinese Gordon is surrounded in Kanoum<br />

and indignant over his abandonment by the<br />

English, lie has threatened to cut himself<br />

off from Ilriiish control.<br />

The Pope has decided tocreate another<br />

cardinal to reside in the Unite! States, which,<br />

xith the one to be sent to South America,<br />

will make three in America.<br />

The steamer Assyrian with provisions for<br />

the French totce in Madagascar has been<br />

wrecked at Providence Island, Indian Ocean,<br />

240 miles north of Madagascar.<br />

Accoriing to a Berlin dispatch all the fed-<br />

eral princes have agreed, if the rcichstag re-<br />

jects the measure prolonging the<br />

law, the dissolution of the body shall ensue.<br />

Pope Leo has sent to the bishops ol the<br />

Roman .Catholic Church in Annaica, care of<br />

Archbishop Gibbons of Baltimore, the life-si-<br />

picture of himself which hung In the Vati-<br />

can.<br />

The rights of the International Association<br />

to control the internal afliirs of the Congo<br />

legion in West Africa base been recognitor<br />

by the United States, and Portugal doc not<br />

like it.<br />

Although the main building of the New<br />

Orleans World's Fair, is the largest es ec elec-<br />

ted in the United States, it will be neccmr)<br />

to construct .another immense building, 3,000<br />

xico feet.<br />

The Press recently mentioned the fact that<br />

the American Essex had gone to<br />

the.Marshall Islands to rejcee the crew uf a<br />

wrecked vessel. That vessel vrasthe American<br />

ship Rainier.<br />

Connecticut is flooded with paupei immi-<br />

grants forced out of Castle Gaiden by the agents<br />

of the steamship lines. The tavpayers are in-<br />

dignant over the prospect of tramps swarming<br />

OTer the state.<br />

On April und England was ladly shaken<br />

up by the 6nt heavy earthquake it has had for<br />

years. At ColcheHei, the spire of a church<br />

and several chimoejf were throw to the ground.<br />

Few liies were lost.<br />

The Sons of the Revolution) new organ-lialioa- )<br />

met leceotly in Washington's head-<br />

quarters, in New Yoik, and organiicd by elect-<br />

ing John Austin Stephens president, and Gen-<br />

eral John Cochrane<br />

They have a taw in Meilco lliat no foreigner<br />

shall held teal estate unless he makes that<br />

country his residence. This legislation against<br />

absenteeism, has had the effect of causing<br />

considerable property to change liands.<br />

The Spaniih'governmenl claims to have<br />

further Information of a revolutionary<br />

movement in the piovinces. Several ofricctiand<br />

civilians at lUicetona, the center of the agita-<br />

tion In the Kwlh, have beta arretted.<br />

Moncuie U. Cooway.being Interviewed b)<br />

a London rrtottct, said he wolud soon return<br />

10 nuke Washington his future home and<br />

abandon preaching altogether. He will tut<br />

come to Honolulu to give a course of Icctuit<br />

on the proper obsecnancc of Sunday.<br />

It Is icpuvtcd and denied in European<br />

papers thai Eustor William of Germany ha.<br />

entered Into a stale of pronounced dotage.<br />

He has becune abnorually suspicious of ever)<br />

pciscn luitiwudiig hun, and cucistamlv- - cthib-il-s<br />

a childish cagunrti to be before ihe pubrtt<br />

In imperial state and to (rfom lojal dutira.<br />

A special from Cleveland sa)-- s the leading<br />

laurlry films of Cleveland to the nuuilx-- W<br />

ltuvlie m lLuty-ve- , hare furmed an isw<br />

rUit 10 J rotsct then inleiests frutn the ruin<br />

uus pikes made by the Chinese laundiia.<br />

TIm; Odnoc cut price from tin to time, arts<br />

have neatly driven scvsial large America<br />

films tvu of iMSincsa.<br />

On thciSih Picsideal Arthur sent to It<br />

house of irf rexntatms t lung coiiireunlcatwe<br />

liwa the KCittary of state with regard to lb<br />

proposed lc.ltt.-tio-n in the irwfunl appiwpilaloi<br />

1y the cimsuUl end dlknatic bill, tuA Ih<br />

tlungcs piojuxd a the consular aatl dlpau-mat- k<br />

service of the United butrs. It con<br />

lists mainly of seggcattwu s to duties awl<br />

ueeih of ofoers of the Unite) States abroad,<br />

and the necessity of nialouiftiog the to tee<br />

vlas, cvosuhr and diplmiatk, distinct arsrf<br />

upcu ati slLttltc bub.<br />

Ilm .Vfir KroilrMrra.<br />

The highest that nukl be paid<br />

to ll.wilulu, and tiuthfnlly. is thvt ii h a city of<br />

charming homo Not that it has vet Iwptin to<br />

vie with the fsmous home seats atnunt Ihe<br />

vlneelad links and citron groves of Hellas.<br />

Ihit its home, fmtunatrlr, have something<br />

imwe than fine Irovnes to leeurnmeml them<br />

Amcwg iwii many ptnwnt atiMi, none seem<br />

0 rminently aiUprrs) fue home sites .is N unarm<br />

Atenve 1 ajotatrss; as It dues gemly dawn from<br />

the HHnsttin' loee to the tewi'i heaeh, with<br />

now awl then a purring vtmrn rntti. Its<br />

way. It appears to havt Keen detpvfrl by<br />

Mint Hlf, anrl essmMerately ttrenn with<br />

tww and ihivirn, and set apart tn the nrpwr<br />

fcw wMeh It is now in . While there at<br />

rawermtt fine re4denees on thh handvome<br />

a venae, yet there are 01 hen btina added hlili<br />

to archietertufiil tlJttsUy and modem improve<br />

menu vety fat eveeevl thove pirrhwuly erertrd.<br />

Of these may 1 the new luw e<br />

which Mf. Geeefe I.uca lias hut eorapleled<br />

loe Mi. P. C. Jiwiea. As the house K an Itfdet<br />

lo the man. so thU stately edifice Is not unlike<br />

ita rWtMMie pmseaatsf, of mi mewl pfornw-ttnn-<br />

The Mm enthralled In the rmlldlnsj<br />

seems to Iw ronventern-- e and comfort, tn<br />

which Mr. Iwc Misofv, the architect, has<br />

catered in the main plan and even down<br />

lo the. mimnii. The Ixmse ts built opun<br />

1 beted fmiiUlloo and l two storks high.<br />

The main hstlhllnn 41 fwt In depth by n<br />

feet in width, the ftat ell la 16 by JO rVet.<br />

The front portion of the hntldlnaj lias a lafpe<br />

sarhK, dining mom and Itheary. There are<br />

large wimlnws evtrmflng to the<br />

floor, which open from the parrot and libmry<br />

tHit upon a tirud veranda lookins; tovmrdv the<br />

city t there are abo l w inlow otcning from<br />

the pattot ont Into the ennwtvatoty on the<br />

monntain side. Front the Wilor, looking<br />

lo wards the Mrret, is a large octagon buy<br />

wimlnw. Thelmttery Is conveniently located<br />

between tlsc dining room ansl kitchen, and tlie<br />

latter is farnhlied with a patent range ami<br />

reservoirs. The front entuncc is bj heavy<br />

folding doors of wueleii walnut with sluinesl<br />

glass windows. Passing up the wide curved<br />

stairway, Ihe hall leads to the principal clivin- -<br />

ler in front, which has a dressing room and a<br />

lieauliful bay window' in front. There are<br />

three bedrooms in the main builJing ami one<br />

in the ell, each one having a clothes closet.<br />

Theie Is also on this Moot a lath loom<br />

The ceilings in the dining room, library<br />

and parlor are of paneled wood, with<br />

ornamented plaster centre. The build<br />

ing is supplied with tpis which is made<br />

from gasoline by the Detroit Combina-<br />

tion Gas Machine. The painters aie at woik<br />

and will ptolxibly complete their work ncxl<br />

week.<br />

The fine residence of Mr. James Campbell<br />

now under piocess of election at Diamond<br />

Head, by Mr. George I.ucis. is nearly done.<br />

Mr. Isaac Moore, the architect, has fur-<br />

nished a design unlike anv thing else on the is-<br />

lands. The main building is Sox 104 feet in<br />

the clear. The design is Gothic is ith the loot<br />

gracefully curved. There are d win-<br />

dows extending to the veranda lloor. The<br />

front vestibule is inlaid with encaustic tiles.<br />

There are three bay windows and off from the<br />

sitting room and looking out upon the beach is<br />

a large buw window iS feet in diameter, with<br />

the entrance spanned by a heavy moulded<br />

architrave. Adjoining the main parlor is the<br />

sitting-rooo- and oflT from the sitting-roo-<br />

is the dining room ; and the folding doors which<br />

separate them may be thrown open, fotming a<br />

large ball room 35 by too'feet in size. The<br />

wide halls are lighted through lieautiful stained<br />

glass sky lights. The baths,<br />

closets and kitchen with its appointments arc<br />

all arranged with great reference to convenience<br />

and comfort. The entire building is encircled<br />

by a broad veranda with arched eaves and<br />

supported by handsome, carved columns with<br />

Corinthian caps. The e lot on which<br />

this elegant residence is located is tri-<br />

angular in form and is slightly undulating ;<br />

having on one side the beautiful driving park<br />

Iwolnging to the city; 01 another Diamond<br />

Head, the majestic peak belonging to the<br />

king ; and looking towards the setting sun is<br />

the grand old ocean. When the designs<br />

are completed, the traits, flowers and shade<br />

trees planted, the equine palace, the baths,<br />

boat and clubhouses which are yet to be added,<br />

a house may be seen which is worthy of a king.<br />

(General uerlisemcnls.<br />

M. OAT, JR. CO<br />

0, fi p e,<br />

Stationers nl Xrirs Dealers.<br />


fcTKIXT.<br />

Have Juvl riied,x Aluipota, a fine aswrtment<br />


"<br />

Amttig wheh may b found<br />




LEGAL C.P,<br />


Bread aaJ bairow. by Ike ream ; blocked, or by quite.<br />

MEMORANDUM HLOCKS, lie, c, kc<br />


Full llound,<br />

llairilouad,<br />

Ilouod 10 please<br />

INKSTANIiS :<br />

Uanlm' Urge, llankf rs' smalt,<br />

in fad w haie lokuaadt for all.<br />

post orriCE letter scales.<br />

INKS:<br />

Oner's Coraljid Copvioi and Writing,<br />

in quant, pibli, nl Itaslf Uinls.<br />

CARTER'S Will riNU fl.UID,<br />

in quarts, t4nls, and coast.<br />

VIOLET INK, quarts, L4nW, UiXf inu, an.1 court<br />

1NDELIIII.E INK.Mi.aicJ.<br />


la quarts, pua t, kaU fHtft, and csioet.<br />

STAri'ORIl'.S, U quant and pkit.<br />

Ft7l4.ua Perfumed Uk.<br />

MUCILAGE r<br />

la quant, pints, , eAd cartes.<br />

Perfect MuciUjS lUlk.<br />


la s If, full bouuii and l,atClound,<br />

la 1 14, full kound and rulMuunJ.<br />

Maiut's Crtllif Pp r.<br />

PENS ad IfOLUEK-- ia (real .ui.o.v.<br />

AulAMutic I'cttcilt Cuoyl I'ensiU,<br />

I list's rsnoii, Ihsiavs I'ewBt, lie.<br />

DRAWING PAPER, teem and inouiaaj,<br />

MeadU IMJ ,!'?.<br />

KNVKIjOI'ES iswasxtrd.<br />

Il4)1i.c Card rwottd ssaer al (Aein.<br />

itF.UOKANDUM HOOKS, alarievtffcl,,<br />

Tlta ImjoVs, aksgrlsd,<br />

IWaijiscd Label,<br />

'"WM0 'l'2s, Isnutot Tis.<br />

INVITATION I'AI'EK, and Kaielnswsia'naick,<br />

IUB to2aMM Cards, reacilt and Use. Is<br />

LKS1KK I'KEsata, tvjs and toselt,<br />

KaUer lU4s. aU tius.<br />

IkUiE HALL aej UAI.<br />

Om4c4 sift 1 SsJH" tsXilkk<br />

nlKfllllAV LARDS, KMVBS, s.<br />

aaswy saner anleies ia aarnsrvsis to ssAiasis,<br />

lis, JsUHnLKIPiTOKn r.ed U r sWsiav,<br />

M't ut MefUNM imWt. lied 4 JT lW. Alo gm &<br />

J HS4 t"?B' 4 '. etrs, DrseaV<br />

vdat, Ywf Lesrery, elef., alea)s sss Ivtad, aadrpe-s-<br />

nutsirei tee IM su re.<br />

Itt.tU.IALORlLtt lesaitsd U UQOK. esi.<br />

JUJTstSl,<br />


aa Aaeass for ks EaercledU UrikuuHca- -<br />

t. All &w cvjet BsUd e.i4ly. "01<br />

J. M. OAT, )' , a4 CO.,<br />

ito-- Caattu Ukask, as Usrvtu Sutet<br />

Inotintncc ,loliceo.<br />

H AMMUHCMAGlHintlltH Plltll INSUR-anc- e<br />

Cotnttanyul Itambstrat.<br />

.4 isnhx. Autxr<br />

rtnlMlssr. Merchandise, l"nrslri Mid MaeMneey<br />

Inesiresl afnlnss I1r r in vauel lattrrntiee ierflrs. I<br />


I injr 01 BerHii.<br />

r a .TiVMaTTjt i i, Ar.t.xr.1<br />

Tke ikeit Inearanre t nasssriy. Hes resaMlslwrl a<br />

Oeweeal Afery ntre, and ifw nrHwlt)aa, rimial<br />

Vems, a awrtnrtntl hi leee rrest afaiissi tktitaisfari<br />

of lire m as rtie wtffM reaeorssWe rtst atM tm ttss<br />

awni nmNr IseaM.<br />

DltlsMBN IIOAR. or UNOninVRITHUS.<br />

r. A .CHAKFKX-- Afft<br />

Alea aemrs tVr ihe<br />

Dreln Ilnard f Underwriters,<br />

Vienna llvaivl nf UrhlrrwHtrra,<br />

Par rKe Ht'SlUe letantfa.<br />


Coassssay of Bttrlx,<br />

r A St HAKfKK V C. AOK.vr.X.<br />

IV arms taaaranc CnasDaisy rate tafanHehed a Oers<br />

erel Afrm y ken, eral ine shim tlrrisssi, Gemnt AawlN<br />

an ainiiresfnt 10 ink Rrern aawirM Ike lUufna or Id<br />

snse at the mora reeseatMltle tale, aird tm lire nsoea la.<br />

eurakre term.<br />


f. A. SVHAKrK O, ACK.YrS.<br />

IV nKnv rVnv hns-tit- bwm anrmnlerl affarrla of thtjt<br />

c,mitiv nrw preiwred l 11 sure rieks sajasnat fba tin<br />

iune and Hrkk bitlMint and on MenhrtMtsa iel<br />

tkerelii, on the inoei rasMraUa letm. Par paitieeiW<br />

rl 'y r ihelrnltk-- e 1<br />



C<br />

CasrqMiiy M llarrdrani.<br />

. ItACKPULD V C., AftmU<br />

Caftrbs and Wswarvr. . . . RekJramark rkoadHeys<br />

" Inetr CuraiARie " iit.6ao,o,<br />

Tnlel.. . . . Ken hsntark loe,6tsrjori<br />

Hi .jmms ef ihe ahuv Company, for ihe llavafrlVaii<br />

Utands, ai nrepared lo Insure fliuldintn, Pnrallitre,<br />

Mcrslmndisa ami Produce, etc.. aleo Nssnr<br />

and Rks Mills, and In ihe Harbor Mas<br />

or daoset by lire, nn iht imm lavomtiea terns. I<br />


M 01 lie Yoik.<br />

Istrttft, Aitfet HM.f tU'ftnotntml Life<br />

Innnrmtrr t'otnjHtujf In Ittr ll'utttl,<br />

CASH ASSETS OVER ?oo,ooo,ooo.<br />

For further InfM,tiklitm concern.... th CiMnn.tn'.<br />

nJ (wf tatri of Inuram piy tn ilie .8nt, or 10<br />


N Con pan of llAiuuurg;.<br />

. HACKSULU i-- IV, AGKXTS,<br />

Citaal ant, Ketfne KeiclumAtk 8tSjo.(no<br />

(hdr Lomivni( 35.out1.1x'<br />

'l"h Acenttoflhe tove Cmrpan), for the IlawaiLin<br />

ItlArtilik, tvre prepaml tn initrt? lluiUings rurnlture.<br />

Mrtrumlie tnj lYtxIjr, MAchincry. ttc, alo busnr<br />

ami Kke Mill. ail c- -l in the hirlur. acaina lois<br />

or lUnUste hr htc. on the mou farorahle termt. 1<br />


Agents for the Hawaiian tslanJa.<br />



C. IIRRH'ER & C.<br />

Aents for the HawaiUn UUnds. t<br />


B nce Company, (Limited)<br />


The above acent ha received instruction to re--<br />

iltice the rates of Insurance between llonvilulu and<br />

1'orti in the Pacific, anil now trtnared to iue roll<br />

cte at the ler rates, with a special reduction on<br />

freight per steamer,<br />


THE Globe Insurance Company,<br />


RJTAII1SMSU 1836,<br />

Vnltmftnt I.tithlttty to ytockltnlttrr.<br />

Assets $31,136,100<br />

Reserve 6,750,090<br />

1SCOMK FOR 1379:<br />

Premiums received after deduction of re--<br />

insurance $ 5.3'i95<br />

Loes pnxnptly adjusted and paid here, 1<br />


u of ban Francisco,<br />


Incorporated 1875.<br />


H' AND<br />

AGENCY COMPANY (Limited)<br />

JInnrjf f.ntnrtt<br />

On Fit-i- cUh icuritisH. for t iic or tihort period.<br />

Apply to<br />

L. GRF.ES, Mwrrtt Urn.<br />

Offrn toen Str, over G. V. MactVlane & Co.-e- tJ<br />


NEW Company of Bo ton.<br />


IHtOMBATRD 183$.<br />

The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance<br />

omp.any in tne urutca tatec.<br />

J'offrJr ItMttetl un thrtnottt favorable Terms<br />

KXAMrLK or ?LAH I<br />

Insured age 35 ear uniiiury life iUn :<br />

1 Annual premium continues Policy a years, 3 days<br />

a annua, nrcnuum continue foucv a Years, ia '<br />

3 Annual premiums couttaue Policy 6 years, rj<br />

4 Annual premiums continue Policy 8 years. 46 '<br />

5 Annual premiums continue Policy ioyeari,s6 '<br />

Auets .,.$13,500,000.<br />

Losses paid through Hnoluolu Affncy, 49000<br />

foreign bbcrtiscmcuts.<br />


t6 CauroiiMA St.. CaL, (Room No. 4.)<br />

ftf.! ll'.ll.f.Y COXA VL t- C0M.U1SS10.<br />

Vrrrinrif. 7<br />

PRANK H. AUSTIN & Co<br />

Or net No aaCAUroahiA Smrtr, S. F.,<br />

COJtfJiAAO.Y AUKXTS t? milWAiSO- -<br />

liU .tyrnlM.<br />

Conuimment s froni th Hawaiian IslanHai itVairril.<br />

The bcM PTKt arranted and sides niiAranteed, 4<br />

rHARLES DREWER & Lo.<br />

7 KtM Sthkrt. I1oton,<br />


Urttrrat Cumuli. 014 Atrntm.<br />

Slcial attention trUen to th iiurihaiiaaT tifiFsatxU frar<br />

in Hawaiian irao. r ittrm at kwcm raie.<br />

JlllllllllllHIMIIIIItlllll IIIMI IIMIMIIIIIItllllllll 111.<br />

Z u<br />


i<br />

n<br />

Kll K U MtATl S H.<br />



Nuuxu Oiscit a4 toirr U rrt ud Mtt JkaA uu<br />

M<br />

rirCsMl W.licntOCi.iCiila.<br />

fASTLll C00KH,<br />

lltww.iai', It. I<br />

WifiilJ tm&$mii!<br />

AantcuLTURAie ir.n'W'.Mr.rrftt,<br />

Cooeseliree of itn envrtealWil Farfe Hnl<br />

nmtih'h.fi fftnm.<br />

Ik. MoHm Wprt mkT and fimffeHn. Fky., Miv<br />

MM Srase t,t CVti<br />

Vatrjres Jain raClssreVa,<br />

John Prmro's Ctaftft' jflTfiWir.<br />

FUNifcirftrWlltJtt<br />

nunnt)Nr cr.LfiMKAtao cnb K5iYrJ<br />

made to onW. Amtt SttovtU al Sttttdf.<br />

OaHltH 1(W Qinl Ufcrrorft, Ok<br />

!,, vm, Ctwdts, Pckc<br />

Chalna,<br />

Supar Mill Requirements.<br />


Cumborlnud Coal,<br />

Sperm Oil, Cylinder, Ijird<br />

and Kero-n- Oil, Perfect<br />

LubricaUeTt, l'IumU-i?o-<br />

,<br />

Al-<br />

bany Orca. I)i lixi'i and<br />

h. nttd J. Files, all sited and<br />

kinds. Steam lcUn, FLtt<br />

and Round Indu Rulilicr,<br />

Aibvistoi and Soup Stone,<br />

tncl.iiij, India Uuti-l-<br />

llu-- et toaiuch, Pipes<br />

and Coupling, Nut and<br />

Wftdicra, finislicd, Machine<br />

.lolls, nil ftie., Cold prcMed<br />

II lack Mint h's, KtigiiK'cr' ami<br />

Carpenter Hammer, ISne<br />

Cullers, Winclie. 8 inch to<br />

24 inch, aXnvil, ViTo!ic<br />

Scrapers Grindstones. Itet<br />

American llarlronand looi<br />

Steel. ilinldr' llardwAre,<br />

all kinds ami htylcs, Hulv.<br />

buck's Paints and Oils raw<br />

and boiled. Small Paiuta in<br />

Oil, in large arictr, Dry<br />

Paints, Umlr, cnetun.<br />

Red, Odire. MeiallicJCc,<br />

Whitinj, i lerni n Window<br />

ass'ld sires, Manila Kopc<br />

Staple Groceries<br />

No. 1 and a Flour, No. 1 and a Rice,<br />

Crushed S agar, China n J Japan Tea.,<br />

Oysters, Clams, ISalmou' Uobitsrs,<br />

Finast Tabl? Fruits from the Factory<br />

Pure EnfflUh Srlct.s. Condensed Mtlx<br />

Cocoat SPECIALTIES: Tin J(.<br />

iri" lerntfun OAt ttrttmf<br />

tJttln(i, 14 Incti, ItnUUrr<br />

ftrtnf ami Citf4iH Jtntkv i.ut at<br />

ban J.DUke Steam Punn Var?eit Pack-i- n<br />

g. tec, 11 laic e Dodtr Fetei, Jutc cr<br />

Molasses, Irrifatlnirc Vacuum Fuittf s<br />

Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete,<br />

, ALSO OM COMttfONMtWr<br />

Callfonia I Uy, llarUy, PoUtoes, Hatffls<br />

Salwon, (lams, AbfMi Mltui for BotUrt<br />

aitd btetim IHpca, ccumie, FeoSTrf<br />

andDtaplai, Galvamwd Roofing<br />


Wilcox and Gttfb's Autonutic; SiaiZTr Manufacturing<br />

(umpany, Aortcd: RautUigto Ctflpasy. Fanii.) ;<br />

WiWwi Alachinw, the, b owKAtinent to be fyuod,<br />

and at tvrtUim Prices.<br />

New Goo by every arrival from England, New<br />

ork aud San Francisco.<br />

1 New Traction Engine, power,<br />

Orders from Om other I stands filled at licit, Rates and<br />

with di.tatch<br />

w M, WENNER & Co.,<br />

9 Fout Stit Honoiulu, II. I.,<br />


I lave at the old stand with a new<br />

and tarefullv wleued stock of<br />

Watches,<br />

And Clocks, all kinds,<br />

Cold Chains and Guards,<br />

Sleeve Buttons, Studs, cc<br />

Ladies wouM Ao !l to call arwleumtn. oiu stusk ol<br />

llrasslsls, llruuslies liosksl. rerriiMCs sic,<br />

ishicri .ex. e)coalljr clcctcd.iil, a<br />

view la suit the MdUl,<br />


Mad to order.<br />

rh rcpairUf braiuliof uur buslncu w regard as an<br />

uipsxa.i MM. id all J jh (Diiuiiiil to u 111<br />

t JHH,utcd in a &wiiiir koukuI u ikmi,<br />

lUiiinivhiy<br />

Oftvtnr dfcfilootUne in order Part'asuU attta<br />

iLafl IA tkatsal sUa utatrra afvl Ir.t ta.tr '... i. itia 1.<br />

Itvlaewli, wFKtanVlvui tin jm&U fw -.<br />

favuft, we ruurit to b jy tlut our lwnf<br />

lOMJ.wuIrMaUe us<br />

ly Uaubt a fair aKu t U j,iu<br />

U the fau<br />

"Quhh .SntttHH.I Smalt iV.;"i"<br />

our Bitu?k,.d f KaJl Lurp ia tauck ery riUU tv<br />

''Fr'idl1 Rau uf aessL.iLa. r a<br />

ef isre 7 U Mm<br />


KXVIIiIiEleUTH & On.,<br />

.Via. f . Aie.Mf Jra.. rHla, H I..<br />

jo!ea.'witiiMeItitt. AMiuhWiU<br />

.llwtr'iils Aro.ee,<br />

JlvuliiyHt,<br />

Uurtl.il,<br />

i'ttri.M.<br />

'<br />

Vpse 7ifri'<br />

simiI "bttpfrtyr"<br />

and rlrtom U ike sms alvav. ia as<br />


TtvUvluiuu IJo, 21 1.<br />

4<br />

(Ticncnil bsjtrliocmcnlo.<br />

q j LuvnY a co.,<br />

Wliotnsrttn mill Hfltull<br />

men mural' iiaii imiMm,<br />


IISr.MMtstttf rMhalal, Fie Ji ami CSw'ie<br />

ntnjilo ivilil I'rvlicijr Oronnrln.,<br />

Our (Vli rn always of Ilia tint Quality.<br />


fewi m rsiANu tasufe tM.Kltns<br />

ArMINrSVMIlH Mv Mr lwe rarnWrtrrf wilh hr<br />

Otwnte ytsHMwMft IJne kr hsf .Iff ,HIe<br />


CI.KY, fcvTWlN OYSTBrW ANK<br />

OWiiJ fUMts OnUftrVMlts Itnll Ili.lt nr.<br />

Ttnm rVrttajm svlB 1 earrreil In the atramtee<br />

ft fSwei, arirj rs h.ve-lwl- a<br />

CrasWrsrlraia Ira Mtniw, lav<br />

suable it,<br />

T Wjissly Our CteMeaMr with h abavt arthlM<br />

IWST At rAfSH,<br />

A ir TNrtV Wrtra in UsufuaMts.<br />

i Set AM RAW neMtW<br />

Ta rtafalYo Onlrn In Aehranco for<br />

OVStasM, Cftt-IHI- AND nlBHII S.MI01,<br />

' to aikufa or a, a, MaalMata,<br />

OWeW. Delivers! Free to all part, of the City.<br />

0 I V II l S A CALL.<br />

'ITaanioNii No, r. iS''r<br />

KOU0H LUCAS,<br />

C0NTKAC10II an.l IIUILDLK,<br />


llmptaitnitr, llnntilu,<br />

aManufacture all kinds of<br />

Mouldings,<br />

Brackets,<br />

Window frames,<br />

Blinds, sashes<br />

and Doors ;<br />

nnd alt kinds of wood-wor- k finish.<br />

Turuljij, scroll, find lmnil itawluK.<br />

All Unds of Planing and SaninK, MortUinc;, and Ten<br />

oniue<br />



Orders from the other Inlands kolicited. - to6-i- r<br />


1'IUt "MJIjLSGJTK.'9<br />

We have received a further consignment of<br />

Mrs is. JIIrree,l tl'titftnt V Co. Murhtnrrj<br />

And have now on hand, ready for delivery :<br />

One rnpIC'EiTect, on handsome iron tajinj containing<br />

343S stiuart feet of healing surface, with Pumping<br />

Engine and discharging Montju. comultte..<br />

One Djuble-EsTtc- t, h ,vin a.ao wiuare feet of heating<br />

surface, with Enfln ami Momjus.<br />

On set of Four WeMon's Patent Centrifugals, wKh<br />

Engine and Mixer.<br />

Om att of Two Weaton's Patent Centrifugals.<br />

lUvin lucrM(4 fociliUes tW tin. m.inufjvcture of<br />

inase iimehuie, (tin, Yttob Patent, fr hich, In<br />

Great Britain hfUxpindX c thus trailed to otter<br />

thm at maiertally mduoed price.<br />

We hav a fttll assort man t of Ccntrifueal spare<br />

lininga, taassc, rubbr taois atd buslie, etc.<br />

IVo Diagonal Eorfiints, ch6in. by tain.<br />

Clanfitcrs, Plat Coolers, 8 by 6 by j nnd 6 b 3 by . ;. ,<br />

0n Spare Top Roller for 96 by $4 in. .Mill.<br />

0n Spare Side Roller for do. do.<br />

0n Sfare luttrniedlato Spur Weed for Eeaiintt of do.<br />

163 if C. W. MACFAKLANK & Ca.<br />


E<br />

li; FobtSMSBT, IIONOLULU, II. 1.<br />

C. J llarde.,<br />


Planing, Shaping, TurnlntTr<br />

Band and Scroll Sawing,<br />

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Door<br />

and Window Frames,<br />

Brackets, Ballusters,<br />

Stairs, made to order.<br />


Always on hand.<br />

AM ordsts filled on Uiort nik,and Jobbing promptly<br />

attended tsj. .Mouldip,; nude lo,any patttrn without<br />

extra charge fur Lnivi. Price of Machine work,<br />

St ootaSi viper hour, itxir<br />



stu -<br />

Salmon U.lllo., 1883 Casteb.<br />

Juet resvlrej front I'wnUnJ, Orscon, by<br />

CAblLE k COOKIE<br />

These Plali can L. i.ll.J unuu as Hlrst-CUi-<br />

IJlf<br />

JsJOTiq<br />

tt, vnJDBoix hustaurant<br />

: Hua i. lira rNT.<br />

s vtsll ke laHaerf ul ieJj- - i ssulac w<br />


risw, CAVeJiiOll,<br />

n mvHtaiw of ai aUfefpanMul ritihtLhir.w.l for<br />

SuperVrrWl Is wsk kiro, J laj uliee iwrurlku<br />

&VUMltf<br />

fW<br />

I<br />

elhij<br />

TAKER'S vi. a m .ssr".l<br />

1 1 TJlOtj. O. ttiMJin,<br />

GTcncraI bbci'liocmcuti..<br />

xriLnnR .11 CO..<br />

lntoittrs an.l sl.at.ri In<br />

hijiniiit,<br />

Anil lltilliMiiK Malnrlrsl<br />

f ell Knits, Juit retelresl, ei late arrivals, serrra<br />

larK anJ will slette. aarfrt U<br />


AKnfirtitrrt til Ihe annl rifartl etrre<br />

In SennllitiK, Tfmlict,<br />

Fenclntr, Pclls,<br />

Pknlta nnd ndartlri,<br />


Sasnlllne-- , Pkiirs infa aerJ rrngli Iksanla iiir<br />

r(l nml reutli (lall.ne, Pklet., Kuetle,<br />

ImIiIs n.l L1aplaMs,<br />


VII sirrs, tit l'islein ami Catiferiiia teake, ami for<br />

sale In qiuntiliee tu suir, at low jiri.es.<br />

Also, in Stuck,<br />

While Lead,<br />

wiiiruziNC.<br />

oils,<br />


OI.bS AND SALT,<br />

PAINT<br />


A fine ajwrtmeut of<br />


ill Intent styles.<br />

Firewood,<br />

Nails, Screws,<br />

Locks, Bolts,<br />

Butts, etc.,<br />


M. MELLIS,<br />

A<br />


I<br />

DRY ami FANCY GOODS,<br />

.Vo. tOi fori tilrcet, Honolulu.<br />

N. and Oieaamakuig Esiablish.<br />

ment on the premises. i$a<br />





PLKvrjMEUV<br />

mmim i &<br />


Til. Lavrfreat Iot of Parrtaaiarj'<br />

Ever InincJ Int. ll.ls LlnJora,<br />


Calatlinstosl Iiunillior., Muuufuoturo,'<br />


KANCY BOXES, vx<br />

V<br />

UOnLE$,L-l- C<br />

HOLLISTER fc CO,<br />


AtU crtii U In tsA Unlu siiMU, Htt.i4..<br />

" V5 Y J' 'r f<br />

' r"A ,J, inittiijf<br />

(Otncnti ulicrliotmtnlo.<br />


lletwlulu<br />

J . It . 0 O K O<br />

IIEAVKK iiJOCK.fJUI'.Kre<br />

minrrera, Afifjiinfi ra et.f en<br />

lapetTSl titemte Trn lo ImieiriatKvn of<br />

TOft (!MmtftQmii<br />

cortfrroMDit<br />

JB38L,<br />

s t. MATTHEW'S HALL, SAN<br />

a sctrooi.<br />

Under Militnr<br />

. LtMarcd hi ilia (staMUW 'rfilan af San Maim, nn ll.r<br />

s rsaMasMt rn IMS. riasreMn lisemrclors .( rermta.<br />

IreajtettM jMrMli ami an In srv wax arraat) fur tin<br />

For nmmf Msfonnaiion SIM eMakrint, aaBitss<br />


'77i A. It, J. of our limine.<br />

TrisACTIVT. GOODS,<br />

tlmliable AiMtnienl,<br />

. Itentlve Clerks.<br />

10 VAKHirV,<br />

B vatitiful lt)eifin,<br />

ottom I'rices.<br />

OMPAKK OUk 5T10CK,<br />

untlder the Savvlnj,<br />

ome KI(M Along I<br />

S.COIIN k CO.,<br />

63 KosTSntrFT,,...,, .......... .CAMrsitx's Hlock<br />

tSj'im<br />


M No. 70 Fort Strssavt, Honolstlta,<br />




I'urtt, AtttirhmrotM, OH rinj .lrr-eorr- s<br />

ACENT rOSt THK<br />

WMlTe and ihe a NewIIom Machine,<br />

Howard's Mactiine Needles, all kinds<br />

Cfcrticeir Silk, In jll color, and sire. :<br />

Harbour's Linen Tliread,<br />

Uark's O. N. T. Machine Cwlon.<br />

Mint. Dtmertil's RttiaUt Cut Patr Palltni<br />


Dealer in UlPLrs,<br />

Reyolvbrs,<br />

Guns ai J SrOHTI'ro Goons,<br />

Siijt, Poisuta, Cai-s- ,<br />

and MetailicCartkidgbs<br />

KKIIOSKXK STOrr.S, III oil ultra.<br />

Seiiij.Mnclilne, lxk and Gun.Keainnie promt'y<br />

Klteniled lo. ur<br />


;<br />


10 RT STR<br />

Importer and Dealer in<br />

.hkosbnc rixruRns.<br />

QiathttHicrs, I Am pi, Pendants PratVet I.amp;<br />

0 TnUilar, Side luluUr, lloiling houe.<br />

nnd PoHce Lanierns; Xurw, l'cket, ami<br />

Tabic laniErt! lalobet.Chintnf, Ketlectors,<br />

1 .amp Holders for<br />

3T0VF.S AN D. RANGES Unclo Sam, nuclt'i,<br />

t 'ft lent, iticnnisHHJ, ra ioi, ten, usceoia,<br />

Hawaii i Alolu Almcda flor.t.<br />

MISSISSIPPI RANGE CoolUo.; capacity or too<br />

men.<br />

FRENCH RANGES For rrttaurants, hoieli, and<br />

private residences, Mittt or without hot water<br />

ctrcu latlng lioilerk.<br />

vnsn:Niroi.M's ixi. curiXRVt<br />

A (mo assortment of Table, Desert, and Tea<br />

Knives and Fork : Carveisand hteels. with<br />

plain and ornamental Ivory handles alio<br />

1'ot.sv.et Knives. Kaxors, hhears, liutton luilc<br />

and Ladies Scitsort, I tread Knives, genuitM<br />

French CowV. Knives, liutthcr and Kitchen<br />

Knives.<br />

BASKETS .<br />

Indies' Wirkstand ; OiTice, Lunch,<br />

Laundry and Market Itaikcts.<br />

DOORMATS Assorted sues and patterns.<br />


Ropers Itruthcrs'and .Mcrtden Plating Works J<br />

Water and Cream Pitchers: 'lahU, Dtscr.<br />

and Tea Knives; Forks and Spoons, Spoon<br />

Holder, napkin Kings, iniiurent aiues,<br />

Pickle and Cruet Stands, flutter Howls,<br />

Card Receivers, Fruit Stands. Preserve<br />

DUhes.<br />

AGATE WAKE i<br />

Nickle mounted Tea Sets. In part or whole.<br />

very neat and desiiabts J plain Cooking<br />

U tenuis in lux variety.<br />


Milk Pam. Pudding and plain statins. Milk<br />

toilers I Kite, Jelly, and Moulds<br />

new patterns in .Slew Pans.<br />

SAUCEPANS-Eruune- ltd and tinned Iron, from j pint<br />

to 1 gallon.<br />


Toilet Sets, Toilet Midi, Water Coolers<br />

Cake, Cash, Mid Knifa Hoses S Spittomu<br />

Oitpidoct. Children's Tra s.<br />

SCALES: Fairbanks' Platform, Cuuater, and Kitchen<br />

Scales.<br />


Moline Plowt, Shoveli, Spades, Hoes. Rakes,<br />

Hie and Manure Forks, Oos, Hoe HaadUs.<br />

How Handles and Ueams.<br />



I, i), and cut, an A I ankle.<br />


Warranted best grades New Yoik standard,<br />

and carllud. K, . I, lK. lK, i inch<br />

Hose, noirlcs aid sprmklcns, c.<br />


Mutt.. I.cad, to is IU. viuare ftt ; Soil Pipe<br />

lead aid cau front Water CloMts, Catai<br />

Sheet lint Mitet l,ttrin?r. taVaui And tiaod<br />

11 10 bu 04, J jjoM U.t, l Su.1<br />

liLii-- k and nanMld t tl.tlrt Waaiiittaiid<br />

Nieel ZJnct Soft Soldsr, our own make,<br />

wstrrsnisn<br />

OAIA'ANUED IRON PIPE - lit inch I !,<br />

rrsiucsrs, piuajs, ovtaut:<br />

PIPL VICKS, UUK to jwh tti ktsxkianddUs,<br />

cuts M 10 ) if'Ch pipe.<br />

UIKD varletjr fa utaiket. paiaied<br />

Wfatkia ani brass Ue.<br />

HAUV aAKHIAOF.S, IWV WlwelUironi and Go<br />

Cuts.<br />

AGENT rdR ... , Att ,<br />

I tail s jrU4i(Y cswiaraieii 1 ire m urgiar pi omi<br />

Safus. We keep U k lle !srttt i<br />

riwirt of ,iffs 10 hetAivJ M U CUfvf nU.<br />

CWt iA..kd WJo api'tKativts.<br />

tlLLCTl Kfc MACHINES;<br />

JVI (M tUAZ luf Ue ! ptn''Ht MbeiS<br />

MeamisaealuUe, Small s.e ulW<br />

ke in four biur seoottd Miei y th. in seve m<br />

Itvnrft. Cuts, witlt full dutctWM fv wuklut.<br />

tn,ld 14 yotir aUrtM on apb.kaliun. W<br />

are auikurljeti to dstixr these wwhU4t<br />

aU4islslt at nyJ(ss prices, 4dUi otdy lost<br />

U poking CiisBsirsd ffslalai.<br />

CUSTOM WORK a9Ut3 In iu, copier, sad<br />

shrei Iron otking attentjej to. Wirfk'SaWp<br />

m sttvee oftv sutvwsa iy eoiiipeUM<br />

HOfkuwn at reasuiuUe<br />


NlrnUe slspertc bttei tha a slow sJUetiM - tatsd<br />

mr pomt rnnGLT tm h'<br />

6cncr;tl bbcrttatmento.<br />

J, H COMOtMlt. k CO.,<br />

4, CslifvyfnU Street, ben Fisaiisco.<br />

DON et GO<br />


pntt ('mtttilnn M0rehtHltt<br />

ri.cTiii, tiWt fTtiltt,' fntstffiV I'ROV<br />

h our Int.. tr1tf iMiKi,<br />

a" et larwi<br />

.. mm,.. n... ieewwMwt.aa.i.1<br />

MATUO, CAL.<br />

'roit no vs.<br />

y Discipline.<br />

rswikefn IVeh. R. IL.it mll.a from fan Frsnclsro.<br />

ikm M .Mmr. Tne UUnii are e.l.n.l.r, ar.<br />

lieallh aisil raMnrort b( the laden.<br />

Itnr. AtaFKED LEE ItKKWKK, U A.,<br />

Primtpsli<br />

.<br />

in<br />

OIIN NOTT,<br />

J<br />

JOHN NOTT,<br />

AT TUP. 01.11 STAND. NUMnFR I<br />

ST KELT,<br />

TIN,<br />

COPPER.<br />

AND<br />



aVtctUn Well Pipe-- all<br />

aUtf,<br />

Htoveai nnd Ransfoa,<br />

Uncle Sara, Medallion, Richmond, Tip lop, Palaea.<br />

Flora, Mas-- , Contett, Crarul Prtae, N.w rllval.<br />

Opera, Df thy. Wren, Polly, Gypes, Qneen,<br />

Pansy, Army Ranees, XIafna Cliarta,<br />

Muck, Superior, Magnet, OscexJa, Ala.<br />

.meila, llipee. Charier Oak,<br />

Kimtlc, lnwuod and<br />

LAuntlry Slusrs.<br />


r si. -<br />



Galv.anired iron wat.r Pipe, all iizei, and<br />

laid on at lovvtst rates, also exit iron<br />

Lead Soil Pipe.<br />

Hou.e Furnlahtisp; Gooda,avU Hassle.<br />


Alt sires and grades, Liri and Fore. Puraps. Qstfa<br />

Pump, Galvaisbed Irou, Stmt Copper aoai<br />

Shed Lead, LeaJ Pip., Tu Mai.<br />

Waler CIomis, Marble sUU<br />

and Lowla, enaaMleel<br />

sraarfslaaeVa.<br />



w<br />

A ar Mock af<br />

oil cnioaa aiusasta<br />

canvas raLSTrsi<br />

blrraaa slants<br />

oiu and vaaaisa<br />


riOt. m. TMBUM'M<br />

sFvet wirev epveeaW<br />


Has Jusi received per Mariposa and waer las. arrtralsi<br />

Wk'uukrr Star llaais llacvi., CaliiVnla<br />

Ureaaa cneeM. ran uas s lAin, lau. nuns, r<br />

.runs, CranWrry Stuve, Annexe nAus.,isle4<br />

DresMar, Janu and JlUias. elskU., Otlv.<br />

Oil, CsMuel and 04j.i '1 ... J rWtee;<br />

l.iallll Itrfakfasl Tea, s Hosts 1<br />

I....M T. 11 I r..t.t.<br />

and '1 utlev. Carried<br />

Fi.,l!roiUdCMskei<br />

Huam I'kkVett.<br />

1 rushed I nOlui<br />

M..1, Anerssan<br />

nreVf.M Ore'.,<br />

WlW O.IS and M,<br />

llvcine-t- l fkiur arid Mitf<br />

Syrsi?, sirm filter, Oa. ittal,<br />

Cora lieu. IU...I, Ceeu, llarlry,<br />

1 I'rlaioes, CuU. I'.itered and Gtsau<br />

tiled hoaar, Frwi bfio. t'Ua Caoeder,<br />

Clan Clxmdu, Aiert. alloc. Meal, 1'aksaa<br />

Ksrosena U.l, LVasksrs U all kiada, aK., As., Ac, ear<br />

h Qrouasl CsvSVm every<br />


laiWHo) no-- us.<br />



CHARGM,<br />

ftl<br />

ii<br />


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