Next* Magazine, Issue 4 - Chevron

Next* Magazine, Issue 4 - Chevron

Next* Magazine, Issue 4 - Chevron

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<strong>Chevron</strong> and the University ofCalifornia, Davis (UC Davis) have along, successful relationship datingback to the 1970s. Through the years, the twoorganizations have established key partnerships,based in part on the university’sproven ability to turn new developmentsin its research labs into solid commercialventures. Areas of cooperation currentlyinclude the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Centerand its affiliated technology centers, as wellas the Biofuels Joint Research Program. Theuniversity also is a core school in <strong>Chevron</strong>’sUniversity Partnership Program.Energy-efficient technologies<strong>Chevron</strong> has been a Leadership Sponsor of theUC Davis Energy Efficiency Center (EEC) since2007. The world’s first university Center ofExcellence in energy efficiency, the EEC, with itspartners, accelerates the development and commercializationof energy-efficient technologiesand trains future leaders in energy efficiency.In 2009, the relationship between the twoorganizations took an important step forwardwhen the company contributed $2.5 million toendow the center’s Chair in Energy Efficiency.Following a nationwide search, Nicole Biggart,Ph.D., was selected in June 2010 to fill thiscritical role. Professor Biggart will serve asthe EEC’s permanent director, working toexpand the impact of the center’s research,education, commercialization and outreach.An expert in organizational theory and innovationmanagement, Biggart has conductedwide-ranging research into the social basis oftechnology adoption. She has written sevenbooks in her field, published more than 30scholarly articles and frequently presents atinternational meetings.“The UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center isuniquely positioned,” said Biggart. “We havedeep research connections worldwide and venturelinks with entrepreneurial hubs like SiliconValley and Sacramento’s clean-tech sector.”Biggart added, “<strong>Chevron</strong>’s endowmentwill help ensure that our strategic researchcontinues as we work toward our goal of commercializinggroundbreaking energy-efficienttechnologies.”Additionally, the company helped toendow the Arthur H. Rosenfeld Chair inEnergy Efficiency, which over time willsupport the research and other work ofan exceptional faculty member.“<strong>Chevron</strong> is pleased to contribute tothe work of the EEC,” said John McDonald,<strong>Chevron</strong> vice president and chief technologyofficer. “Advancing energy efficiency,which is the cheapest, cleanest and mostBright Minds, BrightFostering innovations in energy efficiencyAt the California Lighting Technology Center, a UCDavis student works on a prototype for ProfessorMichael Siminovitch’s class in energy-efficient LED(light emitting diode) luminaire design.PHOTO: KATHREEN FONTECHA/CALIFORNIA LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY CENTER/©UC DAVIS44 | <strong>Next*</strong>

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